'help' => '',
'description' => $txt['mc_reported_posts_desc'],
// This comes under the umbrella of moderating posts.
if ($user_info['mod_cache']['bq'] == '0=1')
$sub_actions = array(
'show' => 'ShowReports',
'closed' => 'ShowClosedReports',
'handle' => 'HandleReport', // Deals with closing/opening reports.
'details' => 'ReportDetails', // Shows a single report and its comments.
'handlecomment' => 'HandleComment', // CRUD actions for moderator comments.
'editcomment' => 'EditComment',
// Go ahead and add your own sub-actions.
call_integration_hook('integrate_reported_posts', array(&$sub_actions));
// By default we call the open sub-action.
if (isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($sub_actions[$_REQUEST['sa']]))
$context['sub_action'] = $smcFunc['htmltrim']($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_REQUEST['sa']), ENT_QUOTES);
$context['sub_action'] = 'show';
// Hi Ho Silver Away!
* Shows all currently open reported posts.
* Handles closing multiple reports
function ShowReports()
global $context, $txt, $scripturl;
// Showing closed or open ones? regardless, turn this to an integer for better handling.
$context['view_closed'] = 0;
// Call the right template.
$context['sub_template'] = 'reported_posts';
$context['start'] = (int) isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : 0;
// Before anything, we need to know just how many reports do we have.
$context['total_reports'] = countReports($context['view_closed']);
// Just how many items are we showing per page?
$context['reports_how_many'] = 10;
// So, that means we can have pagination, yes?
$context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports;sa=show', $context['start'], $context['total_reports'], $context['reports_how_many']);
// Get the reports at once!
$context['reports'] = getReports($context['view_closed']);
// Are we closing multiple reports?
if (isset($_POST['close']) && isset($_POST['close_selected']))
// All the ones to update...
$toClose = array();
foreach ($_POST['close'] as $rid)
$toClose[] = (int) $rid;
if (!empty($toClose))
updateReport('closed', 1, $toClose);
// Set the confirmation message.
$_SESSION['rc_confirmation'] = 'close_all';
// Force a page refresh.
redirectexit($scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports');
// Show a confirmation if the user wants to disregard a report.
if (!$context['view_closed'])
$(\'.delete_message\').on(\'click\', function(){
return confirm('. JavaScriptEscape($txt['mc_reportedp_delete_confirm']) .');
$(\'.report_ignore\').on(\'click\', function(){
// Need to make sure to only show this when ignoring.
if ($(this).data(\'ignore\') == \'1\'){
return confirm('. JavaScriptEscape($txt['mc_reportedp_ignore_confirm']) .');
});', true);
createToken('mod-report-ignore', 'get');
createToken('mod-report-closed', 'get');
* Shows all currently closed reported posts.
function ShowClosedReports()
global $context, $txt, $scripturl;
// Showing closed ones.
$context['view_closed'] = 1;
// Call the right template.
$context['sub_template'] = 'reported_posts';
$context['start'] = (int) isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : 0;
// Before anything, we need to know just how many reports do we have.
$context['total_reports'] = countReports($context['view_closed']);
// Just how many items are we showing per page?
$context['reports_how_many'] = 10;
// So, that means we can have pagination, yes?
$context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports;sa=closed', $context['start'], $context['total_reports'], $context['reports_how_many']);
// Get the reports at once!
$context['reports'] = getReports($context['view_closed']);
// Show a confirmation if the user wants to disregard a report.
$(\'.delete_message\').on(\'click\', function(){
return confirm('. JavaScriptEscape($txt['mc_reportedp_delete_confirm']) .');
$(\'.report_ignore\').on(\'click\', function(){
// Need to make sure to only show this when ignoring.
if ($(this).data(\'ignore\') == \'1\'){
return confirm('. JavaScriptEscape($txt['mc_reportedp_ignore_confirm']) .');
});', true);
createToken('mod-report-ignore', 'get');
createToken('mod-report-closed', 'get');
* Shows detailed information about a report. such as report comments and moderator comments.
* Shows a list of moderation actions for the specific report.
function ReportDetails()
global $user_info, $context, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $txt;
global $smcFunc;
$report = array();
$reportComments = array();
// Have to at least give us something to work with.
if (empty($_REQUEST['rid']))
// Integers only please
$report_id = (int) $_REQUEST['rid'];
// Get the report details.
$report = getReportDetails($report_id);
// Build the report data.
$context['report'] = array(
'id' => $report['id_report'],
'topic_id' => $report['id_topic'],
'board_id' => $report['id_board'],
'message_id' => $report['id_msg'],
'message_href' => $scripturl . '?msg=' . $report['id_msg'],
'message_link' => '' . $report['subject'] . '',
'report_href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports;rid=' . $report['id_report'],
'author' => array(
'id' => $report['id_author'],
'name' => $report['author_name'],
'link' => $report['id_author'] ? '' . $report['author_name'] . '' : $report['author_name'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $report['id_author'],
'comments' => array(),
'mod_comments' => array(),
'time_started' => timeformat($report['time_started']),
'last_updated' => timeformat($report['time_updated']),
'subject' => $report['subject'],
'body' => parse_bbc($report['body']),
'num_reports' => $report['num_reports'],
'closed' => $report['closed'],
'ignore' => $report['ignore_all']
$reportComments = getReportComments($report_id);
if (!empty($reportComments))
$context['report'] = array_merge($context['report'], $reportComments);
// What have the other moderators done to this message?
require_once($sourcedir . '/Modlog.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php');
// This is all the information from the moderation log.
$listOptions = array(
'id' => 'moderation_actions_list',
'title' => $txt['mc_modreport_modactions'],
'items_per_page' => 15,
'no_items_label' => $txt['modlog_no_entries_found'],
'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports;sa=details;rid=' . $context['report']['id'],
'default_sort_col' => 'time',
'get_items' => array(
'function' => 'list_getModLogEntries',
'params' => array(
'lm.id_topic = {int:id_topic}',
array('id_topic' => $context['report']['topic_id']),
'get_count' => array(
'function' => 'list_getModLogEntryCount',
'params' => array(
'lm.id_topic = {int:id_topic}',
array('id_topic' => $context['report']['topic_id']),
// This assumes we are viewing by user.
'columns' => array(
'action' => array(
'header' => array(
'value' => $txt['modlog_action'],
'data' => array(
'db' => 'action_text',
'class' => 'smalltext',
'sort' => array(
'default' => 'lm.action',
'reverse' => 'lm.action DESC',
'time' => array(
'header' => array(
'value' => $txt['modlog_date'],
'data' => array(
'db' => 'time',
'class' => 'smalltext',
'sort' => array(
'default' => 'lm.log_time',
'reverse' => 'lm.log_time DESC',
'moderator' => array(
'header' => array(
'value' => $txt['modlog_member'],
'data' => array(
'db' => 'moderator_link',
'class' => 'smalltext',
'sort' => array(
'default' => 'mem.real_name',
'reverse' => 'mem.real_name DESC',
'position' => array(
'header' => array(
'value' => $txt['modlog_position'],
'data' => array(
'db' => 'position',
'class' => 'smalltext',
'sort' => array(
'default' => 'mg.group_name',
'reverse' => 'mg.group_name DESC',
'ip' => array(
'header' => array(
'value' => $txt['modlog_ip'],
'data' => array(
'db' => 'ip',
'class' => 'smalltext',
'sort' => array(
'default' => 'lm.ip',
'reverse' => 'lm.ip DESC',
// Create the watched user list.
// Make sure to get the correct tab selected.
if ($context['report']['closed'])
$context[$context['moderation_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'closed';
$(\'.deleteModComment\').on(\'click\', function() {
return confirm('. (JavaScriptEscape($txt['mc_reportedp_delete_confirm'])) .');
});', true);
// Finally we are done :P
$context['page_title'] = sprintf($txt['mc_viewmodreport'], $context['report']['subject'], $context['report']['author']['name']);
$context['sub_template'] = 'viewmodreport';
// We can ignore a report from this page too so show the confirmation on here as well.
$(\'.report_ignore\').on(\'click\', function(){
// Need to make sure to only show this when ignoring.
if ($(this).data(\'ignore\') == \'1\'){
return confirm('. JavaScriptEscape($txt['mc_reportedp_ignore_confirm']) .');
});', true);
createToken('mod-reportC-delete', 'get');
// We can "un-disregard" and close a report from here so add their respective tokens.
createToken('mod-report-ignore', 'get');
createToken('mod-report-closed', 'get');
* Creates/Deletes moderator comments.
function HandleComment()
global $smcFunc, $scripturl, $user_info;
$comment = array();
// The report ID is a must.
if (empty($_REQUEST['rid']))
// Integers only please.
$report_id = (int) $_REQUEST['rid'];
// If they are adding a comment then... add a comment.
if (isset($_POST['add_comment']) && !empty($_POST['mod_comment']))
$new_comment = trim($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['mod_comment']));
saveModComment($report_id, array($report_id, $new_comment, time()));
// Everything went better than expected!
$_SESSION['rc_confirmation'] = 'message_saved';
// Deleting a comment?
if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && isset($_REQUEST['mid']))
validateToken('mod-reportC-delete', 'get');
if (empty($_REQUEST['mid']))
$comment_id = (int) $_REQUEST['mid'];
// We need to verify some data, so lets load the comment details once more!
$comment = getCommentModDetails($comment_id);
// Perhaps somebody else already deleted this fine gem...
if (empty($comment))
// Can you actually do this?
$comment_owner = $user_info['id'] == $context['comment']['id_member'];
// Nope! sorry.
if (!allowedTo('admin_forum') || !$comment_owner)
// All good!
// Tell them the message was deleted.
$_SESSION['rc_confirmation'] = 'message_deleted';
//Redirect to prevent double submission.
redirectexit($scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports;sa=details;rid=' . $report_id);
* Shows a textarea for editing a moderator comment.
* Handles the edited comment and stores it on the DB.
function EditComment()
global $smcFunc, $context, $txt, $scripturl, $user_info;
$comment = array();
checkSession(isset($_REQUEST['save']) ? 'post' : 'get');
// The report ID is a must.
if (empty($_REQUEST['rid']))
if (empty($_REQUEST['mid']))
// Integers only please.
$context['report_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['rid'];
$context['comment_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['mid'];
$context['comment'] = getCommentModDetails($context['comment_id']);
if (empty($context['comment']))
// Set up the comforting bits...
$context['page_title'] = $txt['mc_reported_posts'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'edit_comment';
if (isset($_REQUEST['save']) && isset($_POST['edit_comment']) && !empty($_POST['mod_comment']))
// Make sure there is some data to edit on the DB.
if (empty($context['comment']))
// Still there, good, now lets see if you can actually edit it...
$comment_owner = $user_info['id'] == $context['comment']['id_member'];
// So, you aren't neither an admin or the comment owner huh? that's too bad.
if (!allowedTo('admin_forum') || !$comment_owner)
// All good!
$edited_comment = trim($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['mod_comment']));
editModComment($context['comment_id'], $edited_comment);
$_SESSION['rc_confirmation'] = 'message_edited';
redirectexit($scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports;sa=details;rid=' . $context['report_id']);
* Performs closing/ignoring actions for a given report.
function HandleReport()
global $scripturl;
// We need to do something!
if (empty($_GET['rid']) && (!isset($_GET['ignore']) || !isset($_GET['closed'])))
// What are we gonna do?
$action = isset($_GET['ignore']) ? 'ignore' : 'closed';
validateToken('mod-report-'. $action, 'get');
// Are we disregarding or "un-disregarding"? "un-disregarding" thats a funny word!
$value = (int) $_GET[$action];
// Figuring out.
$message = $action == 'ignore' ? ($value ? 'ignore' : 'unignore') : ($value ? 'close' : 'open');
// Integers only please.
$report_id = (int) $_REQUEST['rid'];
// Update the DB entry
updateReport($action, $value, $report_id);
// So, time to show a confirmation message, lets do some trickery!
$_SESSION['rc_confirmation'] = $message;
// Done!
redirectexit($scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=reports');