'ModifyLanguages', 'add' => 'AddLanguage', 'settings' => 'ModifyLanguageSettings', 'downloadlang' => 'DownloadLanguage', 'editlang' => 'ModifyLanguage', ); $config_vars = array(); call_integration_hook('integrate_manage_languages', array(&$config_vars)); // By default we're managing languages. $_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'edit'; $context['sub_action'] = $_REQUEST['sa']; // Load up all the tabs... $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => $txt['language_configuration'], 'description' => $txt['language_description'], ); // Call the right function for this sub-acton. $subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']](); } /** * Interface for adding a new language * * @uses ManageLanguages template, add_language sub-template. */ function AddLanguage() { global $context, $sourcedir, $forum_version, $boarddir, $txt, $smcFunc, $scripturl; // Are we searching for new languages courtesy of Simple Machines? if (!empty($_POST['smf_add_sub'])) { // Need fetch_web_data. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $context['smf_search_term'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['smf_add'])); // We're going to use this URL. $url = 'http://download.simplemachines.org/fetch_language.php?version=' . urlencode(strtr($forum_version, array('SMF ' => ''))); // Load the class file and stick it into an array. require_once($sourcedir . '/Class-Package.php'); $language_list = new xmlArray(fetch_web_data($url), true); // Check it exists. if (!$language_list->exists('languages')) $context['smf_error'] = 'no_response'; else { $language_list = $language_list->path('languages[0]'); $lang_files = $language_list->set('language'); $context['smf_languages'] = array(); foreach ($lang_files as $file) { // Were we searching? if (!empty($context['smf_search_term']) && strpos($file->fetch('name'), $smcFunc['strtolower']($context['smf_search_term'])) === false) continue; $context['smf_languages'][] = array( 'id' => $file->fetch('id'), 'name' => $smcFunc['ucwords']($file->fetch('name')), 'version' => $file->fetch('version'), 'utf8' => $file->fetch('utf8'), 'description' => $file->fetch('description'), 'link' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=languages;sa=downloadlang;did=' . $file->fetch('id') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], ); } if (empty($context['smf_languages'])) $context['smf_error'] = 'no_files'; } } $context['sub_template'] = 'add_language'; } /** * Download a language file from the Simple Machines website. * Requires a valid download ID ("did") in the URL. * Also handles installing language files. * Attempts to chmod things as needed. * Uses a standard list to display information about all the files and where they'll be put. * * @uses ManageLanguages template, download_language sub-template. * @uses Admin template, show_list sub-template. */ function DownloadLanguage() { global $context, $sourcedir, $forum_version, $boarddir, $txt, $smcFunc, $scripturl, $modSettings; loadLanguage('ManageSettings'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); // Clearly we need to know what to request. if (!isset($_GET['did'])) fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); // Some lovely context. $context['download_id'] = $_GET['did']; $context['sub_template'] = 'download_language'; $context['menu_data_' . $context['admin_menu_id']]['current_subsection'] = 'add'; // Can we actually do the installation - and do they want to? if (!empty($_POST['do_install']) && !empty($_POST['copy_file'])) { checkSession('get'); validateToken('admin-dlang'); $chmod_files = array(); $install_files = array(); // Check writable status. foreach ($_POST['copy_file'] as $file) { // Check it's not very bad. if (strpos($file, '..') !== false || (strpos($file, 'Themes') !== 0 && !preg_match('~agreement\.[A-Za-z-_0-9]+\.txt$~', $file))) fatal_error($txt['languages_download_illegal_paths']); $chmod_files[] = $boarddir . '/' . $file; $install_files[] = $file; } // Call this in case we have work to do. $file_status = create_chmod_control($chmod_files); $files_left = $file_status['files']['notwritable']; // Something not writable? if (!empty($files_left)) $context['error_message'] = $txt['languages_download_not_chmod']; // Otherwise, go go go! elseif (!empty($install_files)) { $archive_content = read_tgz_file('http://download.simplemachines.org/fetch_language.php?version=' . urlencode(strtr($forum_version, array('SMF ' => ''))) . ';fetch=' . urlencode($_GET['did']), $boarddir, false, true, $install_files); // Make sure the files aren't stuck in the cache. package_flush_cache(); $context['install_complete'] = sprintf($txt['languages_download_complete_desc'], $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=languages'); return; } } // Open up the old china. if (!isset($archive_content)) $archive_content = read_tgz_file('http://download.simplemachines.org/fetch_language.php?version=' . urlencode(strtr($forum_version, array('SMF ' => ''))) . ';fetch=' . urlencode($_GET['did']), null); if (empty($archive_content)) fatal_error($txt['add_language_error_no_response']); // Now for each of the files, let's do some *stuff* $context['files'] = array( 'lang' => array(), 'other' => array(), ); $context['make_writable'] = array(); foreach ($archive_content as $file) { $dirname = dirname($file['filename']); $filename = basename($file['filename']); $extension = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1); // Don't do anything with files we don't understand. if (!in_array($extension, array('php', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png', 'txt'))) continue; // Basic data. $context_data = array( 'name' => $filename, 'destination' => $boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'], 'generaldest' => $file['filename'], 'size' => $file['size'], // Does chmod status allow the copy? 'writable' => false, // Should we suggest they copy this file? 'default_copy' => true, // Does the file already exist, if so is it same or different? 'exists' => false, ); // Does the file exist, is it different and can we overwrite? if (file_exists($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'])) { if (is_writable($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'])) $context_data['writable'] = true; // Finally, do we actually think the content has changed? if ($file['size'] == filesize($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename']) && $file['md5'] == md5_file($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'])) { $context_data['exists'] = 'same'; $context_data['default_copy'] = false; } // Attempt to discover newline character differences. elseif ($file['md5'] == md5(preg_replace("~[\r]?\n~", "\r\n", file_get_contents($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'])))) { $context_data['exists'] = 'same'; $context_data['default_copy'] = false; } else $context_data['exists'] = 'different'; } // No overwrite? else { // Can we at least stick it in the directory... if (is_writable($boarddir . '/' . $dirname)) $context_data['writable'] = true; } // I love PHP files, that's why I'm a developer and not an artistic type spending my time drinking absinth and living a life of sin... if ($extension == 'php' && preg_match('~\w+\.\w+(?:-utf8)?\.php~', $filename)) { $context_data += array( 'version' => '??', 'cur_version' => false, 'version_compare' => 'newer', ); list ($name, $language) = explode('.', $filename); // Let's get the new version, I like versions, they tell me that I'm up to date. if (preg_match('~\s*Version:\s+(.+?);\s*' . preg_quote($name, '~') . '~i', $file['preview'], $match) == 1) $context_data['version'] = $match[1]; // Now does the old file exist - if so what is it's version? if (file_exists($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'])) { // OK - what is the current version? $fp = fopen($boarddir . '/' . $file['filename'], 'rb'); $header = fread($fp, 768); fclose($fp); // Find the version. if (preg_match('~(?://|/\*)\s*Version:\s+(.+?);\s*' . preg_quote($name, '~') . '(?:[\s]{2}|\*/)~i', $header, $match) == 1) { $context_data['cur_version'] = $match[1]; // How does this compare? if ($context_data['cur_version'] == $context_data['version']) $context_data['version_compare'] = 'same'; elseif ($context_data['cur_version'] > $context_data['version']) $context_data['version_compare'] = 'older'; // Don't recommend copying if the version is the same. if ($context_data['version_compare'] != 'newer') $context_data['default_copy'] = false; } } // Add the context data to the main set. $context['files']['lang'][] = $context_data; } else { // If we think it's a theme thing, work out what the theme is. if (strpos($dirname, 'Themes') === 0 && preg_match('~Themes[\\/]([^\\/]+)[\\/]~', $dirname, $match)) $theme_name = $match[1]; else $theme_name = 'misc'; // Assume it's an image, could be an acceptance note etc but rare. $context['files']['images'][$theme_name][] = $context_data; } // Collect together all non-writable areas. if (!$context_data['writable']) $context['make_writable'][] = $context_data['destination']; } // So, I'm a perfectionist - let's get the theme names. $theme_indexes = array(); foreach ($context['files']['images'] as $k => $dummy) $indexes[] = $k; $context['theme_names'] = array(); if (!empty($indexes)) { $value_data = array( 'query' => array(), 'params' => array(), ); foreach ($indexes as $k => $index) { $value_data['query'][] = 'value LIKE {string:value_' . $k . '}'; $value_data['params']['value_' . $k] = '%' . $index; } $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_theme, value FROM {db_prefix}themes WHERE id_member = {int:no_member} AND variable = {string:theme_dir} AND (' . implode(' OR ', $value_data['query']) . ')', array_merge($value_data['params'], array( 'no_member' => 0, 'theme_dir' => 'theme_dir', 'index_compare_explode' => 'value LIKE \'%' . implode('\' OR value LIKE \'%', $indexes) . '\'', )) ); $themes = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { // Find the right one. foreach ($indexes as $index) if (strpos($row['value'], $index) !== false) $themes[$row['id_theme']] = $index; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); if (!empty($themes)) { // Now we have the id_theme we can get the pretty description. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_theme, value FROM {db_prefix}themes WHERE id_member = {int:no_member} AND variable = {string:name} AND id_theme IN ({array_int:theme_list})', array( 'theme_list' => array_keys($themes), 'no_member' => 0, 'name' => 'name', ) ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { // Now we have it... $context['theme_names'][$themes[$row['id_theme']]] = $row['value']; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } } // Before we go to far can we make anything writable, eh, eh? if (!empty($context['make_writable'])) { // What is left to be made writable? $file_status = create_chmod_control($context['make_writable']); $context['still_not_writable'] = $file_status['files']['notwritable']; // Mark those which are now writable as such. foreach ($context['files'] as $type => $data) { if ($type == 'lang') { foreach ($data as $k => $file) if (!$file['writable'] && !in_array($file['destination'], $context['still_not_writable'])) $context['files'][$type][$k]['writable'] = true; } else { foreach ($data as $theme => $files) foreach ($files as $k => $file) if (!$file['writable'] && !in_array($file['destination'], $context['still_not_writable'])) $context['files'][$type][$theme][$k]['writable'] = true; } } // Are we going to need more language stuff? if (!empty($context['still_not_writable'])) loadLanguage('Packages'); } // This is the list for the main files. $listOptions = array( 'id' => 'lang_main_files_list', 'title' => $txt['languages_download_main_files'], 'get_items' => array( 'function' => create_function('', ' global $context; return $context[\'files\'][\'lang\']; '), ), 'columns' => array( 'name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_download_filename'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $context, $txt; return \'\' . $rowData[\'name\'] . \'
\' . $txt[\'languages_download_dest\'] . \': \' . $rowData[\'destination\'] . \'\' . ($rowData[\'version_compare\'] == \'older\' ? \'
\' . $txt[\'languages_download_older\'] : \'\'); '), ), ), 'writable' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_download_writable'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $txt; return \'\' . ($rowData[\'writable\'] ? $txt[\'yes\'] : $txt[\'no\']) . \'\'; '), 'style' => 'text-align: center', ), ), 'version' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_download_version'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $txt; return \'\' . $rowData[\'version\'] . \'\'; '), ), ), 'exists' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_download_exists'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $txt; return $rowData[\'exists\'] ? ($rowData[\'exists\'] == \'same\' ? $txt[\'languages_download_exists_same\'] : $txt[\'languages_download_exists_different\']) : $txt[\'no\']; '), ), ), 'copy' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_download_copy'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' return \'\'; '), 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 4%;', ), ), ), ); // Kill the cache, as it is now invalid.. if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable'])) { cache_put_data('known_languages', null, !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] < 1 ? 86400 : 3600); cache_put_data('known_languages_all', null, !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] < 1 ? 86400 : 3600); } require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'); createList($listOptions); $context['default_list'] = 'lang_main_files_list'; createToken('admin-dlang'); } /** * This lists all the current languages and allows editing of them. */ function ModifyLanguages() { global $txt, $context, $scripturl; global $user_info, $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $language, $boarddir, $forum_version; // Setting a new default? if (!empty($_POST['set_default']) && !empty($_POST['def_language'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-lang'); if ($_POST['def_language'] != $language) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php'); updateSettingsFile(array('language' => '\'' . $_POST['def_language'] . '\'')); $language = $_POST['def_language']; } } // Create another one time token here. createToken('admin-lang'); $listOptions = array( 'id' => 'language_list', 'items_per_page' => 20, 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=languages', 'title' => $txt['edit_languages'], 'get_items' => array( 'function' => 'list_getLanguages', ), 'get_count' => array( 'function' => 'list_getNumLanguages', ), 'columns' => array( 'default' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_default'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' return \'\'; '), 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 8%;', ), ), 'name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_lang_name'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' global $scripturl, $context; return sprintf(\'%3$s\', $scripturl, $rowData[\'id\'], $rowData[\'name\']); '), ), ), 'character_set' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_character_set'], ), 'data' => array( 'db_htmlsafe' => 'char_set', ), ), 'count' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_users'], ), 'data' => array( 'db_htmlsafe' => 'count', 'style' => 'text-align: center', ), ), 'locale' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['languages_locale'], ), 'data' => array( 'db_htmlsafe' => 'locale', ), ), ), 'form' => array( 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=languages', 'token' => 'admin-lang', ), 'additional_rows' => array( array( 'position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => '', 'style' => 'text-align: right;', ), ), // For highlighting the default. 'javascript' => ' var prevClass = ""; var prevDiv = ""; function highlightSelected(box) { if (prevClass != "") prevDiv.className = prevClass; prevDiv = document.getElementById(box); prevClass = prevDiv.className; prevDiv.className = "highlight2"; } highlightSelected("list_language_list_' . ($language == '' ? 'english' : $language). '"); ', ); // Display a warning if we cannot edit the default setting. if (!is_writable($boarddir . '/Settings.php')) $listOptions['additional_rows'][] = array( 'position' => 'after_title', 'value' => $txt['language_settings_writable'], 'class' => 'smalltext alert', ); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'); createList($listOptions); $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list'; $context['default_list'] = 'language_list'; } /** * How many languages? * Callback for the list in ManageLanguageSettings(). */ function list_getNumLanguages() { return count(getLanguages(true, false)); } /** * Fetch the actual language information. * Callback for $listOptions['get_items']['function'] in ManageLanguageSettings. * Determines which languages are available by looking for the "index.{language}.php" file. * Also figures out how many users are using a particular language. */ function list_getLanguages() { global $settings, $smcFunc, $language, $context, $txt; $languages = array(); // Keep our old entries. $old_txt = $txt; $backup_actual_theme_dir = $settings['actual_theme_dir']; $backup_base_theme_dir = !empty($settings['base_theme_dir']) ? $settings['base_theme_dir'] : ''; // Override these for now. $settings['actual_theme_dir'] = $settings['base_theme_dir'] = $settings['default_theme_dir']; getLanguages(true, false); // Put them back. $settings['actual_theme_dir'] = $backup_actual_theme_dir; if (!empty($backup_base_theme_dir)) $settings['base_theme_dir'] = $backup_base_theme_dir; else unset($settings['base_theme_dir']); // Get the language files and data... foreach ($context['languages'] as $lang) { // Load the file to get the character set. require($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $lang['filename'] . '.php'); $languages[$lang['filename']] = array( 'id' => $lang['filename'], 'count' => 0, 'char_set' => $txt['lang_character_set'], 'default' => $language == $lang['filename'] || ($language == '' && $lang['filename'] == 'english'), 'locale' => $txt['lang_locale'], 'name' => $smcFunc['ucwords'](strtr($lang['filename'], array('_' => ' ', '-utf8' => ''))), ); } // Work out how many people are using each language. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT lngfile, COUNT(*) AS num_users FROM {db_prefix}members GROUP BY lngfile', array( ) ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { // Default? if (empty($row['lngfile']) || !isset($languages[$row['lngfile']])) $row['lngfile'] = $language; if (!isset($languages[$row['lngfile']]) && isset($languages['english'])) $languages['english']['count'] += $row['num_users']; elseif (isset($languages[$row['lngfile']])) $languages[$row['lngfile']]['count'] += $row['num_users']; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // Restore the current users language. $txt = $old_txt; // Return how many we have. return $languages; } /** * Edit language related settings. * * @param bool $return_config = false */ function ModifyLanguageSettings($return_config = false) { global $scripturl, $context, $txt, $boarddir, $settings, $smcFunc, $sourcedir; // We'll want to save them someday. require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageServer.php'; // Warn the user if the backup of Settings.php failed. $settings_not_writable = !is_writable($boarddir . '/Settings.php'); $settings_backup_fail = !@is_writable($boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php') || !@copy($boarddir . '/Settings.php', $boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php'); /* If you're writing a mod, it's a bad idea to add things here.... For each option: variable name, description, type (constant), size/possible values, helptext. OR an empty string for a horizontal rule. OR a string for a titled section. */ $config_vars = array( 'language' => array('language', $txt['default_language'], 'file', 'select', array(), null, 'disabled' => $settings_not_writable), array('userLanguage', $txt['userLanguage'], 'db', 'check', null, 'userLanguage'), ); call_integration_hook('integrate_language_settings', array(&$config_vars)); if ($return_config) return $config_vars; // Get our languages. No cache and use utf8. getLanguages(false, false); foreach ($context['languages'] as $lang) $config_vars['language'][4][$lang['filename']] = array($lang['filename'], strtr($lang['name'], array('-utf8' => ' (UTF-8)'))); // Saving settings? if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { checkSession(); call_integration_hook('integrate_save_language_settings'); saveSettings($config_vars); redirectexit('action=admin;area=languages;sa=settings'); } // Setup the template stuff. $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=languages;sa=settings;save'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['language_settings']; $context['save_disabled'] = $settings_not_writable; if ($settings_not_writable) $context['settings_message'] = '
' . $txt['settings_not_writable'] . '

'; elseif ($settings_backup_fail) $context['settings_message'] = '
' . $txt['admin_backup_fail'] . '

'; // Fill the config array. prepareServerSettingsContext($config_vars); } /** * Edit a particular set of language entries. */ function ModifyLanguage() { global $settings, $context, $smcFunc, $txt, $modSettings, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $language; loadLanguage('ManageSettings'); // Select the languages tab. $context['menu_data_' . $context['admin_menu_id']]['current_subsection'] = 'edit'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['edit_languages']; $context['sub_template'] = 'modify_language_entries'; $context['lang_id'] = $_GET['lid']; list($theme_id, $file_id) = empty($_REQUEST['tfid']) || strpos($_REQUEST['tfid'], '+') === false ? array(1, '') : explode('+', $_REQUEST['tfid']); // Clean the ID - just in case. preg_match('~([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)~', $context['lang_id'], $matches); $context['lang_id'] = $matches[1]; // Get all the theme data. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_theme, variable, value FROM {db_prefix}themes WHERE id_theme != {int:default_theme} AND id_member = {int:no_member} AND variable IN ({string:name}, {string:theme_dir})', array( 'default_theme' => 1, 'no_member' => 0, 'name' => 'name', 'theme_dir' => 'theme_dir', ) ); $themes = array( 1 => array( 'name' => $txt['dvc_default'], 'theme_dir' => $settings['default_theme_dir'], ), ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $themes[$row['id_theme']][$row['variable']] = $row['value']; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // This will be where we look $lang_dirs = array(); // Check we have themes with a path and a name - just in case - and add the path. foreach ($themes as $id => $data) { if (count($data) != 2) unset($themes[$id]); elseif (is_dir($data['theme_dir'] . '/languages')) $lang_dirs[$id] = $data['theme_dir'] . '/languages'; // How about image directories? if (is_dir($data['theme_dir'] . '/images/' . $context['lang_id'])) $images_dirs[$id] = $data['theme_dir'] . '/images/' . $context['lang_id']; } $current_file = $file_id ? $lang_dirs[$theme_id] . '/' . $file_id . '.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php' : ''; // Now for every theme get all the files and stick them in context! $context['possible_files'] = array(); foreach ($lang_dirs as $theme => $theme_dir) { // Open it up. $dir = dir($theme_dir); while ($entry = $dir->read()) { // We're only after the files for this language. if (preg_match('~^([A-Za-z]+)\.' . $context['lang_id'] . '\.php$~', $entry, $matches) == 0) continue; // @todo Temp! if ($matches[1] == 'EmailTemplates') continue; if (!isset($context['possible_files'][$theme])) $context['possible_files'][$theme] = array( 'id' => $theme, 'name' => $themes[$theme]['name'], 'files' => array(), ); $context['possible_files'][$theme]['files'][] = array( 'id' => $matches[1], 'name' => isset($txt['lang_file_desc_' . $matches[1]]) ? $txt['lang_file_desc_' . $matches[1]] : $matches[1], 'selected' => $theme_id == $theme && $file_id == $matches[1], ); } $dir->close(); } // We no longer wish to speak this language. if (!empty($_POST['delete_main']) && $context['lang_id'] != 'english') { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-mlang'); // @todo Todo: FTP Controls? require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); // First, Make a backup? if (!empty($modSettings['package_make_backups']) && (!isset($_SESSION['last_backup_for']) || $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] != $context['lang_id'] . '$$$')) { $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] = $context['lang_id'] . '$$$'; package_create_backup('backup_lang_' . $context['lang_id']); } // Second, loop through the array to remove the files. foreach ($lang_dirs as $curPath) { foreach ($context['possible_files'][1]['files'] as $lang) if (file_exists($curPath . '/' . $lang['id'] . '.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php')) unlink($curPath . '/' . $lang['id'] . '.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php'); // Check for the email template. if (file_exists($curPath . '/EmailTemplates.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php')) unlink($curPath . '/EmailTemplates.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php'); } // Third, the agreement file. if (file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.txt')) unlink($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.txt'); // Fourth, a related images folder? foreach ($images_dirs as $curPath) if (is_dir($curPath)) deltree($curPath); // Members can no longer use this language. $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}members SET lngfile = {string:empty_string} WHERE lngfile = {string:current_language}', array( 'empty_string' => '', 'current_language' => $context['lang_id'], ) ); // Fifth, update getLanguages() cache. if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable'])) { cache_put_data('known_languages', null, !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] < 1 ? 86400 : 3600); cache_put_data('known_languages_all', null, !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] < 1 ? 86400 : 3600); } // Sixth, if we deleted the default language, set us back to english? if ($context['lang_id'] == $language) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php'); $language = 'english'; updateSettingsFile(array('language' => '\'' . $language . '\'')); } // Seventh, get out of here. redirectexit('action=admin;area=languages;sa=edit;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']); } // Saving primary settings? $madeSave = false; if (!empty($_POST['save_main']) && !$current_file) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-mlang'); // Read in the current file. $current_data = implode('', file($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php')); // These are the replacements. old => new $replace_array = array( '~\$txt\[\'lang_character_set\'\]\s=\s(\'|")[^\r\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_character_set\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['character_set']) . '\';', '~\$txt\[\'lang_locale\'\]\s=\s(\'|")[^\r\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_locale\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['locale']) . '\';', '~\$txt\[\'lang_dictionary\'\]\s=\s(\'|")[^\r\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_dictionary\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['dictionary']) . '\';', '~\$txt\[\'lang_spelling\'\]\s=\s(\'|")[^\r\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_spelling\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['spelling']) . '\';', '~\$txt\[\'lang_rtl\'\]\s=\s[A-Za-z0-9]+;~' => '$txt[\'lang_rtl\'] = ' . (!empty($_POST['rtl']) ? 'true' : 'false') . ';', ); $current_data = preg_replace(array_keys($replace_array), array_values($replace_array), $current_data); $fp = fopen($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php', 'w+'); fwrite($fp, $current_data); fclose($fp); $madeSave = true; } // Quickly load index language entries. $old_txt = $txt; require($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php'); $context['lang_file_not_writable_message'] = is_writable($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php') ? '' : sprintf($txt['lang_file_not_writable'], $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php'); // Setup the primary settings context. $context['primary_settings'] = array( 'name' => $smcFunc['ucwords'](strtr($context['lang_id'], array('_' => ' ', '-utf8' => ''))), 'character_set' => $txt['lang_character_set'], 'locale' => $txt['lang_locale'], 'dictionary' => $txt['lang_dictionary'], 'spelling' => $txt['lang_spelling'], 'rtl' => $txt['lang_rtl'], ); // Restore normal service. $txt = $old_txt; // Are we saving? $save_strings = array(); if (isset($_POST['save_entries']) && !empty($_POST['entry'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-mlang'); // Clean each entry! foreach ($_POST['entry'] as $k => $v) { // Only try to save if it's changed! if ($_POST['entry'][$k] != $_POST['comp'][$k]) $save_strings[$k] = cleanLangString($v, false); } } // If we are editing a file work away at that. if ($current_file) { $context['entries_not_writable_message'] = is_writable($current_file) ? '' : sprintf($txt['lang_entries_not_writable'], $current_file); $entries = array(); // We can't just require it I'm afraid - otherwise we pass in all kinds of variables! $multiline_cache = ''; foreach (file($current_file) as $line) { // Got a new entry? if ($line[0] == '$' && !empty($multiline_cache)) { preg_match('~\$(helptxt|txt)\[\'(.+)\'\]\s=\s(.+);~', strtr($multiline_cache, array("\n" => '', "\t" => '')), $matches); if (!empty($matches[3])) { $entries[$matches[2]] = array( 'type' => $matches[1], 'full' => $matches[0], 'entry' => $matches[3], ); $multiline_cache = ''; } } $multiline_cache .= $line . "\n"; } // Last entry to add? if ($multiline_cache) { preg_match('~\$(helptxt|txt)\[\'(.+)\'\]\s=\s(.+);~', strtr($multiline_cache, array("\n" => '', "\t" => '')), $matches); if (!empty($matches[3])) $entries[$matches[2]] = array( 'type' => $matches[1], 'full' => $matches[0], 'entry' => $matches[3], ); } // These are the entries we can definitely save. $final_saves = array(); $context['file_entries'] = array(); foreach ($entries as $entryKey => $entryValue) { // Ignore some things we set separately. $ignore_files = array('lang_character_set', 'lang_locale', 'lang_dictionary', 'lang_spelling', 'lang_rtl'); if (in_array($entryKey, $ignore_files)) continue; // These are arrays that need breaking out. $arrays = array('days', 'days_short', 'months', 'months_titles', 'months_short'); if (in_array($entryKey, $arrays)) { // Get off the first bits. $entryValue['entry'] = substr($entryValue['entry'], strpos($entryValue['entry'], '(') + 1, strrpos($entryValue['entry'], ')') - strpos($entryValue['entry'], '(')); $entryValue['entry'] = explode(',', strtr($entryValue['entry'], array(' ' => ''))); // Now create an entry for each item. $cur_index = 0; $save_cache = array( 'enabled' => false, 'entries' => array(), ); foreach ($entryValue['entry'] as $id => $subValue) { // Is this a new index? if (preg_match('~^(\d+)~', $subValue, $matches)) { $cur_index = $matches[1]; $subValue = substr($subValue, strpos($subValue, '\'')); } // Clean up some bits. $subValue = strtr($subValue, array('"' => '', '\'' => '', ')' => '')); // Can we save? if (isset($save_strings[$entryKey . '-+- ' . $cur_index])) { $save_cache['entries'][$cur_index] = strtr($save_strings[$entryKey . '-+- ' . $cur_index], array('\'' => '')); $save_cache['enabled'] = true; } else $save_cache['entries'][$cur_index] = $subValue; $context['file_entries'][] = array( 'key' => $entryKey . '-+- ' . $cur_index, 'value' => $subValue, 'rows' => 1, ); $cur_index++; } // Do we need to save? if ($save_cache['enabled']) { // Format the string, checking the indexes first. $items = array(); $cur_index = 0; foreach ($save_cache['entries'] as $k2 => $v2) { // Manually show the custom index. if ($k2 != $cur_index) { $items[] = $k2 . ' => \'' . $v2 . '\''; $cur_index = $k2; } else $items[] = '\'' . $v2 . '\''; $cur_index++; } // Now create the string! $final_saves[$entryKey] = array( 'find' => $entryValue['full'], 'replace' => '$' . $entryValue['type'] . '[\'' . $entryKey . '\'] = array(' . implode(', ', $items) . ');', ); } } else { // Saving? if (isset($save_strings[$entryKey]) && $save_strings[$entryKey] != $entryValue['entry']) { // @todo Fix this properly. if ($save_strings[$entryKey] == '') $save_strings[$entryKey] = '\'\''; // Set the new value. $entryValue['entry'] = $save_strings[$entryKey]; // And we know what to save now! $final_saves[$entryKey] = array( 'find' => $entryValue['full'], 'replace' => '$' . $entryValue['type'] . '[\'' . $entryKey . '\'] = ' . $save_strings[$entryKey] . ';', ); } $editing_string = cleanLangString($entryValue['entry'], true); $context['file_entries'][] = array( 'key' => $entryKey, 'value' => $editing_string, 'rows' => (int) (strlen($editing_string) / 38) + substr_count($editing_string, "\n") + 1, ); } } // Any saves to make? if (!empty($final_saves)) { checkSession(); $file_contents = implode('', file($current_file)); foreach ($final_saves as $save) $file_contents = strtr($file_contents, array($save['find'] => $save['replace'])); // Save the actual changes. $fp = fopen($current_file, 'w+'); fwrite($fp, $file_contents); fclose($fp); $madeSave = true; } // Another restore. $txt = $old_txt; } // If we saved, redirect. if ($madeSave) redirectexit('action=admin;area=languages;sa=editlang;lid=' . $context['lang_id']); createToken('admin-mlang'); } /** * This function cleans language entries to/from display. * @todo This function could be two functions? * * @param $string * @param $to_display */ function cleanLangString($string, $to_display = true) { global $smcFunc; // If going to display we make sure it doesn't have any HTML in it - etc. $new_string = ''; if ($to_display) { // Are we in a string (0 = no, 1 = single quote, 2 = parsed) $in_string = 0; $is_escape = false; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { // Handle ecapes first. if ($string{$i} == '\\') { // Toggle the escape. $is_escape = !$is_escape; // If we're now escaped don't add this string. if ($is_escape) continue; } // Special case - parsed string with line break etc? elseif (($string{$i} == 'n' || $string{$i} == 't') && $in_string == 2 && $is_escape) { // Put the escape back... $new_string .= $string{$i} == 'n' ? "\n" : "\t"; $is_escape = false; continue; } // Have we got a single quote? elseif ($string{$i} == '\'') { // Already in a parsed string, or escaped in a linear string, means we print it - otherwise something special. if ($in_string != 2 && ($in_string != 1 || !$is_escape)) { // Is it the end of a single quote string? if ($in_string == 1) $in_string = 0; // Otherwise it's the start! else $in_string = 1; // Don't actually include this character! continue; } } // Otherwise a double quote? elseif ($string{$i} == '"') { // Already in a single quote string, or escaped in a parsed string, means we print it - otherwise something special. if ($in_string != 1 && ($in_string != 2 || !$is_escape)) { // Is it the end of a double quote string? if ($in_string == 2) $in_string = 0; // Otherwise it's the start! else $in_string = 2; // Don't actually include this character! continue; } } // A join/space outside of a string is simply removed. elseif ($in_string == 0 && (empty($string{$i}) || $string{$i} == '.')) continue; // Start of a variable? elseif ($in_string == 0 && $string{$i} == '$') { // Find the whole of it! preg_match('~([\$A-Za-z0-9\'\[\]_-]+)~', substr($string, $i), $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { // Come up with some pseudo thing to indicate this is a var. /** * @todo Do better than this, please! */ $new_string .= '{%' . $matches[1] . '%}'; // We're not going to reparse this. $i += strlen($matches[1]) - 1; } continue; } // Right, if we're outside of a string we have DANGER, DANGER! elseif ($in_string == 0) { continue; } // Actually add the character to the string! $new_string .= $string{$i}; // If anything was escaped it ain't any longer! $is_escape = false; } // Unhtml then rehtml the whole thing! $new_string = htmlspecialchars(un_htmlspecialchars($new_string)); } else { // Keep track of what we're doing... $in_string = 0; // This is for deciding whether to HTML a quote. $in_html = false; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { // Handle line breaks! if ($string{$i} == "\n" || $string{$i} == "\t") { // Are we in a string? Is it the right type? if ($in_string == 1) { // Change type! $new_string .= '\' . "\\' . ($string{$i} == "\n" ? 'n' : 't'); $in_string = 2; } elseif ($in_string == 2) $new_string .= '\\' . ($string{$i} == "\n" ? 'n' : 't'); // Otherwise start one off - joining if required. else $new_string .= ($new_string ? ' . ' : '') . '"\\' . ($string{$i} == "\n" ? 'n' : 't'); continue; } // We don't do parsed strings apart from for breaks. elseif ($in_string == 2) { $in_string = 0; $new_string .= '"'; } // Not in a string yet? if ($in_string != 1) { $in_string = 1; $new_string .= ($new_string ? ' . ' : '') . '\''; } // Is this a variable? if ($string{$i} == '{' && $string{$i + 1} == '%' && $string{$i + 2} == '$') { // Grab the variable. preg_match('~\{%([\$A-Za-z0-9\'\[\]_-]+)%\}~', substr($string, $i), $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { if ($in_string == 1) $new_string .= '\' . '; elseif ($new_string) $new_string .= ' . '; $new_string .= $matches[1]; $i += strlen($matches[1]) + 3; $in_string = 0; } continue; } // Is this a lt sign? elseif ($string{$i} == '<') { // Probably HTML? if ($string{$i + 1} != ' ') $in_html = true; // Assume we need an entity... else { $new_string .= '<'; continue; } } // What about gt? elseif ($string{$i} == '>') { // Will it be HTML? if ($in_html) $in_html = false; // Otherwise we need an entity... else { $new_string .= '>'; continue; } } // Is it a slash? If so escape it... if ($string{$i} == '\\') $new_string .= '\\'; // The infamous double quote? elseif ($string{$i} == '"') { // If we're in HTML we leave it as a quote - otherwise we entity it. if (!$in_html) { $new_string .= '"'; continue; } } // A single quote? elseif ($string{$i} == '\'') { // Must be in a string so escape it. $new_string .= '\\'; } // Finally add the character to the string! $new_string .= $string{$i}; } // If we ended as a string then close it off. if ($in_string == 1) $new_string .= '\''; elseif ($in_string == 2) $new_string .= '"'; } return $new_string; } ?>