<?php // Version: 2.1 Alpha 1; Profile global $scripturl, $context; // profile $txt['drafts_show'] = 'Show Drafts'; $txt['drafts_show_desc'] = 'This area shows you all the drafts you currently have saved. From here you can edit them before posting, or you can remove them'; $txt['drafts_autosave_enabled'] = 'Enable the automatic saving of drafts.'; $txt['drafts_show_saved_enabled'] = 'Enable selection of drafts from posting screens.'; // misc $txt['drafts'] = 'Drafts'; $txt['draft_save'] = 'Save Draft'; $txt['draft_save_note'] = 'This will save the text of your post, but it will not save attachments, poll or event information.'; $txt['draft_none'] = 'You have no drafts.'; $txt['draft_edit'] = 'Edit draft'; $txt['draft_load'] = 'Load drafts'; $txt['draft_hide'] = 'Hide drafts'; $txt['draft_delete'] = 'Delete draft'; $txt['draft_saved_on'] = 'Draft last saved'; $txt['draft_days_ago'] = '%s days ago'; $txt['draft_retain'] = 'this will be retained for %s more days'; $txt['draft_remove'] = 'Remove this draft'; $txt['draft_saved'] = 'The contents have been saved as a draft, and will be accessible from the <a href="%1$s">Show Drafts area</a> of your profile.'; $txt['draft_pm_saved'] = 'The contents have been saved as a draft, and will be accessible from the <a href="%1$s">Show Drafts area</a> of your message center.'; $txt['draft_save_warning'] = 'Please note that all drafts will be automatically deleted after %1$d days.'; // Admin options $txt['drafts_autosave_enabled'] = 'Enable automatic saving of drafts'; $txt['drafts_autosave_enabled_subnote'] = 'This will automatically save user drafts in the background on a given frequency. The user must also have the proper permissions'; $txt['drafts_show_saved_enabled'] = 'Enable the selection of drafts from the posting screen'; $txt['drafts_show_saved_enabled_subnote'] = 'This will allow the user to select and load appropriate drafts from the posting screen. The user must also have the proper permissions'; $txt['drafts_keep_days'] = 'Maximum number of days to keep a draft'; $txt['drafts_keep_days_subnote'] = 'Enter 0 to keep drafts indefinitely'; $txt['drafts_autosave_frequency'] = 'How often should drafts be autosaved?'; $txt['drafts_autosave_frequency_subnote'] = 'The minimum allowable value is 30 seconds'; $txt['drafts_pm_enabled'] = 'Enable the saving of PM drafts'; $txt['drafts_post_enabled'] = 'Enable the saving of Post drafts'; $txt['drafts_none'] = 'No Subject'; $txt['drafts_saved'] = 'Draft was sucessfuly saved'; ?>