
 * This file contains functions that are specifically done by administrators.
 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * @package SMF
 * @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org
 * @copyright 2013 Simple Machines and individual contributors
 * @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD
 * @version 2.1 Alpha 1

if (!defined('SMF'))
	die('No direct access...');

 * Get a list of versions that are currently installed on the server.
 * @param array $checkFor
function getServerVersions($checkFor)
	global $txt, $db_connection, $_PHPA, $smcFunc, $memcached, $modSettings;


	$versions = array();

	// Is GD available?  If it is, we should show version information for it too.
	if (in_array('gd', $checkFor) && function_exists('gd_info'))
		$temp = gd_info();
		$versions['gd'] = array('title' => $txt['support_versions_gd'], 'version' => $temp['GD Version']);

	// Why not have a look at ImageMagick? If it is, we should show version information for it too.
	if (in_array('imagick', $checkFor) && class_exists('Imagick'))
		$temp = New Imagick;
		$temp2 = $temp->getVersion();
		$versions['imagick'] = array('title' => $txt['support_versions_imagick'], 'version' => $temp2['versionString']);

	// Now lets check for the Database.
	if (in_array('db_server', $checkFor))
		if (!isset($db_connection) || $db_connection === false)
			trigger_error('getServerVersions(): you need to be connected to the database in order to get its server version', E_USER_NOTICE);
			$versions['db_server'] = array('title' => sprintf($txt['support_versions_db'], $smcFunc['db_title']), 'version' => '');
			$versions['db_server']['version'] = $smcFunc['db_get_version']();

	// If we're using memcache we need the server info.
	if (empty($memcached) && function_exists('memcache_get') && isset($modSettings['cache_memcached']) && trim($modSettings['cache_memcached']) != '')

	// Check to see if we have any accelerators installed...
	if (in_array('mmcache', $checkFor) && defined('MMCACHE_VERSION'))
		$versions['mmcache'] = array('title' => 'Turck MMCache', 'version' => MMCACHE_VERSION);
	if (in_array('eaccelerator', $checkFor) && defined('EACCELERATOR_VERSION'))
		$versions['eaccelerator'] = array('title' => 'eAccelerator', 'version' => EACCELERATOR_VERSION);
	if (in_array('phpa', $checkFor) && isset($_PHPA))
		$versions['phpa'] = array('title' => 'ionCube PHP-Accelerator', 'version' => $_PHPA['VERSION']);
	if (in_array('apc', $checkFor) && extension_loaded('apc'))
		$versions['apc'] = array('title' => 'Alternative PHP Cache', 'version' => phpversion('apc'));
	if (in_array('memcache', $checkFor) && function_exists('memcache_set'))
		$versions['memcache'] = array('title' => 'Memcached', 'version' => empty($memcached) ? '???' : memcache_get_version($memcached));
	if (in_array('xcache', $checkFor) && function_exists('xcache_set'))
		$versions['xcache'] = array('title' => 'XCache', 'version' => XCACHE_VERSION);

	if (in_array('php', $checkFor))
		$versions['php'] = array('title' => 'PHP', 'version' => PHP_VERSION, 'more' => '?action=admin;area=serversettings;sa=phpinfo');

	if (in_array('server', $checkFor))
		$versions['server'] = array('title' => $txt['support_versions_server'], 'version' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']);

	return $versions;

 * Search through source, theme and language files to determine their version.
 * Get detailed version information about the physical SMF files on the server.
 * - the input parameter allows to set whether to include SSI.php and whether
 *   the results should be sorted.
 * - returns an array containing information on source files, templates and
 *   language files found in the default theme directory (grouped by language).
 * @param array &$versionOptions
function getFileVersions(&$versionOptions)
	global $boarddir, $sourcedir, $settings;

	// Default place to find the languages would be the default theme dir.
	$lang_dir = $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages';

	$version_info = array(
		'file_versions' => array(),
		'default_template_versions' => array(),
		'template_versions' => array(),
		'default_language_versions' => array(),

	// Find the version in SSI.php's file header.
	if (!empty($versionOptions['include_ssi']) && file_exists($boarddir . '/SSI.php'))
		$fp = fopen($boarddir . '/SSI.php', 'rb');
		$header = fread($fp, 4096);

		// The comment looks rougly like... that.
		if (preg_match('~\*\s@version\s+(.+)[\s]{2}~i', $header, $match) == 1)
			$version_info['file_versions']['SSI.php'] = $match[1];
		// Not found!  This is bad.
			$version_info['file_versions']['SSI.php'] = '??';

	// Do the paid subscriptions handler?
	if (!empty($versionOptions['include_subscriptions']) && file_exists($boarddir . '/subscriptions.php'))
		$fp = fopen($boarddir . '/subscriptions.php', 'rb');
		$header = fread($fp, 4096);

		// Found it?
		if (preg_match('~\*\s@version\s+(.+)[\s]{2}~i', $header, $match) == 1)
			$version_info['file_versions']['subscriptions.php'] = $match[1];
		// If we haven't how do we all get paid?
			$version_info['file_versions']['subscriptions.php'] = '??';

	// Load all the files in the Sources directory, except this file and the redirect.
	$sources_dir = dir($sourcedir);
	while ($entry = $sources_dir->read())
		if (substr($entry, -4) === '.php' && !is_dir($sourcedir . '/' . $entry) && $entry !== 'index.php')
			// Read the first 4k from the file.... enough for the header.
			$fp = fopen($sourcedir . '/' . $entry, 'rb');
			$header = fread($fp, 4096);

			// Look for the version comment in the file header.
			if (preg_match('~\*\s@version\s+(.+)[\s]{2}~i', $header, $match) == 1)
				$version_info['file_versions'][$entry] = $match[1];
			// It wasn't found, but the file was... show a '??'.
				$version_info['file_versions'][$entry] = '??';

	// Load all the files in the default template directory - and the current theme if applicable.
	$directories = array('default_template_versions' => $settings['default_theme_dir']);
	if ($settings['theme_id'] != 1)
		$directories += array('template_versions' => $settings['theme_dir']);

	foreach ($directories as $type => $dirname)
		$this_dir = dir($dirname);
		while ($entry = $this_dir->read())
			if (substr($entry, -12) == 'template.php' && !is_dir($dirname . '/' . $entry))
				// Read the first 768 bytes from the file.... enough for the header.
				$fp = fopen($dirname . '/' . $entry, 'rb');
				$header = fread($fp, 768);

				// Look for the version comment in the file header.
				if (preg_match('~\*\s@version\s+(.+)[\s]{2}~i', $header, $match) == 1)
					$version_info[$type][$entry] = $match[1];
				// It wasn't found, but the file was... show a '??'.
					$version_info[$type][$entry] = '??';

	// Load up all the files in the default language directory and sort by language.
	$this_dir = dir($lang_dir);
	while ($entry = $this_dir->read())
		if (substr($entry, -4) == '.php' && $entry != 'index.php' && !is_dir($lang_dir . '/' . $entry))
			// Read the first 768 bytes from the file.... enough for the header.
			$fp = fopen($lang_dir . '/' . $entry, 'rb');
			$header = fread($fp, 768);

			// Split the file name off into useful bits.
			list ($name, $language) = explode('.', $entry);

			// Look for the version comment in the file header.
			if (preg_match('~(?://|/\*)\s*Version:\s+(.+?);\s*' . preg_quote($name, '~') . '(?:[\s]{2}|\*/)~i', $header, $match) == 1)
				$version_info['default_language_versions'][$language][$name] = $match[1];
			// It wasn't found, but the file was... show a '??'.
				$version_info['default_language_versions'][$language][$name] = '??';

	// Sort the file versions by filename.
	if (!empty($versionOptions['sort_results']))

		// For languages sort each language too.
		foreach ($version_info['default_language_versions'] as $language => $dummy)
	return $version_info;

 * Update the Settings.php file.
 * The most important function in this file for mod makers happens to be the
 * updateSettingsFile() function, but it shouldn't be used often anyway.
 * - updates the Settings.php file with the changes supplied in config_vars.
 * - expects config_vars to be an associative array, with the keys as the
 *   variable names in Settings.php, and the values the variable values.
 * - does not escape or quote values.
 * - preserves case, formatting, and additional options in file.
 * - writes nothing if the resulting file would be less than 10 lines
 *   in length (sanity check for read lock.)
 * - check for changes to db_last_error and passes those off to a separate handler
 * - attempts to create a backup file and will use it should the writing of the
 *   new settings file fail
 * @param array $config_vars
function updateSettingsFile($config_vars)
	global $boarddir, $cachedir, $context;

	// Updating the db_last_error, then don't mess around with Settings.php
	if (count($config_vars) === 1 && isset($config_vars['db_last_error']))

	// When was Settings.php last changed?
	$last_settings_change = filemtime($boarddir . '/Settings.php');

	// Load the settings file.
	$settingsArray = trim(file_get_contents($boarddir . '/Settings.php'));

	// Break it up based on \r or \n, and then clean out extra characters.
	if (strpos($settingsArray, "\n") !== false)
		$settingsArray = explode("\n", $settingsArray);
	elseif (strpos($settingsArray, "\r") !== false)
		$settingsArray = explode("\r", $settingsArray);

	// Presumably, the file has to have stuff in it for this function to be called :P.
	if (count($settingsArray) < 10)

	// remove any /r's that made there way in here
	foreach ($settingsArray as $k => $dummy)
		$settingsArray[$k] = strtr($dummy, array("\r" => '')) . "\n";

	// go line by line and see whats changing
	for ($i = 0, $n = count($settingsArray); $i < $n; $i++)
		// Don't trim or bother with it if it's not a variable.
		if (substr($settingsArray[$i], 0, 1) != '$')

		$settingsArray[$i] = trim($settingsArray[$i]) . "\n";

		// Look through the variables to set....
		foreach ($config_vars as $var => $val)
			// be sure someone is not updating db_last_error this with a group
			if ($var === 'db_last_error')
			elseif (strncasecmp($settingsArray[$i], '$' . $var, 1 + strlen($var)) == 0)
				$comment = strstr(substr($settingsArray[$i], strpos($settingsArray[$i], ';')), '#');
				$settingsArray[$i] = '$' . $var . ' = ' . $val . ';' . ($comment == '' ? '' : "\t\t" . rtrim($comment)) . "\n";

				// This one's been 'used', so to speak.

		// End of the file ... maybe
		if (substr(trim($settingsArray[$i]), 0, 2) == '?' . '>')
			$end = $i;

	// This should never happen, but apparently it is happening.
	if (empty($end) || $end < 10)
		$end = count($settingsArray) - 1;

	// Still more variables to go?  Then lets add them at the end.
	if (!empty($config_vars))
		if (trim($settingsArray[$end]) == '?' . '>')
			$settingsArray[$end++] = '';

		// Add in any newly defined vars that were passed
		foreach ($config_vars as $var => $val)
			$settingsArray[$end++] = '$' . $var . ' = ' . $val . ';' . "\n";

		$settingsArray[$end] = '?' . '>';
		$settingsArray[$end] = trim($settingsArray[$end]);

	// Sanity error checking: the file needs to be at least 12 lines.
	if (count($settingsArray) < 12)

	// Try to avoid a few pitfalls:
	//  - like a possible race condition,
	//  - or a failure to write at low diskspace
	// Check before you act: if cache is enabled, we can do a simple write test
	// to validate that we even write things on this filesystem.
	if ((empty($cachedir) || !file_exists($cachedir)) && file_exists($boarddir . '/cache'))
		$cachedir = $boarddir . '/cache';

	$test_fp = @fopen($cachedir . '/settings_update.tmp', "w+");
	if ($test_fp)
		$written_bytes = file_put_contents($cachedir . '/settings_update.tmp', 'test', LOCK_EX);
		@unlink($cachedir . '/settings_update.tmp');

		if ($written_bytes !== 4)
			// Oops. Low disk space, perhaps. Don't mess with Settings.php then.
			// No means no. :P

	// Protect me from what I want! :P
	if (filemtime($boarddir . '/Settings.php') === $last_settings_change)
		// save the old before we do anything
		$file = $boarddir . '/Settings.php';
		$settings_backup_fail = !@is_writable($boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php') || !@copy($boarddir . '/Settings.php', $boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php');
		$settings_backup_fail = !$settings_backup_fail ? (!file_exists($boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php') || filesize($boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php') === 0) : $settings_backup_fail;

		// write out the new
		$write_settings = implode('', $settingsArray);
		$written_bytes = file_put_contents($boarddir . '/Settings.php', $write_settings, LOCK_EX);

		// survey says ...
		if ($written_bytes !== strlen($write_settings) && !$settings_backup_fail)
			// Well this is not good at all, lets see if we can save this
			$context['settings_message'] = 'settings_error';

			if (file_exists($boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php'))
				@copy($boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php', $boarddir . '/Settings.php');

 * Saves the time of the last db error for the error log
 * - Done separately from updateSettingsFile to avoid race conditions
 *   which can occur during a db error
 * - If it fails Settings.php will assume 0
 * @param type $time
function updateDbLastError($time)
	global $boarddir;

	// Write out the db_last_error file with the error timestamp
	file_put_contents($boarddir . '/db_last_error.php', '<' . '?' . "php\n" . '$db_last_error = ' . $time . ';' . "\n" . '?' . '>', LOCK_EX);
	@touch($boarddir . '/' . 'Settings.php');
 * Saves the admins current preferences to the database.
function updateAdminPreferences()
	global $options, $context, $smcFunc, $settings, $user_info;

	// This must exist!
	if (!isset($context['admin_preferences']))
		return false;

	// This is what we'll be saving.
	$options['admin_preferences'] = serialize($context['admin_preferences']);

	// Just check we haven't ended up with something theme exclusive somehow.
	$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}themes
		WHERE id_theme != {int:default_theme}
		AND variable = {string:admin_preferences}',
			'default_theme' => 1,
			'admin_preferences' => 'admin_preferences',

	// Update the themes table.
		array('id_member' => 'int', 'id_theme' => 'int', 'variable' => 'string-255', 'value' => 'string-65534'),
		array($user_info['id'], 1, 'admin_preferences', $options['admin_preferences']),
		array('id_member', 'id_theme', 'variable')

	// Make sure we invalidate any cache.
	cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $settings['theme_id'] . ':' . $user_info['id'], null, 0);

 * Send all the administrators a lovely email.
 * - loads all users who are admins or have the admin forum permission.
 * - uses the email template and replacements passed in the parameters.
 * - sends them an email.
 * @param string $template
 * @param array $replacements
 * @param array $additional_recipients
function emailAdmins($template, $replacements = array(), $additional_recipients = array())
	global $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $language, $modSettings;

	// We certainly want this.
	require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php');

	// Load all groups which are effectively admins.
	$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_group
		FROM {db_prefix}permissions
		WHERE permission = {string:admin_forum}
			AND add_deny = {int:add_deny}
			AND id_group != {int:id_group}',
			'add_deny' => 1,
			'id_group' => 0,
			'admin_forum' => 'admin_forum',
	$groups = array(1);
	while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
		$groups[] = $row['id_group'];

	$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_member, member_name, real_name, lngfile, email_address
		FROM {db_prefix}members
		WHERE (id_group IN ({array_int:group_list}) OR FIND_IN_SET({raw:group_array_implode}, additional_groups) != 0)
			AND notify_types != {int:notify_types}
		ORDER BY lngfile',
			'group_list' => $groups,
			'notify_types' => 4,
			'group_array_implode' => implode(', additional_groups) != 0 OR FIND_IN_SET(', $groups),
	$emails_sent = array();
	while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
		// Stick their particulars in the replacement data.
		$replacements['IDMEMBER'] = $row['id_member'];
		$replacements['REALNAME'] = $row['member_name'];
		$replacements['USERNAME'] = $row['real_name'];

		// Load the data from the template.
		$emaildata = loadEmailTemplate($template, $replacements, empty($row['lngfile']) || empty($modSettings['userLanguage']) ? $language : $row['lngfile']);

		// Then send the actual email.
		sendmail($row['email_address'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 1);

		// Track who we emailed so we don't do it twice.
		$emails_sent[] = $row['email_address'];

	// Any additional users we must email this to?
	if (!empty($additional_recipients))
		foreach ($additional_recipients as $recipient)
			if (in_array($recipient['email'], $emails_sent))

			$replacements['IDMEMBER'] = $recipient['id'];
			$replacements['REALNAME'] = $recipient['name'];
			$replacements['USERNAME'] = $recipient['name'];

			// Load the template again.
			$emaildata = loadEmailTemplate($template, $replacements, empty($recipient['lang']) || empty($modSettings['userLanguage']) ? $language : $recipient['lang']);

			// Send off the email.
			sendmail($recipient['email'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 1);
