@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ if (!defined('SMF'))
* handles showing the post screen, loading the post to be modified, and loading any post quoted.
- * additionally handles previews of posts.
- * @uses the Post template and language file, main sub template.
- * allows wireless access using the protocol_post sub template.
- * requires different permissions depending on the actions, but most notably post_new, post_reply_own, and post_reply_any.
- * shows options for the editing and posting of calendar events and attachments, as well as the posting of polls.
- * accessed from ?action=post.
+ * - additionally handles previews of posts.
+ * - @uses the Post template and language file, main sub template.
+ * - allows wireless access using the protocol_post sub template.
+ * - requires different permissions depending on the actions, but most notably post_new, post_reply_own, and post_reply_any.
+ * - shows options for the editing and posting of calendar events and attachments, as well as the posting of polls.
+ * - accessed from ?action=post.
function Post()
@@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ function Post()
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php');
+ // Any files to include for post?
+ if (!isset($post_includes) && !empty($modSettings['integrate_post_include']))
+ {
+ $post_includes = explode(',', $modSettings['integrate_post_include']);
+ foreach ($post_includes as $include)
+ {
+ $include = strtr(trim($include), array('$boarddir' => $boarddir, '$sourcedir' => $sourcedir, '$themedir' => $settings['theme_dir']));
+ if (file_exists($include))
+ require_once($include);
+ }
+ }
if (isset($_REQUEST['xml']))
$context['sub_template'] = 'post';
@@ -625,6 +637,7 @@ function Post()
$context['current_attachments'][] = array(
'name' => htmlspecialchars($row['filename']),
+ 'size' => $row['filesize'],
'id' => $row['id_attach'],
'approved' => $row['approved'],
@@ -734,6 +747,7 @@ function Post()
if ($attachment['filesize'] >= 0 && !empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']))
$context['current_attachments'][] = array(
'name' => htmlspecialchars($attachment['filename']),
+ 'size' => $attachment['filesize'],
'id' => $attachment['id_attach'],
'approved' => $attachment['attachment_approved'],
@@ -840,14 +854,13 @@ function Post()
- /**
- * This won't work if you're posting an event.
- */
- if (allowedTo('post_attachment') || allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments'))
+ $context['can_post_attachment'] = !empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && $modSettings['attachmentEnable'] == 1 && (allowedTo('post_attachment') || ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments')));
+ if ($context['can_post_attachment'])
- if (empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']))
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'] = array();
+ // If there are attachments, calculate the total size and how many.
+ $context['attachments']['total_size'] = 0;
+ $context['attachments']['quantity'] = 0;
+ if (!empty($context['current_attachments']))
if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
@@ -862,151 +875,144 @@ function Post()
// If this isn't a new post, check the current attachments.
if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']))
- $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(size)
- FROM {db_prefix}attachments
- WHERE id_msg = {int:id_msg}
- AND attachment_type = {int:attachment_type}',
- array(
- 'id_msg' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'],
- 'attachment_type' => 0,
- )
- );
- list ($quantity, $total_size) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
- $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
- }
- else
- {
- $quantity = 0;
- $total_size = 0;
+ $context['attachments']['quantity'] = count($context['current_attachments']);
+ foreach ($context['current_attachments'] as $attachment)
+ $context['attachments']['total_size'] += $attachment['size'];
- $temp_start = 0;
+ // A bit of house keeping first.
+ if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) && count($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) == 1)
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']);
if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']))
- if ($context['current_action'] != 'post2' || !empty($_POST['from_qr']))
+ // Is this a request to delete them?
+ if (isset($_GET['delete_temp']))
- $context['post_error']['messages'][] = $txt['error_temp_attachments'];
- $context['error_type'] = 'minor';
+ foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
+ {
+ if (strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) !== false)
+ if (file_exists($attachment['tmp_name']))
+ unlink($attachment['tmp_name']);
+ }
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = $txt['error_temp_attachments_gone'];
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments'] = array();
- foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $name)
+ // Hmm, coming in fresh and there are files in session.
+ elseif ($context['current_action'] != 'post2' || !empty($_POST['from_qr']))
- $temp_start++;
- if (preg_match('~^post_tmp_' . $user_info['id'] . '_\d+$~', $attachID) == 0)
+ // Let's be nice and see if they belong here first.
+ if ((empty($_REQUEST['msg']) && empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['msg']) && $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['board'] == $board) || (!empty($_REQUEST['msg']) && $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['msg'] == $_REQUEST['msg']))
- unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
- continue;
- }
+ // See if any files still exist before showing the warning message and the files attached.
+ foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
+ {
+ if (strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) === false)
+ continue;
- if (!empty($_POST['attach_del']) && !in_array($attachID, $_POST['attach_del']))
- {
- $deleted_attachments = true;
- unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
- @unlink($current_attach_dir . '/' . $attachID);
- continue;
+ if (file_exists($attachment['tmp_name']))
+ {
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = $txt['error_temp_attachments_new'];
+ $context['files_in_session_warning'] = $txt['attached_files_in_session'];
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files']);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Since, they don't belong here. Let's inform the user that they exist..
+ if (!empty($topic))
+ $delete_link = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=post' .(!empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? (';msg=' . $_REQUEST['msg']) : '') . (!empty($_REQUEST['last_msg']) ? (';last_msg=' . $_REQUEST['last_msg']) : '') . ';topic=' . $topic . ';delete_temp">' . $txt['here'] . '</a>';
+ else
+ $delete_link = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=post;board=' . $board . ';delete_temp">' . $txt['here'] . '</a>';
+ // Compile a list of the files to show the user.
+ $file_list = array();
+ foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
+ if (strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) !== false)
+ $file_list[] = $attachment['name'];
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files'] = $file_list;
+ $file_list = '<div class="attachments">' . implode('<br />', $file_list) . '</div>';
+ if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['msg']))
+ {
+ // We have a message id, so we can link back to the old topic they were trying to edit..
+ $goback_link = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=post' .(!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['msg']) ? (';msg=' . $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['msg']) : '') . (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['last_msg']) ? (';last_msg=' . $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['last_msg']) : '') . ';topic=' . $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['topic'] . ';additionalOptions">' . $txt['here'] . '</a>';
- $quantity++;
- $total_size += filesize($current_attach_dir . '/' . $attachID);
- $context['current_attachments'][] = array(
- 'name' => htmlspecialchars($name),
- 'id' => $attachID,
- 'approved' => 1,
- );
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = vsprintf($txt['error_temp_attachments_found'], array($delete_link, $goback_link, $file_list));
+ $context['ignore_temp_attachments'] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = vsprintf($txt['error_temp_attachments_lost'], array($delete_link, $file_list));
+ $context['ignore_temp_attachments'] = true;
+ }
+ }
- }
- if (!empty($_POST['attach_del']))
- {
- $del_temp = array();
- foreach ($_POST['attach_del'] as $i => $dummy)
- $del_temp[$i] = (int) $dummy;
+ if (!empty($context['we_are_history']))
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = '<br />' . $context['we_are_history'];
- foreach ($context['current_attachments'] as $k => $dummy)
- if (!in_array($dummy['id'], $del_temp))
- {
- $context['current_attachments'][$k]['unchecked'] = true;
- $deleted_attachments = !isset($deleted_attachments) || is_bool($deleted_attachments) ? 1 : $deleted_attachments + 1;
- $quantity--;
- }
- }
- if (!empty($_FILES['attachment']))
- foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $n => $dummy)
+ foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
- if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] == '')
- continue;
- if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]) || (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && !file_exists($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n])))
- fatal_lang_error('attach_timeout', 'critical');
+ if (isset($context['ignore_temp_attachments']) || isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files']))
+ break;
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit']) && $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n] > $modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit'] * 1024)
- fatal_lang_error('file_too_big', false, array($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit']));
- $quantity++;
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) && $quantity > $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'])
- fatal_lang_error('attachments_limit_per_post', false, array($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']));
- $total_size += $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n];
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']) && $total_size > $modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'] * 1024)
- fatal_lang_error('file_too_big', false, array($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']));
+ if ($attachID != 'initial_error' && strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) === false)
+ continue;
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentCheckExtensions']))
+ if ($attachID == 'initial_error')
- if (!in_array(strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n], '.'), 1)), explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['attachmentExtensions']))))
- fatal_error($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] . '.<br />' . $txt['cant_upload_type'] . ' ' . $modSettings['attachmentExtensions'] . '.', false);
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = '<br />' . $txt['attach_no_upload'] . '<div style="padding: 0 1em;">' . (is_array($attachment) ? vsprintf($txt[$attachment[0]], $attachment[1]) : $txt[$attachment]) . '</div>';
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']);
+ break;
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentDirSizeLimit']))
+ // Show any errors which might of occured.
+ if (!empty($attachment['errors']))
- // Make sure the directory isn't full.
- $dirSize = 0;
- $dir = @opendir($current_attach_dir) or fatal_lang_error('cant_access_upload_path', 'critical');
- while ($file = readdir($dir))
- {
- if ($file == '.' || $file == '..')
- continue;
- if (preg_match('~^post_tmp_\d+_\d+$~', $file) != 0)
- {
- // Temp file is more than 5 hours old!
- if (filemtime($current_attach_dir . '/' . $file) < time() - 18000)
- @unlink($current_attach_dir . '/' . $file);
- continue;
- }
- $dirSize += filesize($current_attach_dir . '/' . $file);
- }
- closedir($dir);
+ $errors = empty($errors) ? '<br />' : '';
+ $errors .= vsprintf($txt['attach_warning'], $attachment['name']) . '<div style="padding: 0 1em;">';
+ foreach($attachment['errors'] as $error)
+ $errors .= (is_array($error) ? vsprintf($txt[$error[0]], $error[1]) : $txt[$error]) . '<br />';
+ $errors .= '</div>';
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = $errors;
+ // Take out the trash.
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
+ if (file_exists($attachment['tmp_name']))
+ unlink($attachment['tmp_name']);
+ continue;
+ }
- // Too big! Maybe you could zip it or something...
- if ($_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n] + $dirSize > $modSettings['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] * 1024)
- fatal_lang_error('ran_out_of_space');
+ // More house keeping.
+ if (!file_exists($attachment['tmp_name']))
+ {
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
+ continue;
- if (!is_writable($current_attach_dir))
- fatal_lang_error('attachments_no_write', 'critical');
+ $context['attachments']['quantity']++;
+ $context['attachments']['total_size'] += $attachment['size'];
+ if (!isset($context['files_in_session_warning']))
+ $context['files_in_session_warning'] = $txt['attached_files_in_session'];
- $attachID = 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id'] . '_' . $temp_start++;
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID] = basename($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n]);
$context['current_attachments'][] = array(
- 'name' => htmlspecialchars(basename($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n])),
+ 'name' => '<u>' . htmlspecialchars($attachment['name']) . '</u>',
+ 'size' => $attachment['size'],
'id' => $attachID,
+ 'unchecked' => false,
'approved' => 1,
- $destName = $current_attach_dir . '/' . $attachID;
- if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n], $destName))
- fatal_lang_error('attach_timeout', 'critical');
- @chmod($destName, 0644);
+ }
+ if (!empty($context['post_error']['messages']) && (isset($newRepliesError) || isset($oldTopicError)))
+ $context['post_error']['messages'][] = '<br />';
// If we are coming here to make a reply, and someone has already replied... make a special warning message.
if (isset($newRepliesError))
@@ -1051,12 +1057,6 @@ function Post()
$context['linktree'][count($context['linktree']) - 1]['url'] = $scripturl . '?action=post;' . (!empty($topic) ? 'topic=' . $topic : 'board=' . $board) . '.' . $_REQUEST['start'] . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? ';msg=' . (int) $_REQUEST['msg'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] : '');
- // If they've unchecked an attachment, they may still want to attach that many more files, but don't allow more than num_allowed_attachments.
- // @todo This won't work if you're posting an event.
- $context['num_allowed_attachments'] = empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) ? 50 : min($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] - count($context['current_attachments']) + (isset($deleted_attachments) ? $deleted_attachments : 0), $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']);
- $context['can_post_attachment'] = !empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && $modSettings['attachmentEnable'] == 1 && (allowedTo('post_attachment') || ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments'))) && $context['num_allowed_attachments'] > 0;
- $context['can_post_attachment_unapproved'] = allowedTo('post_attachment');
$context['subject'] = addcslashes($form_subject, '"');
$context['message'] = str_replace(array('"', '<', '>', ' '), array('"', '<', '>', ' '), $form_message);
@@ -1089,6 +1089,20 @@ function Post()
if (!empty($context['icons']))
$context['icons'][count($context['icons']) - 1]['is_last'] = true;
+ // Are we starting a poll? if set the poll icon as selected if its available
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['poll']))
+ {
+ foreach ($context['icons'] as $icons)
+ {
+ if (isset($icons['value']) && $icons['value'] == 'poll')
+ {
+ // if found we are done
+ $context['icon'] = 'poll';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
$context['icon_url'] = '';
for ($i = 0, $n = count($context['icons']); $i < $n; $i++)
@@ -1115,16 +1129,26 @@ function Post()
// If the user can post attachments prepare the warning labels.
if ($context['can_post_attachment'])
- $context['allowed_extensions'] = strtr($modSettings['attachmentExtensions'], array(',' => ', '));
+ // If they've unchecked an attachment, they may still want to attach that many more files, but don't allow more than num_allowed_attachments.
+ $context['num_allowed_attachments'] = empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) ? 50 : min($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] - count($context['current_attachments']), $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']);
+ $context['can_post_attachment_unapproved'] = allowedTo('post_attachment');
$context['attachment_restrictions'] = array();
+ $context['allowed_extensions'] = strtr(strtolower($modSettings['attachmentExtensions']), array(',' => ', '));
$attachmentRestrictionTypes = array('attachmentNumPerPostLimit', 'attachmentPostLimit', 'attachmentSizeLimit');
foreach ($attachmentRestrictionTypes as $type)
if (!empty($modSettings[$type]))
- $context['attachment_restrictions'][] = sprintf($txt['attach_restrict_' . $type], $modSettings[$type]);
+ {
+ $context['attachment_restrictions'][] = sprintf($txt['attach_restrict_' . $type], comma_format($modSettings[$type], 0));
+ // Show some numbers. If they exist.
+ if ($type == 'attachmentNumPerPostLimit' && $context['attachments']['quantity'] > 0)
+ $context['attachment_restrictions'][] = sprintf($txt['attach_remaining'], $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] - $context['attachments']['quantity']);
+ elseif ($type == 'attachmentPostLimit' && $context['attachments']['total_size'] > 0)
+ $context['attachment_restrictions'][] = sprintf($txt['attach_available'], comma_format(round(max($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'] - ($context['attachments']['total_size'] / 1028), 0)), 0));
+ }
$context['back_to_topic'] = isset($_REQUEST['goback']) || (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !isset($_REQUEST['subject']));
- $context['show_additional_options'] = !empty($_POST['additional_options']) || !empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) || !empty($deleted_attachments);
+ $context['show_additional_options'] = !empty($_POST['additional_options']) || isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']) || isset($_GET['additionalOptions']);
$context['is_new_topic'] = empty($topic);
$context['is_new_post'] = !isset($_REQUEST['msg']);
@@ -1176,13 +1200,30 @@ function Post2()
// Sneaking off, are we?
if (empty($_POST) && empty($topic))
- redirectexit('action=post;board=' . $board . '.0');
+ {
+ if (empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']))
+ redirectexit('action=post;board=' . $board . '.0');
+ else
+ fatal_lang_error('post_upload_error', false);
+ }
elseif (empty($_POST) && !empty($topic))
redirectexit('action=post;topic=' . $topic . '.0');
// No need!
$context['robot_no_index'] = true;
+ // Any files to include for post?
+ if (!empty($modSettings['integrate_post_include']))
+ {
+ $post_includes = explode(',', $modSettings['integrate_post_include']);
+ foreach ($post_includes as $include)
+ {
+ $include = strtr(trim($include), array('$boarddir' => $boarddir, '$sourcedir' => $sourcedir, '$themedir' => $settings['theme_dir']));
+ if (file_exists($include))
+ require_once($include);
+ }
+ }
// If we came from WYSIWYG then turn it back into BBC regardless.
if (!empty($_REQUEST['message_mode']) && isset($_REQUEST['message']))
@@ -1226,6 +1267,227 @@ function Post2()
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php');
+ // First check to see if they are trying to delete any current attachments.
+ if (isset($_POST['attach_del']))
+ {
+ $keep_temp = array();
+ $keep_ids = array();
+ foreach ($_POST['attach_del'] as $dummy)
+ if (strpos($dummy, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) !== false)
+ $keep_temp[] = $dummy;
+ else
+ $keep_ids[] = (int) $dummy;
+ if (isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']))
+ foreach($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
+ {
+ if ((isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files'], $attachment['name']) && in_array($attachment['name'], $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files'])) || in_array($attachID, $keep_temp) || strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) === false)
+ continue;
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
+ unlink($attachment['tmp_name']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($_REQUEST['msg']))
+ {
+ require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageAttachments.php');
+ $attachmentQuery = array(
+ 'attachment_type' => 0,
+ 'id_msg' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'],
+ 'not_id_attach' => $keep_ids,
+ );
+ removeAttachments($attachmentQuery);
+ }
+ }
+ // Then try to upload any attachments.
+ $context['can_post_attachment'] = !empty($modSettings['attachmentEnable']) && $modSettings['attachmentEnable'] == 1 && (allowedTo('post_attachment') || ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments')));
+ if ($context['can_post_attachment'] && !empty($_FILES['attachment']) && empty($_POST['from_qr']))
+ {
+ // Make sure we're uploading to the right place.
+ if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
+ {
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ // The current directory, of course!
+ $context['attach_dir'] = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']];
+ }
+ else
+ $context['attach_dir'] = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'];
+ // Is the attachments folder actualy there?
+ if (!is_dir($context['attach_dir']))
+ {
+ $initial_error = 'attach_folder_warning';
+ log_error(sprintf($txt['attach_folder_admin_warning'], $context['attach_dir']), 'critical');
+ }
+ // Check that the attachments folder is writable. No sense in proceeding if it isn't.
+ if (empty($initial_error) && !is_writable($context['attach_dir']))
+ {
+ // But, let's try to make it writable first.
+ chmod($context['attach_dir'], 0755);
+ if (!is_writable($context['attach_dir']))
+ {
+ chmod($context['attach_dir'], 0775);
+ if (!is_writable($context['attach_dir']))
+ {
+ chmod($context['attach_dir'], 0777);
+ if (!is_writable($context['attach_dir']))
+ $initial_error = 'attachments_no_write';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isset($initial_error) && !isset($context['attachments']))
+ {
+ // If this isn't a new post, check the current attachments.
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']))
+ {
+ $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
+ SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(size)
+ FROM {db_prefix}attachments
+ WHERE id_msg = {int:id_msg}
+ AND attachment_type = {int:attachment_type}',
+ array(
+ 'id_msg' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'],
+ 'attachment_type' => 0,
+ )
+ );
+ list ($context['attachments']['quantity'], $context['attachments']['total_size']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
+ $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
+ }
+ else
+ $context['attachments'] = array(
+ 'quantity' => 0,
+ 'total_size' => 0,
+ );
+ }
+ // Hmm. There are still files in session.
+ $ignore_temp = false;
+ if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post']['files']) && count($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) > 1)
+ {
+ // Let's try to keep them. But...
+ $ignore_temp = true;
+ // If new files are being added. We can't ignore those
+ foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $dummy)
+ if (!empty($dummy))
+ {
+ $ignore_temp = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Need to make space for the new files. So, bye bye.
+ if (!$ignore_temp)
+ {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
+ if (strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) !== false)
+ unlink($attachment['tmp_name']);
+ $context['we_are_history'] = $txt['error_temp_attachments_flushed'];
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments'] = array();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']))
+ $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = array();
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']))
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments'] = array();
+ // Remember where we are at. If it's anywhere at all.
+ if (!$ignore_temp)
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['post'] = array(
+ 'msg' => !empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 0,
+ 'last_msg' => !empty($_REQUEST['last_msg']) ? $_REQUEST['last_msg'] : 0,
+ 'topic' => !empty($topic) ? $topic : 0,
+ 'board' => !empty($board) ? $board : 0,
+ );
+ // If we have an itital error, lets just display it.
+ if (!empty($initial_error))
+ {
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments']['initial_error'] = $initial_error;
+ // And delete the files 'cos they ain't going nowhere.
+ foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $n => $dummy)
+ if (file_exists($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]))
+ unlink($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]);
+ $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = array();
+ }
+ // Loop through $_FILES['attachment'] array and move each file to the current attachments folder.
+ foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $n => $dummy)
+ {
+ if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] == '')
+ continue;
+ // First, let's first check for PHP upload errors.
+ $errors = array();
+ if (!empty($_FILES['attachment']['error'][$n]))
+ {
+ if ($_FILES['attachment']['error'][$n] == 2)
+ $errors[] = array('file_too_big', array($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit']));
+ elseif ($_FILES['attachment']['error'][$n] == 6)
+ log_error($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] . ': ' . $txt['php_upload_error_6'], 'critical');
+ else
+ log_error($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] . ': ' . $txt['php_upload_error_' . $_FILES['attachment']['error'][$n]]);
+ if (empty($errors))
+ $errors[] = 'attach_php_error';
+ }
+ // Try to move and rename the file before doing any more checks on it.
+ $attachID = 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id'] . '_' . md5(mt_rand());
+ $destName = $context['attach_dir'] . '/' . $attachID;
+ if (empty($errors))
+ {
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID] = array(
+ 'name' => htmlspecialchars(basename($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n])),
+ 'tmp_name' => $destName,
+ 'size' => $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n],
+ 'type' => $_FILES['attachment']['type'][$n],
+ 'errors' => array(),
+ );
+ // Move the file to the attachments folder with a temp name for now.
+ if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n], $destName))
+ @chmod($destName, 0644);
+ else
+ {
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = 'attach_timeout';
+ if (file_exists($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]))
+ unlink($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID] = array(
+ 'name' => htmlspecialchars(basename($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n])),
+ 'tmp_name' => $destName,
+ 'errors' => $errors,
+ );
+ if (file_exists($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]))
+ unlink($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n]);
+ }
+ // If there's no errors to this pont. We still do need to apply some addtional checks before we are finished.
+ if (empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors']))
+ attachmentChecks($attachID);
+ }
+ }
+ // Mod authors, finally a hook to hang an alternate attachment upload system upon
+ // Upload to the current attachment folder with the file name $attachID or 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id'] . '_' . md5(mt_rand())
+ // Populate $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID] with the following:
+ // name => The file name
+ // tmp_name => Path to the temp file ($context['attach_dir'] . '/' . $attachID).
+ // size => File size (required).
+ // type => MIME type (optional if not available on upload).
+ // errors => An array of errors (use the index of the $txt variable for that error).
+ // Template changes can be done using "integrate_upload_template".
+ call_integration_hook('integrate_attachment_upload', array());
// If this isn't a new topic load the topic info that we need.
if (!empty($topic))
@@ -1622,167 +1884,77 @@ function Post2()
$_POST['options'] = htmlspecialchars__recursive($_POST['options']);
- // Check if they are trying to delete any current attachments....
- if (isset($_REQUEST['msg'], $_POST['attach_del']) && (allowedTo('post_attachment') || ($modSettings['postmod_active'] && allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments'))))
- {
- // @todo check attach_del; this will be executed when:
- // modify a post with attachments; try to remove one, but receive an error
- // (i.e. body empty); then check back the attachment
- $del_temp = array();
- foreach ($_POST['attach_del'] as $i => $dummy)
- $del_temp[$i] = (int) $dummy;
- require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageAttachments.php');
- $attachmentQuery = array(
- 'attachment_type' => 0,
- 'id_msg' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'],
- 'not_id_attach' => $del_temp,
- );
- removeAttachments($attachmentQuery);
- }
// ...or attach a new file...
- if (isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']) || (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) && empty($_POST['from_qr'])))
+ if (empty($ignore_temp) && $context['can_post_attachment'] && !empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']) && empty($_POST['from_qr']))
- // Verify they can post them!
- if (!$modSettings['postmod_active'] || !allowedTo('post_unapproved_attachments'))
- isAllowedTo('post_attachment');
- // Make sure we're uploading to the right place.
- if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
- {
- if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
- // The current directory, of course!
- $current_attach_dir = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']];
- }
- else
- $current_attach_dir = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'];
- // If this isn't a new post, check the current attachments.
- if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']))
- {
- $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(size)
- FROM {db_prefix}attachments
- WHERE id_msg = {int:id_msg}
- AND attachment_type = {int:attachment_type}',
- array(
- 'id_msg' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'],
- 'attachment_type' => 0,
- )
- );
- list ($quantity, $total_size) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
- $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
- }
- else
- {
- $quantity = 0;
- $total_size = 0;
- }
- if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments']))
- foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $name)
- {
- if (preg_match('~^post_tmp_' . $user_info['id'] . '_\d+$~', $attachID) == 0)
- continue;
- if (!empty($_POST['attach_del']) && !in_array($attachID, $_POST['attach_del']))
- {
- unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
- @unlink($current_attach_dir . '/' . $attachID);
- continue;
- }
- $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][] = $attachID;
- $_FILES['attachment']['name'][] = $name;
- $_FILES['attachment']['size'][] = filesize($current_attach_dir . '/' . $attachID);
- list ($_FILES['attachment']['width'][], $_FILES['attachment']['height'][]) = @getimagesize($current_attach_dir . '/' . $attachID);
- unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]);
- }
- if (!isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']))
- $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = array();
$attachIDs = array();
- foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $n => $dummy)
+ $attach_errors = array();
+ if (!empty($context['we_are_history']))
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dd>' . $txt['error_temp_attachments_flushed'] . '<br /><br /></dd>';
+ foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $attachment)
- if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] == '')
+ if ($attachID != 'initial_error' && strpos($attachID, 'post_tmp_' . $user_info['id']) === false)
- // Have we reached the maximum number of files we are allowed?
- $quantity++;
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) && $quantity > $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'])
+ // If there was an initial error just show that message.
+ if ($attachID == 'initial_error')
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('attachments_limit_per_post', false, array($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']));
- }
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dt>' . $txt['attach_no_upload'] . '</dt>';
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dd>' . (is_array($attachment) ? vsprintf($txt[$attachment[0]], $attachment[1]) : $txt[$attachment]) . '</dd>';
- // Check the total upload size for this post...
- $total_size += $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n];
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']) && $total_size > $modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'] * 1024)
- {
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('file_too_big', false, array($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']));
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']);
+ break;
$attachmentOptions = array(
'post' => isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 0,
'poster' => $user_info['id'],
- 'name' => $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n],
- 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n],
- 'size' => $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n],
+ 'name' => $attachment['name'],
+ 'tmp_name' => $attachment['tmp_name'],
+ 'size' => isset($attachment['size']) ? $attachment['size'] : 0,
+ 'mime_type' => isset($attachment['type']) ? $attachment['type'] : '',
'approved' => !$modSettings['postmod_active'] || allowedTo('post_attachment'),
+ 'errors' => $attachment['errors'],
- if (createAttachment($attachmentOptions))
+ if (empty($attachment['errors']))
- $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['id'];
- if (!empty($attachmentOptions['thumb']))
- $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['thumb'];
- }
- else
- {
- if (in_array('could_not_upload', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
+ if (createAttachment($attachmentOptions))
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('attach_timeout', 'critical');
+ $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['id'];
+ if (!empty($attachmentOptions['thumb']))
+ $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['thumb'];
- if (in_array('too_large', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
- {
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('file_too_big', false, array($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit']));
- }
- if (in_array('bad_extension', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
- {
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_error($attachmentOptions['name'] . '.<br />' . $txt['cant_upload_type'] . ' ' . $modSettings['attachmentExtensions'] . '.', false);
- }
- if (in_array('directory_full', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
- {
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('ran_out_of_space', 'critical');
- }
- if (in_array('bad_filename', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
- {
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_error(basename($attachmentOptions['name']) . '.<br />' . $txt['restricted_filename'] . '.', 'critical');
- }
- if (in_array('taken_filename', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
- {
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('filename_exists');
- }
- if (in_array('bad_attachment', $attachmentOptions['errors']))
+ }
+ if (!empty($attachmentOptions['errors']))
+ {
+ if (isset($br))
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dt> </dt>';
+ else
+ $br = '';
+ // Sort out the errors for display and delete any associated files.
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dt>' . vsprintf($txt['attach_warning'], $attachment['name']) . '</dt>';
+ $log_these = array('attachments_no_write', 'attach_timeout', 'ran_out_of_space', 'cant_access_upload_path', 'attach_0_byte_file');
+ foreach ($attachmentOptions['errors'] as $error)
- checkSubmitOnce('free');
- fatal_lang_error('bad_attachment');
+ if (!is_array($error))
+ {
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dd>' . $txt[$error] . '</dd>';
+ if (in_array($error, $log_these))
+ log_error($attachment['name'] . ': ' . $txt[$error], 'critical');
+ }
+ else
+ $attach_errors[] = '<dd>' . vsprintf($txt[$error[0]], $error[1]) . '</dd>';
+ if (file_exists($attachment['tmp_name']))
+ unlink($attachment['tmp_name']);
+ unset($_SESSION['temp_attachments']);
// Make the poll...
@@ -2058,6 +2230,35 @@ function Post2()
if (!empty($_POST['move']) && allowedTo('move_any'))
redirectexit('action=movetopic;topic=' . $topic . '.0' . (empty($_REQUEST['goback']) ? '' : ';goback'));
+ // If there are attachment errors. Let's show a list to the user.
+ if (!empty($attach_errors))
+ {
+ global $settings, $scripturl;
+ loadTemplate('Errors');
+ $context['sub_template'] = 'attachment_errors';
+ $context['page_title'] = $txt['error_occured'];
+ $context['error_message'] = '<dl>';
+ $context['error_message'] .= implode("\n", $attach_errors);
+ $context['error_message'] .= '</dl>';
+ $context['linktree'][] = array(
+ 'url' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $topic . '.0',
+ 'name' => $_POST['subject'],
+ 'extra_before' => $settings['linktree_inline'] ? $txt['topic'] . ': ' : ''
+ );
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']))
+ $context['redirect_link'] = '?topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '#msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'];
+ else
+ $context['redirect_link'] = '?topic=' . $topic . '.new#new';
+ $context['back_link'] = '?action=post;msg=' . $msgOptions['id'] . ';topic=' . $topic . ';additionalOptions#postAttachment';
+ obExit(null, true);
+ }
// Return to post if the mod is on.
if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($_REQUEST['goback']))
redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '#msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'], isBrowser('ie'));
@@ -2068,7 +2269,6 @@ function Post2()
redirectexit('board=' . $board . '.0');
-// General function for topic announcements.
* handle the announce topic function (action=announce).
* checks the topic announcement permissions and loads the announcement template.