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! A bit more clean-up of the attachments page. I think I'm done for now with this, most of the descriptions were actually better than I thought they were.

Signed-off-by: Peter Spicer <[email protected]>
Peter Spicer 11 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
 			array('check', 'attachmentShowImages'),
 			array('check', 'attachmentThumbnails'),
 			array('check', 'attachment_thumb_png'),
-			array('check', 'attachment_thumb_memory', 'subtext' => $txt['attachment_thumb_memory_note1'], 'postinput' => $txt['attachment_thumb_memory_note2']),
+			array('check', 'attachment_thumb_memory'),
 			array('warning', 'attachment_thumb_memory_note'),
 			array('text', 'attachmentThumbWidth', 6),
 			array('text', 'attachmentThumbHeight', 6),

+ 0 - 2

@@ -367,8 +367,6 @@ $txt['attachment_image_paranoid'] = 'Perform extensive security checks on upload
 $txt['attachmentThumbnails'] = 'Resize images when showing under posts';
 $txt['attachment_thumb_png'] = 'Save thumbnails as PNG';
 $txt['attachment_thumb_memory'] = 'Adaptive thumbnail memory';
-$txt['attachment_thumb_memory_note2'] = 'If the system can not get the memory no thumbnail will be created.';
-$txt['attachment_thumb_memory_note1'] = 'Leave this unchecked to always attempt to create a thumbnail';
 $txt['attachmentThumbWidth'] = 'Maximum width of thumbnails';
 $txt['attachmentThumbHeight'] = 'Maximum height of thumbnails';
 $txt['attachment_thumbnail_settings'] = 'Thumbnail Settings';

+ 3 - 3

@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ $helptxt['search_dropdown'] = 'This will show a search selection dropdown next t
 $helptxt['max_image_width'] = 'This allows you to set a maximum size for posted pictures. Pictures smaller than the maximum will not be affected. This also determines how attached images are displayed when a thumbnail is clicked on.';
 $helptxt['mail_type'] = 'This setting allows you to choose either PHP\'s default settings, or to override those settings with SMTP.  PHP doesn\'t support using authentication with SMTP (which many hosts require, now) so if you want that you should select SMTP.  Please note that SMTP can be slower, and some servers will not take usernames and passwords.<br /><br />You don\'t need to fill in the SMTP settings if this is set to PHP\'s default.';
 $helptxt['attachment_manager_settings'] = 'Attachments are files that members can upload and attach to a post. Different sites may use these in different ways, which you can configure here.';
-$helptxt['attachmentCheckExtensions'] = 'Do you want to check the extension of the files?';
-$helptxt['attachmentExtensions'] = 'You can set the allowed extensions of attached files.';
+$helptxt['attachmentCheckExtensions'] = 'For some communities, you may wish to limit the types of files that users can upload by checking the extension: e.g. myphoto.jpg has an extension of jpg.';
+$helptxt['attachmentExtensions'] = 'If "check attachment\'s extension" above is ticked, these are the extensions that will be permitted for new attachments.';
 $helptxt['attachmentUploadDir'] = 'The path to your attachment folder on the server<br />(example: /home/sites/yoursite/www/forum/attachments)';
 $helptxt['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] = ' Select how large the attachment folder can be, including all files within it.';
 $helptxt['attachmentPostLimit'] = ' Select the maximum filesize (in KB) of all attachments made per post.  If this is lower than the per-attachment limit, this will be the limit.';
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ $helptxt['attachment_thumb_memory'] = 'The larger the source image (size & width
 $helptxt['attachmentRecodeLineEndings'] = 'The script will re-code line endings according to your server.';
 $helptxt['automanage_attachments'] = 'By default, SMF puts new attachments into a single folder. For most sites this is not a problem, but as a site grows it can be useful to have multiple folders to store attachments in.<br /><br />This option allows you to set whether you manage these folders yourself (e.g. creating a second folder and moving to it when you are ready) or whether you let SMF do it, based on criteria, such as when the current directory reaches a given size, or breaking down folders by years or even months on very busy sites.';
 $helptxt['use_subdirectories_for_attachments'] = 'Create new directories.';
-$helptxt['max_image_height'] = 'The maximum height an attached image can be.';
+$helptxt['max_image_height'] = 'As with the maximum width, this option indicates the maximum height a posted image can be.';
 $helptxt['avatar_paranoid'] = 'Selecting this option will enable very strict security checks on avatars. Warning! These extensive checks can fail on valid images too. It is strongly recommended to only use this option together with avatars re-encoding, in order to have SMF try to resample the images which fail the security checks: if successful, they will be sanitized and uploaded. Otherwise, if re-encoding of avatars is not enabled, all avatars failing checks will be rejected.';
 $helptxt['avatar_reencode'] = 'Selecting this option will enable trying to re-encode the uploaded avatars. Image re-encoding offers better security. Note however that image re-encoding also renders all animated images static. <br /> This feature is only possible if the GD module is installed on your server.';
 $helptxt['karmaMode'] = 'Karma is a feature that shows the popularity of a member. Members, if allowed, can