<?php /** * Show a list of members or a selection of members. * * Simple Machines Forum (SMF) * * @package SMF * @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org * @copyright 2013 Simple Machines and individual contributors * @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD * * @version 2.1 Alpha 1 */ if (!defined('SMF')) die('No direct access...'); /** * The main entrance point for the Manage Members screen. * As everyone else, it calls a function based on the given sub-action. * Called by ?action=admin;area=viewmembers. * Requires the moderate_forum permission. * * @uses ManageMembers template * @uses ManageMembers language file. */ function ViewMembers() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc; $subActions = array( 'all' => array('ViewMemberlist', 'moderate_forum'), 'approve' => array('AdminApprove', 'moderate_forum'), 'browse' => array('MembersAwaitingActivation', 'moderate_forum'), 'search' => array('SearchMembers', 'moderate_forum'), 'query' => array('ViewMemberlist', 'moderate_forum'), ); call_integration_hook('integrate_manage_members', array(&$subActions)); // Default to sub action 'index' or 'settings' depending on permissions. $_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'all'; // We know the sub action, now we know what you're allowed to do. isAllowedTo($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']][1]); // Load the essentials. loadLanguage('ManageMembers'); loadTemplate('ManageMembers'); // Get counts on every type of activation - for sections and filtering alike. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_members, is_activated FROM {db_prefix}members WHERE is_activated != {int:is_activated} GROUP BY is_activated', array( 'is_activated' => 1, ) ); $context['activation_numbers'] = array(); $context['awaiting_activation'] = 0; $context['awaiting_approval'] = 0; while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $context['activation_numbers'][$row['is_activated']] = $row['total_members']; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); foreach ($context['activation_numbers'] as $activation_type => $total_members) { if (in_array($activation_type, array(0, 2))) $context['awaiting_activation'] += $total_members; elseif (in_array($activation_type, array(3, 4, 5))) $context['awaiting_approval'] += $total_members; } // For the page header... do we show activation? $context['show_activate'] = (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']) && $modSettings['registration_method'] == 1) || !empty($context['awaiting_activation']); // What about approval? $context['show_approve'] = (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']) && $modSettings['registration_method'] == 2) || !empty($context['awaiting_approval']) || !empty($modSettings['approveAccountDeletion']); // Setup the admin tabs. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => $txt['admin_members'], 'help' => 'view_members', 'description' => $txt['admin_members_list'], 'tabs' => array(), ); $context['tabs'] = array( 'viewmembers' => array( 'label' => $txt['view_all_members'], 'description' => $txt['admin_members_list'], 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=all', 'is_selected' => $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'all', ), 'search' => array( 'label' => $txt['mlist_search'], 'description' => $txt['admin_members_list'], 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=search', 'is_selected' => $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'search' || $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'query', ), 'approve' => array( 'label' => sprintf($txt['admin_browse_awaiting_approval'], $context['awaiting_approval']), 'description' => $txt['admin_browse_approve_desc'], 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=approve', 'is_selected' => false, ), 'activate' => array( 'label' => sprintf($txt['admin_browse_awaiting_activate'], $context['awaiting_activation']), 'description' => $txt['admin_browse_activate_desc'], 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=activate', 'is_selected' => false, 'is_last' => true, ), ); // Sort out the tabs for the ones which may not exist! if (!$context['show_activate'] && ($_REQUEST['sa'] != 'browse' || $_REQUEST['type'] != 'activate')) { $context['tabs']['approve']['is_last'] = true; unset($context['tabs']['activate']); } if (!$context['show_approve'] && ($_REQUEST['sa'] != 'browse' || $_REQUEST['type'] != 'approve')) { if (!$context['show_activate'] && ($_REQUEST['sa'] != 'browse' || $_REQUEST['type'] != 'activate')) $context['tabs']['search']['is_last'] = true; unset($context['tabs']['approve']); } $subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']][0](); } /** * View all members list. It allows sorting on several columns, and deletion of * selected members. It also handles the search query sent by * ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=search. * Called by ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=all or ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=query. * Requires the moderate_forum permission. * * @uses the view_members sub template of the ManageMembers template. */ function ViewMemberlist() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $user_info; // Set the current sub action. $context['sub_action'] = $_REQUEST['sa']; // Are we performing a delete? if (isset($_POST['delete_members']) && !empty($_POST['delete']) && allowedTo('profile_remove_any')) { checkSession(); // Clean the input. foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $key => $value) { // Don't delete yourself, idiot. if ($value != $user_info['id']) $delete[$key] = (int) $value; } if (!empty($delete)) { // Delete all the selected members. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'); deleteMembers($delete, true); } } // Check input after a member search has been submitted. if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query') { // Retrieving the membergroups and postgroups. $context['membergroups'] = array( array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => $txt['membergroups_members'], 'can_be_additional' => false ) ); $context['postgroups'] = array(); $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_group, group_name, min_posts FROM {db_prefix}membergroups WHERE id_group != {int:moderator_group} ORDER BY min_posts, CASE WHEN id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN id_group ELSE 4 END, group_name', array( 'moderator_group' => 3, 'newbie_group' => 4, ) ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { if ($row['min_posts'] == -1) $context['membergroups'][] = array( 'id' => $row['id_group'], 'name' => $row['group_name'], 'can_be_additional' => true ); else $context['postgroups'][] = array( 'id' => $row['id_group'], 'name' => $row['group_name'] ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // Some data about the form fields and how they are linked to the database. $params = array( 'mem_id' => array( 'db_fields' => array('id_member'), 'type' => 'int', 'range' => true ), 'age' => array( 'db_fields' => array('birthdate'), 'type' => 'age', 'range' => true ), 'posts' => array( 'db_fields' => array('posts'), 'type' => 'int', 'range' => true ), 'reg_date' => array( 'db_fields' => array('date_registered'), 'type' => 'date', 'range' => true ), 'last_online' => array( 'db_fields' => array('last_login'), 'type' => 'date', 'range' => true ), 'gender' => array( 'db_fields' => array('gender'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('0', '1', '2'), ), 'activated' => array( 'db_fields' => array('CASE WHEN is_activated IN (1, 11) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('0', '1'), ), 'membername' => array( 'db_fields' => array('member_name', 'real_name'), 'type' => 'string' ), 'email' => array( 'db_fields' => array('email_address'), 'type' => 'string' ), 'website' => array( 'db_fields' => array('website_title', 'website_url'), 'type' => 'string' ), 'location' => array( 'db_fields' => array('location'), 'type' => 'string' ), 'ip' => array( 'db_fields' => array('member_ip'), 'type' => 'string' ), 'messenger' => array( 'db_fields' => array('icq', 'aim', 'yim', 'skype'), 'type' => 'string' ) ); $range_trans = array( '--' => '<', '-' => '<=', '=' => '=', '+' => '>=', '++' => '>' ); call_integration_hook('integrate_view_members_params', array(&$params)); $search_params = array(); if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query' && !empty($_REQUEST['params']) && empty($_POST['types'])) $search_params = @unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['params'])); elseif (!empty($_POST)) { $search_params['types'] = $_POST['types']; foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_info) if (isset($_POST[$param_name])) $search_params[$param_name] = $_POST[$param_name]; } $search_url_params = isset($search_params) ? base64_encode(serialize($search_params)) : null; // @todo Validate a little more. // Loop through every field of the form. $query_parts = array(); $where_params = array(); foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_info) { // Not filled in? if (!isset($search_params[$param_name]) || $search_params[$param_name] === '') continue; // Make sure numeric values are really numeric. if (in_array($param_info['type'], array('int', 'age'))) $search_params[$param_name] = (int) $search_params[$param_name]; // Date values have to match the specified format. elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date') { // Check if this date format is valid. if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/', $search_params[$param_name]) == 0) continue; $search_params[$param_name] = strtotime($search_params[$param_name]); } // Those values that are in some kind of range (<, <=, =, >=, >). if (!empty($param_info['range'])) { // Default to '=', just in case... if (empty($range_trans[$search_params['types'][$param_name]])) $search_params['types'][$param_name] = '='; // Handle special case 'age'. if ($param_info['type'] == 'age') { // All people that were born between $lowerlimit and $upperlimit are currently the specified age. $datearray = getdate(forum_time()); $upperlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $search_params[$param_name], $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']); $lowerlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $search_params[$param_name] - 1, $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']); if (in_array($search_params['types'][$param_name], array('-', '--', '='))) { $query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' > {string:' . $param_name . '_minlimit}'; $where_params[$param_name . '_minlimit'] = ($search_params['types'][$param_name] == '--' ? $upperlimit : $lowerlimit); } if (in_array($search_params['types'][$param_name], array('+', '++', '='))) { $query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' <= {string:' . $param_name . '_pluslimit}'; $where_params[$param_name . '_pluslimit'] = ($search_params['types'][$param_name] == '++' ? $lowerlimit : $upperlimit); // Make sure that members that didn't set their birth year are not queried. $query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' > {date:dec_zero_date}'; $where_params['dec_zero_date'] = '0004-12-31'; } } // Special case - equals a date. elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date' && $search_params['types'][$param_name] == '=') { $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' > ' . $search_params[$param_name] . ' AND ' . $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' < ' . ($search_params[$param_name] + 86400); } else $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' ' . $range_trans[$search_params['types'][$param_name]] . ' ' . $search_params[$param_name]; } // Checkboxes. elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'checkbox') { // Each checkbox or no checkbox at all is checked -> ignore. if (!is_array($search_params[$param_name]) || count($search_params[$param_name]) == 0 || count($search_params[$param_name]) == count($param_info['values'])) continue; $query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' IN ({array_string:' . $param_name . '_check})'; $where_params[$param_name . '_check'] = $search_params[$param_name]; } else { // Replace the wildcard characters ('*' and '?') into MySQL ones. $parameter = strtolower(strtr($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($search_params[$param_name], ENT_QUOTES), array('%' => '\%', '_' => '\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_'))); if ($smcFunc['db_case_sensitive']) $query_parts[] = '(LOWER(' . implode( ') LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal} OR LOWER(', $param_info['db_fields']) . ') LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal})'; else $query_parts[] = '(' . implode( ' LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal} OR ', $param_info['db_fields']) . ' LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal})'; $where_params[$param_name . '_normal'] = '%' . $parameter . '%'; } } // Set up the membergroup query part. $mg_query_parts = array(); // Primary membergroups, but only if at least was was not selected. if (!empty($search_params['membergroups'][1]) && count($context['membergroups']) != count($search_params['membergroups'][1])) { $mg_query_parts[] = 'mem.id_group IN ({array_int:group_check})'; $where_params['group_check'] = $search_params['membergroups'][1]; } // Additional membergroups (these are only relevant if not all primary groups where selected!). if (!empty($search_params['membergroups'][2]) && (empty($search_params['membergroups'][1]) || count($context['membergroups']) != count($search_params['membergroups'][1]))) foreach ($search_params['membergroups'][2] as $mg) { $mg_query_parts[] = 'FIND_IN_SET({int:add_group_' . $mg . '}, mem.additional_groups) != 0'; $where_params['add_group_' . $mg] = $mg; } // Combine the one or two membergroup parts into one query part linked with an OR. if (!empty($mg_query_parts)) $query_parts[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $mg_query_parts) . ')'; // Get all selected post count related membergroups. if (!empty($search_params['postgroups']) && count($search_params['postgroups']) != count($context['postgroups'])) { $query_parts[] = 'id_post_group IN ({array_int:post_groups})'; $where_params['post_groups'] = $search_params['postgroups']; } // Construct the where part of the query. $where = empty($query_parts) ? '1=1' : implode(' AND ', $query_parts); } else $search_url_params = null; // Construct the additional URL part with the query info in it. $context['params_url'] = $context['sub_action'] == 'query' ? ';sa=query;params=' . $search_url_params : ''; // Get the title and sub template ready.. $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_members']; $listOptions = array( 'id' => 'member_list', 'title' => $txt['members_list'], 'items_per_page' => $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers'], 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers' . $context['params_url'], 'default_sort_col' => 'user_name', 'get_items' => array( 'file' => $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php', 'function' => 'list_getMembers', 'params' => array( isset($where) ? $where : '1=1', isset($where_params) ? $where_params : array(), ), ), 'get_count' => array( 'file' => $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php', 'function' => 'list_getNumMembers', 'params' => array( isset($where) ? $where : '1=1', isset($where_params) ? $where_params : array(), ), ), 'columns' => array( 'id_member' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['member_id'], ), 'data' => array( 'db' => 'id_member', ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'id_member', 'reverse' => 'id_member DESC', ), ), 'user_name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['username'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="' . strtr($scripturl, array('%' => '%%')) . '?action=profile;u=%1$d">%2$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'id_member' => false, 'member_name' => false, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'member_name', 'reverse' => 'member_name DESC', ), ), 'display_name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['display_name'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="' . strtr($scripturl, array('%' => '%%')) . '?action=profile;u=%1$d">%2$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'id_member' => false, 'real_name' => false, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'real_name', 'reverse' => 'real_name DESC', ), ), 'email' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['email_address'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="mailto:%1$s">%1$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'email_address' => true, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'email_address', 'reverse' => 'email_address DESC', ), ), 'ip' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['ip_address'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="' . strtr($scripturl, array('%' => '%%')) . '?action=trackip;searchip=%1$s">%1$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'member_ip' => false, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'INET_ATON(member_ip)', 'reverse' => 'INET_ATON(member_ip) DESC', ), ), 'last_active' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['viewmembers_online'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $txt; // Calculate number of days since last online. if (empty($rowData[\'last_login\'])) $difference = $txt[\'never\']; else { $num_days_difference = jeffsdatediff($rowData[\'last_login\']); // Today. if (empty($num_days_difference)) $difference = $txt[\'viewmembers_today\']; // Yesterday. elseif ($num_days_difference == 1) $difference = sprintf(\'1 %1$s\', $txt[\'viewmembers_day_ago\']); // X days ago. else $difference = sprintf(\'%1$d %2$s\', $num_days_difference, $txt[\'viewmembers_days_ago\']); } // Show it in italics if they\'re not activated... if ($rowData[\'is_activated\'] % 10 != 1) $difference = sprintf(\'<em title="%1$s">%2$s</em>\', $txt[\'not_activated\'], $difference); return $difference; '), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'last_login DESC', 'reverse' => 'last_login', ), ), 'posts' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['member_postcount'], ), 'data' => array( 'db' => 'posts', ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'posts', 'reverse' => 'posts DESC', ), ), 'check' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => '<input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form);" class="input_check" />', 'class' => 'centercol', ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $user_info; return \'<input type="checkbox" name="delete[]" value="\' . $rowData[\'id_member\'] . \'" class="input_check" \' . ($rowData[\'id_member\'] == $user_info[\'id\'] || $rowData[\'id_group\'] == 1 || in_array(1, explode(\',\', $rowData[\'additional_groups\'])) ? \'disabled="disabled"\' : \'\') . \' />\'; '), 'class' => 'centercol', ), ), ), 'form' => array( 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers' . $context['params_url'], 'include_start' => true, 'include_sort' => true, ), 'additional_rows' => array( array( 'position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => '<input type="submit" name="delete_members" value="' . $txt['admin_delete_members'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['confirm_delete_members'] . '\');" class="button_submit" />', ), ), ); // Without enough permissions, don't show 'delete members' checkboxes. if (!allowedTo('profile_remove_any')) unset($listOptions['cols']['check'], $listOptions['form'], $listOptions['additional_rows']); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'); createList($listOptions); $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list'; $context['default_list'] = 'member_list'; } /** * Search the member list, using one or more criteria. * Called by ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=search. * Requires the moderate_forum permission. * form is submitted to action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=query. * * @uses the search_members sub template of the ManageMembers template. */ function SearchMembers() { global $context, $txt, $smcFunc; // Get a list of all the membergroups and postgroups that can be selected. $context['membergroups'] = array( array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => $txt['membergroups_members'], 'can_be_additional' => false ) ); $context['postgroups'] = array(); $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_group, group_name, min_posts FROM {db_prefix}membergroups WHERE id_group != {int:moderator_group} ORDER BY min_posts, CASE WHEN id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN id_group ELSE 4 END, group_name', array( 'moderator_group' => 3, 'newbie_group' => 4, ) ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { if ($row['min_posts'] == -1) $context['membergroups'][] = array( 'id' => $row['id_group'], 'name' => $row['group_name'], 'can_be_additional' => true ); else $context['postgroups'][] = array( 'id' => $row['id_group'], 'name' => $row['group_name'] ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_members']; $context['sub_template'] = 'search_members'; } /** * List all members who are awaiting approval / activation, sortable on different columns. * It allows instant approval or activation of (a selection of) members. * Called by ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=approve * or ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=activate. * The form submits to ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=approve. * Requires the moderate_forum permission. * * @uses the admin_browse sub template of the ManageMembers template. */ function MembersAwaitingActivation() { global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings, $smcFunc; global $sourcedir; // Not a lot here! $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_members']; $context['sub_template'] = 'admin_browse'; $context['browse_type'] = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']) && $modSettings['registration_method'] == 1 ? 'activate' : 'approve'); if (isset($context['tabs'][$context['browse_type']])) $context['tabs'][$context['browse_type']]['is_selected'] = true; // Allowed filters are those we can have, in theory. $context['allowed_filters'] = $context['browse_type'] == 'approve' ? array(3, 4, 5) : array(0, 2); $context['current_filter'] = isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && in_array($_REQUEST['filter'], $context['allowed_filters']) && !empty($context['activation_numbers'][$_REQUEST['filter']]) ? (int) $_REQUEST['filter'] : -1; // Sort out the different sub areas that we can actually filter by. $context['available_filters'] = array(); foreach ($context['activation_numbers'] as $type => $amount) { // We have some of these... if (in_array($type, $context['allowed_filters']) && $amount > 0) $context['available_filters'][] = array( 'type' => $type, 'amount' => $amount, 'desc' => isset($txt['admin_browse_filter_type_' . $type]) ? $txt['admin_browse_filter_type_' . $type] : '?', 'selected' => $type == $context['current_filter'] ); } // If the filter was not sent, set it to whatever has people in it! if ($context['current_filter'] == -1 && !empty($context['available_filters'][0]['amount'])) $context['current_filter'] = $context['available_filters'][0]['type']; // This little variable is used to determine if we should flag where we are looking. $context['show_filter'] = ($context['current_filter'] != 0 && $context['current_filter'] != 3) || count($context['available_filters']) > 1; // The columns that can be sorted. $context['columns'] = array( 'id_member' => array('label' => $txt['admin_browse_id']), 'member_name' => array('label' => $txt['admin_browse_username']), 'email_address' => array('label' => $txt['admin_browse_email']), 'member_ip' => array('label' => $txt['admin_browse_ip']), 'date_registered' => array('label' => $txt['admin_browse_registered']), ); // Are we showing duplicate information? if (isset($_GET['showdupes'])) $_SESSION['showdupes'] = (int) $_GET['showdupes']; $context['show_duplicates'] = !empty($_SESSION['showdupes']); // Determine which actions we should allow on this page. if ($context['browse_type'] == 'approve') { // If we are approving deleted accounts we have a slightly different list... actually a mirror ;) if ($context['current_filter'] == 4) $context['allowed_actions'] = array( 'reject' => $txt['admin_browse_w_approve_deletion'], 'ok' => $txt['admin_browse_w_reject'], ); else $context['allowed_actions'] = array( 'ok' => $txt['admin_browse_w_approve'], 'okemail' => $txt['admin_browse_w_approve'] . ' ' . $txt['admin_browse_w_email'], 'require_activation' => $txt['admin_browse_w_approve_require_activate'], 'reject' => $txt['admin_browse_w_reject'], 'rejectemail' => $txt['admin_browse_w_reject'] . ' ' . $txt['admin_browse_w_email'], ); } elseif ($context['browse_type'] == 'activate') $context['allowed_actions'] = array( 'ok' => $txt['admin_browse_w_activate'], 'okemail' => $txt['admin_browse_w_activate'] . ' ' . $txt['admin_browse_w_email'], 'delete' => $txt['admin_browse_w_delete'], 'deleteemail' => $txt['admin_browse_w_delete'] . ' ' . $txt['admin_browse_w_email'], 'remind' => $txt['admin_browse_w_remind'] . ' ' . $txt['admin_browse_w_email'], ); // Create an option list for actions allowed to be done with selected members. $allowed_actions = ' <option selected="selected" value="">' . $txt['admin_browse_with_selected'] . ':</option> <option value="" disabled="disabled">-----------------------------</option>'; foreach ($context['allowed_actions'] as $key => $desc) $allowed_actions .= ' <option value="' . $key . '">' . $desc . '</option>'; // Setup the Javascript function for selecting an action for the list. $javascript = ' function onSelectChange() { if (document.forms.postForm.todo.value == "") return; var message = "";'; // We have special messages for approving deletion of accounts - it's surprisingly logical - honest. if ($context['current_filter'] == 4) $javascript .= ' if (document.forms.postForm.todo.value.indexOf("reject") != -1) message = "' . $txt['admin_browse_w_delete'] . '"; else message = "' . $txt['admin_browse_w_reject'] . '";'; // Otherwise a nice standard message. else $javascript .= ' if (document.forms.postForm.todo.value.indexOf("delete") != -1) message = "' . $txt['admin_browse_w_delete'] . '"; else if (document.forms.postForm.todo.value.indexOf("reject") != -1) message = "' . $txt['admin_browse_w_reject'] . '"; else if (document.forms.postForm.todo.value == "remind") message = "' . $txt['admin_browse_w_remind'] . '"; else message = "' . ($context['browse_type'] == 'approve' ? $txt['admin_browse_w_approve'] : $txt['admin_browse_w_activate']) . '";'; $javascript .= ' if (confirm(message + " ' . $txt['admin_browse_warn'] . '")) document.forms.postForm.submit(); }'; $listOptions = array( 'id' => 'approve_list', // 'title' => $txt['members_approval_title'], 'items_per_page' => $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers'], 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=' . $context['browse_type'] . (!empty($context['show_filter']) ? ';filter=' . $context['current_filter'] : ''), 'default_sort_col' => 'date_registered', 'get_items' => array( 'file' => $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php', 'function' => 'list_getMembers', 'params' => array( 'is_activated = {int:activated_status}', array('activated_status' => $context['current_filter']), $context['show_duplicates'], ), ), 'get_count' => array( 'file' => $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php', 'function' => 'list_getNumMembers', 'params' => array( 'is_activated = {int:activated_status}', array('activated_status' => $context['current_filter']), ), ), 'columns' => array( 'id_member' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['member_id'], ), 'data' => array( 'db' => 'id_member', ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'id_member', 'reverse' => 'id_member DESC', ), ), 'user_name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['username'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="' . strtr($scripturl, array('%' => '%%')) . '?action=profile;u=%1$d">%2$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'id_member' => false, 'member_name' => false, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'member_name', 'reverse' => 'member_name DESC', ), ), 'email' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['email_address'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="mailto:%1$s">%1$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'email_address' => true, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'email_address', 'reverse' => 'email_address DESC', ), ), 'ip' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['ip_address'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<a href="' . strtr($scripturl, array('%' => '%%')) . '?action=trackip;searchip=%1$s">%1$s</a>', 'params' => array( 'member_ip' => false, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'INET_ATON(member_ip)', 'reverse' => 'INET_ATON(member_ip) DESC', ), ), 'hostname' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['hostname'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $modSettings; return host_from_ip($rowData[\'member_ip\']); '), 'class' => 'smalltext', ), ), 'date_registered' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $context['current_filter'] == 4 ? $txt['viewmembers_online'] : $txt['date_registered'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' return timeformat($rowData[\'' . ($context['current_filter'] == 4 ? 'last_login' : 'date_registered') . '\']); '), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => $context['current_filter'] == 4 ? 'mem.last_login DESC' : 'date_registered DESC', 'reverse' => $context['current_filter'] == 4 ? 'mem.last_login' : 'date_registered', ), ), 'duplicates' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['duplicates'], // Make sure it doesn't go too wide. 'style' => 'width: 20%;', ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $scripturl, $txt; $member_links = array(); foreach ($rowData[\'duplicate_members\'] as $member) { if ($member[\'id\']) $member_links[] = \'<a href="\' . $scripturl . \'?action=profile;u=\' . $member[\'id\'] . \'" \' . (!empty($member[\'is_banned\']) ? \'style="color: red;"\' : \'\') . \'>\' . $member[\'name\'] . \'</a>\'; else $member_links[] = $member[\'name\'] . \' (\' . $txt[\'guest\'] . \')\'; } return implode (\', \', $member_links); '), 'class' => 'smalltext', ), ), 'check' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => '<input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form);" class="input_check" />', 'class' => 'centercol', ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<input type="checkbox" name="todoAction[]" value="%1$d" class="input_check" />', 'params' => array( 'id_member' => false, ), ), 'class' => 'centercol', ), ), ), 'javascript' => $javascript, 'form' => array( 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=approve;type=' . $context['browse_type'], 'name' => 'postForm', 'include_start' => true, 'include_sort' => true, 'hidden_fields' => array( 'orig_filter' => $context['current_filter'], ), ), 'additional_rows' => array( array( 'position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => ' [<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;showdupes=' . ($context['show_duplicates'] ? 0 : 1) . ';type=' . $context['browse_type'] . (!empty($context['show_filter']) ? ';filter=' . $context['current_filter'] : '') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . '">' . ($context['show_duplicates'] ? $txt['dont_check_for_duplicate'] : $txt['check_for_duplicate']) . '</a>] <select name="todo" onchange="onSelectChange();"> ' . $allowed_actions . ' </select> <noscript><input type="submit" value="' . $txt['go'] . '" class="button_submit" /><br class="clear_right" /></noscript> ', 'class' => 'floatright', ), ), ); // Pick what column to actually include if we're showing duplicates. if ($context['show_duplicates']) unset($listOptions['columns']['email']); else unset($listOptions['columns']['duplicates']); // Only show hostname on duplicates as it takes a lot of time. if (!$context['show_duplicates'] || !empty($modSettings['disableHostnameLookup'])) unset($listOptions['columns']['hostname']); // Is there any need to show filters? if (isset($context['available_filters']) && count($context['available_filters']) > 1) { $filterOptions = ' <strong>' . $txt['admin_browse_filter_by'] . ':</strong> <select name="filter" onchange="this.form.submit();">'; foreach ($context['available_filters'] as $filter) $filterOptions .= ' <option value="' . $filter['type'] . '"' . ($filter['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $filter['desc'] . ' - ' . $filter['amount'] . ' ' . ($filter['amount'] == 1 ? $txt['user'] : $txt['users']) . '</option>'; $filterOptions .= ' </select> <noscript><input type="submit" value="' . $txt['go'] . '" name="filter" class="button_submit" /></noscript>'; $listOptions['additional_rows'][] = array( 'position' => 'top_of_list', 'value' => $filterOptions, 'class' => 'righttext', ); } // What about if we only have one filter, but it's not the "standard" filter - show them what they are looking at. if (!empty($context['show_filter']) && !empty($context['available_filters'])) $listOptions['additional_rows'][] = array( 'position' => 'above_column_headers', 'value' => '<strong>' . $txt['admin_browse_filter_show'] . ':</strong> ' . $context['available_filters'][0]['desc'], 'class' => 'smalltext floatright', ); // Now that we have all the options, create the list. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'); createList($listOptions); } /** * This function handles the approval, rejection, activation or deletion of members. * Called by ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=approve. * Requires the moderate_forum permission. * Redirects to ?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse * with the same parameters as the calling page. */ function AdminApprove() { global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $language, $user_info, $smcFunc; // First, check our session. checkSession(); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'); // We also need to the login languages here - for emails. loadLanguage('Login'); // Sort out where we are going... $browse_type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']) && $modSettings['registration_method'] == 1 ? 'activate' : 'approve'); $current_filter = (int) $_REQUEST['orig_filter']; // If we are applying a filter do just that - then redirect. if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter'] != $_REQUEST['orig_filter']) redirectexit('action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=' . $_REQUEST['type'] . ';sort=' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . ';filter=' . $_REQUEST['filter'] . ';start=' . $_REQUEST['start']); // Nothing to do? if (!isset($_POST['todoAction']) && !isset($_POST['time_passed'])) redirectexit('action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=' . $_REQUEST['type'] . ';sort=' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . ';filter=' . $current_filter . ';start=' . $_REQUEST['start']); // Are we dealing with members who have been waiting for > set amount of time? if (isset($_POST['time_passed'])) { $timeBefore = time() - 86400 * (int) $_POST['time_passed']; $condition = ' AND date_registered < {int:time_before}'; } // Coming from checkboxes - validate the members passed through to us. else { $members = array(); foreach ($_POST['todoAction'] as $id) $members[] = (int) $id; $condition = ' AND id_member IN ({array_int:members})'; } // Get information on each of the members, things that are important to us, like email address... $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_member, member_name, real_name, email_address, validation_code, lngfile FROM {db_prefix}members WHERE is_activated = {int:activated_status}' . $condition . ' ORDER BY lngfile', array( 'activated_status' => $current_filter, 'time_before' => empty($timeBefore) ? 0 : $timeBefore, 'members' => empty($members) ? array() : $members, ) ); $member_count = $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request); // If no results then just return! if ($member_count == 0) redirectexit('action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=' . $_REQUEST['type'] . ';sort=' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . ';filter=' . $current_filter . ';start=' . $_REQUEST['start']); $member_info = array(); $members = array(); // Fill the info array. while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $members[] = $row['id_member']; $member_info[] = array( 'id' => $row['id_member'], 'username' => $row['member_name'], 'name' => $row['real_name'], 'email' => $row['email_address'], 'language' => empty($row['lngfile']) || empty($modSettings['userLanguage']) ? $language : $row['lngfile'], 'code' => $row['validation_code'] ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // Are we activating or approving the members? if ($_POST['todo'] == 'ok' || $_POST['todo'] == 'okemail') { // Approve/activate this member. $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}members SET validation_code = {string:blank_string}, is_activated = {int:is_activated} WHERE is_activated = {int:activated_status}' . $condition, array( 'is_activated' => 1, 'time_before' => empty($timeBefore) ? 0 : $timeBefore, 'members' => empty($members) ? array() : $members, 'activated_status' => $current_filter, 'blank_string' => '', ) ); // Do we have to let the integration code know about the activations? if (!empty($modSettings['integrate_activate'])) { foreach ($member_info as $member) call_integration_hook('integrate_activate', array($member['username'])); } // Check for email. if ($_POST['todo'] == 'okemail') { foreach ($member_info as $member) { $replacements = array( 'NAME' => $member['name'], 'USERNAME' => $member['username'], 'PROFILELINK' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $member['id'], 'FORGOTPASSWORDLINK' => $scripturl . '?action=reminder', ); $emaildata = loadEmailTemplate('admin_approve_accept', $replacements, $member['language']); sendmail($member['email'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 0); } } } // Maybe we're sending it off for activation? elseif ($_POST['todo'] == 'require_activation') { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'); // We have to do this for each member I'm afraid. foreach ($member_info as $member) { // Generate a random activation code. $validation_code = generateValidationCode(); // Set these members for activation - I know this includes two id_member checks but it's safer than bodging $condition ;). $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}members SET validation_code = {string:validation_code}, is_activated = {int:not_activated} WHERE is_activated = {int:activated_status} ' . $condition . ' AND id_member = {int:selected_member}', array( 'not_activated' => 0, 'activated_status' => $current_filter, 'selected_member' => $member['id'], 'validation_code' => $validation_code, 'time_before' => empty($timeBefore) ? 0 : $timeBefore, 'members' => empty($members) ? array() : $members, ) ); $replacements = array( 'USERNAME' => $member['name'], 'ACTIVATIONLINK' => $scripturl . '?action=activate;u=' . $member['id'] . ';code=' . $validation_code, 'ACTIVATIONLINKWITHOUTCODE' => $scripturl . '?action=activate;u=' . $member['id'], 'ACTIVATIONCODE' => $validation_code, ); $emaildata = loadEmailTemplate('admin_approve_activation', $replacements, $member['language']); sendmail($member['email'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 0); } } // Are we rejecting them? elseif ($_POST['todo'] == 'reject' || $_POST['todo'] == 'rejectemail') { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'); deleteMembers($members); // Send email telling them they aren't welcome? if ($_POST['todo'] == 'rejectemail') { foreach ($member_info as $member) { $replacements = array( 'USERNAME' => $member['name'], ); $emaildata = loadEmailTemplate('admin_approve_reject', $replacements, $member['language']); sendmail($member['email'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 1); } } } // A simple delete? elseif ($_POST['todo'] == 'delete' || $_POST['todo'] == 'deleteemail') { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'); deleteMembers($members); // Send email telling them they aren't welcome? if ($_POST['todo'] == 'deleteemail') { foreach ($member_info as $member) { $replacements = array( 'USERNAME' => $member['name'], ); $emaildata = loadEmailTemplate('admin_approve_delete', $replacements, $member['language']); sendmail($member['email'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 1); } } } // Remind them to activate their account? elseif ($_POST['todo'] == 'remind') { foreach ($member_info as $member) { $replacements = array( 'USERNAME' => $member['name'], 'ACTIVATIONLINK' => $scripturl . '?action=activate;u=' . $member['id'] . ';code=' . $member['code'], 'ACTIVATIONLINKWITHOUTCODE' => $scripturl . '?action=activate;u=' . $member['id'], 'ACTIVATIONCODE' => $member['code'], ); $emaildata = loadEmailTemplate('admin_approve_remind', $replacements, $member['language']); sendmail($member['email'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 1); } } // @todo current_language is never set, no idea what this is for. Remove? // Back to the user's language! if (isset($current_language) && $current_language != $user_info['language']) { loadLanguage('index'); loadLanguage('ManageMembers'); } // Log what we did? if (!empty($modSettings['modlog_enabled']) && in_array($_POST['todo'], array('ok', 'okemail', 'require_activation', 'remind'))) { $log_action = $_POST['todo'] == 'remind' ? 'remind_member' : 'approve_member'; $log_inserts = array(); require_once($sourcedir . '/Logging.php'); foreach ($member_info as $member) logAction($log_action, array('member' => $member['id']), 'admin'); } // Although updateStats *may* catch this, best to do it manually just in case (Doesn't always sort out unapprovedMembers). if (in_array($current_filter, array(3, 4))) updateSettings(array('unapprovedMembers' => ($modSettings['unapprovedMembers'] > $member_count ? $modSettings['unapprovedMembers'] - $member_count : 0))); // Update the member's stats. (but, we know the member didn't change their name.) updateStats('member', false); // If they haven't been deleted, update the post group statistics on them... if (!in_array($_POST['todo'], array('delete', 'deleteemail', 'reject', 'rejectemail', 'remind'))) updateStats('postgroups', $members); redirectexit('action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=' . $_REQUEST['type'] . ';sort=' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . ';filter=' . $current_filter . ';start=' . $_REQUEST['start']); } /** * Nifty function to calculate the number of days ago a given date was. * Requires a unix timestamp as input, returns an integer. * Named in honour of Jeff Lewis, the original creator of...this function. * * @param $old * @return int, the returned number of days, based on the forum time. */ function jeffsdatediff($old) { // Get the current time as the user would see it... $forumTime = forum_time(); // Calculate the seconds that have passed since midnight. $sinceMidnight = date('H', $forumTime) * 60 * 60 + date('i', $forumTime) * 60 + date('s', $forumTime); // Take the difference between the two times. $dis = time() - $old; // Before midnight? if ($dis < $sinceMidnight) return 0; else $dis -= $sinceMidnight; // Divide out the seconds in a day to get the number of days. return ceil($dis / (24 * 60 * 60)); } ?>