'', "\n" => '
')); // Prevent conversion of all bbcode inside these bbcodes. // @todo Tie in with bbc permissions ? foreach (array('code', 'php', 'nobbc') as $code) { if (strpos($text, '['. $code) !== false) { $parts = preg_split('~(\[/' . $code . '\]|\[' . $code . '(?:=[^\]]+)?\])~i', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // Only mess with stuff inside tags. for ($i = 0, $n = count($parts); $i < $n; $i++) { // Value of 2 means we're inside the tag. if ($i % 4 == 2) $parts[$i] = strtr($parts[$i], array('[' => '[', ']' => ']', "'" => "'")); } // Put our humpty dumpty message back together again. $text = implode('', $parts); } } // What tags do we allow? $allowed_tags = array('b', 'u', 'i', 's', 'hr', 'list', 'li', 'font', 'size', 'color', 'img', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'url', 'email', 'ftp', 'sub', 'sup'); $text = parse_bbc($text, true, '', $allowed_tags); // Fix for having a line break then a thingy. $text = strtr($text, array('
' '', "\r" => '')); // Note that IE doesn't understand spans really - make them something "legacy" $working_html = array( '~(.+?)~i' => '$1', '~(.+?)~i' => '$1', '~(.+?)~i' => '$2', '~(.+?)~i' => '$2', '~(.+?)~i' => '


', ); $text = preg_replace(array_keys($working_html), array_values($working_html), $text); // Parse unique ID's and disable javascript into the smileys - using the double space. $i = 1; $text = preg_replace_callback('~(?:\s| )?<(img\ssrc="' . preg_quote($modSettings['smileys_url'], '~') . '/[^<>]+?/([^<>]+?)"\s*)[^<>]*?class="smiley">~', create_function('$m', 'return \'<\' . ' . 'stripslashes(\'$1\') . \'alt="" title="" onresizestart="return false;" id="smiley_\' . ' . "\$" . 'i++ . \'_$2" style="padding: 0 3px 0 3px;">\';'), $text); return $text; } /** * !!!Compatibility!!! * This is no more needed, but to avoid break mods let's keep it * Run it it shouldn't even hurt either, so let's not bother remove it * * The harder one - wysiwyg to BBC! * * @param string $text * @return string */ function html_to_bbc($text) { global $modSettings, $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $context; // Replace newlines with spaces, as that's how browsers usually interpret them. $text = preg_replace("~\s*[\r\n]+\s*~", ' ', $text); // Though some of us love paragraphs, the parser will do better with breaks. $text = preg_replace('~

\s*(?!<)~i', '

', $text); // Safari/webkit wraps lines in Wysiwyg in
's. if (isBrowser('webkit')) $text = preg_replace(array('~]*?))?' . '>~i', '
'), array('
', ''), $text); // If there's a trailing break get rid of it - Firefox tends to add one. $text = preg_replace('~$~i', '', $text); // Remove any formatting within code tags. if (strpos($text, '[code') !== false) { $text = preg_replace('~~i', '#smf_br_spec_grudge_cool!#', $text); $parts = preg_split('~(\[/code\]|\[code(?:=[^\]]+)?\])~i', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // Only mess with stuff outside [code] tags. for ($i = 0, $n = count($parts); $i < $n; $i++) { // Value of 2 means we're inside the tag. if ($i % 4 == 2) $parts[$i] = strip_tags($parts[$i]); } $text = strtr(implode('', $parts), array('#smf_br_spec_grudge_cool!#' => '
')); } // Remove scripts, style and comment blocks. $text = preg_replace('~]*[^/]?' . '>.*?~i', '', $text); $text = preg_replace('~]*[^/]?' . '>.*?~i', '', $text); $text = preg_replace('~\\<\\!--.*?-->~i', '', $text); $text = preg_replace('~\\<\\!\\[CDATA\\[.*?\\]\\]\\>~i', '', $text); // Do the smileys ultra first! preg_match_all('~]*?id="*smiley_\d+_([^<>]+?)[\s"/>]\s*[^<>]*?/*>(?:\s)?~i', $text, $matches); if (!empty($matches[0])) { // Easy if it's not custom. if (empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])) { $smileysfrom = array('>:D', ':D', '::)', '>:(', ':)', ';)', ';D', ':(', ':o', '8)', ':P', '???', ':-[', ':-X', ':-*', ':\'(', ':-\\', '^-^', 'O0', 'C:-)', '0:)'); $smileysto = array('evil.gif', 'cheesy.gif', 'rolleyes.gif', 'angry.gif', 'smiley.gif', 'wink.gif', 'grin.gif', 'sad.gif', 'shocked.gif', 'cool.gif', 'tongue.gif', 'huh.gif', 'embarrassed.gif', 'lipsrsealed.gif', 'kiss.gif', 'cry.gif', 'undecided.gif', 'azn.gif', 'afro.gif', 'police.gif', 'angel.gif'); foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $file) { $found = array_search($file, $smileysto); // Note the weirdness here is to stop double spaces between smileys. if ($found) $matches[1][$k] = '-[]-smf_smily_start#|#' . $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($smileysfrom[$found]) . '-[]-smf_smily_end#|#'; else $matches[1][$k] = ''; } } else { // Load all the smileys. $names = array(); foreach ($matches[1] as $file) $names[] = $file; $names = array_unique($names); if (!empty($names)) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT code, filename FROM {db_prefix}smileys WHERE filename IN ({array_string:smiley_filenames})', array( 'smiley_filenames' => $names, ) ); $mappings = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $mappings[$row['filename']] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($row['code']); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $file) if (isset($mappings[$file])) $matches[1][$k] = '-[]-smf_smily_start#|#' . $mappings[$file] . '-[]-smf_smily_end#|#'; } } // Replace the tags! $text = str_replace($matches[0], $matches[1], $text); // Now sort out spaces $text = str_replace(array('-[]-smf_smily_end#|#-[]-smf_smily_start#|#', '-[]-smf_smily_end#|#', '-[]-smf_smily_start#|#'), ' ', $text); } // Only try to buy more time if the client didn't quit. if (connection_aborted() && $context['server']['is_apache']) @apache_reset_timeout(); $parts = preg_split('~(<[A-Za-z]+\s*[^<>]*?style="?[^<>"]+"?[^<>]*?(?:/?)>|)~', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $replacement = ''; $stack = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (preg_match('~(<([A-Za-z]+)\s*[^<>]*?)style="?([^<>"]+)"?([^<>]*?(/?)>)~', $part, $matches) === 1) { // If it's being closed instantly, we can't deal with it...yet. if ($matches[5] === '/') continue; else { // Get an array of styles that apply to this element. (The strtr is there to combat HTML generated by Word.) $styles = explode(';', strtr($matches[3], array('"' => ''))); $curElement = $matches[2]; $precedingStyle = $matches[1]; $afterStyle = $matches[4]; $curCloseTags = ''; $extra_attr = ''; foreach ($styles as $type_value_pair) { // Remove spaces and convert uppercase letters. $clean_type_value_pair = strtolower(strtr(trim($type_value_pair), '=', ':')); // Something like 'font-weight: bold' is expected here. if (strpos($clean_type_value_pair, ':') === false) continue; // Capture the elements of a single style item (e.g. 'font-weight' and 'bold'). list ($style_type, $style_value) = explode(':', $type_value_pair); $style_value = trim($style_value); switch (trim($style_type)) { case 'font-weight': if ($style_value === 'bold') { $curCloseTags .= '[/b]'; $replacement .= '[b]'; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ($style_value == 'underline') { $curCloseTags .= '[/u]'; $replacement .= '[u]'; } elseif ($style_value == 'line-through') { $curCloseTags .= '[/s]'; $replacement .= '[s]'; } break; case 'text-align': if ($style_value == 'left') { $curCloseTags .= '[/left]'; $replacement .= '[left]'; } elseif ($style_value == 'center') { $curCloseTags .= '[/center]'; $replacement .= '[center]'; } elseif ($style_value == 'right') { $curCloseTags .= '[/right]'; $replacement .= '[right]'; } break; case 'font-style': if ($style_value == 'italic') { $curCloseTags .= '[/i]'; $replacement .= '[i]'; } break; case 'color': $curCloseTags .= '[/color]'; $replacement .= '[color=' . $style_value . ']'; break; case 'font-size': // Sometimes people put decimals where decimals should not be. if (preg_match('~(\d)+\.\d+(p[xt])~i', $style_value, $dec_matches) === 1) $style_value = $dec_matches[1] . $dec_matches[2]; $curCloseTags .= '[/size]'; $replacement .= '[size=' . $style_value . ']'; break; case 'font-family': // Only get the first freaking font if there's a list! if (strpos($style_value, ',') !== false) $style_value = substr($style_value, 0, strpos($style_value, ',')); $curCloseTags .= '[/font]'; $replacement .= '[font=' . strtr($style_value, array("'" => '')) . ']'; break; // This is a hack for images with dimensions embedded. case 'width': case 'height': if (preg_match('~[1-9]\d*~i', $style_value, $dimension) === 1) $extra_attr .= ' ' . $style_type . '="' . $dimension[0] . '"'; break; case 'list-style-type': if (preg_match('~none|disc|circle|square|decimal|decimal-leading-zero|lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-alpha|upper-alpha|lower-greek|lower-latin|upper-latin|hebrew|armenian|georgian|cjk-ideographic|hiragana|katakana|hiragana-iroha|katakana-iroha~i', $style_value, $listType) === 1) $extra_attr .= ' listtype="' . $listType[0] . '"'; break; } } // Preserve some tags stripping the styling. if (in_array($matches[2], array('a', 'font', 'td'))) { $replacement .= $precedingStyle . $afterStyle; $curCloseTags = '' . $curCloseTags; } // If there's something that still needs closing, push it to the stack. if (!empty($curCloseTags)) array_push($stack, array( 'element' => strtolower($curElement), 'closeTags' => $curCloseTags ) ); elseif (!empty($extra_attr)) $replacement .= $precedingStyle . $extra_attr . $afterStyle; } } elseif (preg_match('~~', $part, $matches) === 1) { // Is this the element that we've been waiting for to be closed? if (!empty($stack) && strtolower($matches[1]) === $stack[count($stack) - 1]['element']) { $byebyeTag = array_pop($stack); $replacement .= $byebyeTag['closeTags']; } // Must've been something else. else $replacement .= $part; } // In all other cases, just add the part to the replacement. else $replacement .= $part; } // Now put back the replacement in the text. $text = $replacement; // We are not finished yet, request more time. if (connection_aborted() && $context['server']['is_apache']) @apache_reset_timeout(); // Let's pull out any legacy alignments. while (preg_match('~<([A-Za-z]+)\s+[^<>]*?(align="*(left|center|right)"*)[^<>]*?(/?)>~i', $text, $matches) === 1) { // Find the position in the text of this tag over again. $start_pos = strpos($text, $matches[0]); if ($start_pos === false) break; // End tag? if ($matches[4] != '/' && strpos($text, '', $start_pos) !== false) { $end_length = strlen(''); $end_pos = strpos($text, '', $start_pos); // Remove the align from that tag so it's never checked again. $tag = substr($text, $start_pos, strlen($matches[0])); $content = substr($text, $start_pos + strlen($matches[0]), $end_pos - $start_pos - strlen($matches[0])); $tag = str_replace($matches[2], '', $tag); // Put the tags back into the body. $text = substr($text, 0, $start_pos) . $tag . '[' . $matches[3] . ']' . $content . '[/' . $matches[3] . ']' . substr($text, $end_pos); } else { // Just get rid of this evil tag. $text = substr($text, 0, $start_pos) . substr($text, $start_pos + strlen($matches[0])); } } // Let's do some special stuff for fonts - cause we all love fonts. while (preg_match('~]*)>~i', $text, $matches) === 1) { // Find the position of this again. $start_pos = strpos($text, $matches[0]); $end_pos = false; if ($start_pos === false) break; // This must have an end tag - and we must find the right one. $lower_text = strtolower($text); $start_pos_test = $start_pos + 4; // How many starting tags must we find closing ones for first? $start_font_tag_stack = 0; while ($start_pos_test < strlen($text)) { // Where is the next starting font? $next_start_pos = strpos($lower_text, '', $start_pos_test); // Did we past another starting tag before an end one? if ($next_start_pos !== false && $next_start_pos < $next_end_pos) { $start_font_tag_stack++; $start_pos_test = $next_start_pos + 4; } // Otherwise we have an end tag but not the right one? elseif ($start_font_tag_stack) { $start_font_tag_stack--; $start_pos_test = $next_end_pos + 4; } // Otherwise we're there! else { $end_pos = $next_end_pos; break; } } if ($end_pos === false) break; // Now work out what the attributes are. $attribs = fetchTagAttributes($matches[1]); $tags = array(); $sizes_equivalence = array(1 => '8pt', '10pt', '12pt', '14pt', '18pt', '24pt', '36pt'); foreach ($attribs as $s => $v) { if ($s == 'size') { // Cast before empty chech because casting a string results in a 0 and we don't have zeros in the array! ;) $v = (int) trim($v); $v = empty($v) ? 1 : $v; $tags[] = array('[size=' . $sizes_equivalence[$v] . ']', '[/size]'); } elseif ($s == 'face') $tags[] = array('[font=' . trim(strtolower($v)) . ']', '[/font]'); elseif ($s == 'color') $tags[] = array('[color=' . trim(strtolower($v)) . ']', '[/color]'); } // As before add in our tags. $before = $after = ''; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $before .= $tag[0]; if (isset($tag[1])) $after = $tag[1] . $after; } // Remove the tag so it's never checked again. $content = substr($text, $start_pos + strlen($matches[0]), $end_pos - $start_pos - strlen($matches[0])); // Put the tags back into the body. $text = substr($text, 0, $start_pos) . $before . $content . $after . substr($text, $end_pos + 7); } // Almost there, just a little more time. if (connection_aborted() && $context['server']['is_apache']) @apache_reset_timeout(); if (count($parts = preg_split('~<(/?)(li|ol|ul)([^>]*)>~i', $text, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) > 1) { // A toggle that dermines whether we're directly under a
      . $inList = false; // Keep track of the number of nested list levels. $listDepth = 0; // Map what we can expect from the HTML to what is supported by SMF. $listTypeMapping = array( '1' => 'decimal', 'A' => 'upper-alpha', 'a' => 'lower-alpha', 'I' => 'upper-roman', 'i' => 'lower-roman', 'disc' => 'disc', 'square' => 'square', 'circle' => 'circle', ); // $i: text, $i + 1: '/', $i + 2: tag, $i + 3: tail. for ($i = 0, $numParts = count($parts) - 1; $i < $numParts; $i += 4) { $tag = strtolower($parts[$i + 2]); $isOpeningTag = $parts[$i + 1] === ''; if ($isOpeningTag) { switch ($tag) { case 'ol': case 'ul': // We have a problem, we're already in a list. if ($inList) { // Inject a list opener, we'll deal with the ol/ul next loop. array_splice($parts, $i, 0, array( '', '', str_repeat("\t", $listDepth) . '[li]', '', )); $numParts = count($parts) - 1; // The inlist status changes a bit. $inList = false; } // Just starting a new list. else { $inList = true; if ($tag === 'ol') $listType = 'decimal'; elseif (preg_match('~type="?(' . implode('|', array_keys($listTypeMapping)) . ')"?~', $parts[$i + 3], $match) === 1) $listType = $listTypeMapping[$match[1]]; else $listType = null; $listDepth++; $parts[$i + 2] = '[list' . ($listType === null ? '' : ' type=' . $listType) . ']' . "\n"; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; } break; case 'li': // This is how it should be: a list item inside the list. if ($inList) { $parts[$i + 2] = str_repeat("\t", $listDepth) . '[li]'; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; // Within a list item, it's almost as if you're outside. $inList = false; } // The li is no direct child of a list. else { // We are apparently in a list item. if ($listDepth > 0) { $parts[$i + 2] = '[/li]' . "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $listDepth) . '[li]'; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; } // We're not even near a list. else { // Quickly create a list with an item. $listDepth++; $parts[$i + 2] = '[list]' . "\n\t" . '[li]'; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; } } break; } } // Handle all the closing tags. else { switch ($tag) { case 'ol': case 'ul': // As we expected it, closing the list while we're in it. if ($inList) { $inList = false; $listDepth--; $parts[$i + 1] = ''; $parts[$i + 2] = str_repeat("\t", $listDepth) . '[/list]'; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; } else { // We're in a list item. if ($listDepth > 0) { // Inject closure for this list item first. // The content of $parts[$i] is left as is! array_splice($parts, $i + 1, 0, array( '', // $i + 1 '[/li]' . "\n", // $i + 2 '', // $i + 3 '', // $i + 4 )); $numParts = count($parts) - 1; // Now that we've closed the li, we're in list space. $inList = true; } // We're not even in a list, ignore else { $parts[$i + 1] = ''; $parts[$i + 2] = ''; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; } } break; case 'li': if ($inList) { // There's no use for a after
          , ignore. $parts[$i + 1] = ''; $parts[$i + 2] = ''; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; } else { // Remove the trailing breaks from the list item. $parts[$i] = preg_replace('~\s*\s*$~', '', $parts[$i]); $parts[$i + 1] = ''; $parts[$i + 2] = '[/li]' . "\n"; $parts[$i + 3] = ''; // And we're back in the [list] space. $inList = true; } break; } } // If we're in the [list] space, no content is allowed. if ($inList && trim(preg_replace('~\s*\s*~', '', $parts[$i + 4])) !== '') { // Fix it by injecting an extra list item. array_splice($parts, $i + 4, 0, array( '', // No content. '', // Opening tag. 'li', // It's a
        • . '', // No tail. )); $numParts = count($parts) - 1; } } $text = implode('', $parts); if ($inList) { $listDepth--; $text .= str_repeat("\t", $listDepth) . '[/list]'; } for ($i = $listDepth; $i > 0; $i--) $text .= '[/li]' . "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $i - 1) . '[/list]'; } // I love my own image... while (preg_match('~]*)/*>~i', $text, $matches) === 1) { // Find the position of the image. $start_pos = strpos($text, $matches[0]); if ($start_pos === false) break; $end_pos = $start_pos + strlen($matches[0]); $params = ''; $had_params = array(); $src = ''; $attrs = fetchTagAttributes($matches[1]); foreach ($attrs as $attrib => $value) { if (in_array($attrib, array('width', 'height'))) $params .= ' ' . $attrib . '=' . (int) $value; elseif ($attrib == 'alt' && trim($value) != '') $params .= ' alt=' . trim($value); elseif ($attrib == 'src') $src = trim($value); } $tag = ''; if (!empty($src)) { // Attempt to fix the path in case it's not present. if (preg_match('~^https?://~i', $src) === 0 && is_array($parsedURL = parse_url($scripturl)) && isset($parsedURL['host'])) { $baseURL = (isset($parsedURL['scheme']) ? $parsedURL['scheme'] : 'http') . '://' . $parsedURL['host'] . (empty($parsedURL['port']) ? '' : ':' . $parsedURL['port']); if (substr($src, 0, 1) === '/') $src = $baseURL . $src; else $src = $baseURL . (empty($parsedURL['path']) ? '/' : preg_replace('~/(?:index\\.php)?$~', '', $parsedURL['path'])) . '/' . $src; } $tag = '[img' . $params . ']' . $src . '[/img]'; } // Replace the tag $text = substr($text, 0, $start_pos) . $tag . substr($text, $end_pos); } // The final bits are the easy ones - tags which map to tags which map to tags - etc etc. $tags = array( '~~i' => '[b]', '~~i' => '[/b]', '~~i' => '[i]', '~~i' => '[/i]', '~~i' => '[u]', '~~i' => '[/u]', '~~i' => '[b]', '~~i' => '[/b]', '~~i' => '[i]', '~~i' => '[/i]', '~~i' => "[s]", '~~i' => "[/s]", '~~i' => '[s]', '~~i' => '[/s]', '~~i' => '[s]', '~~i' => '[/s]', '~~i' => '[center]', '~~i' => '[/center]', '~~i' => '[pre]', '~~i' => '[/pre]', '~~i' => '[sub]', '~~i' => '[/sub]', '~~i' => '[sup]', '~~i' => '[/sup]', '~~i' => '[tt]', '~~i' => '[/tt]', '~~i' => '[table]', '~~i' => '[/table]', '~~i' => '[tr]', '~~i' => '[/tr]', '~<(td|th)\s[^<>]*?colspan="?(\d{1,2})"?.*?' . '>~ie' => 'str_repeat(\'[td][/td]\', $2 - 1) . \'[td]\'', '~<(td|th)(\s(.)*?)*?' . '>~i' => '[td]', '~~i' => '[/td]', '~]*?)?' . '>~i' => "\n", '~]*>(\n)?~i' => "[hr]\n$1", '~(\n)?\\[hr\\]~i' => "\n[hr]", '~^\n\\[hr\\]~i' => "[hr]", '~~i' => "<blockquote>", '~~i' => "</blockquote>", '~~i' => "<ins>", '~~i' => "</ins>", ); $text = preg_replace(array_keys($tags), array_values($tags), $text); // Please give us just a little more time. if (connection_aborted() && $context['server']['is_apache']) @apache_reset_timeout(); // What about URL's - the pain in the ass of the tag world. while (preg_match('~]*)>([^<>]*)~i', $text, $matches) === 1) { // Find the position of the URL. $start_pos = strpos($text, $matches[0]); if ($start_pos === false) break; $end_pos = $start_pos + strlen($matches[0]); $tag_type = 'url'; $href = ''; $attrs = fetchTagAttributes($matches[1]); foreach ($attrs as $attrib => $value) { if ($attrib == 'href') { $href = trim($value); // Are we dealing with an FTP link? if (preg_match('~^ftps?://~', $href) === 1) $tag_type = 'ftp'; // Or is this a link to an email address? elseif (substr($href, 0, 7) == 'mailto:') { $tag_type = 'email'; $href = substr($href, 7); } // No http(s), so attempt to fix this potential relative URL. elseif (preg_match('~^https?://~i', $href) === 0 && is_array($parsedURL = parse_url($scripturl)) && isset($parsedURL['host'])) { $baseURL = (isset($parsedURL['scheme']) ? $parsedURL['scheme'] : 'http') . '://' . $parsedURL['host'] . (empty($parsedURL['port']) ? '' : ':' . $parsedURL['port']); if (substr($href, 0, 1) === '/') $href = $baseURL . $href; else $href = $baseURL . (empty($parsedURL['path']) ? '/' : preg_replace('~/(?:index\\.php)?$~', '', $parsedURL['path'])) . '/' . $href; } } // External URL? if ($attrib == 'target' && $tag_type == 'url') { if (trim($value) == '_blank') $tag_type == 'iurl'; } } $tag = ''; if ($href != '') { if ($matches[2] == $href) $tag = '[' . $tag_type . ']' . $href . '[/' . $tag_type . ']'; else $tag = '[' . $tag_type . '=' . $href . ']' . $matches[2] . '[/' . $tag_type . ']'; } // Replace the tag $text = substr($text, 0, $start_pos) . $tag . substr($text, $end_pos); } $text = strip_tags($text); // Some tags often end up as just dummy tags - remove those. $text = preg_replace('~\[[bisu]\]\s*\[/[bisu]\]~', '', $text); // Fix up entities. $text = preg_replace('~&~i', '&#38;', $text); $text = legalise_bbc($text); return $text; } /** * !!!Compatibility!!! * This is no more needed, but to avoid break mods let's keep it * * Returns an array of attributes associated with a tag. * * @param string $text * @return string */ function fetchTagAttributes($text) { $attribs = array(); $key = $value = ''; $strpos = 0; $tag_state = 0; // 0 = key, 1 = attribute with no string, 2 = attribute with string for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { // We're either moving from the key to the attribute or we're in a string and this is fine. if ($text[$i] == '=') { if ($tag_state == 0) $tag_state = 1; elseif ($tag_state == 2) $value .= '='; } // A space is either moving from an attribute back to a potential key or in a string is fine. elseif ($text[$i] == ' ') { if ($tag_state == 2) $value .= ' '; elseif ($tag_state == 1) { $attribs[$key] = $value; $key = $value = ''; $tag_state = 0; } } // A quote? elseif ($text[$i] == '"') { // Must be either going into or out of a string. if ($tag_state == 1) $tag_state = 2; else $tag_state = 1; } // Otherwise it's fine. else { if ($tag_state == 0) $key .= $text[$i]; else $value .= $text[$i]; } } // Anything left? if ($key != '' && $value != '') $attribs[$key] = $value; return $attribs; } /** * !!!Compatibility!!! * Attempt to clean up illegal BBC caused by browsers like Opera which don't obey the rules * @param string $text * @return string */ function legalise_bbc($text) { global $modSettings; // Don't care about the texts that are too short. if (strlen($text) < 3) return $text; // We are going to cycle through the BBC and keep track of tags as they arise - in order. If get to a block level tag we're going to make sure it's not in a non-block level tag! // This will keep the order of tags that are open. $current_tags = array(); // This will quickly let us see if the tag is active. $active_tags = array(); // A list of tags that's disabled by the admin. $disabled = empty($modSettings['disabledBBC']) ? array() : array_flip(explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['disabledBBC']))); // Add flash if it's disabled as embedded tag. if (empty($modSettings['enableEmbeddedFlash'])) $disabled['flash'] = true; // Get a list of all the tags that are not disabled. $all_tags = parse_bbc(false); $valid_tags = array(); $self_closing_tags = array(); foreach ($all_tags as $tag) { if (!isset($disabled[$tag['tag']])) $valid_tags[$tag['tag']] = !empty($tag['block_level']); if (isset($tag['type']) && $tag['type'] == 'closed') $self_closing_tags[] = $tag['tag']; } // Don't worry if we're in a code/nobbc. $in_code_nobbc = false; // Right - we're going to start by going through the whole lot to make sure we don't have align stuff crossed as this happens load and is stupid! $align_tags = array('left', 'center', 'right', 'pre'); // Remove those align tags that are not valid. $align_tags = array_intersect($align_tags, array_keys($valid_tags)); // These keep track of where we are! if (!empty($align_tags) && count($matches = preg_split('~(\\[/?(?:' . implode('|', $align_tags) . ')\\])~', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) > 1) { // The first one is never a tag. $isTag = false; // By default we're not inside a tag too. $insideTag = null; foreach ($matches as $i => $match) { // We're only interested in tags, not text. if ($isTag) { $isClosingTag = substr($match, 1, 1) === '/'; $tagName = substr($match, $isClosingTag ? 2 : 1, -1); // We're closing the exact same tag that we opened. if ($isClosingTag && $insideTag === $tagName) $insideTag = null; // We're opening a tag and we're not yet inside one either elseif (!$isClosingTag && $insideTag === null) $insideTag = $tagName; // In all other cases, this tag must be invalid else unset($matches[$i]); } // The next one is gonna be the other one. $isTag = !$isTag; } // We're still inside a tag and had no chance for closure? if ($insideTag !== null) $matches[] = '[/' . $insideTag . ']'; // And a complete text string again. $text = implode('', $matches); } // Quickly remove any tags which are back to back. $backToBackPattern = '~\\[(' . implode('|', array_diff(array_keys($valid_tags), array('td', 'anchor'))) . ')[^<>\\[\\]]*\\]\s*\\[/\\1\\]~'; $lastlen = 0; while (strlen($text) !== $lastlen) $lastlen = strlen($text = preg_replace($backToBackPattern, '', $text)); // Need to sort the tags my name length. uksort($valid_tags, 'sort_array_length'); // These inline tags can compete with each other regarding style. $competing_tags = array( 'color', 'size', ); // In case things changed above set these back to normal. $in_code_nobbc = false; $new_text_offset = 0; // These keep track of where we are! if (count($parts = preg_split(sprintf('~(\\[)(/?)(%1$s)((?:[\\s=][^\\]\\[]*)?\\])~', implode('|', array_keys($valid_tags))), $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) > 1) { // Start with just text. $isTag = false; // Start outside [nobbc] or [code] blocks. $inCode = false; $inNoBbc = false; // A buffer containing all opened inline elements. $inlineElements = array(); // A buffer containing all opened block elements. $blockElements = array(); // A buffer containing the opened inline elements that might compete. $competingElements = array(); // $i: text, $i + 1: '[', $i + 2: '/', $i + 3: tag, $i + 4: tag tail. for ($i = 0, $n = count($parts) - 1; $i < $n; $i += 5) { $tag = $parts[$i + 3]; $isOpeningTag = $parts[$i + 2] === ''; $isClosingTag = $parts[$i + 2] === '/'; $isBlockLevelTag = isset($valid_tags[$tag]) && $valid_tags[$tag] && !in_array($tag, $self_closing_tags); $isCompetingTag = in_array($tag, $competing_tags); // Check if this might be one of those cleaned out tags. if ($tag === '') continue; // Special case: inside [code] blocks any code is left untouched. elseif ($tag === 'code') { // We're inside a code block and closing it. if ($inCode && $isClosingTag) { $inCode = false; // Reopen tags that were closed before the code block. if (!empty($inlineElements)) $parts[$i + 4] .= '[' . implode('][', array_keys($inlineElements)) . ']'; } // We're outside a coding and nobbc block and opening it. elseif (!$inCode && !$inNoBbc && $isOpeningTag) { // If there are still inline elements left open, close them now. if (!empty($inlineElements)) { $parts[$i] .= '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($inlineElements)) . ']'; //$inlineElements = array(); } $inCode = true; } // Nothing further to do. continue; } // Special case: inside [nobbc] blocks any BBC is left untouched. elseif ($tag === 'nobbc') { // We're inside a nobbc block and closing it. if ($inNoBbc && $isClosingTag) { $inNoBbc = false; // Some inline elements might've been closed that need reopening. if (!empty($inlineElements)) $parts[$i + 4] .= '[' . implode('][', array_keys($inlineElements)) . ']'; } // We're outside a nobbc and coding block and opening it. elseif (!$inNoBbc && !$inCode && $isOpeningTag) { // Can't have inline elements still opened. if (!empty($inlineElements)) { $parts[$i] .= '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($inlineElements)) . ']'; //$inlineElements = array(); } $inNoBbc = true; } continue; } // So, we're inside one of the special blocks: ignore any tag. elseif ($inCode || $inNoBbc) continue; // We're dealing with an opening tag. if ($isOpeningTag) { // Everyting inside the square brackets of the opening tag. $elementContent = $parts[$i + 3] . substr($parts[$i + 4], 0, -1); // A block level opening tag. if ($isBlockLevelTag) { // Are there inline elements still open? if (!empty($inlineElements)) { // Close all the inline tags, a block tag is coming... $parts[$i] .= '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($inlineElements)) . ']'; // Now open them again, we're inside the block tag now. $parts[$i + 5] = '[' . implode('][', array_keys($inlineElements)) . ']' . $parts[$i + 5]; } $blockElements[] = $tag; } // Inline opening tag. elseif (!in_array($tag, $self_closing_tags)) { // Can't have two opening elements with the same contents! if (isset($inlineElements[$elementContent])) { // Get rid of this tag. $parts[$i + 1] = $parts[$i + 2] = $parts[$i + 3] = $parts[$i + 4] = ''; // Now try to find the corresponding closing tag. $curLevel = 1; for ($j = $i + 5, $m = count($parts) - 1; $j < $m; $j += 5) { // Find the tags with the same tagname if ($parts[$j + 3] === $tag) { // If it's an opening tag, increase the level. if ($parts[$j + 2] === '') $curLevel++; // A closing tag, decrease the level. else { $curLevel--; // Gotcha! Clean out this closing tag gone rogue. if ($curLevel === 0) { $parts[$j + 1] = $parts[$j + 2] = $parts[$j + 3] = $parts[$j + 4] = ''; break; } } } } } // Otherwise, add this one to the list. else { if ($isCompetingTag) { if (!isset($competingElements[$tag])) $competingElements[$tag] = array(); $competingElements[$tag][] = $parts[$i + 4]; if (count($competingElements[$tag]) > 1) $parts[$i] .= '[/' . $tag . ']'; } $inlineElements[$elementContent] = $tag; } } } // Closing tag. else { // Closing the block tag. if ($isBlockLevelTag) { // Close the elements that should've been closed by closing this tag. if (!empty($blockElements)) { $addClosingTags = array(); while ($element = array_pop($blockElements)) { if ($element === $tag) break; // Still a block tag was open not equal to this tag. $addClosingTags[] = $element['type']; } if (!empty($addClosingTags)) $parts[$i + 1] = '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($addClosingTags)) . ']' . $parts[$i + 1]; // Apparently the closing tag was not found on the stack. if (!is_string($element) || $element !== $tag) { // Get rid of this particular closing tag, it was never opened. $parts[$i + 1] = substr($parts[$i + 1], 0, -1); $parts[$i + 2] = $parts[$i + 3] = $parts[$i + 4] = ''; continue; } } else { // Get rid of this closing tag! $parts[$i + 1] = $parts[$i + 2] = $parts[$i + 3] = $parts[$i + 4] = ''; continue; } // Inline elements are still left opened? if (!empty($inlineElements)) { // Close them first.. $parts[$i] .= '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($inlineElements)) . ']'; // Then reopen them. $parts[$i + 5] = '[' . implode('][', array_keys($inlineElements)) . ']' . $parts[$i + 5]; } } // Inline tag. else { // Are we expecting this tag to end? if (in_array($tag, $inlineElements)) { foreach (array_reverse($inlineElements, true) as $tagContentToBeClosed => $tagToBeClosed) { // Closing it one way or the other. unset($inlineElements[$tagContentToBeClosed]); // Was this the tag we were looking for? if ($tagToBeClosed === $tag) break; // Nope, close it and look further! else $parts[$i] .= '[/' . $tagToBeClosed . ']'; } if ($isCompetingTag && !empty($competingElements[$tag])) { array_pop($competingElements[$tag]); if (count($competingElements[$tag]) > 0) $parts[$i + 5] = '[' . $tag . $competingElements[$tag][count($competingElements[$tag]) - 1] . $parts[$i + 5]; } } // Unexpected closing tag, ex-ter-mi-nate. else $parts[$i + 1] = $parts[$i + 2] = $parts[$i + 3] = $parts[$i + 4] = ''; } } } // Close the code tags. if ($inCode) $parts[$i] .= '[/code]'; // The same for nobbc tags. elseif ($inNoBbc) $parts[$i] .= '[/nobbc]'; // Still inline tags left unclosed? Close them now, better late than never. elseif (!empty($inlineElements)) $parts[$i] .= '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($inlineElements)) . ']'; // Now close the block elements. if (!empty($blockElements)) $parts[$i] .= '[/' . implode('][/', array_reverse($blockElements)) . ']'; $text = implode('', $parts); } // Final clean up of back to back tags. $lastlen = 0; while (strlen($text) !== $lastlen) $lastlen = strlen($text = preg_replace($backToBackPattern, '', $text)); return $text; } /** * !!!Compatibility!!! * A help function for legalise_bbc for sorting arrays based on length. * @param string $a * @param string $b * @return int 1 or -1 */ function sort_array_length($a, $b) { return strlen($a) < strlen($b) ? 1 : -1; } /** * Creates the javascript code for localization of the editor (SCEditor) */ function loadLocale() { global $context, $txt, $editortxt, $modSettings; loadLanguage('Editor'); $context['template_layers'] = array(); // Lets make sure we aren't going to output anything nasty. @ob_end_clean(); if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'])) @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); else @ob_start(); // If we don't have any locale better avoid broken js if (empty($txt['lang_locale'])) die(); $file_data = '(function ($) { \'use strict\'; $.sceditor.locale[' . javaScriptEscape($txt['lang_locale']) . '] = {'; foreach ($editortxt as $key => $val) $file_data .= ' ' . javaScriptEscape($key) . ': ' . javaScriptEscape($val) . ','; $file_data .= ' dateFormat: "day.month.year" } })(jQuery);'; // Make sure they know what type of file we are. header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo $file_data; obExit(false); } /** * Retrieves a list of message icons. * - Based on the settings, the array will either contain a list of default * message icons or a list of custom message icons retrieved from the database. * - The board_id is needed for the custom message icons (which can be set for * each board individually). * * @param int $board_id * @return array */ function getMessageIcons($board_id) { global $modSettings, $context, $txt, $settings, $smcFunc; if (empty($modSettings['messageIcons_enable'])) { loadLanguage('Post'); $icons = array( array('value' => 'xx', 'name' => $txt['standard']), array('value' => 'thumbup', 'name' => $txt['thumbs_up']), array('value' => 'thumbdown', 'name' => $txt['thumbs_down']), array('value' => 'exclamation', 'name' => $txt['excamation_point']), array('value' => 'question', 'name' => $txt['question_mark']), array('value' => 'lamp', 'name' => $txt['lamp']), array('value' => 'smiley', 'name' => $txt['icon_smiley']), array('value' => 'angry', 'name' => $txt['icon_angry']), array('value' => 'cheesy', 'name' => $txt['icon_cheesy']), array('value' => 'grin', 'name' => $txt['icon_grin']), array('value' => 'sad', 'name' => $txt['icon_sad']), array('value' => 'wink', 'name' => $txt['icon_wink']), array('value' => 'poll', 'name' => $txt['icon_poll']), ); foreach ($icons as $k => $dummy) { $icons[$k]['url'] = $settings['images_url'] . '/post/' . $dummy['value'] . '.png'; $icons[$k]['is_last'] = false; } } // Otherwise load the icons, and check we give the right image too... else { if (($temp = cache_get_data('posting_icons-' . $board_id, 480)) == null) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('select_message_icons', ' SELECT title, filename FROM {db_prefix}message_icons WHERE id_board IN (0, {int:board_id}) ORDER BY icon_order', array( 'board_id' => $board_id, ) ); $icon_data = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $icon_data[] = $row; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); $icons = array(); foreach ($icon_data as $icon) { $icons[$icon['filename']] = array( 'value' => $icon['filename'], 'name' => $icon['title'], 'url' => $settings[file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/post/' . $icon['filename'] . '.png') ? 'images_url' : 'default_images_url'] . '/post/' . $icon['filename'] . '.png', 'is_last' => false, ); } cache_put_data('posting_icons-' . $board_id, $icons, 480); } else $icons = $temp; } return array_values($icons); } /** * Compatibility function - used in 1.1 for showing a post box. * * @param string $msg * @return string */ function theme_postbox($msg) { global $context; return template_control_richedit($context['post_box_name']); } /** * Creates a box that can be used for richedit stuff like BBC, Smileys etc. * @param array $editorOptions */ function create_control_richedit($editorOptions) { global $txt, $modSettings, $options, $smcFunc, $editortxt; global $context, $settings, $user_info, $sourcedir, $scripturl; // Load the Post language file... for the moment at least. loadLanguage('Post'); // Every control must have a ID! assert(isset($editorOptions['id'])); assert(isset($editorOptions['value'])); // Is this the first richedit - if so we need to ensure some template stuff is initialised. if (empty($context['controls']['richedit'])) { // Some general stuff. $settings['smileys_url'] = $modSettings['smileys_url'] . '/' . $user_info['smiley_set']; if (!empty($context['drafts_autosave']) && !empty($options['drafts_autosave_enabled'])) $context['drafts_autosave_frequency'] = empty($modSettings['drafts_autosave_frequency']) ? 60000 : $modSettings['drafts_autosave_frequency'] * 1000; // This really has some WYSIWYG stuff. loadCSSFile('jquery.sceditor.css', array('force_current' => false, 'validate' => true)); loadTemplate('GenericControls'); // JS makes the editor go round loadJavascriptFile('editor.js', array('default_theme' => true), 'smf_editor'); loadJavascriptFile('jquery.sceditor.js', array('default_theme' => true)); loadJavascriptFile('jquery.sceditor.bbcode.js', array('default_theme' => true)); loadJavascriptFile('jquery.sceditor.smf.js', array('default_theme' => true)); addInlineJavascript(' var smf_smileys_url = \'' . $settings['smileys_url'] . '\'; var bbc_quote_from = \'' . addcslashes($txt['quote_from'], "'") . '\'; var bbc_quote = \'' . addcslashes($txt['quote'], "'") . '\'; var bbc_search_on = \'' . addcslashes($txt['search_on'], "'") . '\';'); // editor language file if (!empty($txt['lang_locale']) && $txt['lang_locale'] != 'en_US') loadJavascriptFile($scripturl . '?action=loadeditorlocale', array(), 'sceditor_language'); $context['shortcuts_text'] = $txt['shortcuts' . (!empty($context['drafts_save']) ? '_drafts' : '') . (isBrowser('is_firefox') ? '_firefox' : '')]; $context['show_spellchecking'] = !empty($modSettings['enableSpellChecking']) && (function_exists('pspell_new') || (function_exists('enchant_broker_init') && ($txt['lang_charset'] == 'UTF-8' || function_exists('iconv')))); if ($context['show_spellchecking']) { loadJavascriptFile('spellcheck.js', array('default_theme' => true)); // Some hidden information is needed in order to make the spell checking work. if (!isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) $context['insert_after_template'] .= '
          '; } } // Start off the editor... $context['controls']['richedit'][$editorOptions['id']] = array( 'id' => $editorOptions['id'], 'value' => $editorOptions['value'], 'rich_value' => $editorOptions['value'], // 2.0 editor compatibility 'rich_active' => empty($modSettings['disable_wysiwyg']) && (!empty($options['wysiwyg_default']) || !empty($editorOptions['force_rich']) || !empty($_REQUEST[$editorOptions['id'] . '_mode'])), 'disable_smiley_box' => !empty($editorOptions['disable_smiley_box']), 'columns' => isset($editorOptions['columns']) ? $editorOptions['columns'] : 60, 'rows' => isset($editorOptions['rows']) ? $editorOptions['rows'] : 18, 'width' => isset($editorOptions['width']) ? $editorOptions['width'] : '70%', 'height' => isset($editorOptions['height']) ? $editorOptions['height'] : '250px', 'form' => isset($editorOptions['form']) ? $editorOptions['form'] : 'postmodify', 'bbc_level' => !empty($editorOptions['bbc_level']) ? $editorOptions['bbc_level'] : 'full', 'preview_type' => isset($editorOptions['preview_type']) ? (int) $editorOptions['preview_type'] : 1, 'labels' => !empty($editorOptions['labels']) ? $editorOptions['labels'] : array(), 'locale' => !empty($txt['lang_locale']) && substr($txt['lang_locale'], 0, 5) != 'en_US' ? $txt['lang_locale'] : '', ); // Switch between default images and back... mostly in case you don't have an PersonalMessage template, but do have a Post template. if (isset($settings['use_default_images']) && $settings['use_default_images'] == 'defaults' && isset($settings['default_template'])) { $temp1 = $settings['theme_url']; $settings['theme_url'] = $settings['default_theme_url']; $temp2 = $settings['images_url']; $settings['images_url'] = $settings['default_images_url']; $temp3 = $settings['theme_dir']; $settings['theme_dir'] = $settings['default_theme_dir']; } if (empty($context['bbc_tags'])) { // The below array makes it dead easy to add images to this control. Add it to the array and everything else is done for you! /* array( 'image' => 'bold', 'code' => 'b', 'before' => '[b]', 'after' => '[/b]', 'description' => $txt['bold'], ), */ $context['bbc_tags'] = array(); $context['bbc_tags'][] = array( array( 'code' => 'bold', 'description' => $editortxt['bold'], ), array( 'code' => 'italic', 'description' => $editortxt['italic'], ), array( 'code' => 'underline', 'description' => $editortxt['underline'] ), array( 'code' => 'strike', 'description' => $editortxt['strike'] ), array(), array( 'code' => 'pre', 'description' => $editortxt['preformatted'] ), array( 'code' => 'left', 'description' => $editortxt['left_align'] ), array( 'code' => 'center', 'description' => $editortxt['center'] ), array( 'code' => 'right', 'description' => $editortxt['right_align'] ), ); $context['bbc_tags'][] = array( array( 'code' => 'flash', 'description' => $editortxt['flash'] ), array( 'code' => 'image', 'description' => $editortxt['image'] ), array( 'code' => 'link', 'description' => $editortxt['hyperlink'] ), array( 'code' => 'email', 'description' => $editortxt['insert_email'] ), array( 'code' => 'ftp', 'description' => $editortxt['ftp'] ), array(), array( 'code' => 'glow', 'description' => $editortxt['glow'] ), array( 'code' => 'shadow', 'description' => $editortxt['shadow'] ), array( 'code' => 'move', 'description' => $editortxt['marquee'] ), array(), array( 'code' => 'superscript', 'description' => $editortxt['superscript'] ), array( 'code' => 'subscript', 'description' => $editortxt['subscript'] ), array( 'code' => 'tt', 'description' => $editortxt['teletype'] ), array(), array( 'code' => 'table', 'description' => $editortxt['table'] ), array( 'code' => 'code', 'description' => $editortxt['bbc_code'] ), array( 'code' => 'quote', 'description' => $editortxt['bbc_quote'] ), array(), array( 'code' => 'bulletlist', 'description' => $editortxt['list_unordered'] ), array( 'code' => 'orderedlist', 'description' => $editortxt['list_ordered'] ), array( 'code' => 'horizontalrule', 'description' => $editortxt['horizontal_rule'] ), ); // Allow mods to modify BBC buttons. // Note: pass the array here is not necessary and is deprecated, but it is ketp for backward compatibility with 2.0 call_integration_hook('integrate_bbc_buttons', array(&$context['bbc_tags'])); // Show the toggle? if (empty($modSettings['disable_wysiwyg'])) { $context['bbc_tags'][count($context['bbc_tags']) - 1][] = array(); $context['bbc_tags'][count($context['bbc_tags']) - 1][] = array( 'code' => 'unformat', 'description' => $editortxt['unformat_text'], ); $context['bbc_tags'][count($context['bbc_tags']) - 1][] = array( 'code' => 'toggle', 'description' => $editortxt['toggle_view'], ); } // Generate a list of buttons that shouldn't be shown - this should be the fastest way to do this. $disabled_tags = array(); if (!empty($modSettings['disabledBBC'])) $disabled_tags = explode(',', $modSettings['disabledBBC']); if (empty($modSettings['enableEmbeddedFlash'])) $disabled_tags[] = 'flash'; foreach ($disabled_tags as $tag) { if ($tag == 'list') { $context['disabled_tags']['bulletlist'] = true; $context['disabled_tags']['orderedlist'] = true; } elseif ($tag == 'b') $context['disabled_tags']['bold'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'i') $context['disabled_tags']['italic'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'i') $context['disabled_tags']['underline'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'i') $context['disabled_tags']['strike'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'img') $context['disabled_tags']['image'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'url') $context['disabled_tags']['link'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'sup') $context['disabled_tags']['superscript'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'sub') $context['disabled_tags']['subscript'] = true; elseif ($tag == 'hr') $context['disabled_tags']['horizontalrule'] = true; $context['disabled_tags'][trim($tag)] = true; } $bbcodes_styles = ''; $context['bbcodes_handlers'] = ''; $context['bbc_toolbar'] = array(); foreach ($context['bbc_tags'] as $row => $tagRow) { if (!isset($context['bbc_toolbar'][$row])) $context['bbc_toolbar'][$row] = array(); $tagsRow = array(); foreach ($tagRow as $tag) { if (!empty($tag)) { if (empty($context['disabled_tags'][$tag['code']])) { $tagsRow[] = $tag['code']; if (isset($tag['image'])) $bbcodes_styles .= ' .sceditor-button-' . $tag['code'] . ' div { background: url(\'' . $settings['default_theme_url'] . '/images/bbc/' . $tag['image'] . '.png\'); }'; if (isset($tag['before'])) { $context['bbcodes_handlers'] = ' $.sceditor.setCommand( ' . javaScriptEscape($tag['code']) . ', function () { this.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml(' . javaScriptEscape($tag['before']) . (isset($tag['after']) ? ', ' . javaScriptEscape($tag['after']) : '') . '); }, ' . javaScriptEscape($tag['description']) . ', null, [' . javaScriptEscape($tag['before']) . (isset($tag['after']) ? ', ' . javaScriptEscape($tag['after']) : '') . '] );'; } } } else { $context['bbc_toolbar'][$row][] = implode(',', $tagsRow); $tagsRow = array(); } } if ($row == 0) { $context['bbc_toolbar'][$row][] = implode(',', $tagsRow); $tagsRow = array(); if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['font'])) $tagsRow[] = 'font'; if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['size'])) $tagsRow[] = 'size'; if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['color'])) $tagsRow[] = 'color'; } elseif ($row == 1 && empty($modSettings['disable_wysiwyg'])) { $tmp = array(); $tagsRow[] = 'removeformat'; $tagsRow[] = 'source'; if (!empty($tmp)) { $tagsRow[] = '|' . implode(',', $tmp); } } if (!empty($tagsRow)) $context['bbc_toolbar'][$row][] = implode(',', $tagsRow); } if (!empty($bbcodes_styles)) $context['html_headers'] .= ' '; } // Initialize smiley array... if not loaded before. if (empty($context['smileys']) && empty($editorOptions['disable_smiley_box'])) { $context['smileys'] = array( 'postform' => array(), 'popup' => array(), ); // Load smileys - don't bother to run a query if we're not using the database's ones anyhow. if (empty($modSettings['smiley_enable']) && $user_info['smiley_set'] != 'none') $context['smileys']['postform'][] = array( 'smileys' => array( array( 'code' => ':)', 'filename' => 'smiley.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_smiley'], ), array( 'code' => ';)', 'filename' => 'wink.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_wink'], ), array( 'code' => ':D', 'filename' => 'cheesy.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_cheesy'], ), array( 'code' => ';D', 'filename' => 'grin.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_grin'] ), array( 'code' => '>:(', 'filename' => 'angry.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_angry'], ), array( 'code' => ':(', 'filename' => 'sad.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_sad'], ), array( 'code' => ':o', 'filename' => 'shocked.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_shocked'], ), array( 'code' => '8)', 'filename' => 'cool.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_cool'], ), array( 'code' => '???', 'filename' => 'huh.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_huh'], ), array( 'code' => '::)', 'filename' => 'rolleyes.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_rolleyes'], ), array( 'code' => ':P', 'filename' => 'tongue.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_tongue'], ), array( 'code' => ':-[', 'filename' => 'embarrassed.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_embarrassed'], ), array( 'code' => ':-X', 'filename' => 'lipsrsealed.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_lips'], ), array( 'code' => ':-\\', 'filename' => 'undecided.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_undecided'], ), array( 'code' => ':-*', 'filename' => 'kiss.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_kiss'], ), array( 'code' => ':\'(', 'filename' => 'cry.gif', 'description' => $txt['icon_cry'], 'isLast' => true, ), ), 'isLast' => true, ); elseif ($user_info['smiley_set'] != 'none') { if (($temp = cache_get_data('posting_smileys', 480)) == null) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT code, filename, description, smiley_row, hidden FROM {db_prefix}smileys WHERE hidden IN (0, 2) ORDER BY smiley_row, smiley_order', array( ) ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $row['filename'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($row['filename']); $row['description'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($row['description']); $context['smileys'][empty($row['hidden']) ? 'postform' : 'popup'][$row['smiley_row']]['smileys'][] = $row; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); foreach ($context['smileys'] as $section => $smileyRows) { foreach ($smileyRows as $rowIndex => $smileys) $context['smileys'][$section][$rowIndex]['smileys'][count($smileys['smileys']) - 1]['isLast'] = true; if (!empty($smileyRows)) $context['smileys'][$section][count($smileyRows) - 1]['isLast'] = true; } cache_put_data('posting_smileys', $context['smileys'], 480); } else $context['smileys'] = $temp; } } // Set a flag so the sub template knows what to do... $context['show_bbc'] = !empty($modSettings['enableBBC']) && !empty($settings['show_bbc']); // Switch the URLs back... now we're back to whatever the main sub template is. (like folder in PersonalMessage.) if (isset($settings['use_default_images']) && $settings['use_default_images'] == 'defaults' && isset($settings['default_template'])) { $settings['theme_url'] = $temp1; $settings['images_url'] = $temp2; $settings['theme_dir'] = $temp3; } } /** * Create a anti-bot verification control? * @param array &$verificationOptions * @param bool $do_test = false */ function create_control_verification(&$verificationOptions, $do_test = false) { global $txt, $modSettings, $smcFunc; global $context, $user_info, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $language; // First verification means we need to set up some bits... if (empty($context['controls']['verification'])) { // The template loadTemplate('GenericControls'); // Some javascript ma'am? if (!empty($verificationOptions['override_visual']) || (!empty($modSettings['visual_verification_type']) && !isset($verificationOptions['override_visual']))) loadJavascriptFile('captcha.js', array('default_theme' => true)); $context['use_graphic_library'] = in_array('gd', get_loaded_extensions()); // Skip I, J, L, O, Q, S and Z. $context['standard_captcha_range'] = array_merge(range('A', 'H'), array('K', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'R'), range('T', 'Y')); } // Always have an ID. assert(isset($verificationOptions['id'])); $isNew = !isset($context['controls']['verification'][$verificationOptions['id']]); // Log this into our collection. if ($isNew) $context['controls']['verification'][$verificationOptions['id']] = array( 'id' => $verificationOptions['id'], 'empty_field' => empty($verificationOptions['no_empty_field']), 'show_visual' => !empty($verificationOptions['override_visual']) || (!empty($modSettings['visual_verification_type']) && !isset($verificationOptions['override_visual'])), 'number_questions' => isset($verificationOptions['override_qs']) ? $verificationOptions['override_qs'] : (!empty($modSettings['qa_verification_number']) ? $modSettings['qa_verification_number'] : 0), 'max_errors' => isset($verificationOptions['max_errors']) ? $verificationOptions['max_errors'] : 3, 'image_href' => $scripturl . '?action=verificationcode;vid=' . $verificationOptions['id'] . ';rand=' . md5(mt_rand()), 'text_value' => '', 'questions' => array(), ); $thisVerification = &$context['controls']['verification'][$verificationOptions['id']]; // Add javascript for the object. if ($context['controls']['verification'][$verificationOptions['id']]['show_visual'] && !WIRELESS) $context['insert_after_template'] .= ' '; // Is there actually going to be anything? if (empty($thisVerification['show_visual']) && empty($thisVerification['number_questions'])) return false; elseif (!$isNew && !$do_test) return true; // If we want questions do we have a cache of all the IDs? if (!empty($thisVerification['number_questions']) && empty($modSettings['question_id_cache'])) { if (($modSettings['question_id_cache'] = cache_get_data('verificationQuestions', 300)) == null) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_question, lngfile, question, answers FROM {db_prefix}qanda', array() ); $modSettings['question_id_cache'] = array( 'questions' => array(), 'langs' => array(), ); // This is like Captain Kirk climbing a mountain in some ways. This is L's fault, mkay? :P while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $id_question = $row['id_question']; unset ($row['id_question']); // Make them all lowercase. We can't directly use $smcFunc['strtolower'] with array_walk, so do it manually, eh? $row['answers'] = unserialize($row['answers']); foreach ($row['answers'] as $k => $v) $row['answers'][$k] = $smcFunc['strtolower']($v); $modSettings['question_id_cache']['questions'][$id_question] = $row; $modSettings['question_id_cache']['langs'][$row['lngfile']][] = $id_question; } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); cache_put_data('verificationQuestions', $modSettings['question_id_cache'], 300); } } if (!isset($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv'])) $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv'] = array(); // Do we need to refresh the verification? if (!$do_test && (!empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['did_pass']) || empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count']) || $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count'] > 3) && empty($verificationOptions['dont_refresh'])) $force_refresh = true; else $force_refresh = false; // This can also force a fresh, although unlikely. if (($thisVerification['show_visual'] && empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code'])) || ($thisVerification['number_questions'] && empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q']))) $force_refresh = true; $verification_errors = array(); // Start with any testing. if ($do_test) { // This cannot happen! if (!isset($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count'])) fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); // ... nor this! if ($thisVerification['number_questions'] && (!isset($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q']) || !isset($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q']))) fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); // Hmm, it's requested but not actually declared. This shouldn't happen. if ($thisVerification['empty_field'] && empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['empty_field'])) fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); // While we're here, did the user do something bad? if ($thisVerification['empty_field'] && !empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['empty_field']) && !empty($_REQUEST[$_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['empty_field']])) $verification_errors[] = 'wrong_verification_answer'; if ($thisVerification['show_visual'] && (empty($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code']) || empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code']) || strtoupper($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code']) !== $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code'])) $verification_errors[] = 'wrong_verification_code'; if ($thisVerification['number_questions']) { $incorrectQuestions = array(); foreach ($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'] as $q) { // We don't have this question any more, thus no answers. if (!isset($modSettings['question_id_cache']['questions'][$q])) continue; // This is quite complex. We have our question but it might have multiple answers. // First, did they actually answer this question? if (!isset($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'][$q]) || trim($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'][$q]) == '') { $incorrectQuestions[] = $q; continue; } // Second, is their answer in the list of possible answers? else { $given_answer = trim($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars'](strtolower($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'][$q]))); if (!in_array($given_answer, $modSettings['question_id_cache']['questions'][$q]['answers'])) $incorrectQuestions[] = $q; } } if (!empty($incorrectQuestions)) $verification_errors[] = 'wrong_verification_answer'; } } // Any errors means we refresh potentially. if (!empty($verification_errors)) { if (empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['errors'])) $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['errors'] = 0; // Too many errors? elseif ($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['errors'] > $thisVerification['max_errors']) $force_refresh = true; // Keep a track of these. $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['errors']++; } // Are we refreshing then? if ($force_refresh) { // Assume nothing went before. $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count'] = 0; $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['errors'] = 0; $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['did_pass'] = false; $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'] = array(); $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code'] = ''; // Make our magic empty field. if ($thisVerification['empty_field']) { // We're building a field that lives in the template, that we hope to be empty later. But at least we give it a believable name. $terms = array('gadget', 'device', 'uid', 'gid', 'guid', 'uuid', 'unique', 'identifier'); $second_terms = array('hash', 'cipher', 'code', 'key', 'unlock', 'bit', 'value'); $start = mt_rand(0, 27); $hash = substr(md5(time()), $start, 4); $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['empty_field'] = $terms[array_rand($terms)] . '-' . $second_terms[array_rand($second_terms)] . '-' . $hash; } // Generating a new image. if ($thisVerification['show_visual']) { // Are we overriding the range? $character_range = !empty($verificationOptions['override_range']) ? $verificationOptions['override_range'] : $context['standard_captcha_range']; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code'] .= $character_range[array_rand($character_range)]; } // Getting some new questions? if ($thisVerification['number_questions']) { // Attempt to try the current page's language, followed by the user's preference, followed by the site default. $possible_langs = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['language'])) $possible_langs[] = strtr($_SESSION['language'], array('-utf8' => '')); if (!empty($user_info['language'])); $possible_langs[] = $user_info['language']; $possible_langs[] = $language; $questionIDs = array(); foreach ($possible_langs as $lang) { $lang = strtr($lang, array('-utf8' => '')); if (isset($modSettings['question_id_cache']['langs'][$lang])) { // If we find questions for this, grab the ids from this language's ones, randomize the array and take just the number we need. $questionIDs = $modSettings['question_id_cache']['langs'][$lang]; shuffle($questionIDs); $questionIDs = array_slice($questionIDs, 0, $thisVerification['number_questions']); break; } } } } else { // Same questions as before. $questionIDs = !empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q']) ? $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'] : array(); $thisVerification['text_value'] = !empty($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code']) ? $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['code']) : ''; } // If we do have an empty field, it would be nice to hide it from legitimate users who shouldn't be populating it anyway. if (!empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['empty_field'])) { if (!isset($context['html_headers'])) $context['html_headers'] = ''; $context['html_headers'] .= ''; } // Have we got some questions to load? if (!empty($questionIDs)) { $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'] = array(); foreach ($questionIDs as $q) { // Bit of a shortcut this. $row = &$modSettings['question_id_cache']['questions'][$q]; $thisVerification['questions'][] = array( 'id' => $q, 'q' => parse_bbc($row['question']), 'is_error' => !empty($incorrectQuestions) && in_array($q, $incorrectQuestions), // Remember a previous submission? 'a' => isset($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv'], $_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'], $_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'][$q]) ? $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_REQUEST[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'][$q]) : '', ); $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['q'][] = $q; } } $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count'] = empty($_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count']) ? 1 : $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['count'] + 1; // Return errors if we have them. if (!empty($verification_errors)) return $verification_errors; // If we had a test that one, make a note. elseif ($do_test) $_SESSION[$verificationOptions['id'] . '_vv']['did_pass'] = true; // Say that everything went well chaps. return true; } /** * This keeps track of all registered handling functions for auto suggest functionality and passes execution to them. * @param bool $checkRegistered = null */ function AutoSuggestHandler($checkRegistered = null) { global $context; // These are all registered types. $searchTypes = array( 'member' => 'Member', 'membergroups' => 'MemberGroups', 'versions' => 'SMFVersions', ); call_integration_hook('integrate_autosuggest', array(&$searchTypes)); // If we're just checking the callback function is registered return true or false. if ($checkRegistered != null) return isset($searchTypes[$checkRegistered]) && function_exists('AutoSuggest_Search_' . $checkRegistered); checkSession('get'); loadTemplate('Xml'); // Any parameters? $context['search_param'] = isset($_REQUEST['search_param']) ? unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['search_param'])) : array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['suggest_type'], $_REQUEST['search']) && isset($searchTypes[$_REQUEST['suggest_type']])) { $function = 'AutoSuggest_Search_' . $searchTypes[$_REQUEST['suggest_type']]; $context['sub_template'] = 'generic_xml'; $context['xml_data'] = $function(); } } /** * Search for a member - by real_name or member_name by default. * * @return string */ function AutoSuggest_Search_Member() { global $user_info, $txt, $smcFunc, $context; $_REQUEST['search'] = trim($smcFunc['strtolower']($_REQUEST['search'])) . '*'; $_REQUEST['search'] = strtr($_REQUEST['search'], array('%' => '\%', '_' => '\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_', '&' => '&')); // Find the member. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_member, real_name FROM {db_prefix}members WHERE {raw:real_name} LIKE {string:search}' . (!empty($context['search_param']['buddies']) ? ' AND id_member IN ({array_int:buddy_list})' : '') . ' AND is_activated IN (1, 11) LIMIT ' . ($smcFunc['strlen']($_REQUEST['search']) <= 2 ? '100' : '800'), array( 'real_name' => $smcFunc['db_case_sensitive'] ? 'LOWER(real_name)' : 'real_name', 'buddy_list' => $user_info['buddies'], 'search' => $_REQUEST['search'], ) ); $xml_data = array( 'items' => array( 'identifier' => 'item', 'children' => array(), ), ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $row['real_name'] = strtr($row['real_name'], array('&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"')); $xml_data['items']['children'][] = array( 'attributes' => array( 'id' => $row['id_member'], ), 'value' => $row['real_name'], ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $xml_data; } /** * Search for a membergroup by name * * @return string */ function AutoSuggest_Search_MemberGroups() { global $txt, $smcFunc, $context; $_REQUEST['search'] = trim($smcFunc['strtolower']($_REQUEST['search'])) . '*'; $_REQUEST['search'] = strtr($_REQUEST['search'], array('%' => '\%', '_' => '\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_', '&' => '&')); // Find the group. // Only return groups which are not post-based and not "Hidden", but not the "Administrators" or "Moderators" groups. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_group, group_name FROM {db_prefix}membergroups WHERE {raw:group_name} LIKE {string:search} AND min_posts = {int:min_posts} AND id_group NOT IN ({array_int:invalid_groups}) AND hidden != {int:hidden} ', array( 'group_name' => $smcFunc['db_case_sensitive'] ? 'LOWER(group_name}' : 'group_name', 'min_posts' => -1, 'invalid_groups' => array(1,3), 'hidden' => 2, 'search' => $_REQUEST['search'], ) ); $xml_data = array( 'items' => array( 'identifier' => 'item', 'children' => array(), ), ); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $row['group_name'] = strtr($row['group_name'], array('&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"')); $xml_data['items']['children'][] = array( 'attributes' => array( 'id' => $row['id_group'], ), 'value' => $row['group_name'], ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $xml_data; } /** * Provides a list of possible SMF versions to use in emulation * * @return string */ function AutoSuggest_Search_SMFVersions() { global $smcFunc; $xml_data = array( 'items' => array( 'identifier' => 'item', 'children' => array(), ), ); // First try and get it from the database. $versions = array(); $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT data FROM {db_prefix}admin_info_files WHERE filename = {string:latest_versions} AND path = {string:path}', array( 'latest_versions' => 'latest-versions.txt', 'path' => '/smf/', ) ); if (($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) > 0) && ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) && !empty($row['data'])) { // The file can be either Windows or Linux line endings, but let's ensure we clean it as best we can. $possible_versions = explode("\n", $row['data']); foreach ($possible_versions as $ver) { $ver = trim($ver); if (strpos($ver, 'SMF') === 0) $versions[] = $ver; } } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // Just in case we don't have ANYthing. if (empty($versions)) $versions = array('SMF 2.0'); foreach ($versions as $id => $version) if (strpos($version, strtoupper($_REQUEST['search'])) !== false) $xml_data['items']['children'][] = array( 'attributes' => array( 'id' => $id, ), 'value' => $version, ); return $xml_data; } ?>