@@ -14,44 +14,44 @@
function template_main()
global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;
- echo '
- <div id="calendar">
+ echo '<div id="calendar">';
+ if (empty($context['blocks_disabled']))
+ {
+ echo '
<div id="month_grid">
- ', template_show_month_grid('prev'), '
- ', template_show_month_grid('current'), '
- ', template_show_month_grid('next'), '
+ ', template_show_month_grid('prev', true), '
+ ', template_show_month_grid('current', true), '
+ ', template_show_month_grid('next', true), '
- <div id="main_grid">
- ', $context['view_week'] ? template_show_week_grid('main') : template_show_month_grid('main');
- template_button_strip($context['calendar_buttons'], 'right');
- // Show some controls to allow easy calendar navigation.
- echo '
- <form id="calendar_navigation" action="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar" method="post" accept-charset="', $context['character_set'], '">
- <select name="month">';
- // Show a select box with all the months.
- foreach ($txt['months'] as $number => $month)
- echo '
- <option value="', $number, '"', $number == $context['current_month'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $month, '</option>';
- echo '
- </select>
- <select name="year">';
- // Show a link for every year.....
- for ($year = $modSettings['cal_minyear']; $year <= $modSettings['cal_maxyear']; $year++)
- echo '
- <option value="', $year, '"', $year == $context['current_year'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $year, '</option>';
- echo '
- </select>
- <input type="submit" class="button_submit" value="', $txt['view'], '" />';
+ ';
+ }
echo '
- </form>
+ <div id="', !empty($_GET['viewweek']) ? 'week_grid' : 'main_grid', '"', !empty($context['blocks_disabled']) ? ' style="width: 100%;"' : '', '>
+ ', $context['view_week'] ? template_show_week_grid('main') : template_show_month_grid('main'), '
+ <div id="footer_cont">
+ ', template_button_strip($context['calendar_buttons'], 'right'), '
+ <form action="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar" id="calendar_navigation" method="post" accept-charset="', $context['character_set'], '">
+ <select name="month" id="input_month">';
+ // Show a select box with all the months.
+ foreach ($txt['months'] as $number => $month)
+ {
+ echo '<option value="', $number, '"', $number == $context['current_month'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $month, '</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>
+ <select name="year">';
+ // Show a link for every year.....
+ for ($year = $modSettings['cal_minyear']; $year <= $modSettings['cal_maxyear']; $year++)
+ {
+ echo '<option value="', $year, '"', $year == $context['current_year'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $year, '</option>';
+ }
+ echo '</select>
+ <input type="submit" class="button_submit" value="', $txt['view'], '" />
+ </form>
+ </div>
- </div>';
+ <br class="clear" />
+ </div>
+ ';
// Template for posting a calendar event.
@@ -61,13 +61,15 @@ function template_event_post()
// Start the javascript for drop down boxes...
echo '
- <script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
- var monthLength = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
+ <script><!-- // --><![CDATA[
+ var monthLength;
+ monthLength = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
function generateDays()
- var days = 0, selected = 0;
- var dayElement = document.getElementById("day"), yearElement = document.getElementById("year"), monthElement = document.getElementById("month");
+ var days, selected, dayElement;
+ days = 0, selected = 0;
+ dayElement = document.getElementById("day"), yearElement = document.getElementById("year"), monthElement = document.getElementById("month");
monthLength[1] = 28;
if (yearElement.options[yearElement.selectedIndex].value % 4 == 0)
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ function template_event_post()
// Display a monthly calendar grid.
-function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
+function template_show_month_grid($grid_name, $is_mini = false)
global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings, $smcFunc;
@@ -243,22 +245,30 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
echo '
<div class="cat_bar">
- <h3 class="catbg centertext" style="font-size: ', $calendar_data['size'] == 'large' ? 'large' : 'small', ';">';
+ <h3 class="catbg centertext" style="font-size: large;">';
- if (empty($calendar_data['previous_calendar']['disabled']) && $calendar_data['show_next_prev'])
- echo '
- <span class="floatleft"><a href="', $calendar_data['previous_calendar']['href'], '">«</a></span>';
- if (empty($calendar_data['next_calendar']['disabled']) && $calendar_data['show_next_prev'])
+ if (empty($calendar_data['previous_calendar']['disabled']) && $calendar_data['show_next_prev'] && $is_mini === false)
+ {
echo '
- <span class="floatright"><a href="', $calendar_data['next_calendar']['href'], '">»</a></span>';
+ <span class="floatleft">
+ <a href="', $calendar_data['previous_calendar']['href'], '">«</a>
+ </span>
+ ';
+ }
if ($calendar_data['show_next_prev'])
- echo '
- ', $txt['months_titles'][$calendar_data['current_month']], ' ', $calendar_data['current_year'];
+ echo $txt['months_titles'][$calendar_data['current_month']], ' ', $calendar_data['current_year'];
+ echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], '">', $txt['months_titles'][$calendar_data['current_month']], ' ', $calendar_data['current_year'], '</a>';
+ if (empty($calendar_data['next_calendar']['disabled']) && $calendar_data['show_next_prev'] && $is_mini === false)
+ {
echo '
- <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], '">', $txt['months_titles'][$calendar_data['current_month']], ' ', $calendar_data['current_year'], '</a>';
+ <span class="floatright">
+ <a href="', $calendar_data['next_calendar']['href'], '">»</a>
+ </span>
+ ';
+ }
echo '
@@ -266,22 +276,27 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
echo '
- <table cellspacing="1" class="calendar_table">';
+ <table class="calendar_table">';
+ if (isset($calendar_data['show_week_links']) && ($calendar_data['show_week_links'] == 3 || (($calendar_data['show_week_links'] == 1 && $is_mini === true) || $calendar_data['show_week_links'] == 2 && $is_mini === false)))
+ $show_week_links = true;
+ else
+ $show_week_links = false;
// Show each day of the week.
if (empty($calendar_data['disable_day_titles']))
echo '
- <tr class="titlebg2">';
+ <tr>';
- if (!empty($calendar_data['show_week_links']))
+ if ($show_week_links === true)
echo '
<th> </th>';
foreach ($calendar_data['week_days'] as $day)
echo '
- <th class="days" scope="col" ', $calendar_data['size'] == 'small' ? 'style="font-size: x-small;"' : '', '>', !empty($calendar_data['short_day_titles']) ? ($smcFunc['substr']($txt['days'][$day], 0, 1)) : $txt['days'][$day], '</th>';
+ <th class="days" scope="col">', !empty($calendar_data['short_day_titles']) || $is_mini === true ? $txt['days_short'][$day] : $txt['days'][$day], '</th>';
echo '
@@ -292,9 +307,9 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
foreach ($calendar_data['weeks'] as $week)
echo '
- <tr>';
+ <tr class="days_wrapper">';
- if (!empty($calendar_data['show_week_links']))
+ if ($show_week_links === true)
echo '
<td class="windowbg2 weeks">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;viewweek;year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], ';day=', $week['days'][0]['day'], '">»</a>
@@ -303,34 +318,73 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
/* Every day has the following:
day (# in month), is_today (is this day *today*?), is_first_day (first day of the week?),
holidays, events, birthdays. (last three are lists.) */
+ $current_month_started = false;
+ $count = 1;
+ $final_count = 1;
+ $shift = $calendar_data['shift'];
foreach ($week['days'] as $day)
+ // How should we be higlighted or otherwise not...?
+ $classes = array('days');
+ if (!empty($day['day']))
+ {
+ $classes[] = $calendar_data['size'] == 'small' ? 'compact' : 'comfortable';
+ $classes[] = !empty($day['is_today']) ? 'calendar_today' : 'windowbg';
+ if (!empty($day['events']) && !empty($calendar_data['highlight']['events']))
+ {
+ if ($is_mini === true && in_array($calendar_data['highlight']['events'], array(1,3)))
+ $classes[] = 'events';
+ elseif ($is_mini === false && in_array($calendar_data['highlight']['events'], array(2,3)))
+ $classes[] = 'events';
+ }
+ if (!empty($day['holidays']) && !empty($calendar_data['highlight']['holidays']))
+ {
+ if ($is_mini === true && in_array($calendar_data['highlight']['holidays'], array(1,3)))
+ $classes[] = 'holidays';
+ elseif ($is_mini === false && in_array($calendar_data['highlight']['holidays'], array(2,3)))
+ $classes[] = 'holidays';
+ }
+ if (!empty($day['birthdays']) && !empty($calendar_data['highlight']['birthdays']))
+ {
+ if ($is_mini === true && in_array($calendar_data['highlight']['birthdays'], array(1,3)))
+ $classes[] = 'birthdays';
+ elseif ($is_mini === false && in_array($calendar_data['highlight']['birthdays'], array(2,3)))
+ $classes[] = 'birthdays';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ $classes[] = 'disabled';
// If this is today, make it a different color and show a border.
echo '
- <td style="height: ', $calendar_data['size'] == 'small' ? '20' : '100', 'px; padding: 2px;', $calendar_data['size'] == 'small' ? 'font-size: x-small;' : '', '" class="', $day['is_today'] ? 'calendar_today' : 'windowbg', ' days">';
+ <td class="', implode(' ', $classes), '">';
// Skip it if it should be blank - it's not a day if it has no number.
if (!empty($day['day']))
+ $title_prefix = !empty($day['is_first_of_month']) && $context['current_month'] == $calendar_data['current_month'] && $is_mini === false ? (!empty($calendar_data['short_month_titles']) ? $txt['months_short'][$calendar_data['current_month']] . ' ' : $txt['months_titles'][$calendar_data['current_month']] . ' ') : '';
// Should the day number be a link?
if (!empty($modSettings['cal_daysaslink']) && $context['can_post'])
echo '
- <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;sa=post;month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], ';year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';day=', $day['day'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $day['day'], '</a>';
+ <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;sa=post;year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], ';day=', $day['day'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '"><span class="day_text">', $title_prefix, $day['day'], '</span></a>';
- echo '
- ', $day['day'];
+ echo '<span class="day_text">', $title_prefix, $day['day'], '</span>';
// Is this the first day of the week? (and are we showing week numbers?)
- if ($day['is_first_day'] && $calendar_data['size'] != 'small')
+ if ($day['is_first_day'] && $is_mini === false)
echo '<span class="smalltext"> - <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;viewweek;year=', $calendar_data['current_year'], ';month=', $calendar_data['current_month'], ';day=', $day['day'], '">', $txt['calendar_week'], ' ', $week['number'], '</a></span>';
// Are there any holidays?
- if (!empty($day['holidays']))
+ if (!empty($day['holidays']) && $is_mini === false)
echo '
- <div class="smalltext holiday">', $txt['calendar_prompt'], ' ', implode(', ', $day['holidays']), '</div>';
+ <div class="smalltext holiday"><span>', $txt['calendar_prompt'], '</span> ', implode(', ', $day['holidays']), '</div>';
// Show any birthdays...
- if (!empty($day['birthdays']))
+ if (!empty($day['birthdays']) && $is_mini === false)
echo '
<div class="smalltext">
@@ -360,7 +414,7 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
// Any special posted events?
- if (!empty($day['events']))
+ if (!empty($day['events']) && $is_mini === false)
echo '
<div class="smalltext lefttext">
@@ -387,10 +441,19 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
echo '
+ $current_month_started = $count;
+ }
+ elseif ($is_mini === false)
+ {
+ if ($current_month_started === false)
+ echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;year=', $context['calendar_grid_prev']['current_year'], ';month=', $context['calendar_grid_prev']['current_month'], '">', $context['calendar_grid_prev']['last_of_month'] - $calendar_data['shift']-- + 1, '</a>';
+ else
+ echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;year=', $context['calendar_grid_next']['current_year'], ';month=', $context['calendar_grid_next']['current_month'], '">', $current_month_started + 1 == $count ? (!empty($calendar_data['short_month_titles']) ? $txt['months_short'][$context['calendar_grid_next']['current_month']] . ' ' : $txt['months_titles'][$context['calendar_grid_next']['current_month']] . ' ') : '', $final_count++, '</a>';
echo '
+ $count++;
echo '
@@ -404,7 +467,7 @@ function template_show_month_grid($grid_name)
// Or show a weekly one?
function template_show_week_grid($grid_name)
- global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;
+ global $context, $settings, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;
if (!isset($context['calendar_grid_' . $grid_name]))
return false;
@@ -416,96 +479,107 @@ function template_show_week_grid($grid_name)
echo '
<div class="cat_bar">
- <h3 class="catbg weekly">';
- if (empty($calendar_data['previous_calendar']['disabled']) && $calendar_data['show_next_prev'] && empty($done_title))
- echo '
- <span class="floatleft"><a href="', $calendar_data['previous_week']['href'], '">«</a></span>';
- if (empty($calendar_data['next_calendar']['disabled']) && $calendar_data['show_next_prev'] && empty($done_title))
- echo '
- <span class="floatright"><a href="', $calendar_data['next_week']['href'], '">»</a></span>';
- echo '
- <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;month=', $month_data['current_month'], ';year=', $month_data['current_year'], '">', $txt['months_titles'][$month_data['current_month']], ' ', $month_data['current_year'], '</a>', empty($done_title) && !empty($calendar_data['week_number']) ? (' - ' . $txt['calendar_week'] . ' ' . $calendar_data['week_number']) : '', '
- </h3>
- </div>';
- $done_title = true;
- echo '
- <ul class="weeklist">';
- foreach ($month_data['days'] as $day)
- {
- echo '
- <li class="windowbg">
- <h4>';
- // Should the day number be a link?
- if (!empty($modSettings['cal_daysaslink']) && $context['can_post'])
- echo '
- <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;sa=post;month=', $month_data['current_month'], ';year=', $month_data['current_year'], ';day=', $day['day'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $txt['days'][$day['day_of_week']], ' - ', $day['day'], '</a>';
- else
- echo '
- ', $txt['days'][$day['day_of_week']], ' - ', $day['day'];
- echo '
- </h4>
- <div class="', $day['is_today'] ? 'calendar_today' : 'windowbg2', ' weekdays">';
+ <h3 class="catbg">';
+ if (empty($done_title))
+ {
+ // Previous Week Link...
+ if (empty($calendar_data['previous_calendar']['disabled']) && !empty($calendar_data['show_next_prev']))
+ {
+ echo '
+ <span class="floatleft">
+ <a href="', $calendar_data['previous_week']['href'], '">«</a>
+ </span>
+ ';
+ }
- // Are there any holidays?
- if (!empty($day['holidays']))
- echo '
- <div class="smalltext holiday">', $txt['calendar_prompt'], ' ', implode(', ', $day['holidays']), '</div>';
+ // The Month Title + Week Number...
+ echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;month=', $month_data['current_month'], ';year=', $month_data['current_year'], '">', $txt['months_titles'][$month_data['current_month']], ' ', $month_data['current_year'], '</a>', empty($done_title) && !empty($calendar_data['week_number']) ? (' - ' . $txt['calendar_week'] . ' ' . $calendar_data['week_number']) : '';
- // Show any birthdays...
- if (!empty($day['birthdays']))
- {
- echo '
- <div class="smalltext">
- <span class="birthday">', $txt['birthdays'], '</span>';
- /* Each of the birthdays has:
- id, name (person), age (if they have one set?), and is_last. (last in list?) */
- foreach ($day['birthdays'] as $member)
- echo '
- <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $member['id'], '"><span class="fix_rtl_names">', $member['name'], '</span>', isset($member['age']) ? ' (' . $member['age'] . ')' : '', '</a>', $member['is_last'] ? '' : ', ';
- echo '
- </div>';
- }
+ // Next Week Link...
+ if (empty($calendar_data['next_calendar']['disabled']) && !empty($calendar_data['show_next_prev']))
+ {
+ echo '
+ <span class="floatright">
+ <a href="', $calendar_data['next_week']['href'], '">»</a>
+ </span>
+ ';
+ }
- // Any special posted events?
- if (!empty($day['events']))
+ // If there's more than one month, which there "never is", let's not do this again...
+ $done_title = true;
+ }
+ echo '</h3>
+ </div>
+ <table class="table_grid" id="calendar_week">';
+ foreach ($month_data['days'] as $day)
- echo '
- <div class="smalltext">
- <span class="event">', $txt['events'], '</span>';
- /* The events are made up of:
- title, href, is_last, can_edit (are they allowed to?), and modify_href. */
- foreach ($day['events'] as $event)
+ // How should we be higlighted or otherwise not...?
+ $classes = array('days');
+ if (!empty($day['day']))
- // If they can edit the event, show a star they can click on....
- if ($event['can_edit'])
- echo '
- <a href="', $event['modify_href'], '"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/calendar_modify.png" alt="*" /></a> ';
- echo '
- ', $event['link'], $event['is_last'] ? '' : ', ';
+ $classes[] = $calendar_data['size'] == 'small' ? 'compact' : 'comfortable';
+ $classes[] = !empty($day['is_today']) ? 'calendar_today' : 'windowbg';
+ else
+ $classes[] = 'disabled';
echo '
- </div>';
+ <tr class="days_wrapper">
+ <td class="', implode(' ', $classes), '">';
+ // Should the day number be a link?
+ if (!empty($modSettings['cal_daysaslink']) && !empty($context['can_post']))
+ echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar;sa=post;month=', $month_data['current_month'], ';year=', $month_data['current_year'], ';day=', $day['day'], ';', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '">', $txt['days'][$day['day_of_week']], ' - ', $day['day'], '</a>';
+ else
+ echo $txt['days'][$day['day_of_week']], ' - ', $day['day'];
+ // Are there any holidays?
+ if (!empty($day['holidays']))
+ echo '<span>', $txt['calendar_prompt'], '</span> ', implode(', ', $day['holidays']);
+ // Show any birthdays...
+ if (!empty($day['birthdays']))
+ {
+ echo '<span class="birthday">', $txt['birthdays'], '</span>';
+ /* Each of the birthdays has:
+ id, name (person), age (if they have one set?), and is_last. (last in list?) */
+ foreach ($day['birthdays'] as $member)
+ {
+ echo '
+ <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $member['id'], '">
+ <span class="fix_rtl_names">', $member['name'], '</span>', isset($member['age']) ? ' (' . $member['age'] . ')' : '', '
+ </a>
+ ', $member['is_last'] ? '' : ', ';
+ }
+ }
+ // Any special posted events?
+ if (!empty($day['events']))
+ {
+ echo '<span class="event">', $txt['events'], '</span>';
+ /* The events are made up of:
+ title, href, is_last, can_edit (are they allowed to?), and modify_href. */
+ foreach ($day['events'] as $event)
+ {
+ // If they can edit the event, show a star they can click on....
+ if (!empty($event['can_edit']))
+ {
+ echo '
+ <a href="', $event['modify_href'], '">
+ <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/calendar_modify.png" alt="*" />
+ </a>
+ ';
+ }
+ echo $event['link'], $event['is_last'] ? '' : ', ';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</td>
+ </tr>
+ ';
- echo '
- </div>
- </li>';
- }
- echo '
- </ul>';
+ echo '</table>
+ ';