Kaynağa Gözat

MSN -> Skype

- This commit replaces MSN with Skype. All MSN usernames are converted
to Skype format.

*Side Note: there is actually a fair amount of Skype API for call /
chat / conference buttons, might be a fun mod eventually*

Signed-Off: Matthew "Labradoodle-360" Kerle <[email protected]>
Matthew Kerle 12 yıl önce

+ 1 - 1

@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ Thumbs.db

+ 8 - 8

@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ function loadMemberData($users, $is_name = false, $set = 'normal')
 			IFNULL(lo.log_time, 0) AS is_online, IFNULL(a.id_attach, 0) AS id_attach, a.filename, a.attachment_type,
 			mem.signature, mem.personal_text, mem.location, mem.gender, mem.avatar, mem.id_member, mem.member_name,
 			mem.real_name, mem.email_address, mem.hide_email, mem.date_registered, mem.website_title, mem.website_url,
-			mem.birthdate, mem.member_ip, mem.member_ip2, mem.icq, mem.aim, mem.yim, mem.msn, mem.posts, mem.last_login,
+			mem.birthdate, mem.member_ip, mem.member_ip2, mem.icq, mem.aim, mem.yim, mem.skype, mem.posts, mem.last_login,
 			mem.karma_good, mem.id_post_group, mem.karma_bad, mem.lngfile, mem.id_group, mem.time_offset, mem.show_online,
 			mg.online_color AS member_group_color, IFNULL(mg.group_name, {string:blank_string}) AS member_group,
 			pg.online_color AS post_group_color, IFNULL(pg.group_name, {string:blank_string}) AS post_group,
@@ -1139,12 +1139,12 @@ function loadMemberContext($user, $display_custom_fields = false)
 				'link' => '<a class="yim" href="http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=' . urlencode($profile['yim']) . '" title="' . $txt['yim_title'] . ' - ' . $profile['yim'] . '"><img src="http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=' . urlencode($profile['yim']) . '&amp;m=g&amp;t=0" alt="' . $txt['yim_title'] . ' - ' . $profile['yim'] . '" /></a>',
 				'link_text' => '<a class="yim" href="http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=' . urlencode($profile['yim']) . '" title="' . $txt['yim_title'] . ' - ' . $profile['yim'] . '">' . $profile['yim'] . '</a>'
 			) : array('name' => '', 'href' => '', 'link' => '', 'link_text' => ''),
-			'msn' => $profile['msn'] !='' && (empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) || !$user_info['is_guest']) ? array(
-				'name' => $profile['msn'],
-				'href' => 'http://members.msn.com/' . $profile['msn'],
-				'link' => '<a class="msn new_win" href="http://members.msn.com/' . $profile['msn'] . '" title="' . $txt['msn_title'] . ' - ' . $profile['msn'] . '"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/msntalk.png" alt="' . $txt['msn_title'] . ' - ' . $profile['msn'] . '" /></a>',
-				'link_text' => '<a class="msn new_win" href="http://members.msn.com/' . $profile['msn'] . '" title="' . $txt['msn_title'] . ' - ' . $profile['msn'] . '">' . $profile['msn'] . '</a>'
-			) : array('name' => '', 'href' => '', 'link' => '', 'link_text' => ''),
+			'skype' => !empty($profile['skype']) && (empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) || !$user_info['is_guest']) ? array(
+				'name' => $profile['skype'],
+				'href' => 'skype:' . $profile['skype'] . '?chat',
+				'link' => '<a class="skype new_win" href="skype:' . $profile['skype'] . '?chat" title="' . $txt['skype'] . ' - ' . $profile['skype'] . '"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/skype.png" alt="' . $txt['skype'] . ' - ' . $profile['skype'] . '" /></a>',
+				'link_text' => '<a class="skype new_win" href="skype:' . $profile['skype'] . '?chat" title="' . $txt['skype'] . ' - ' . $profile['skype'] . '">' . $profile['skype'] . '</a>',
+			) : array('name' => '', 'href' => '', 'link' => '', 'link_text' => '',),
 			'real_posts' => $profile['posts'],
 			'posts' => $profile['posts'] > 500000 ? $txt['geek'] : comma_format($profile['posts']),
 			'avatar' => array(
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ function loadMemberContext($user, $display_custom_fields = false)
 	// First do a quick run through to make sure there is something to be shown.
 	$memberContext[$user]['has_messenger'] = false;
-	foreach (array('icq', 'msn', 'aim', 'yim') as $messenger)
+	foreach (array('icq', 'skype', 'aim', 'yim') as $messenger)
 		if (!isset($context['disabled_fields'][$messenger]) && !empty($memberContext[$user][$messenger]['link']))

+ 1 - 1

@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
 				'type' => 'string'
 			'messenger' => array(
-				'db_fields' => array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'msn'),
+				'db_fields' => array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'skype'),
 				'type' => 'string'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ function ShowCustomProfiles()
 	$context['sub_template'] = 'show_custom_profile';
 	// What about standard fields they can tweak?
-	$standard_fields = array('icq', 'msn', 'aim', 'yim', 'location', 'gender', 'website', 'posts', 'warning_status');
+	$standard_fields = array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'skype', 'location', 'gender', 'website', 'posts', 'warning_status');
 	// What fields can't you put on the registration page?
 	$context['fields_no_registration'] = array('posts', 'warning_status');
@@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ function list_getProfileFields($start, $items_per_page, $sort, $standardFields)
 	if ($standardFields)
-		$standard_fields = array('icq', 'msn', 'aim', 'yim', 'location', 'gender', 'website', 'posts', 'warning_status');
+		$standard_fields = array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'skype', 'location', 'gender', 'website', 'posts', 'warning_status');
 		$fields_no_registration = array('posts', 'warning_status');
 		$disabled_fields = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? explode(',', $modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) : array();
 		$registration_fields = isset($modSettings['registration_fields']) ? explode(',', $modSettings['registration_fields']) : array();

+ 5 - 5

@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ function Memberlist()
 				'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.yim) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.yim, 1=1) ASC, mem.yim ASC'
-		'msn' => array(
-			'label' => $txt['msn'],
+		'skype' => array(
+			'label' => $txt['skype'],
 			'width' => 30,
 			'sort' => array(
-				'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.msn) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.msn, 1=1) DESC, mem.msn DESC',
-				'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.msn) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.msn, 1=1) ASC, mem.msn ASC'
+				'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.skype) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.skype, 1=1) DESC, mem.skype DESC',
+				'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.skype) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.skype, 1=1) ASC, mem.skype ASC',
 		'id_group' => array(
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ function MLSearch()
 			$fields = array();
 		// Search for messengers...
 		if (in_array('messenger', $_POST['fields']) && (!$user_info['is_guest'] || empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts'])))
-			$fields += array(3 => 'msn', 'aim', 'icq', 'yim');
+			$fields += array(3 => 'aim', 'icq', 'yim', 'skype');
 		// Search for websites.
 		if (in_array('website', $_POST['fields']))
 			$fields += array(7 => 'website_title', 'website_url');

+ 2 - 2

@@ -970,10 +970,10 @@ function getXmlProfile($xml_format)
 			$data['icq'] = $profile['icq']['name'];
 		if ($profile['aim']['name'] != '' && !(!empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
 			$data['aim'] = $profile['aim']['name'];
-		if ($profile['msn']['name'] != '' && !(!empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
-			$data['msn'] = $profile['msn']['name'];
 		if ($profile['yim']['name'] != '' && !(!empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
 			$data['yim'] = $profile['yim']['name'];
+		if (!empty($profile['skype']['name']) && !(!empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
+			$data['skype'] = $profile['skype']['name'];
 		if ($profile['website']['title'] != '')
 			$data['website'] = array(

+ 5 - 15

@@ -369,22 +369,12 @@ function loadProfileFields($force_reload = false)
 				return false;
-		'msn' => array(
+		'skype' => array(
 			'type' => 'text',
-			'label' => $txt['msn'],
-			'subtext' => $txt['msn_email_address'],
+			'label' => $txt['skype'],
+			'subtext' => $txt['skype_username'],
 			'size' => 24,
 			'permission' => 'profile_extra',
-			'input_validate' => create_function('&$value', '
-				global $cur_profile;
-				// Make sure the msn one is an email address, not something like \'none\' :P.
-				if ($value != \'\' && preg_match(\'~^[0-9A-Za-z=_+\-/][0-9A-Za-z=_\\\'+\-/\.]*@[\w\-]+(\.[\w\-]+)*(\.[\w]{2,6})$~\', $value) == 0)
-				{
-					$value = $cur_profile[\'msn\'];
-					return false;
-				}
-				return true;
-			'),
 		'passwrd1' => array(
 			'type' => 'password',
@@ -1606,7 +1596,7 @@ function account($memID)
 function forumProfile($memID)
-	global $context, $user_profile, $user_info, $txt, $modSettings;
+	global $context, $txt;
 	if (allowedTo(array('profile_extra_own', 'profile_extra_any')))
@@ -1620,7 +1610,7 @@ function forumProfile($memID)
 			'avatar_choice', 'hr', 'personal_text', 'hr',
 			'bday1', 'location', 'gender', 'hr',
-			'icq', 'aim', 'msn', 'yim', 'hr',
+			'icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'skype', 'hr',
 			'usertitle', 'signature', 'hr',
 			'karma_good', 'hr',
 			'website_title', 'website_url',

+ 1 - 4

@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ function Register2($verifiedOpenID = false)
 	// Collect all extra registration fields someone might have filled in.
 	$possible_strings = array(
 		'website_url', 'website_title',
-		'aim', 'yim',
+		'aim', 'yim', 'skype',
 		'location', 'birthdate',
@@ -318,9 +318,6 @@ function Register2($verifiedOpenID = false)
 			$possible_strings[] = 'real_name';
-	if (isset($_POST['msn']) && preg_match('~^[0-9A-Za-z=_+\-/][0-9A-Za-z=_\'+\-/\.]*@[\w\-]+(\.[\w\-]+)*(\.[\w]{2,6})$~', $_POST['msn']) != 0)
-		$profile_strings[] = 'msn';
 	// Handle a string as a birthdate...
 	if (isset($_POST['birthdate']) && $_POST['birthdate'] != '')
 		$_POST['birthdate'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($_POST['birthdate']));

+ 2 - 2

@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ function registerMember(&$regOptions, $return_errors = false)
 		'icq' => '',
 		'aim' => '',
 		'yim' => '',
-		'msn' => '',
+		'skype' => '',
 		'time_format' => '',
 		'signature' => '',
 		'avatar' => '',
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ function list_getMembers($start, $items_per_page, $sort, $where, $where_params =
 	$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
-			mem.id_member, mem.member_name, mem.real_name, mem.email_address, mem.icq, mem.aim, mem.yim, mem.msn, mem.member_ip, mem.member_ip2, mem.last_login,
+			mem.id_member, mem.member_name, mem.real_name, mem.email_address, mem.icq, mem.aim, mem.yim, mem.skype, mem.member_ip, mem.member_ip2, mem.last_login,
 			mem.posts, mem.is_activated, mem.date_registered, mem.id_group, mem.additional_groups, mg.group_name
 		FROM {db_prefix}members AS mem
 			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg ON (mg.id_group = mem.id_group)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ function template_main()
 											<hr />
 												', !empty($message['member']['icq']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['icq']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
-												', !empty($message['member']['msn']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['msn']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
+												', !empty($message['member']['skype']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['skype']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
 												', !empty($message['member']['aim']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['aim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
 												', !empty($message['member']['yim']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['yim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '

+ 3 - 3

@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ function template_main()
 			echo '
 					<td class="centertext">', $member['yim']['link'], '</td>';
-		// MSN?
-		if (!isset($context['disabled_fields']['msn']))
+		// Skype?
+		if (!isset($context['disabled_fields']['skype']))
 			echo '
-					<td class="centertext">', $member['msn']['link'], '</td>';
+					<td class="centertext">', $member['skype']['link'], '</td>';
 		// Group and date.
 		echo '

+ 5 - 5

@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ function template_folder()
 				if ($message['member']['has_messenger'] && $message['member']['can_view_profile'])
 					echo '
 						<li class="im_icons">
-							<ul>', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['icq']) && !empty($message['member']['icq']['link']) ? '
-								<li>' . $message['member']['icq']['link'] . '</li>' : '', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['msn']) && !empty($message['member']['msn']['link']) ? '
-								<li>' . $message['member']['msn']['link'] . '</li>' : '', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['aim']) && !empty($message['member']['aim']['link']) ? '
-								<li>' . $message['member']['aim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['yim']) && !empty($message['member']['yim']['link']) ? '
-								<li>' . $message['member']['yim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
+							<ul>
+								', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['icq']) && !empty($message['member']['icq']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['icq']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
+								', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['skype']) && !empty($message['member']['skype']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['skype']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
+								', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['aim']) && !empty($message['member']['aim']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['aim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
+								', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['yim']) && !empty($message['member']['yim']['link']) ? '<li>' . $message['member']['yim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '

+ 4 - 4

@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ function template_summary()
 	echo '
 				', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['icq']) && !empty($context['member']['icq']['link']) ? '<li>' . $context['member']['icq']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
-				', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['msn']) && !empty($context['member']['msn']['link']) ? '<li>' . $context['member']['msn']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
+				', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['skype']) && !empty($context['member']['skype']['link']) ? '<li>' . $context['member']['skype']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
 				', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['aim']) && !empty($context['member']['aim']['link']) ? '<li>' . $context['member']['aim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
 				', !isset($context['disabled_fields']['yim']) && !empty($context['member']['yim']['link']) ? '<li>' . $context['member']['yim']['link'] . '</li>' : '', '
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ function template_editBuddies()
 	global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt;
 	$disabled_fields = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? array_flip(explode(',', $modSettings['disabled_profile_fields'])) : array();
-	$buddy_fields = array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'msn');
+	$buddy_fields = array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'skype');
 	echo '
 	<div class="generic_list_wrapper" id="edit_buddies">
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ function template_editIgnoreList()
 				<th scope="col">', $txt['icq'], '</th>
 				<th scope="col">', $txt['aim'], '</th>
 				<th scope="col">', $txt['yim'], '</th>
-				<th scope="col">', $txt['msn'], '</th>
+				<th scope="col">', $txt['skype'], '</th>
 				<th class="last_th" scope="col"></th>
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ function template_editIgnoreList()
 				<td align="center">', $member['icq']['link'], '</td>
 				<td align="center">', $member['aim']['link'], '</td>
 				<td align="center">', $member['yim']['link'], '</td>
-				<td align="center">', $member['msn']['link'], '</td>
+				<td align="center">', $member['skype']['link'], '</td>
 				<td align="center"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $context['id_member'], ';area=lists;sa=ignore;remove=', $member['id'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/delete.png" alt="', $txt['ignore_remove'], '" title="', $txt['ignore_remove'], '" /></a></td>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ function template_main()
 						<tr class="windowbg', $alternate ? '2' : '', '">
-		// Guests don't have information like icq, msn, y!, and aim... and they can't be messaged.
+		// Guests don't have information like icq, skype, y!, and aim... and they can't be messaged.
 		if (!$member['is_guest'])
 			echo '
 								<span class="contact_info floatright">
 									', $context['can_send_pm'] ? '<a href="' . $member['online']['href'] . '" title="' . $member['online']['text'] . '">' : '', $settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="' . $member['online']['image_href'] . '" alt="' . $member['online']['text'] . '" align="bottom" />' : $member['online']['label'], $context['can_send_pm'] ? '</a>' : '', '
-									', isset($context['disabled_fields']['icq']) ? '' : $member['icq']['link'] , ' ', isset($context['disabled_fields']['msn']) ? '' : $member['msn']['link'], ' ', isset($context['disabled_fields']['yim']) ? '' : $member['yim']['link'], ' ', isset($context['disabled_fields']['aim']) ? '' : $member['aim']['link'], '
+									', isset($context['disabled_fields']['icq']) ? '' : $member['icq']['link'] , ' ', isset($context['disabled_fields']['skype']) ? '' : $member['skype']['link'], ' ', isset($context['disabled_fields']['yim']) ? '' : $member['yim']['link'], ' ', isset($context['disabled_fields']['aim']) ? '' : $member['aim']['link'], '



+ 2 - 1

@@ -47,10 +47,11 @@ $txt['send_member_pm'] = 'Send this member a personal message';
 $txt['hidden'] = 'hidden';
 $txt['current_time'] = 'Current forum time';
+$txt['skype_username'] = 'Your Skype Username.';
 $txt['language'] = 'Language';
 $txt['avatar_too_big'] = 'Avatar image is too big, please resize it and try again (max';
 $txt['invalid_registration'] = 'Invalid Date Registered value, valid example:';
-$txt['msn_email_address'] = 'Your MSN messenger email address';
 $txt['current_password'] = 'Current Password';
 // Don't use entities in the below string, except the main ones. (lt, gt, quot.)
 $txt['required_security_reasons'] = 'For security reasons, your current password is required to make changes to your account.';

+ 2 - 2

@@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ $txt['aim_default_message'] = 'Hi.+Are+you+there?';
 $txt['aim_title'] = 'AOL Instant Messenger';
 $txt['icq'] = 'ICQ';
 $txt['icq_title'] = 'ICQ Messenger';
-$txt['msn'] = 'MSN';
-$txt['msn_title'] = 'MSN Messenger';
 $txt['yim'] = 'YIM';
 $txt['yim_title'] = 'Yahoo Instant Messenger';
+$txt['skype'] = 'Skype';
 $txt['maintain_mode_on'] = 'Remember, this forum is in \'Maintenance Mode\'.';
 $txt['read'] = 'Read'; //Deprecated

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ function AdminAccount()
 					'password_salt' => 'string', 'lngfile' => 'string', 'personal_text' => 'string', 'avatar' => 'string',
 					'member_ip' => 'string', 'member_ip2' => 'string', 'buddy_list' => 'string', 'pm_ignore_list' => 'string',
 					'message_labels' => 'string', 'website_title' => 'string', 'website_url' => 'string', 'location' => 'string',
-					'aim' => 'string', 'icq' => 'string', 'msn' => 'string', 'signature' => 'string', 'usertitle' => 'string', 'secret_question' => 'string',
+					'aim' => 'string', 'icq' => 'string', 'skype' => 'string', 'signature' => 'string', 'usertitle' => 'string', 'secret_question' => 'string',
 					'additional_groups' => 'string', 'ignore_boards' => 'string', 'openid_uri' => 'string',

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ CREATE TABLE {$db_prefix}members (
   icq varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   aim varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   yim varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
-  msn varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+  skype varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   hide_email tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
   show_online tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
   time_format varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ CREATE TABLE {$db_prefix}members (
   icq varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   aim varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   yim varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
-  msn varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+  skype varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   hide_email smallint NOT NULL default '0',
   show_online smallint NOT NULL default '1',
   time_format varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ CREATE TABLE {$db_prefix}members (
   icq varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   aim varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   yim varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
-  msn varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+  skype varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   hide_email smallint NOT NULL default '0',
   show_online smallint NOT NULL default '1',
   time_format varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',

+ 1 - 1

@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ CHANGE COLUMN avatar avatar tinytext NOT NULL default '',
 CHANGE COLUMN im_ignore_list im_ignore_list tinytext NOT NULL default '',
 CHANGE COLUMN usertitle usertitle tinytext NOT NULL default '',
 CHANGE COLUMN lngfile lngfile tinytext NOT NULL default '',
-CHANGE COLUMN MSN MSN tinytext NOT NULL default '',
+CHANGE COLUMN MSN skype tinytext NOT NULL default '',
 CHANGE COLUMN memberIP memberIP tinytext NOT NULL default '',
 ADD INDEX lngfile (lngfile(24));

+ 5 - 0

@@ -2524,6 +2524,11 @@ foreach ($textfield_updates as $ind => $change)
 	$step_progress['current'] = $_GET['strict_step'];
+---# Replacing MSN with Skype.
+ALTER TABLE {$db_prefix}members
+CHANGE COLUMN msn skype tinytext NOT NULL default '';
 $step_progress = array();