Clear a box to remove that word from the censor.';
$txt['admin_reserved_names'] = 'Reserved Names';
$txt['admin_template_edit'] = 'Edit Your Forum Template';
$txt['admin_modifications'] = 'Modification Settings';
$txt['admin_security_moderation'] = 'Security and Moderation';
$txt['admin_server_settings'] = 'Server Settings';
$txt['admin_reserved_set'] = 'Set Reserved Names';
$txt['admin_reserved_line'] = 'One reserved word per line.';
$txt['admin_basic_settings'] = 'This page allows you to change the basic settings for your forum. Be very careful with these settings, as they may render the forum dysfunctional.';
$txt['admin_maintain'] = 'Enable Maintenance Mode';
$txt['admin_title'] = 'Forum Title';
$txt['admin_url'] = 'Forum URL';
$txt['cookie_name'] = 'Cookie Name';
$txt['admin_webmaster_email'] = 'Webmaster Email Address';
$txt['boarddir'] = 'SMF Directory';
$txt['sourcesdir'] = 'Sources Directory';
$txt['cachedir'] = 'Cache Directory';
$txt['admin_news'] = 'Enable News';
$txt['admin_guest_post'] = 'Enable Guest Posting';
$txt['admin_manage_members'] = 'Members';
$txt['admin_main'] = 'Main';
$txt['admin_config'] = 'Configuration';
$txt['admin_version_check'] = 'Detailed Version Check';
$txt['admin_smffile'] = 'SMF File';
$txt['admin_smfpackage'] = 'SMF Package';
$txt['admin_logoff'] = 'Admin End Session';
$txt['admin_maintenance'] = 'Maintenance';
$txt['admin_image_text'] = 'Show buttons as images instead of text';
$txt['admin_credits'] = 'Credits';
$txt['admin_agreement'] = 'Show and require agreement letter when registering';
$txt['admin_agreement_default'] = 'Default';
$txt['admin_agreement_select_language'] = 'Language to edit';
$txt['admin_agreement_select_language_change'] = 'Change';
$txt['admin_delete_members'] = 'Delete Selected Members';
$txt['admin_repair'] = 'Repair All Boards and Topics';
$txt['admin_main_welcome'] = 'This is your "%1$s". From here, you can edit settings, maintain your forum, view logs, install packages, manage themes, and many other things.
Please note that the directory is wrong.
Attempt to correct)
$txt['attach_current_dir_warning'] = 'There seems to be a problem with this directory.
Attempt to correct)
$txt['mods_cat_avatars'] = 'Avatars';
$txt['avatar_directory'] = 'Avatars directory';
$txt['avatar_url'] = 'Avatars URL';
$txt['avatar_max_width_external'] = 'Maximum width of external avatar';
$txt['avatar_max_height_external'] = 'Maximum height of external avatar';
$txt['avatar_action_too_large'] = 'If the avatar is too large...';
$txt['option_refuse'] = 'Refuse it';
$txt['option_html_resize'] = 'Let the HTML resize it';
$txt['option_js_resize'] = 'Resize it with JavaScript';
$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = 'Download and resize it (requires GD module)';
$txt['avatar_max_width_upload'] = 'Maximum width of uploaded avatar';
$txt['avatar_max_height_upload'] = 'Maximum height of uploaded avatar';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload'] = 'Resize oversized large avatars';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload_note'] = '(requires GD module)';
$txt['avatar_download_png'] = 'Use PNG for resized avatars';
$txt['avatar_img_enc_warning'] = 'Neither the GD module nor ImageMagick are currently installed. Some avatar features are disabled.';
$txt['avatar_external'] = 'External avatars';
$txt['avatar_upload'] = 'Uploadable avatars';
$txt['avatar_server_stored'] = 'Server-stored avatars';
$txt['avatar_server_stored_groups'] = 'Membergroups allowed to select a server stored avatar';
$txt['avatar_upload_groups'] = 'Membergroups allowed to upload an avatar to the server';
$txt['avatar_external_url_groups'] = 'Membergroups allowed to select an external URL';
$txt['avatar_select_permission'] = 'Select permissions for each group';
$txt['avatar_download_external'] = 'Download avatar at given URL';
$txt['custom_avatar_enabled'] = 'Upload avatars to...';
$txt['option_attachment_dir'] = 'Attachment directory';
$txt['option_specified_dir'] = 'Specific directory...';
$txt['custom_avatar_dir'] = 'Upload directory';
$txt['custom_avatar_dir_desc'] = 'This should be a valid and writable directory, different than the server-stored directory.';
$txt['custom_avatar_url'] = 'Upload URL';
$txt['custom_avatar_check_empty'] = 'The custom avatar directory you have specified may be empty or invalid. Please ensure these settings are correct.';
$txt['avatar_reencode'] = 'Re-encode potentially dangerous avatars';
$txt['avatar_reencode_note'] = '(requires GD module)';
$txt['avatar_paranoid_warning'] = 'The extensive security checks can result in a large number of rejected avatars.';
$txt['avatar_paranoid'] = 'Perform extensive security checks on uploaded avatars';
$txt['repair_attachments'] = 'Maintain Attachments';
$txt['repair_attachments_complete'] = 'Maintenance Complete';
$txt['repair_attachments_complete_desc'] = 'All selected errors have now been corrected';
$txt['repair_attachments_no_errors'] = 'No errors were found!';
$txt['repair_attachments_error_desc'] = 'The follow errors were found during maintenance. Check the box next to the errors you wish to fix and hit continue.';
$txt['repair_attachments_continue'] = 'Continue';
$txt['repair_attachments_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$txt['attach_repair_missing_thumbnail_parent'] = '%1$d thumbnails are missing a parent attachment';
$txt['attach_repair_parent_missing_thumbnail'] = '%1$d parents are flagged as having thumbnails but don\'t';
$txt['attach_repair_file_missing_on_disk'] = '%1$d attachments/avatars have an entry but no longer exist on disk';
$txt['attach_repair_file_wrong_size'] = '%1$d attachments/avatars are being reported as the wrong filesize';
$txt['attach_repair_file_size_of_zero'] = '%1$d attachments/avatars have a size of zero on disk. (These will be deleted)';
$txt['attach_repair_attachment_no_msg'] = '%1$d attachments no longer have a message associated with them';
$txt['attach_repair_avatar_no_member'] = '%1$d avatars no longer have a member associated with them';
$txt['attach_repair_wrong_folder'] = '%1$d attachments are in the wrong folder';
$txt['attach_repair_files_without_attachment'] = '%1$d files do not have a corresponding entry in the database. (These will be deleted)';
$txt['news_title'] = 'News and Newsletters';
$txt['news_settings_desc'] = 'Here you can change the settings and permissions related to news and newsletters.';
$txt['news_settings_submit'] = 'Save';
$txt['news_mailing_desc'] = 'From this menu you can send messages to all members who\'ve registered and entered their email addresses. You may edit the distribution list, or send messages to all. Useful for important update/news information.';
$txt['news_error_no_news'] = 'Nothing written';
$txt['groups_edit_news'] = 'Groups allowed to edit news items';
$txt['groups_send_mail'] = 'Groups allowed to send out forum newsletters';
$txt['xmlnews_enable'] = 'Enable XML/RSS news';
$txt['xmlnews_maxlen'] = 'Maximum message length';
$txt['xmlnews_maxlen_note'] = '(0 to disable, bad idea.)';
$txt['editnews_clickadd'] = 'Click here to add another item.';
$txt['editnews_remove_selected'] = 'Remove selected';
$txt['editnews_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected news items?';
$txt['censor_clickadd'] = 'Add another word';
$txt['layout_controls'] = 'Forum';
$txt['logs'] = 'Logs';
$txt['generate_reports'] = 'Reports';
$txt['update_available'] = 'Update Available!';
$txt['update_message'] = 'You\'re using an outdated version of SMF, which contains some bugs which have since been fixed.
It is recommended that you