'smf_db_backup_table', 'db_optimize_table' => 'smf_db_optimize_table', 'db_insert_sql' => 'smf_db_insert_sql', 'db_table_sql' => 'smf_db_table_sql', 'db_list_tables' => 'smf_db_list_tables', 'db_get_version' => 'smf_db_get_version', ); } // Backup $table to $backup_table. function smf_db_backup_table($table, $backup_table) { global $smcFunc, $db_prefix; $table = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $table); // Do we need to drop it first? $tables = smf_db_list_tables(false, $backup_table); if (!empty($tables)) $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' DROP TABLE {raw:backup_table}', array( 'backup_table' => $backup_table, ) ); //!!! Should we create backups of sequences as well? $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' CREATE TABLE {raw:backup_table} ( LIKE {raw:table} INCLUDING DEFAULTS )', array( 'backup_table' => $backup_table, 'table' => $table, ) ); $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' INSERT INTO {raw:backup_table} SELECT * FROM {raw:table}', array( 'backup_table' => $backup_table, 'table' => $table, ) ); } // Optimize a table - return data freed! function smf_db_optimize_table($table) { global $smcFunc, $db_prefix; $table = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $table); $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' VACUUM ANALYZE {raw:table}', array( 'table' => $table, ) ); if (!$request) return -1; $row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); if (isset($row['Data_free'])) return $row['Data_free'] / 1024; else return 0; } // List all the tables in the database. function smf_db_list_tables($db = false, $filter = false) { global $smcFunc; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = {string:schema_public}' . ($filter == false ? '' : ' AND tablename LIKE {string:filter}') . ' ORDER BY tablename', array( 'schema_public' => 'public', 'filter' => $filter, ) ); $tables = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request)) $tables[] = $row[0]; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $tables; } // Get the content (INSERTs) for a table. function smf_db_insert_sql($tableName) { global $smcFunc, $db_prefix; $tableName = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $tableName); // This will be handy... $crlf = "\r\n"; // Get everything from the table. $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT * FROM {raw:table}', array( 'table' => $tableName, ) ); // The number of rows, just for record keeping and breaking INSERTs up. $num_rows = $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($result); if ($num_rows == 0) return ''; $fields = array_keys($smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)); $smcFunc['db_data_seek']($result, 0); // Start it off with the basic INSERT INTO. $data = ''; $insert_msg = $crlf . 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . $crlf . "\t" . '(' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')' . $crlf . 'VALUES ' . $crlf . "\t"; // Loop through each row. while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result)) { // Get the fields in this row... $field_list = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $smcFunc['db_num_fields']($result); $j++) { // Try to figure out the type of each field. (NULL, number, or 'string'.) if (!isset($row[$j])) $field_list[] = 'NULL'; elseif (is_numeric($row[$j]) && (int) $row[$j] == $row[$j]) $field_list[] = $row[$j]; else $field_list[] = '\'' . $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($row[$j]) . '\''; } // 'Insert' the data. $data .= $insert_msg . '(' . implode(', ', $field_list) . ');'; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); // Return an empty string if there were no rows. return $num_rows == 0 ? '' : $data; } // Get the schema (CREATE) for a table. function smf_db_table_sql($tableName) { global $smcFunc, $db_prefix; $tableName = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $tableName); // This will be needed... $crlf = "\r\n"; // Start the create table... $schema_create = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $tableName . ' (' . $crlf; $index_create = ''; $seq_create = ''; // Find all the fields. $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT column_name, column_default, is_nullable, data_type, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = {string:table} ORDER BY ordinal_position', array( 'table' => $tableName, ) ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { if ($row['data_type'] == 'character varying') $row['data_type'] = 'varchar'; elseif ($row['data_type'] == 'character') $row['data_type'] = 'char'; if ($row['character_maximum_length']) $row['data_type'] .= '(' . $row['character_maximum_length'] . ')'; // Make the CREATE for this column. $schema_create .= ' "' . $row['column_name'] . '" ' . $row['data_type'] . ($row['is_nullable'] != 'YES' ? ' NOT NULL' : ''); // Add a default...? if (trim($row['column_default']) != '') { $schema_create .= ' default ' . $row['column_default'] . ''; // Auto increment? if (preg_match('~nextval\(\'(.+?)\'(.+?)*\)~i', $row['column_default'], $matches) != 0) { // Get to find the next variable first! $count_req = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT MAX("{raw:column}") FROM {raw:table}', array( 'column' => $row['column_name'], 'table' => $tableName, ) ); list ($max_ind) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($count_req); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($count_req); // Get the right bloody start! $seq_create .= 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' . $matches[1] . ' START WITH ' . ($max_ind + 1) . ';' . $crlf . $crlf; } } $schema_create .= ',' . $crlf; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); // Take off the last comma. $schema_create = substr($schema_create, 0, -strlen($crlf) - 1); $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT CASE WHEN i.indisprimary THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_primary, pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) AS inddef FROM pg_class AS c INNER JOIN pg_index AS i ON (i.indrelid = c.oid) INNER JOIN pg_class AS c2 ON (c2.oid = i.indexrelid) WHERE c.relname = {string:table}', array( 'table' => $tableName, ) ); $indexes = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { if ($row['is_primary']) { if (preg_match('~\(([^\)]+?)\)~i', $row['inddef'], $matches) == 0) continue; $index_create .= $crlf . 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tableName . ' ADD PRIMARY KEY ("' . $matches[1] . '");'; } else $index_create .= $crlf . $row['inddef'] . ';'; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); // Finish it off! $schema_create .= $crlf . ');'; return $seq_create . $schema_create . $index_create; } // Get the version number. function smf_db_get_version() { global $smcFunc; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SHOW server_version', array( ) ); list ($ver) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $ver; } ?>