e.g. Orwell "Animal Farm" -movie';
$txt['search_engines_description'] = 'From this area you can decide in what detail you wish to track search engines as they index your forum as well as review search engine logs.';
$txt['spider_mode'] = 'Search Engine Tracking Level
Note higher level tracking increases server resource requirement.
$txt['spider_mode_off'] = 'Disabled';
$txt['spider_mode_standard'] = 'Standard';
$txt['spider_mode_high'] = 'Moderate';
$txt['spider_mode_vhigh'] = 'Agressive';
$txt['spider_settings_desc'] = 'You can change settings for spider tracking from this page. Note, if you wish to enable automatic pruning of the hit logs you can set this up here';
$txt['spider_group'] = 'Apply restrictive permissions from groupTo enable you to stop spiders indexing some pages.
$txt['spider_group_none'] = 'Disabled';
$txt['show_spider_online'] = 'Show spiders in the online list';
$txt['show_spider_online_no'] = 'Not at all';
$txt['show_spider_online_summary'] = 'Show spider quantity';
$txt['show_spider_online_detail'] = 'Show spider names';
$txt['show_spider_online_detail_admin'] = 'Show spider names - admin only';
$txt['spider_name'] = 'Spider Name';
$txt['spider_last_seen'] = 'Last Seen';
$txt['spider_last_never'] = 'Never';
$txt['spider_agent'] = 'User Agent';
$txt['spider_ip_info'] = 'IP Addresses';
$txt['spiders_add'] = 'Add New Spider';
$txt['spiders_edit'] = 'Edit Spider';
$txt['spiders_remove_selected'] = 'Remove Selected';
$txt['spider_remove_selected_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove these spiders?\\n\\nAll associated statistics will also be deleted!';
$txt['spiders_no_entries'] = 'There are currently no spiders configured.';
$txt['add_spider_desc'] = 'From this page you can edit the parameters against which a spider is categorised. If a guest\'s user agent/IP address matches those entered below it will be detected as a search engine spider and tracked as per the forum preferences.';
$txt['spider_name_desc'] = 'Name by which the spider will be referred.';
$txt['spider_agent_desc'] = 'User agent associated with this spider.';
$txt['spider_ip_info_desc'] = 'Comma separated list of IP addresses associated with this spider.';
$txt['spider'] = 'Spider';
$txt['spider_time'] = 'Time';
$txt['spider_viewing'] = 'Viewing';
$txt['spider_logs_empty'] = 'There are currently no spider log entries.';
$txt['spider_logs_info'] = 'Note that logging of every spider action only occurs if tracking is set to either "high" or "very high". Detail of every spiders action is only logged if tracking is set to "very high".';
$txt['spider_disabled'] = 'Disabled';
$txt['spider_log_empty_log'] = 'Clear Log';
$txt['spider_log_empty_log_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to completely clear the log';
$txt['spider_logs_delete'] = 'Delete Entries';
$txt['spider_logs_delete_older'] = 'Delete all entries older than';
$txt['spider_logs_delete_day'] = 'days.';
$txt['spider_logs_delete_submit'] = 'Delete';
$txt['spider_stats_delete_older'] = 'Delete all spider statistics from spiders not seen in %1$s days.';
// Don't use entities in the below string.
$txt['spider_logs_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to empty out all log entries?';
$txt['spider_stats_select_month'] = 'Jump To Month';
$txt['spider_stats_page_hits'] = 'Page Hits';
$txt['spider_stats_no_entries'] = 'There are currently no spider statistics available.';