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Merge pull request #14 from emanuele45/master

A couple of small things
Spuds %!s(int64=13) %!d(string=hai) anos

+ 10 - 9

@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
 	// Perform a test to see if the GD module is installed.
 	$testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd');
+	$txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths">[' . $txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'] . ']</a>';
 	// See if we can find if the server is set up to support the attacment limits
 	$post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
@@ -108,13 +109,13 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
 			array('check', 'attachmentRecodeLineEndings'),
 			// Directory and size limits.
-			empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']) ? array('text', 'attachmentUploadDir', 40, 'invalid' => !$context['valid_upload_dir']) : array('var_message', 'attachmentUploadDir_multiple', 'message' => 'attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'),
-			array('int', 'attachmentDirSizeLimit', 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte'], 'subtext' => $txt['attachment_no_limit']),
-			array('int', 'attachmentPostLimit', 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte'], 'subtext' => $txt['attachment_no_limit']),
+			empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']) ? array('text', 'attachmentUploadDir', 'subtext' => $txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'], 40, 'invalid' => !$context['valid_upload_dir']) : array('var_message', 'attachmentUploadDir_multiple', 'message' => 'attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'),
+			array('text', 'attachmentDirSizeLimit', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte']),
+			array('text', 'attachmentPostLimit', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte']),
 			array('warning', empty($testPM) ? 'attachment_postsize_warning' : ''),
-			array('int', 'attachmentSizeLimit', 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte'], 'subtext' => $txt['attachment_no_limit']),
+			array('text', 'attachmentSizeLimit', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte']),
 			array('warning', empty($testUM) ? 'attachment_filesize_warning' : ''),
-			array('int', 'attachmentNumPerPostLimit', 6, 'subtext' => $txt['attachment_no_limit']),
+			array('text', 'attachmentNumPerPostLimit', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6),
 			// Security Items
 		array('title', 'attachment_security_settings'),
 			// Extension checks etc.
@@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ function ManageAvatarSettings($return_config = false)
 		array('title', 'avatar_external'),
 			array('permissions', 'profile_remote_avatar', 0, $txt['avatar_external_url_groups']),
 			array('check', 'avatar_download_external', 0, 'onchange' => 'fUpdateStatus();'),
-			array('text', 'avatar_max_width_external', 6, 'subtext' => $txt['avatar_dimension_note']),
-			array('text', 'avatar_max_height_external', 6, 'subtext' => $txt['avatar_dimension_note']),
+			array('text', 'avatar_max_width_external', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6),
+			array('text', 'avatar_max_height_external', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6),
 			array('select', 'avatar_action_too_large',
 					'option_refuse' => $txt['option_refuse'],
@@ -207,8 +208,8 @@ function ManageAvatarSettings($return_config = false)
 		// Uploadable avatars?
 		array('title', 'avatar_upload'),
 			array('permissions', 'profile_upload_avatar', 0, $txt['avatar_upload_groups']),
-			array('text', 'avatar_max_width_upload', 6, 'subtext' => $txt['avatar_dimension_note']),
-			array('text', 'avatar_max_height_upload', 6, 'subtext' => $txt['avatar_dimension_note']),
+			array('text', 'avatar_max_width_upload', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6),
+			array('text', 'avatar_max_height_upload', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6),
 			array('check', 'avatar_resize_upload', 'subtext' => $txt['avatar_resize_upload_note']),
 			array('check', 'avatar_reencode'),

+ 1 - 1

@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ function ModifyNewsSettings($return_config = false)
 			// Just the remaining settings.
 			array('check', 'xmlnews_enable', 'onclick' => 'document.getElementById(\'xmlnews_maxlen\').disabled = !this.checked;'),
-			array('text', 'xmlnews_maxlen', 10),
+			array('text', 'xmlnews_maxlen', 'subtext' => $txt['xmlnews_maxlen_note'], 10),
 	call_integration_hook('integrate_modify_news_settings', array(&$config_vars));

+ 2 - 2

@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ function ManageSearchEngineSettings($return_config = false)
 	$config_vars = array(
 		// How much detail?
-		array('select', 'spider_mode', array($txt['spider_mode_off'], $txt['spider_mode_standard'], $txt['spider_mode_high'], $txt['spider_mode_vhigh']), 'onchange' => 'disableFields();'),
-		'spider_group' => array('select', 'spider_group', array($txt['spider_group_none'], $txt['membergroups_members'])),
+		array('select', 'spider_mode', 'subtext' => $txt['spider_mode_note'], array($txt['spider_mode_off'], $txt['spider_mode_standard'], $txt['spider_mode_high'], $txt['spider_mode_vhigh']), 'onchange' => 'disableFields();'),
+		'spider_group' => array('select', 'spider_group', 'subtext' => $txt['spider_group_note'], array($txt['spider_group_none'], $txt['membergroups_members'])),
 		array('select', 'show_spider_online', array($txt['show_spider_online_no'], $txt['show_spider_online_summary'], $txt['show_spider_online_detail'], $txt['show_spider_online_detail_admin'])),

+ 7 - 7

@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ function ModifyDatabaseSettings($return_config = false)
 		array('ssi_db_passwd', $txt['ssi_db_passwd'], 'file', 'password'),
 		array('autoFixDatabase', $txt['autoFixDatabase'], 'db', 'check', false, 'autoFixDatabase'),
-		array('autoOptMaxOnline', $txt['autoOptMaxOnline'], 'db', 'int'),
+		array('autoOptMaxOnline', $txt['autoOptMaxOnline'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 'db', 'int'),
 		array('boardurl', $txt['admin_url'], 'file', 'text', 36),
 		array('boarddir', $txt['boarddir'], 'file', 'text', 36),
@@ -259,11 +259,11 @@ function ModifyCookieSettings($return_config = false)
 		// Cookies...
 		array('cookiename', $txt['cookie_name'], 'file', 'text', 20),
 		array('cookieTime', $txt['cookieTime'], 'db', 'int', 'postinput' => $txt['minutes']),
-		array('localCookies', $txt['localCookies'], 'db', 'check', false, 'localCookies'),
-		array('globalCookies', $txt['globalCookies'], 'db', 'check', false, 'globalCookies'),
-		array('globalCookiesDomain', $txt['globalCookiesDomain'], 'db', 'text', false, 'globalCookiesDomain'),
-		array('secureCookies', $txt['secureCookies'], 'db', 'check', false, 'secureCookies',  'disabled' => !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || !(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == '1')),
-		array('httponlyCookies', $txt['httponlyCookies'], 'db', 'check', false, 'httponlyCookies'),
+		array('localCookies', $txt['localCookies'], 'subtext' => $txt['localCookies_note'], 'db', 'check', false, 'localCookies'),
+		array('globalCookies', $txt['globalCookies'], 'subtext' => $txt['globalCookies_note'], 'db', 'check', false, 'globalCookies'),
+		array('globalCookiesDomain', $txt['globalCookiesDomain'], 'subtext' => $txt['globalCookiesDomain_note'], 'db', 'text', false, 'globalCookiesDomain'),
+		array('secureCookies', $txt['secureCookies'], 'subtext' => $txt['secureCookies_note'], 'db', 'check', false, 'secureCookies',  'disabled' => !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || !(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == '1')),
+		array('httponlyCookies', $txt['httponlyCookies'], 'subtext' => $txt['httponlyCookies_note'], 'db', 'check', false, 'httponlyCookies'),
 		// Sessions
 		array('databaseSession_enable', $txt['databaseSession_enable'], 'db', 'check', false, 'databaseSession_enable'),
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ function prepareServerSettingsContext(&$config_vars)
 				'value' => $config_var[2] == 'file' ? htmlspecialchars($$varname) : (isset($modSettings[$config_var[0]]) ? htmlspecialchars($modSettings[$config_var[0]]) : (in_array($config_var[3], array('int', 'float')) ? 0 : '')),
 				'disabled' => !empty($context['settings_not_writable']) || !empty($config_var['disabled']),
 				'invalid' => false,
-				'subtext' => $subtext,
+				'subtext' => !empty($config_var['subtext']) ? $config_var['subtext'] : $subtext,
 				'javascript' => '',
 				'preinput' => !empty($config_var['preinput']) ? $config_var['preinput'] : '',
 				'postinput' => !empty($config_var['postinput']) ? $config_var['postinput'] : '',

+ 26 - 26

@@ -464,19 +464,19 @@ function ModifyBasicSettings($return_config = false)
 			array('check', 'allow_editDisplayName'),
 			array('check', 'allow_hideOnline'),
 			array('check', 'titlesEnable'),
-			array('text', 'default_personal_text'),
+			array('text', 'default_personal_text', 'subtext' => $txt['default_personal_text_note']),
 			// Jquery source
 			array('select', 'jquery_source', array('auto' => $txt['jquery_auto'], 'local' => $txt['jquery_local'], 'cdn' => $txt['jquery_cdn'])),
 			// SEO stuff
-			array('check', 'queryless_urls'),
-			array('text', 'meta_keywords', 'size' => 50),
+			array('check', 'queryless_urls', 'subtext' => '<strong>' . $txt['queryless_urls_note'] . '</strong>'),
+			array('text', 'meta_keywords', 'subtext' => $txt['meta_keywords_note'], 'size' => 50),
 			// Number formatting, timezones.
 			array('text', 'time_format'),
 			array('select', 'number_format', array('1234.00' => '1234.00', '1,234.00' => '1,234.00', '1.234,00' => '1.234,00', '1 234,00' => '1 234,00', '1234,00' => '1234,00')),
-			array('float', 'time_offset', 6, 'postinput' => $txt['hours']),
+			array('float', 'time_offset', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_time_offset_note'], 6, 'postinput' => $txt['hours']),
 			'default_timezone' => array('select', 'default_timezone', array()),
 			// Who's online?
@@ -696,12 +696,12 @@ function ModifyModerationSettings($return_config = false)
 	$config_vars = array(
 			// Warning system?
-			array('int', 'warning_watch', 'help' => 'warning_enable'),
-			'moderate' => array('int', 'warning_moderate'),
-			array('int', 'warning_mute'),
-			'rem1' => array('int', 'user_limit'),
-			'rem2' => array('int', 'warning_decrement'),
-			array('select', 'warning_show', array($txt['setting_warning_show_mods'], $txt['setting_warning_show_user'], $txt['setting_warning_show_all'])),
+			array('int', 'warning_watch', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_warning_watch_note'], 'help' => 'warning_enable'),
+			'moderate' => array('int', 'warning_moderate', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_warning_moderate_note']),
+			array('int', 'warning_mute', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_warning_mute_note']),
+			'rem1' => array('int', 'user_limit', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_user_limit_note']),
+			'rem2' => array('int', 'warning_decrement', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_warning_decrement_note']),
+			array('select', 'warning_show', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_warning_show_note'], array($txt['setting_warning_show_mods'], $txt['setting_warning_show_user'], $txt['setting_warning_show_all'])),
 	call_integration_hook('integrate_moderation_settings', array(&$config_vars));
@@ -774,9 +774,9 @@ function ModifySpamSettings($return_config = false)
 				array('check', 'guests_report_require_captcha'),
 			// PM Settings
-				'pm1' => array('int', 'max_pm_recipients'),
-				'pm2' => array('int', 'pm_posts_verification'),
-				'pm3' => array('int', 'pm_posts_per_hour'),
+				'pm1' => array('int', 'max_pm_recipients', 'subtext' => $txt['pm_posts_recipients_note']),
+				'pm2' => array('int', 'pm_posts_verification', 'subtext' => $txt['pm_posts_verification_note']),
+				'pm3' => array('int', 'pm_posts_per_hour', 'subtext' => $txt['pm_posts_per_hour_note']),
 			// Visual verification.
 			array('title', 'configure_verification_means'),
 			array('desc', 'configure_verification_means_desc'),
@@ -962,16 +962,16 @@ function ModifySignatureSettings($return_config = false)
 			array('check', 'signature_enable'),
 			// Tweaking settings!
-			array('int', 'signature_max_length'),
-			array('int', 'signature_max_lines'),
-			array('int', 'signature_max_font_size'),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_length', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_lines', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_font_size', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
 			array('check', 'signature_allow_smileys', 'onclick' => 'document.getElementById(\'signature_max_smileys\').disabled = !this.checked;'),
-			array('int', 'signature_max_smileys'),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_smileys', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
 			// Image settings.
-			array('int', 'signature_max_images'),
-			array('int', 'signature_max_image_width'),
-			array('int', 'signature_max_image_height'),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_images', 'subtext' => $txt['signature_max_images_note']),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_image_width', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
+			array('int', 'signature_max_image_height', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
 			array('bbc', 'signature_bbc'),
@@ -2050,12 +2050,12 @@ function ModifyPruningSettings($return_config = false)
 			'pruningOptions' => array('check', 'pruningOptions'),
 			// Various logs that could be pruned.
-			array('int', 'pruneErrorLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word']), // Error log.
-			array('int', 'pruneModLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word']), // Moderation log.
-			array('int', 'pruneBanLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word']), // Ban hit log.
-			array('int', 'pruneReportLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word']), // Report to moderator log.
-			array('int', 'pruneScheduledTaskLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word']), // Log of the scheduled tasks and how long they ran.
-			array('int', 'pruneSpiderHitLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word']), // Log of the scheduled tasks and how long they ran.
+			array('int', 'pruneErrorLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable']), // Error log.
+			array('int', 'pruneModLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable']), // Moderation log.
+			array('int', 'pruneBanLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable']), // Ban hit log.
+			array('int', 'pruneReportLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable']), // Report to moderator log.
+			array('int', 'pruneScheduledTaskLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable']), // Log of the scheduled tasks and how long they ran.
+			array('int', 'pruneSpiderHitLog', 'postinput' => $txt['days_word'], 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable']), // Log of the scheduled tasks and how long they ran.
 			// If you add any additional logs make sure to add them after this point.  Additionally, make sure you add them to the weekly scheduled task.
 			// Mod Developers: Do NOT use the pruningOptions master variable for this as SMF Core may overwrite your setting in the future!

+ 1 - 1

@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ function ModifyProfile($post_errors = array())
 	// Create a token if needed.
-	if (isset($security_checks['needsToken']))
+	if (isset($security_checks['needsToken']) || isset($security_checks['validateToken']))
 		createToken($token_name, $token_type);
 		$context['token_check'] = $token_name;

+ 12 - 8

@@ -1352,6 +1352,10 @@ function template_core_features()
 				var cf = $(this).attr("id").substring(7);
 				var imgs = new Array("', $settings['images_url'], '/admin/switch_off.png", "', $settings['images_url'], '/admin/switch_on.png");
 				var new_state = !$("#feature_" + cf).attr("checked");
+				var ajax_infobar = document.createElement(\'div\');
+				$(ajax_infobar).css({\'position\': \'fixed\', \'top\': \'0\', \'left\': \'0\', \'width\': \'100%\'});
+				$("body").append(ajax_infobar);
+				$(ajax_infobar).slideUp();
 				$("#feature_" + cf).attr("checked", new_state);
 				data = {save: "save", feature_id: cf};
@@ -1370,25 +1374,25 @@ function template_core_features()
 					// The type of data that is getting returned.
 					data: data,
 					error: function(error){
-							$("#activation_message").html(error).slideDown(\'fast\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).html(error).slideDown(\'fast\');
 					success: function(request){
 						if ($(request).find("errors").find("error").length != 0)
-							$("#activation_message").attr(\'class\', \'errorbox\');
-							$("#activation_message").html($(request).find("errors").find("error").text()).slideDown(\'fast\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).attr(\'class\', \'errorbox\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).html($(request).find("errors").find("error").text()).slideDown(\'fast\');
 						else if ($(request).find("smf").length != 0)
 							$("#feature_link_" + cf).html($(request).find("corefeatures").find("corefeature").text());
 							cc.attr("src", imgs[new_state ? 1 : 0]);
 							$("#feature_link_" + cf).fadeOut().fadeIn();
-							$("#activation_message").attr(\'class\', \'infobox\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).attr(\'class\', \'infobox\');
 							var message = new_state ? ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['core_settings_activation_message']) . ' : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['core_settings_deactivation_message']) . ';
-							$("#activation_message").html(message.replace(\'{core_feature}\', $(request).find("corefeatures").find("corefeature").text())).slideDown(\'fast\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).html(message.replace(\'{core_feature}\', $(request).find("corefeatures").find("corefeature").text())).slideDown(\'fast\');
 							setTimeout(function() {
-								$("#activation_message").slideUp();
+								$(ajax_infobar).slideUp();
 							}, 5000);
 							token_name = $(request).find("tokens").find(\'[type="token"]\').text();
@@ -1396,8 +1400,8 @@ function template_core_features()
-							$("#activation_message").attr(\'class\', \'errorbox\');
-							$("#activation_message").html(' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['core_settings_generic_error']) . ').slideDown(\'fast\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).attr(\'class\', \'errorbox\');
+							$(ajax_infobar).html(' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['core_settings_generic_error']) . ').slideDown(\'fast\');

+ 11 - 11

@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ function template_download_language()
 	// An error?
 	if (!empty($context['error_message']))
 		echo '
-	<div id="errorbox">
-		<p>', $context['error_message'], '</p>
+	<div class="errorbox">
+		', $context['error_message'], '
 	// Provide something of an introduction...
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ function template_download_language()
 		if (!empty($context['package_ftp']['error']))
 			echo '
-			<div id="errorbox">
-				<tt>', $context['package_ftp']['error'], '</tt>
+			<div class="errorbox">
+				', $context['package_ftp']['error'], '
 		echo '
@@ -251,6 +251,9 @@ function template_modify_language_entries()
 				<h3 class="catbg">
 					', $txt['edit_languages'], '
+			</div>
+			<div class="information">
+				', $txt['edit_language_entries_primary'], '
 	// Not writable?
@@ -258,16 +261,13 @@ function template_modify_language_entries()
 		// Oops, show an error for ya.
 		echo '
-			<div id="errorbox">
-				<p class="alert">', $context['lang_file_not_writable_message'], '</p>
+			<div class="errorbox">
+				', $context['lang_file_not_writable_message'], '
 	// Show the language entries
 	echo '
-			<div class="information">
-				', $txt['edit_language_entries_primary'], '
-			</div>
 			<div class="windowbg">
 				<span class="topslice"><span></span></span>
 				<div class="content">
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ function template_modify_language_entries()
 	// Show an error.
 	if (!empty($context['entries_not_writable_message']))
 		echo '
-			<div id="errorbox">
-				<span class="alert">', $context['entries_not_writable_message'], '</span>
+			<div class="errorbox">
+				', $context['entries_not_writable_message'], '
 	// Already have some file entries?

+ 5 - 0

@@ -3473,6 +3473,11 @@ dl.addrules dt.floatleft
 	clear: both;
+#to_item_list_container div, #bcc_item_list_container div
+	float:left;
+	margin-right:10px;
 /* Styles for the calendar section.
 ------------------------------------------------- */

+ 6 - 5

@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ $txt['admin_check_display'] = 'Check display name.';
 $txt['admin_newsletter_send'] = 'You can email anyone from this page. The email addresses of the selected membergroups should appear below, but you may remove or add any email addresses you wish. Be sure that each address is separated in this fashion: \'address1; address2\'.';
 $txt['admin_fader_delay'] = 'Fading delay between items for the news fader';
 $txt['admin_bbc'] = 'Show BBC Buttons on Posting and PM Send Pages';
+$txt['zero_for_no_limit'] = '(0 for no limit)';
+$txt['zero_to_disable'] = '(0 to disable)';
 $txt['admin_backup_fail'] = 'Failed to make backup of Settings.php - make sure Settings_bak.php exists and is writable.';
 $txt['modSettings_info'] = 'Change or set options that control how this forum operates.';
@@ -348,9 +350,9 @@ $txt['attachmentExtensions'] = 'Allowed attachment extensions';
 $txt['attachmentRecodeLineEndings'] = 'Recode line endings in textual attachments';
 $txt['attachmentShowImages'] = 'Display image attachments as pictures under post';
 $txt['attachmentEncryptFilenames'] = 'Encrypt stored filenames';
-$txt['attachmentUploadDir'] = 'Attachments directory<div class="smalltext"><a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths">Configure multiple attachment directories</a></div>';
+$txt['attachmentUploadDir'] = 'Attachments directory';
 $txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple'] = 'Attachments directory';
-$txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths">[Configure multiple attachment directories]</a>';
+$txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'] = 'Configure multiple attachment directories';
 $txt['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] = 'Max attachment folder space';
 $txt['attachmentPostLimit'] = 'Max attachment size per post';
 $txt['attachmentSizeLimit'] = 'Max size per attachment';
@@ -371,7 +373,6 @@ $txt['attachmentThumbWidth'] = 'Maximum width of thumbnails';
 $txt['attachmentThumbHeight'] = 'Maximum height of thumbnails';
 $txt['attachment_thumbnail_settings'] = 'Thumbnail Settings';
 $txt['attachment_security_settings'] = 'Attachment Security Settings';
-$txt['attachment_no_limit'] = '(0 for no limit)';
 $txt['attach_dir_does_not_exist'] = 'Does Not Exist';
 $txt['attach_dir_not_writable'] = 'Not Writable';
@@ -392,7 +393,6 @@ $txt['attach_path_current_bad'] = 'Invalid current attachment path.';
 $txt['mods_cat_avatars'] = 'Avatars';
 $txt['avatar_directory'] = 'Avatars directory';
 $txt['avatar_url'] = 'Avatars URL';
-$txt['avatar_dimension_note'] = '(0 for no limit)';
 $txt['avatar_max_width_external'] = 'Maximum width of external avatar';
 $txt['avatar_max_height_external'] = 'Maximum height of external avatar';
 $txt['avatar_action_too_large'] = 'If the avatar is too large...';
@@ -449,7 +449,8 @@ $txt['news_mailing_desc'] = 'From this menu you can send messages to all members
 $txt['groups_edit_news'] = 'Groups allowed to edit news items';
 $txt['groups_send_mail'] = 'Groups allowed to send out forum newsletters';
 $txt['xmlnews_enable'] = 'Enable XML/RSS news';
-$txt['xmlnews_maxlen'] = 'Maximum message length:<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable, bad idea.)</div>';
+$txt['xmlnews_maxlen'] = 'Maximum message length';
+$txt['xmlnews_maxlen_note'] = '(0 to disable, bad idea.)';
 $txt['editnews_clickadd'] = 'Click here to add another item.';
 $txt['editnews_remove_selected'] = 'Remove selected';
 $txt['editnews_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected news items?';

+ 51 - 32

@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ $txt['allow_hideOnline'] = 'Allow non-administrators to hide their online status
 $txt['guest_hideContacts'] = 'Do not reveal contact details of members to guests';
 $txt['titlesEnable'] = 'Enable custom titles';
 $txt['enable_buddylist'] = 'Enable buddy/ignore lists';
-$txt['default_personal_text'] = 'Default personal text<div class="smalltext">Personal text to assign to newly registered members.</div>';
+$txt['default_personal_text'] = 'Default personal text';
+$txt['default_personal_text_note'] = 'Personal text to assign to newly registered members.';
 $txt['number_format'] = 'Default number format';
 $txt['time_format'] = 'Default time format';
-$txt['setting_time_offset'] = 'Overall time offset<div class="smalltext">(added to the member specific option.)</div>';
+$txt['setting_time_offset'] = 'Overall time offset';
+$txt['setting_time_offset_note'] = '(added to the member specific option)';
 $txt['setting_default_timezone'] = 'Server timezone';
 $txt['failed_login_threshold'] = 'Failed login threshold';
 $txt['loginHistoryDays'] = 'Days to keep login history';
@@ -38,24 +40,29 @@ $txt['databaseSession_lifetime'] = 'Seconds before an unused session timeout';
 $txt['enableErrorLogging'] = 'Enable error logging';
 $txt['enableErrorQueryLogging'] = 'Include database query in the error log';
 $txt['pruningOptions'] = 'Enable pruning of log entries';
-$txt['pruneErrorLog'] = 'Remove error log entries older than<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>';
-$txt['pruneModLog'] = 'Remove moderation log entries older than<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>';
-$txt['pruneBanLog'] = 'Remove ban hit log entries older than<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>';
-$txt['pruneReportLog'] = 'Remove report to moderator log entries older than<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>';
-$txt['pruneScheduledTaskLog'] = 'Remove scheduled task log entries older than<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>';
-$txt['pruneSpiderHitLog'] = 'Remove search engine hit logs older than<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>';
+$txt['pruneErrorLog'] = 'Remove error log entries older than';
+$txt['pruneModLog'] = 'Remove moderation log entries older than';
+$txt['pruneBanLog'] = 'Remove ban hit log entries older than';
+$txt['pruneReportLog'] = 'Remove report to moderator log entries older than';
+$txt['pruneScheduledTaskLog'] = 'Remove scheduled task log entries older than';
+$txt['pruneSpiderHitLog'] = 'Remove search engine hit logs older than';
 $txt['cookieTime'] = 'Default login cookies length';
-$txt['localCookies'] = 'Enable local storage of cookies<div class="smalltext">(SSI won\'t work well with this on.)</div>';
-$txt['globalCookies'] = 'Use subdomain independent cookies<div class="smalltext">(turn off local cookies first!)</div>';
-$txt['globalCookiesDomain'] = 'Main domain used for subdomain independent cookies <div class="smalltext">(enable subdomain independent cookies first!<br />The domain could be for example: "website.com" or "website.co.uk" without http:// or slashes)</div>';
+$txt['localCookies'] = 'Enable local storage of cookies';
+$txt['localCookies_note'] = '(SSI won\'t work well with this on)';
+$txt['globalCookies'] = 'Use subdomain independent cookies';
+$txt['globalCookies_note'] = '(turn off local cookies first!)';
+$txt['globalCookiesDomain'] = 'Main domain used for subdomain independent cookies';
+$txt['globalCookiesDomain_note'] = '(enable subdomain independent cookies first!<br />The domain could be for example: "website.com" or "website.co.uk" without http:// or slashes)';
 $txt['invalid_cookie_domain'] = 'The domain intruduced seems to be invalid, please check it and save again.';
-$txt['secureCookies'] = 'Force cookies to be secure<div class="smalltext">(This only applies if you are using HTTPS - don\'t use otherwise!)</div>';
-$txt['httponlyCookies'] = 'Force cookies to be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol. <div class="smalltext">(Cookies won\'t be accessible by scripting languages, such as JavaScript. This setting can help to reduce identity theft through XSS attacks.)</div>';
+$txt['secureCookies'] = 'Force cookies to be secure';
+$txt['secureCookies_note'] = '(This only applies if you are using HTTPS - don\'t use otherwise!)';
+$txt['httponlyCookies'] = 'Force cookies to be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol';
+$txt['httponlyCookies_note'] = '(Cookies won\'t be accessible by scripting languages, such as JavaScript. This setting can help to reduce identity theft through XSS attacks.)';
 $txt['securityDisable'] = 'Disable administration security';
 $txt['securityDisable_moderate'] = 'Disable moderation security';
 $txt['send_validation_onChange'] = 'Require reactivation after email change';
 $txt['approveAccountDeletion'] = 'Require admin approval when member deletes account';
-$txt['autoOptMaxOnline'] = 'Maximum users online when optimizing<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max.)</div>';
+$txt['autoOptMaxOnline'] = 'Maximum users online when optimizing';
 $txt['autoFixDatabase'] = 'Automatically fix broken tables';
 $txt['allow_disableAnnounce'] = 'Allow users to disable announcements';
 $txt['disallow_sendBody'] = 'Don\'t allow post text in notifications';
@@ -63,13 +70,17 @@ $txt['jquery_source'] = 'Source for the Jquery Library';
 $txt['jquery_local'] = 'Local';
 $txt['jquery_cdn'] = 'Google CDN';
 $txt['jquery_auto'] = 'Auto';
-$txt['queryless_urls'] = 'Search engine friendly URLs<div class="smalltext"><strong>Apache/Lighttpd only!</strong></div>';
+$txt['queryless_urls'] = 'Search engine friendly URLs';
+$txt['queryless_urls_note'] = 'Apache/Lighttpd only!';
 $txt['max_image_width'] = 'Max width of posted pictures (0 = disable)';
 $txt['max_image_height'] = 'Max height of posted pictures (0 = disable)';
 $txt['enableReportPM'] = 'Enable reporting of personal messages';
-$txt['max_pm_recipients'] = 'Maximum number of recipients allowed in a personal message<div class="smalltext">(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)</div>';
-$txt['pm_posts_verification'] = 'Post count under which users must pass verification when sending personal messages<div class="smalltext">(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)</div>';
-$txt['pm_posts_per_hour'] = 'Number of personal messages a user may send in an hour<div class="smalltext">(0 for no limit, moderators are exempt)</div>';
+$txt['max_pm_recipients'] = 'Maximum number of recipients allowed in a personal message';
+$txt['max_pm_recipients_note'] = '(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)';
+$txt['pm_posts_verification'] = 'Post count under which users must pass verification when sending personal messages';
+$txt['pm_posts_verification_note'] = '(0 for no limit, admins are exempt)';
+$txt['pm_posts_per_hour'] = 'Number of personal messages a user may send in an hour';
+$txt['pm_posts_per_hour_note'] = '(0 for no limit, moderators are exempt)';
 $txt['compactTopicPagesEnable'] = 'Limit number of displayed page links';
 $txt['contiguous_page_display'] = 'Contiguous pages to display';
 $txt['to_display'] = 'to display';
@@ -85,7 +96,8 @@ $txt['timeLoadPageEnable'] = 'Display time taken to create every page';
 $txt['disableHostnameLookup'] = 'Disable hostname lookups';
 $txt['who_enabled'] = 'Enable who\'s online list';
 $txt['make_email_viewable'] = 'Allow viewable email addresses';
-$txt['meta_keywords'] = 'Meta keywords associated with forum<div class="smalltext">For search engines. Leave blank for default.</div>';
+$txt['meta_keywords'] = 'Meta keywords associated with forum';
+$txt['meta_keywords_note'] = 'For search engines. Leave blank for default.';
 $txt['karmaMode'] = 'Karma mode';
 $txt['karma_options'] = 'Disable karma|Enable karma total|Enable karma positive/negative';
@@ -175,12 +187,18 @@ $txt['setup_verification_add_more'] = 'Add another question';
 $txt['moderation_settings'] = 'Moderation Settings';
 $txt['setting_warning_enable'] = 'Enable User Warning System';
-$txt['setting_warning_watch'] = 'Warning level for user watch<div class="smalltext">The user warning level after which a user watch is put in place - 0 to disable.</div>';
-$txt['setting_warning_moderate'] = 'Warning level for post moderation<div class="smalltext">The user warning level after which a user has all posts moderated - 0 to disable.</div>';
-$txt['setting_warning_mute'] = 'Warning level for user muting<div class="smalltext">The user warning level after which a user cannot post any further - 0 to disable.</div>';
-$txt['setting_user_limit'] = 'Maximum user warning points per day<div class="smalltext">This value is the maximum amount of warning points a single moderator can assign to a user in a 24 hour period - 0 for no limit.</div>';
-$txt['setting_warning_decrement'] = 'Warning points to decrement from users every 24 hours<div class="smalltext">Only applies to users not warned within last 24 hours - set to 0 to disable.</div>';
-$txt['setting_warning_show'] = 'Users who can see warning status<div class="smalltext">Determines who can see the warning level of users on the forum.</div>';
+$txt['setting_warning_watch'] = 'Warning level for user watch';
+$txt['setting_warning_watch_note'] = 'The user warning level after which a user watch is put in place - 0 to disable.';
+$txt['setting_warning_moderate'] = 'Warning level for post moderation';
+$txt['setting_warning_moderate_note'] = 'The user warning level after which a user has all posts moderated - 0 to disable.';
+$txt['setting_warning_mute'] = 'Warning level for user muting';
+$txt['setting_warning_mute_note'] = 'The user warning level after which a user cannot post any further - 0 to disable.';
+$txt['setting_user_limit'] = 'Maximum user warning points per day';
+$txt['setting_user_limit_note'] = 'This value is the maximum amount of warning points a single moderator can assign to a user in a 24 hour period - 0 for no limit.';
+$txt['setting_warning_decrement'] = 'Warning points to decrement from users every 24 hours';
+$txt['setting_warning_decrement_note'] = 'Only applies to users not warned within last 24 hours - set to 0 to disable.';
+$txt['setting_warning_show'] = 'Users who can see warning status';
+$txt['setting_warning_show_note'] = 'Determines who can see the warning level of users on the forum.';
 $txt['setting_warning_show_mods'] = 'Moderators Only';
 $txt['setting_warning_show_user'] = 'Moderators and Warned Users';
 $txt['setting_warning_show_all'] = 'All Users';
@@ -189,14 +207,15 @@ $txt['signature_settings'] = 'Signature Settings';
 $txt['signature_settings_desc'] = 'Use the settings on this page to decide how member signatures should be treated in SMF.';
 $txt['signature_settings_warning'] = 'Note that settings are not applied to existing signatures by default. Click <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=sig;apply;%2$s=%1$s">here</a> to apply rules to all existing signatures.';
 $txt['signature_enable'] = 'Enable signatures';
-$txt['signature_max_length'] = 'Maximum allowed characters<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max.)</div>';
-$txt['signature_max_lines'] = 'Maximum amount of lines<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max)</div>';
-$txt['signature_max_images'] = 'Maximum image count<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max - excludes smileys)</div>';
+$txt['signature_max_length'] = 'Maximum allowed characters';
+$txt['signature_max_lines'] = 'Maximum amount of lines';
+$txt['signature_max_images'] = 'Maximum image count';
+$txt['signature_max_images_note'] = '(0 for no max - excludes smileys)';
 $txt['signature_allow_smileys'] = 'Allow smileys in signatures';
-$txt['signature_max_smileys'] = 'Maximum smiley count<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max)</div>';
-$txt['signature_max_image_width'] = 'Maximum width of signature images (pixels)<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max)</div>';
-$txt['signature_max_image_height'] = 'Maximum height of signature images (pixels)<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max)</div>';
-$txt['signature_max_font_size'] = 'Maximum font size allowed in signatures<div class="smalltext">(0 for no max, in pixels)</div>';
+$txt['signature_max_smileys'] = 'Maximum smiley count';
+$txt['signature_max_image_width'] = 'Maximum width of signature images (pixels)';
+$txt['signature_max_image_height'] = 'Maximum height of signature images (pixels)';
+$txt['signature_max_font_size'] = 'Maximum font size allowed in signatures (pixels)';
 $txt['signature_bbc'] = 'Enabled BBC tags';
 $txt['custom_profile_title'] = 'Custom Profile Fields';

+ 4 - 2

@@ -106,14 +106,16 @@ $txt['search_did_you_mean'] = 'You may have meant to search for';
 $txt['search_example'] = '<em>e.g.</em> Orwell "Animal Farm" -movie';
 $txt['search_engines_description'] = 'From this area you can decide in what detail you wish to track search engines as they index your forum as well as review search engine logs.';
-$txt['spider_mode'] = 'Search Engine Tracking Level<div class="smalltext">Note higher level tracking increases server resource requirement.</div>';
+$txt['spider_mode'] = 'Search Engine Tracking Level';
+$txt['spider_mode_note'] = 'Note higher level tracking increases server resource requirement.';
 $txt['spider_mode_off'] = 'Disabled';
 $txt['spider_mode_standard'] = 'Standard';
 $txt['spider_mode_high'] = 'Moderate';
 $txt['spider_mode_vhigh'] = 'Agressive';
 $txt['spider_settings_desc'] = 'You can change settings for spider tracking from this page. Note, if you wish to enable automatic pruning of the hit logs you can set this up <a href="%1$s">here</a>';
-$txt['spider_group'] = 'Apply restrictive permissions from group<div class="smalltext">To enable you to stop spiders indexing some pages.</div>';
+$txt['spider_group'] = 'Apply restrictive permissions from group';
+$txt['spider_group_note'] = 'To enable you to stop spiders indexing some pages.';
 $txt['spider_group_none'] = 'Disabled';
 $txt['show_spider_online'] = 'Show spiders in the online list';