function smfRegister(formID, passwordDifficultyLevel, regTextStrings) { this.addVerify = addVerificationField; this.autoSetup = autoSetup; this.refreshMainPassword = refreshMainPassword; this.refreshVerifyPassword = refreshVerifyPassword; var verificationFields = new Array(); var verificationFieldLength = 0; var textStrings = regTextStrings ? regTextStrings : new Array(); var passwordLevel = passwordDifficultyLevel ? passwordDifficultyLevel : 0; // Setup all the fields! autoSetup(formID); // This is a field which requires some form of verification check. function addVerificationField(fieldType, fieldID) { // Check the field exists. if (!document.getElementById(fieldID)) return; // Get the handles. var inputHandle = document.getElementById(fieldID); var imageHandle = document.getElementById(fieldID + '_img') ? document.getElementById(fieldID + '_img') : false; var divHandle = document.getElementById(fieldID + '_div') ? document.getElementById(fieldID + '_div') : false; // What is the event handler? var eventHandler = false; if (fieldType == 'pwmain') eventHandler = refreshMainPassword; else if (fieldType == 'pwverify') eventHandler = refreshVerifyPassword; else if (fieldType == 'username') eventHandler = refreshUsername; else if (fieldType == 'reserved') eventHandler = refreshMainPassword; // Store this field. var vFieldIndex = fieldType == 'reserved' ? fieldType + verificationFieldLength : fieldType; verificationFields[vFieldIndex] = Array(6); verificationFields[vFieldIndex][0] = fieldID; verificationFields[vFieldIndex][1] = inputHandle; verificationFields[vFieldIndex][2] = imageHandle; verificationFields[vFieldIndex][3] = divHandle; verificationFields[vFieldIndex][4] = fieldType; verificationFields[vFieldIndex][5] = inputHandle.className; // Keep a count to it! verificationFieldLength++; // Step to it! if (eventHandler) { createEventListener(inputHandle); inputHandle.addEventListener('keyup', eventHandler, false); eventHandler(); // Username will auto check on blur! inputHandle.addEventListener('blur', autoCheckUsername, false); } // Make the div visible! if (divHandle) = ''; } // A button to trigger a username search? function addUsernameSearchTrigger(elementID) { var buttonHandle = document.getElementById(elementID); // Attach the event to this element. createEventListener(buttonHandle); buttonHandle.addEventListener('click', checkUsername, false); } // This function will automatically pick up all the necessary verification fields and initialise their visual status. function autoSetup(formID) { if (!document.getElementById(formID)) return false; var curElement, curType; for (var i = 0, n = document.getElementById(formID).elements.length; i < n; i++) { curElement = document.getElementById(formID).elements[i]; // Does the ID contain the keyword 'autov'? if ('autov') != -1 && (curElement.type == 'text' || curElement.type == 'password')) { // This is probably it - but does it contain a field type? curType = 0; // Username can only be done with XML. if ('username') != -1 && window.XMLHttpRequest) curType = 'username'; else if ('pwmain') != -1) curType = 'pwmain'; else if ('pwverify') != -1) curType = 'pwverify'; // This means this field is reserved and cannot be contained in the password! else if ('reserve') != -1) curType = 'reserved'; // If we're happy let's add this element! if (curType) addVerificationField(curType,; // If this is the username do we also have a button to find the user? if (curType == 'username' && document.getElementById( + '_link')) { addUsernameSearchTrigger( + '_link'); } } } return true; } // What is the password state? function refreshMainPassword(called_from_verify) { if (!verificationFields['pwmain']) return false; var curPass = verificationFields['pwmain'][1].value; var stringIndex = ''; // Is it a valid length? if ((curPass.length < 8 && passwordLevel >= 1) || curPass.length < 4) stringIndex = 'password_short'; // More than basic? if (passwordLevel >= 1) { // If there is a username check it's not in the password! if (verificationFields['username'] && verificationFields['username'][1].value && curPass.indexOf(verificationFields['username'][1].value) != -1) stringIndex = 'password_reserved'; // Any reserved fields? for (var i in verificationFields) { if (verificationFields[i][4] == 'reserved' && verificationFields[i][1].value && curPass.indexOf(verificationFields[i][1].value) != -1) stringIndex = 'password_reserved'; } // Finally - is it hard and as such requiring mixed cases and numbers? if (passwordLevel > 1) { if (curPass == curPass.toLowerCase()) stringIndex = 'password_numbercase'; if (!curPass.match(/(\D\d|\d\D)/)) stringIndex = 'password_numbercase'; } } var isValid = stringIndex == '' ? true : false; if (stringIndex == '') stringIndex = 'password_valid'; // Set the image. setVerificationImage(verificationFields['pwmain'][2], isValid, textStrings[stringIndex] ? textStrings[stringIndex] : ''); verificationFields['pwmain'][1].className = verificationFields['pwmain'][5] + ' ' + (isValid ? 'valid_input' : 'invalid_input'); // As this has changed the verification one may have too! if (verificationFields['pwverify'] && !called_from_verify) refreshVerifyPassword(); return isValid; } // Check that the verification password matches the main one! function refreshVerifyPassword() { // Can't do anything without something to check again! if (!verificationFields['pwmain']) return false; // Check and set valid status! var isValid = verificationFields['pwmain'][1].value == verificationFields['pwverify'][1].value && refreshMainPassword(true); var alt = textStrings[isValid == 1 ? 'password_valid' : 'password_no_match'] ? textStrings[isValid == 1 ? 'password_valid' : 'password_no_match'] : ''; setVerificationImage(verificationFields['pwverify'][2], isValid, alt); verificationFields['pwverify'][1].className = verificationFields['pwverify'][5] + ' ' + (isValid ? 'valid_input' : 'invalid_input'); return true; } // If the username is changed just revert the status of whether it's valid! function refreshUsername() { if (!verificationFields['username']) return false; // Restore the class name. if (verificationFields['username'][1].className) verificationFields['username'][1].className = verificationFields['username'][5]; // Check the image is correct. var alt = textStrings['username_check'] ? textStrings['username_check'] : ''; setVerificationImage(verificationFields['username'][2], 'check', alt); // Check the password is still OK. refreshMainPassword(); return true; } // This is a pass through function that ensures we don't do any of the AJAX notification stuff. function autoCheckUsername() { checkUsername(true); } // Check whether the username exists? function checkUsername(is_auto) { if (!verificationFields['username']) return false; // Get the username and do nothing without one! var curUsername = verificationFields['username'][1].value; if (!curUsername) return false; if (!is_auto) ajax_indicator(true); // Request a search on that username. checkName = curUsername.php_to8bit().php_urlencode(); getXMLDocument(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=register;sa=usernamecheck;xml;username=' + checkName, checkUsernameCallback); return true; } // Callback for getting the username data. function checkUsernameCallback(XMLDoc) { if (XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("username")) isValid = XMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("username")[0].getAttribute("valid"); else isValid = true; // What to alt? var alt = textStrings[isValid == 1 ? 'username_valid' : 'username_invalid'] ? textStrings[isValid == 1 ? 'username_valid' : 'username_invalid'] : ''; verificationFields['username'][1].className = verificationFields['username'][5] + ' ' + (isValid == 1 ? 'valid_input' : 'invalid_input'); setVerificationImage(verificationFields['username'][2], isValid == 1, alt); ajax_indicator(false); } // Set the image to be the correct type. function setVerificationImage(imageHandle, imageIcon, alt) { if (!imageHandle) return false; if (!alt) alt = '*'; var curImage = imageIcon ? (imageIcon == 'check' ? 'field_check.gif' : 'field_valid.gif') : 'field_invalid.gif'; imageHandle.src = smf_images_url + '/icons/' + curImage; imageHandle.alt = alt; imageHandle.title = alt; return true; } } function updateAuthMethod() { // What authentication method is being used? if (!document.getElementById('auth_openid') || !document.getElementById('auth_openid').checked) currentAuthMethod = 'passwd'; else currentAuthMethod = 'openid'; // No openID? if (!document.getElementById('auth_openid')) return true; document.forms.registration.openid_url.disabled = currentAuthMethod == 'openid' ? false : true; document.forms.registration.smf_autov_pwmain.disabled = currentAuthMethod == 'passwd' ? false : true; document.forms.registration.smf_autov_pwverify.disabled = currentAuthMethod == 'passwd' ? false : true; document.getElementById('smf_autov_pwmain_div').style.display = currentAuthMethod == 'passwd' ? '' : 'none'; document.getElementById('smf_autov_pwverify_div').style.display = currentAuthMethod == 'passwd' ? '' : 'none'; if (currentAuthMethod == 'passwd') { verificationHandle.refreshMainPassword(); verificationHandle.refreshVerifyPassword(); = ''; document.getElementById('password1_group').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('password2_group').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('openid_group').style.display = 'none'; } else { = ''; = ''; = '#FFF0F0'; document.getElementById('password1_group').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('password2_group').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('openid_group').style.display = ''; } return true; } function onCheckChange() { if (document.forms.postForm.emailActivate.checked || document.forms.postForm.password.value == '') { document.forms.postForm.emailPassword.disabled = true; document.forms.postForm.emailPassword.checked = true; } else document.forms.postForm.emailPassword.disabled = false; }