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! There are simply just too many permutations for handling week numbers correctly, and even the most appropriate - ISO 8601 - will look broken if weekdays start on a Sunday, which they will for a large amount of the audience. In light of that, and how crowded the UI is, we've decided to streamline the UI to not use week numbers anywhere and to state 'Week beginning January 27, 2014' or whatever.

Signed-off-by: Peter Spicer <[email protected]>
Peter Spicer пре 10 година

+ 2 - 4

@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ function CalendarMain()
 			'birthdays' => isset($modSettings['cal_highlight_birthdays']) ? $modSettings['cal_highlight_birthdays'] : 0,
 		'show_week_num' => true,
-		'tpl_show_week_num' => !empty($modSettings['cal_week_numbers']),
 		'short_day_titles' => !empty($modSettings['cal_short_days']),
 		'short_month_titles' => !empty($modSettings['cal_short_months']),
 		'show_next_prev' => !empty($modSettings['cal_prev_next_links']),
@@ -175,10 +174,9 @@ function CalendarMain()
 	$context['current_year'] = $curPage['year'];
 	$context['show_all_birthdays'] = isset($_GET['showbd']);
 	$context['blocks_disabled'] = !empty($modSettings['cal_disable_prev_next']) ? 1 : 0;
-	$context['tpl_show_week_num'] = !empty($calendarOptions['tpl_show_week_num']) ? 1 : 0;
 	// Set the page title to mention the month or week, too
-	$context['page_title'] .= ' - ' . ($context['view_week'] ? sprintf($txt['calendar_week_title'], $context['calendar_grid_main']['week_number'], ($context['calendar_grid_main']['week_number'] == 53 ? $context['current_year'] - 1 : $context['current_year'])) : $txt['months'][$context['current_month']] . ' ' . $context['current_year']);
+	$context['page_title'] .= ' - ' . ($context['view_week'] ? $context['calendar_grid_main']['week_title'] : $txt['months'][$context['current_month']] . ' ' . $context['current_year']);
 	// Load up the linktree!
 	$context['linktree'][] = array(
@@ -194,7 +192,7 @@ function CalendarMain()
 	if ($context['view_week'])
 		$context['linktree'][] = array(
 			'url' => $scripturl . '?action=calendar;viewweek;year=' . $context['current_year'] . ';month=' . $context['current_month'] . ';day=' . $context['current_day'],
-			'name' => $txt['calendar_week'] . ' ' . $context['calendar_grid_main']['week_number']
+			'name' => $context['calendar_grid_main']['week_title'],
 	// Build the calendar button array.

+ 0 - 1

@@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ function ModifyCalendarSettings($return_config = false)
 				array('check', 'cal_prev_next_links'),
 				array('check', 'cal_short_days'),
 				array('check', 'cal_short_months'),
-				array('check', 'cal_week_numbers'),
 		$config_vars = array(

+ 3 - 45

@@ -395,35 +395,6 @@ function getCalendarGrid($month, $year, $calendarOptions, $is_previous = false)
 			$count = 0;
-	// An adjustment value to apply to all calculated week numbers.
-	if (!empty($calendarOptions['show_week_num']))
-	{
-		// If the first day of the year is a Sunday, then there is no
-		// adjustment to be made. However, if the first day of the year is not
-		// a Sunday, then there is a partial week at the start of the year
-		// that needs to be accounted for.
-		if ($calendarOptions['start_day'] === 0)
-			$nWeekAdjust = $month_info['first_day_of_year'] === 0 ? 0 : 1;
-		// If we are viewing the weeks, with a starting date other than Sunday,
-		// then things get complicated! Basically, as PHP is calculating the
-		// weeks with a Sunday starting date, we need to take this into account
-		// and offset the whole year dependant on whether the first day in the
-		// year is above or below our starting date. Note that we offset by
-		// two, as some of this will get undone quite quickly by the statement
-		// below.
-		else
-			$nWeekAdjust = $calendarOptions['start_day'] > $month_info['first_day_of_year'] && $month_info['first_day_of_year'] !== 0 ? 2 : 1;
-		// If our week starts on a day greater than the day the month starts
-		// on, then our week numbers will be one too high. So we need to
-		// reduce it by one - all these thoughts of offsets makes my head
-		// hurt...
-		if ($month_info['first_day']['day_of_week'] < $calendarOptions['start_day'] || $month_info['first_day_of_year'] > 4)
-			$nWeekAdjust--;
-	}
-	else
-		$nWeekAdjust = 0;
 	// Iterate through each week.
 	$calendarGrid['weeks'] = array();
 	for ($nRow = 0; $nRow < $nRows; $nRow++)
@@ -431,11 +402,7 @@ function getCalendarGrid($month, $year, $calendarOptions, $is_previous = false)
 		// Start off the week - and don't let it go above 52, since that's the number of weeks in a year.
 		$calendarGrid['weeks'][$nRow] = array(
 			'days' => array(),
-			'number' => $month_info['first_day']['week_num'] + $nRow + $nWeekAdjust
-		// Handle the dreaded "week 53", it can happen, but only once in a blue moon ;)
-		if ($calendarGrid['weeks'][$nRow]['number'] == 53 && $nShift != 4 && $month_info['first_day_of_next_year'] < 4)
-			$calendarGrid['weeks'][$nRow]['number'] = 1;
 		// And figure out all the days.
 		for ($nCol = 0; $nCol < 7; $nCol++)
@@ -484,7 +451,7 @@ function getCalendarGrid($month, $year, $calendarOptions, $is_previous = false)
 function getCalendarWeek($month, $year, $day, $calendarOptions)
-	global $scripturl, $modSettings;
+	global $scripturl, $modSettings, $txt;
 	// Get today's date.
 	$today = getTodayInfo();
@@ -541,17 +508,8 @@ function getCalendarWeek($month, $year, $day, $calendarOptions)
 		$first_day_of_next_year = (int) strftime('%w', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year + 1));
 		$last_day_of_last_year = (int) strftime('%w', mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $year - 1));
-		// All this is as getCalendarGrid.
-		if ($calendarOptions['start_day'] === 0)
-			$nWeekAdjust = $first_day_of_year === 0 && $first_day_of_year > 3 ? 0 : 1;
-		else
-			$nWeekAdjust = $calendarOptions['start_day'] > $first_day_of_year && $first_day_of_year !== 0 ? 2 : 1;
-		$calendarGrid['week_number'] = (int) strftime('%U', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) + $nWeekAdjust;
-		// If this crosses a year boundry and includes january it should be week one.
-		if ((int) strftime('%Y', $curTimestamp + 518400) != $year && $calendarGrid['week_number'] > 53 && $first_day_of_next_year < 5)
-			$calendarGrid['week_number'] = 1;
+		$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
+		$calendarGrid['week_title'] = sprintf($txt['calendar_week_beginning'], date('F', $timestamp), date('j', $timestamp), date('Y', $timestamp));
 	// This holds all the main data - there is at least one month!

+ 3 - 7

@@ -206,10 +206,6 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name, $is_mini = false)
 				// A lot of stuff, we're not showing on mini-calendars to conserve space.
 				if ($is_mini === false)
-					// If this is the first day of a week and we're showing week numbers, go ahead and do so now.
-					if ($day['is_first_day'] && !empty($context['tpl_show_week_num']))
-						echo '<span class="smalltext"> - <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;viewweek;year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], ';day=', $day['day'], '">', $txt['calendar_week'], ' ', $week['number'], '</a></span>';
 					// Holidays are always fun, let's show them!
 					if (!empty($day['holidays']))
 						echo '<div class="smalltext holiday"><span>', $txt['calendar_prompt'], '</span> ', implode(', ', $day['holidays']), '</div>';
@@ -331,15 +327,15 @@ function template_show_week_grid($grid_name)
 					if (empty($calendar_data['previous_calendar']['disabled']) && !empty($calendar_data['show_next_prev']))
 						echo '
-							<span class="floatleft xlarge_text>
+							<span class="floatleft xlarge_text">
 								<a href="', $calendar_data['previous_week']['href'], '">&#171;</a>
 					// The Month Title + Week Number...
-					if (!empty($calendar_data['week_number']))
-							echo $txt['calendar_week'], ' ', $calendar_data['week_number'], ' - ', $month_data['current_year'];
+					if (!empty($calendar_data['week_title']))
+							echo $calendar_data['week_title'];
 					// Next Week Link...
 					if (empty($calendar_data['next_calendar']['disabled']) && !empty($calendar_data['show_next_prev']))

+ 0 - 1

@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ $helptxt['cal_week_links'] = 'If this setting is checked, links will be added al
 $helptxt['cal_prev_next_links'] = 'If this setting is checked, previous month and next month links will be added to the top of each month for easy navigation.';
 $helptxt['cal_short_months'] = 'If this setting is checked, month names within the calendar will be shortened.<br><br><strong>Enabled:</strong> ' . $txt['months_short'][1] . ' 1<br><strong>Disabled:</strong> ' . $txt['months_titles'][1] . ' 1';
 $helptxt['cal_short_days'] = 'If this setting is checked, day names within the calendar will be shortened.<br><br><strong>Enabled:</strong> ' . $txt['days_short'][1] . '<br><strong>Disbaled:</strong> ' . $txt['days'][1];
-$helptxt['cal_week_numbers'] = 'If this setting is checked, the first day of every week will have the week number next to that day.<br><br><strong>Enabled:</strong> March 3 - Week 10</strong><br><strong>Disabled:</strong> March 3';
 $helptxt['serversettings'] = '<strong>Server Settings</strong><br>
 	Here you can perform the core configuration for your forum. This section includes the database and url settings, as well as other

+ 0 - 1

@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ $txt['setting_cal_prev_next_links'] = 'Show <em>Previous / Next</em> Month Links
 // The name of this setting is kind of misleading...we can't shorten actual months unfortunately!
 $txt['setting_cal_short_months'] = 'Short Month Titles';
 $txt['setting_cal_short_days'] = 'Short Day Titles';
-$txt['setting_cal_week_numbers'] = 'Show Week Numbers';
 // Adding/Editing/Viewing Holidays
 $txt['manage_holidays_desc'] = 'From here you can add and remove holidays from your forum calendar.';

+ 2 - 0

@@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ $txt['calendar_upcoming'] = 'Upcoming Calendar';
 $txt['calendar_today'] = 'Today\'s Calendar';
 $txt['calendar_week'] = 'Week';
 $txt['calendar_week_title'] = 'Week %1$d of %2$d';
+// %1$s is the month, %2$s is the day, %3$s is the year. Change to suit your language.
+$txt['calendar_week_beginning'] = 'Week beginning %1$s %2$s, %3$s';
 $txt['calendar_numb_days'] = 'Number of Days:';
 $txt['calendar_how_edit'] = 'how do you edit these events?';
 $txt['calendar_link_event'] = 'Link Event To Post:';

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1760,7 +1760,6 @@ VALUES ('smfVersion', '{$smf_version}'),
 	('cal_prev_next_links', '1'),
 	('cal_short_days', '0'),
 	('cal_short_months', '0'),
-	('cal_week_numbers', '0'),
 	('smtp_host', ''),
 	('smtp_port', '25'),
 	('smtp_username', ''),

+ 0 - 1

@@ -2271,7 +2271,6 @@ INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_week_links', '2'
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_prev_next_links', '1');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_short_days', '0');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_short_months', '0');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_week_numbers', '0');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_host', '');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_port', '25');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_username', '');

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1903,7 +1903,6 @@ INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_week_links', '2'
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_prev_next_links', '1');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_short_days', '0');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_short_months', '0');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_week_numbers', '0');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_host', '');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_port', '25');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_username', '');

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1903,7 +1903,6 @@ INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_week_links', '2'
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_prev_next_links', '1');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_short_days', '0');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_short_months', '0');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('cal_week_numbers', '0');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_host', '');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_port', '25');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('smtp_username', '');