Critical'; $txt['errortype_critical_desc'] = 'Critical errors. These should be taken care of as quickly as possible. Ignoring these errors can result in your forum failing and possibly security issues'; $txt['errortype_database'] = 'Database'; $txt['errortype_database_desc'] = 'Errors caused by faulty queries. These should be looked at and reported to the SMF team.'; $txt['errortype_undefined_vars'] = 'Undefined'; $txt['errortype_undefined_vars_desc'] = 'Errors caused by the use of undefined variables, indexes, or offsets.'; $txt['errortype_template'] = 'Template'; $txt['errortype_template_desc'] = 'Errors related to the loading of templates.'; $txt['errortype_user'] = 'User'; $txt['errortype_user_desc'] = 'Errors resulting from user errors. Includes failed passwords, trying to login when banned, and trying to do an action for which they do not have permission.'; $txt['maintain_recount'] = 'Recount all forum totals and statistics'; $txt['maintain_recount_info'] = 'Should the total replies of a topic or the number of PMs in your inbox be incorrect: this function will recount all saved counts and statistics for you.'; $txt['maintain_errors'] = 'Find and repair any errors'; $txt['maintain_errors_info'] = 'If, for example, posts or topics are missing after a server crash, this function may help finding them again.'; $txt['maintain_logs'] = 'Empty out unimportant logs'; $txt['maintain_logs_info'] = 'This function will empty out all unimportant logs. This should be avoided unless something\'s wrong, but it doesn\'t hurt anything.'; $txt['maintain_cache'] = 'Empty the file cache'; $txt['maintain_cache_info'] = 'This function will empty out the file cache should you need it to be cleared.'; $txt['maintain_optimize'] = 'Optimize all tables'; $txt['maintain_optimize_info'] = 'This task allows you to optimize all tables. This will get rid of overhead, effectively making the tables smaller in size and your forum faster!'; $txt['maintain_version'] = 'Check all files against current versions'; $txt['maintain_version_info'] = 'This maintenance task allows you to do a detailed version check of all forum files against the official list of latest versions.'; $txt['maintain_run_now'] = 'Run task now'; $txt['maintain_return'] = 'Back to Forum Maintenance'; $txt['maintain_backup'] = 'Backup Database'; $txt['maintain_backup_info'] = 'Download a backup copy of your forums database in case of emergency.'; $txt['maintain_backup_struct'] = 'Save the table structure.'; $txt['maintain_backup_data'] = 'Save the table data (the important stuff).'; $txt['maintain_backup_gz'] = 'Compress the file with gzip.'; $txt['maintain_backup_save'] = 'Download'; $txt['maintain_old'] = 'Remove Old Posts'; $txt['maintain_old_since_days1'] = 'Remove all topics not posted in for '; $txt['maintain_old_since_days2'] = ' days, which are:'; $txt['maintain_old_nothing_else'] = 'Any sort of topic.'; $txt['maintain_old_are_moved'] = 'Moved topic notices.'; $txt['maintain_old_are_locked'] = 'Locked.'; $txt['maintain_old_are_not_stickied'] = 'But don\'t count stickied topics.'; $txt['maintain_old_all'] = 'All Boards (click to select specific boards)'; $txt['maintain_old_choose'] = 'Specific Boards (click to select all)'; $txt['maintain_old_remove'] = 'Remove now'; $txt['maintain_old_confirm'] = 'Are you really sure you want to delete old posts now?\\n\\nThis cannot be undone!'; $txt['maintain_members'] = 'Remove Inactive Members'; $txt['maintain_members_ungrouped'] = 'Ungrouped Members (Members with no assigned groups)'; $txt['maintain_members_since1'] = 'Remove all members who have not'; $txt['maintain_members_since2'] = 'for'; $txt['maintain_members_since3'] = 'days.'; $txt['maintain_members_activated'] = 'activated their account'; $txt['maintain_members_logged_in'] = 'logged in'; $txt['maintain_members_all'] = 'All Membergroups'; $txt['maintain_members_choose'] = 'Selected Groups'; $txt['maintain_members_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you really want to delete these member accounts?\\n\\nThis cannot be undone!'; $txt['utf8_title'] = 'Convert the database and data to UTF-8'; $txt['utf8_introduction'] = 'UTF-8 is an international character set covering nearly all languages around the world. Converting your database and data to UTF-8 can make it easier to support multiple languages on the same board. It also can enhance search and sorting capabilities for languages with non-latin characters.'; $txt['utf8_warning'] = 'If you want to convert your data and database to UTF-8, be aware of the following: