', $txt['news'], '

'; } } function template_main() { global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings; echo '
'; /* Each category in categories is made up of: id, href, link, name, is_collapsed (is it collapsed?), can_collapse (is it okay if it is?), new (is it new?), collapse_href (href to collapse/expand), collapse_image (up/down image), and boards. (see below.) */ foreach ($context['categories'] as $category) { // If theres no parent boards we can see, avoid showing an empty category (unless its collapsed) if (empty($category['boards']) && !$category['is_collapsed']) continue; echo ' '; // Assuming the category hasn't been collapsed... if (!$category['is_collapsed']) { echo ' '; /* Each board in each category's boards has: new (is it new?), id, name, description, moderators (see below), link_moderators (just a list.), children (see below.), link_children (easier to use.), children_new (are they new?), topics (# of), posts (# of), link, href, and last_post. (see below.) */ foreach ($category['boards'] as $board) { echo ' '; // Show the "Child Boards: ". (there's a link_children but we're going to bold the new ones...) if (!empty($board['children'])) { // Sort the links into an array with new boards bold so it can be imploded. $children = array(); /* Each child in each board's children has: id, name, description, new (is it new?), topics (#), posts (#), href, link, and last_post. */ foreach ($board['children'] as $child) { if (!$child['is_redirect']) $child['link'] = '' . $child['name'] . ($child['new'] ? '' . $txt['new'] . '' : '') . ''; else $child['link'] = '' . $child['name'] . ''; // Has it posts awaiting approval? if ($child['can_approve_posts'] && ($child['unapproved_posts'] || $child['unapproved_topics'])) $child['link'] .= ' (!)'; $children[] = $child['new'] ? '' . $child['link'] . '' : $child['link']; } echo ' '; } } echo ' '; } echo ' '; } echo '

'; // If this category even can collapse, show a link to collapse it. if ($category['can_collapse']) echo ' ', $category['collapse_image'], ''; echo ' ', $category['link'], '

', !empty($category['description']) ? '
' . $category['description'] . '
' : '', '
', $board['name'], ''; // Has it outstanding posts for approval? if ($board['can_approve_posts'] && ($board['unapproved_posts'] || $board['unapproved_topics'])) echo ' (!)'; echo '

', $board['description'] , '

'; // Show the "Moderators: ". Each has name, href, link, and id. (but we're gonna use link_moderators.) if (!empty($board['link_moderators'])) echo '

', count($board['link_moderators']) == 1 ? $txt['moderator'] : $txt['moderators'], ': ', implode(', ', $board['link_moderators']), '

'; // Show some basic information about the number of posts, etc. echo '

', comma_format($board['posts']), ' ', $board['is_redirect'] ? $txt['redirects'] : $txt['posts'], ' ', $board['is_redirect'] ? '' : '
'.comma_format($board['topics']) . ' ' . $txt['board_topics'], '

'; if (!empty($board['last_post']['id'])) echo '

', $board['last_post']['last_post_message'], '

'; echo '

', $txt['sub_boards'], ': ', implode(', ', $children), '

'; // Show the mark all as read button? if ($context['user']['is_logged'] && $settings['show_mark_read'] && !empty($context['categories'])) echo '
', template_button_strip($context['mark_read_button'], 'right'), '
'; } function template_boardindex_outer_below() { template_info_center(); } function template_info_center() { global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings; if (empty($context['info_center'])) return; // Here's where the "Info Center" starts... echo '

', sprintf($txt['info_center_title'], $context['forum_name_html_safe']), '

'; // Info center collapse object. echo ' '; } function template_ic_block_recent() { global $context, $scripturl, $settings, $txt; // This is the "Recent Posts" bar. echo '

', $txt['recent_posts'], '

'; // Only show one post. if ($settings['number_recent_posts'] == 1) { // latest_post has link, href, time, subject, short_subject (shortened with...), and topic. (its id.) echo '

', $txt['recent_view'], ' "', sprintf($txt['is_recent_updated'], '"' . $context['latest_post']['link'], '"'), ' (', $context['latest_post']['time'], ')

'; } // Show lots of posts. elseif (!empty($context['latest_posts'])) { echo ' '; /* Each post in latest_posts has: board (with an id, name, and link.), topic (the topic's id.), poster (with id, name, and link.), subject, short_subject (shortened with...), time, link, and href. */ foreach ($context['latest_posts'] as $post) echo ' '; echo '
', $txt['message'], ' ', $txt['author'], ' ', $txt['board'], ' ', $txt['date'], '
', $post['link'], ' ', $post['poster']['link'], ' ', $post['board']['link'], ' ', $post['time'], '
'; } echo '
'; } function template_ic_block_calendar() { global $context, $scripturl, $txt, $settings; // Show information about events, birthdays, and holidays on the calendar. echo '

', $context['calendar_only_today'] ? $txt['calendar_today'] : $txt['calendar_upcoming'], '

'; // Holidays like "Christmas", "Chanukah", and "We Love [Unknown] Day" :P. if (!empty($context['calendar_holidays'])) echo '

', $txt['calendar_prompt'], ' ', implode(', ', $context['calendar_holidays']), '

'; // People's birthdays. Like mine. And yours, I guess. Kidding. if (!empty($context['calendar_birthdays'])) { echo '

', $context['calendar_only_today'] ? $txt['birthdays'] : $txt['birthdays_upcoming'], ''; // Each member in calendar_birthdays has: id, name (person), age (if they have one set?), is_last. (last in list?), and is_today (birthday is today?) foreach ($context['calendar_birthdays'] as $member) echo ' ', $member['is_today'] ? '' : '', $member['name'], $member['is_today'] ? '' : '', isset($member['age']) ? ' (' . $member['age'] . ')' : '', '', $member['is_last'] ? '' : ', '; echo '

'; } // Events like community get-togethers. if (!empty($context['calendar_events'])) { echo '

', $context['calendar_only_today'] ? $txt['events'] : $txt['events_upcoming'], ' '; // Each event in calendar_events should have: // title, href, is_last, can_edit (are they allowed?), modify_href, and is_today. foreach ($context['calendar_events'] as $event) echo ' ', $event['can_edit'] ? '* ' : '', $event['href'] == '' ? '' : '', $event['is_today'] ? '' . $event['title'] . '' : $event['title'], $event['href'] == '' ? '' : '', $event['is_last'] ? '
' : ', '; echo '

'; } } function template_ic_block_stats() { global $scripturl, $txt, $context, $settings; // Show statistical style information... echo '

', $txt['forum_stats'], '

', $context['common_stats']['boardindex_total_posts'], '', !empty($settings['show_latest_member']) ? ' - '. $txt['latest_member'] . ': ' . $context['common_stats']['latest_member']['link'] . '' : '', '
', (!empty($context['latest_post']) ? $txt['latest_post'] . ': "' . $context['latest_post']['link'] . '" ( ' . $context['latest_post']['time'] . ' )
' : ''), ' ', $txt['recent_view'], '

'; } function template_ic_block_online() { global $context, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings; // "Users online" - in order of activity. echo '

', $context['show_who'] ? '' : '', '', $txt['online_users'], '', $context['show_who'] ? '' : '', '

', $context['show_who'] ? '' : '', '', $txt['online'], ': ', comma_format($context['num_guests']), ' ', $context['num_guests'] == 1 ? $txt['guest'] : $txt['guests'], ', ', comma_format($context['num_users_online']), ' ', $context['num_users_online'] == 1 ? $txt['user'] : $txt['users']; // Handle hidden users and buddies. $bracketList = array(); if ($context['show_buddies']) $bracketList[] = comma_format($context['num_buddies']) . ' ' . ($context['num_buddies'] == 1 ? $txt['buddy'] : $txt['buddies']); if (!empty($context['num_spiders'])) $bracketList[] = comma_format($context['num_spiders']) . ' ' . ($context['num_spiders'] == 1 ? $txt['spider'] : $txt['spiders']); if (!empty($context['num_users_hidden'])) $bracketList[] = comma_format($context['num_users_hidden']) . ' ' . ($context['num_spiders'] == 1 ? $txt['hidden'] : $txt['hidden_s']); if (!empty($bracketList)) echo ' (' . implode(', ', $bracketList) . ')'; echo $context['show_who'] ? '' : '', '  - ', $txt['most_online_today'], ': ', comma_format($modSettings['mostOnlineToday']), ' -  ', $txt['most_online_ever'], ': ', comma_format($modSettings['mostOnline']), ' (', timeformat($modSettings['mostDate']), ')
'; // Assuming there ARE users online... each user in users_online has an id, username, name, group, href, and link. if (!empty($context['users_online'])) { echo ' ', sprintf($txt['users_active'], $modSettings['lastActive']), ': ', implode(', ', $context['list_users_online']); // Showing membergroups? if (!empty($settings['show_group_key']) && !empty($context['membergroups'])) echo ' [' . implode(', ', $context['membergroups']). ']'; } echo '

'; } ?>