changelog.txt 856 KB

  1. Changes go downward, months go upward. Please scroll to the bottom for a legend.
  2. Changelog started January 1, 2004; Currently at $Revision: 10610 $.
  3. SMF 2.0 05 June 2011
  4. ================================================================================
  5. June 2011
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. ! A necessary language file was not loaded when using read_tgz_data() function outside Packages area. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 4732]
  8. ! Boards weren't sorted in the correct order in PostgreSQL when adding/editing membergroups (ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 4737]
  9. ! Spaces in usernames and passwords messed up the connection string for PostgreSQL [Bug 4736]
  10. * Minor consistency fix on admin centre template edit page (Themes.template.php)
  11. * Final fix for IE8 jumpy cursor bug (Display.template.php, GenericControls.template.php, editor.css, editor_ie.css, index.css, ie6.css, ie7.css, core/Display.template.php, core/index.css, core/ie6.css, core/ie7.css)
  12. * Fixed W3 XHTML validation links (index.template.php, core/index.template.php) [Bug 4740]
  13. ! urldecoding parameters values breaks OpenID, which relies on urlencoded values for parameters.
  14. ! Members only with manage membergroups permission could create groups that inherit from or based of off protected groups. (ManageMembergroups.php)
  15. ! Members having manage membergroups and moderate forum members could register members protected groups as their primary group. (ManageRegistration.php, Subs-Members.php)
  16. ! Removed unreliable code for detecting forum version and copyright requirement on SSI pages. (Subs.php)
  17. ! CSS and JavaScript includes cache suffix updates. (many files)
  18. ! PHP's empty() function doesn't work too well with PostgreSQL's boolean values (ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 4744]
  19. & Correction to a language string (ManagePermissions language file) [Bug 4745]
  20. ! Current avatar image URL was broken in profile when avatars were stored in a custom directory. (Profile-Modify.php)
  21. ! Minor change for better variant support (Subs-BoardIndex.php)
  22. * IE8 Fixes for all minor textareas, just to be sure. (twelve templates, default and core)
  23. * Replaced the JavaScript version compare with a better implementation. (admin.js)
  24. ! Replaced matchPackageVersion with a better implementation. (Subs-Package.php)
  25. ! Search API version check did not use proper version checking functions. (Search.php)
  26. & added a trademark (Manual language file)
  27. May 2011
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. ! Adding new post icons didn't work properly in PostgreSQL (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 4731]
  30. ! Don't try to set a temporary order for the smileys table in PostgreSQL (Subs-Db-Postgresql.php, thank you habakuk!)
  31. * Change of header bar classes for admin main page, core features page, and reports. (Admin template, Reports template) [Bug 4647]
  32. * Fix to stop linktree anchors scrunching in IE6 and IE7. (index.css) [Bug 4651]
  33. * Hide category links for non-collapsible categories. (BoardIndex template, index.css, rtl.css) [Bug 4652]
  34. * Partial fix for problems caused by category collapse/expand in some browsers. (index.css) [Bug 4639]
  35. & Corrected menu text for consistency. (index language file) [Bug 4648]
  36. * Fix for untracked validation errors with collapsed categories. (BoardIndex template)
  37. ! Making a board child of itself crashed the forum. (Subs-Boards.php) [Bug 4710]
  38. & Added the language string necessary for the above change. (Errors language file)
  39. ! Theme option changes were not loaded after profile changes in some cases. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4675]
  40. * Bringing back the good, old welcome guest note along with activation link. (index template, index.css) [Bug 4703]
  41. ! Fixing MySQL 5.5 compatibility for a timestamp field. (upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql) [Bug 4698]
  42. ! Attachment mime type calcuation was ignored while upgrading from 1.0 and 1.1 versions. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 4700]
  43. ! Member language selection was not reset upon a language deletion. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 4641]
  44. * JavaScript quick topic modify did not work when quick moderation mode was 'icons'. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 4715]
  45. ! It was possible to create permission profiles without names. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 4709]
  46. ! Additional group changes were not tracked properly. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4718]
  47. ! Ignore boards options were ignored in MessageIndex. (Subs-BoardIndex.php) [Bug 4719]
  48. ! Remove Inactive Members maintenance removed members it should not. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 4716]
  49. ! Reserved member name check failed with HTML entities. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 4717]
  50. * Minor break in PM replies fixed. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 4713]
  51. * Fixed incorrect class on checkbox. Changed default removal selection to safest option.(ManageMaintenance.template.php)
  52. ! Fixed Webkit/Presto bug with sidebar menus enabled and deleted superfluous code from webkit.css and rtl.css (index.css, rtl.css, webkit.css)
  53. * A stack of minor bugfixes, primarily for better IE6 support. (many files)
  54. ! Categories which could not be collapsed were still given collapse links. (Subs-BoardIndex.php) [Bug 4639]
  55. ! Installing, upgrading and uninstalling packages were not logged in admin log. (Packages.php) [Bug 4669]
  56. & Added the language strings necessary for the above change. (Modlog language file) [Bug 4669]
  57. * It was not possible to remove avatar when selecting avatar from gallery was disabled. (Profile-Modify.php, Profile template) [Bug 4636]
  58. & Added the language string necessary for the above change. (Profile language file) [Bug 4636]
  59. ! Automated conversion of URLs to hyperlinks failed with URLs containing exclamation mark. (Subs.php) [Bug 4624]
  60. * Topic moderation using checkboxes did not function correctly for non-moderators. (topic.js) [Bug 4706]
  61. * Minor correction in admin. Fixes for sidebar menus on narrow resolution. (Admin template, Profile template, index.css)
  62. ! Profile updates did not load all previously saved data. (Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4635]
  63. ! Login session data was cleared when it shouldn't have. (LogInOut.php) [Bug 4644]
  64. ! Login by $_GET is not needed. (LogInOut.php)
  65. ! Incorrect custom menu URL for unapproved posts moderation area. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 4728]
  66. ! Languages which doesn't support 12 hour time format had their 'am/pm's stripped. (Subs.php) [Bug 4720]
  67. & Added the language strings necessary for the above change. (index language file) [Bug 4720]
  68. ! Incorrect error message when attempting to remove a non-existing post. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 4705]
  69. * Tabs and line endings within code tags were not parsed correctly for some browsers. (Packages.php, Subs.php, Packages template, index.css, ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 4578]
  70. ! Upgrading from earlier versions did not update themes. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 4724]
  71. & Copyright and trademarks changes, and messing up [SiNaN]'s work (index language file, Subs.php)
  72. ! Credits updates (Who.php)
  73. ! Cookie shouldn't be reset. (Subs-Auth.php)
  74. ! Search strips so much it may end up with nothing. (Search.php)
  75. ! Minor smiley misalignment fixed. (index.css, core/css/index.css) [Bug 4727]
  76. ! Added some fixes to core, removed core ie6_rtl.css, minor correction in default/index.css (index.css, core/css/index.css, core/index.template.php)
  77. ! A few more copyright changes (several files)
  78. * Minor bugfixes. (index.css, PersonalMessage.template.php, Profile.template.php)
  79. April 2011
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. ! Made functions removeEvent, getEventProperties and removeHolidays use the parameter value instead of a request variable. (Subs-Calender.php)
  82. ! viewquery action generated errors when necessary data was not loaded in some cases. (ViewQuery.php) [Bug 4628]
  83. ! Attachment links in attachment management area wasn't mod_security compliant. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 4629]
  84. * Ban creation form did not have any default triggers set. (ManageBans template) [Bug 4659]
  85. ! Incorrect href in news management area. (Admin.php, ManageNews.php) [Bug 4671]
  86. * The URL for setting theme options via JavaScript wasn't mod_security compliant. (script.js) [Bug 4701]
  87. ! Chrome was displaying a warning when scheduled tasks were triggered via JavaScript. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 4673]
  88. ! 'db_create_table' package database function 'if_exists' parameter default was misleading. (DbPackages-*.php) [Bug 4672]
  89. ! The re-attribute posts feature was broken on PostgreSQL. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 4676]
  90. ! Missing preparsecode() call for package readme files with BBC. (Packages.php) [Bug 4678]
  91. ! Unauthorized users were able to see warning status in some cases. (Display.php, PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 4696]
  92. ! Setting base_theme_dir caused undefined index errors in manage languages area. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 4634]
  93. ! Personal message preview did not display post errors. (PersonalMessages.php) [Bug 4653]
  94. ! Custom language strings were not loaded when editing theme settings. (Themes.php) [Bug 4658]
  95. ! integrate_modify_modifications hook should be triggered earlier in the code. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 4638]
  96. ! integrate_menu_buttons hook was triggered too late in the code. (Subs.php) [Bug 4637,4670]
  97. * Undefined index errors when there were not any recent posts. (BoardIndex template) [Bug 4650]
  98. ! CAPTCHA settings were linked to the incorrect area in admin search results. (Admin.php) [Bug 4707]
  99. February 2011
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. ! In some cases, you couldn't edit calendar events after upgrading to Postgres 8.4 from an older version (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 4642]
  102. & Better text for attachment clearing box. (Post language file)
  103. ! Some custom profile fields weren't being displayed in PostgreSQL (Profile-Modify.php, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 4626]
  104. ! zip files decompression fix (thank you Brett!) (Subs-Package)
  105. ! Postgres upgrade script fix (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  106. SMF 2.0 RC5 8 February 2011
  107. ================================================================================
  108. February 2011
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. * Finalizing the help section. (Help.php, Help template) [Bug 2924]
  111. & Updated the help language strings accordingly. (Manual language file)
  112. * Help section was not displayed correctly in Core theme. (Help template, index.css) [Bug 4611]
  113. ! Checking for search API files could cause an open_basedir error. (ManageSearch.php) [Bug 4605]
  114. ! Visual verification could cause undefined index errors in some cases. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4546]
  115. ! add_index function failed on duplicate indexes. (DbPackages-*.php) [Bug 4536]
  116. ! Allow search APIs to modify search settings. (ManageSearch.php) [Bug 4606]
  117. ! Undefined index when a non-moderator edited polls. (Poll.php) [Bug 4544]
  118. ! Non-existent permission profiles could cause undefined index errors. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 4612]
  119. ! Incorrect dots during upgrade with multiple script files. (upgrade.php) [Bug 4617]
  120. ! It was possible to add the same integration function twice. (Subs.php) [Bug 4616]
  121. ! Who's Online integration hook was too restrictive. (Who.php) [Bug 4615]
  122. * Auto suggest could not handle display names with html special characters. (suggest.js) [Bug 4604]
  123. ! Minor improvements to integration hooks. (Admin.php, Load.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManageSettings.php)
  124. ! Tabs within code tags were not parsed correctly for some browsers. (Subs.php) [Bug 4578]
  125. ! Validate odd URLs (QueryString, Subs.php)
  126. ! Users were logged out when other failed attempts to login were made (Load.php)
  127. ! Remove completely incorrect protection against $cachedir removal. (upgrade.php)
  128. ! sprintf call for support resources language string was overriden. (Admin.php)
  129. ! MySQL 5.5 compatibility. (upgrade from older versions to 2.0)
  130. January 2011
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. ! Fixed converted passwords not recognized with encryption using md5(md5($_POST['passwrd'])) (LogInOut.php) [Bug 4584]
  133. & Incorrect link to Scheduled Tasks area in 'birthday_email' help string. (Help language file) [Bug 4598]
  134. ! Text color was lost when additional styling was applied using WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4600]
  135. * Replaced or removed the remaining deprecated <b> tags. (Reminder.php, PersonalMessage template) [Bug 4594]
  136. ! It was possible define wildcard-only censor words. (ManagePosts.php) [Bug 4574]
  137. ! The value of checkbox custom fields were displayed incorrectly on topic display. (Load.php, ManageSettings.php) [Bug 4601]
  138. ! Paid subscriptions scheduled taks should be disabled when paid subscriptions feature is disabled. (ManageSettings.php, install_2-0_*.sql) [Bug 4599]
  139. & Unclear help strings for post unapproved replies and attachments permissions. (ManagePermissions language file) [Bug 4561]
  140. & Outdated information in calendar help string. (Help language file) [Bug 4556]
  141. ! Post action caused errors on wap protocol, trying to load a nonexistent template. (Post.php) [Bug 4570]
  142. ! The check for empty body on personal message body failed in some cases. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 4597]
  143. ! Calendar maximum year was not adjusted on forums upgraded from older versions. (install_2-0_*.sql, upgrade_2-0_*.sql) [Bug 4592]
  144. ! Member approvals did not take account deletion requests into account when registration method is not set to member approval. (ManageMembers.php, Subs.php) [Bug 4529]
  145. ! News items didn't get their html special chars encoded. (ManageNews.php, thank you Ghost!)
  146. & Updated the area description matching the change above. (Admin language file)
  147. ! SSI.php did not handle guest access correctly for forums having guest access disabled. (SSI.php, ssi_examples.php)
  148. ! ssi_examples.php was missing padding on the sides. (ssi_examples.php) [Bug 4602]
  149. * Replaced the help section with a page linking to Online Manual. (Help.php, Help.template.php, index.css)
  150. & Updated the help language strings accordingly. (Manual language file)
  151. ! Integrated output buffers can use static functions in classes too (Subs.php) [Bug 4603]
  152. * Incorrect fallback for pm receive options when buddy/ignore lists are disabled. (Profile template) [Bug 4596]
  153. ! Upgrade did not update group types. (upgrade_2-0_*.sql) [Bug 4577]
  154. ! Protected but visible group details could not be viewed by non-admins. (Groups.php) [Bug 4525]
  155. ! Search returned incorrect results for database users without create_temporary privilege. (Search.php, thank you ioszilla!)
  156. ! Search may result in database errors for database users without create_temporary privilege. (Search.php)
  157. & Copyright years update (index.english.php and a few more files)
  158. ! SSI.php should not give information through functions called by $_GET either, if guest access is disabled (SSI.php)
  159. & Fixed a couple of languages strings. [Bug 4566]
  160. * Fixed validation error and header bar markup. [Bug 4549]
  161. * Fixed newsletter IE7 issue and some other IE issues. (ie6.css, ie7.css, index.css, rtl.css, ManageNews.template.php, Login.template.php) [Bug 4567]
  162. ! Fixed admin titlebg padding. (admin.css) [Bug 4576]
  163. * Missing class on some help icons. (Admin.template.php, Themes.template.php) [Bug 4580]
  164. ! Fixed admin submenus glitch on very narrow screens and break on edit themes page. (index.css, admin.css) [Bug 4571] [Bug 4581]
  165. * Incorrect id's fixed. (SplitTopics.template.php) [Bug 4582]
  166. * Minor markup fixes. (Profile.template.php) [Bug 4607]
  167. ! Fixed display of spider log title/information. (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 4608]
  168. ! Broken function call in ManageMail (ManageMail.php)
  169. * All browsers (inc.IE6) fix for adm_submenus on narrow screens. Also untracked IE6/IE7 bug for span.firstlevel. (index.css, GenericMenu.template.php) [Bug 4571]
  170. ! css caches preliminary updates (many files)
  171. * Added array flip for buttonlists to fix untracked ltr/rtl issues in IE6/7. (rtl.css, index.template.php)
  172. December 2010
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. ! HTTPS cookie detection was incorrectly detected for some configurations (ManageServer.php)
  175. ! Check for spam with emails before sending the email. (ported from Tools, thank you Brett!) (SendTopic.php)
  176. & Tweaks to language strings (thank you, Akyhne!) (a few language files)
  177. & Tweak to language string (Admin file) [bug 4558]
  178. ! Minor tweaks (ModerationCenter.template.php, index.css) [Bug 4523] [Bug 4548]
  179. * Added ie6_rtl.css file to core theme (core/index.template.php, core/ie6_rtl.css)
  180. ! New css for bbc_link class, with new_win secondary removed (index.css, Subs.php)
  181. ! Tweak to a language string (ManagePermission file) [Bug 4564]
  182. ! Fixed link to pruning logs under Search Engines Settings (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 4569]
  183. ! Fixed formatting of birthday email on mail settings page (ManageMail.php) [Bug 4573]
  184. ! Added timeout protection for removing posts and topics when deleting a user (RemoveTopic.php, Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 4575]
  185. ! Made title column for calender events and holidays larger to handle long events and holidays (install*.sql upgrade*.sql) [Bug 4583]
  186. November 2010
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. & Language strings for "sent items" in PM updated. (Profile, Manual language files)
  189. ! Reapplied the fix of 10194, even though the cache is only cleared if using SMF's disk cache. (Load.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  190. * Typo (Post.template.php)
  191. ! array_diff_key() compatibility added - ported from bug fixes (index.php, SSI.php, Subs-Compat.php)
  192. ! integration hooks fix for temporary/permanent hooks - ported from bug fixes (Subs.php)
  193. & Added a language string for cannot_moderate_board (Errors file)
  194. ! Invalidate cache (as long as Load.php can be modified, at least) (Subs.php)
  195. ! Tweak the size regex to accept the standard valid values (Subs.php)
  196. ! Fixed signature padding for IE6 and IE7 (ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 4535]
  197. ! Allow fallback to non-utf8 languages for UTF8 forums, in case the corresponding UTF8 files are not installed (still prefer UTF8) (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4534]
  198. * Minor spacing tweaks for request membergroup and edit registration agreement pages. (Profile.template.php, Register.template.php, admin.css) [Bugs 4530, 4531]
  199. ! Typo in OpenID handling. (Subs-OpenID.php)
  200. ! Trivial change, to check for spam a tad bit sooner. (LogInOut.php)
  201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. SMF 2.0 RC4 1 November 2010
  203. ================================================================================
  204. October 2010
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. * Missing icon in profile/ignore boards. Markup/css to allow large content above the linktree (Profile.template.php, index.template.php, index.css)
  207. * Minor cleaning up in admin. Better highlighting of search results. Defined new_win class. Better description for post options (Admin.template.php, admin.css, index.css, Post.english.php)
  208. * Fixed post-breaking bug in IE6 and IE7. Removed $context['right_to_left'] from two templates. (ie6.css, ie7.css, index.css, rtl.css, Display.template.php, Memberlist.template.php)
  209. * Fixed board selection in profile and help. Cleaned up stats markup. (Profile.template.php, Help.template.php, Stats.template.php, index.css, rtl.css)
  210. * Editors without BBC buttons caused JavaScript errors. (editor.js) [Bug 4475]
  211. * New replies added by JavaScript did not get correct backgrounds. (Post template) [Bug 4474]
  212. ! Nested move BBC tags caused trouble for some browsers. (Subs.php)
  213. ! Added default forum_width of 90% to install and upgrade files(install_2-0_mysql.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_mysqlite.sql, upgrade_2-0_mysqlite.sql)
  214. ! Removed side padding from body (relying solely on forum_width setting now). Added max-width and min-width restrictions to prevent breaking. (index.css)
  215. ! Sorted cell borders for message index child boards table. (index.css, rtl.css) [Bug 4490]
  216. * Added alt text fallback for quick edit icon. Changed quickbuttons font declaration to shorthand notation. (Display.template.php, index.css, core/Display.template.php, core/index.css)
  217. * Removed alt text fallback for quickbuttons icons in Core. Better without as text string displays anyway. (core/Display.template.php)
  218. * Syntax correction for previous rev. (core/Display.template.php)
  219. ! CSS colour fallback for buttonlists, minor css tweaks. (index.css, rtl.css, ie6.css, ie7.css, menu_gfx.png)
  220. ! CSS colour fallback for catbg and titlebg. Extra bar for catbg inside roundframe. Removed excess main_block height. (index.css, main_block.png)
  221. * Fixed code for icons in some areas. Removed unnecessary ie6_header span from GenericList. Removed old commented out code. (GenericList.template.php, GenericMenu.template.php, Profile.template.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile-View.php) [Bug 4489]
  222. ! Height fix for RTE with Opera. (editor.js) [Bug 4500]
  223. + Add the option to enable/disable test mode for payment gateways to the user interface. Thanks Nibogo! (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 4503]
  224. ! Small cleanups. (several files) [Bug 4505]
  225. ! Oops, yet some more formatting cleanup! Nao in action :). And other pedantic stuff. (several files) [Bug 4505]
  226. ! Supported database versions. (install, upgrade and convert scripts)
  227. ! Updated a couple of latest* files to their last version.
  228. * Moved CSS and JavaScript to top. (index template) [Bug 4468]
  229. ! Fixed an undefined variable in some cases (Subs.php)
  230. ! Some actions were unnecessarily logged. (index.php) [Bug 4465]
  231. & Who's Online language strings were missing for some actions. (Who.php, Who language file) [Bug 4465]
  232. ! Removed obsolete scripts and functions: FixLanguage.php and related functions in Themes.php. [Bug 4495]
  233. ! Moved YabbSE theme converter code to external Tools. [Bug 4495]
  234. ! FixLanguage.php removed, I say! :) [Bug 4495]
  235. ! UTF8 fixes. Thank you, Nao! (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4498]
  236. ! One more slight change, in supported versions. (install, upgrade, convert scripts)
  237. ! Now MySQL versions support ENGINE, so simplify some things. (several files)
  238. ! Escaping potential identifiers used as column names (DbExtra-mysql.php, DbExtra-postgresql.php) [Bug 4261]
  239. * Clean attachment function didn't work properly on Chrome. (script.js) [Bug 4508]
  240. ! Incorrect usage of $smcFunc['db_insert_id'] function. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 4509]
  241. ! Offer one last warning for admins enabling test mode for paid subscriptions. (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 4503]
  242. & Add a new language entry for the change above. (ManagePaid language file) [Bug 4503]
  243. ! Removed no longer used validate_unicode__recursive function. (QueryString.php) [Bug 4498]
  244. * Install script stylesheet required its own width setting. (install.css)
  245. * Some lists were not alternated in Subscriptions Profile area. (ManagePaid template) [Bug 4502]
  246. ! getBoardParents() function results were not cached. (Load.php, Subs-Boards.php) [Bug 4487]
  247. * Adding in some new integration hooks. (index.php, Admin.php, Profile.php, Subs-Editor.php, Subs.php, Display template, MessageIndex template)
  248. ! Updated credits with recent changes. (Who.php)
  249. ! Ensure forum_width setting for Postgres and SQLite (upgrade scripts) [Bug 4496]
  250. ! A few more updates to credits. (Who.php)
  251. & Adding a new group to credits to reflect the recent changes in the structure. (Who.english.php)
  252. ! One more little credits update. (Who.php)
  253. * Incorrect background image for Core theme last active buttonlist buttons on IE6. (index template, index.css) [Bug 4472]
  254. ! Brackets in username caused trailing quote to be lost on WYSIWYG toggle. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4316]
  255. ! Ugly fix for Firefox resetting form content. (script.js) [Bug 4346]
  256. ! Browsers' javascript has sometimes odd ideas about expected order. :P (editor.js) [Bug 4453]
  257. ! Reverting 10207 for Subs.php. Should be included only if it can be properly tested.
  258. ! Fixed webkit unexpected behavior when setting font styles (thank you Nibogo!) (editor.js) [Bug 4511]
  259. ! Allow nested [size] tags - we do allow them anyway, just not in all combinations (Subs.php)
  260. ! censor area should only be available to admins - reported by more, including KinG-InFeT.
  261. ! Package servers URLs and names properly cleaned for all circumstances - reported by KinG-InFeT.
  262. & Adapt a language string to the changes in SMF meta keywords. (Help.english.php) [Bug 4515]
  263. & Notify about PostgreSQL of older and newer versions not supported in the same database. (install language file) [Bug 4214]
  264. ! Language files are no longer cached. (Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php, ManageServer.php, Subs.php, Themes.php)
  265. & Remove the note about caching from all language files. (many files)
  266. ! Load English version of language files as a fallback for missing language strings. (Load.php) [Bug 2743]
  267. * Added a new group type, protected, for too powerful groups to be managed only by true admins. (Groups.php, ManageMembergroups.php, Profile-Modify.php, Subs-Membergroups.php, ManageMembergroups template, Profile template) [Bug 3528]
  268. & Added the new group type language string for the change above. (ManageMembers language file) [Bug 3528]
  269. ! Make sure Administrator group type is set to protected on install and upgrade. (install_2-0_*.sql, upgrade_2-0_*.sql)
  270. ! Making sure eol-style is on all files on other directory as well. (might have been missed) (/other files)
  271. ! Making sure eol-style is set on all our converters as well. (/other/converters ASCII files)
  272. ! Fix for windows check (ManageServer.php)
  273. ! A safer handling of the database last error and generally writing Settings.php () [Bug 4222]
  274. ! Last minute: boards incorrectly retrieved (Subs-Boards.php, Load.php)
  275. ! Last minute: an incorrect warning (Profile-Actions.php)
  276. ! Last minute: adding SMF favicon. (favicon.ico)
  277. * Validation errors due to a typo in themes list (Themes template) [Bug 4505]
  278. ! On some versions of Opera the cursor wasn't displayed in WYSIWYG editor (thanks TE) [Bug 4521]
  279. ! Clean the entire cache on the disk, if any, during scheduled maintenance (ScheduledTasks.php)
  280. ! Small addition to clean_cache() documentation (Subs.php)
  281. ! Manage Posts area should only check for admin_forum permission. (ManagePosts.php) [Bug 4520]
  282. * Undefined index in Subs.php for Core theme (Display template)
  283. ! Mail functions broken (ManageMail.php)
  284. September 2010
  285. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. ! Source files should be UTF-8 encoded. (convert.php, Subs.php)
  287. ! Incorrect $smcFunc function use (Subs-Calendar.php)
  288. ! Removed classic and babylon files from the core (they are in their own repository now) (/Themes/classic and Themes/babylon files) [Bug 4376]
  289. ! Removed babylon directory (Themes/babylon) [Bug 4376]
  290. ! Removed classic directory (Themes/classic) [Bug 4376]
  291. ! Removed smflib (it is in tools repository now) (other/smflib)
  292. ! Removed tools (they are in tools repository now) (other/tools content)
  293. ! A variable was overwritten for font-size style tag, but needed later for <a> tag preservation (Subs-Editor.php)
  294. ! MySQL needs the autoincrement column defined as primary key (DbPackages-mysql.php) [Bug 4422]
  295. ! Drop the sequence if any, along with the table in Postgresql (DbPackages-postgresql.php) [Bug 4421]
  296. ! Improve 'who's online' behavior for a user who toggles WYSIWYG view (index.php) [Bug 4415]
  297. ! Re-added a couple of flock() that rev 10000, 10002 had removed. fclose() does not unlock the file on all PHP versions. (Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 4330]
  298. ! Avatars loaded from remote locations may have failed resizing in some cases (script.js) [Bug 3842]
  299. ! Small improvement to be more mod-friendly, a useless variable usage could have caused issues with mods (Load.php) [Bug4445]
  300. ! Added the optional (in 1.1 spec) assoc_type to OpenID parameters (Subs-OpenID.php) [Bug 4420]
  301. ! Fixed calculating steps/substeps for log_actions changes (upgrade script) [Bug 4427]
  302. ! Fixed avatars resized with javascript (script.js)
  303. * Tweaked the attachments cleaning to allow single file removals (script.js, Post template) [Bug 3559]
  304. & Tweaked the language string accordingly (Post english)
  305. ! Chose a hopefully more portable fix for cleaning file input (script.js) [Bug 3780]
  306. ! Cleanup - changing back all CRLF to LF (lots of files) [Bug 4439]
  307. ! Add attachments cleaning for IE as well, though it allows manually deleting the file input box (script.js)
  308. ! fetch_web_data did not properly parse a port on urls (Subs-Package.php)[Bug 4454]
  309. ! constructPageIndex didn't respect flexible start for compact pagination (Subs.php)
  310. ! Topic moderation logs were not listed on mod report details. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 4419]
  311. ! Unoptimized query for topic participation query in unread topics. (Recent.php) [Bug 4457]
  312. ! 'moderate_board' permission does not really make sense for guests (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 4460]
  313. * Avatars and other packages removals missed session vars (Package template) [Bug 4463]
  314. ! Small cleanup and tweaks [Bug 4461]
  315. ! Fix attachments boxes cleanup for Safari [Bug 4470]
  316. * Variant selection was disregarded when previewing a theme. (Themes template) [Bug 4433]
  317. * Redirect back to the post instead of board, after reporting a post. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, SendTopic.php, Display template, MessageIndex template) [Bug 4452]
  318. ! Adjusted the URL for the arin whois service to reflect its new location. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 4464]
  319. * Incorrect label assignment in Reattribute User Posts section. (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 4467]
  320. ! Restoring moderate_board permission for guests. (ManagePermissions.php)
  321. * Ignored members' posts were not hidden in topic summary. (Post.php, Post template, Xml template) [Bug 4466]
  322. * Who's Online filters did not function correctly. (Who.php, Who template) [Bug 4462]
  323. * Variant selection was broken with reserved variant names. (Themes template) [Bug 4435]
  324. ! Cleanups and documentation fixes (many files)
  325. * Fixed a few minor bugs (index.css, PersonalMessage template, Display template, Sendtopic template, MessageIndex template) [Bug 4411,4434,4446,4471]
  326. * Yet another attempted fix for IE8 cursor bug (GenericControls template) [Bug 3354]
  327. * Minor typos and glitches (ProfileModify.php, ModerationCenter template, Packages template) [Bug 4436,4476]
  328. ! The check on package server URL for http:// prefix failed. (PackageGet.php)
  329. ! Incorrect parameter given for checkImageContents() on avatar uploads. (Profile-Modify.php)
  330. ! Members with moderate_forum permission can no longer access Manage Posts admin area. (Admin.php)
  331. * All new replies added via JavaScript were marked as ignored. (Post template)
  332. * Fixed secret question page, and overflow error in admin menus (index.css) [Bug 4405]
  333. ! index.php in avatars directories was caught in a loop (avatars/*/index.php)
  334. + Adding a file to avoid browsing in Themes/core/languages (index.php)
  335. ! Tables should be created with SMF's charset and collation (DbPackages-mysql.php)
  336. ! Installing as UTF8 should make all tables UTF8 (install script for MySQL)
  337. ! Fixing potential usage of international characters in attachments filenames (Subs.php)
  338. ! smf_table_structure() should be consistent for Postgres as well as MySQL (thanks feline!) (DbPackages-postgresql.php) [Bug 4425]
  339. ! Fixed missing global $smcFunc in prepareIndexes function (SearchAPI-Custom.php)
  340. ! $smcFunc['db_list_indexes'] was broken for SQLite. (DbPackages-sqlite.php)
  341. - remove getOuterHTML(), outdated javascript function (script.js) [Bug 4284]
  342. August 2010
  343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  344. * The new replies template for preview JavaScript was using outdated post layout. (Post template) [Bug 4387]
  345. * "new" images for new replies inserted by JavaScript were not removed once the post is no longer unread. (Post template) [Bug 4397]
  346. ! PM ignore settings were ignored. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4401]
  347. ! File counts for attachment directories were counted wrongfully. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 4381]
  348. ! Unnecessary logouts following password conversion. (LogInOut.php) [Bug 4365]
  349. ! Missing sub template caused premature termination of the script instead of displaying error. (Errors.php, Subs.php) [Bug 4402]
  350. ! Approvals by quick moderation were not logged properly. (MessageIndex.php)
  351. * Got the last of th smalltext in (MessageIndex template)
  352. * Applied "fix" to (Stats template) [Bug 4403]
  353. * Fixed submit button bug in (PersonalMessage template)
  354. ! It was possible to use custom e-mail functionality even when e-mail address was not found. (SendTopic.php)
  355. * E-mail icon was displayed for guests who did not have e-mail address information. (Display template, PersonalMessage template) [Bug 4362]
  356. & Incorrect last login date for recent watched members who never logged in. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter language) [Bug 4406]
  357. * Incosistency in handling color of erroneous field captions between PHP and JavaScript. (Post template, Xml template) [Bug 4343]
  358. ! Passing an incorrect pm id on conversation mode could cause errors in the log. (PersonalMessage.php)
  359. ! Pm search results listed incorrect URLs for pms when using conversation mode. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 4351]
  360. * Previewing generated unlimited topic replies when there were new replies to topic while posting. (Post template) [Bug 4389]
  361. * The warning for new replies while posting did not take deleted posts into account. (SSI.php, Display.php, Post.php, Display template, Post template, Xml template) [Bug 4400]
  362. * The warning for new replies while posting did not consider replies displayed by previewing as read. (SSI.php, Display.php, Post.php, Display template, Post template, Xml template) [Bug 4354]
  363. ! Links were corrupted when additional formatting was applied on WYSIWYG mode. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4372]
  364. ! Fixed Postgresql error at search as messages [Bug 4391]
  365. ! Fixed error on Profile stats - Postgresql (thank you Nibogo! as usual lately :) ) [Bug 4393]
  366. ! Implemented a simple MySQL-like behavior for REPLACE for Postgresql (Subs-Db-postgresql.php) (bug 4062)
  367. ! Corrected the buggy implementation of attachments security fixes for Postgresql (upgrade script for Postgresql) (bug 4268)
  368. ! Fixes for buddy lists: added the right setting enable_buddylist for upgrade (upgrade scripts), and a setting to avoid reseting user settings by running queries twice (install script) (bug 1451)
  369. ! Upgrade for Postgresql should be working now (bug 4412)
  370. ! Fixed an issue with the previous delivery (upgrade scripts for mysql and sqlite)
  371. ! Undefined error when upgrade may need to chmod files (upgrade.php)
  372. * Replaced incorrect use of substr with $smcFunc['substr'] (Calendar template) [Bug 3738]
  373. * A few more fixes for using internationalized substr/strlen (ManageCalendar, ManageMail) [Bug 3738]
  374. ! Fixed migration of a buddy lists setting (upgrade scripts for MySQL and SQlite)
  375. ! Fixed a couple of issues with the RSS feeds optimization (News.php) [Bug 4428]
  376. ! More fixes to use internationalized substr/strlen (more files) [Bug 3738]
  377. July 2010
  378. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  379. ! Incorrect password was passed to integrate_reset_pass hook when password was changed. (Profile.php) [Bug 3986]
  380. + Allow adding multiple functions for integration hooks. (Many files)
  381. ! Static class methods could not be handled properly by integration hooks. (Many files)
  382. ! It was not possible to pass variables by reference for integration functions. (Many files) [Bug 4246]
  383. * Years did not automatically collapse in statistics center. (Stats.php, Stats template, stats.js) [Bug 4011]
  384. ! Custom selectbox fields did not provide an empty option. (Profile.php) [Bug 4345]
  385. * Indenting was to be redone entirely in MessageIndex template.
  386. ! version_compare doesn't need 'PHP' in the comparison string. (Subs-OpenID.php)
  387. ! If user provides an incorrect OpenID URL, consider it a mistake, and fall back to the username/password check. (LogInOut.php, Subs-OpenID.php) [Bug 2978]
  388. ! $no_engine_support was wrongfully computed. (DbExtra-mysql.php, DbPackages-mysql.php, DbSearch-mysql.php) [Bug 4342]
  389. ! Languages were not correctly listed in language management area due to caching. (Load.php, ManageServer.php)
  390. ! Adding UTF-8 languages caused the English ISO pack to be listed as UTF-8. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 3656]
  391. ! Incorrect language file was being forced on language changes via profile. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3658]
  392. * Links in the Messages section of Help area had incorrect URLs. (Help template) [Bug 4331]
  393. * Post content is lost when using the Back button in Firefox. (Post template) [Bug 4346]
  394. ! Fixed regression from rev 9948 where topic IDs were sometimes corrupted. (Search.php) [Bug 2201]
  395. ! When writing a cache file, disable file buffering and minimize time spent writing it. (Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 4330]
  396. * Clicking the Spell Check button was broken when quick modifying a post. (Display template)
  397. * Posters could not see their own unapproved attachments. (Display.php, Display template) [Bug 4344]
  398. * JavaScript verification for registration form did not use CSS for background colors. (index.css, register.js) [Bug 3844]
  399. ! Crashed log_errors table caused infinite loop. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 4294]
  400. ! RSS and Recent Posts features sometimes showed less posts than expected. [Bug 3605]
  401. ! Fix for table headers breaking sometimes. (main_block.png, index.css) [Bug 3716]
  402. * Fixed several validation/markup/layout issues. (Admin.template.php, Packages.template.php, index.css, admin.css)
  403. * Got rid of remnants of align_left and align_right classes. Replaced with floatleft and floatright. (Quite a lot of files)
  404. * And these are the ones I missed. This should be merged with 10011 (Quite a lot of files)
  405. * Had dropped a layer when making new main_block from psd. Fixed, with better compression. (main_block_.png)
  406. * Various minor template and CSS glitches plus new stats_pie.png. (A dozen files of various sorts)
  407. ! Use REPLACE for SQLite. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 3853]
  408. * Finished reverting the table headers part of rev. 9966. (Themes/default/images/theme: removed titlebg.png and catbg.png)
  409. ! Reverted partially 9976, causing issues with PostgreSQL, and MySQL should be further tested. (DbExtra-mysql.php, DbExtra-postgresql.php)
  410. ! cache directory does not need to be writable during upgrade; fix potentially missing language strings during upgrade. (upgrade.php) [Bug 3834]
  411. ! Database error on unread replies on PostgreSQL. [Bug 4390]
  412. * Allow removal of attachments on posting error. (thanks TE!)[Bug 3780]
  413. & Added a language file entry for the attachments cleaning link. [Bug 3780]
  414. ! Disable non-utf8 installation for Postgresql and SQLite. (install.php) [Bug 4282]
  415. ! Invalid HTML markup for disabled UTF-8 option. (install.php)
  416. ! Allowing authors to view their own unapproved attachments didn't function correctly when guests were involved. (Display.php)
  417. ! Undefined index on downloading avatars. (Display.php) [Bug 4385]
  418. ! Hardcoded text for unknown action error. (Xml.php) [Bug 4377]
  419. ! Doing sub-steps were showing dots on previous entry during upgrade. (upgrade.php) [Bug 3510]
  420. ! Changing username did not reset the password. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4358]
  421. * Board Index category toggle URLs were missing session ids for WAP2 and imode. (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 4394]
  422. * Changes to various files for cross-browser support plus some tweaks for aesthetics (Quite a few files)
  423. ! Cleaned up some formatting in moderation log (Modlog.php)
  424. * Minor tweaks to stats page and profile for consistency (Stats.template.php, Profile.template.php, index.css)
  425. * Fixed a bug in 10038 in send new message area (PersonalMessage.template.php)
  426. * Fixed small glitches with slice spans and updated topic posting samples to match Curve (Help.template.php)
  427. ! Minor bugfixes for quick moderation and moderation log [Bug 4384,4369]
  428. * Left aligned text for message index headers that have left aligned column content (MessageIndex.template.php)
  429. * Fixed a typo in stats table markup. Fixed indentation issue in MessageIndex.php (Stats.template.php, MessageIndex.php)
  430. * Removed some redundant css, added some desirable definitions for table_grid, moved all table_grid to same location (index.css)
  431. * Recoded Profile>Show permissions with standard table_grid, added language string (Profile.template.php, Profile.english.php)
  432. * Added catbg/titlebg classes to tr's for table headers, removed unnecessary smalltext classes (Stats.template.php, Memberlist.template.php)
  433. * Removed all remaining th class="smalltext", added missing <thead></thead> tags, fixed table indentations (fourteen templates)
  434. * Cleaned up css for fieldsets and legends to remove unnecessary code (index.css)
  435. * Fixed a php error and some indentation issues (Stats.template.php, Recent.template.php)
  436. June 2010
  437. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. ! Reverted an invalid change in the upgrader from December 2007, as ip2range() may be used by the SMF1 upgrade script. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1127,4312]
  439. ! Moved ip2range() from ManageBans and ManageSearchEngines to Subs.php (ManageBans.php, ManageSearchEngines.php, Subs.php) [Bug 4312]
  440. ! When requesting messages rather than topics in the Search feature, SMF never returned more than one message per topic. (Search.php) [Bug 2201]
  441. * In Ignore Boards section, having many categories could break the submit button's layout and the board list columns could be unbalanced. (Profile template)
  442. ! When redirecting internally inside a profile, don't specify the user ID in the URL if it's oneself. (Profile.php)
  443. & Moved the question mark in 'Did you miss your activation email?' out of the link. (index language)
  444. * Moved print media CSS to index.css and removed print.css. (index template file, index.css)
  445. ! Reverted a SMF2 change that could corrupt the query string in some cases. (QueryString.php) [Bug 2669]
  446. ! When dealing with RSS feeds, rely on the database rather than URL variables to determine the number of boards. (News.php)
  447. * Detailed Version Check could not handle version comparison properly. (admin.js) [Bug 3603]
  448. ! Uninstalling an upgrade did not set older versions as uninstalled. (Packages.php) [Bug 925]
  449. ! It was possible to upload two packages with the same id and version. (PackageGet.php) [Bug 925]
  450. ! An extra bracket broke the language handler in the admin area. (Class-Package.php) [Bug 4324]
  451. & More 'seperate' misspellings were fixed. (changelog, Reports.php, Subs-Calendar.php, Subs.php, MessageIndex template, Reports template, Help language)
  452. * Moved all .titlebg/.titlebg2/.catbg classes to tr tags in case they were attached to a td or th tag. (Calendar, Errors, Help and Recent templates)
  453. * Title backgrounds could be broken when text was too long. (index.css, titlebg.png, catbg.png) [Bug 3716]
  454. * Improved 'Registration done' confirmation message. (Register template)
  455. ! Editing and quick quoting a post could turn &#38; into &#38;#38; when inside html tags. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3736]
  456. ! Editing a calendar event with no topic associated would generate an error in the error log. [Bug 4329]
  457. & Added a confirmation for sending a report. (MessageIndex.php, SendTopic.php, MessageIndex template, index language) [Bug 4327]
  458. * Even when Wysiwyg mode was enabled by default, its icon wouldn't follow suit. (editor.js) [Bug 4319]
  459. ! Converting rich text to BBC would sometimes add extra spaces where not needed. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4200]
  460. ! Database backup may fail for columns with reserved names. (DbExtra-mysql.php, DbExtra-postgresql.php, DbExtra-sqlite.php) [Bug 4261]
  461. ! Default value isn't escaped in create table/change column/add column. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 4326]
  462. ! Custom field value was not set for required on registration check, when it was not a text field. (Register.php) [Bug 4337]
  463. ! 'alternate' value for Unapproved Attachments list was not set. (PostModeration.php)
  464. * Unapproved Posts and Unapproved Attachments areas were missing bottom page index. (ModerationCenter template) [Bug 4334]
  465. ! Division by zero error in profile stats area with members having posts but a post count of zero. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 4336]
  466. May 2010
  467. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. ! Converting to UTF-8 might result in a syntax error in rare cases (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 2540]
  469. ! Package manager required the wrong files/folders to be writable, when custom themes files were not writable. (Packages.php) [Bug 4236]
  470. ! Passwords were sent as plaintext when the forum was in maintenance mode (Login template) [Bug 3908]
  471. ! Unapproved posts were displayed to everyone on print page (Printpage.php) [Bug 4297]
  472. & Membergroup changes through profile were not being logged (Profile-Modify.php, Profile language file) [Bug 3953]
  473. ! Package database functions were loaded more than once if initialized multiple times (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 4190]
  474. ! Prevent adding self to buddy/ignore lists and always allow pms from self (Profile-Modify.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4267]
  475. ! Theme settings area listed current (active) theme variants instead of the variants of the theme being edited (Themes.php) [Bug 4295]
  476. & Correct sub template was not set for email activation notice on email change (Profile-Modify.php Register.php, Register template, Profile language file) [Bug 3950]
  477. * Forum width wrapper close tag was in tempate_html_below() sub template (index template) [Bug 4293]
  478. ! url_image_size() was called for a filesystem path on image resizing (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 4278]
  479. * It was not possible to split an unapproved post when it's the only reply in topic (Display.php, SplitTopics.php, Display template) [Bug 3552]
  480. * showimage() didn't work properly when message icon had hyphens in the file name (Post template) [Bug 4296]
  481. ! Make sure for SSI.php that the cache dir is defined (SSI.php)
  482. ! Removed old holidays from the install database files (install_2-0_mysql.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_sqlite.sql)
  483. * Quote button should not be displayed if quote BBC tag is disabled (Display.php, Post.php, Profile-View.php, Recent.php, Search.php, Display Template, Post Template, Profile Template, Recent Template, Search Template) [Bug 4298]
  484. ! Check for custom cache caching that all data was written in case of low disk space (Load.php) [Bug 4255]
  485. ! Fixed missing help icons on couple sections under Server Settings (ManageServer.php) [Bug 4265]
  486. * Made the template where you select what posts to split a bit more Curvy. (SplitTopics.template.php, index.css)
  487. ! On browse files for manage attachments set the topic link to the message of the attachment (ManageAttachments.php)
  488. * Minor Curvification of the News page in the admin panel. (ManageNews.template.php)
  489. * Minor Curvification of the permission lists in "Simple" mode. (ManagePermissions.template.php)
  490. ! Make sure that $db_values parameter is passed as an array for security override option as well (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php, DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 3405]
  491. * Revised the access to moderation center (Load.php, ModerationCenter.php, Subs.php, Subs-Auth.php, ModerationCenter Template) [Bug 4058]
  492. & Guests reporting posts did not log email and ip, and did not support visual verification (Several source files, Several template files, Several language files, index.css, install/upgrade sqls) [Bug 4158]
  493. ! Updated some comments (Admin.php, ManageMembers.php, Subs-Admin.php)
  494. ! Mark boards as read at unread action if there are not any unread topics (Recent.php) [Bug 3231]
  495. * Custom profile fields broke the profile layout if displayed "with icons" and if drop downs were enabled. (Profile.template.php, index.css) [Bug 4299]
  496. ! Fixed extra Select query typo (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 4300]
  497. ! When user does not have a valid id for validatePasswordFlood() try a redirect first (LogInOut.php) [Bug 2760]
  498. ! addMembersToGroup() 'auto' type assigned membergroup as both primary and additional group when primary group was available (Subs-Membergroups.php) [Bug 4274]
  499. ! Redirection boards were listed in list of boards for search (Search.php) [Bug 4301]
  500. ! When a member edited their own post, the post was not marked as read for them (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4262]
  501. ! Restoring a recycled topic with new replies did not update board last message id properly (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 3742]
  502. ! Theme was loaded before user permissions were loaded in SSI.php (SSI.php) [Bug 4302]
  503. ! Linktree items in the help section pointed to the admin areas (Help.php)
  504. * Core's Recent template had an extra div in two places, causing xHTML errors. (core/Recent.template.php)
  505. & Added a better error message for attachments failing security checks (Errors.english.php, Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  506. + Added configurable extensive security checks for attachments and avatars: default disabled (ManageAttachments.php, Subs-Post.php, Profile-Modify.php, language and help files)
  507. + Added configurable image re-encoding for attachments and avatars, for security (ManageAttachments.php, Subs-Post.php, Profile-Modify.php, language and help files)
  508. + Added option to create image attachments thumbnails as PNG (ManageAttachments.php, Subs-Post.php, language files)
  509. ! A number of fixes of attachments and avatars re-encoding and re-sizing (multiple files: Subs-Graphics.php, Subs-Post.php, and others)
  510. ! Added permissions check necessary for viewing memberlist (News.php) [Bug 4021]
  511. & Fixed punctuation on reminder mail body. (EmailTemplates language file, Profile language file) [Bug 4305]
  512. ! Prevent sending personal messages consisting only of BBC tags. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 4304]
  513. ! Make sure that start variables in the URL are numbers. (MessageIndex.php)
  514. ! Reordered some profile-related URLs to make it easier to rewrite them on the fly. (Profile-Actions.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile.php)
  515. ! Calling pspell_new() when doing a search could generate an error on badly configured servers. (Search.php)
  516. & attachment_image_* entries shouldn't reference avatars, as they only deal with attached files. (Admin language file)
  517. & It was not possible to disallow smileys in signatures. (Load.php, ManageSettings.php, Profile-Modify.php, ManageSettings language file) [Bug 3254]
  518. ! Admin member search parameters query were broken when parameters contained wildcard characters. (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 4306]
  519. ! Do not rely on url_image_size() for image file type for external images. (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 3991]
  520. ! Pending account deletion notice did not show up unless registration method was set to admin approval. (Subs.php) [Bug 4269]
  521. & Warn the poster about silently attached temporary attachments on making a new post. (Post.php, Post language file) [Bug 4263]
  522. * Harmonized Error Log header with the other log pages. (Errors.template.php)
  523. ! If a member without permission to view profiles manually navigated to a profile, an undefined index error could occur. (Profile.php) [Bug 4307]
  524. * Making life easier for those random mod authors. If .description was used within .tborder (i.e, when trying to make something look good in Core) the bottom margin broke the layout. (core/css/index.css)
  525. * Lots of indentation fixes. Really. (Admin, Display, Help, index, ManageBoards, ManageCalendar, ManageMail, ManageMaintenance, ManageNews, ManagePaid, ManagePermissions, ManageSmileys, Memberlist, MessageIndex, ModerationCenter, Packages, PersonalMessage, Post, Profile, Recent, Search, SplitTopics, Stats and Themes templates)
  526. * In the credits area, validation could be broken if a group title wasn't set. (Admin template)
  527. * If a member didn't have all 4 messenger fields filled, ugly blank lines would show up in the topic and profile source code. (Display and Profile templates)
  528. * Don't waste time showing who made the last edit on a message if it's the message author. Sounds logical. (Display template)
  529. * A class in Quick Reply was called 'lefftext' instead of 'lefttext'. (Display template)
  530. * Modified Quick Reply target URL to allow for proper URL rewriting and avoid errors in rare cases where using subdomains for board URLs. (Display template)
  531. * Link to board URLs when listing boards in the Manage Boards section. (ManageBoards template)
  532. * A <div class="content"> was missing from the Convert Entities template, breaking it. (ManageMaintenance template)
  533. * In memberlist, specific number formatting and busy boards could end up breaking post numbers into two lines. (Memberlist template)
  534. * Searching with Complete Posts option enabled would mess up div ordering. (Search template)
  535. * replaceText() and surroundText() functions didn't work correctly in Opera. (script.js) [Bug 2964]
  536. ! Allow ssi_recentPosts() to specify a limit_body flag. (SSI.php)
  537. ! In ssi_queryPosts(), parse the body through censorText() before generating a preview. (SSI.php)
  538. * When an error happens early in the Quick Edit process, Mozilla can tell us what happened, so we may show the error message. (topic.js)
  539. * setInnerHTML and getInnerHTML are deprecated, as innerHTML has been supported by all browsers since IE4... (script.js)
  540. * Opera had trouble loading a function in window.onload if it had to be eval'd first. (script.js)
  541. ! The redirectEnabled variable was always used, but not always set in the first place. (ManageBoards template)
  542. * When using the auto-suggest popup and pressing the Enter key, Opera would submit the entire form. (suggest.js) [Bug 3546,4059]
  543. * When writing a message and switching from normal to WYSIWYG mode, Firefox and Opera would lose focus. (editor.js) [Bug 2177]
  544. * Fixed several minor glitches here and there (index.css, rtl.css, webkit.css, ie6.css, ManageBoards.template.php, Who.template.php)
  545. * More minor template/css bugs fixed. (Admin, BoardIndex, Calendar, Display, GenericControls, GenericMenu, Help, Packages, Post templates, index.css, webkit.css, rtl.css)
  546. * Correct indentation is good. Correct indentation can fix validation bugs. Like here. (ManagePermissions template)
  547. * Sidebar menu did not use menu toggle URL. (GenericMenu Template) [Bug 4309]
  548. ! Linked events got unnecessary time offset added on message display. (Display.php) [Bug 3699]
  549. ! Event end date timestamp was set incorrectly in Display.php. (Display.php)
  550. ! size BBC did not allow double digits after decimal separator. (Subs.php) [Bug 4308]
  551. ! Anchor tags without content (which are valid) were being removed with BBC clean up. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2198]
  552. * Fixed an awful lot of extra tabs, spaces, etc in dozens of files. (changelog, convert.php, phpmyforum_to_smf.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, ssi_examples.php, repair_settings.php, upgrade.php, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql, latest-news.js, Display.php, Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php, ManageSettings.php, PersonalMessage.php, Poll.php, PostModeration.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile-View.php, SendTopic.php, SplitTopics.php, Themes.php, Who.php, index.css, rtl.css, PersonalMessage template in Core, compat.css, ie6.css, index.css, Display template, editor.js, stats.js, suggest.js, SplitTopics template, Who template in Curve)
  553. ! Removed column addition code from db_create_table(), as it was only doing half the work and could mislead mod developers. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 3561]
  554. ! Added checkExistingTriggerIP() function to test whether an IP address is already in the ban trigger list. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 4310]
  555. & Added language entry for that feature. Also fixed a typo and a missing sprintf in $txt['ban_name_exists']. (Errors language)
  556. April 2010
  557. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  558. ! Converting to UTF-8 didn't report conversion complete (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 4224]
  559. ! smf_db_add_index could cause an undefined index 'type' error (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 4243]
  560. ! Properly handle auto linked FTP urls (Subs.php) [Bug 4238]
  561. ! A few integration functions have a return value mishandled (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php) [Bug 4246]
  562. ! HTML strict mode broke javascript targets (Subs.php) [Bug 4240]
  563. ! Use a popup box since we may have a large list of files (upgrade.php) [Bug 4114]
  564. + Show a confirmation message after sending a PM (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage.english.php)[Bug 4219]
  565. * Invalid XHTML (Profile template)
  566. ! Checking for subscription files could cause an 'open_basedir' error (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 4251]
  567. ! A third level drop menu item couldn't be limited by the 'show' permission check (Subs.php, Index template) [Bug 4252]
  568. ! Emails with plus signs to be banned (ManageBans.php) [Bug 3527]
  569. ! A few Integration bugs (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4246]
  570. ! Signature image size checks repaired the wrong data (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4247]
  571. ! Do not unlock topics moved to the recycle bin (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 4239]
  572. ! Right to Left mode didn't work as expected for our rich editor (editor.js, GenericControls Template) [Bug 4248]
  573. ! A few missing globals (Wireless Template, Admin Template, Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 4257,4259,4260]
  574. ! Safely special char our search string (Search.php) [Bug 1957]
  575. ! Do not hash passwords on account reactivation (LogInOut.php) [Bug 4204]
  576. ! Try to obtain more memory for resizing images (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 4234]
  577. ! No [table] cleanup inside of [html] (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2368]
  578. ! Admin search takes into account capitals correctly (Admin.php) [Bug 4271]
  579. ! Int columns were always unsigned (DbPackages-mysql.php) [Bug 4277]
  580. ! Undefined errors on custom themes (Packages.php) [Bug 4270]
  581. ! Log approvals from mod center to the moderation log (PostModeration.php)
  582. ! Log removals from mod center to the moderation log (PostModeration.php) [Bug 4167]
  583. ! Fix a permissions check (RemoveTopic.php)
  584. ! Undefined index during UTF8 conversion (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 4281]
  585. ! Fix for the broken search on the second page when using space in the search query (Search.php) [Bug 4275]
  586. March 2010
  587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. * A typo in the compatibility template prevented it from being used properly. (Compat template)
  589. * Fixed a class issue with the header in the Confirm Subscription screen. (ManagePaid template)
  590. * The BBcode help page was calling the obsolete bbc_highlight function; added in a replacement. (Help template)
  591. ! Missing global $scripturl causing undefined index errors. (Security.php)
  592. * Core theme: background-position takes two parameters, not three. (Core index.css)
  593. * Allow a simpler customization of boards and categories (MessageIndex template, BoardIndex template) [Bug 4231]
  594. ! Trying to view a user's stats resulted in a database error in PostgreSQL (Profile-View.php) [Bug 4229]
  595. ! PostgreSQL truncates results when dividing integers, which messed up percentages in profile statistics (Profile-View.php, Subs-Db-Postgresql.php) [Bug 4233]
  596. ! Birthdays and events were only showing on the boardindex for 2-digit months in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 4227]
  597. ! A typo broke upgrading for PostgreSQL (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 4228]
  598. ! Disabled profile fields were visible on Who's online template (Who template, Who.php) [Bug 4232]
  599. ! Trying to view unread replies caused a database error in PostgreSQL (Recent.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php)
  600. ! Viewing Who's Online with a condition of "show=all" caused a database error in PostgreSQL (Who.php)
  601. ! Make sure the memberlist headers end with a curve, even with the Posts field disabled. (Memberlist.php)
  602. * A wrong message was shown after uploading a package (Packages template) [Bug 4235]
  603. * Invalid XHTML (ManageNews template) [Bug 4241]
  604. SMF 2.0 RC3 8 March 2010
  605. ================================================================================
  606. March 2010
  607. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  608. ! Counting the number of custom registration questions didn't work as expected (ManageSettings.php)
  609. * Invalid XHTML (GenericControls template)
  610. * Custom verification questions weren't properly aligned except in Curve (Core index.css, compat.css) [Bug 4212]
  611. * Updated the Profile-related sections of the SMF User Help section. (Help template, index.css, compat.css)
  612. & Changed lots of language strings accordingly. (Manual language file)
  613. * Added curvy headers to the group membership template. (Profile template)
  614. * Made Core's personal message template tableless too, reusing the markup from the Display template. (PersonalMessage template, index.css, compat.css)
  615. ! Force a reload of editor.js after upgrading by suffixing it with ?rc3, as browsers will keep it in their cache otherwise. (Subs-Editor.php)
  616. * Removed the override stylesheet for Firefox, as it is no longer necessary. (index template, firefox.css)
  617. ! Undefined index error in the help section for non-admins due to the createMenu function interpreting the second argument of subsection arrays for a permission key. (Help.php)
  618. * Increased the width of the submit button image as it was a bit too small for the registration page. (submit_bg.png)
  619. ! Possible undefined index error when editing polls without moderate_board permissions. (Poll.php) [Bug 4206]
  620. * The pie charts in the profile stats section should be filled the opposite other way in RTL mode. (stats_pie.png, stats_pie_rtl.png, rtl.css)
  621. ! Merging posts across different boards didn't work properly for non-admins (SplitTopic.php) [Bugs 3737, 4211]
  622. ! (Re)naming a field could result in an error if the field name is a reserved name. (DbPackages-mysql.php) [Bug 4213]
  623. ! It was not possible to hyperlink images (WYSIWYG-mode) in browsers other than IE (editor.js) [Bug 3336]
  624. * Don't allow labels for a single pm if we are in conversion mode (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 2293]
  625. ! Hide boards that do not contribute towards the post count in the 'Most popular boards by posts' panel, as the numbers may confuse users. (Profile-View.php)
  626. ! Forgot to escape single quotes (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  627. ! Added an extra check on the language environment variable of the installer. (install.php)
  628. * Fixed the language selector not being selectable in the installer. (install.css)
  629. ! Escape the URL being used for the header logo - reported by cicatriz.r00t. (Load.php, index template)
  630. ! Remove session checks from modify and quote actions that don't require it - reported by WHK. (Post.php, Display template, MessageIndex template, Post template, Profile template, Recent template, Search template, Wireless template, topic.js)
  631. February 2010
  632. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  633. * The permissions layout was broken when using different languages (ManagePermissions template, admin.css) [Bug 4050]
  634. * When moving topics the target board name wasn't correctly displayed in Opera (index.css, compat.css) [Bug 4154]
  635. * Polished the ManagePermissions template slighty. (ManagePermissions template, admin.css)
  636. & Rephrased the ban expiration time notice so it is less personal. (index language file)
  637. ! The allowedTo function wasn't called correctly due to a typo (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 4192]
  638. * Fixed iframe alignment issues on admin CSS editing page with IE7 (Themes template) [Bug 4153]
  639. * Sending PMs in wireless mode caused an implode error (Wireless template)[Bug 3980]
  640. * The message layout was broken on Firefox when using very long words (firefox.css) [Bug 4111]
  641. ! Memberlist didn't order by online status correctly for non moderators (Memberlist.php) [Bug 3990]
  642. ! Choose Theme was missing the LinkTree (Themes.php) [Bug 4134]
  643. * Allow custom style and class on additional rows (GenericList.template.php)
  644. ! Added some extra security checks. (Several files)
  645. * Added a few missing button classes. (Packages template)
  646. ! Sometimes a reply isn't shown as new. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4189]
  647. ! Reading halfway into a topic would mark it as fully read. (Display.php, Subs-Boards.php) [Bug 4189]
  648. ! Mark unread moves up one post each time. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4189]
  649. ! Maintain unread logs even after splitting a topic. (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 4189]
  650. ! When reminding members of activation, the activation emails would not contain the activation code for manual activation. (ManageMembers.php)
  651. ! Make sure the smf_prepareScriptUrl is being used to encapsulate the scripturl. (script.js) [Bug 4067]
  652. ! Redirect invalid poll edit requests. (Poll.php) [Bug 4194]
  653. ! Spiders weren't detected properly with caching enabled. (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 4195]
  654. * Alternate between windowbg and windowbg2 when viewing mod reports in the moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template)
  655. * Synchronised Core's help template with Curve's. (Help template, index.css, compat.css)
  656. & Removed redundant language entries. (Manual language file)
  657. ! Detect nginx as server software. (Load.php) [Bug 4191]
  658. ! With WYSIWYG disabled, it was not possible to select the same combobox item twice in a row. (editor.js) [Bug 4036]
  659. * Optimized the styling of additional rows. (various source files, index.css, compat.css)
  660. * Hide empty custom profile fields in the profile summary. (Profile template) [Bug 3895]
  661. * The headers in the statistics center were looking a bit off. (index.css)
  662. * Greatly improved general usability by aligning submit buttons consistently to the right. (various templates)
  663. * Show the birthday email preview as plain text instead of text fields, to prevent it from being interpreted as editable. (ManageMail.php, Admin template)
  664. * Improved the usability of the Issue Warning screen. (Profile template)
  665. * Made the Edit Poll and Edit Event screens more consistent throughout the forum. (Poll template, Post template, index.css, compat.css, rtl.css)
  666. ! Disabling notifications of items awaiting approval should include group request approvals. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3927]
  667. ! When generating a thumbnail on the fly, don't forget to store the mime type and extension, too. (Display.php)
  668. ! When regenerating a thumbnail, make sure to remove the old one. (Display.php) [Bug 4037]
  669. ! Make it harder for flash files to be used inline. (Display.php) [Bug 3979]
  670. ! Improved regular expression detection and reencode all suspicious image attachments. (Profile-Modify.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3484]
  671. ! Restructured the Subs-Graphics functions to reduce code duplication. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  672. ! Prevent HTML entities from being used as reserved names. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 4127]
  673. ! A downloaded UTF8 language pack wouldn't have its content listing split correctly. (ManageServer.php)
  674. ! Increase the height of the editor slightly in several places. (PersonalMessage.php, Post.php)
  675. * The error log wasn't displayed correctly in RTL mode. (Admin template, index.css, rtl.css)
  676. * Tweaked the admin login screen slightly. (index.css, Login template)
  677. * Slightly enhanced the looks of the quick reply and post forms. (index.css, rtl.css, Display template, PersonalMessage template, Post template)
  678. ! Fixed an issue in IE6 and IE7 causing an 'Operation aborted' message to be shown when using the autosuggest control. (script.js, suggest.js) [Bug 3304]
  679. ! Do a better job at hiding non-UTF8 language packs where UTF8 is favored. (Load.php, ManageServer.php) [Bug 3657]
  680. ! When updating entries in the built-in language editor, at least save a placeholder when the user clears a string. (ManageServer.php)
  681. ! Updated the SSI poll and topic functions to output easily targetable HTML, having presentable inline styles. (SSI.php) [Bug 4039]
  682. & Reworded the description for the nested quotes removal feature. (Admin language file, Help language file) [Bug 3866]
  683. ! Don't use kick_guest when there aren't any template layers set. (Security.php) [Bug 3930]
  684. ! In the print topic view, redirect to the boardindex if no valid topic id is provided. (Printpage.php)
  685. * Use 'Guest' as name if a post was reported by a guest. (ModerationCenter.php, Moderation template) [Bug 4158]
  686. ! The SQL function find_in_set wasn't being properly used in several cases, causing type conflicts in PostGreSQL. (several files) [Bug 4064]
  687. * Updated the findmember dialogue to match Curve's look and feel. (Help template) [Bug 4160]
  688. ! The function setting a session cookie wasn't respecting the configured session timeout and domain. (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 3915]
  689. * Added board ID to the quick reply form to prevent session timeouts. (Display template) [Bug 3915]
  690. ! Various fixes for the webinstall script. (webinstall.php) [Bug 4105]
  691. ! The stylesheet preview iframe was not working correctly since the introduction of multiple stylesheets. (Themes template) [Bug 2717]
  692. * Re-introduced blue bars in the statistics center as the old bars felt out of place. (Stats template, index.css, rtl.css)
  693. * Divide the list of boards on the search and ignore boards screens by amount of boards, not categories. (Profile template, Search.php)
  694. ! Date formatting was hardcoded in the View Stats area of the Profile section. (Profile-View.php, Profile template) [Bug 3835]
  695. * Core's GenericMenu template was still using tables, causing overflow problems. (Subs-Menu.php, GenericMenu template, index.css, rtl.css, compat.css)
  696. * Replaced the 'my' icon in participation icons with some friendlier looking ones. (topic/my_*.gif)
  697. ! install.php was still using the old version of find_in_set(), causing a couple of warnings in PostgreSQL (install.php)
  698. * Tweaked the installer to fit better on a small display (install.css) [Bug 3771]
  699. * The profile statistics center was calculating the amount of posts by board incorrectly, resulting in off pie charts. (Profile-View.php, Profile template, Profile language file) [Bug 3896]
  700. * Vastly improved the usability of the profile statistics center by presenting its information more akin to SMF 1.1. (Profile-View.php, Profile template, index.css, rtl.css, compat.css, ie7.css) [Bug 4198]
  701. ! Prevent usage of %e on Windows servers, as strftime may fail altogether if we do. (Subs.php) [Bug 3892]
  702. * Updated the pie chart sprite image used in the profile stats center to blend in better. (stats_pie.png)
  703. * Tweaked the padding of the (wysiwyg) editor slightly, so it looks the same in both wysiwyg and non-wysiwyg mode. (editor.css, editor.js, index.css) [Bug 2178]
  704. ! Hide contact details of users for guests by default on new installs. (install_2-0_mysql.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_sqlite.sql)
  705. ! In the popular boards panels, don't calculate percentages relative to the maximum activity; it only causes confusion as to what they represent. (Profile-View.php, Profile template)
  706. ! When moving boards, try to do a better job at determining whether move links are needed for a certain board. (ManageBoards.php) [Bug 3664]
  707. ! Upgrading still didn't work quite right in PostgreSQL (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  708. ! inet_aton() croaked with invalid input in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 4063]
  709. * Slight tweak to the button_strip template to make individual buttons more easy to target. (index template, Compat template)
  710. * In a topic, linked events were shown slightly off if the topic was also linked to a poll. (index.css, compat.css)
  711. ! Improve handling of tags inside the legalise_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php)
  712. ! Added recursion protection of inline links in the parse_bbc function. (Subs.php) [Bug 3984]
  713. * Aligned the quick modify template to the left. (Display template)
  714. * IE7 requires us to add a width to the encapsulated elements of the stats bars, too. (Stats template)
  715. * Replaced the rectangular poll bars with the blue stats bars used in other areas. (Display.php Display template, index.css, rtl.css)
  716. * Updated the member list template to blend in better with Curve. (Memberlist template, index.css)
  717. * Fixed some oddities with panel heights for the statistics center in IE6. (ie6.css)
  718. * Redirect as expected after removing a member's post via the Show Posts area of a profile. (RemoveTopic.php, Profile template) [Bug 4209]
  719. ! Calendar events not linked to a topic would not appear on the board index for non-admins. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 4208]
  720. ! Order custom profile fields alphabetically upon saving, as there currently isn't an option to prioritize them. (ManageSettings.php)
  721. ! Redirect invalid post form requests. (Post.php)
  722. * Made the poll options slightly more user friendly. (Post template, Poll template, index.css, rtl.css, compat.css, Post language file)
  723. & Duplicate language key 'poll_results_expire'. (FixLanguage.php, Post language file, Post template, Poll template)
  724. * The 'Show permissions' area in the profile section was somewhat glitchy in the Core theme. (index.css, compat.css)
  725. ! Custom profile fields in the "Forum Profile" section didn't work in PostgreSQL (Admin template, install_2-0_*.sql, upgrade_2-0_*.sql)
  726. ! Don't allow sending PMs to banned accounts or accounts pending deletion. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 4073]
  727. ! Do not allow sending PM reports without doing a session check. (PersonalMessage.php)
  728. * Added row color alternation and curvy headers to generic lists; removed some hardcoded alternation. (GenericList template, various source files)
  729. * Added some curvy corners to table headers in various sections. (ManagePermissions template, Packages template, PersonalMessage template)
  730. * Made the various theme listings in the admin center more consistent. (Themes template)
  731. * Made the border color of fieldsets consistent throughout the Curve theme. (index.css)
  732. * Removed the 'calendar_how_edit' help link from Curve's board index, as it's become very self-explanatory in Curve. (BoardIndex template)
  733. * When managing boards, show only the first ~30 boards for large categories while overflowing the rest (i.e. scrollbar). (admin.css)
  734. ! Better detection of first and last subsection, taking RTL into account. (Subs-Menu.php)
  735. January 2010
  736. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  737. ! Updated copyright and all other instances of 2009 to 2010 (146 files)
  738. ! Don't send Happy Birthday emails to banned members (ScheduledTasks.php) (Reported by Yahmez)
  739. * Don't lose the u=123 part in the url when saving account details (Profile.template.php) [Bug 4124]
  740. * Fixed a couple of IE6 bugs and altered markup slightly for more flexible styling (Profile.template.php, Display.template.php, Recent.template.php)
  741. ! The calendar could sometimes predict the wrong week numbers for years with 53 weeks (Calendar.php, Subs-Calendar.php)
  742. ! Some wireless improvements (wireless.css, Wireless Template)
  743. ! Calendar missing previous/next month if your in the min/max year. (Calendar.php) (Reported by TheDragon)
  744. ! Missing session vars in admin linktrees (Admin.php) [Bug 3985]
  745. * Config_vars, invalid xhtml when using title, extra tabs/spaces with most options (Admin.template.php) [Bug 3904]
  746. ! Google may attempt to follow out of date reporttomodoerator links with split/merging topics (SendTopic.php) [Bug 4147]
  747. ! CPF's wouldn't render newlines for textarea when parse_bbc wasn't allowed (Profile.php)
  748. ! Require on registration wouldn't work for Checkboxes, radios and select boxes (Register.php) [Bug 4049]
  749. ! Install utf8 support check for PostGreSql wouldn't always work (install.php) [Bug 4061]
  750. ! Optimizing one table with Sqlite optimizes them all (install.php)
  751. ! Bug with set names to utf8 in install (install.php) [Bug 4112]
  752. ! The list used for managing attachment paths could exceed the template's boundaries. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 4132]
  753. + Ability to do alternate styling of quotes - for all permutations (Subs.php, index.css) [Bug 3920]
  754. * Altered css for blockquote and code classes (index.css)
  755. * Debyted some images, got rid of redundant images, adjusted css slightly (index.css and sundry icons)
  756. * Make truetype elements somewhat more readable. (index.css)
  757. * Install script looked very broken in IE6 (install.css) [Bug 3824]
  758. * Made the PM send template more consistent with the Post main template. (PersonalMessage template)
  759. * Fixed a lot of misaligned header bar icons/text in IE6 (ie6.css, many template files)
  760. * The Toggle icon wasn't properly aligned (GenericMenu template, index.css, compat.css) [Bug 4030]
  761. * Opening the topic split page could result in an undefined index error. (SplitTopics.php)
  762. * Made the 'select posts to split' screen slightly more usable by presenting messages differently and using lists instead of tables. (SplitTopics.php, SplitTopics template, Xml template, index.css, compat.css) [Bug 3899,4069]
  763. * Adjusted the header bar markup in order to make it work better in every major browser. (index.css, various template files)
  764. * The statistics center was no longer collapsing years automatically. (Stats template) [Bug 4011]
  765. * Fixed a stack of IE6 bugs in admin and elsewhere (index.css, admin.css, ie6.css, several templates)
  766. * Show additional buttons when viewing PM's in conversation mode to make the differences in behaviour more clear. [Bug 1748]
  767. ! Broke Search with an unneccessary strtr (Search.php) [Bug 4149]
  768. * The new search results page was looking a bit off in the Core theme. (Search template)
  769. ! The search page would sometimes exclaim too trivial search terms were used when there were in fact no terms at all. (Search.php)
  770. ! No. of verification questions can't exceed no. of actual questions (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 4066]
  771. * Packages - find/replace popup allowed code to exceed the container (admin.css)
  772. ! When searching, catch practically empty message previews in time, so we don't end up wasting space on the search results page. (Search.php)
  773. ! m.id_board must be in repair_boards groupby or will cause postgresql error (RepairBoards.php) (Reported by MegaByte)
  774. ! Disable the wywiwyg editor on Android, iPhone and iPod devices. (Load.php, script.js, editor.js) [Bug 4020]
  775. * Fixed some more IE6 bugs and tweaked profile styling (index.css, ie6.css, several templates)
  776. * Extensive Help.template changes (index.css, Help.php, Help.template.php, Manual.english.php)
  777. ! Adding an IP to a ban might fail if it has leading or trailing whitespace. (ManageBans.php)
  778. ! Setting the time threshold absurdly high would break the forum. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 4157]
  779. * Fixed Core Help.template & fixed some IE6 glitches (core/index.css, default/index.css, both Help.templates)
  780. + Allow toggling of full size versions of resized images. (theme.js)
  781. * Use scrollbars if a quote box's contents exceed its width. (index.css)
  782. ! Do a better job at creating unique column keys for custom profile fields. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 4034]
  783. ! The installer caused an undefined index error when the ftp path was not properly recognized (install.php) [Bug 4163]
  784. ! Overhauled the SSI examples page to make use of the Curve theme and new SSI functions. (ssi_examples.php) [Issue 4168]
  785. * Added some air between BBC buttons and smileys on the post screen. (index.css)
  786. * The news fader caused a JS error in some browsers. (index.css, compat.css) [Bug 4150]
  787. ! Fixing polls without a topic resulted in an undefined index error. (RepairBoards.php)
  788. & Made the edit board section slighty more user friendly by adding a few captions. (ManageBoards language file, ManageBoards template)
  789. * Made the destination of the (!) links for unapproved posts somewhat more predictable. (BoardIndex template, MessageIndex template)
  790. * The IP list in the Track IP section wasn't displaying properly. (Profile template, index.css, compat.css)
  791. ! Moved a few settings between the General and Layout screens in the Feature Settings area. (ManageSettings.php)
  792. ! Added classes to the various image and link tags generated by loadMemberContext to ease styling. (Load.php)
  793. ! Processing large batches of email via cron was running PHP out of memory (mailQueueCron.php)
  794. * Adjusted the error log styles to make it significantly easier to style. (ManageErrors.php, Errors template, admin.css)
  795. * Don't float additional rows of generic lists to the right. (index.css) [Bug 4171]
  796. * Fixed a scrolling issue in the manage profile field section. (Admin template)
  797. ! When manually approving members, activation emails would not contain the link for manual activation. (ManageMembers.php, Register.php)
  798. December 2009
  799. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  800. * Some button strips weren't properly reversed in RTL mode. (rtl.css) [Bug 4045]
  801. * Handle linktrees slightly different to ensure correct behaviour in RTL languages. (index template, index.css, rtl.css) [Bug 4045]
  802. * Give disabled text input elements a different background color in the Curve theme. (index.css)
  803. ! Some avatar setting fields could not be edited due to a typo in a javascript function call. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 4051]
  804. * Calendar week view wasn't respecting the 'show days numbers as link' setting. (Calendar template)
  805. ! Escape invalid file names from being used - reported by WHK (ManageErrors.php)
  806. ! Package Flushing was missing a session check - reported by sirdarckcat (Packages.php, Packages template)
  807. ! Language management needed session check improvements - reported by cicatriz.r00t (ManageServer.php, Admin template)
  808. ! Post Settings was missing a session check - reported by sirdarckcat (ManagePosts.php)
  809. ! Language search was not properly escaped - reported by sirdarckcat (ManageServer.php)
  810. ! Multiple settings pages did not check the session (Manage*.php, Admin template, ManageSearch template)
  811. ! Load average balancing could cause undefined index errors (Profile-View.php) [Bug 4023]
  812. ! Profile xml data needed a permission check (News.php) [Bug 4021]
  813. * Non-gd Captcha needed an extra character (GenericControls template)
  814. ! The sourcedir wan't always defined in the third step of the install process. (install.php)
  815. ! Subtext for karma_good was set to icq so it remove it (Profile-Modify.php)
  816. * The background colors used on the unread topics pages were inconsistent with those on the message index. (Recent template) [Bug 4056]
  817. * It was not possible to re-enable user theme variant selection after previously disabling it. (Themes template) [Bug 3648]
  818. * Revamped the show posts listings to clean it up and make it easier to read. (Profile-View.php, Profile template, Recent template, index.css, rtl.css)
  819. * Replaced hardcoded tabindexes in templates with dynamic ones. (several templates)
  820. * Changed Core css to match new profile template (index.css, rtl.css)
  821. * Changed identifier for Core posts and topics (core/index.css, default/Profile.template.php)
  822. ! Group by query optimizer could cause errors for some inserts (Subs-Db-mysql.php)
  823. * Updated Post.template.php to match the others (Post.php, Post template, index.css, rtl.css, core/css/index.css, core/css/rtl.css)
  824. * Corected a validation error for quickbuttons when logged out (Profile template, Recent template)
  825. * Updated Search.template.php to match the others (Search.php, Search template, index.css, rtl.css, ie7.css, ie6.css)
  826. * There is no #top, only #postmodify. (Post template)
  827. * Included the recent changes in the Core stylesheet into the compatibility stylesheet. (compat.css)
  828. * Cleaned up statistics center and tweaked calendar css a bit (Stats.template.php, index.css, ie7.css)
  829. ! Convert newlines to spaces when converting HTML to BBC in the WYSIWYG editor, as that's how browsers usually render them. (Subs-Editor.php)
  830. ! Try to do a better job at parsing paragraph breaks when converting HTML to BBC in the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php)
  831. ! Before trying to parse styling in html_to_bbc, remove certain HTML entities that shouldn't be there to begin with. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4054]
  832. ! Also log member approval when requiring activation still. (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 4070]
  833. * Got sensible and simplified things a bit. (Post.template.php, Profile.template.php, Recent.template.php, Search.template.php, index.css, core/css/index.css)
  834. * Reversed the starmod.gif and stargmod.gif images to reflect their membergroup color. (default/images/starmod.gif, default/images/stargmod.gif)
  835. & Use "Alienine's Set" as the default smiley set's name to credit its author. (Install language file)
  836. ! The smiley set check was checking the wrong setting. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-0-postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 4083]
  837. * Invalid XHTML, harmonized comma delineation (Packages template) [Bug 4099]
  838. * Improved the interface of the attachment file maintenance screen. (ManageAttachments template, Admin language file)
  839. * Link a member's avatar to their profile. (Display template) [Bug 3881]
  840. & Indicate whether we're viewing PM's as individual messages or as a conversation. (PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage language file) [Bug 3349]
  841. ! An AutoSuggest object would never execute a registered onBeforeAddItem callback. (suggest.js)
  842. ! WYSIWYG in PMs duplicates backslashes for apostrophes. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 4081]
  843. ! Installer didn't show which files still needed to be chmod'ed. (install.php)
  844. ! Show proper errors in case something goes wrong during FTP commands in the installer. (install.php)
  845. ! Added a check whether the FTP chmod actually succeeded in the installer (install.php)
  846. ! Add more possible callbacks to the AutoSuggest object to allow better customisation. (suggest.js)
  847. * Move .1% css over to IE6 css file, and a extra semi-colon typo (index.css, ie6.css, compat.css) [Bug 3925]
  848. ! Incorrect pm count (requires "Recount all forum totals and statistics" to fix existing incorrect pm counts) (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 4043]
  849. ! Hanging transaction in Sqlite (DbPackages-sqlite) [Bug 4086]
  850. * Duplicate css and misspelt class (ie6.css, index.css, rtl.css) [Not tracked]
  851. ! Removed even more extraneous spaces Thx Nao, (Many files) [Bug 4122]
  852. * Nought is nought, so remove extraneous units from (Css files) (Reported by Sverre) [Not Tracked]
  853. * Use shorthand color codes where possible, lowercase codes (like xhtml), have consistency with order border: width, style, color (Reported by Sverre) [Not tracked]
  854. ! Undefined index 'current_area' (Subs-Menu.php) [Bug 4119]
  855. ! Drop index for Pgl and sqlite breaks upgrade if the index doesn't exist, so use IF EXISTS (postgresql/sqlite upgrade sql files)
  856. * upperframe should be lowerframe, and should be catbg not titlebg (Reminder.template.php) (Reported by Brettflan & Max_74)[Not Tracked]
  857. ! For Newsletters use IN instead of LIKE so that mysql can use the email_address index (ManageNews.php) (Reported by Ensiferous) [Not tracked]
  858. * Removed extra padding on information and description classes (index.css, compat.css) [Bug 3925]
  859. ! db_add_column missing unsigned integer support (mysql only) (Reported by Windy) [Bug 4125]
  860. ! Multiple attachment dir broken (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 4131]
  861. ! Administrators could still access warning area even when warnings disabled (Several source files) [Bug 4091]
  862. * Harmonized error messages (Admin template, Profile template, index.css, compat.css) [Bug 4019]
  863. * Layout was broken when banning a user (admin.css)[Bug 4085]
  864. * Invalid CSS (index.css) [Bug 4120]
  865. * Make Shortcuts work in Firefox (editor.js) [Bug 4108]
  866. * Chrome auto completes or empties fields when it shouldn't (profile.js, Profile.template.php) [Bug 3485]
  867. ! Don't waste cpu cycles on an empty string (Subs.php) [Bug 4102]
  868. ! Sqlite doesn't like parenthesis (upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 4088]
  869. ! SQLite upgrade script: multi-line INSERT INTO query, use smcFuncs (upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 4089]
  870. ! Packages might not always create necessary directories (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 4007]
  871. ! Tars might extract 0kb files (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 2747]
  872. ! Sqlite upgrade sql missing db_prefix (upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 4087]
  873. * Warnings were not properly aligned (index.css)[Bug 4022]
  874. * Code blocks should use a printable layout (Printpage template)[Bug 4116]
  875. ! Visual verification on qr shouldn't pass you to full post unless there was an error (Post.php) [Bug 3940]
  876. ! js_operations undefined index (Packages.php) [Bug 3858]
  877. * Non-Curve themes missing mandatory session checks in the url to remove a poll (Display.template.php) [Bug 4075]
  878. * Child board new icon should link to the unread action (BoardIndex Template, MessageIndex Template)
  879. * Missing closing brace (Packages.template.php) [Bug 4139]
  880. * Cannot install languages (Admin.template.php) [Bug 4138]
  881. * The Stats bars were broken since REV 9559 (index.css) [Bug 4140]
  882. ! Postgresql install broken re: replace (Subs-db-PostGreSql.php)
  883. ! Double semicolon (Load.php) [Bug 4143]
  884. ! Braces are deprecated as of PHP 5.3.0 (Several files) [Bug 4142]
  885. ! Make repair_settings work on 1.1 (repair_settings.php) [Bug 4130]
  886. * Standardized the stats bars (Stats template, Memberlist template, Profile template, index.css, compat.css, rtl.css)[Bug 4046]
  887. * Removed Unnecessary scrollbar and blank space in permissions list when viewing users permissions (Profile template, index.css, rtl.css, compat.css) [Bug 3874]
  888. * Usability improvements for the Ban Name and Ban Feason fields. (ManageBans template)
  889. ! error_type missing dollar sign (repair_settings.php) [Bug 4130]
  890. ! IE<8 have max 2083 character url length causing issues with long search strings (Search.php) [Bug 3676]
  891. November 2009
  892. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  893. ! Not all mail is private (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3967]
  894. ! Allow forcefully sending the mail queue, even if being run by cron (ScheduledTasks.php, ManageMail.php)
  895. ! Previewing posts using XMLHTTP didn't send all posted information correctly, preventing smileys from being parsed. (Post template) [Bug 3961]
  896. ! The integration hook functionality didn't support static methods properly. (several files)
  897. ! Settings using select boxes could cause undefined errors. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 3972,3968]
  898. ! Web install would clean passwords, breaking any containing special characters. (webinstall.php)
  899. ! The border style of the WYSIWYG control could in some cases be improperly defined. (editor.js)
  900. * Post moderation permissions could not be saved. (ManagePermissions template) [Bug 3976]
  901. & Fixed a few typos in language files. (Help language file, ManagePaid language file)
  902. & Gave the list-related BBC buttons a more appropriated title. (Subs-Editor.php, Post language file) [Bug 3939]
  903. ! Detect other names for firefox (Load.php, script.js)
  904. * Change our post link color so they stand out more (index.css)
  905. * Removed obsolete template_profile_ignore_list_modify function. (Profile template) [Bug 3997]
  906. ! Dynamic pagination didn't work properly in case of urlencoded base URL's. (Subs.php, script.js)
  907. * The manage bans page could output invalid XHTML in some cases. (ManageBans template)
  908. * Highlight parent items while hovering over submenus in Curve's dropdown menus. (index.css) [Bug 4008]
  909. * Rewrote the text of the Getting Started part of the help section. (Help template, Manual language file)
  910. * Don't try to hide avatar options that aren't there. (Profile template) [Bug 3933]
  911. ! Users who can only see their own profiles couldn't see the subitems of the Show Posts menu. (Profile.php)
  912. * Don't hide posts by ignored members if the buddy and ignore lists are disabled. (Display.php, Display template) [Bug 3974]
  913. ! The buddy/ignore check for sending PM's was checking the wrong setting. (Subs-Post.php)
  914. & Show a different error message when a search string is rejected due to blacklisted words. (Search.php, Errors language file) [Bug 3998]
  915. * Duplicate upshrink css (index.css) [Bug 4015]
  916. & Missing username message was misleading (Login language) [Bug 4013]
  917. ! Debug mode would always empty the language cache (Subs.php) [Bug 3988]
  918. ! Task notifications in some cases can appear to processed in the future (ManageScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 3965]
  919. ! Pending details can not be empty (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 3964]
  920. ! Group action may show incorrect active menu link (Subs.php) [Bug 3956]
  921. * Our webkit post fix didn't completely fix the issue (webkit.css) [Bug 3995]
  922. * BBC buttons would overlap smileys (index.css) [Bug 3999]
  923. * Highlight would not change the text color as intended (index.css) [Bug 3996]
  924. ! SMF would override a post variable, which could break our integration (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3986]
  925. ! theme_variant being empty would cause double slashes in urls (Load.php, BoardIndex Template, MessageIndex Template) [Bug 3937]
  926. ! Theme related profile options would update even when errors occurred, which is inconsistant with other profile fields (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3808]
  927. ! Upgrading would fail for mysql4 users (upgrade.php) [Bug 3944]
  928. ! Do not show meta keywords, unless set. (Subs.php, index template) [Bug 3977]
  929. ! Users who have not set who they receive pms from would cause errors (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3989]
  930. ! Prevent undefined errors for template eval errors at end of file (Load.php) [Bug 3978]
  931. ! A fatal language error in loadTheme could cause a infinite loop (Errors.php) [Bug 3959]
  932. ! A few of our tools needed fixed (reapir_*.php, repair.php, *_backup.php, smf_api.php) [Bug 3943]
  933. ! Allow administrators to change their warning level (Profile.php) [Bug 3935]
  934. ! Ensure that our website_url field only has valid http links - reported by WHK. (Profile-Modify.php)
  935. ! Package server deletion was missing a session check - reported by WHK. (PackageGet.php, Packages Template)
  936. ! Clean our package server name of any html - reported by WHK. (PackageGet.php)
  937. ! Do better validation on which packages we are deleting - reported by WHK. (Packages.php, Packages Template)
  938. ! We only can see files in our directory - reported by sirdarckcat. (ManageErrors.php)
  939. ! Check our session prior to saving any moderation center settings - reported by sirdarckcat. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter Template)
  940. ! Only remove our vote for valid sessions - reported by sirdarckcat. (Poll.php)
  941. ! Rule management needed a session check - reported by sirdarckcat. (PersonalMessage.php)
  942. ! Package option settings didn't check the session - reported by cicatriz.r00t. (Packages.php)
  943. ! Permissions settings was missing a session check. (ManagePermissions.php)
  944. ! Poll removal was missing a session check. (Poll.php)
  945. ! Merging topics needed a session check - reported by ysk.sft. (SplitTopics.php, SplitTopics Template)
  946. ! Try to clean our attachment names better. (Post.php)
  947. ! Do a better job at cleaning our admin login page - reported by gabry9191. (Subs-Auth.php)
  948. ! Fixed a missing Smiley Settings session check. (ManageSmileys.php)
  949. ! The board index category collapse was missing a session check - reported by WHK. (BoardIndex.php, Subs-BoardIndex.php)
  950. ! The parsing of basic HTML images wasn't properly escaped - reported by sirdarckcat. (Subs.php)
  951. ! Smiley sets weren't properly escaped - reported by cicatriz.r00t. (ManageSmileys.php, Profile.php, Subs.php)
  952. ! The 'find members' delimiter wasn't properly escaped - reported by WHK. (Subs-Auth.php, Help template)
  953. * The Core theme was missing an image. (Themes/core/images/icons/modify_small.gif)
  954. * The Remove Old Posts template of the Forum Maintenance section wasn't working as expected. (ManageMaintenance template, ManageMaintenance language file)
  955. ! Removed the trailing <br /> for quote tags to meet expectations - this was changed unintentionally in RC2. (Subs.php)
  956. * Make use of theme variations in the help section's faux board index, too. (Help template) [Bug 4032]
  957. * Invalid XHTML was generated for custom fields above signature. (Display template, PersonalMessage template) [Bug 4035,4041]
  958. * Added alternating post background classes to the Recent pages. (Recent.php)
  959. * Groovy up the polls for the Curve theme a bit more. (Display.php, Display template, index.css, rtl.css)
  960. * Altered quickbuttons.png to add a notify icon to the end with index.css amended to suit. (index.css, quickbuttons.png)
  961. * Added a fixed height to #move_topic dl.settings in to prevent it collapsing in IE6 and 7. (babylon/style.css)
  962. ! The newsletter section included an unnecessary parenthesis character in its default message body. (ManageNews.php) [Bug 4040]
  963. * The 'delete board' button was missing the submit button class. (ManageBoards template)
  964. ! Double check the sanity of URL's in parse_bbc. (Subs.php)
  965. * Log datatype should be tinyint (mysql install/upgrade sql) [Bug 3910]
  966. SMF 2.0 RC2 8 November 2009
  967. ================================================================================
  968. November 2009
  969. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  970. * The preview post could cause a JavaScript error in some browsers. (Post template) [Bug 3717]
  971. ! Inserting BBC in non-WYSIWYG mode was broken for some browsers. (script.js)
  972. ! Language selection did not show correctly in profile (Profile-Modify.php)
  973. ! In some cases the guest_title may not exist (Load.php) [Bug 3916]
  974. * IE6 and IE7 were having difficulties with the Core theme's implementation of min-height. (index.css, rtl.css)
  975. * Auto suggest will throw an error if the field doesn't exist (ManageBans template)
  976. ! Guests can't have warnings, so don't try to find them. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 3941]
  977. + Allow multiple selections in select boxes. (Admin template)
  978. ! Prevent the detectBrowser function from being mislead by Internet Explorer identifying itself as two different versions. (Load.php)
  979. ! Improved debugging of load times. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php, Subs.php, ViewQuery.php, index language file)
  980. ! Stat collection didn't send out proper database information (Stats.php)
  981. ! Update the default theme's name when installing the Core theme on upgrade. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 3779]
  982. * Rewrote the 'Getting Started' part of the help section to match Curve's look and feel. (Help template, index.css)
  983. * Changed the way linktrees are classes in order for there to be more than three linktree instances on a page. (index template, index.css)
  984. * Rewrote the 'Registering' and 'Forum Tools' parts of the help section to match Curve's look and feel. (Help template, Manual language file, index.css)
  985. * The board selection part of the advanced search screen could break on some resolutions. (Search template, index.css, compat.css, rtl.css)
  986. ! Don't typecast when checking for empty variables in the View Member section of the admin center. (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 3917]
  987. ! In some rare cases, creating a cache file for language files failed, leading to undefined indices. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3951]
  988. * Curve does not support showing buttons as images, so don't offer it as an option. (Settings template)
  989. ! Skip separators when saving theme settings, as they aren't actual settings. (Themes.php)
  990. ! Make sure there's always a birthday email template set, and be consistent with it. (install script, upgrade script, ManageMail.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  991. ! Fixed footer breaking due to possible invalid XHTML. (Recent template)
  992. ! Output additional HTML for quotes to make it possible to style them with rounded corners. (Subs.php)
  993. ! Time bbcode was handled improperly when editing a post. (Subs-Post.php)
  994. ! Buddy list used wrong permission check. (Profile.php)
  995. ! Store the selected filter for the Who's Online page in the session, so it may be applied again if the user revisits the page later. (Who.php)
  996. ! Remove the index on the hits column of the log_activity table, as it's a waste of cycles. (install SQL files, upgrade SQL files) [Bug 3960]
  997. ! Added three new smileys sets to the package, replacing the old ones. (Smileys/default/*, Smileys/aaron/*, Smileys/akyhne/*)
  998. * Updated Curve's post icons to reflect the new default smiley set. (Themes/default/images/post/*)
  999. ! Hide the View Results button for polls when it is no longer possible to vote. (Display.php)
  1000. ! Include the compatibility stylesheets for themes designed for 2.0 Beta, too. (Load.php)
  1001. ! The inline URL detection could in some cases cause bad parsing results - reported by yacg. (Subs.php)
  1002. October 2009
  1003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1004. ! Function to create new tables wasn't working properly in PostgreSQL (DbPackages-postgresql.php) [Bug 3817]
  1005. ! PostgreSQL doesn't support unsigned integers (DbSearch-postgresql.php)
  1006. * Installer/Upgrader had no mention of overall/step progress (install.php, upgrade.php, install.css) [Bug 3814]
  1007. ! Added a hidden setting to allow multiple paypal emails (Subscriptions-PayPal.php)
  1008. ! SMF's workaround for REPLACE and INSERT IGNORE queries in PostgreSQL caused a database error (Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 3821]
  1009. ! Fix for Bug 2963 caused some issues with managing smilies, spiders and post settings (ManagePosts.php, ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 3831]
  1010. * Other languages caused the login screen to show a scroll bar (index.css, compat.css, ie7.css) [Bug 3832]
  1011. & $txt['paid_add_subscription'] had a duplicate (ManagePaid language file) [Bug 3828]
  1012. ! The menu was broken with caching enabled (Subs.php) [Bug 3837]
  1013. ! Improved smiley parsing within BBC and fixed the issue of incorrect UTF-8 smiley parsing. (Subs.php) [Bug 3474]
  1014. ! Updated support links to use redirects (Admin.php, Admin language)
  1015. ! BBC restrictions in a signature can be bypassed by using uppercase letters (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3848]
  1016. ! Upgrade incorrectly set collapsed categories to be autoincrement on the cat id (Upgrade-mysql.sql) [Bug 3845]
  1017. * Those who didn't need approval to delete an account were warned, the rest were not (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3849]
  1018. * Autosuggest failed when adding users to groups (ManageMembergroups.template.php) [Bug 3851]
  1019. * Invalid xhtml (Admin template) [Bug 3852]
  1020. * More invalid xhtml (Admin.template.php) [Bug 3859]
  1021. * News fader didn't work when creating a copy of the default theme (BoardIndex.template.php)
  1022. ! Don't show the registration form with COPPA in effect and under age registrations disabled. (Register.php)
  1023. * The dropmenu background was sometimes too short, extend it with CSS (GenericMenu template, index.css) [Bug 3792]
  1024. ! Changed the notice for verification after quick reply into something less obscure. (Post.php)
  1025. * Rewrote the rest of the PersonalMessage template to match Curve's look and feel. (PersonalMessage.template.php, PersonalMessage.js)
  1026. * Rewrote the rest of the Calendar template to match Curve's look and feel. (Calendar.template.php)
  1027. * Fixed some spacing on Poll template. (Poll.template.php)
  1028. * Rewrote most of the Post template to match Curve's look and feel. (Post.template.php, index.css, index.english.php)
  1029. ! Unknown's fix for direct ip access. [Bug 3864] (Load.php)
  1030. * Curve: the board name wasn't shown in unread and unreadreplies. (Recent template) [Bug 3867]
  1031. * Modify ban group had to much padding. (ManageBans template) [Bug 3871]
  1032. * The quote button was missing when quick-reply disabled. (Display template) [Bug 3875]
  1033. * Boards were misaligned in the ignore boards section. (Profile-Modify.php, Profile template, index.css, rtl.css, compat.css) [Bug 3876]
  1034. * Boards were misaligned in the advanced search section. (Search template, index.css, rtl.css, compat.css)
  1035. * Revise a few templates to better match curve (Calendar, PersonalMessage, Poll and Post templates)
  1036. ! When using MySQL, ORDER BY null was sometimes added when it shouldn't be. (Subs-Db-mysql.php) [Bug 3877]
  1037. ! Store less information in the query string when searching the moderation log, and verify it every time. (Modlog.php)
  1038. ! When navigating between pages in member administration, send the data being searched for in request prior to parsing, and parse it every time. (ManageMembers.php)
  1039. * Removed a variable which was probably used for debugging (Post template) [Bug 3889]
  1040. * The email link used wrong parameters (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 3887]
  1041. * Collapsing a month in the statistics center wasn't saved properly. (Stats template, stats.js) [Bug 3802]
  1042. ! Adding a new button strip wasn't working as expected in the Core theme. (index template, theme.js)
  1043. * ManageBans used an outdated JS function (ManageBans template) [Bug 3882]
  1044. ! Made the parsing of line breaks in textual attachments optional. (Display.php, ManageAttachments.php, Admin language file) [Bug 3865]
  1045. ! Added an interface to set the formerly-hidden setting to disable template evaluation. (ManageServer.php, Help language file, ManageSettings language file)
  1046. ! When creating a copy of the default theme, copy the rtl.css and theme.js files, too. (Themes.php) [Bug 3863]
  1047. * Curve's button strips were misaligned by one pixel. (index.css) [Bug 3894]
  1048. * Text sized via BBC was overlapping itself in some cases. (index.css)
  1049. * Large attachments were overflowing properly in the display template. (Display template, index.css)
  1050. * The upcoming calendar should be in small text. (BoardIndex template)
  1051. ! Ensure the attachment permissions are verified for the correct board. (Display.php)
  1052. * Reintegrated former fonts to BBC font select (GenericControls template) [Bug 3880]
  1053. * Cleaned the BBC button layout (GenericControls template, index.css)
  1054. ! dlattach caused errors when guests attempted to view them (Errors.php, Load.php, Security.php, Subs.php) [Bug 3862]
  1055. * Incorrect verification check (Display Template) [Bug 3883]
  1056. * Removed a gap and fixed invalid xhtml (PersonalMessage template, index.css) [Bug 3903]
  1057. * Attachments should use a label for better usability (Post template) [Bug 3898]
  1058. ! Warning status could display in some cases (Display.php, PersonalMessage.php, Display Template, PersonalMessage Template) [Bug 3905,3873]
  1059. ! Use correct indexes when using db_insert (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 3853]
  1060. ! real_prefix didn't exist! (DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 3855]
  1061. ! Ensure that we have a column size and null values set (DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 3854]
  1062. ! Wireless users where unaware of unapproved posts (Wireless Template) [Bug 3197]
  1063. ! Show unapproved posts/attachments in a different color (Profile-View.php, Profile Template, index.css) [Bug 3197]
  1064. ! The theme missing check occurred after a previous check (Errors.php) [Bug 3862]
  1065. * The signature settings page had improper alignment for the "Select All" checkbox (admin.css) [Bug 3826]
  1066. * The "Save a copy in my outbox" checkbox was missing (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 3897]
  1067. * A scrollbar appeared in some cases with IE8 (index.css)[Bug 3868]
  1068. * Some profile icons were not properly aligned (Profile template) [Bug 3902]
  1069. * The Message icon had a different padding when javascript is off (index.css, compat.css) [Bug 3711]
  1070. ! BBC sizes without a unit weren't parsed correctly anymore. (Subs.php)
  1071. * The custom subject was always disabled (SplitTopics template) [Bug 3914]
  1072. * Core: hide the attachments division when there aren't any attachments to show. (Display template)
  1073. & Properly capitalize the name of the DB software (repair_settings.php)
  1074. ! Fixed a few JavaScript notices. (suggest.js)
  1075. ! Fixed undefined index in case of a divergent detected URL. (Load.php)
  1076. ! The legalise_bbc function could not be called twice. (Subs-Editor.php)
  1077. ! Duplicate tags were not properly removed by the legalise_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3211-1]
  1078. ! The legalise_bbc function didn't handle competing inline tags properly. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3211-2]
  1079. ! is_not_guest() isn't called on dlattach if guest browsing is disabled (index.php) [Bug 3862]
  1080. ! Check if we can move_any topics from the recycle board (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 3684]
  1081. ! An extra incase sensitive check was being done to censorText (Load.php) [Bug 3922]
  1082. ! Directories we didn't descend into were not listed (Packages.php) [Bug 3919]
  1083. ! Package permissions did not handle custom cache directories (Packages.php) [Bug 3919]
  1084. + Removal of "stuck" or old mail (ManageMail.php) [Feature 3913]
  1085. ! md5_file can be slow, use another etag check (Display.php) [Bug 3886]
  1086. ! The html_to_bbc function doesn't parse lists with only opening tags. (Subs-Editor) [Bug 3211-3]
  1087. * The button strip was outputting empty lists if no buttons were present. (index template, Compat template)
  1088. ! Rewrote the list processing part of the html_to_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3211-4,3724]
  1089. * Replaced the bbc button backgrounds with brighter variants to match the post interface's background color better. (bbc_bg.gif, bbc_hoverbg.gif)
  1090. ! Don't include code, cdata, comment or style bocks in the html_to_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3211]
  1091. ! Make sure lists are being properly closed by html_to_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php)
  1092. ! In some cases a LEFT JOIN will remove filesorting (Recent.php)
  1093. ! The editor still showed BBC buttons that were disabled. (editor.js) [Bug 3829]
  1094. ! Prevent the BBC button bar to show a separator twice in sequence. (editor.js)
  1095. ! Inserted lists while using the non-WYSIWYG mode in the editor, included literal newline characters. (editor.js) [Bug 3890]
  1096. ! The autosuggest in some cases deleted selected items on form submit. (suggest.js)
  1097. * Removed a bunch of unused images from the trunk. (various images)
  1098. * Updated Curve's board status images to look slightly better. (on.png, on2.png, off.png, redirect.png)
  1099. * Added a new style for the AJAX in progress bar to make it fit better in the Curve theme. (index.css, loadingbar.png)
  1100. * Added rounded corners to the unread topics and unread replies screens. (Recent template)
  1101. * Extended the frame image by 200px to avoid breaking the header easily. (main_block.png)
  1102. ! In some rare cases, the {REGARDS} part of a notification message was sent in the wrong language. (Subs-Post.php)
  1103. ! Collapsing of months wasn't saved properly (Stats.php, stats.js, script.js, Stats template) [Bug 3802]
  1104. ! A form with an auto suggest control didn't always submit properly when pressing the enter key. (suggest.js) [Bug 3546]
  1105. ! Viewing the error logs caused an undefined index in some PHP versions. (ManageErrors.php)
  1106. September 2009
  1107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1108. ! Holidays need to be checked (ManageCalendar.php)
  1109. * If a topic only contains one post it shouldn't show the split topic button (Display template) [Bug 3725]
  1110. ! renamed functions caused a JS error (Install.php, Upgrade.php) [Bug 3683]
  1111. ! Slow query - members topics (Profile-View.php) [Bug 3392]
  1112. ! Some files didn't have latest copyright (install.php, upgrade.php, ssi_examples.php, ssi_examples.shtml) [Bug 3723]
  1113. ! Shtml version had php function call (ssi_examples.shtml)
  1114. * invalid CSS (index.css) [Bug 3727]
  1115. * BBCode list was drawn in one line instead of multi-lines (Admin template, admin.css) [Bug 3731]
  1116. ! Octet-stream bug, use octetstream for ie and opera otherwise they don't offer the file to download (Few files)
  1117. ! Tables with a no. of rows divisible exactly by 250 would backup with bad sql (DbExtra-Xxx.php)
  1118. ! IE8 bug with bouncy textareas. Set max-width and min-width instead of width for fullreply, quick reply, quickedit etc (Few files) [Bug 3354]
  1119. ! Warn admin to delete some files if they exist (Subs.php, index.english.php) [Bug 3728]
  1120. ! Never redirect on login to an attachment (Few files)
  1121. + Extreme level captcha (Subs-Graphics.php, ManageSettings.php, ManageSettings.english.php)
  1122. ! Give creation of thumbnails more welly for large images (Subs-Graphics.php)
  1123. * fixed 12 minor layout issues (Few files) [Bug 3729]
  1124. * The post and pm keyinfo wasn't properly aligned (Display template, PersonalMessage template, index.css)
  1125. + Added an interface to allow editing of load average thresholds. (Admin.php, ManageServer.php, Admin language file, ManageSettings language file)
  1126. * Broken quick edit (Display.template.php) [Bug 3745]
  1127. * Replaced the post-moderation icons with a proper version [Bug 3625]
  1128. ! Split browser detection from theme loading; (index.php, Load.php) [Bug 3169]
  1129. * Opera 10 uses 9.8 for user agent (Load.php, Script.js) [Bug 3750]
  1130. * Invalid css (index.css) [Bug 3752]
  1131. ! Only warn cache not writable if cache is enabled (Subs.php) [Bug 3747]
  1132. ! Warn/prevent converting to utf8 with fulltext index. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance.template.php, ManageMaintenance.english.php) [Bug 3517]
  1133. ! The recent download attachment handling changes caused a few errors (Load.php, Display.php) [Bug 3753]
  1134. ! UTF-8 was not handled properly in parse_bbc (Subs.php) [Bug 3474]
  1135. ! Removed an extra global variable that was done twice due to fix for bug 3753 (Display.php)
  1136. & Don't send passwords in registration emails unless the admin registered the account, for security reasons (EmailTemplates language file)
  1137. & Make registration emails a bit more user-friendly (EmailTemplates language file, Profile-Modify.php, Subs-Members.php)
  1138. ! Attempt to calculate table sizes in PostgreSQL as well (ManageSearch.php) [Bug 949]
  1139. ! Let users choose which stylesheet they wish to edit (Themes.template.php) [Bug 2716]
  1140. & Minor language tweak to reflect above change (Themes language file)
  1141. * Core: minor layout issues (index.css, compat.css) [Bug 3755]
  1142. ! When installing some mods, they could throw a database error if they have already been installed once (Packages.php, DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2963]
  1143. * Removed a large gap on ManageAttachments (ManageAttachments template)
  1144. * Show an ellipsis character for the active menu item if it contains subitems, too. (GenericMenu template)
  1145. ! Accept both smf_crc32 and crc32 as a valid result (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 1220]
  1146. + Converting to UTF-8 could break logins, attempt to store the previous charset to compat this during logins (ManageMaintenance.php, LogInOut.php) [Bug 2659]
  1147. * The dropmenu used some outdated CSS (index.css) [Bug 3600]
  1148. * The dropmenu didn't support IE6 yet (ie6.css)
  1149. ! Theres only one file_hash (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 3762]
  1150. * Added a new area to the profile section that allows easy editing of the buddy and ignore lists. (Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile template)
  1151. & Added a few language strings to accommodate the above; removed a few now-obsolete strings. (Profile language file)
  1152. + Allow members to specify whose PM's they want to receive. (Load.php, Subs.php, Subs-Post.php, Profile template, Profile language file, install scripts, upgrade scripts)
  1153. & Ignoring posts posted by those on a member's ignore list is now optional. (Display template, Settings template, Profile template, Profile language file)
  1154. ! Fixed syntax error in upgrade for older versions of MySQL. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql)
  1155. ! Merged xml_topic.js and xml_board.js into topic.js (xml_topic.js, xml_board.js, topic.js, Display template, MessageIndex template)
  1156. * Made the PM search template in sync with the global search template. (PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage language file)
  1157. ! Postgresql and sqlite don't do tinyint or unsigned (install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3772]
  1158. ! Editing a poll caused the poll to extend (Poll.php) [Bug 3645]
  1159. * Additional rows at the bottom of generic lists were not always displaying correctly. (GenericList template)
  1160. ! IE<8 have max 2083 character url length causing issues with long search strings (Search.php) [Bug 3676]
  1161. * smf_scripturl should use smf_prepareScriptUrl for previewPost (Post.template.php)
  1162. * Load css before js for faster theme loading (index.template.php, Themes.php) [Bug 3741]
  1163. ! Updated the poll bars to match Curve's look and feel (Display.php, Display template, index.css, i6.css, ie7.css, rtl.css)
  1164. ! Reverted bug fix 3474 (Subs.php) [Bug 3783]
  1165. * Make it possible to set the forum to a fixed width in both the Curve and Core themes. (index template, Settings template, index.css)
  1166. * IE6 doesn't support multiple class selectors (few files) [Bug 3781]
  1167. & Added a new string for showing redirect boards in the icon legend on the board index, to allow better translations. (index language file)
  1168. * Allow users to preview a theme by clicking on its thumbnail (Themes template) [Bug 3798]
  1169. * Removed a small gap from theme settings page (Themes template) [Bug 3793]
  1170. ! In some cases, adding a new message icon was unintentionally replacing an existing icon. (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 3760]
  1171. ! PostgreSQL 8.4 doesn't like '0000-01-01' so use '0001-01-01bc' instead (install_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  1172. ! UTF8 compatibility check wasn't always working for PostgreSQL (install.php)
  1173. ! "Show new replies to your posts" caused a DB error in some versions of PostgreSQL (Recent.php, Subs-Db-Postgresql.php) [Bug 3764]
  1174. * Underline links in the installer and upgrader to make them more noticeable (install.css) [Bug 3801]
  1175. ! Changing theme settings was causing an "uninitialized string offset" error (Themes.php) [Bug 3800]
  1176. ! Don't parse message bodies for the unread topics or unread replies screens to conserve CPU cycles, unless the theme settings say otherwise. (Recent.php)
  1177. * Improved the linked events layout (Display template, index.css) [Bug 3806]
  1178. * the forum history should be separate from the upper stats (Stats template) [Bug 3786]
  1179. ! Regex could reach php stack limit and cause seg fault when generating custom index. So be less aggressive with backreferences(Search.php, Subs.php) [Bug 3805]
  1180. ! More regex's could opt out of backreferences (19 files)
  1181. ! Tabs in php blocks broken (Subs.php) [Bug 3813]
  1182. ! Regex's could be optimized even futher (Several files) [Bug 3812]
  1183. August 2009
  1184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1185. ! Hashing admin passwords didn't accept unicode characters (script.js) [Bug 3628]
  1186. ! The ModerationCenter should load admin.css [MederationCenter.php) [Bug 3610]
  1187. ! The LoadTemplate function expected false instead of null for not loading a template (Load.php) [Bug 3619]
  1188. ! Quick modify was logging the author of a reply incorrectly. (Post.php) [Bug 3627]
  1189. ! If SMF couldn't find the right language file and fell back, it would cache all other files in the fall back language too. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3622]
  1190. ! matchPackageVersion wasn't working for all version types. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 3603]
  1191. ! The copyright wasn't always displayed as intended if someone wants the footer shown in SSI. (Subs.php) [Bug 2596]
  1192. ! When adding moderators to a board using auto complete, if you didn't click the last one you lost the list. (Subs-Boards.php) [Bug 3288]
  1193. - No longer attempt to clean up mods on upgrade until this functionality can be proved stable. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1669]
  1194. ! Prevent the loadTemplate function to include CSS files multiple times. (Load.php)
  1195. - Rid us of the evil known as pngfix.js (Admin.php, pngfix.js)
  1196. * Use 8-bit PNG's instead of 24-bit PNG's for compatibilty with IE6.
  1197. * Merged the images for the rounded corners into one file. (index.css, several images)
  1198. * Made buttons look more like buttons again, and added a bit more padding to things. (index.css, admin.css)
  1199. * Cleaned up the looks of the Error log. (Errors template)
  1200. & Added an extra section to the credits area for crediting translators of the active language pack. (Who.php, index language file, Who language file)
  1201. * Added missing CSS for the Edit Poll template (index.css) [Bug 3611]
  1202. + Allow use of the rgb color syntax in the color tag. (Subs.php) [Bug 3646]
  1203. * Updated all remaining references to style.css to css/index.css (several files) [Bug 3649]
  1204. * Changed file request urls to include ?rc2 instead of ?rc1. (several files)
  1205. ! Search min/max age should be limited to 4 digits (Search.php, Search.template.php) [Bug 3650]
  1206. ! Do not URL decode the entire query string. (QueryString.php) [Bug 3034]
  1207. & "The selected username has already been taken" should refer to display name (Errors.english.php)
  1208. ! Searching for a new language was case sensitive (ManageServer.php)
  1209. * Converted readme files, ssi_examples.pp and install.php/upgrade.php to using Curve theme (several files in Other)
  1210. * Changed frames around theme to use one image (css/index.css, index.template, BoardIndex.template, MessageIndex.template)
  1211. * Newsfader lacked overflow: auto for longer news (index.css) [Bug 3595]
  1212. * Minor adjustments to paddings and markup (ManageSettings.php, Admin.template, Profile.template, Memberlist.template, css/admin.css)
  1213. * Server stored avatars not were not aligned properly in the forum profile section. (index.css) [Bug 3661]
  1214. + OpenID authentication now supports Diffie-Hellman key exchanges. (Subs-OpenID.php) [Bug 3654]
  1215. ! Secure OpenID URLs were not handled quite right - thanks forum user bobjol. (Subs-OpenID.php, Subs-Package.php)
  1216. ! The query string was still being decoded twice in some cases. (QueryString.php)
  1217. ! Some OpenID providers gave link tags which SMF couldn't parse. (Subs-OpenID.php)
  1218. * Cleaned up the personal message template: moved the capacity bar's styles to the stylesheet and removed a redundant table. (PersonalMessage template)
  1219. * Attachments weren't displaying properly in Curve's Display template. (Display template)
  1220. ! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION doesn't allow you to change a function's return type (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 2657]
  1221. * UTF-8 and Spellchecking non latin characters can cause the message body to be emptied (editor.js) [Bug 2267]
  1222. * Swappable typo (Several files) [Bug 3651]
  1223. * New looks for the quick reply section. (Display template)
  1224. ! Typo, weird-sounding variables in getOnlineMemberStats (Subs-MembersOnline.php) [Bug 3644]
  1225. * Unapproved topics weren't always styled correctly on the message index. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 3665]
  1226. * Stats should use the same bar (Stats template, profile template, index.css) [Bug 3668]
  1227. ! Regenerate OpenID Diffie-Hellman keys in the daily maintenance scheduled task. (ScheduledTasks.php, Subs-OpenID.php)
  1228. ! Upgrades were failing for PostgreSQL boards due to a REPLACE query (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  1229. ! Incorrect function declaration for instr() (install_postgresql.sql)
  1230. ! Make sure to authenticate before making some profile changes, even when using OpenID. (index.php, Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php, Subs-Auth.php, Subs-OpenID.php, Profile template) [Bug 3166]
  1231. ! Admins can now use OpenID. (Security.php, Subs-Auth.php, Login template, Admin language file)
  1232. ! Changed the name attribute of all OpenID forms to "openid_identifier" as per the OpenID spec. (several files)
  1233. ! New OpenID URLs must be authenticated before switching an account to them. (Profile-Modify.php, Subs-OpenID.php, Errors language file)
  1234. * Added a missing curve to Linked events (Display template) [Bug 3675]
  1235. * Removed a gap beside the left button lists (index.css) [Bug 3666]
  1236. ! Upgrade.php didn't have the necessary meta charset (Upgrade.php) [Bug 3677]
  1237. ! Slow query - counting users using each theme resolved with an extra index (Install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3659]
  1238. ! Slow query - sort by member_name or poster_name (Mysql install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3602]
  1239. ! A tiny int breaks big things (Postgresql/Sqlite sql files) [Bug 3672]
  1240. ! is_numeric can mistakenly think 9e45032019 is numeric (DbExtra-xxx.php) [Bug 3679]
  1241. ! Infinite time limit is bad (convert.php, upgrade.php, Display.php) [Bug 3597]
  1242. ! Don't redirect for www. when using SSI. (Load.php) [Bug 3663]
  1243. ! Move translator credits to who file (Who.php, Who.english.php, Index.english.php) [Bug 3642]
  1244. * The advanced PM search wasn't properly aligned (PersonalMessage template, index.css) [Bug 3685]
  1245. * Revamped the Reattribute User Posts screen (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 3687]
  1246. * The memberlist stats bar was pushed onto separate lines (Memberlist template) [Bug 3686]
  1247. * Removed a large gap before the packages advanced area (Packages template) [Bug 3688]
  1248. ! UTF-8 support was still a bit buggy in PostgreSQL (install.php) [Bug 3175]
  1249. * The "edit_options" screen had "profile" text in a couple of spots even though it's not always used in the profile area (PersonalMessage.php, Profile template) [Bug 3689]
  1250. ! repair_settings had missing logo and some error warnings (repair_settings.php)
  1251. ! 2 x Slow queries - attachment related. Kill two birds with one -stone- index (install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3613] [Bug 3616]
  1252. ! Missing an index for postgresql and sqlite (install/upgrade sql files)
  1253. ! Slow query - related ips (install/sql files) [Bug 3617]
  1254. ! After a repair if we've created a Salvage board suggest they recount the statistics, and redirect them. (RepairBoards.php, Admin template, Admin language file)
  1255. ! If there are polls without topics, create a topic in the Salvage board (RepairBoards.php, ManageMaintenance language file)
  1256. ! Reminder causes undefined indexes (Subs.php) [Bug 3690]
  1257. ! Group By without order by causes filesorts (Subs-Db-Mysql.php) [Bug 3691]
  1258. & Viewing the administration center (Who.english.php) [Bug 3694]
  1259. ! Slow query - SSI board news (Install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3615]
  1260. ! Optimizing one sqlite table optimizes them all (ManageMaintenance.php, ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 3141]
  1261. * Don't tick before your content is ready for it (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3604]
  1262. ! Re: not added to titles when splitting topics (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 3601]
  1263. & Salvaged poll typo (ManageMaintenance.english.php) [Bug 3697]
  1264. * Show a proper indication for sticky/locked topics (MessageIndex template, index.css) [Bug 3695]
  1265. * Moved and merged install.css and update.css to Themes/default/css. (install.css)
  1266. ! No specifying a package to upload should result in better error message (PackageGet.php, Errors.english.php)
  1267. ! Reverse routine and database in ManageMaintenance options (Admin.php, ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3701]
  1268. ! Changed the theme settings page to be more user friendly by reordening and separating its settings. (Themes.php, Themes template, Themes language file, Settings template)
  1269. * Invalid xhtml (ManagePaid template) [Bug 3709]
  1270. * Re-organized the Issue warning screen (Profile template) [Bug 3703]
  1271. * The popup link was missing with only popup smileys enabled (Post template, GenericControls template, PersonalMessage template) [Bug 3706]
  1272. * Core: fixed a JS error when expanding a months log stats (Stats template) [Bug 3708]
  1273. * Register new member via acp had a large gap with sidebar enabled (index.css) [Bug 3710]
  1274. * Long usernames got cropped (index.css) [Bug 3282]
  1275. ! Missing a free result when converting to utf8. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3700]
  1276. ! Thumbnails not removed on removing attachment (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 3653]
  1277. ! BBcode inside code, nobbc, php blocks would convert when switching to switching (SubsEditor.php) [Bug 3333]
  1278. ! Searching for members would fail as we weren't searching with htmlspecialchar'd value (Memberlist.php, ManageMembers.php) [Bug 3714]
  1279. ! Google + verification was listing a bunch of 4.0.x errors in WebmasterTools, so send a transparent pixel instead (Register.php) [Bug 2626]
  1280. * Core: fixed various layout bugs (Recent template, index.css) [Bug 3707]
  1281. * Inclusion of script.js used the wrong path for new themes based on curve (Index template) [Bug 3698]
  1282. * Core: Fading part of the fader didn't work (index.css) [Bug 03529]
  1283. ! Google Adsense bot filling up logs with no_access errors (Several files) [Bug 1894]
  1284. * Remove linktree inline option from Core, but make sure to provide it for Classic (Settings.template.php)
  1285. ! Browse screen can have invalid (inflated) page count (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 3671]
  1286. ! Slow query - watched users caused by unneeded ORDER BY (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 2174]
  1287. ! 'Task' for $_GET, $_POST or $_REQUEST will cause conflict with integrations (ManageScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 3635]
  1288. * Tabs were broken with large logo (index.css) [Bug 3719]
  1289. ! Set 'nohtml' as the default input mask of custom profile fields, as we run them through htmlspecialchars() anyway. (Profile-Modify.php)
  1290. & Cleaned up the edit profile field page by splitting off a few descriptions into help popups. (Admin template, Help language file, ManageSettings language file)
  1291. July 2009
  1292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1293. ! Sqlite error no such column: variable (Subs-Db-Sqlite.php) [Bug 3259]
  1294. - Removed inline link tree option from babylon, curve and core (Settings.template.php) [Feature 3174]
  1295. ! Firefox broke our access keys so FF users will have to use shift+alt+s (Help.template, Post.template.php, Personal Message.template.php) [Bug 3558]
  1296. ! Validate previewing a message better (Post.php, index.php)
  1297. ! In some rare cases, the cookie did not get updated with the new session id (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 1183]
  1298. ! If WYSIWYG editor was disabled, this could cause resizing to fail (editor.js)
  1299. ! phpsessionid may not be always be stored in the cookie (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 3570]
  1300. ! JumpTo doesn't strip HTML from active option (Display.php, MessageIndex.php) [Bug 3565]
  1301. ! Sending newsletter wasn't logged as an admin action (ManageNews.php, Modlog.english.php) [Bug 3571]
  1302. ! Undefined $memID (Register.php)
  1303. ! Multi-theme install breaks package installing (Packages.php) [Bug 1576]
  1304. * Curve: Links seem to have 100% width on BoardIndex, pushing (!) down. (forum.css) [Bug 3568]
  1305. ! Package actions should be cleaned better (Packages.php)
  1306. ! Break up long words would fail for UTF-8 and do some optimization (Subs.php) [Bug 3365,2520,2666]
  1307. ! Upgrading had some errors for CLI (upgrade.php)
  1308. ! Registering a member via admin should force sending password to email if we're randomly generating it (ManageRegistration.php, Register.template.php) [Bug 3577]
  1309. ! Sending PMs not using indexes so add index on real_name (install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3110]
  1310. ! When checking simplemachines.org, suppress the fsockopen/fclose error (install.php, upgrade.php)
  1311. ! WYSIWYG - Basic Html enabled - <a> link when toggled is only half converted (Subs.php) [Bug 2952]
  1312. * Added language string for shorter/abb send pm text string, mainly for non-english languages (Profile.template.php, Profile.english.php) [Bug 3481]
  1313. ! upgrade had a few failing queries for mysql 4.1 and didn't quite work with CLI still (upgrade.php)
  1314. ! Changed mail priorities (Several files) [Bug 3513]
  1315. + Slow query on showPosts so add an index on id_member, approved, id_msg (install/upgrade files) [Bug 1742]
  1316. * When WYSIWYG was disabled we were missing event listener handlers helping with resizer (editor.js) [Bug 3534]
  1317. ! Upgrade sql update query was buggy (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql)
  1318. & Email Activation/Admin Approval string changed (Login.english.php, Help.english.php)
  1319. ! Wrong recount when topic has at least 1 approved and 1 unapproved post (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3424]
  1320. & Use "Modification Settings" to avoid confusion with Package Manager (Admin.english.php)
  1321. ! Spiders would be mis-detected in sqlite/postgresql (ManageSearchEngines.php, Subs-Db-Sqlite.php, Subs-Db-PostGresql.php) [Bug 3143]
  1322. ! Upgrading could re-add all the same spiders (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 3179]
  1323. - Removed Yahoo (Publisher) spider (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql)
  1324. ! Missing comma caused sql error (install_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 3580]
  1325. & Clearing cache isn't a link its a button/function so re-wrote the language string (ManageMaintenance.english.php) [Bug 3581]
  1326. + Slow query on display/pagination so add an index on id_topic, id_msg, id_member, approved (install/upgrade files) [Bug 1741]
  1327. ! Sqlite error messages when optimizing are not useful (Subs-Db-Sqlite.php, Errors.english.php) [Bug 3177]
  1328. ! Slight/changes/re-order inner joins for faster performance on recent topics query (Recent.php) [Bug 1941]
  1329. ! Typo preventing sql from working on upgrade (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 3587]
  1330. ! Install queries for spiders hadn't been updated (install_2-0_mysql.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 3588]
  1331. * The Printpage template was still using old CSS selectors for code and quote blocks. (Printpage template)
  1332. - Removed the fonts-compat stylesheet, as it is no longer considered a necessary. (lots of files)
  1333. ! Login username match could cause collation errors. (LogInOut.php)
  1334. ! Small JavaScript fixes/cleanup (several JavaScript files)
  1335. ! Non mod actions didn't uninstall in other themes (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, Packages Template, Packages English) [Bug 3573]
  1336. ! Wireless mode should support reply to all (Wireless Template, Wireless English) [Bug 3596]
  1337. ! Increased the version number to SMF 2.0 RC2.
  1338. * Switched the Curve and Core themes, putting Curve in the default folder and splitting out Core to its own. (core theme, default theme)
  1339. * Merged all user frontend styles into one stylesheet: index.css. style.css is no more. (default theme)
  1340. ! The upgrade script will add the Core theme to the database if the registered SMF version is lower than 2.0 RC2.
  1341. * Rewrote the PersonalMessage template to match Curve's look and feel. (PersonalMessage.template.php, index.css, quickbuttons.png)
  1342. * Just because post_event isn't convertered to Cuve, doesn't mean we should remove it (Calendar Template) [Bug 3609]
  1343. ! Old column names prevented the core and curve switchout from working properly (upgrade_2-0_*.sql)
  1344. * The help icon wasn't properly aligned (GenericMenu Template) [Bug 3608]
  1345. ! Fixed undefined index error in case the theme loader wants to show an XML template. (Load.php)
  1346. ! Centralize the saveEntities JavaScript function. (script.js, Display.php, Calendar template, Display template, PersonalMessages template, Poll template, Post template)
  1347. ! Prevent non-unique message icons to be sent to the template, as they are causing a JavaScript error. (Subs-Editor.php)
  1348. ! The JavaScript function php_to8bit didn't capture all 8-bit character set characters. (script.js) [Bug 3004]
  1349. June 2009
  1350. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1351. * Curve: rewrote the ManageMembers template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageMembers.template.php, admin.css)
  1352. * Added some more padding to memberlist search (memberlist.css) [Bug 3415]
  1353. * Curve: rewrote the MoveTopic template to match Curve's look and feel. (MoveTopic.template.php, forum.css, MoveTopic.php)
  1354. & Showing week numbers in the calendar is no longer optional, as they're needed for the linktree anyway. (Calendar.php, ManageCalendar.php, ManageCalendar language file) [Bug 3475]
  1355. & Do a better job at handling the page titles in the calendar section. (Calendar.php, index language file) [Bug 3475]
  1356. & Removed some hardcoded span tags from the ManageMembers langauge file. (ManageMembers.english.php)
  1357. * Curve: rewrote the ManageBans template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageBans.template.php, admin.css)
  1358. * Curve: rewrote the ManageNews template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageNews.template.php)
  1359. * color: orange should use a hex value instead to css validate (style.css, index.css) [Bug 3483]
  1360. * Profile shouldn't show signature space if no signature is set (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3478]
  1361. ! Manage Members could detect the same duplicate members more than once (Subs-Members.php)
  1362. ! Fatal error doesn't release the form for re-submitting (Post.template.php, Post.php) [Bug 3374]
  1363. ! Show username in profile summary (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3477]
  1364. * Provide backwards compatbility for older themes on recent sesc/sc changes (script.js, xml_topic.js, xml_board.js)
  1365. * Curve: rewrote the ManageMembergroups template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageMembergroups.template.php)
  1366. * Curve: rewrote the ManageSearch template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageSearch.template.php, admin.css)
  1367. * Curve: rewrote the ManageSmileys template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageSmileys.template.php)
  1368. ! Cleaned up some repeated unsets (Many files)
  1369. ! Added two hidden mod settings for scheduled tasks, now allowing for custom delays and for an external cron script to process the queue (ScheduledTasks.php, Load.php, mailQueueCron.php)
  1370. ! Make WYSIWYG and quick reply also use the saveEntities method (Subs-Editor.php, Display.template.php) [Bug 2450]
  1371. ! Unread wasn't showing all unread topics, and for new users all topics should be shown unread (LogInOut.php, Recent.php) [Bug 3164]
  1372. * In IE hitting enter will not submit the form with one textbox and one submit button (Admin.template.php) [Bug 2104]
  1373. * Quick Login Setting didn't work for login boxes in theme header (index.template.php) [Bug 3305]
  1374. * this.opt doesn't exist yet, so relocate the backwards compatibility check (script.js) [Bug 3488]
  1375. ! Try to buy more time when processing large pages from WYSIWYG (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3422]
  1376. * Old font tags needed euthanizing (Help.template.php) [Bug 3120]
  1377. ! When Uninstalling mods, use some more relevant titles (Packages.english.php, Packages.template.php, PackagesGet.php) [Bug 3466]
  1378. & Who wasn't using the topic subject for whopost_quotefast (Who.english.php) [Bug 3473]
  1379. * Pm popup should not be shown until after page has loaded (index.template.php) [Bug 3395]
  1380. * Curve: partially rewrote the Packages template to match Curve's look and feel. (Packages.template.php, admin.css, style.css) [Bug 3059]
  1381. ! Strike, ins and blockquote lost when toggling wysiwyg (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2954]
  1382. ! Mysql changed all tinytext fields to varchar(255) for faster/better performance (install_2-0_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 3012]
  1383. * New Opera 10 beta uses useragent Opera/9.8. Add support so can use wysiwyg (script.js)
  1384. ! Opera >9.63 bug - &nsbp; is needed before </code> to avoid broken selection. (Subs.php) [Bug 3351]
  1385. ! Code unparsed_equals_content version, some should be $data[0] not $data (Subs.php)
  1386. & Corrected set_perameters in search language and template files (Search.english.php, Search.template.php) [Bug 3487]
  1387. ! Downloading packages didn't work as expected (PackageGet.php) [Bug 3084]
  1388. ! When toggling WYSIWYG editor, set the focus prior to inserting text (editor.js) [Bug 3067]
  1389. ! The message_id was lost when quick changing the message icon (script.js) [Bug 3450]
  1390. * Curve: finished missing functions from Packages template to match Curve's look and feel. (Packages.template.php)
  1391. * Debug window for editor was causing a gap before resizer in IE (editor.js) [Bug 2386]
  1392. ! Allow the autosuggest retrieve URL to be customized. (suggest.js)
  1393. * Profile: move users last active time to end of section (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3479]
  1394. ! Prevent double clicking in installer file (install.php) [Bug 3139]
  1395. ! Prevent errors on a database refresh when creating unique indexes (install.php) [Bug 3220]
  1396. ! Fix addslashes from escaping more than it should for the board name (install.php) [Bug 2900]
  1397. ! Try to use a quicker method of creating backup tables for MySQL (DbExtra-mysql.php) [Bug 3026]
  1398. ! Empty the language cache when adding a new language (ManageServer.php) [Bug 3494]
  1399. ! Make sure we delete all language files when removing a language (ManageServer.php)
  1400. ! Webinstall would incorrectly verify a user (webinstall.php) [Bug 853]
  1401. ! Hr parsing was very inefficient and could cause editor to fail with large pages (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3472]
  1402. * Curve: the Welcome message wasn't properly aligned (Admin.template.php, admin.css) [Bug 3495]
  1403. * Curve: display of posts had a gap in IE6 (ie6.css) [Bug 3496]
  1404. ! Changed apf fields options to larger file type (text) to allow specifying more possible options (install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 3146]
  1405. * name attribute for links is deprecated in xhtml in favor of id (Many files) [Bug 3500]
  1406. ! Temporary tables created in earlier queries are not explainable for debug (ViewQuery.php, Subs.php) [Bug 3342]
  1407. * Curve: the (new) icon was missing in unread and unreadreplies (Recent.template.php) [Bug 3492]
  1408. ! Verification questions/answers did not accept special characters (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 2923]
  1409. ! Install and upgrade now do a ping check to see if they should load remote or local css files (install.php, upgrade.php) [Bug 2782]
  1410. ! Single quotes could break the Language Editor (ManageServer.php) [Bug 3326]
  1411. ! Disable Language specific settings panel while editing entries to prevent confusion (ManageServer.php, Admin.template.php) [Bug 1464]
  1412. ! Updated Sphinx API to allow search by relevance (SearchAPI-Sphinx.php) [Bug 3107]
  1413. * Curve: rewrote the ManagePaid Template to match Curve's look and feel (ManagePaid.template.php, admin.css, profile.css)
  1414. ! Canonical on wireless should only show to guests (wireless.template.php)
  1415. * Re-order messageindex/display buttons to more logical order, and text 'new poll' alteration (messageindex.template.php, display.template.php, index.english.php, Manage.english.php) [Bug 3504]
  1416. * Newsfader didn't always have a background color, move some newsjader js to the fader.js like curve (fader.js, BoardIndex.template.php, forum.css) [Bug 3506]
  1417. * Large text in signature caused horizontal scrolling (style.css, profile.css) [Bug 3507]
  1418. ! SQL query optimization in forum stats (Stats.php, install/upgrade sql files) [Bug 0691]
  1419. * Curve: The registration form wasn't properly aligned (login.css) [Bug 3508]
  1420. * Curve: min-height isn't supported in IE6 (index.css) [Bug 3448]
  1421. * Curve: rewrote the ManagePermissions template to match Curve's look and feel (ManagePermissions.template.php, admin.css)
  1422. * Always show a login bar in the header if the user's a guest, not just on the board index. (index templates)
  1423. ! Move show_login_bar variable so it is setup for every page (Load.php, BoardIndex.php, index.template.php)
  1424. * Rewrote the news fader script to be object orientated. (fader.js, BoardIndex templates)
  1425. * Curve: spiced up the Core Features template. (Admin template)
  1426. * Curve: color matched the collapse images. (collapse.gif, expand.gif)
  1427. ! In some rare cases, adding a new custom field could result in a database error. (ManageSettings.php)
  1428. * Curve: rewrote the Themes template to match Curve's look and feel. (Themes.template.php, admin.css)
  1429. * Split up the registration template into two steps, giving the registration agreement its own step. (Register.php, Register template) [Feature 3437]
  1430. * Curve: revamped the registration screen to match Curve's look and feel. (Register template, login.css) [Feature 3437]
  1431. * Spell maintenace correctly (index.css, Login.Template.php) [Bug 3514]
  1432. * Maintenance css class wasn't unique (index.css, Login.template.php) [Bug 3514]
  1433. * Added styling for all input elements to make them look uniform in all browsers and operating systems. (many, many files)
  1434. * Curve: rewrote the SendTopic template to match Curve's look and feel. (SendTopic.php, SendTopic.template.php, sendtopic.css)
  1435. ! Private message subjects could be shown in rare cases (install_2-0_*.sql, upgrade_2-0_*.sql, SendTopic.php, Subs-Post.php, ManageMail.php) [Bug 3292]
  1436. ! Show a verificaiton image on quick reply (Display.php, Display Template, GenericControls Template) [Bug 3154]
  1437. ! In some cases the theme_dir may not be set when saving theme options (Themes.php)
  1438. ! One remaining font tag was missed (Subs.php)
  1439. ! A couple of old language strings should be removed and fixed (FixLanguage.php, Packages.english.php)
  1440. * Curve: moved the numerical values outside the stats bar (Stats.template.php stats.css) [Bug 3518]
  1441. + Ability for packages to support multiple readmes for different languages with lang="" parameter (Packages.english.php, Packages.template.php, Subs-Package.php)
  1442. ! File permissions page still was not W3C valid (Packages.template.php) [Bug 1739]
  1443. * Curve: rewrote the Reports template to match Curve's Look and Feel (Reports.template.php, report.css)
  1444. ! All inputs should have a class because IE6 doesn't support css attribute selectors (All over) [Bug 2957]
  1445. ! Prevent a database error when id_msg_last_visit isn't an integer (Display.php) [Bug 3525]
  1446. ! Some operations could fail on MySQL6/5.4 (DbExtra-mysql.php, DbPackages-mysql.php, DbSearh-mysql.php) [Bug 3522]
  1447. ! Prevent errors while replying to all via wireless mod (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 3372]
  1448. * Curve: Recent template caused undefined index error (Recent.template.php) [Bug 3521]
  1449. ! Move the repair boards html outside of the sources (RepairBoards.php, Admin Template) [Bug 3511]
  1450. ! Clicking activate via profile could cause undefined index error (Profile.php)
  1451. * Curve: rewrote the Calendar template to match Curve's look and feel. (Calendar template, calendar.css)
  1452. * Curve: Login page gaps in IE (Login.template.php, index.css) [Bug 3532]
  1453. * Curve: the profile success box should not break the layout (profile.css) [Bug 3533]
  1454. * Curve: revamped the SplitTopics template to match Curve's look and feel. (SplitTopics template, splittopics.css, SplitTopics.php)
  1455. * Curve: the profile change theme section had a fixed width (Themes.php, Themes template, profile.css) [Bug 3536]
  1456. * Curve: some areas need a small padding for a better look and feel (Register template, admin.css) [Bug 3538]
  1457. * Curve: removed the huge gap when toggle bar was enabled (Register template) [Bug 3540]
  1458. * Curve: the currency boxes should only be visible if needed (Admin template, ManagePaid.php) [Bug 3537]
  1459. * Curve: a CSS hack caused invalid css (style.css, admin.css, profile.css, stats.css, ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 3531]
  1460. * Curve: Javascript error was caused by smfAnnouncements (Admin template) [Bug 3530]
  1461. * Curve: large gaps on profile activity and stats when left menu was enabled (Profile template) [Bug 3535]
  1462. * Curve: rewrote the Poll template to match Curve's look and feel. (Poll.php, Poll.template.php, poll.css)
  1463. * Curve: The admin registration form wasn't properly aligned in some browsers (login.css, ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 3541]
  1464. * Curve: Shrink header icon is wrong if shrunk on loading (index.template.php) [Bug 3542]
  1465. ! Use CSS3 text-shadow for non-IE browsers for glow (Subs.php) [Bug 3539]
  1466. ! Custom profile fields were not loaded for action=pm (PersonalMessage.php)
  1467. + Enclose within text/html and placement of field options for custom profile fields (Many)
  1468. + Added BurningBoard3 login support (LogInOut.php)
  1469. + Allow setting a target for menu tabs (index.template.php, Subs.php) [Bug 2084]
  1470. ! Upgrade could fail if there was an if before $upgradeData (upgrade.php)
  1471. + Added "No HTML" option for custom profile fields (ManageSettings Template, Profile-Modify.php, ManageSettings.english.php)
  1472. ! A custom profile field would show regardless if any input existed or not (Profile.php)
  1473. ! Few bugs in extra scripts (create_backup.php, repair_settings.php, smf_api.php) [Bug 3543]
  1474. ! Improve the nohtml check as htmlspecialchars may of been applied already (Profile-Modify.php)
  1475. * Font sizes weren't applied correctly in non-wysiwyg mode. (editor.js)
  1476. ! BurningBoard3 login support causing undefined error related to password salt (LogInOut.php) [Bug 3545]
  1477. ! Sending http 500 error caused some mobiles not to show our error page (Errors.php)
  1478. ! Failed registration would return to first step (Register.php) [Bug 3544]
  1479. ! Install was missing css backup and checking (install.php)
  1480. ! SEF urls/urls without index.php caused extra get parameters (Querystring.php) [Bug 3418]
  1481. ! Package Manager marked the file test as successful sometimes when one edit failed (Packages.php) [Bug 3361]
  1482. ! Deleting the last board caused db error (Subs.php)[Bug 3503]
  1483. ! Merging an unapproved topic with an approved one caused db error (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 3505]
  1484. ! Null check was being applied twice to db_create_column (DbPackages-mysql.php)
  1485. ! Force ftp protocol over http within ftp tags (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3295]
  1486. ! Deleting non-english language pack set as default, didn't update Settings.php (ManageServer.php)
  1487. ! Backing up tables failed for sqlite (DbExtra-sqlite.php) [Bug 3523]
  1488. ! Upgrades in postgresql failed with recent changes (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.php)
  1489. ! Boardindex failed in postgresql due to bug 3158 (Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 3158]
  1490. ! Fixed undefined error in repair_settings.php (repair_settings.php)
  1491. ! Updated readme files for multiple database support information and to reference webinstall.php (readme_*.html)
  1492. * Curve: updated the ModerationCenter template to match Curve's look and feel (ModerationCenter template, moderate.css, ModerationCenter.php)
  1493. ! Sqlite install broke due to extra comma (install_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 3549]
  1494. ! OpenID undefined indexes when requested info wasn't returned (Subs-OpenID.php) [Bug 3097]
  1495. ! Backing up tables would report the wrong current table (upgrade.php, DbExtra-mysql.php, upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 3073]
  1496. - Removed old button headers for babylon theme from default and curve (english/keystats.gif, english/newsbox.gif, english/userinfo.gif) [Bug 3515]
  1497. * Sqlite is a flatfile backup so don't show the backup options (ManageMaintenance.template.php, ManageMaintenance.english.php) [Bug 2956]
  1498. ! Hashing admin passwords didn't accept unicode characters (script.js) [Bug 3114]
  1499. ! Mailbox and IF causing db error for Sqlite. (ManageMail.php)
  1500. ! Recount stats caused inapproved topics/posts to ceased to be counted towards forum stats (Subs.php) [Bug 3557]
  1501. * Undefined verification related variable causing errors in log (Display.template.php) [Bug 3556]
  1502. ! Log removal of members only in the administration log, not in the moderation log. (Subs-Members.php)
  1503. May 2009
  1504. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1505. ! Some things still weren't working in PostgreSQL (ManageNews.php, Subs.php) [Bug 3118]
  1506. * Remove CSS reference to image that doesn't exist (style.css) [Bug 3323]
  1507. * Signature gap in IE6/7 (ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 3194]
  1508. ! Table optimization was optimizing to many tables. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3142]
  1509. ! It was possible for a infinite loop to occur if a database error occurrs in obExit (Subs.php, Errors.php, Errors.english.php, Wireless.english.php) [Bug 3364]
  1510. ! Emails where deleted from the queue when smtp failed to send the email. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 2123]
  1511. ! Database creation should use UTF-8 as default character set if we are using UTF-8 (install.php) [Bug 997]
  1512. * Delete/Remove selected should not show if there is no selected items (xml_topic.js, theme.js) [Bug 3233]
  1513. ! un_preparsecode didn't put spaces back as they were (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3109, 2202]
  1514. ! Activate message may result error due to missing/extra math (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1430]
  1515. ! Trim the Settings.php file for whitespace prior to updating it (Subs-Admin.php) [Bug 3423]
  1516. ! Whitespace in Settings.php could cause redirectexit to fail (index.php)
  1517. * Curve: MessageIndex Legend not middle aligned (ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 3039]
  1518. * IE6 doesn't support multiple class selectors (ie6.css, GenericMenu.template.php) [Bug 3421]
  1519. * Missing closing p tag (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 3425]
  1520. ! Add support for comma_format/timeformat for use generic lists (Subs-List.php)
  1521. * comma_format was missing in a few places (BoardIndex.template.php, SSI.php, Groups.php) [Bug 3264]
  1522. ! Ensure tables have a label when there are no entries. (Many files) [Bug 3394]
  1523. + Use a generic language function when finding and validating languages (Load.php, ManageRegistration.php, ManageServer.php, Profile-Modify.php, Register.php) [Feature 2225]
  1524. ! Improve sanitation for avatars. (Subs-Members.php, Profile-Modify.php)
  1525. ! IE bmp mime sniffing fix (Display.php)
  1526. ! Change the way we handle attachments (Display.php, ManageAttachments.php, Post.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php, install_2-0_*.sql, upgrade_2-0_*.sql)
  1527. * Curve: unclosed div tag (Admin.template.php)
  1528. * Curve: updated the GenericList template to match Curve's look and feel. (GenericList template, style.css, admin.css, forum.css, moderate.css)
  1529. * Curve: rewrote the Notify template to match Curve's look and feel. (Notify.template.php)
  1530. ! Session languages where not validated correctly (Load.php) [Bug 3430]
  1531. * Curve: fixed an xhtml typo (Search.template.php) [Bug 3431]
  1532. * Curve: small stats on Board Index not properly aligned (forum.css) [Bug 3429]
  1533. * Curve: typos (stats.css)
  1534. * Curve: button_strip was not active, wrong language string (Memberlist.template.php)
  1535. * Curve: fixed more invalid xhtml (Search.template.php)
  1536. * Curve: Profile.template.php updated for Curve's look and feel (Profile.template.php, profile.css)
  1537. ! Add a theme check to prevent usaage of invalid themes (Load.php)
  1538. ! Remove uneeded html from package servers, only allowing BBC. (PackageGet.php)
  1539. ! Token confirmation was flawed. (Security.php)
  1540. ! Avatar hash was not handled correctly (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 3433]
  1541. * Curve: changed the way we handle old admin templates (admin.css)
  1542. * Curve: rewrote the ManageMail template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageMail.template.php, admin.css)
  1543. * Curve: rewrote the ManageMaintenance template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageMaintenance.template.php, admin.css)
  1544. * Curve: rewrote the ManageAttachments template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageAttachments.template.php)
  1545. * Curve: changed some css classes (admin.css)
  1546. * Forum stats already have comma_format applied to them (BoardIndex.template.php) [Bug 3432]
  1547. ! Deleting category was offering to move boards to itself (ManageBoards.php)
  1548. ! Adding a moderator more than once doesn't make them do more work (ManageBoards.php) [Bug 3428]
  1549. ! Taking action against a reported post did not update Report count if needed (Subs.php) [Bug 3434]
  1550. ! Don't allow flash attachments to be shown as images - reported by Alejandro Rusell. (Display.php)
  1551. ! Strings passed to install.php weren't properly sanitized - reported by Alejandro Rusell. (install.php)
  1552. ! Added more protection against IE's image XSS vulnerability - reported by Jacques Copeau (Display.php)
  1553. ! Try to prevent custom avatar settings from being empty, causing errors (ManageAttachments.php, Admin.template.php, Admin.english.php) [Bug 3414]
  1554. ! Present a login form to guests trying to view profiles without sufficient permissions. (Profile.php)
  1555. * Curve: Toggle link not floated right (style.css) [Bug 3438]
  1556. * Curve: Layout issues in IE6 (ie6.css) [Bug 3440]
  1557. * Curve: prevent from a linebreak in GenericList table headers (style.css) [Bug 3441]
  1558. * Curve: check the existence of parent element before using getElementById for a child (script.js) [Bug 3439]
  1559. * Curve: fixed the missing buttonlist transparency for IE6 (ie6.css) [Bug 3442]
  1560. * Curve: removed a gap from BoardIndex (BoardIndex.template.php, forum.css) [Bug 3417]
  1561. * Curve: Polls in topic need curve effect (Display.template.php, forum.css) [Bug 3055]
  1562. * Curve: Updating Activity icons to reflect curve looks (images/topic/*.gif) [Bug 3444]
  1563. ! Default Moderation center settings should hide areas the moderator may not have access to (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 2839]
  1564. ! Deleting a user, should remove entries from the recipients table as well (Subs-Member.php) [Bug 2289]
  1565. ! When using Intergration, we should send the raw password rather than the SMF sha1 verison (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2933]
  1566. ! Use posterOptions when marking new topics read instead of user_info (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2913]
  1567. ! Allow themes to use "template_create_button" to create their own buttons (Subs.php) [Bug 1878]
  1568. ! If you can't post a new topic, you can't start a poll in it (MessageIndex.php) [Bug 3230]
  1569. ! Try to better detect some servers who send non default responses (Class-Package.php) [Bug 3112]
  1570. ! Refunding a double subscription would end both subscriptions (subscriptions.php) [Bug 3426]
  1571. ! Line breaks would be lost with item codes, so use an ugly workaround (Subs.php) [Bug 1655]
  1572. ! Update convert_themes to use new menu system and other missing details (Themes.php) [Bug 3337]
  1573. * Curve: missing overflow for polls (forum.css) [Bug 3055]
  1574. * Curve: pagesection needs a variable height (style.css)
  1575. * Curve: invalid xhtml (Display.template.php)
  1576. * Curve: Quick Buttons need float (forum.css) [Bug 3443]
  1577. * Curve: style the errors as pretty as the rest. (Error template)
  1578. ! Approving posts was not possible without access to the Moderation Center (Security.php, Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 3404]
  1579. * Curve: Moderation buttons not properly aligned (forum.css, ie7.css) [Bug 3447]
  1580. * Curve: Memberlist should use common css classes (Memberlist.template.php, style.css, memberlist.css, ie6.css)
  1581. * Curve: added some useful common css classes, Templates should use common css classes (style.css, Who.template.php, Recent.template.php and many other files)
  1582. & Updated language strings to use numbered sprintf variables. (Many language files) [Bug 3402]
  1583. + Add ability to delete languages (ManageServer.php, Admin.template.php, Admin.english.php) [Bug 3124]
  1584. ! An empty linktree would cause wireless mode to throw php errors at the error screen (Load.php) [Bug 3451]
  1585. * Curve: updated the ManageBoards template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageBoards.template.php, admin.css) [Bug 3076]
  1586. ! View attachments in Profile didn't respect $board, if it set (Profile-View.php)
  1587. ! constructPageIndex should use numbered sprintf as well (Display.php, Subs.php, Recent.php, Subs-List.php, SplitTopics.php, script.js)
  1588. ! Multi-page topics on MessageIndex didn't use constructPageIndex (MessageIndex.php)
  1589. ! Deleting a member, should delete their subscription (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 3454]
  1590. * Curve: ToogleBar shouldn't break float (ManageMembers.template.php, ManageAttachments.template.php, ManageMaintenance.template.php, ManageMail.template.php)
  1591. * Curve: updated the Admin template to match Curve's look and feel - part 1 (Admin.template.php, admin.css, style.css, ie6.css)
  1592. ! When adding languages, attempt to find out if different existing files just have newline character differences (ManageServer.php) [Bug 3209]
  1593. ! Don't indexing BoardIndex when they is any $_GET (BoardIndex.php)
  1594. ! Remove the last of sesc/sc remnants (Many files) [Bug 3019]
  1595. ! Paid subscription erorrs should contain more detail for our error log (subscriptions.php) [Bug 3278]
  1596. ! Improve some safety checks (Subs.php)
  1597. ! Try to detect if certain columns have altered their type, and use it instead of the default (upgrade.php, upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 2712]
  1598. ! Boards with new posts in them weren't being marked as such on the boardindex in PostgreSQL [Bug 3158]
  1599. ! The INSTR() function in PostgreSQL should act just like the one in MySQL (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 2657]
  1600. ! Prevent users from using * as a valid character in a username (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 3376]
  1601. ! Meta keywords needed htmlspecialchars cleaning (Subs.php) [Bug 2902]
  1602. ! Enable OpenID on ssi_login() and wirless templates (SSI.php, Wireless.template.php) [Bug 3246]
  1603. ! ssiTopTopics would not accept more than 100 topics, even when requested on forums with 100000+ messages (SSI.php) [Bug 3243]
  1604. ! Download avatar at url could fail if the url contained spaces (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3200]
  1605. ! Oversized extrnal avatars would fail if they contained spaces (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3201]
  1606. ! Package Manager permissions didn't support multiple attachment directories (Packages.php)
  1607. * Curve: Stats wasn't properly algigned with small Screen-Resolutions (Stats template) [Bug 3401]
  1608. ! The send topic button was appearing when it shouldn't. (Display.php) [Bug 3462]
  1609. * Curve: updated the ManageScheduledTasks and ManageCalendar template to match Curve's look and feel. (ManageCalendar.template.php, ManageScheduledTasks.template.php, admin.css)
  1610. ! Guests can't do "own" permissions (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions.template.php) [Bug 3227]
  1611. ! Users should be able to delete their own unapproved replies, It just saves us time approving them (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 3195]
  1612. * Curve: The profile summary wasn't properly aligned on some browsers (profile.css) [Bug 3043]
  1613. ! Password upgrading would announce that you had logged in (LogInOut.php)
  1614. ! .xml feed titles where not handled properly for rss/atom/rdf (News.php)
  1615. ! Attempt to prevent automatic prunning from failing with errors if there is missing mod settings (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 3461]
  1616. * Memberlist was not displaying correctly in Core (Memberlist.template.php, memberlist.css)
  1617. * Template button strip needed updated in Core (index.template.php, style.css) [Bug 3468]
  1618. April 2009
  1619. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1620. * Unread/unreplies lost the categories/boards/board variable (Recent.template.php) [Bug 3373]
  1621. ! Tooltip might have html so provide an alt non-html title version (Subs.php, index.template.php {default only}) [Bug 3159]
  1622. & Wap2/Rss/Xhtml strings were hard-coded (index.template.php, index.english.php) [Bug 3375]
  1623. ! Guests visiting a profile section they don't have access to shouldn't lead to an undefined index error. (Profile.php)
  1624. ! Allow better customisation of generic menu urls by making base_url, toggle_url and toggle_redirect_url optional. (Subs-Menu.php) [Feature 3128]
  1625. * Adjusted the GenericMenu template to use the urls defined in $menu_context. (GenericMenu template) [Feature 3128]
  1626. ! The personal messages section didn't respond well to toggling. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 3280]
  1627. * Lower linktrees wouldn't show, removed old traces of linktrees, re-added linktrees for babylon/classic (index.template.php, index.css, and many other templates) [Bug 3377]
  1628. ! Sleepy updated the Package SDK for 2.0 and fixing some old style links (Package SDK files) [Bug 3329]
  1629. ! PostGreSql needs the column name name not our recipient alias. Plus pmr.id_pm should be pm.id_pm (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 3190]
  1630. ! PostGresql requires all non-aggregate fields in the select must be referenced in the group by (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3193]
  1631. ! Spiderlog would be shown regardless of whether sengines are enabled (Admin.php) [Bug 3182]
  1632. ! Don't log relatively trivial profile access errors as they may flood the error log otherwise. (Profile.php)
  1633. ! Default the repair settings' database type to MySQL to assure it always works properly. (repair_settings.php)
  1634. ! Temporarily disabled changing attachment directory setting as it doesn't support multiple upload paths yet. (repair_settings.php)
  1635. ! Fixed repair settings' support for the dynamic cache directory setting that's used in a default SMF install. (repair_settings.php)
  1636. ! Boards/Cats were in wrong order in PostGreSql & Sqlite for boardindex, jumpto, and many dropdowns and other places. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php and 10 other source files) [Bug 3221]
  1637. ! PostGreSql couldn't ban users as it incorrectly detected everyone as admin as it returns t or f (ManageBans.php)
  1638. * Classic theme was missing an on2.gif
  1639. * <s> tag is depreciated (Help.template.php) [Bug 3122]
  1640. ! Round the relative activity by board in the profile stats panel down to two decimals. (Profile-View.php)
  1641. * Renamed the Combat template to Compat. (Compat.template.php)
  1642. * Changes to several css styles and ditto templates, converted Search.template complete for Curve.
  1643. * Google attempts to browse image set by js but at the wrong location (Help.template.php) [Bug 3387]
  1644. & Mail Settings should be just Settings for consistency (admin.english.php) [Bug 3385]
  1645. ! Repair boards missing a label (Admin.php)
  1646. & Admin log changed to Administration log in language strings and comments (Help.english.php, Modlog.english.php, Admin.english.php, and comments in Subs-Members.php and ModLog.php) [Bug 3386]
  1647. ! Prevent deleting recycle bin board until has chosen alternative or disabled recycling (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards.template.php, ManageBoards.english.php) [Bug 2981]
  1648. ! Replaced all bold tags with semantically better strong tag. (117 files)
  1649. ! Replaced all italic tags with semantically better em tag (68 files)
  1650. & ThemeS Settings to Theme Settings (Admin.english.php) [Bug 3384]
  1651. ! .xml action should respect guest setting (index.php) [Bug 3389]
  1652. * RSS hard-coded text, and rss link in footer shown when .xml disabled or not available to guests. (index.template.php)
  1653. ! Banned member showing as latest member, and member totals not be updated (ManageBans.php) [Bug 3381]
  1654. * Expand Pagination with lots of pages pushed buttons down (MessageIndex.template.php, Display.template.php) [Bug 3341]
  1655. ! Opera 10 couldn't use wysiwyg, added is_chrome and is_webkit variables, changed as necessary is_safari in templates), re-ordered IE browser conditions to be unnoticeably faster (Load.php, script.js, index.template.php, Admin.template.php, Packages.template.php, renamed safari.css to webkit.css)
  1656. ! Safari/webkit wraps lines in Wysiwyg in <div>'s instead of <br /> and was losing linebreaks as a result. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2680]
  1657. ! Empty boards have an impossible where in query due to limit 0, 0 (MessageIndex.php) [Bug 3343]
  1658. * Undefined is_recycle error as the variable isn't setup when adding a new board (ManageBoards.template.php)
  1659. * Missing some is_safari, is_webkit changes for curve / default js files (script.js, theme.js)
  1660. ! Database error when removing members due to PM alias (PersonalMessages.php) [Bug 3397]
  1661. ! Quick lists not using styles (Subs.php) [Bug 3391]
  1662. * Numbered List does not format properly (index.template.php, Profile.template.php, Display.template.php, BoardIndex.template.php, style.css, Compat.template.php) [Bug 2892]
  1663. ! Alternate Formatted Lists get bbcode changed when toggled (Subs-Editor.php, Subs.php)[Bug 2925]
  1664. ! MoveTopics redirection topic not increasing users post count (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 3396]
  1665. ! Accounts inaccessable after real name and password change (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2960]
  1666. * Consistency use the same line break style for imode (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 3284]
  1667. * Website should use website title for title and alt instead of www (Various)
  1668. ! Undefined index for some themes where use_sidemenu isn't setup (Subs-Menu.php)
  1669. * Updated the help popup to match Curve's style better. (Help template, style.css)
  1670. * Rewrote the memberlist template's HTML to match Curve's style. (Memberlist template, memberlist.css, Memberlist.php)
  1671. * Rewrote the statistics template's HTML to match Curve's style. (Stats template, stats.css, index.css, Stats.php)
  1672. * Updated the recent messages template to match Curve's style better. (Recent template, recent.css, Recent.php)
  1673. * Black smudge caused by auto suggest div. Start with visibility hidden(style.css) [Bug 3077]
  1674. * Curve Reminder page - right side curve missing (Reminder.template.php) [Bug 3070]
  1675. * Curve: display: table; causing issues in Opera (style.css) [Bug 3049] [Bug 3038]
  1676. * Curve: Most buttons have text cursor when hover over text on button (style.css) [Bug 3054]
  1677. * Allow pages in the manual to use extra stylesheets. (Help.php, Help template)
  1678. * Show all configured smileys instead of just the default smileys on the smiley reference page. (Help.php, Help.template.php)
  1679. & Removed some now-obsolete language strings. (Manual language file)
  1680. * Core Memberlist using depreciated tab menu / classes, plus few minor upgrades (Memberlist.template.php, added memberlist.css) [Bug 3358]
  1681. ! Unable to load the 'wap_pm' template - use wireless_error_notyet instead (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 3363]
  1682. ! Manageboards - non-existant boards/category causes errors (ManageBoards.php) [Bug 3398]
  1683. ! db_name_input already defined (install.php) [Bug 2984]
  1684. & Profile language string regarding receiving emails didn't refer to newsletters (Profile.english.php)
  1685. ! Instead of SMFCookie11, generate the same cookie name as install.php would (repair_settings.php) [Bug 3407]
  1686. ! Without GD, uploading and requiring resize of oversized avatars fails but says succeeded (Profile-Modify.php, ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 3408]
  1687. ! Hard-coded strings related to debug (Subs.php, ViewQuery.php) [Bug 3241]
  1688. * Javascript should use smf_scripturl where possible (Display.template.php) [Bug 3406]
  1689. & Updated some language strings with member instead of user, and group requests (Help.english.php, ModerationCenter.english.php, ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 3360, 3383]
  1690. & Remove instead of delete for quick mod (index.english.php) [Bug 3100]
  1691. * Curve: Message age: Between isn't fully on the same line (search.css) [Bug 3040]
  1692. * Curve: Lower Navigation Bar Alignment with Small Screen Resolution (index.css) [Bug 3400]
  1693. * Curve: >> << icons were invisible white on white (change_menu.png, change_menu2.png) [Bug 3413]
  1694. * Long/Wide code blocks causing page disruption in show posts (PersonalMessage.template.php) [Bug 3409]
  1695. ! Selecting Specified Directory to store uploaded avatars, but not specifying dir, results in undefined index [Bug 3202]
  1696. * Don't use depreciated u tags, use css class (Help.template.php, ManageSettings.english.php) [Bug 3119]
  1697. * Curve: updated the Who template to match Curve's look and feel. (Who template, who.css)
  1698. ! Use css class instead of div align, use existing classes instead of inline floats (60 files) [Bug 3149]
  1699. * Banish center tags in favor of css (Few files) [Bug 3121]
  1700. * Curve: Admin register member was badly laid out. And missing rounded titles. (Register.template.php, login.css) [Bug 3320]
  1701. * In profile in ie6/7 some text/chars can get cropped at bottom. (Profile.css) [Bugs 3382, 3419]
  1702. March 2009
  1703. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1704. ! Including quotes in the forum title would break newsletter sending. (ManageNews.php) [Bug 3289]
  1705. ! Announcing a topic wasn't working on PostgreSQL and was needlessly sorting. (Post.php) [Bug 3129]
  1706. ! Manage attachments was doing an unnecessary group, breaking PostgreSQL. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 3203]
  1707. ! Ensure custom profile fields use a prefix in the themes table. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 2658]
  1708. ! Change around some of the security on theme java function to allow guests to keep their session alive but stop name being used. (Themes.php) [Bug 2658]
  1709. ! Update template_button_strip function to take an array as a third parameter, plus backwards support for old implementation. (index templates, Combat template)
  1710. ! You can now force the ID of a button strip being created. (index templates, Combat template)
  1711. ! Quick in topic moderation was javascript erroring if you couldn't delete every message. (xml_topic.js, theme.js, Display templates) [Bug 3312]
  1712. ! Gave Curve it's own settings language file and moved strings that should have been in it but wern't into it. (Settings and ThemeStrings language file)
  1713. ! Generic menu now supports the idea of hidden menu items (ones which can be selected but are not shown) (Subs-Menu.php) [Bug 3303]
  1714. ! Redid the profile security model and menu code to be clearer, avoid duplication and hopefully be less prone to coder error. (Profile.php)
  1715. ! Support longer AIM nicknames. (Profile-Modify.php, install and upgrade scripts) [Bug 3308]
  1716. ! Call Army Time, 24 hour time. (Manual and Profile language files) [Bug 3300]
  1717. ! Generic menu was adding unnecessary session IDs into URLs. (GenericMenu template) [Bug 3299]
  1718. ! Clean cache in upgrade was out of date, also it now doesn't try to delete period and period period. (upgrade.php, Subs.php) [Bug 2916]
  1719. ! Be more forgiving when people don't do what they're told and decide to separate newsletter recipients by comma or line break. (ManageNews.php) [Bug 3294]
  1720. ! Ensure we always use INNER JOIN, if only for consistency. (DbExtra-postgresql.php) [Bug 2262]
  1721. ! When logging an upgrade note down which admin it was. (upgrade.php) [Bug 3134]
  1722. ! Allow the URL tag as a cite on the quote tag, like we used to back in 1.1. (Subs.php) [Bug 2303]
  1723. ! Sourcedir is needed before calling those files (ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 3115]
  1724. * For members use the profile version of tracking by ip (Display.template.php core/curve/babylon/classic) [Bug 3163]
  1725. ! New installs should ship with calendar max year to something more distant, and min year more relevant (install scripts) [Bug 3160]
  1726. ! In admin link to admin modlog instead of moderate version (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 3125]
  1727. ! Warning system, make sure things which are disabled stay disabled. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 3104]
  1728. * Search had some text appearing (Search.template.php) [Bug 3101]
  1729. * Reports had some extra spaces depending on conditionals (Reports.template.php) [Bug 3215]
  1730. * Prevent registration audio verification popups getting indexed by search engines (Register.template.php) [Bug 2996]
  1731. * Messageindex top anchor wasn't getting included if there were no child boards (MessageIndex.template.php) [Bug 3318]
  1732. ! Suppress apache_reset_timeout warning notices especially from safe mode. (Lots of files) [Bug 2811]
  1733. ! Missing xmlns and other xhtml warnings (repair_settings.php) [Bug 3150]
  1734. ! Advanced profile field radio set to 0 wouldn't show as selected (Profile.php) [Bug 3103]
  1735. * Non-selected/checked inputs cause unnecessary spaces and unnecessary id causing invalid xhtml (Admin.template.php)
  1736. * When editing advanced profile fields default selected radios would never show selected (Admin.template.php)
  1737. ! Required adv profile fields couldn't be 0 (Register.php) [Bug 2805]
  1738. ! Quick reply was supposed to be enabled but collapsed by default (install_2-0_mysql.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 3173]
  1739. * Empty header td cells and IE don't mix. Use &nsbp; (Search.template.php, MessageIndex.template.php) [Bug 3205]
  1740. * Add/Remove buddy link wouldn't always fit on the same line, so move it down (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3256]
  1741. * Empty ul for guests/regular users causing invalid xhtml (Display.template.php) [Bug 3099] [Bug 2444]
  1742. ! Session verification failure in Server Settings could lead to undefined indexes [Bug 3319]
  1743. ! Advanced profile field radio set to 0 wouldn't show as selected, better fix (Profile.php) [Bug 3103]
  1744. * Make nice with tabs and spacing (various files)
  1745. ! Aim needs a default to avoid not-null error (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_sqlite.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 3308]
  1746. ! Prevent ;debug from appearing in canonical tag (QueryString.php)
  1747. ! Display & Pm wasn't freeing results causing errors with mysql trace enabled (Display.php, PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 3301]
  1748. ! Admins weren't excluded from minimum posts required to give karma (Load.php, Karma.php) [Bug 3285]
  1749. ! Known themes query should make sure id_member = 0 (Themes.php) [Bug 3277]
  1750. ! We should ensure IIS login fix applies only to IIS, not just running under CGI (Load.php) [Bug 2285]
  1751. ! Adding calendar holiday caused undefined index (ManageCalendar.php) [Bug 3178]
  1752. * Fatal error needs to be 100% width for profile to avoid uglyness (Errors.template.php) [Bug 3188]
  1753. * Javascript error caused by auto-suggest script when editing bans as it wasn't needed (ManageBans.template.php) [Bug 3184]
  1754. ! Errors from ssi would show as bad link in error logs (ManageErrors.php, Errors.php) [Bug 2896]
  1755. ! Users couldn't view their own warnings (Profile.php) [Bug 2707]
  1756. ! Increase webinstall allowed memory limit to 64mb (Webinstall.php) [Bug 3126]
  1757. & Removed help reference to birthday/calendar/holiday colors which are now css rather than settings (Help.english.php) [Bug 3222]
  1758. ! Errors from ssi would show as bad link in error logs when filtered (ManageErrors.php) [Bug 2896]
  1759. ! Strings accessed using braces, as in $str{42}, is deprecated as of PHP 6. Use square brackets instead. (Profile.php)
  1760. ! Downloading languages should use different url (ManageServer.php) [Bug 3325]
  1761. ! Removing posts via profile wouldn't get added to mod log (Profile-View.php) [Bug 2336]
  1762. ! Don't allow send topic if topic is using post moderation and is unapproved (SendTopic.php, Display.php, Errors.english.php) [Bug 3198]
  1763. ! Couldn't add another row of bbcode buttons (Subs-Editor.php, GenericControls.template.php) [Bug 2248]
  1764. ! We can't create the db for Postgresql, so hide the part which says it does create it (install.php, Install.english.php) [Bug 1521]
  1765. ! Sqlite should come with a health warning (install.php) [Bug 3219]
  1766. ! View warning logic still not quite right (Profile.php)
  1767. * Not able to use a different help for each tab section in admin (GenericMenu.template.php) [Bug 1849]
  1768. * Up one level links on wireless messageindex equivalent had unwanted semi-colon (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 2363]
  1769. * Using unsubscribe for notifications was confusing, and use unnotify in board/topics where notifed (Display.template.php, MessageIndex.template.php, Profile.english.php, Index.english.php, unnotify.gif) [Bug 2886]
  1770. ! Viewwarning, effect would be in the wrong tense when shown to user (Profle-View.php, Profile.english.php) [Bug 3324]
  1771. ! Change a few more smf download urls for the download sub-domain (ManageServer.php & various in other/) [Bug 3325]
  1772. ! Sendtopic was missing a global (SendTopic.php) [Bug 3332]
  1773. ! Guests couldn't revote if poll was reset (Display.php, Poll.php) [Bug 3247]
  1774. ! Guests voters were incorrectly counted (Display.php, Poll.php) [Bug 2186]
  1775. ! Guests were shown to have voted for options voted by other guests (Display.php)
  1776. ! Undefined index recycle_board (Subs.php)
  1777. ! Postgresql doesn't support int(10) so just use int, and its guest_vote (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql, Display.php, Poll.php)
  1778. ! Provide some context for buddies (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3335]
  1779. ! Don't require moderate_board permission to show extra poll options when adding a poll to existing topic (Poll.php) [Bug 3008]
  1780. * Moderators on BoardIndex/MessageIndex were no longer shown in smalltext equivalent (css/forum.css in core/curve) [Bug 2511]
  1781. * Blurb padding wasn't working in curve (css/forum.css in curve) [Bug 2511]
  1782. * Signature font-size shouldn't be bigger than the post font-size, thats madness (style.css) [Bug 2511]
  1783. * Report to admin/Insert quote were too small due to nested smalltext tags. (Post.template.php, PersonalMessage.template.php) [Bug 3210]
  1784. ! Move stripos into Subs-Compat.php where all <php5 functions can be found (Subs.php, Subs-Compat.php) [Bug 3216]
  1785. ! Change viewResults to lowercase, and ensuring backwards compatibilty/we don't break other themes (Display.template.php, Display.php) [Bug 2872]
  1786. ! Don't show viewresults button if we already see the results (poll expired/voted etc) (Display.template.php, Display.php) [Bug 2872]
  1787. * Classic theme undefined index allow_return_vote (Display.template.php)
  1788. ! Reminder fatal errors would log as general error rather than user related like password (Reminder.php) [Bug 2637]
  1789. * Participation icon/legend on MessageIndex should be not be shown to guests (MessageIndex.template.php) [Bug 3235]
  1790. * "No topics have been posted yet." Also re-worded posts/attachment equivalent. (Profile.english.php, Profile.template.php) [Bug 2904]
  1791. ! Setting Poll too far in advance caused db error (Post.php, Poll.php, Post.template.php, Poll.template.php) [Bug 2819]
  1792. * Suggest causing js error for action=groups and guests, as it was unused (ManageMembergroups.template.php)
  1793. ! Log warnings given for specific posts in the modlog, so they show in ModerationCenter under "Actions taken" (Profile-Actions.php, Modlog.english.php) [Bug 1934]
  1794. * Babylon theme undefined index allow_return_vote (Display.template.php)
  1795. ! If postmoderation is disabled, there is warning level "All posts will be moderated" (Profile-Actions.php, Profile-View.php) [Bug 3327]
  1796. ! ssi_recentAttachments didn't check whether attachments were approved if postmoderation was enabled (SSI.php) [Bug 3248]
  1797. ! Defaults to "html,body" (theme_info.xml in curve/babylon/classic, Themes.php) [Bug 3267]
  1798. ! Content-Disposition wouldn't work properly properly for images on "save target as" (Display.php) [Bug 3111]
  1799. ! Iconv returning false would result in sending blank notification messages (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2319]
  1800. * Attachments appeared floated to right in Chrome/Safari, fix copied from curve to core(css/forum.css) [Bug 3035]
  1801. * If theres no parent boards we can see, avoid showing an empty category. (BoardIndex.template.php in all 4 themes) [Bug 2841]
  1802. ! mt_rand, lowest member interested in should be 1 not 0 (SSI.php) [Bug 3244]
  1803. ! echo method should be last parameter (SSI.php) [Bug 3245]
  1804. ! Guest polls too greedy, just one cookie for you. (Display.php, Poll.php) [Bug 2186]
  1805. ! Include member id in email pointing to profile, just in case they click it whilst not logged in (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 3291]
  1806. ! Real username should only be shown in xml feed if owner of the profile or admin (News.php) [Bug 3340]
  1807. ! Xml recent topics guid/id should be topic link instead of topic=10.msg234 (News.php) [Bug 2522]
  1808. ! PostGreSql with all messageicons removed, can only add one with id = 0, and adding another replaces it (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 3136]
  1809. ! Removing own unapproved topic, where you don't have permission to approve (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 3191]
  1810. ! Undefined type used in query should specify the type in addition to the variable (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 3148]
  1811. ! Deleting members might take a while and need more memory (especially if purging inactives) (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 3013]
  1812. ! Spider log/Pruning logs had invalid section descriptions (Admin.english.php, Admin.php) [Bug 3089]
  1813. ! If there are no real boards in the cat, don't show unread posts link. Plus bug fix for bug 2481 as collapsed cats were empty and gone (BoardIndex.template.php in all themes, Subs-BoardIndex.php) [Bug 3080]
  1814. ! Running a scheduled task manually wouldn't free a result (ManageScheduledTasks.php)
  1815. ! &nsbp; for quick mod icons header column & don't mix your colo(u)?rs :P (Many many files)
  1816. ! Quick Moderation might show when it wasn't needed (source change was accidentally committed already) (Messageindex.php, Messageindex.template.php in all themes) [Bug 3234]
  1817. * Babylon/Classic missing the errorbox related css classes (style.css) [Bug 3346]
  1818. ! Ban log was missing no entries label, even though we had a language string prepared (ManageBans.php) [Bug 3063]
  1819. & Missing helptxt string postmod (Help.english.php) [Bug 3062]
  1820. ! Package manager does not parse require-file correctly if there's no space at the end of the element (Class-Package.php) [Bug 327]
  1821. ! $use_permissions needed can_edit => false (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 248]
  1822. ! Require re-activation of email address wasn't working due to missing variables (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3266]
  1823. ! Noindex weekly calendar pages as duplicate content (Calendar.php) [Bug 3348]
  1824. ! Some internal ip ranges were missed (QueryString.php) [Bug 1563]
  1825. * Poll tabs in topic with poll AND linked events are very close to events info [Bug 3232]
  1826. ! language="JavaScript" is deprecated in favour of type="text/javascript" (Everywhere) [Bug 2672]
  1827. ! PM notifications do not respect buddy lists (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2932]
  1828. ! Reply to all, sending to 'guest' caused by left rather than inner join on members table (PersonalMesssage.php)
  1829. ! Prevent reply/quote for own pms sent. But still let them "reply all" for other recipients. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage.template.php) [Bug 1748]
  1830. ! ssi_queryPosts 'where clause' should be conditional in case the user doesn't want to set one. (SSI.php) [Bug 3242]
  1831. ! Max calendar holiday/event title limit to small. Bumped to 60 from 30 (Calendar.php, Subs-Calendar.php, ManageCalendar.php, ManageCalendar.template.php, Post.template.php, install and upgrade files) [Bug 1751]
  1832. ! Increased title length means convertors can use longer substr (invision and yabbse converters)
  1833. * Depreciated div align, IE8 cal below the side panels. IE7 its tight no padding (Calendar.template.php) [Bug 3064, 3339]
  1834. ! 2.0 compatible, many changes (see commit for full list) (repair_settings.php) [Bug 3151]
  1835. ! Newer teamies need adding to the credits list, plus fixed missing space bug when 2 in a group (Who.php, Who.english.php) [Bug 2768]
  1836. ! Creation of attachment thumbnail might run out of memory. (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 2229]
  1837. * Fixed IE6 and menubar issue (index.css) [Bug 3161]
  1838. ! Shutup magic quotes, as causes warnings in newer php builds (install.php and few others)
  1839. * IE6 and mark all as read wouldn't float to the right (BoardIndex.template.php) [Bug 2941]
  1840. * IE6 didn't like the height of the calendar in info center (ie6.css) [Bug 2603]
  1841. ! Backup database might need more memory (0kb backups/server error issues) (DumpDatabase.php)
  1842. * Still using ?b4 for js/css on some templates (Several templates) [Bug 3060]
  1843. ! Integrate wasn't getting called on registering as it was for login/logout (Register.php) [Bug 3352]
  1844. * rel="nofollow" ajax msg subject JIC. Editing a message removes the unapproved message notice. [Bug 3192]
  1845. * <hr> between subject/body of post is missing when post is by user who is being ignored (Display.template.php, style.css) [Bug 3152]
  1846. ! IE doesn't support RDF + application/xml+rdf, so use text/xml for IE only otherwise it will try to download the file (News.php) [Bug 1513]
  1847. ! Fixed Integrate wasn't getting called on registering as it was for login/logout (Register.php) [Bug 3352]
  1848. ! Unnecessary $_GET['pid'] causing undefined index error when deleting permission profile (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 3228]
  1849. * Output $context['html_headers'] BEFORE the ie6,7 fixes/firefox fixes/and rtl css files (otherwise we can't override some classes) (index.template.php)
  1850. * IE6 doesn't support multiple class selectors so use a lastactive class (index.css, ie6.css, index.template.php) [Bug 3161]
  1851. ! Reverse menus in RTL mode. So home should be last button (Subs.php, Profile.php, Help.php, Personal Message.php, Admin.php)
  1852. * Memberlist rtl support for columns, change infocenter upshrink from inline style to class so can override in rtl (Memberlist.template.php, BoardIndex.template.php, forum.css)
  1853. * Togglebar >> image icon should be reversed in right to left mode (GenericMenu.template.php)
  1854. * Reverse linktree in RTL mode (index.template.php)
  1855. * RTL css (Mainly rtl.css, and few tweaks to other files)
  1856. * Inline class preventing rtl working on lastpost img (MessageIndex.template.php, forum.css)
  1857. ! Members can view membergroups but not the memberlist (Groups.php, ManagePermissions.english.php)[Bug 2396]
  1858. ! Removing own topics should be logged from Display for moderation purposes (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 2385]
  1859. ! Allow 'unsigned' integers for Mysql Only with 'unsigned' => true, for ints (DbPackages-mysql.php) [Bug 1267]
  1860. * Watch Users - If no watched users theres a blank TH (GenericList.template.php) [Bug 3236]
  1861. * New PMs via wap2/imode does not indicate which pms are new (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 3276]
  1862. * who.template.php - column for messenger icons not wide enough (Who.template.php) [Bug 3252]
  1863. * Padding on grandchild board (on message index), not as good as when on board index (MessageIndex.template.php, forum.css) [Bug 3223]
  1864. & Show quick-moderation on message index as - no longer just message index, so re-word it (Profile.english.php, Manual.english.php) [Bug 3224]
  1865. * help togglebar button on sidemenu is on next line down (GenericMenu.template.php {core}, index.css {curve}) [Bug 3274]
  1866. ! Queryless Urls don't work with session id in urls (Subs.php, Querystring.php) [Bug 1013]
  1867. ! Gzip on attachments should only be used for filetypes that would benefit from it (Display.php) [Bug 2633]
  1868. ! Queryless url cgi check may not always return correct results (Subs.php, Querystring.php, News.php) [Bug 2945]
  1869. * Maxlength should be set on reporting message input, as its a tinytext field (SendTopic.template.php)
  1870. * Move 'Change Profile' button to left (Profile.template.php) [Bug 3162]
  1871. & Error string should be in errors language file otherwise it won't get loaded. (Admin.english.php, Errors.english.php) [Bug 2018]
  1872. * Categories needed clearfix on h3 (BoardIndex.template.php)
  1873. * float:left on .postarea .post causes issues in IE browsers & cached search engine pages (style.css, ie6.css, ie7.css, forum.css, rtl.css, safari.css, ff.css index.template.php) [Bug 3298]
  1874. ! Changing forum language shouldn't override the admins set profile language (Load.php) [Bug 2944]
  1875. * align should be text-align (forum.css, rtl.css) [Bug 3359]
  1876. + Admin, Moderation Center and Profile should have linktrees (Subs-Menu.php, Admin.php, ModerationCenter.php, Profile.php) [Bug 3116]
  1877. + Lighttpd supports path_info and can do queryless urls too (Subs.php, Querystring.php, News.php, Load.php, ManageSettings.english.php, Help.english.php) [Bug 3357]
  1878. ! Profile linktree should use 'Profile of username', same for pagetitle. Packages had some duplicate linktree items (Packages.php, PackageGet.php, Profile.php, Profile-View.php, Profile.english.php) [Bug 3116]
  1879. ! Don't add the PM inbox folder to the linktree when viewing a label. (PersonalMessage.php)
  1880. ! Add another chain to the linktree when changing PM settings. (PersonalMessage.php)
  1881. + Wireless modes didn't have a link back to full version (index.php, Wireless.template.php, Wireless.english.php) [Bug 1141]
  1882. * Wap2/Imode up one level link in child boards wouldn't work as missing semi-colon (Wireless.template.php)
  1883. ! Do a better job at creating the link tree in the calendar section. (Calendar.php)
  1884. ! Add link trees to the help, login and registration sections as well. (Help.php, LogInOut.php, Register.php)
  1885. * Wap mode messageindex showed Pages 1/0, and pages in different place than wap2 and imode (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 3362]
  1886. ! Limit on delete query won't work in PostGreSql/Sqlite so remove it (ManagePaid.php)
  1887. ! When moving a topic and ask to create a redirection topic, you must give a reason (MoveTopic.php, Errors.english.php) [Bug 3207]
  1888. ! When tracking profile edits, show the applicant's real name instead of his username. (Profile-View.php)
  1889. & Renamed the tabs of the tracking area to be more consistent. (Profile.php, Profile template, Profile language file)
  1890. ! Undefined index in wireless mode, so wireless a url for the linktree (Post.php) [Bug 3369]
  1891. ! Wireless wouldn't give a nice error for calendar subactions (Calendar.php) [Bug 3371]
  1892. * Wap2/imode Pm - folder is now f, and was missing label/pm_head hidden variables. (Wireless.template.php) [Bug 2475]
  1893. February 2009
  1894. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1895. ! The log pruning section and custom search index creation section were missing their page titles. (ManageSettings.php, ManageSearch.php) [Bug 3023]
  1896. * Use a font instead of screen size dependant width for the mini profile in the Display template. (forum.css)
  1897. ! Sending newsletters would sometimes end prematurely. (ManageNews.php) [Bug 2245]
  1898. ! Don't allow people to move topics from the maintenance area to a redirection board. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 3086]
  1899. ! Version check link from admin page was wrong. (Admin template) [Bug 3085,3078]
  1900. ! IP tracking link from who's online is wrong. (Who template) [Bug 3081]
  1901. ! Ensure the title link on the main menu buttons is the correct title. (index templates) [Bug 3088]
  1902. ! Images copied from the site the forum was hosted on and pasted into a WYSIWYG editor were not properly parsed. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 3020]
  1903. ! Ftps protocol links were not properly translated to ftp tags in the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php)
  1904. ! Relative links pasted in the WYSIWYG editor were not translated to full URL's. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1806]
  1905. * Some minor xhtml valid bugs in packages template. (Packages template) [Bug 3091]
  1906. ! Added a validate username function. (Subs-Auth.php)
  1907. ! Always clear the cache after installing a package. (Packages.php) [Bug 3090]
  1908. ! Sorting things didn't always work in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 3131]
  1909. ! Removing columns in PostgreSQL didn't work if the db prefix wasn't specified (DbPackages-postgresql.php) [Bug 3132]
  1910. ! PostgreSQL doesn't support LIMIT in DELETE queries (ManagePaid.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 3133]
  1911. + Present a canonical url for search engines to prevent duplicate content in their indices. (BoardIndex.php, Display.php, MessageIndex.php, Profile-View.php, index template, Printpage template, Wireless template) [Bug 3135]
  1912. ! Change username was broken. (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 3168]
  1913. ! Some queries were causing DB errors in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 3176]
  1914. ! Don't allow numeric db prefixes in PostgreSQL (install.php) [Bug 3180]
  1915. ! Installing multiple copies of SMF on the same DB caused an error in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 3181]
  1916. ! Trying to delete an account could cause an error in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 3186]
  1917. ! Viewing the list of watched users caused an error in PostgreSQL (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 3208]
  1918. ! PostgreSQL doesn't support RLIKE (ManageBans.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 3185]
  1919. ! The personal messaging section now uses the generic menu templates. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template) [Bug 1695] (CodeFest)
  1920. ! The maximum amount of personal messages wasn't always cached properly. (PersonalMessage.php) (CodeFest)
  1921. ! Update the HTML safe version of the page title dynamically last minute in case it was set at a later time. (Subs.php) (CodeFest)
  1922. ! Split up the help section and made it use generic menus. (Help.php, help.css, Help template, Manual language file) [Bug 3145] (CodeFest)
  1923. ! Creation of backup tables didn't work in PostgreSQL (DbExtra-postgresql.php)
  1924. & The k in 'kB' should be lowercase. (index language file) [Bug 3262] (CodeFest)
  1925. ! The membergroup report function was printing invalid colors. (Reports.php) [Bug 3269] (CodeFest)
  1926. ! Signature validation could report invalid tags more than once. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 3253] (CodeFest)
  1927. ! Adjusted the URLs for the apnic, arin and ripe whois services to reflect their new locations. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 3257] (CodeFest)
  1928. ! The admin search didn't always use the proper title and help texts. (Admin.php) [Bug 3261] (CodeFest)
  1929. ! Don't bother attempting to remove anything when there's no topic specified (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 2056] (CodeFest)
  1930. ! Store avatars with a timestamp in their filenames to allow better caching. (Profile-Modify.php, Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 3255] (CodeFest)
  1931. * Updated the wireless templates to make quote and code blocks a lot more readable in wireless mode. (Wireless template) [Bug 3251,3239] (CodeFest)
  1932. & Added two language strings to support this change. (Wireless language file) [Bug 3251,3239] (CodeFest)
  1933. & Changed settings to be more consistent in terms of typography. (Admin language file, Help language file, index language file, ManageBoards language file, ManageSettings language file, Manual language file, Profile language file, Themes language file) [Bug 3275,3094]
  1934. * Added a block with links to support resources to the Support & Credits page. (Admin.php, Admin template, Admin language file) [Bug 3092] (CodeFest)
  1935. ! Don't assign $txt variables by reference, as PHP's default pointers are more efficient. (lots of files) (CodeFest)
  1936. & $txt['database_prexfix'] should be identified as $txt['database_prefix'] instead. (Admin language file) [Bug 3279] (CodeFest)
  1937. & Initialise $helptxt in a more appropriate location to make life easier for mod authors. (Help.php, Help language file) [Bug 2405] (CodeFest)
  1938. ! Don't bother outputting generic menus when in wireless mode. (Subs-Menu.php) (CodeFest)
  1939. ! The "top topic starters" weren't always being listed in the correct order in PostgreSQL (Stats.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 3157]
  1940. ! Trying to manually add a user to a paid subscription wasn't working in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 3138]
  1941. ! Sorting the memberlist by ICQ number caused an error in PostgreSQL (Memberlist.php) [Bug 3189]
  1942. ! Don't ignore errors when inserting data unless specifically told to (Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 3296]
  1943. ! With some versions of PostgreSQL, SMF always thought the recipient of your PM was ignoring you, even if they weren't (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 3113]
  1944. ! The "top topic starters" weren't always being listed in the correct order in SQLite (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 3293]
  1945. ! The admin search function wasn't always using the correct page title. (Admin.php)
  1946. ! Filtering errors by type wasn't working in PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 3130]
  1947. ! Including quotes in the forum title would break newsletter sending. (ManageNews.php) [Bug 3289]
  1948. * Linked images in wysiwyg would have an 'orrible border (editor_ie.css) [Bug 2221]
  1949. SMF 2.0 RC1 4 February 2009
  1950. ================================================================================
  1951. February 2009
  1952. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1953. * A few button strip background images were not properly made transparent. (images/maintab_last.gif, images/mirrortab_last.gif) [Bug 3005]
  1954. * Fixed a spacing issue in the ignore boards screen. (Profile template) [Bug 3003]
  1955. ! Some names in the credits were not properly HTML safe. (Who.php) [Bug 3002]
  1956. ! Set a meta index to prevent robots from indexing certain files, in case an admin forgets to remove them. (install.php, create_backup.php, repair_settings.php, restore_backup.php, smfinfo.php) [Bug 2995]
  1957. ! Fixed several JavaScript errors and notices surrounding registration. (register.js, captcha.js, Subs-Editor.php, Profile template, Register template, Reminder template)
  1958. ! Fixed upgrade replacing language strings incorrectly. (FixLanguage.php) [Bug 2987]
  1959. * The register template contained a several controls without a proper tabindex. (Register template) [Bug 2997]
  1960. ! The installer wasn't closing the HTML form tag properly. (install.php) [Bug 2985]
  1961. ! Some URL's created with BBC were not properly sanitized. (Subs-Post.php)
  1962. ! The copyright was still showing 2008 (several files) [Bug 3016]
  1963. ! The ssi_examples.shtml file was not fully maintained in comparison to ssi_examples.php. (ssi_examples.shtml, SSI.php) [Bug 3017]
  1964. ! Fixed a few remaining old style sesc remnants. (ManageServer.php, Subs-Calendar.php, Subs.php, Themes.php) [Bug 3019]
  1965. January 2009
  1966. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1967. ! Upcoming birthdates were incorrectly calculated causing the list to be empty during the turn of the year. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 2856]
  1968. & Updated the copyright to include 2009. (index language file)
  1969. ! The offset for scheduled tasks was in some cases stored with an incorrect time offset. (ManageScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 2855]
  1970. ! The fetch_web_data function didn't support URL redirection. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 2854]
  1971. * Contents of large messages were being clipped in Firefox due to the CSS overflow being set to 'auto'. (Display template, Index template, ff.css) [Bug 2759]
  1972. ! Included APBoard login method for allowing easy conversion. (LogInOut.php) [Bug 2857]
  1973. ! The db_quote function didn't replace predefined variables in case no parameters were sent to it. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2853]
  1974. ! Several occurrences of query_see_board and query_wanna_see_board weren't yet abstracted. (SSI.php, Security.php) [Bug 2850]
  1975. ! Don't deactivate an account in case the user changes their email address to something invalid. (Profile.php) [Bug 2843]
  1976. * Try to do a better job at linking to the most relevant post moderation area. (BoardIndex template, MessageIndex template) [Bug 2298]
  1977. * Set a title attribute for the toggle buttons in the core features area. (Admin template) [Bug 2848]
  1978. * Do a better job at handling the post and signature CSS-wise. (Display template, style.css, forum.css, ie6.css, ie7.css) [Bug 2798] [Bug 2654]
  1979. ! The smiley parser could in some cases parse a smiley from an already parsed smiley if one smiley code would be a subset of the other. (Subs.php) [Bug 2480]
  1980. ! Guests viewing an out of reach attachment were redirected to that attachment after logging in. (Load.php) [Bug 2847]
  1981. ! url_exists function returned false on HTTP response codes 201/301/302/307, while they are currently supported by the fetch_web_data function. (Subs-Packages.php) [Bug 2699]
  1982. ! On creating a board, the configured permission profile was ignored and overwritten by the parent board's permission profile. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template, ManagePermission language file) [Bug 2823]
  1983. ! Hide the not-so-relevant PM sections in case the user has no permissions to send PM's. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 2860]
  1984. ! Added a DAY() function to PostgreSQL (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  1985. ! The permission check on whether a user could edit their own profile did not take into account the *_any permissions. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2808]
  1986. ! Make sure post banned users can not use SMF's email interface. (Security.php) [Bug 2859]
  1987. * Prevent the recent posts area from showing its items all over the place. (BoardIndex template, forum.css)
  1988. ! The jumpto box items in some cases were shown in the wrong order (script.js) [Bug 2865, Bug 412]
  1989. * Completely redesigned the looks and layout of polls. (Display.php, Display template, forum.css) [Bug 2506], [Bug 1949], [Bug 2485]
  1990. ! The new smiley parser didn't parse smileys containing apostrophes properly yet. (Subs.php)
  1991. * Viewing code in a package manager operation window wasn't working properly in Internet Explorer. (Packages template) [Bug 1803]
  1992. ! Recipients fields are empty when replying to a PM with JavaScript disabled. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 2867]
  1993. ! Fixed polls not properly being displayed in right-to-left mode. (Display.php, SSI.php) [Bug 2868]
  1994. * The horizontal ruler at the bottom of the board index info center needed a hrcolor class. (BoardIndex template) [Bug 2644]
  1995. * The theme advertised to be valid HTML 4 instead of valid XMHTML 1. (index template) [Bug 2501]
  1996. ! Detect user agents 'Iceweasel' and 'IceCat' and categorize them as 'FireFox', as they are pretty much based on the same source code. (Load.php, script.js) [Bug 2486]
  1997. ! Fixed a typo in a comment. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2876]
  1998. * Removed trailing spaces whereever they could be found. (several files) [Bug 2872]
  1999. ! A few poll buttons would in some cases show when the action wasn't allowed. (Display.php, Display template) [Bug 2872]
  2000. ! Some of the issue warning links were still using the old URL structure and therefor not working properly. (ModerationCenter.php, Display template) [Bug 2877]
  2001. * Fixed language package download form redirecting to an old URL. (Admin template)
  2002. * Fixed a few xHTML validation errors. (ManageSearch template, ManagePermissions template, PersonalMessage template)
  2003. ! Fixed a notice in the awaiting approval/activation screens, caused by the duplicate members check. (Subs-Members.php)
  2004. ! Autocomplete was not turned off in Opera by the JavaScript auto suggest function. (suggest.js) [Bug 2888]
  2005. ! The pruning options assignment was done incorrectly (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 2884]
  2006. * Moved the 'remove poll' button from the moderation button strip to the poll buton strip. (Display template) [Bug 2873]
  2007. * The lower button strip wasn't getting the proper amount of padding. (style.css)
  2008. ! The banned email check on registration did not work properly for bans that were set to never expire. (Security.php) [Bug 2883]
  2009. * The signature was displayed with two lines above in both the profile summary and the Personal Messages index. (Profile template, PersonalMessage template) [Bug 2882]
  2010. ! Fixed a typo in an AutoSuggest method name. (suggest.js) [Bug 2881]
  2011. ! No longer support mb_convert_case as UTF8 alternative for ucwords as it behaves differently than ucwords. (Load.php) [Bug 2880]
  2012. * The calendar board index icon in some cases was positioned too low. (forum.css) [Bug 2603]
  2013. ! Both the Postgresql and sqlite database layers did not replace the random function properly. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2878]
  2014. * Added a bit more padding to the AJAX in progress bar. (style.css) [Bug 2653]
  2015. ! The current theme area should act like a shortcut to the current theme's settings. (Admin.php) [Bug 2863]
  2016. ! Selecting a membergroup when registering someone from the admin area now requires the manage_membergroups permission. (ManageRegistration.php, Register template) [Bug 2816]
  2017. ! Fixed approving posts on boards with 'Count Posts' disabled increased the posters post count. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2814]
  2018. * Restructured the dropmenu styles to make the generic menus more flexible. (dropmenu.css, GenericMenu template) [Bug 1187], [Bug 2866]
  2019. ! Notifications regarding the (un)locking of topics weren't always reporting the right status. (MessageIndex.php) [Bug 2891]
  2020. ! Made the 'delete item' text for autosuggest items translatable. (suggest.js, PersonalMessage.js, various template files)
  2021. & Added a language new string to support this change. (index language file)
  2022. ! Internet Explorer 7 doesn't require a javascript fix for the dropdown menu's, so don't override its mouseover events. (script.js, menu.js)
  2023. ! Change the way binary strings are built up from using the pack function to using double quoted strings. (Load.php, QueryString.php, Register.php, Search.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  2024. ! Define custom properties of prototyped built-in JavaScript classes on forehand to make sure Chrome likes it. (script.js)
  2025. ! In case the WYSIWYG editor has no selection, its getRange method function should return null; caused an error in Chrome. (editor.js)
  2026. * Inline message icon modification was no longer working properly due to a missing div. (Display templates)
  2027. * Some classes were defined twice in the same HTML tag. (Subs.php, Profile templates, Login templates, ManagePaid templates, Register templates, Wireless templates) [Bug 2894]
  2028. ! Self-closing tags were treated as block tags by the legalise_bbc function causing unnecessary close tags to be added while switching from WYSIWYG to normal text. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2895]
  2029. ! The amount of line breaks was incorrect for [hr]-tags when switching from WYSIWYG to normal text mode. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2179]
  2030. ! The WYSIWYG table cell alignment conversion wasn't working properly, causing pasted tables to be parsed incorrectly. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2031. * The message index produced invalid xHTML code in case there were no messages. (MessageIndex templates) [Bug 2889]
  2032. * Make sure the tabs in the help section align properly. (Help template, help.css) [Bug 2698]
  2033. * Prevent feedback messages from creating a gap between menu and content. (Profile template, profile.css) [Bug 2893]
  2034. ! The container of the inline message icon changer wasn't getting the proper width in all browsers. (script.js) [Bug 2176]
  2035. ! Do a proper check on the availability of a Personal Message. (PersonalMessage.php)
  2036. * Don't show a border below vote options if there's no expiration date set. (Display template, forum.css)
  2037. ! Always load the English version of the Modifications and (if applicable) ThemeStrings language files as a means of fallback. (Load.php) [Bug 2743]
  2038. ! Update the session check system to make it a bit less predictable. (several files)
  2039. ! Highlight the login tab when asking for a password reminder. (Subs.php) [Bug 2911]
  2040. ! Upgrading an SQLite forum failed on adding the passwd_flood column. (upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 2907]
  2041. ! Renamed 'Show Contributions' back to 'Show Posts' to prevent unnecessary confusion. (Profile.php, Profile-View.php, Subs.php, Profile template, Profile language file)
  2042. * Show a link back to the message index when starting a new topic in wireless mode. (Wireless template) [Bug 2906]
  2043. ! A few maintenance areas weren't properly redirecting to their new location yet. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 2927]
  2044. ! The captcha class was sometimes instantiated unnecessary, causing a JavaScript error. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2045. ! The visual and non-visual verification did not work properly on imode and WAP2. (Subs-Editor.php, GenericControls template, Wireless template) [Bug 2930]
  2046. ! Several links to 'track IP' were losing the user ID. (Profile-View.php, Profile template) [Bug 2936]
  2047. ! Calling the fromCharCode function in JavaScript using 'this' as prefix caused a JavaScript error in some cases. (script.js)
  2048. ! The updateMemberData function would cause a database error in case it would be used as integration function. (Subs.php) [Bug 2914]
  2049. ! The backup and alter function of the sqlite DB layer wouldn't work properly in case the .db extension wasn't set. (DbPackages-sqlite.php, DbExtra-sqlite.php)
  2050. ! The remove_column function of the sqlite DB layer caused a PHP error. (DbPackages-sqlite.php)
  2051. ! The sortSmileyTable function didn't work properly when using sqlite. (DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2438]
  2052. ! Personal Messages couldn't be shown as conversations in sqlite. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php, PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1590]
  2053. ! The INSERT IGNORE command in the sqlite layer didn't do the ignore part very well. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2926]
  2054. ! In rare cases (with cache mode set to 3) an incorrect error might be shown after posting a reply to a topic that no longer exists due to a move or a merge. (Post.php) [Bug 2408]
  2055. * Synchronzied all themes with regards to the template_button_strip function so they won't cause any xHTML errors any longer. (index template, Help template, Recent template, Combat template) [Bug 2938]
  2056. * Several JavaScript function and method calls contained scriptURL's that were not taking advantage of the smf_prepareScriptUrl function. (index template, Help template, Packages template, Post template, SplitTopics template, Themes template) [Bug 2935]
  2057. ! The calculation of the total number of posts was including the recycle bin posts. (Subs.php) [Bug 2092]
  2058. ! Fixed install not creating an admin account for sqlite database. (Subs_Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2940]
  2059. * The wireless boardindex could add too many spans in case both the board and its children contained new messages. (Wireless template) [Bug 2928]
  2060. ! Fixed a few database errors that could occur in certain Personal Message screens when using PostgreSQL. (PersonalMessage.php, Subs-Db-Postgresql.php) [Bug 2921]
  2061. ! The password salt should remain flexible in length, so that it doesn't interfere with converted forums. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.php, install_2-0_sqlite.sql, install_2-0_postgresql.sql, install_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 2943]
  2062. * Added an extra stylesheet for special styles to support RTL-languages. (index template, rtl.css)
  2063. ! Fixed recount totals and statistics resulting in a session timeout. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 2962]
  2064. & $txt['remove_message'] appeared twice in the index language file. (index language file) [Bug 2961]
  2065. ! Updating message icons caused a database error for the SQLite database layer. (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 2950]
  2066. * Fixed JavaScript errors occurring on the selection of options for the database backup function. (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 2959]
  2067. ! The forms used in generic lists were not properly working. (Subs-List.php) [Bug 2953]
  2068. ! The package database functions for the SQLite database layer to modify, add and drop columns weren't working properly. (DbPackages-sqlite.php, ManageSmileys.php, ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 2951]
  2069. * The tab index order was wrong when visual verification was required for a search. (Search template) [Bug 2949]
  2070. * The visual verification didn't have a tab index set for its questions. (GenericControls template) [Bug 2948]
  2071. ! The calendar required the database specific 'DAY' function in some cases, which is not supported by SQLite. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 2947]
  2072. ! Do a better job at highlighting the last item of the main menu. (Subs.php, index template, index.css) [Bug 2968]
  2073. * Top anchor was missing in the message index template. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 2975]
  2074. ! Some maintenance tasks were missing session checks. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  2075. * The message context got lost after submitting a quick edit form in topic display. (Display template) [Bug 2974]
  2076. ! Warning templates were injected with a username and subject that were HTML-escaped twice. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 2973]
  2077. ! The unescaped version of forum_name was used in several places where it should've been escaped. (Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php, Register.php, Subs.php, ViewQuery.php, BoardIndex template, Login template, Printpage template, Wireless template, Login language file, Profile language file) [Bug 2971]
  2078. * Applied JavaScript escaping to the quick modify instantiation parameters. (Display template)
  2079. ! The JavaScript escape function left HTML links intact, which by some browsers get parsed. (QueryString.php)
  2080. ! The tabs and scriptURL's didn't get replaced by the JavaScript escape function. (QueryString.php) [Bug 2993]
  2081. ! Searching for members by age in some cases also returned members that hadn't submitted their birth dates. (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 2992]
  2082. ! Merging Multiple topics and then unchecking one or more could cause a fatal error. (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 2994]
  2083. ! The optimize_table function for SQLite database layer wasn't implemented. (DbExtra-sqlite.php) [Bug 2991]
  2084. ! The attachment upload directory was incorrectly determined in case of uploading avatars with multiple upload directories enabled. (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 2990]
  2085. * The gender field was not visible in the profile summary. (Profile template) [Bug 2988]
  2086. ! Some <html> tags were not properly mentioning the xmlns or rtl attributes. (install.php, upgrade.php, Karma.php, ManageMaintenance.php, Subs-Auth.php, ViewQuery.php) [Bug 2986]
  2087. December 2008
  2088. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2089. ! The size property wasn't properly handled by the create table functions in the database layer (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2761]
  2090. ! Attempt an alternative way of retrieving the version as the pg_version function doesn't exist yet in PHP 4.x. (install.php) [Bug 2790]
  2091. & Include message icons in the description of the 'Manage smileys' permission. (Errors language file, ManagePermissions language file, ManageSmileys language file, Reports language file)
  2092. ! Message icons available for all boards could not be managed by non-admins. (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 2788]
  2093. & Added a required permission to the description of the poll_post permission. (ManagePermissions language file) [Bug 2786]
  2094. ! Unsubscribe from notifications in profile didn't work properly. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2781]
  2095. ! JumpTo didn't link properly to the categories. (script.js) [Bug 2778]
  2096. + Made a new admin section for language-related settings. (Admin.php, ManageSettings.php, ManageServer.php) [Feature 1323]
  2097. * Adjusted the Admin template accordingly and added a section icon. (ManageServer template, admin/languages.gif) [Feature 1323]
  2098. & Added a few strings for the new language settings area. (Admin language file) [Feature 1323]
  2099. ! The autosuggest didn't work properly in case PHP would handle parsing the query string. (suggest.js) [Bug 2799]
  2100. ! A query used in a 'show users attachments' didn't work properly PostgreSQL. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 2773]
  2101. ! Performing an upgrade of the same modification could not be done twice in a row. (Packages.php) [Bug 2702]
  2102. * Fixed IE 6 not properly positioning the right aligned button strips. (ie6.css)
  2103. * Fixed menu buttons getting a different color after being visited in IE. (style.css)
  2104. ! Fixed incorrect header sent with downloadable binary files. (Display.php) [Bug 2792, Bug 2652]
  2105. * The 'exclude sticky topics' option could no longer be selected when using the 'removing old topics' feature. (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 2793]
  2106. * The permission check used to enable the quick subject modify function was incorrect. (MessageIndex template)
  2107. * In some themes, the quick subject modify function wasn't working properly. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 2797]
  2108. * Added both 'add poll' and 'mark as unread' buttons to the button strips on the display page for the default theme, as there seems to be sufficient space. (Display.php, Display template) [Bug 2787]
  2109. & Shortened the button text from 'Restore message' to 'Restore', as there wasn't enough space. (Index language file)
  2110. ! The can_reply_approved context variable didn't take the post moderation master setting into account. (Display.php) [Bug 2783]
  2111. ! Make sure a file to be deleted during the install of a package is checked for existence first. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 2739]
  2112. ! Fixed the user not being able to change their openID settings in case the openID has been switched off. (Profile.php) [Bug 2780]
  2113. ! Prevent an attachment to not be shown in case a thumbnail could not be created. (Profile.php) [Bug 2801]
  2114. ! No longer allow setting the personal messages options through the profile screen without profile_extra_own permission. Without profile permissions, there shouldn't be access to the profile screen. (Profile.php)
  2115. ! Some settings could not be changed from the PM section. (Profile-Modify.php)
  2116. ! The profile button wasn't visible in case the user was only allowed to edit their custom title. (Subs.php)
  2117. ! Access to a non-standard profile area by users without the profile_view_* permission was blocked. (Profile.php) [Bug 2784]
  2118. ! Fixed JavaScript error causing the switch from OpenID to password to fail. (register.js) [Bug 2779]
  2119. ! Default values were not always properly set in the database structure of a backup. (DbExra-mysql.php) [Bug 2690]
  2120. * Added a 'modify message' title to the quick modify button. (Display template) [Bug 2802]
  2121. ! Both the spider log and the ban log didn't have page titles. (ManageBans.php, ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 2803]
  2122. ! Bad URL error when downloading a non-existent package. (PackageGet.php, Subs-Package.php) [Bug 2764]
  2123. ! Make sure no invalid XML characters are being sent through XMLHTTP (QueryString.php, Xml template) [Bug 2777]
  2124. ! Some invisible characters in the lower ASCII range were not properly trimmed. (Load.php)
  2125. ! The version_compatible property of the standard search API was incorrect. (SearchAPI-Standard.php) [Bug 2776]
  2126. & Fixed a typo in $txt['critical_settings_info']. (repair_settings language file) [Bug 2775]
  2127. * The 'Posting' help page wasn't XHTML valid. (Help template, Help language file) [Bug 2771]
  2128. ! Fixed guests getting an undefined index on voting at an SSI poll. (SSI.php) [Bug 2733]
  2129. ! The SSI guest voting feature was storing an incorrect ID in the log_polls table. (SSI.php)
  2130. * The Quick Reply description in combination with the 'topic locked' warning was taking more space than available at that spot. (forum.css, Display template) [Bug 2731]
  2131. ! Store each file using the UNIX line breaks. (several files) [Bug 2727]
  2132. * Added a CSS class for alerts and moved each alert and error to their respective CSS class. (several files) [Bug 2720]
  2133. * The online image on the Display page was in some themes no longer linked properly to the PM screen. (Display template) [Bug 2718]
  2134. ! Make the UTF-8 option checked by default during install in case PostgreSQL is selected as database. (install.php) [Bug 2676]
  2135. ! Fixed the version detection for PostgreSQL in the installer as the version label used started with non-numeric characters. (install.php)
  2136. ! Fixed a few undefined indexes caused by the database type not known during the install. (install.php)
  2137. ! Fixed the syntax of the 'SET NAMES' query not being right for PostgreSQL. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 2676]
  2138. ! Fixed typo in the template causing a malfunction in the inline edit feature. (Display template)
  2139. ! The shadow bulletin board code didn't work properly in IE. (Subs.php) [Bug 2266]
  2140. ! Fixed the shadow-text style not being implemented properly for the newer browsers supporting CSS 3. (Subs.php) [Bug 2366]
  2141. ! A few return statements were not properly formatted. (PersonalMessages.php, Subs-Db_sqlite.php) [Bug 2810]
  2142. ! Use more descriptive names for some of the variables. (ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageServer.php, PersonalMessage.php, Profile-View.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php, Themes.php, Profile template) [Bug 2809]
  2143. ! Clear a user's settings cache after toggling the dropdown menu. (Subs-Menu.php)
  2144. * Use a proper alternate text for the 'send PM' button. (Display template) [Bug 2667]
  2145. ! Fixed XML requests returning an error screen on session timeout, sending an HTTP 304 response code instead. (Security.php)
  2146. ! Fixed keepalive action failing due to sending an integer value as separate request parameter. (script.js)
  2147. ! Added a function allowing to escape JavaScript strings, necessary to get strings properly passed from template to JavaScript. (QueryString.php)
  2148. ! Try to fall back on the English language if none of the preferred languages can be found. (Load.php) [Bug 2743]
  2149. * Try to do a better job at styling the subject edit box in quick edit mode. (Display template, forum.css) [Bug 2175]
  2150. ! Allow theme authors to easily load an additional language file for theme-related strings. (Load.php) [Feature 2829]
  2151. ! Moved the log pruning settings to the admin log section. (Admin.php, ManageSettings.php)
  2152. ! Send http header 503 when the forum is in maintenance mode, so search engines don't bother indexing it. (Subs-Auth.php)
  2153. ! Send http header 500 when an operation results in a fatal error, so search engines don't bother indexing it. (Errors.php)
  2154. ! Redesigned the server settings area and moved a few settings to it. (Admin.php, ManageServer.php) [Bug 1323]
  2155. & Added a few new strings for the new server settings sections. (Admin language file) [Bug 1323]
  2156. ! Restructured the autosuggest function, moving all configurable things to the template. (suggest.js, Subs-Editor.php)
  2157. ! Autosuggest wasn't generic enough to handle non-member types. (suggest.js) [Bug 2595]
  2158. ! Cleaned up the recipient handling logic in the PM send form. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  2159. ! Added autosuggest function to most member searching controls. (Groups.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageMemberGroups.php, ManageNews.php, ManageBans template, ManageBoards template, ManageMaintenance template, ManageMembergroups template, ManageNews template, ManagePaid template, Profile template) [Bug 2815, Bug 2571, Bug 2548, Bug 1758]
  2160. * Move the autosuggest style options from a separate css file to the main style.css as the control is too generic. (style.css, suggest.css)
  2161. * Restyled the autosuggest to make the items more readable and fit into the theme. (style.css)
  2162. ! Fixed old IE versions unable to deal with non-capturing parentheses in regular expressions. (script.js)
  2163. ! The column size is incorrectly interpreted from the field definition given by MySQL. (DbPackages-mysql.php) [Bug 2842]
  2164. ! A comment line still mentioned the old style column names. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2840]
  2165. * Make sure the alt-value of the avatar preview doesn't contain a value from a previously selected avatar. (Profile template) [Bug 2838]
  2166. ! Default value in deltree function documentation was wrong. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 2831]
  2167. ! The 'latest member' wasn't always determined properly. (Subs-Members.php, Subs.php) [Bug 2830]
  2168. ! Indices weren't always removed correctly when using the db_remove_index function. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2812]
  2169. November 2008
  2170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2171. & Split up the 'reply' text string, as it was used as both verb and noun. (index language file, Display template) [Bug 2714]
  2172. * When sending out newsletters, make sure to remember whether we're sending them as personal messages or not. (ManageNews template) [Bug 2414]
  2173. ! Email addresses weren't hidden properly in recent posts RSS feeds. (News.php) [Bug 2615]
  2174. * Replaced the warning icons on the Display template with some that reflect their nature better. (warn.gif, warning_moderate.gif, warning_mute.gif, warning_watch.gif) [Bug 977]
  2175. & Made capitalization of forum timestamps optional on a per-language basis. (Subs.php, index language file) [Bug 416]
  2176. + Added Sphinx search files to the repository. (sphinx_config.php, SearchAPI-Sphinx.php)
  2177. ! Added a method to the Search API's allowing to dynamically determine which methods it supports. (Search.php, SearchAPI-Custom.php, SearchAPI-Fulltext.php, SearchAPI-Sphinx.php, SearchAPI-Standard.php)
  2178. ! Fixed the subject only search not working properly in Sphinx. (SearchAPI-Sphinx.php) [Bug 1567]
  2179. ! Mails sent to Yahoo and Hotmail accounts no longer need special treatment. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 1910]
  2180. ! Added a check to prevent null byte insertion. (QueryString.php)
  2181. ! Added an additional check on theme data insertion. (Themes.php)
  2182. ! Prevent certain ascii data to appear in avatars. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  2183. ! Added an .htaccess for the packages directory. (Packages/.htaccess)
  2184. ! Fixed a few undefined index notices. (SSI.php, Help.php)
  2185. ! Recalculating the amount of replies per topic wasn't quite working correctly with PostgreSQL. (RepairBoards.php) [Bug 2670]
  2186. ! Users deleting their own accounts were improperly redirected. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 2760]
  2187. ! Allow some of the database operation functions to accept an empty string as size parameter. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2761]
  2188. ! Fixed a typo in one of the comments. (Search.php) [Bug 2754]
  2189. ! Sorting bans by number of trigger caused a database error. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 2770]
  2190. ! Partially matching tags were in some cases interpreted by legalise_bbc as full matches. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2767]
  2191. ! Fixed in-topic-restore not working properly. (Display template) [Bug 2651]
  2192. ! Moved in-topic-moderation function to object oriented and external JavaScript. (Display template, xml_topic.js)
  2193. + Added a counter to the remove/restore buttons in case an in topic selection is being made (xml_topic.js)
  2194. * Added a theme-specific JavaScript function to add menu items dynamically. (index template, theme.js)
  2195. ! Removed trivial comment from Subs-Post.php (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2645]
  2196. * Cleaned up the template_button_strip function (index template, Help template) [Bug 2640]
  2197. * Fixed button_strip not properly implemented for older themes on several pages (Recent template, Help template)
  2198. ! Fixed 'repair boards' function could in some cases skip an ID to be checked. (RepairBoards.php)
  2199. ! Make sure the range boundaries for a repair check are only calculated once for each check. (RepairBoards.php)
  2200. ! Prevent a duplicate key error from occuring in case the message being salvaged was already part of an existing topic. (RepairBoards.php) [Bug 2725]
  2201. ! Make sure the default error handler is always enabled again after parsing the database file during the upgrade process. (upgrade.php)
  2202. ! Fixed JavaScript error caused by currentStyle property that's not defined in all browsers. (theme.js, babylon index template)
  2203. ! Fixed code box select JavaScript not working properly in Safari. (script.js) [Bug 2769]
  2204. & Fixed typo in $txt['error_form_already_submitted']. (Error language file) [Bug 2750]
  2205. ! Make sure redirection boards don't count towards the total post count (Subs-BoardIndex.php) [Bug 2704]
  2206. ! The message index showed the 'create topic' button in some cases when the user didn't have permission to create a topic. (MessageIndex.php) [Bug 2740]
  2207. ! Newly created replies could in some cases become unapproved, eventhough the post moderation feature was turned off. (Post.php)
  2208. ! The reserved table name array wasn't always matched in case the database prefix or database name contained capitals. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php)
  2209. ! Dropping tables would not properly work when done from the SSI interface. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2751]
  2210. ! The 'create table' function didn't match the list of existing tables properly. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php)
  2211. ! The SSI recent attachments function didn't respect the board access permissions properly. (SSI.php) [Bug 2737]
  2212. October 2008
  2213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2214. ! PostgreSQL doesn't have instr() (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 2657]
  2215. ! Paid subscription reminder emails could have HTML tags in them. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 2621]
  2216. ! With lots of themes installed but not all visible, admins might not see the whole game. (Themes.php) [Bug 2440]
  2217. ! Tracking users had an error in PostgreSQL. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 2623]
  2218. ! The who's online page was sometimes picking the wrong strings. (Who.php) [Bug 2616]
  2219. & Help language file was corrupt somehow. (Help language file) [Bug 2609]
  2220. ! Reattributing posts wasn't properly escaping a language string. (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 2599]
  2221. ! Expand the list of IP addresses associated with whois servers. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 2602]
  2222. & Fixed a few minor typos. (Help, EmailTemplates, ManagePermissions language files) [Bug 2601]
  2223. * Classic theme was fetching on2.gif, which sn't used in that theme (Classic BoardIndex template) [Bug 2327]
  2224. ! Languages with agreements in them wouldn't install. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 2622]
  2225. ! Give more information with a database error. (Subs-Db-xxxxx.php) [Bug 2582]
  2226. ! Repairing the forum could fail on fixing missing topics. (RepairBoards.php) [Bug 2624]
  2227. ! In rare cases, uploading an avatar could get SMF stuck in an infinite loop. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  2228. ! Try stop spiders indexing verification stuff. (Register and GenericControls templates) [Bug 2626]
  2229. ! Minor typo in ManagePaid. (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 2628]
  2230. ! Protection stopping people making themselves admins wasn't quite what was required. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2632]
  2231. ! When a package wants to redirect handle the situation where they don't provide their own text. (Packages.php) [Bug 2631]
  2232. ! Don't rewrite line breaks on files that we think are unicode. (Display.php) [Bug 2627]
  2233. ! When deleting a board make sure any boards using it are reset. (Themes.php) [Bug 2473]
  2234. ! Make sure admin help can only take a string. (Help.php) [Bug 1273]
  2235. ! Don't allow ourselves to try to send notifications if the topics gone missing. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2408]
  2236. ! Restoring a message from the recycle bin could through a database error if it was going to be a last message. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 2413]
  2237. ! Load the new profile stylesheet when in the profile section. (Profile.php) [Feature 2634]
  2238. * Add some extra padding to the credits template. (Who template)
  2239. ! Settings pages could have invalid XHTML. (Admin template) [Bug 2454]
  2240. ! SQLite wasn't setting default values right. (DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2646]
  2241. ! Make sure to use the proper unescape function if the magic_quotes_sybase directive is enabled. (QueryString.php) [Bug 2661]
  2242. ! Toggling the menu wasn't working properly with SQLite. (Subs-Menu.php) [Bug 2635]
  2243. ! Opera and IE appear to prefer octetstream over octet-stream. (Display.php) [Bug 2652]
  2244. ! pg_escape_string only supports one parameter on older versions of PHP. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 2675]
  2245. ! URL decode URLs on servers without support for ; in the URL. (QueryString.php) [Bug 2669]
  2246. ! Changed the warning show option to enable you to show warning status to moderators, all users or just those who are warned. (Display template, ManageSettings.php, ManageSettings language file)
  2247. & Renamed some warning text strings to make them non-user specific. (Profile language file)
  2248. ! Destroy menu now kills the template layer that was used to put it in. (Subs-Menu.php)
  2249. ! Allow users to see their warnings from their profile, if the admin allows. (Profile.php, Profile-View.php, Profile-Actions.php, Profile template, Profile language file) [Bug 2663]
  2250. ! Group membership notification emails were linking to an incorrect approval address. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2692]
  2251. ! When viewing unapproved posts and topics ensure we retain the current board within the page index. (PostModeration.php) [Bug 2697]
  2252. ! Make sure the xcache actually has some capacity before trying to cache anything. (Load.php) [Bug 2694]
  2253. ! Allow emptying out the whole spider log by putting in a zero for the time limit. (ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageSearch template, Search language file) [Bug 2684]
  2254. ! It shouldn't be possible to set a default value for text fields. (DbExtra-mysql.php) [Bug 2690]
  2255. ! If post size limit is into mediumtext territory then respect it on the insert. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2691]
  2256. ! Improve the error message when uploading a package fails. (PackageGet.php, Packages language file) [Bug 2689]
  2257. ! Updated the text in the language install screen to use a list, cause it looks better. (ManageSettings language file)
  2258. ! Make it possible to have only the "change your custom title" permission. (Profile-Modify.php, Profile.php) [Bug 2701]
  2259. ! Managing multilingual registration agreements wasn't quite working correctly. (ManageRegistration.php) [Bug 2696]
  2260. September 2008
  2261. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2262. ! A couple of additional changes were needed now that inet_aton() returns 8-bit integers (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  2263. ! INET_ATON() didn't support all possible IP addresses (install_2-0_postgresql.sql, upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  2264. & Removed unused text string. (PersonalMessage language file) [Bug 2525]
  2265. & Fixed some misspelled text indices. (ManageAttachments.php, PersonalMessage and ManageSearch template files, PersonalMessage, Search, and Admin language files) [Bug 2530,2518]
  2266. ! Trimmed some of the old holidays. (install files) [Bug 2527]
  2267. & Spelling fix and changing the PHP site link to the non-country specific version. (Help language file) [Bug 2530]
  2268. * Put the Core Features in their own area of the admin center. (Admin.php, ManageSettings.php, Admin template)
  2269. * Added a new icon for the Core Features area and replaced a few others with some more descriptive icons. (various images)
  2270. + The profile section now uses generic menus. (Profile.php, Profile-Actions.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile-View.php)
  2271. * Adjusted the profile and paid subscription templates to reflect this. (Profile template, ManagePaid template)
  2272. * Toggling the toolbar is now no longer an admin preference, but available to all users. (Subs-Menu.php)
  2273. & Added language strings for the Show Contributions area and removed some obsolete strings. (Profile language file)
  2274. ! The number of members requiring approval wasn't collected quite right. (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 2577]
  2275. & Changed a few instances of 'non-existant' to their proper spelling. (ManageMaintenance language file) [Bug 2570]
  2276. ! Moved the scheduled tasks functions to their own source file, template and language file. (Admin.php, ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance template, ManageMaintenance language file, ManageScheduledTasks.php, ManageScheduledTasks template, ManageScheduledTasks language file)
  2277. ! Restructured the forum maintenance area. (Admin.php, ManageMaintenance.php, RemoveTopic.php, RepairBoards.php) [Bug 1322]
  2278. * Adjusted the admin and forum maintenance templates for the above change. (Admin template, ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 1322]
  2279. & Added language strings for the two changes above and removed a few obsolete ones. (Admin language file, Help language file, ManageMaintenance language file) [Bug 1322]
  2280. ! Make sure we get compatibility going early enough in the upgrade script. (upgrade.php) [Bug 2590]
  2281. ! Remove a unnecessary guest check. (Display template) [Bug 2591]
  2282. * Fixed XHTML error in Display template. (Display template) [Bug 2594]
  2283. ! Posts per day on newbies sometimes displayed a little funny. (Profile template) [Bug 2567]
  2284. ! When copying the default theme also include some key css. (Themes.php) [Bug 2588]
  2285. ! Changes to core settings broke admin search. (ManageSettings.php)
  2286. + Add option to force cookies to be secure where HTTPS is in use. (Subs-Auth.php, ManageSettings.php, ManageSettings and Help language files) [Bug 2583]
  2287. ! Allow deleting of smileys from the smiley edit screen. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageSmileys template and language files)
  2288. ! Return the list of columns in a table as an associative array. (DbPackages-xxxx.php) [Bug 2569]
  2289. ! The custom index search was generating errors, if it worked at all. (SearchAPI-Custom.php) [Bug 2407]
  2290. ! Make the attachment restriction warnings more clear and concise, and accurate. (Post.php, Post template, Post language file) [Bug 2556]
  2291. * Some lists wern't showing bullets when they should. (Who template, ManageSettings language file) [Bug 2531]
  2292. * Browsing a package server wasn't dealing with headings and titles. (Packages template) [Bug 2564]
  2293. * Only show ordered lists on the package page if there is more than one package. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  2294. * Display template needed a tweak to get the page numbers in the same place as the bottom. (Display template) [Bug 2549]
  2295. ! Strip tags from board and catergory names for the move drop down box. (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 2547]
  2296. ! Change the URL to the Simple Machines package server. (upgrade and install scripts) [Bug 2395]
  2297. ! Tweak how is_last is removed on the setupMenuContext function. (Subs.php) [Bug 2534]
  2298. * Top border on posts was sometimes missing. (Display template) [Bug 2586]
  2299. ! The togglebar function wasn't putting in the right variables all the time. (GenericMenu template) [Bug 2517]
  2300. ! Sometimes the number of unread messages might be cached and calculated wrong for personal messages. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 2580]
  2301. ! Allow admins to enable the sidebar for all members. (Settings template)
  2302. * Changed license.txt in all theme folders from Lewis Media to Simple Machines LLC.
  2303. SMF 2.0 Beta 4 Public 7 September 2008
  2304. ================================================================================
  2305. September 2008
  2306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2307. * Copywrite notice was too small. (index.css) [Bug 2389]
  2308. ! Upgrade was throwing an error if you disable security. (upgrade.php)
  2309. * When making a backup of the forum, include the table structure by default. (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 2489]
  2310. * Add the windowbg2 class to the Core Features page to ensure it's readable on darker themes. (Admin template)
  2311. ! The edit box was not being set up correctly on quick edit. (xml_topic.js) [Bug 2488]
  2312. ! The SSI query posts function unnecessarily parsed each message twice. (SSI.php) [Bug 2484]
  2313. ! Make the $field parameter optional for $smcFunc['db_insert_id']. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2498]
  2314. ! Add detection for Opera 9.6 (script.js) [Bug 2495]
  2315. ! Fix the jumpto box containing entities. (script.js) [Bug 1025]
  2316. ! Don't show the editor's resizer in Google Chrome, as that browser supports textarea resizing by default. (script.js, editor.js)
  2317. ! Closing of BBC tags wasn't working right on all tags, particularly br and hr. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2494]
  2318. ! Only protect file names where they exist. (QueryString.php) [Bug 2493]
  2319. ! Make sure verification with guests works properly with quick reply. (Post.php, Post template, Errors language file) [Bug 2447]
  2320. ! Add name and email boxes for guests using quick reply. (Display.php, Display template)
  2321. ! Saving of custom profile fields was not always working correctly. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2487]
  2322. ! Change the way random numbers are generated for the session and reminder variables. (several files)
  2323. August 2008
  2324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2325. ! Better sanitization for paid subscription posts upon saving a subscription. (ManagePaid.php)
  2326. ! Member-dependant variables weren't parsed when sending newsletters via personal messages (ManageNews.php) [Bug 2445]
  2327. ! It was possible to get undefined index errors when sending out newsletters (ManageNews.php)
  2328. * Code boxes with just a single line of code now get their horizontal scrollbar again if needed (theme.js) [Bug 2446]
  2329. ! Some smileys weren't being used. (install sql files, Install language file) [Bug 2466]
  2330. ! A user couldn't see their own unapproved topics if the board contained only unapproved topics. (Load.php, MessageIndex.php) [Bug 2458]
  2331. ! Put field names between the appropriate classifiers when creating a table. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php)
  2332. ! A column's default value can be 0 but not null, so check it properly. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-postgresql.php)
  2333. ! Messages are now always marked as read for guests (Display.php) [Bug 2364]
  2334. ! Don't show a link to the permission profile area when a user can't manage permissions. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template) [Bug 2476]
  2335. ! Remove any HTML from category and board names when building the list of boards for quick moderation (MessageIndex.php) [Bug 2478]
  2336. ! Use a capital-less identifier when querying the name of the first poster for RSS feeds. (News.php) [Bug 2470]
  2337. ! Redirect to the right admin area after clearing a log. (ManageBans.php, ManageMaintenance.php, ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 2463]
  2338. & Removed the %Z option from the helptext for the timeformat as it wasn't very useful and could cause confusion. (Help language file)
  2339. ! Encode spaces in the URL before checking the image size. (Subs.php) [Bug 2342]
  2340. SMF 2.0 Beta 4 20 August 2008
  2341. ================================================================================
  2342. August 2008
  2343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2344. ! All messages would appear as new when a board was marked as read. (Display.php) [Bug 2365]
  2345. ! Link to the last post in the topic on the board index for guests instead of the last post on the entire forum. (Subs-BoardIndex.php) [Bug 1925]
  2346. ! Change the ignore_boards column from tinytext to text to allow more boards to be ignored. Note: At this time this doesn't effect existing SQLite installs. (upgrade and install SQL files) [Bug 2323]
  2347. ! Added white to the list of colors in the generic controls. (GenericControls template, Post language file) [Bug 2361]
  2348. ! /me was removing the preceding newline. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2228]
  2349. ! The error log filter was escaping the _ character in the display text. (ManageErrors.php)
  2350. ! Added a column header for the news column to avoid confusion with the preview column when editing news items. (ManageNews template) [Bug 2247]
  2351. ! Fixed up a few of the warning template replacements. (Profile-Actions.php, Profile language file) [Bug 2371]
  2352. ! The list of messenger icons should no longer result in empty list items nor an empty list. (Display template, Load.php) [Bug 2370,1933]
  2353. ! Message approval wasn't working. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2375]
  2354. ! When searching with excluded words you could get a database error. (Search.php) [Bug 2376]
  2355. ! Fixed javascript error when looking at your own warnings. (Profile template) [Bug 2373]
  2356. ! Give the who is online area the right look on Display. (Display template) [Bug 2369]
  2357. ! It simply isn't possible to send a guest an email from Personal Messages as we don't have their address - so remove the code that does that. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 2374]
  2358. ! Don't try to fix mods by default in the upgrader. (upgrade.php)
  2359. ! Attempt to automatically get the arrow right on sorted lists that start descending. (Subs-List.php) [Bug 1678]
  2360. ! The memberlist direction arrow wasn't really right, so fix it. (Memberlist.php) [Bug 1253]
  2361. ! Give the WYSWIYG editor the same tab index as the window it replaces. (editor.js) [Bug 2362]
  2362. + Added a database specific function to escape LIKE wildcards. (Subs-Db-xxx.sql)
  2363. ! When filtering the error log use the database specific wildcard escaping. (ManageErrors.php) [Bug 2184]
  2364. ! Don't show messenger icons in the mini profile if the person can't view the poster's profile. (Display template) [Bug 228]
  2365. ! URLs that contained single digit octets weren't being auto linked correctly. (Subs.php) [Bug 454]
  2366. ! Small tweak to the javascript URL in the display template to stop stupid search engine linking. (Display template) [Bug 2380]
  2367. ! Setting a default value with select boxes and custom profile fields wasn't working that great. (upgrade and install scripts) [Bug 1978]
  2368. ! Posting polls was bypassing the approvals process. (Post.php) [Bug 2379]
  2369. ! Weights wern't being applied correctly in search. (Search.php) [Bug 2226]
  2370. ! The moderation log wasn't showing the moderator names. (Modlog.php)
  2371. ! The poster was not being logged correctly when individual messages were deleted. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 1657]
  2372. ! Surpress error notice messages when cleaning up mods. (upgrade.php) [Bug 2187]
  2373. ! Don't error on duplicate indexes on install, and fix a undefined index. (install.php) [Bug 2183]
  2374. ! Support some more common password salts. (LogInOut.php) [Bug 1954]
  2375. ! The unread and unreadreplies actions was only taking the user custom topics per page into account for the pagination but not the topics themselves. (Recent.php) [Bug 2356]
  2376. ! Sometimes entries were being added to the moderation log when nothing was changed. (Post.php)
  2377. ! Surpress mkdir errors in the package manager. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 2384]
  2378. ! When deleting topics, if the topic is going to be gone forever, don't link the topic ID. (RemoveTopic.php, MessageIndex.php) [Bug 2338]
  2379. ! Moderators couldn't warn a member due to a certain post. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 2387]
  2380. ! If a database engine doesn't give us the size of an index or a table then just default to not applicable. (ManageSearch.php, ManageSearch template) [Bug 440]
  2381. + Added ALTER support for SQLite. (DbExtra-sqlite.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Feature 1586]
  2382. ! Updated the upgrade script to use the new method. (upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql)
  2383. ! Fixed a few issues with smf_db_insert_sql and smf_db_table_sql so that they work properly with SQLite. (DbExtra-sqlite.php)
  2384. ! Fixed mysql_real_escape_string compatibility problems for PHP < 4.3. (Subs-Compat.php)
  2385. + Added a css file for the package manager. (packages.css, Packages.php, PackageGet.php)
  2386. * Don't collapse sections when only one item is in the section or it is the only section. (Packages template) [Bug 2390]
  2387. & Grammer for board access text. (ManageBoards language file) [Bug 2402]
  2388. * Javascript variable to identify safari browsers was using the wrong variable. (editor.js) [Bug 2397]
  2389. & Made the text for sending emails on database connection errors generic. (Admin language file) [Bug 2406]
  2390. & Improved the wording and included extra information for news and newsletters help text. (Help language file) [Bug 2246]
  2391. ! When an admin changed a member's display named and approved an account, the display name would be sent in the email as the username to log in. (ManageMembers.php, EmailTemplates language file) [Bug 2419]
  2392. + Added additional spiders to the default list. (install and upgrade sql files) [Feature 1545]
  2393. ! SQLite doesn't support setting character sets. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2411]
  2394. ! Use some spider specific text strings for some actions. (Who.php, ManageSearchEngines.php, Who language file) [Bug 2428]
  2395. ! Show the spider log with newest first as default. (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 2427]
  2396. ! Adding calendar holidays could result in trying to put in titles that were too long. (ManageCalendar.php, ManageCalendar template) [Bug 2425]
  2397. ! Protect against a missing variable in permission management. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 2424]
  2398. & Removed a load of unused language entries. (Various files) [Bug 2404]
  2399. * Add titles to the post moderation setting images page thing. (ManagePermissions template) [Bug 2418]
  2400. * Fixed validation error in permissions template. (ManagePermissions template) [Bug 2415]
  2401. & Some language entries were missing a closing bold tag. (ManageSettings language file) [Bug 2429]
  2402. ! It was impossible to quick edit an unapproved post. (Post.php) [Bug 2093]
  2403. ! Make sure to clean the ignore boards POST variable even when you aren't coming from the ignore boards profile page. (Profile-Modify.php)
  2404. ! Set quick reply to shown but collapsed for the initial user when installing the forum. (install sql files) [Bug 1845]
  2405. - Removed an artifact javascript function. (script.js) [Bug 2222]
  2406. * Added the ability to add an onsubmit action for admin settings pages. (Admin template)
  2407. ! Added a javascript notice if an admin selects the recycle board option without selecting a specific board to use as the recycling board. (ManageBoards.php) [Bug 2412]
  2408. & Added text string for above option. (ManageBoards language file) [Bug 2412]
  2409. & Improved the text string for the simplied post moderation reply for one's own topics. (ManagePermissions language file) [Bug 2416]
  2410. * The post moderation permission page was missing a closing form tag. (ManagePermissions template file) [Bug 2409]
  2411. ! The ignore boards feature could cause a database error under certain conditions. (Load.php)
  2412. ! Post template was defaulting to approve unapproved posts. (Post template) [Bug 2432]
  2413. * The message index template had picked up an old typo. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 2436]
  2414. July 2008
  2415. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2416. ! COPPA wasn't working right as guets can't access it. (index.php) [Bug 2291]
  2417. * If the deliminator is 'null' when finding members with javascript it means we only can handle one name. (Help template)
  2418. ! Use the above change to ensure ban triggers only use one username. (ManageBans template) [Bug 2288]
  2419. ! Ensure ban triggers a logged even for new bans. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 2287]
  2420. ! Accept slightly longer color names. (Subs.php) [Bug 2237]
  2421. & The label for message icons hadn't been made translatable on Display. (Display template, index language file) [Bug 2292]
  2422. ! Sending personal messages was reporting users were ignoring you on PostgreSQL. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 2260]
  2423. & A language string (login_or_register) was duplicated in Login template. (Login template and language file) [Bug 2263]
  2424. ! The SSI function ssi_queryMembers returned unreliable results if called more than once. (SSI.php) [Bug 2241]
  2425. ! The javascript addslashes function wasn't escaping single quotes, breaking some popup smileys. (script.js) [Bug 2265]
  2426. ! The hack for a bugger version of MySQL wasn't quite right. (ScheduledTasks.php, install and upgrade scripts) [Bug 2283]
  2427. ! Setting a theme smiley set wasn't working right. (Settings templates) [Bug 1973]
  2428. ! Searching for members somtimes would show unapproved members. (Memberlist.php) [Bug 2227]
  2429. ! Removed the package function saveInstalledPackages() as the data it saves to a file is now stored in the database. (Subs-Package.php)
  2430. ! Fixed incorrect locking of cache file for the language cache. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  2431. ! Fixed javascript error when editing poll. (Poll template) [Bug 2306]
  2432. ! db_server_info was failing on SQLite. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2301]
  2433. & Clarified the meaning of "Default Personal Text". (ManageSettings and Help language files)
  2434. ! Do a bit more validation on the subject choice when moving, merging and spliting topics. (MoveTopic.php, SplitTopics.php) [Bug 2307]
  2435. * Subject line was overlapping buttons when inline editing (Display template)
  2436. * Poll editing links were laid out below instead off to the right when you had voted (Display template, style.css, forum.css, ie6.css)
  2437. * Fixed HTML layout to comply with SGML/tidy standards. (several files)
  2438. ! The default personal text setting was not working correctly. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 2302]
  2439. ! The theme URLs were being set incorrectly when making a copy of the default theme. (Themes.php) [Bug 2312]
  2440. ! Lowered the number of pages shown when clicking the '...' in the pagination to 50. (script.js) [Feature 1304]
  2441. ! Since PHP tends to be a bit more lenient with comparisons, make sure to do a type check for 'null' in dumpTags(). (News.php) [Bug 2321]
  2442. ! Users deleting themselves wern't being logged properly. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 2316]
  2443. ! If we haven't loaded a theme, we can't do a proper fatal_lang_error, so die gracefully. (Errors.php)
  2444. * Fixed differences with default fontsize in browsers (default/style.css, default/css/ie6.css, default/css/ie7.css)
  2445. * Updated Help.template css withbetter styles (default/css/help.css)
  2446. ! Make sure that custom fields are cleaned correctly from registration. (Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php, Register.php) [Bug 2309]
  2447. ! Make sure custom field restrictions cannot be bypassed. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2310]
  2448. ! Wireless was showing the wrong total pages on display. (Display.php)
  2449. & Username error messages wern't that informative on install. (install.php, Install language file) [Bug 2300]
  2450. ! Don't bother logging certain OpenID error messages. (Subs-OpenID.php) [Bug 2334]
  2451. & Removed some duplicated and/or unused strings. (index and Profile language files) [Bug 2263]
  2452. ! Don't allow the recycle bin board to be made into a redirection board. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template, ManageBoards language file) [Bug 2253]
  2453. ! Don't list redirection boards on the ignore boards page. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2330]
  2454. * Fixed validation error which could occur on the display page for quick reply. (Display template) [Bug 2331]
  2455. * wrapping child boards line created trouble in IE7, narrow browser widths didn't "fill out" same spot. (default/BoardIndex.template, default/css/forum.css) [Bug 1865]
  2456. * removed hr element and used css to create divider between subject and post (default/Display.template, default/css/forum.css) [Bug 1933]
  2457. * removed PHP/MYSQL/CSS buttons, addd XHTML, RSS and WAP2 text links instead. (default/index.template, default/css/froum.css, default/style.css) [Bug 2058]
  2458. * Synced IMG alt and A title tags for IM buttons, for consistency (Load.php) [Bug 2101]
  2459. * cleaned up latest-themes section (other/latest-themes.js, simlemachines.org/SMF/latest-themes.js)
  2460. * cleaned up latest-packages as well (other/latest-packages.js, simplemachines.org/SMF/latest-packages.js)
  2461. * moved inline styles, advanced search icon now have title/alt tags filled and the menu items have alt tag on the a tag ( default/css/index.css, default/index.template.php ) [Bug 2079]
  2462. * Restoring a message from a topic in the recycle bin wasn't working right. (Display template) [Bug 2340]
  2463. ! Protect against redirecting to a deleted topic on quick moderation. (Display.php) [Bug 2339]
  2464. ! Clarify whether a topic has been locked or unlocked in the moderation log - and stickies too. (LockTopic.php, Modlog language file) [Bug 2333]
  2465. ! Fixed a couple of PostgreSQL bugs. (Groups.php) [Bugs 2251,2244]
  2466. ! The recount function was setting id_last_msg incorrectly on boards. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 2162]
  2467. ! When adding a label to PM's the redirect was using the wrong anchor name. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 2242]
  2468. * Classic theme was missing some text strings. (index template) [Bug 2354]
  2469. ! Fixed javascript error expanding stats in the stats page. (stats.js) [Bug 2351]
  2470. ! Category names wern't getting properly cleaned in the jump to box. (Xml.php) [Bug 2345]
  2471. ! Make all Package database functions add a prefix unless told otherwise. (DbPackage-xxxx.php, upgrade.php, ManagePosts.php, convert.php) [Bug 1952]
  2472. ! Checkboxes for move and announce wern't being remembered upon preview. (Post.php, Post template) [Bug 2305]
  2473. & Reworded the quick reply description. (index language file) [Bug 1886]
  2474. ! Don't increment a users post count until their post has been approved. (Subs-Post.php, RemoveTopic.php, MoveTopic.php, Subs-Members.php) [Bug 2004]
  2475. ! Don't allow people to remove every admin from the admin group. (Subs-Membergroups.php) [Bug 2102]
  2476. ! Don't show the group link tree if you're in the moderation center. (Groups.php) [Bug 2332]
  2477. * Warn a user who is about to remove themselves from the admin group. (ManageMembergroups template, ManageMembers language file) [Bug 2243]
  2478. ! Approving a message during an edit wasn't actually working. (Post.php) [Bug 2165]
  2479. ! Don't allow moving of a topic to the same board as it came from. (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 2304]
  2480. ! Set more default values in the install and upgrade scripts. (install and upgrade scripts) [Bug 2329]
  2481. ! If people are using quick reply, and need to enter verification details, give them some notice. (Display.php, Display templates, Post.php, index and Post language files) [Bug 2278]
  2482. & A language entry was in the wrong file. (Errors and PersonalMessage language files) [Bug 2358]
  2483. ! Fixed typo in moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 2357]
  2484. * Quick preview wasn't working. (Post template)
  2485. ! The page index was shown incorrectly when users were denied their request to view all posts in a topic. (Display.php) [Bug 2314]
  2486. June 2008
  2487. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2488. + It is now possible for themes to define "variations" (Such as colors) and have SMF do all the UI for it. (Themes.php, Load.php, Themes and index templates, Themes language file)
  2489. ! Added some compression to the character set conversion schemas. (script.js)
  2490. * Image inconsistency on ManagePermissions. (ManagePermissions template) [Bug 2147]
  2491. ! Fixed the auto suggest not supporting non-UTF8 character sets. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1895]
  2492. & Viewing membergroups was missing the associated action. (Who language file) [Bug 2149]
  2493. ! Don't log the user into the online log if they are entering a verification code - as the action won't make sense anyway. (index.php) [Bug 2149]
  2494. ! When you turn off post moderation, approve everything. (PostModeration.php, ManageSettings.php) [Bug 2138]
  2495. & The password reminder text made about as much sense as being vegetarian. (Profile language file) [Bug 2151]
  2496. ! Upgrade could turn back on post moderation - bad boy! (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 2133]
  2497. ! Add the brute force check to reminder emails. (Reminder.php)
  2498. ! The number of permissions per group was being miscounted slightly. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 2108]
  2499. ! Split topics wouldn't always work on PostgreSQL due to bad grouping. (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 2090]
  2500. ! Applying signature settings would replace all instances of an over-ratio image sig. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 2085]
  2501. ! If the user can select more than one option in a poll - limit it to the number of options. (Display.php, SSI.php)
  2502. ! The UTF-8 check on install wouldn't work due to lack of server connection. (install.php) [Bug 2054]
  2503. ! SQLite should not return error text if connection fails, instead hold it in db_error. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1730]
  2504. ! Do a better job counting inserts on the installer. (install.php) [Bug 2087]
  2505. ! Fixed a bug causing a nasty loop on entering invalid BBC tags. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2166]
  2506. ! Optimized the first half of the legalise_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2507. ! Could not create custom search index in PostgreSQL due to syntax errors. (DbSearch-postgresql.php)
  2508. ! The ban list wasn't working on PostgreSQL. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 2049]
  2509. ! The list control now supports setting the default sort direction. (Subs-List.php)
  2510. ! Sort the ban list by newest first, by default. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 2136]
  2511. ! Automatically approve any messages or posts being moved towards the recycle bin. (RemoveTopic.php, MoveTopic.php) [Bug 2134]
  2512. * The recent posts template was displaying horribly. (Recent template)
  2513. + Added support for webslices, and used them for recent posts. (News.php, BoardIndex template, Xml template, index language file)
  2514. ! A space is needed before the /> in xhtml or else pages will not validate. (Many files) [Bug 2206]
  2515. ! Show the number of downloads for attachments when managing attachments from the admin panel. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 2208]
  2516. ! The query to check for ALTER privileges was still using ID_BOARD, causing it to always fail. (install.php) [Bug 2220]
  2517. * Fixed validation issue in MessageIndex template. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 2218]
  2518. ! TrackIP wasn't respecting board permissions. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 2223]
  2519. ! The WYSIWYG editor seems to work with Safari so lets allow it. (editor.js) [Bug 1484]
  2520. ! The javascript password verification wasn't stopping use of email as password. (register.js) [Bug 2215]
  2521. ! The editor resizer doesn't work on the rubbish versions of Opera. (editor.js) [Bug 1468]
  2522. ! Fixed possible undefined index but in Search. (Search.php) [Bug 2205]
  2523. ! PostgreSQL doesn't support full text. (SearchAPI-Fulltext.php) [Bug 2197]
  2524. ! Some repair queries wern't working on RepairBoards. (RepairBoards.php) [Bug 2120]
  2525. ! Work around an annoying bug in some MySQL versions. (upgrade.php, install.php, ScheduledTasks.php, Display.php)
  2526. ! Password reminders did not work when using a validation code. (Reminder.php) [Bug 2232]
  2527. ! Users loaded in loadMemberContext() are never guests. (Load.php) [Bug 2224]
  2528. ! Backup wasn't working in PostgreSQL. (DbExtra-xxx.php) [Bug 2235]
  2529. ! Finally got repair boards to work on all databases by doing more work, I'm afraid. (RepairBoards.php) [Bug 2234]
  2530. & Change the formatting of the guest welcome text on the semantic theme. (index template, index language file) [Bug 2233]
  2531. ! Users could not delete their own topics using quick moderation. (MessageIndex.php) [Bug 2236]
  2532. ! Removing and restoring topics wasn't always logged properly. (MessageIndex.php, RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 1827]
  2533. ! Multiple topics could not be restored at the same time using quick moderation. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 2239]
  2534. ! A member's username was being shown instead of their display name when viewing warned members. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1965]
  2535. ! Optimized the second half of the legalise_bbc function. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2181]
  2536. * The message index was not always valid xhtml. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 2249]
  2537. ! PostgreSQL didn't know how to find an integer in a set. (install_2-0_postgresql.sql)
  2538. May 2008
  2539. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2540. ! Tell PostgreSQL how to convert an integer into a timestamp (Subs-Db-Postgresql.php) [Bug 2048]
  2541. + Added support for XCache. (Admin.php, Load.php, ManageServer.php, Subs-Admin.php, ManageSettings language file) [Feature 1937]
  2542. ! When issuing a warning, check to see if there are no errors before sending them a notification about the warning. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 1955, Bug 1996]
  2543. ! More substring replacements for SQLite. (Themes.php) [Bug 2005]
  2544. ! Can't use file_exists on an url. It needs a path. (Subs-Menu.php) [Bug 1994]
  2545. ! Remember the collapse state for guests and the info center. (index.template.php) [Bug 1977]
  2546. ! Comma format the stats for ssi_boardStats. (SSI.php) [Bug 1968]
  2547. ! When adding a ban or reporting a post to a moderator, make sure to use the UTF-8 compatible htmlspecialchars function. (ManageBans.php, SendTopic.php) [Bug 1958,1963]
  2548. ! When viewing the posts of watched users, take into account the smileys and check if they are to be shown or not. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1966]
  2549. ! After sending the Location header in Settings.php, just exit. (Settings.php) [Bug 2010]
  2550. ! Fixed a JavaScript syntax error that occurred when operations failed. (Packages template) [Bug 1651]
  2551. * The wrong sub_action was being set when toggling the sidebar on the admin panel. (GenericMenu template) [Bug 2003]
  2552. ! The title for the watch users by posts was wrong. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1990]
  2553. * Use a more noticeable icon for the notification notice popup when looking at the warnings issues to a user on the profile page. (Profile template) [Bug 1993]
  2554. ! It was possible to get undefined errors when sending newsletters and not sending a PM with it. (ManageNews.php) [Bug 1962]
  2555. ! Trim the trailing slashes from theme_dir when creating a copy of the default theme. (Themes.php) [Bug 1782]
  2556. + Added icons to the quick admin tasks in the admin home page. Thanks to m3talc0re for the icons. (Admin.php, Admin template, admin.css) [Feature 1639]
  2557. ! The language editor didn't take into account utf8 language files when saving. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1791,2012]
  2558. + When making a copy of the default theme, generate a theme_info.xml file. (Themes.php) [Feature 201]
  2559. ! When making a copy of the default theme, increase the time limit. (Themes.php)
  2560. ! When splitting topics, take into account the user defined messages per page setting. (SplitTopics.php) [Feature 1970]
  2561. ! When loading themes that have custom Settings template and language file, load the language before the template and force a language reload. (Themes.php) [Bug 1935]
  2562. ! Password strength was not being checked when passwords were reset using a secret question. (Reminder.php) [Bug 1959]
  2563. + Added integrate_output_error hook for integrations that want to display errors in the integrated script instead of SMF. (Errors.php)
  2564. ! Package functions wern't always using default correctly. (DbPackages-mysql.php, DbPackages-sqlite.php) [Bug 2022]
  2565. ! Some functions were renamed when they shouldn't have been. (ManageSmileys.php, Reminder.php) [Bug 2011]
  2566. ! Make the page title HTML safe. (Subs.php, index templates) [Bug 2015]
  2567. ! If the user makes an error when creating admin account on install, protect the variables. (install.php) [Bug 1613]
  2568. ! Always set the timezone on install, to avoid errors. (install.php) [Bug 2019]
  2569. ! The WYSIWYG editor wasn't doing too well with complex paragraphs, and some crazy embedded styles. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2570. ! Don't show warning PMs as being from the "guest" membergroup. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1997]
  2571. ! Don't give a javascript error if the BBC buttons are disabled. (GenericControls template, script.js) [Bug 1972]
  2572. & The error message for invalid range when tracking an IP was setting a bad example. (Profile-View.php, Errors language file) [Bug 1991]
  2573. ! It's now possible to resize richedit controls - but only on Firefox so far. (script.js, resize-handle.gif)
  2574. * Fixed too big font-sizes in IE7/IE6 for default theme, future theme (default/css/ie6.css, future/css/ie7.css) [Bug 1892]
  2575. * Added missing icons in admin sections/menu (Admin.php) [Bug 1759]
  2576. * Changed dots to background arrow for drop-menus with child menus (dropmenu.css, GenericMenu.template) [Bug 1187]
  2577. * Typos in forum.css (default/css/forum.css, future/css/forum.css) [Bug 2030]
  2578. & When toggling the sidebar, set the subaction only if its being set. (GenericMenu template) [Bug 2034]
  2579. ! Some places were still using 'sc' instead of 'sesc' for sessions in the url. (Several files) [Bug 2031]
  2580. ! Don't show the auto renew subscription option if it's disabled. (Subsciptions-PayPal.php) [Bug 2035]
  2581. ! Only show the closing form tag if not in the last step. (install.php) [Bug 2029]
  2582. ! Changed the way that prefix are validated when installing. (install.php, Install language file) [Bug 1735]
  2583. ! JavaScript doesn't like commas at the end of the last element in an array. It goes crazy. (editor.js) [Bug 2032]
  2584. ! Sorting bans by triggers resulted in a database error. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 2036]
  2585. ! Flash wasn't being disabled properly on the BBC button menu. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2033]
  2586. ! Smileys with HTML in their code were dissapearing on post. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 2038]
  2587. & Tweak the number of voters text, to stress it's current members only. (index language file) [Bug 2008]
  2588. ! Try to give better error messages in the package manager. (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php, upgrade.php) [Bug 2039]
  2589. ! Scheduled tasks is no longer a subsection of Forum Maintenance. (Admin.php, ManageMaitenance.php, ManageMaintenance template, Admin and ManageMaintenance language files) [Feature 1322]
  2590. ! Added the Tasks Log, Spider Log and Ban Log to the Logs section. (various files) [Feature 1319]
  2591. ! Fixed some PostgreSQL bugs. (ManageNews.php, ManageSearchEngines.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 2047,2048,2050]
  2592. ! If a modification is malformed don't give undefined index errors, and tell them which file it is. (Packages.php) [Bug 2046]
  2593. + Add database level login brute force protection. (Load.php, LogInOut.php, Error language file, upgrade and install scripts)
  2594. ! Casting an array as an integer is not a good idea. Lets loop through the array and cast it's values as integers. (Search.php) [Bug 1961]
  2595. ! Keep things consistent and make Spider Logs -> Spider Log. (Admin language file) [Bug 2045]
  2596. ! Scheduled Tasks page was using the Forum Maintenance title. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance language file) [Bug 2044]
  2597. ! When warning a member because of a message, make sure that the msg id is casted as an integer. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 2065]
  2598. ! Fields in SQLite are case sensitive. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php, LogInOut.php)
  2599. ! Remember the database filename for SQLite if an error occurs on install. (install.php) [Bug 2052]
  2600. ! Some request variables were not being casted as integers when giving someone a +/- karma. (Karma.php) [Bug 2099]
  2601. ! When searching, it was still possible to get a database error if the search relevance was a double instead of an integer. (Search.php) [Bug 1714]
  2602. ! Some links had extra unneeded semicolons at the end. (Subs-BoardIndex.php, Profile template) [Bug 2080,2082]
  2603. ! Unapproved posts in the moderation area didn't take into account if smileys were enabled or not. (PostModeration.php) [Bug 2094]
  2604. ! Strip slashes for database name on install. (install.php) [Bug 2052]
  2605. ! Make sure the cache is properly cleared whenever a topic is moved from one board to another. (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 2111]
  2606. * Gender images were not displayed on posts properly. (Display template) [Bug 2100]
  2607. ! When registering a user via the admin panel, set the ip to the local host ip. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 2083]
  2608. ! Sometimes when deleting attachments they wouldn't delete. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 2089]
  2609. ! Don't use hard coded language string for the prompts in the rich editor. (Subs-Editor.php, editor.js, index language file) [Feature 2067]
  2610. ! When ever possible use fatal_error over trigger error for database errors. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 2057]
  2611. & Removed duplicate language string entry for calendar_link_event. (index language file) [Bug 2051]
  2612. ! Added the page offset to the board link for Moderation Log entries. (Modlog.php) [Bug 2097]
  2613. ! Redirect after submitting a moderation comment to prevent double submission. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1779]
  2614. ! Some databases require you to have a GROUP BY clause when using HAVING. (Display.php) [Bug 2086]
  2615. ! Announcing a topic to only regular members threw an error after the first batch. (Post.php) [Bug 2061]
  2616. ! Make sure only valid topics can be announced. (Post.php) [Bug 2064]
  2617. ! A poll's expiration date was not being checked in SSI. (SSI.php) [Bug 2121]
  2618. ! Users with permission to manage membergroups were not shown the manage membergroups button in the admin menu. (Admin.php) [Bug 2126]
  2619. ! The email form occasionally showed the user's user name instead of their display name. (SendTopic.php) [Bug 1874]
  2620. ! The integrate_fix_url hook was not working properly. (News.php) [Bug 2132]
  2621. ! The regular expression to remove the DESC from the GROUP BY in SQLite was a bit too greedy. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php)
  2622. ! Added moderation notes as part of the default items in the Moderation Center. (ModerationCenter.php) [Feature 2122]
  2623. ! Logging in and out was not working in PostgreSQL due to the case sensitive names. (LogInOut.php) [Bug 2127]
  2624. ! Removed WYSIWYG support for IE 5.0 as it didn't work properly. (editor.js)
  2625. ! Revised event handling by the WYSIWYG editor so that they work within OOP context. (editor.js)
  2626. ! Added IE/Opera support to the textarea resizing function. (editor.js)
  2627. ! Fixed wrapping bbc tags around the current caret position in WYSIWYG mode for FF. (editor.js)
  2628. ! Move cursor to the end of the inserted bbc tags if something was selected. (editor.js)
  2629. ! Allow HTML entities to be used as username, allowing latin character sets to be used for non-latin usernames. (LogInOut.php, Subs-Auth.php, Subs-Members.php, sha1.js) [Bug 1466]
  2630. ! Remove HTML-entities from the shown filename. (Display.php, ManageAttachments.php, SSI.php)
  2631. ! Attempt to send a proper filename when downloading a non-ASCII named attachment. (Display.php)
  2632. ! The links to set individual board's permissions were incorrect. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  2633. ! Fixed inserting smileys not working properly in Opera. (editor.js)
  2634. ! Make sure only those allowed to receive notifications can request them. (Post.php) [Bug 2095]
  2635. ! Guests could receive disallowed permissions when copied from another group or profile. (ManagePermissions.php)
  2636. * No arrow were shown on highlighted menus with submenus. (GenericMenu template) [Bug 2044]
  2637. * Fixed some validation issues on admin pages. (Admin template, GenericMenu template) [Bug 2146]
  2638. ! The subject of the 'report to moderator' mail notification wasn't properly encoded. (SendTopic.php) [Bug 1856]
  2639. ! When browsing avatars the popup address was wrong if using a custom avatar directory. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 2139]
  2640. ! An undefined index error was thrown if a corrupt package was uploaded. (Packages template)
  2641. ! Quick Edit used html entities where it shouldn't. (script.js, sha1.js, xml_topic.js) [Bug 1580,1836]
  2642. ! Standardized and centralized the url encoding and 8 bit conversion of JavaScript textual parameters (script.js, editor.js, register.js, suggest.js, xml_board.js, xml_topic.js)
  2643. ! Fixed the registration name check not working properly with HTML entities. (Register.php)
  2644. * Fixed duplicate ID causing the quick edit subject to appear at the wrong place. (Display template)
  2645. ! Fixed ISO-8859-9 and added ISO-8859-5 and ISO-8859-15 to the JavaScript character set conversion. (script.js)
  2646. ! PostgreSQL won't like group by on not all columns. (Display.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php)
  2647. ! Make sure mail queue emails are parsed as strings. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 1841]
  2648. ! If there's nothing to search for due to some dodgy characters, then just skip it. (Search.php) [Bug 2088]
  2649. ! Make sure the page title really does handle entities correctly. (Subs.php) [Bug 2077]
  2650. ! The JavaScript character set conversion was still not fully identical to a typical form submission process. (script.js)
  2651. April 2008
  2652. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2653. * The link to import a smiley was not correct. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageSmileys template) [Bug 1862]
  2654. & If a member was banned while logged in they would not receive the correct error. (Security.php, index language file) [Bug 1862]
  2655. ! Add some extra variable safety into SMF. (index.php)
  2656. & Emailing a user should appear in who's online. (Who language file) [Bug 1875]
  2657. ! Email form was showing the wrong name. (SendTopic.php) [Bug 1874]
  2658. ! "Allow users to email" still wasn't working. (Register.php) [Bug 1873]
  2659. ! Check time offset always returns something valid. (profile.js) [Bug 1871]
  2660. ! Allow warned admins to change their warning level. (Profile-Actions.php, Profile template) [Bug 1867]
  2661. ! Display lists better in search results. (Search.php) [Bug 1869]
  2662. ! Paid subscriptions wasn't allow deletion of completed subscriptions. (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 1864]
  2663. ! Auto detecting the time offset wasn't working in some locales. (Profile.php, Profile template, profile.js) [Bug 1860]
  2664. ! WYSIWYG editor is now themable. (Load.php, Subs-Editor.php, editor.js)
  2665. ! If you define a custom menu subsection URL then don't force the 'sa' index into the URL. (Admin.php, GenericMenu template) [Bug 1877]
  2666. + Add a new variable in SSI, $ssi_on_error_method, that allows users to define how to handle errors in SSI. (SSI.php, Errors.php) [Feature 1084]
  2667. ! By default assume the admin will want to email users through the forum, but allow them to select their email address from the email screen. (SendTopic.php, SendTopic template) [Feature 1872]
  2668. * Updated some templates for the above change. (Profile, Display templates)
  2669. ! Fixed undefined index error when logging in with OpenID. (Subs-OpenID.php) [Bug 1804]
  2670. ! Ensure totalMembers is set on install. (install scripts) [Bug 1798]
  2671. ! ssi_fetchGroupMembers was incorrectly sorting by username, not display name. (SSI.php) [Bug 1800]
  2672. ! Changing core settings was destroying the custom profile field cache. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 1792]
  2673. ! BBC cleaner upper was being a little more aggressive than need be, time to reign it back in, as it was messing up some languages translations. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 1807]
  2674. ! Moderation cache wasn't respecting people who could manage membergroups. (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 1817]
  2675. ! The "simple" permission management screen would cause a javascript error with disabled permissions. (ManagePermissions template) [Bug 1783]
  2676. ! XML feeds (RSS etc) were not having the URLs prepared right if queryless URLs were enabled. (News.php) [Bug 1790]
  2677. ! The admin menu wasn't hiding itself properly for those who could not enter. (Admin.php, Moderate.php) [Bug 1774]
  2678. ! Add a function for destroying a menu. (Subs-Menu.php)
  2679. + Allow moderators to add custom warning messages. (Profile-Actions.php, Profile template, ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter language file) [Feature 1497]
  2680. ! Shut PHP up about magic quotes. (QueryString.php) [Bug 1658]
  2681. ! User searching wasn't doing it by name and username. (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 1815]
  2682. ! On the board index don't let search engines index it if there is something in the querystring, other than the session ID. (BoardIndex.php)
  2683. ! Block requests that have http at the start of the query string as it's annoying. (QueryString.php)
  2684. ! Only index topics that have come through normal page links. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php)
  2685. ! Generally, stop robots indexing stupid pages. (Several files)
  2686. ! Change last post links on message index for guests to improve indexing. (MessageIndex.php)
  2687. * Don't show action=unread links for guests. (BoardIndex and Message index templates)
  2688. ! Inline permissions were not saving right. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1884]
  2689. ! Fixed undefined index error for reported posts. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1811]
  2690. ! Code blocks were using white-space: pre, which does not work well with IE. (style.css) [Bug 1802]
  2691. ! Moved the future index template into the default, and added new stylesheets as a result. (style.css, index.css, ie6.css, ie7.css, index template)
  2692. ! Fixed up some problems with the new templates, and moved the board index across. (forum.css, index.css, style.css, main/mirror tab images, BoardIndex template, index template)
  2693. ! Added a variable to show when a function has had it's templates updated. (BoardIndex.php, index template)
  2694. * Fixed css issues with future theme, converted Display.template (future/templates)
  2695. ! If max number of attachments per post is disabled, show the upload field and set the limit to 50 per page load. (Post.php) [Bug 1902]
  2696. ! Wrong variable was being used for the key in the $matches array. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 1896]
  2697. ! Some actions were in the wrong order. (index.php) [Bug 1906]
  2698. ! Recounting forum totals and statistics sometimes caused a database error. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  2699. ! Keep search engine list sorted by user agent order. (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 1924]
  2700. ! Send 503 when the forum is down. (Subs-Auth.php) [Feature 1926]
  2701. ! Send nofollow on sorting links on generic lists, memberlist and the who template. (Who, GenericList templates)
  2702. ! No search engine indexing for guest login screen thanks. (Security.php)
  2703. ! Put the new message index template live into the default theme, and fix a few errors elsewhere. (forum.css, MessageIndex.php, style.css)
  2704. ! SQLite doesn't support RLIKE, so make our own. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1724]
  2705. ! Expanding message size wasn't working. (ManagePosts.php) [Bug 1918]
  2706. ! Removed migrated templates from future theme directory as it will use default. (Several templates)
  2707. ! LoadTemplate wasn't failling back to the default theme properly for style sheets. (Load.php) [Bug 1900]
  2708. ! Make the audio CAPTCHA harder to detect with scripts. (Subs-Sound.php)
  2709. ! Tab image sizes meant too long or too short tabs were looking wrong. (mirrortab_first/last.gif, maintab_first/last.gif)
  2710. ! Fixed some problems left on the message index. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 1932]
  2711. ! Changed the way template_button_strip works to make it more efficient. (index template)
  2712. ! Fixed some validation issues in the updated theme templates. (BoardIndex template) [Bug 1922]
  2713. & Removed unused language string, "to delete_blank". (Post language file) [Bug 1913]
  2714. ! Put the "future" display template into the default theme. (Display template)
  2715. ! On PHP 4.2.0 seed the random generator - reported by Jessica Hope. (Subs-Compat.php, index.php)
  2716. ! Remove HTML recursively from normal user's posts - reported by Jessica Hope. (Subs-Post.php)
  2717. ! Custom profile fields wouldn't play nice in non-latin languages. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 1885]
  2718. ! Added some more randomization to CAPTCHA sound. (Subs-Sound.php) [Bug 1920]
  2719. ! Mac wasn't being detected as windows. (Load.php) [Bug 1947]
  2720. & Minor typo in language string index. (PackageGet.php, FixLanguage.php, Packages language file) [Bug 1948]
  2721. ! Send some very basic traceback info on a solid error in the database - very basic. (Subs-Db-xxx.php)
  2722. ! If you were not an admin and you tried to do an upgrade you simply got a database error. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1946]
  2723. ! Added some temporary images to get tabs looking right in non-upgraded themes, other tweaks. (forum.css, maintab_first_prev.gif (etc))
  2724. - Removed noindex from wireless pages as it will stop mobile indexers. (Wireless template)
  2725. ! Always clean the language class when debugging. (Subs.php)
  2726. ! The spider display setting was unclean and not working right. (Who.php, Search language file) [Bug 1940]
  2727. ! Added CSS class, "normallist", for standard list - that do need formatting. (style.css, Help language file)
  2728. * Link to the right section of the post approval center when clicking the board/message index link. (BoardIndex, MessageIndex templates) [Bug 1929]
  2729. * Reattribute post template was invalid, and making it unusable in Firefox. (ManageMaintenance template) [Bug 1916]
  2730. ! Custom profile fields can now be marked as editable by the owner and admin only, invisible to users. (ManageSettings.php, Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php, ManageSettings language file) [Feature 1901]
  2731. ! Stats had an unnecessary group in the query. (Stats.php) [Bug 1830]
  2732. ! Tabs were not being displayed right with code blocks in firefox. (Subs.php) [Bug 1944]
  2733. ! The nobbc was getting auto closed too many times. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1831]
  2734. ! Cache the recent posts for slightly less time and search harder for messages as it's now cached. (Subs-Recent.php) [Bug 1819]
  2735. ! Don't allow spell checking to suggest censored words. (Subs-Post.php, Search.php) [Bug 882]
  2736. + Allow admins to override meta keywords tag. (ManageSettings.php, index templates, ManageSettings and Help language files)
  2737. ! Ensure that the meta description and, in some cases, forum name, are html'd when used in tags. (Subs.php, index templates) [Bug 1893]
  2738. ! Use the "send email" form in all places except admin areas. (PersonalMessage, Memberlist, Profile templates) [Bug 1872]
  2739. ! Ensure you can only skip admin account creation if you have no admins, and clean erroneous username characters. (install.php) [Bug 1733]
  2740. ! rtrim quotes to avoid any trailing line breaks (etc). (Post.php)
  2741. ! When quoting html tags, keep the line breaks. (Post.php) [Bug 1897]
  2742. ! Ensure that in the rich text editor all normal breaks are converted to html breaks. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2743. ! Sometimes the package installer/uninstaller could ask for FTP when it didn't need it. (Packages.php) [Bug 1899]
  2744. ! Give a more accurate status message to people upgrading their language/template files. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1767]
  2745. ! Present a user installing SMF with a more obvious error message if the install scripts are missing. (install.php, install language file) [Bug 1863]
  2746. ! RepairBoards wasn't setting unapproved post count right. (RepairBoards.php)
  2747. ! Restore posts wasn't setting all the necessary statistics so it got a partial rewrite. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 1943]
  2748. ! Upgrade now requires the Install language file, and uses this for some of the primary language strings. (upgrade.php, Install language file)
  2749. ! Don't allow the use of numeric prefixes for SQLite. (install.php) [Bug 1672]
  2750. ! Make posting keyboard shortcuts (alt+s, ctrl+b etc) work in Firefox on the post page. (editor.js)
  2751. ! The syntax for REGEXP is slightly different from RLIKE in SQLite. (Subs-DB-sqlite.php) [Bug 1936]
  2752. ! In some cases search relevance returned doubles but the database expected integers so now they are casted as integers. (Search.php) [Bug 1714]
  2753. ! Check to see if the database filename exists for SQLite. If so just return an error. (install.php, Install language file) [Bug 1731]
  2754. ! Show the full path for the database filename in SQLite. (install.php) [Bug 1729]
  2755. ! iPhone uses the same engine as the iPod but different agents so detect the iPod as an iPhone as well. (Load,php, script.js) [Feature 1951]
  2756. + Updated the installer to use a similar style to the upgrade tool, cleaning things up in the process. (install.php, Install language file)
  2757. & Language entry for not_activated was added to the wrong language file. (Admin and ManageMembers language files) [Bug 1953]
  2758. * Use a different warning message when uninstalling a mod that contains errors. (Packages template, Packages language file) [Bug 1837]
  2759. ! Try to prevent double submission of the modification installation form. (Packages.php, Packages template) [Bug 1950]
  2760. ! XML comments weren't properly parsed in package XML files. (Class-Package.php)
  2761. March 2008
  2762. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2763. ! Recycled posts and topics can now be restore via quick moderation. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, RemoveTopic.php, Display and MessageIndex templates, index language file) [Feature 1343]
  2764. ! Restoring topics now uses the move_any permission instead of the moderate_forum. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, RemoveTopic.php)
  2765. ! Some queries were missing the substring identifier in SSI.php. (SSI.php)
  2766. ! We don't use short joins in queries any more. (SSI.php)
  2767. ! Downloading a database dump in SQLite would sometime fail due to an error in the headers sent. (DbExtra-sqlite.php)
  2768. ! Check to see if the db_filename is empty when installing under SQLite. (install.php, Install language file) [Bug 1732]
  2769. ! When using the "Today" feature moderation note submission times were parsed incorrectly. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1778]
  2770. ! Password reminders were not being sent out by email. (Reminder.php) [Bug 1780]
  2771. * The classic theme was showing a header for child boards when there were none. (MessageIndex template) [Bug 1777]
  2772. ! Calendar events were being shown on the board index regardless of where they were set to show. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 1776]
  2773. ! Banned members could still post unapproved replies and topics if post moderation was enabled. (Security.php) [Bug 1775]
  2774. ! Calendar events that were not linked to a post could not be edited. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 1788]
  2775. ! Members were being shown as duplicates of themselves when awaiting activation. (Subs-Members.php) [Bug 1786]
  2776. * Search results were not styled in quote box correctly. (Search template) [Bug 1785]
  2777. * Update wireless mode to handle the new code for code and quote BBC. (Wireless template)
  2778. ! The default action for admin account creation on new installs was "skip" instead of "finish". (install.php) [Bug 1797]
  2779. ! The webmaster email was not being written to the settings file on new installs. (install.php)
  2780. ! Skipping admin account creation caused a database error if a session was already present in the database. (install.php)
  2781. ! Some database functions for packages were adding the database prefix multiple times. (DbPackages-xxxx.php) [Bug 1793]
  2782. ! Board deletion was not being logged in the administrative log properly. (Subs-Boards.php) [Bug 1795]
  2783. ! Requesting group membership caused an undefined variable error. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1799]
  2784. ! Set quick reply to be shown but collapsed by default. (Register.php) [Feature 1845]
  2785. ! The sendpm function should load the PM language file in case it needs encounters an error. (Subs-Post.php)
  2786. ! Parse the BBC in previous notice text. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1846]
  2787. ! Sort the smileys table immediately after enabling smileys. (MangeSmileys.php) [Bug 1834]
  2788. ! When moving a topic make sure the current board isn't select as the default value. (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 1833]
  2789. ! The unapproved reply permission was showing a reply link on locked topics. (Display.php) [Bug 1829]
  2790. ! Disable WYSIWYG if BBC is disabled. (Post.php, PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1809]
  2791. ! The group requests and the group listings was using the member name instead of the real name. (Groups.php, ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1816]
  2792. ! Having a moderator watch list with members who all have 0 posts was causing a database error. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1832]
  2793. ! Fixed upgrade script erroring if theme paths were wrong - give them a big warning instead. (upgrade.php)
  2794. ! Upgrade wasn't slashing board names sometimes. (upgrade_2-0.sql)
  2795. ! cache_getOffsetIndependentEvents doesn't need Calendar.php. (Subs-Calendar.php)
  2796. ! getEventRange didn't always include the link index of events. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 1848]
  2797. ! Change the index on the manage mail queue to make it faster. (install and upgrade scripts)
  2798. ! Reverse the logic behind the priority flag on mails to work to MySQL's natural sorting advantage. (Many files)
  2799. ! Announcements and newsletters are now sent lower priority than notifications as they can go whenever. (ManageNews.php, Post.php)
  2800. ! Make sure password/activation emails are sent right away. (Several files)
  2801. ! Don't show areas of the moderation center to people who can't access them. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1810]
  2802. ! Added variables for IE8. (Load.php, script.js)
  2803. ! Don't throw an error if moderation log data in the database is a little off. (Modlog.php)
  2804. * Themes that didn't use tabs threw some errors on the manage attachments screen. (ManageAttachments template) [Bug 1854]
  2805. ! Searching for members by their primary group resulted in a database error. (ManageMembers.php, Subs-Members.php) [Bug 1850]
  2806. ! The session was not being checked when approving posts. (PostModeration.php) [Bug 1851]
  2807. ! Don't let guests issue warnings. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 1857]
  2808. ! Size custom profile input fields a little more logically. (Profile.php)
  2809. ! The javascript verification password should only be true if the main password is true. (register.js)
  2810. ! Autocheck the username is available when the user has typed it in register. (register.js)
  2811. ! show_online wasn't being cast to an int. (Subs.php, Subs-Membmers.php)
  2812. ! The register "allow users to email me" option wasn't really being done right. (Register.php, Register template) [Bug 1858]
  2813. + Allow the admin to set the server timezone. (ManageSettings.php, ManageSettings and Help language files)
  2814. ! Upgrade and install scripts should now work with MySQL 6, assuming you are starting from 2.0. (install.php, upgrade.php, install_2-0_mysql.sql, upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql) [Bug 1859]
  2815. ! Make sure the "Play Sound" doesn't follow the link. (captcha.js) [Bug 1784]
  2816. SMF 2.0 Beta 3 Public 17 March 2008
  2817. ================================================================================
  2818. March 2008
  2819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2820. ! Ensure memcached version information is displayed correctly when available. (Subs-Admin.php)
  2821. ! Split topics would cause a database error. (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 1754]
  2822. ! Magic quotes still applies on parse_str, so work around this too. (QueryString.php) [Bug 1588]
  2823. ! Allow styling of the WYSWIYG editor border, and make it look the same in all browsers. (editor.js, editor.css, editor_ie.css) [Bug 1146]
  2824. ! The activateaccount function existed twice. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1757]
  2825. ! Pagination wasn't working for unapproved topics. (PostModeration.php) [Bug 1753]
  2826. ! Latest news in the moderation center could cause a javascript error. (ModerationCenter template) [Bug 1608]
  2827. * Added a new image for use in the package manager for viewing operations and make it always use the default theme. (package_ops.gif)
  2828. ! Warn a user if they are running install on an existing install. (install.php)
  2829. ! Allow the skipping of admin account creation on install. (install.php)
  2830. + Also track edits to a user's custom profile fields. (Profile-Modify.php, Profile-View.php) [Bug 1683]
  2831. ! Adding an index wouldn't work quite right. (DbPackages-xxxx.php)
  2832. ! Dump database was incorrectly checking memory allocation. (DumpDatabase.php)
  2833. + Install and upgrade will now warn you if your script is out of date. (install and upgrade scripts)
  2834. * Use tabindex on quick modify to ensure the input jumps as expected. (Display templates)
  2835. ! If deleting a conversation delete items in your outbox and inbox. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1674]
  2836. ! Only the first page of moderator notes could be viewed if caching was enabled. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1762]
  2837. ! The scheduled task log could not be emptied. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 1825]
  2838. ! The unescape string function did not work in PostgreSQL (Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 1828]
  2839. ! Upgrade failed if a board using local permissions had an apostrophe in its name. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql)
  2840. ! In some cases merging topics would cause a database error. (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 1844]
  2841. ! It was impossible to reactivate an account after it was marked for deletion. (LogInOut.php)
  2842. SMF 2.0 Beta 3 15 March 2008
  2843. ================================================================================
  2844. March 2008
  2845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2846. ! When sorting by IP use INET_ATON to sort them properly. (ManageMembers.php, Profile-View.php) [Bug 1671]
  2847. ! When viewing the warning notices that were sent to a member resulted in a database error. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1670]
  2848. ! Post moderation wasn't fully gone in its disabled state. (several files)
  2849. ! The current_member parameter should be casted as raw instead of integer. (PersonalMessage.php)
  2850. ! SQLite is picky when int is used as an column type for primary fields. Use integer instead. (install_2-0_sqlite.sql)
  2851. * Use javascript to create the AJAX notification. (index template, script.js)
  2852. * Give the quick edit and post warning icons title attributes. (Display template, index language file) [Feature 1411]
  2853. * More changes to future theme. Started on Display.template (Themes/future)
  2854. ! In some languages smf news feeds might not display correctly. (News.php) [Bug 1686]
  2855. ! Fixed query in profile. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1688]
  2856. ! Query error in MergeTopics. (SplitTopics.php) [Bug 1690]
  2857. ! Fixed query error in Display. (Display.php) [Bug 1691]
  2858. ! Added $modSettings['postmod_active'] as a shortcut to define whether post moderation is doing something. (Several files)
  2859. ! Issueing a warning was displaying the username not display name. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 1687]
  2860. ! Fixed undefined index when editing a poll. (Poll.php) [Bug 1682]
  2861. ! Truncate poll questions so they look nicer. (Post.php, Poll.php) [Bug 1681]
  2862. & There were two strings with the same index in one file. (ModerationCenter language file) [Bug 1673]
  2863. ! If the user is adding more than one person to a PM, try do them all one after another. (suggest.js) [Bug 1663]
  2864. ! When deleting or labelling a conversation in personal messages do it to every message. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1674]
  2865. + Added the ability to support tabs to the generic list. (Subs-List.php, GenericList template)
  2866. * Changed the order subscription page looks in the profile section. (ManagePaid template)
  2867. ! Better handle replacing of smileys in the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1477]
  2868. & The description for the moderation center boxes setting is no longer needed as it now uses checkboxes. (Moderation Center template, Moderation Center language file) [Bug 1667]
  2869. ! Language files downloaded from the admin panel were not always saved to the disk correctly. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1538]
  2870. ! Language files with an underscore didn't work with the language editor. (ManageServer.php)
  2871. & The order button's text was hardcoded in the subscriptions page. (ManagePaid template, ManagePaid language file) [Bug 1697]
  2872. ! Attachments couldn't be approved or deleted from the moderation center due to a database error. (PostModeration.php) [Bug 1693]
  2873. ! Bans that have expired shouldn't trigger a hit on the email address. (Security.php) [Bug 1684]
  2874. & Missing global. (ManagePaid language file) [Bug 1698]
  2875. ! Copyright function could sometimes spit out bad HTML. (Subs.php)
  2876. * Calendar template was missing an opening div. (Calendar template) [Bug 1637]
  2877. * Make lists show up better in wireless mode. (Wireless template) [Bug 1349]
  2878. - Removed the ability to pass an unhashed password to the login function via GET. (LogInOut.php) [Bug 467]
  2879. & Duplicated txt entry. (Profile language file) [Bug 1661]
  2880. & Some old email text strings hadn't been removed. (ManageMembers language file) [Bug 1565]
  2881. ! Wrong index name was being used for paid subscriptions errors. (subscriptions.php)
  2882. ! Stop adding new people adding more than one and/or submitting the form. (suggest.js) [Bug 1659]
  2883. ! Group requests were being made much too safe. (Groups.php) [Bug 1706]
  2884. ! Use <code> for BBC code tag and <blockquote> for BBC quote tag. (Subs.php, style.css)
  2885. ! Hopefully fix some post moderation issues. (Several files) [Bug 1707]
  2886. ! Some database backup options were not being followed. (DumpDatabase.php) [Bug 1653]
  2887. ! SQLite doesn't have a CONCAT function of its own. (Subs-Db-sqlie.php) [Bug 1702]
  2888. ! SQLite doesn't have LOCATE so we need to create it. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1602]
  2889. ! Sorting some options in Manage Membergroup resulted in database error for SQLite. (Subs-ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 1603]
  2890. ! Some debugging code was left in the database initialization functions. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php) [Bug 1708]
  2891. ! Removed some incorrect spacing. (Various files) [Bug 1385]
  2892. ! Try to make key names as unique as possible for package operations to accommodate for different modification files. (Packages.php) [Bug 1703]
  2893. ! Set the $connection paramenter to null by default for transactions in SQLite to make the connection optional. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1701]
  2894. ! Rewrote the upgrade file for SQLite. This is a temporary method until the custom alter table support is added to SMF. (upgrade_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 1546]
  2895. ! The link to sort the moderation report actions table was incorrect. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1704]
  2896. ! Attachment maintenence occasionally threw undefinded variable errors when using a single attachment path. (ManageAttachments.php)
  2897. ! Viewing a user's permissions in a specific board threw a database error. (Profile-View.php)
  2898. ! The list of boards a particular user could not see was not exhaustive. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1680]
  2899. ! Fixed undefined index when writing reasons to request a group application. (ManageMembergroups template) [Bug 1727]
  2900. ! Fixed undefined index reporting a pm. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1721]
  2901. ! Viewing bans was showing the wrong number of triggers. (ManageBans.php)
  2902. ! Ban name was being unnecessarily protected twice. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 1716]
  2903. ! Reporting a personal message was protecting the subject too much. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1720]
  2904. ! Personal Message searching was simply ignoring the age parameters. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1722]
  2905. ! Disabling the font BBC wasn't removing the select box. (GenericControls template)
  2906. ! Disabled BBC which had a select box would lead to a javascript error. (editor.js) [Bug 1718]
  2907. ! SMF wasn't sending the right reminder email all the time. (Register.php) [Bug 1692]
  2908. ! Simplify the language caching to avoid rush conditions better. (Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 1709]
  2909. ! Make absolutely sure that changing mods can be skipped. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1669]
  2910. ! Make the moderation log easier to understand when we can't find particular parameters. (Modlog.php) [Bug 1712]
  2911. ! Memberlist search was incorrectly html'ing repeat searches. (Memberlist.php) [Bug 1725]
  2912. ! The number of files in some directories was being reported incorrectly. (ManageAttachments.php, Post.php, Subs-Post.php)
  2913. * The link to quote a personal message was incorrect in sent messages folder. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 1723]
  2914. ! Make sure search doesn't die if a topic in the cache get's deleted. (Search.php) [Bug 1715]
  2915. ! Cast months as integers to drop the leading 0 for the stats. (Stats.php) [Bug 1713]
  2916. ! A GROUP BY is needed for SQLite when using HAVING. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1719]
  2917. ! Make sure to skip certain database errors for SQLite on upgrade. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1546]
  2918. ! Use the table alias for the approve column in the recent page. (Recent.php) [Bug 1737]
  2919. ! Set the $do_include to true by default. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 1736]
  2920. ! The post moderation setting screen wasn't setting moderate permissions right. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 1642]
  2921. ! The file permissions screen wasn't XHTML valid. (Packages.php, Packages template) [Bug 1739]
  2922. ! Replying to all on a pm would throw an error. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1744]
  2923. ! Verification questions were not working if you just wanted one question. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1745]
  2924. ! Marking recent topics as read would redirect to somewhere which might not be where you wanted to go. (Recent template) [Bug 1746]
  2925. ! Verification questions were not being checked as case insensitive. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1624]
  2926. ! Birthdates were not getting saved and displayed quite right if the user wanted to remove the year/date. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1178]
  2927. ! Don't let the admin setup a paid subscription without any costs. (ManagePaid.php, ManagePaid language file) [Bug 1598]
  2928. ! Added another index to the topics table for MySQL. (install and upgrade scripts) [Bug 1593]
  2929. ! Search highlighting wasn't really working very well. (Search.php) [Bug 1622]
  2930. ! Custom search index wasn't working with new posts. (Subs-Post.php)
  2931. ! Optimisation of the recent topic query for when post moderation is in use. (Recent.php) [Bug 1728]
  2932. February 2008
  2933. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2934. ! Try to make sure that garbage collection for sessions is turned on when using database driven sessions. (Load.php) [Bug 1494]
  2935. & Added a compact linktree consisting of category name and current board name to the wireless templates. (Wireless template) [Feature 1243]
  2936. ! Check for registration errors before registering the user. (Register.php) [Bug 1495]
  2937. & Changed the moderation notes interface a bit and added scrollbars. (ModerationCenter template, style.css) [Bug 937]
  2938. + Lowered the limit of moderation notes to show and added pagination. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template) [Bug 1476]
  2939. + Added the ability to delete moderation notes. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template)
  2940. & Give the message icon cell a fixed width. (Display template) [Bug 1452]
  2941. ! When enabling the warning system restore the default values. (ManageSettings.php)
  2942. ! Undefined index errors when warning a member and leaving the reason blank. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 1496]
  2943. ! Approving an attachment threw a database error. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 1506]
  2944. + Inform the admin if memcache is installed and ready for use. (Admin.php, ManageServer.php, Subs-Admin.php, ManageSettings language file) [Feature 1504]
  2945. ! varify != verify (Settings.php, FixLanguage.php, Errors language file) [Bug 1503]
  2946. & Requesting another verification image on registration was refreshing the page. (Register template)
  2947. ! When a guest performs a search and image verification is on, going to the next page of results would ask for image verification again. (Search.php) [Bug 1507]
  2948. ! relevance parameter is a float not an int. (Search.php)
  2949. ! No longer remove the first and last quote from the password salt on registration. (Register.php) [Bug 1517]
  2950. ! Make sure that $context['repair_errors'] gets overwritten only if it has to be when doing attachment maintenance. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 1512]
  2951. ! SQLite doesn't know what SUBSTRING is so we need to add a valid replacement when fetching SM files. (ScheduledTasks.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1510]
  2952. ! SQLite doesn't support ORDER BY on ALTER TABLE so we skip it. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  2953. ! SQLite doesn't support INSTR. We make it use LIKE then. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php)
  2954. ! We need our own version of sqlite_libversion() since the function doesn't take any parameters. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php)
  2955. ! Fixed support for HOUR and FROM_UNIXTIME in SQLite. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php, Profile-View.php)
  2956. ! Ensure loadEssentialThemeData has loadLanguage existing. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 1486]
  2957. ! SQLite doesn't require the db_prefix fix. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1524]
  2958. ! Only ask for search CAPTCHA once. (Search.php)
  2959. ! For the greater good, when doing database changes, by default add the prefix. (DbPackages-xxxx.php, Packages.php) [Bug 1516]
  2960. ! Skip database errors during smiley sorting. (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 1502]
  2961. ! The user contextual array should be referenced to the user_info array where possible. (SSI.php, Load.php) [Bug 1519]
  2962. ! Don't allow more than one "Test Connection" button. (Packages template) [Bug 1500]
  2963. ! For consistency allow {db_prefix} in all standard database functions. (DbExtra-xxxx.php, DbPackages-xxxx.php) [Bug 1499]
  2964. ! Showing "today/yesterday" wasn't taking offset into account correctly. (Subs.php)
  2965. ! Scheduled tasks was showing random times, really. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 1487]
  2966. ! Randomise the offset for the simple machines javascript fetch stuff to avoid killing our server. (install.php, upgrade scripts)
  2967. ! If an admin wants a custom profile field on registration ignore the privacy field. (Profile.php) [Bug 1488]
  2968. ! UTF-8 conversion would try to use a non-numeric key as a range. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  2969. ! Move the version check to be part of maintenance. (Admin.php, ManageMaintenance.php, Admin and ManageMaintenance templates) [Bug 1523]
  2970. ! Remember the admin's last search type - for ease of use. (Admin.php, Admin template) [Feature 1149]
  2971. ! Allow formatting within URL tags for the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1518]
  2972. ! Don't allow no/tiny image urls. (Subs-Post.php, editor.js) [Bug 1515]
  2973. ! Work around MySQL's removal of ALTER BY ... ORDER BY <function>. (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 1502]
  2974. ! invertAll now checks ID as well as name properties. (script.js)
  2975. + The package manager will now try to put theme files in all installed themes, if the user selects it. Mod authors can override using the "theme" attribute. (package-info.dtd, Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, Packages template)
  2976. ! Ensure any formatting within code tags isn't parsed by the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2977. ! Make the editor do a better job of closing tags. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2978. * Change the registration template to look a little prettier when using openID. (Register template)
  2979. ! Firefox (And perhaps other browsers) would error if the CSS files were outside the domain on the WYSIWYG editor. (editor.js)
  2980. ! Check if the current database type supports the search method being loaded. (ManageSearch.php, SearchAPI-Standard.php, SearchAPI-Fulltext.php, SearchAPI-Custom.php, SearchAPI-Sphinx.php)
  2981. ! SQLite now uses a common identifier for SUBSTRING to SUBSTR replacement. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php, MessageIndex.php, Memberlist.php, Recent.php, Subs-Recent.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  2982. ! When deleting moderation notes, make sure to empty the cache. (ModerationCenter.php)
  2983. ! The regex for the LIMIT fix in PostgreSQL needed to be updated. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php)
  2984. ! The WYSIWYG editor wasn't doing inline styles quite right. (Subs-Editor.php)
  2985. ! Javascript select on packages wasn't quite working right. (script.js, Packages template) [Bug 1410]
  2986. ! Register should probably work with OpenID native (i.e. without doing login first) (Subs-OpenID.php, Register.php)
  2987. ! SQLite doesn't support the TO_DAYS function but has an equivalent function that we can use. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1561]
  2988. ! The recent posts page should respect the ignore boards option. (Recent.php) [Bug 1425]
  2989. * Updated the Flash BBC icons. (flash.gif)
  2990. ! Custom profile fields weren't saving if they were admin only but shown on registration. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1571]
  2991. ! If you are using OpenID don't allow you to do admin actions - but tell you how to enable it. (Subs-Auth.php, Admin language files, Login template)
  2992. ! If you are using OpenID to login allow you to change your authentication method from the profile. (Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile template, Profile language files)
  2993. ! Don't require password confirmation nor show the password change box if you are using OpenID. (Profile-Modify.php)
  2994. ! Some characters were being escaped that didn't need to be escaped. (Subs.php) [Bug 1568]
  2995. ! Removed comment reference to calendar in the updateStats function. (Subs.php) [Bug 1575]
  2996. ! Fixed JavaScript warnings issued on logging in. (sha1.js)
  2997. * Repaired the HTML of the upgrade output and fixed JavaScript warnings. (upgrade.php)
  2998. ! Fixed a bug in the last step of upgrade causing a 'function already defined' error in rare cases. (upgrade.php)
  2999. * Fixed quick modify refering to the wrong JavaScript object on submit. (Display template)
  3000. ! Update the password reminder functionality to act appropriately with OpenID. (Reminder.php, Reminder template)
  3001. & Email templates added for all registration functions so that passwords are not sent to OpenID users. (EmalTemplates language file)
  3002. & Number of password reminder language strings changed and some added for OpenID functionality. (Profile language file)
  3003. * Added new sections to the admin center for security and modification settings, and moved some elements around. (Admin.php, ManageSettings.php)
  3004. & Moved and changed a load of language strings. (Admin, ManageSettings, Login language files)
  3005. ! Separate out the verification on registration setting from the visual verification type. (upgrade and install scripts, Subs-Graphics.php, Register.php, ManageSettings.php)
  3006. + It's now possible to require guests to enter a verification code on posting without requiring users with one post. (Post.php, ManageSettings.php)
  3007. ! All verification type settings are now in the security area. (ManageSearch.php, ManagePosts.php, ManageSettings.php, Admin, ManageSettings and Search language files)
  3008. ! Package operations needed $theme_paths to reflect the new changes to parseBoardMod and parseModification funtions. (Packages.php) [Bug 1566]
  3009. ! SQLite doesn't like ASC or DESC on the GROUP BY clause so we make sure to strip it. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1548]
  3010. ! Don't cast BINARY as a string for MySQL. (ManageSmileys.php) [Bug 1549]
  3011. ! Use the right column name when tracking a user and sorting by ip on the profile area. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1552]
  3012. ! Column name should be casted as raw and not as an integer. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1551]
  3013. ! Cast months as integers to lose the preceding 0. (Stats.php, ManageCalendar.php) [Bug 1550]
  3014. ! When managing ignored boards return 0 if the board is not ignored instead of false since it works better on SQLite. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1557]
  3015. + Added verification control which now handles everything to do with verification including loading image, testing user input, etc. Rolled this out to all verification areas. (Subs-Editor.php, Post.php, PersonalMessage.php, Search.php, Register.php)
  3016. * Updated templates for new verification control. (GenericControls, Post, Register, PersonalMessage and Search templates)
  3017. + Added option to set question and answers for verification challenges. Either independant on image or as well as. (ManageSettings.php, Subs-Editor.php, ManageSettings language files)
  3018. ! SQLite only takes integer fields as a primary key. (install_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 1554]
  3019. ! Don't cache language files if they are missing. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  3020. ! Show updates to language files right away. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1574]
  3021. ! Registration settings now uses the generic settings template. (ManageRegistration.php, Admin.php, Registration template)
  3022. & Changed some language strings to fit with the right way of working. (FixLanguage.php, Login language file)
  3023. ! The task log now uses the generic list. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance template)
  3024. ! Scheduled task list is now a generic list. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance template)
  3025. ! SQLite doesn't like the use if DISTINCT inside COUNT. (Themes.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1556]
  3026. ! SQLite doesn't like it when you give a column alias the same name as an existing column. (ModerationCenter.php, Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1555]
  3027. ! Was possible to get a database error when deleting personal messages in SQLite. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1559]
  3028. ! Changed a few references to ISNULL to IFNULL. (Memberlist.php, ManageNews.php) [Bug 1558]
  3029. ! Replace \n with an actual line break in reserved names. (ManageRegistration.php) [Bug 1553]
  3030. ! Changed the action lockVoting to lockvoting to keep the naming style consistent. (index.php, Poll.php, Display template files) [Bug 1592]
  3031. ! loadTemplate will take an optional array of style sheets to also include, they must be in the css directory though. (Load.php, Subs.php)
  3032. ! Do a better job with spaces between smileys on the rich editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1477]
  3033. ! Make the text areas more forgiving when editing a language entry. (ManageServer.php, Admin template)
  3034. * Was possible to get an undefined index error if the user couldn't see your latest post. (BoardIndex template) [Bug 1591]
  3035. ! Display wasn't doing things like page indexing correctly if there were unapproved posts and you were a special person. (Display.php) [Bug 1595]
  3036. ! Make the credits publically accessible. (index.php, Admin.php, Who.php, Who, Admin, and Help templates, Who and Manual language files, style.css)
  3037. ! Removed the Lewis Media copyright replacement. (Subs.php)
  3038. ! Missed a SUBSTRING replacement for SQLite. (Subs-Membergroups.php) [Bug 1602]
  3039. ! When looking for packages to install, ignore the case for extentions. (Packages.php) [Bug 1359]
  3040. ! SQLite doesn't like LOW PRIORITY on update. (Subs-Db-sqlite.php)
  3041. ! When sorting by number of members in the Manage Membergroups page sort by 1 and not -1. (ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 1603]
  3042. ! Generic lists had the sort arrows the the opposite direction. (Subs-Lists.php) [Bug 1589]
  3043. ! Warning System link in core settings page was pointing to the wrong area. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 1599]
  3044. & In Manage Membergroups the javascript to disable the fields was looking for the wrong name for the moderators input box. (ManageMembergroups template) [Bug 1604]
  3045. ! Use as different variable name for the parameter in autoDetectTimeOffset. (profile.js) [Bug 1609]
  3046. + Added a theme setting to determine if message previews are being used on the message index. Don't parse the posts if they aren't. (MessageIndex.php, index template) [Bug 1594]
  3047. ! Removed the leet Easter Egg, because it's time. (Load.php)
  3048. ! Putting padding on the left and right of a smiley in the WYSWIYG editor but reduce it slightly. (editor.js, Subs-Editor.php)
  3049. ! Inserting smileys into the WYSIWYG editor with IE was eating a character sometimes. (editor.js) [Bug 1477]
  3050. ! If the user forgot their password and they are looking for it by email, tell them that there are no users with that email. (Reminder.php, index language file) [Bug 1618]
  3051. + When restoring posts from the recycle board, check to see if the board has post count on and restore the members' post count. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 1581]
  3052. ! Send the sub_template and page_title after the config_vars for Manage Registration Settings area. (ManageRegistration.php) [Bug 1621]
  3053. ! Make the credits page a little bit more generalized. (Who.php, Who template, Who language file)
  3054. ! When searching by board if the user wants to refine their search show the boards appropriately. (Search.php, Search template) [Bug 1623]
  3055. ! There were some legacy uppercase column aliases in use. (ModerationCenter.php, News.php, Recent.php) [Bug 1631]
  3056. ! Typo in the function to handle phpBB3 passwords was causing the wrong password to be generated for PHP4. (LogInOut.php)
  3057. ! Erroring when deleting an account cause cause an unexpected error. (Profile.php) [Bug 1615]
  3058. ! Don't log repeated errors. (Errors.php)
  3059. ! Better handle start variables for unapproved posts in display. (Display.php) [Bug 1595]
  3060. ! Only show the previous year and next year grid for the calendar if the previous year is less than the minyear and next year is less than maxyear. (Calendar.php) [Bug 1619]
  3061. ! Use a different name for the ip_address and name for sorting in the Track IP page. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1614]
  3062. ! Updated some database function names to improve consistency and help avoid conflicts with integrations better. (Subs-Db-xxx.php) [Bug 1641]
  3063. ! Allow who's online to work out the correct actions on the new admin URLs. (Who.php) [Bug 1313]
  3064. ! Put the settings URL in the warning when a currency hasn't been set up for Paid Subscriptions. (ManagePaid language file) [Bug 1644]
  3065. ! deleteMembers now takes an optional parameter to *not* delete any admins. (Subs-Members.php)
  3066. ! Don't allow the admin to delete either themselves or other admins from the member list - just in case they are an idiot. (ManageMembers.php) [Bug 1620]
  3067. ! Custom avatars wern't uploading to the right place. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1543]
  3068. ! Remove some query duplication in Post2. (Post.php)
  3069. ! sendNotifications now accepts a fourth parameter to restrict the members being sent to. (Subs-Post.php)
  3070. ! Only send notifications for replies to unapproved topics to the topic starter - as no-one else can see the thing! (Post.php) [Bug 1638]
  3071. ! Don't eval language files anymore, it's not required. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 590]
  3072. * More updates on "future" theme, removed infocenter render function, fixed avatar/font-sizes etc (Themes/future)
  3073. * Converted MessageIndex.template, fixed linktree etc. (Themes/future)
  3074. + Allow moderators to comment on topic reports in the moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter language file) [Feature 873]
  3075. ! Applied some query optimizations. (Display.php, ModerationCenter.php, Profile-View.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  3076. ! The count parameter in str_replace was added in PHP 5 so we count lines the old fashion way. (ManageMail.php)
  3077. ! For reason body in the warn user section, replace \n with \\n and \r with an empty string in the javascript. (Profile template)
  3078. ! Missing substring identifier for a query in ManagePaid.php. (ManagePaid.php)
  3079. ! Fixed an undefined index error (News.php) [Bug 1679]
  3080. SMF 2.0 Beta 2.1 03 February 2008
  3081. ================================================================================
  3082. February 2008
  3083. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3084. ! When browsing for theme files make sure that the directory is valid. (Themes.php) [Bug 1458]
  3085. ! Cast closed and ignore as integers for reported posts in the moderation center. (ModerationCenter template) [Bug 1457]
  3086. * Removed the duplicate format=.wav from the verification audio links. (Register template) [Bug 1449]
  3087. * Removed extra semicolon from the delete pm link. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 1443, 1447]
  3088. ! Load the Post language file before using strings from that file. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1442]
  3089. & Use the correct label for left to right setting when editing languages. (Admin template, ManageSettings language file) [Bug 1453]
  3090. ! Don't allow HTML in the ban name as it's more hassle than it's worth. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 1455]
  3091. ! Store member warning notices in HTML-safe versions. (Profile-Actions.php) [Bug 1454]
  3092. ! Handle errors much better on the warning issue page, and tell people what's been done. (Profile.php, Profile template, Profile language file) [Bug 1456]
  3093. ! Don't allow permission profiles to have HTML in their name. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 1448]
  3094. ! Don't let people prune silly timescales, which could give a wrong type warning. (PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1444]
  3095. * The template for searching messages could look a little silly with no results. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 1441]
  3096. ! Provide a few more no access errors for people loading up pages incorrectly. (Help.php, BoardIndex.php, SplitTopics.php, MoveTopic.php) [Bug 1433]
  3097. * PM labels can actually be 30 characters long. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 1440]
  3098. ! The WYSIWYG editor wasn't getting rid of silly linebreaks. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1439]
  3099. ! Removed the teletype and preformatted text tags from being HTML as the rich editor really doesn't handle them well - keep them BBC. (editor.js)
  3100. ! Superscript and subscript now work properly in the rich text editor. (editor.js) [Bug 1445]
  3101. + Adding a BBC button for unformatting and unlinking selected text. (Subs-Editor.php, unformat.gif)
  3102. ! Make sure the deliminator works correctly on find members. (Subs-Auth.php, Profile template) [Bug 1446]
  3103. ! Search results had an incorrect link for quoting. (Search template) [Bug 1437]
  3104. ! Redirect the user after adding a moderation note to save the risk of resubmission on reload. (ModerationCenter.php) [Bug 1462]
  3105. ! Listening to CAPTCHA sounds wouldn't work correctly in IE6. (Subs-Sound.php)
  3106. ! Put some padding to the left of smileys in the rich text editor to simulate the spaces normally required. (editor.js)
  3107. ! Replaced some unnecessarily complex code in the WYSIWYG editor. (editor.js)
  3108. ! The cursor was not showing properly on Firefox. (editor.js)
  3109. ! Do some primative removal of formatting if used in non-richedit mode. (editor.js) [Bug 1467]
  3110. ! File permissions wasn't selecting "no change" by default. (Packages template) [Bug 1432]
  3111. ! When posting a move topic redirection make sure the URL indicates the page is zero. (MoveTopic.php) [Bug 1436]
  3112. ! Uploading avatars wouldn't work if you had multiple attachment folders enabled. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1460]
  3113. ! Add a hidden setting for a load average limit on unread posts. (Recent.php, Errors language file) [Feature 1435]
  3114. ! The track IP now keeps track of how you entered it (Member or raw IP) and doesn't switch out in error. (Profile-Modify.php, Profile template, Who template) [Bug 1396]
  3115. ! Loading a language would fail on install. (install.php) [Bug 1471]
  3116. ! Some characters in usernames wouldn't be found by the personal messaging system. (Subs-Editor.php, PersonalMessage.php) [Bug 1384]
  3117. ! Add a warning to the file permissions screen with some helpful advice. (Packages language file, Packages template) [Bug 1479]
  3118. ! Add a javascript select function to the package operation template. (Packages template) [Feature 1410]
  3119. ! Add an extra space to the select link when specifying a language for code. (Subs.php) [Feature 1410]
  3120. ! Fixed quotes getting escaped in the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php)
  3121. ! Fixed potential undefined index error when saving settings. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1480]
  3122. ! Upgrade should always put maintenance mode back to something which ain't 2. (upgrade.php)
  3123. ! FixLanguages wasn't quite working right for the Help file. (FixLanguage.php)
  3124. January 2008
  3125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3126. ! ManageSearch had a couple of old style queries. (ManageSearch.php)
  3127. ! Don't error out on certain search related issued. (ManageSearch.php)
  3128. ! Updating permission profiles on upgrade broke if the board name has a special character in it. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql)
  3129. ! Don't let users try to edit invalid language files. (ManageServer.php)
  3130. ! Upgrade wasn't PHP5 capable. (upgrade.php)
  3131. ! When uploading an attachment it was possible to get a database error due to undefined variable. (Display.php)
  3132. ! No need to escape the variable in a single quote string. (ManageNews.php, Help english file) [Bug 1350]
  3133. ! Upgrade wasn't suppressing set_time_out errors and install wasn't PHP4 compatible. (install and upgrade scripts)
  3134. ! A repair boards query wasn't MySQL 4 compatible. (RepairBoards.php) [Bug 1358]
  3135. ! Repair boards wasn't quite postgreSQL compatible. (RepairBoards.php)
  3136. ! Upgrade could potentially get a divide by zero error. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1356]
  3137. ! Search would not work if searching topic only. (Search.php) [Bug 1354]
  3138. ! Fixing long words was broken. (Subs.php)
  3139. ! Do a better job of inserting tags around text in the WYSIWYG editor. (editor.js) [Bug 1365]
  3140. ! Remove error handler override for database functions instead opting for a db_values key called 'db_error_skip'. (Subs-Db-xxx.php)
  3141. ! Allow security_override to also be set through db_values. (Subs-Db-xxxx.php)
  3142. ! Unread and search were often erroring on temporary tables. (Recent.php, Search.php)
  3143. ! Quoting from the post view wasn't respecting the WYSIWYG editor mode. (Post template) [Bug 1370]
  3144. ! Added a new control to Subs-Packages, chmod_control, to handle chmoding of files - and used it a bit in the package manager. (Subs-Package.php, Packages template)
  3145. ! Make package_chmod do more, and use it from the chmod_control function. (Subs-Package.php)
  3146. ! Tell users what files need to be writable if we're going to prompt for FTP information, and also check the Packages directory is writable. (Packages.php)
  3147. ! The some steps in the find and repair errors section were being done in the wrong order. (RepairBoards.php)
  3148. ! Fixed broken query in group requests. (Groups.php)
  3149. ! Ensure we include the error file during install. (install.php) [Bug 1378]
  3150. ! Remove some unnecessary white space in editor.js. (editor.js) [Bug 1351]
  3151. ! The WYSIWYG editor was incorrectly showing quotes with HTML in if it was disabled. (editor.js) [Bug 1377]
  3152. ! Make sure we don't forget to escape slashes when entering the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1375]
  3153. ! Load.php was using capitals for the id_moderator alias, which doesn't go down well with postgreSQL. (Load.php) [Bug 1380]
  3154. ! The WYSIWYG editor was using the document object where it shouldn't have been - which FF3 doesn't really like. (editor.js) [Bug 1376]
  3155. * Display the page index on the top and bottom of the group display page. (ManageMembergroups template) [Bug 1374]
  3156. * Delete button was wrong in the recent template. (Recent template) [Bug 1373]
  3157. ! The nobbc tag wasn't quite working 100% of the time. (Subs.php) [Bug 1368]
  3158. ! Sessions via GET use sesc for the query string instead of sc. (Admin.php) [Bug 1379]
  3159. ! Rejecting group requests with a reason wasn't working. (Groups.php, ManageMembergroups.template.php)
  3160. + Added beginning of a file permissions section to the package manager which currently only display permissions, and might time out. (Packages.php, Packages template, Packages language file)
  3161. ! Additional text fields were being escaped improperly on registration. (Register.php) [Bug 1383]
  3162. ! The file permission screen now displays results correctly, and is javascripted up the eyeballs to ensure it works on even the largest server. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  3163. * Use check boxes instead of a select box when customizing the moderation center homepage. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template)
  3164. ! Added an AJAX method to test an FTP connection prior to doing a full submit. (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, Package template)
  3165. ! It's now possible to reset permissions on all files and selected files from the file permissions screen. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  3166. ! Removed cleanupFilePermissions as it's been superseeded by the above. (Subs-Packages.php, Admin.php)
  3167. * Changed the icons that show package status. (Packages template, package_installed.gif, package_old.gif) [Bug 1271]
  3168. ! loadLanguage no longer assumes the user has definitely been loaded. (Load.php) [Bug 1390]
  3169. ! Changing the cookie name was causing a session error. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1391]
  3170. ! Redirect after running scheduled tasks manually and tell the user we actually did something. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance language file) [Bug 1357]
  3171. ! On backups only try to get more memory if PHP doesn't already have a high default. (DumpDatabase.php) [Bug 1366]
  3172. ! Added some more sorting options to manage search engines. (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 1386]
  3173. ! Don't bother making lots of WYSWIYG stuff if it's switched off. (editor.js) [Bug 1360]
  3174. & Make the WYSIWYG error messages translatable. (editor.js, Subs-Editor.php, Post language file)
  3175. ! The file permissions screen now retains tree status after change of permissions. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  3176. ! File permissions wasn't making writable stuff read only, and now shows when folders can't be expanded any further. (Packages.php, Subs-Packages.php, Packages template)
  3177. ! If getElementsByTagName doesn't exist, create it. (script.js)
  3178. ! Added a theme specific javascript file to the scripts directory, and moved the code box fix code out to it. (theme.js)
  3179. + Allow users to select the text in a code block. (Subs.php, style.css, index language file) [Feature 1410]
  3180. ! Sorting by IP when viewing a members profile throw an error. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1397]
  3181. * Wrong session abbreviation was used in URL for toggling menus. (GenericMenu.php) [Bug 1404]
  3182. ! Insert the correct statistics at the birth of a forum. (install.php) [Bug 1405]
  3183. ! If we think they are using https then use it in install. (install.php, Settings.php) [Bug 1403]
  3184. ! When adding a membergroup the group type wasn't taking affect. (ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 1401]
  3185. ! If the admin session has expired, but the query is using XML, give them another ten minutes (for xml) as they can't login like this and it breaks AJAX. (Security.php)
  3186. ! Prompt the user as to whether they wish to restore permission settings following install of a modification. (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, Packages template, Packages language file)
  3187. ! Don't use packageRequireFTP anywhere - use the chmod control. (ManageServer.php, PackageGet.php)
  3188. ! HTML tags were getting slashed when edited. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 1409]
  3189. ! Ensure the WYSIWYG editor mode is correctly set at all times. (GenericControls template, editor.js) [Bug 1416]
  3190. ! Memcached now requires the memcached module to be compiled into PHP as it's otherwise a drag. (Load.php) [Bug 1353]
  3191. ! Sorting smileys by code wouldn't work. (ManageSmileys.php)
  3192. ! Made some improvements to the way the WYSIWYG editor handles images and links. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1418]
  3193. ! Toggling the rich text editor could awaken text from the dead. (editor.js) [Bug 1423]
  3194. ! Added a new javascript function smf_addslashes, which does pretty much what the PHP version foes. (script.js)
  3195. ! Ensure we escape single quotes when launching the smiley popup from the rich text editor. (editor.js) [Bug 1421]
  3196. ! Some BBC wasn't getting converted into HTML understood by IE for the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1420]
  3197. ! Don't leave open tags unclosed in the WYSIWYG editor. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1420]
  3198. ! Editing karma could cause a database error. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1424]
  3199. ! HTML tags were not being handled right when quoting text in the WYSIWYG editor. (Post.php, editor.js) [Bug 1422]
  3200. ! After installation the install.php check was not removed from Settings.php (install.php) [Bug 1431]
  3201. + Added support for phpBB3 password hash. (LogInOut.php)
  3202. ! Redirect back to the maintenance page after doing maintenance on attachments. (ManageAttachments.php) [Bug 1427]
  3203. ! When sorting and doing a search in the moderation center it was possible to get a database error. (Modlog.php) [Bug 1434]
  3204. SMF 2.0 Beta 2 20 January 2008
  3205. ================================================================================
  3206. January 2008
  3207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3208. ! Renamed some remaining language strings. (Various files)
  3209. * Removed the Recent template from the classic and babylon themes, and added a new image to classic to make it work. (Recent templates, last_post.gif)
  3210. * The moderations setting list box didn't have a size stated. (ModerationCenter template)
  3211. ! Don't store the session id in the cache for the menu buttons. (Subs.php) [MotM]
  3212. ! Give the translators the credit they deserve. (Admin.php) [MotM]
  3213. ! Add option to allow BBC in "text" type custom fields, and allow loadMemberContext to optionally load display fields of a member into context. (Load.php, Display.php, ManageSettings.php, Display templates) [Bug 1131]
  3214. ! Always put the admin features into context. (Load.php)
  3215. ! Removed old compatibility function, doUBBC. (Subs.php)
  3216. ! No longer allow author names in quotes to contain BBC. (Subs.php) [Bug 1179]
  3217. ! Many asthetic typos and the like within the code. (Several files) [Bug 1167]
  3218. ! Allow users to skip certain steps during upgrade, and fix a typo with the warning message inserted into language files. (FixLanguage.php, upgrade.php) [Bug 1171]
  3219. - Undid the JS solution open external links in a new window. (Lots of files) [MotM]
  3220. + Added a theme setting to let SMF know that the theme is using the strict doctype. (index template) [MotM]
  3221. ! When using the strict doctype replace target="_blank" with a javascript solution to maintain validation. (Subs.php) [MotM]
  3222. ! The installer wasn't quite working right at user account creation. (install.php) [Bug 1188]
  3223. * All Moderation center templates should be at 100% width to look right with the top bar. (Several files) [Bug 1156]
  3224. ! Few errors with the PostgreSQL and SQLite implementations. (Subs-Db-xxx.php) [Bug 1193]
  3225. ! When editing the general permissions also show the default board permission profile. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, ManagePermissions language file) [Bug 1166]
  3226. ! Typo in the ConvertEntities was causing the progress bar in the not_done template to not show. (ManageMaintenance.php) [MotM]
  3227. + Added the ability to move topics from one board to another in the maintenance section. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance template, ManageMaintenance and Help language files) [MotM]
  3228. ! Don't use all of $_GET in the xmlfeed cache key, it is full of dirty information. (News.php) [MotM]
  3229. ! When comparing against caching level 3 use an inequality instead of a strict check to allow for future expansion. (Subs.php, Load.php, MoveTopic.php)
  3230. ! Moved xmlfeed caching for guests from level 2 to level 3. (News.php) [MotM]
  3231. + When looked at members awaiting approval or activation allow you to check for duplicates and show their hostname. (Subs-Members.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers language file) [Feature 1199]
  3232. ! Give each search method it's own API file to better allow newer search methos - note this is currently only minimal abstraction. (Search.php, SearchAPI-Standard.php, SearchAPI-Fulltext.php, SearchAPI-Custom.php) [Bug 1189]
  3233. * The default template was not applying labels to poll options correctly. (Display template) [Bug 1206]
  3234. ! Package manager wasn't loading themes correctly. (Packages.php) [Bug 1210]
  3235. ! Some menu items were not showing in the admin center even if you had the right permission. (Admin.php) [Bug 1209]
  3236. ! Installer wouldn't install on SQLite. (install.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1197]
  3237. ! If list is disabled, so is ordered list. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1207]
  3238. ! If you turned the cache off it would take 90 seconds before it looked like it had actioned it. (ManageServer.php) [Bug 1204]
  3239. ! The jump to box was not dealing with ampersands in board names very well. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, ManageBoards.php)
  3240. + Added an interface to the reattribute posts function and made it work with user names and email addresses. (Subs-Members.php, ManageMaintenance.php) [Feature 1195]
  3241. * Changed the manage maintenance template around as it was getting too crowded. (ManageMaintenance.php, ManageMaintenance template, ManageMaintenance language files)
  3242. * Don't show the warning icon for guest's posts. (Display template) [Bug 1212]
  3243. + Try to detect when the user is using an iPhone. (Load.php) [MotM]
  3244. ! Moved spell checking functions into the rich edit control, and the ability to publish the buttons, to ensure it is more modular. (Subs-Editor.php, PersonalMessage.php, Post.php)
  3245. ! Spell check wasn't working in Personal Messages. (PersonalMessage template) [Bug 1214]
  3246. * Don't put layout HTML in the rich edit control, instead call the richedit template piecemeal (GenericControl, Post and PersonalMessage templates)
  3247. ! Added a new context variable called insert_after_template which will get echo'd after the main template in case you need to put elements somewhere form safe which isn't in the headers. (Load.php, Subs.php)
  3248. ! Only delete unused settings weekly. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  3249. ! Added a new function to Subs-Admin.php to email every admin a message. (Subs-Admin.php)
  3250. ! Warn the admin if the attachment folder is getting full. (Subs-Post.php, EmailTemplates language files) [Feature 1201]
  3251. ! Paid subscriptions should use email templates. (subscriptions.php, EmailTemplates and ManagePaid language files)
  3252. ! Tidy up the paid subscriptions code and use the EmailAdmin function for sending out subscription details. (subscriptions.php)
  3253. ! Warn the user if the board directory seems wrong before starting an upgrade. (upgrade.php)
  3254. * Point out that setting attachment sizes to zero disable those limits. (Admin language file) [Bug 1200]
  3255. * Make it more obvious how the reported posts are linked by adding a button to launch the report. (details.gif, ModerationCenter template) [Bug 1196]
  3256. & Tweaked a few language strings and style classes to give the moderation center a more consistant feel. (ModerationCenter language files)
  3257. ! Latest news wasn't working in the moderation center. (ModerationCenter template)
  3258. ! By default change boardsAllowedTo to also check a groups access rights - not just permissions. (Security.php)
  3259. ! Make sure the moderation log absolutely respects access rights of viewers. (Modlog.php) [Bug 1087]
  3260. ! Don't update columns that don't need to be when doing a replace query. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1194]
  3261. ! Use a generic list for the warning log. (ModerationCenter.php)
  3262. ! Some remaining bits of escaping weren't yet removed. (Various files) [Bug 1215]
  3263. ! DB insert now uses {db_prefix} for the table name instead of using the raw variable. (Lots of source files)
  3264. + Added {query_see_board} and {query_wanna_see_boards) as automatic replacements for queries. (Subs-Db-XXX.php, Lots of source files)
  3265. ! Removed db_prefix from the list of globals. (Almost every source file) [Bug 1203]
  3266. * Changed the Moderation Log to use the generic list template. (ModLog template)
  3267. & Changed the way the moderation log displays information on activities to make it human readable. (ModLog language file)
  3268. ! Added an admin log to the admin center that is displayed if the moderation log is active, not used much yet. (Various files)
  3269. ! Few fixes with the Moderation Log. (install_2-0.sql, Modlog language file) [Bug 1222,1224]
  3270. ! Fixed index error in News.php. (News.php) [Bug 1221]
  3271. ! crc32 doesn't work correctly on 64-bit systems. (Subs-Package.php, Class-Graphics.php, webinstall.php) [Bug 1220]
  3272. ! Changed the admin action logging strings to the standard string format to parse. "{%varname%} -> {varname}" (Modlog.php, Modlog language file)
  3273. ! Merged track user and track IP into one menu item in the profile menu. (Profile.php, Profile-View.php)
  3274. + Log user profile edits and allow it's review from the tracking section of profile. (Profile-View.php, Profile language file)
  3275. ! cleanRequest wasn't reversing magic quotes right for sybase databases. (QueryString.php) [Bug 1194]
  3276. ! Move the admin log, moderation log and error log to one section called "Logs" from the admin menu. (Admin.php, ManageErrors.php, Modlog.php) [Bug 1226]
  3277. ! Sort the moderation log by date descending by default. (Modlog.php) [Bug 1227]
  3278. * Change the way filters are shown on the error log now we cannot use the tabs. (Errors template)
  3279. ! Listing tables wasn't working properly with database names that were non-alphanumeric. (DbExtra-mysql.php) [Bug 1208]
  3280. ! Removed some hardcoded strings. (Errors, Help template. ManageMaintenance language file) [Bug 1229,1231]
  3281. ! Fixed SQL error in the weekly maintenance. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 1230]
  3282. & Move language entry membergroups_members_top to ManageMembers language file and use it as a more appropriate version of 'Members' in some templates. (ManageMembergroups template, Admin and ManageMembers language file)
  3283. ! If you didn't form lists right it could crash Apache. (Subs-List.php)
  3284. * Viewing a group should use the standard list template. (ManageMembers.php, Groups.php, ManageMembers template) [Feature 1233]
  3285. ! Only bother forcing the "default groups" to the top of the manage membergroups list if sorting by name. (ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Membergroups.php) [Bug 1235]
  3286. & The descriptions for post moderation permissions were all wrong. (ManagePermissions language file)
  3287. ! Editing the moderator group permissions wasn't working as expected. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 1225]
  3288. ! Fixed errors with mod installations caused by the database changes script. (Class-Package.php, Subs-Package.php) [Bug 1240]
  3289. ! Make sure to keep the correct register date and time when changing profile info. (Profile-Modify.php)
  3290. ! The logic for checking whether to allow emails needed to be reversed. (Profile-Modify.php)
  3291. * Use a variable column span on the memberlist. (Memberlist template)
  3292. ! Quotes no longer need to be removed from a new member's real name. (Subs-Members.php)
  3293. ! Added some more hooks to the search API. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php)
  3294. + Added Sphinx search engine API (SMF Side Only) to the repository. (SearchAPI-Sphinx.php)
  3295. ! Better handle unallowed access on wireless devices. (Security.php)
  3296. * Tweak the who's online template. (Who template)
  3297. ! Only one class attribute is allowed on links. (Subs.php) [Bug 1251]
  3298. ! The WYSIWYG editor wouldn't work if you try to toggle a string of one character. (Subs-Editor.php)
  3299. ! Try harder to keep lists all legal. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 1239]
  3300. + Added the ability to get the latest attachments via SSI.php (SSI.php, ssi_example files, index language file)
  3301. ! Remodeled WYSIWYG editor to be an object oriented class. (editor.js, GenericControls template, Post template)
  3302. ! Fixed some JavaScript errors. (GenericMenu template, script.js, menu.js)
  3303. ! Changed the $smfFunc variable to $smcFunc to properly handle future expansion of its purpose. (Almost all files)
  3304. ! The security_override parameter wasn't properly handled by db_query. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php) [Bug 1262]
  3305. + Added the ability to restore topics from the recycle board. (index.php, Display.php, RemoveTopic.php, Display template, index, Errors and Modlog language files, install and upgrade scripts)
  3306. & The attachments and avatars administrative section didn't have a help entry. (Help language file) [Bug 1266]
  3307. ! Adding and removing columns wasn't working quite right. (DbPackages-xxx.php, Packages language file) [Bug 936]
  3308. ! Don't set the old url to the cached javascript action. (Subs.php) [Bug 952]
  3309. ! Removed duplicate the duplicate checks for can_remove and can_see_ip. (Display.php) [Bug 1269]
  3310. ! The low password difficulty level was being changed to medium on the javascript side. (register.js) [Bug 1242]
  3311. ! It was possible to bypass captcha on registration if the other fields were filled in correctly. (Register.php) [Bug 1272]
  3312. ! Search terms were not being properly sanitized. (Admin.php) [Bug 1274]
  3313. ! Made some small tweaks to the restore from recycle feature. (RestoreTopic.php)
  3314. & Theme settings link was not using the action=admin;area= format. (ManageSettings language file) [Bug 1276]
  3315. ! Check to see if $_GET['sa'] is set before using it. (Themes.php) [Bug 1277]
  3316. ! Upgrade failed in PostgreSQL due to missing id_log column in log_actions table. (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 1283]
  3317. ! PostgreSQL doesn't like multiple ADD COLUMN in one query. (upgrade_2-0_postgresql.sql) [Bug 1282]
  3318. ! Moved the view_newest_pm_first option to the pm_settings template. (Profile template) [Feature 1284]
  3319. ! Empty the error log if the user wishes, during an upgrade. (upgrade.php) [Feature 1285]
  3320. & Fixed typo at the top of each language file. (All language files) [Bug 1252]
  3321. ! Restore topic from recycle link was disabled if quick_mod was turned off. (Dispay.php, Display template)
  3322. ! Don't show the error log link in the admin menu if it is disabled. (Admin.php) [Bug 1297]
  3323. ! Fixed the pagination on the groups page. (Groups.php) [Bug 1292]
  3324. & English strings are already translated. (Errors, Install, ManageMaintenance, Packages language files) [Bug 1290]
  3325. ! Moved the info center collapse object to the BoardIndex template. (index and BoardIndex template files) [Bug 1291]
  3326. ! Approving a post resulted in a database error due to a call to the wrong inject value. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 1270]
  3327. ! Approving a single posts resulted in a undefined index: 'message' error. (Subs-Post.php)
  3328. ! Messenger icons now have a title. (Load.php, index language file) [Bug 1213]
  3329. ! By default change findMember to return no more than 500 results. (Subs-Auth.php) [Bug 1268]
  3330. ! Use javascript to ensure that the search engine tracking settings that have effect are disabled when logging is disabled. (ManageSearchEngines.php)
  3331. ! The recentPosts function was actually sending the wrong stage for new. (SSI.php) [Bug 1296]
  3332. ! Was possible to get duplicate data errors in search engine tracking. (ManageSearchEngines.php) [Bug 1265]
  3333. ! Added new function smf_db_error_backtrace for backtracing database errors and doing all manner of things to give the right file and line data. (Subs-Db-xxxx.php)
  3334. ! Redirect to the paid subscriptions setting page if a currency isn't set up. (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 1190]
  3335. ! Visual verification should use imagecreatetruecolor where available. (Subs-Graphics.php) [Bug 1247]
  3336. ! Redirect the user back to the permissions page if they edited a board from there. (ManageBoards.php, ManagePermissions and ManageBoards templates) [Bug 1300]
  3337. & Improve the descriptions for managing some permissions. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions language file)
  3338. ! Lowered the perPage interval for the expandPages function down to 100. (script.js) [Bug 1304]
  3339. ! When creating a new board enable count posts by default. (ManageBoards.php) [Bug 1305]
  3340. ! When joining groups the database expected group_list to be an array of integers when the value was really an integer. (Profile-Modify.php) [Bug 1307]
  3341. ! Query error when downloading a language pack. (ManageServer.php)
  3342. ! Opera simply does not work well with javascript - no rich edit for Opera users. (editor.js)
  3343. ! Remove defunct sidebar setting. (ManageSettings.php, ManageSettings and Help language files) [Bug 1306]
  3344. ! The package operations regex didn't get along to well with windows style paths leading to undefined index errors. (Packages.php) [Bug 1302]
  3345. ! Various fixes related to the spider tracking feature. (ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageSettings.php, Who.php, Who template, Who language file) [Bug 1298]
  3346. ! Package operations were not working properly on custom themes. (Subs-Package.php)
  3347. ! Lots of places were not sending out emails in the right members language. (Various files) [Bug 1312]
  3348. ! Use the correct language string for empty profile edits list. (Profile-View.php) [Bug 1314]
  3349. ! When emptying the log_errors table on upgrade, use TRUNCATE and pass the truncate_table identifier for SQLite support. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1285]
  3350. + Added a array_combine implementation for those not using PHP 5. (Subs-Compat.php) [Bug 1317]
  3351. ! Editing just would not really work if you didn't have WYSIWYG enabled. (editor.js) [Bug 1310]
  3352. * XML previewing of posts was looking dodgy sometimes. (Post template)
  3353. ! The weekly scheduled task was imploding an array it shouldn't have. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 1318]
  3354. ! The time_taken column for the scheduled task log is a float not an int. (ScheduledTasks.php, ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 1321]
  3355. ! Quick edit wasn't working for unapproved posts in all situations. (xml_topic.js, Post.php) [Bug 1157]
  3356. ! The WYSIWYG editor wasn't making valid BBC for sub lists. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1324]
  3357. ! If the search term is empty for the admin search don't bother searching and return an empty array. (Admin.php) [Bug 1328]
  3358. ! Check to see if $_REQUEST['search_term'] is set before using it. (Admin.php)
  3359. ! Firefox wasn't doing all that great at spell checking in the rich text editor mode. (Subs-Editor.php, editor.js) [Bug 1316]
  3360. ! Unread messages was not paginating dependant on user preference. (Recent.php) [Bug 1320]
  3361. ! smf_ItemPos wasn't correctly checking offset parent. (script.js)
  3362. ! Don't change the WYSIWYG editor state until you actually change the boxes. (editor.js)
  3363. ! WYSIWYG editor wasn't really doing internationalisation well at all. (script.js)
  3364. ! The WYSIWYG editor wouldn't allow linked images through. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1301]
  3365. ! Username test was not working for i18n. (register.js) [Bug 1123]
  3366. ! Load the index language file along with the minimum theme data for ScheduledTasks - just in case. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 825]
  3367. ! If we're fetching simple machines files and we fail to get one give up as their site might be broken. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  3368. & Don't open admin help links in the same window. (Help language file) [Bug 1275]
  3369. ! Log actions to do with membergroups and activation into the admin log. (Subs-Member.php, Subs-Membergroups.php, ManageMembergroups.php, Modlog language file)
  3370. ! Allow lists within lists, to make sub lists look nicer. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs-Editor.php)
  3371. ! Add support for ISO-8859-15. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  3372. & Replace pound and euro signs with their entity equivalents. (ManagePaid language file) [Bug 1331]
  3373. ! Added a new javascript function smf_prepareScriptUrl, to ensure we use the right URL on javascript if cookies are disabled on the client. (Most javascript files) [Bug 1329]
  3374. * HTML issue in stats template. (Stats template) [Bug 1332]
  3375. ! ScheduledTasks might load a language file that needed an undefined variable. (ScheduledTasks.php) [Bug 1337]
  3376. ! Add and use a special style sheet for the rich text editor and internet explorer. (editor_ie.css)
  3377. ! The editor was showing the wrong post button label when editing a post. (Post.php) [Bug 1338]
  3378. ! Fixed the page title for the admin log. (Modlog.php)
  3379. * One too many semicolons in the karma links. (PersonalMessages template) [Bug 1347]
  3380. ! Wrong database type in a few PM queries. (PersonalMessages.php)
  3381. ! RemoveTopics would fail if they had polls attached. (RemoveTopic.php) [Bug 1344]
  3382. ! Converting HTML entities to UTF-8 would fail with a database error. (ManageMaintenance.php) [Bug 1341]
  3383. ! Viewing custom profile fields was incorrectly htmlspecialchar'ing the field names. (ManageSettings.php) [Bug 1346]
  3384. ! Use UTF-8 characters instead of HTML entities in UTF-8 mode for inline editing. (script.js) [Bug 1159]
  3385. ! The WYSIWYG editor couldn't get focus in Firefox in case the message was empty. (editor.js) [Bug 1147]
  3386. ! Switching from WYSIWYG to BBC mode didn't translate nested tags properly. (Subs-Editor.php)
  3387. ! Don't let opera identify itself as firefox or gecko. (script.js) [Bug 1329]
  3388. ! Streamline javascript quoting on the quick reply, but keep something back for theme compatibility. (xml_topic.js)
  3389. December 2007
  3390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3391. ! Rich text editor works again in Firefox. (Subs-Editor.php, script.js)
  3392. + Added new auto suggest control for easily adding an auto suggest box. (index.php, suggest.js, Subs-Editor.php, GenericControls template)
  3393. ! Changed the personal message sending template to use auto suggest. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage language files)
  3394. ! Removed option to have a permission profile linked directly to a board. (upgrade, install, ManagePermissions)
  3395. * Various tweaks to the permissions screen. (ManageBoards.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, ManageBoards template, ManagePermissions language files)
  3396. ! Xml call for the jump to box wasn't doing the selected board correctly. (Xml.php)
  3397. ! Upgrade was not continuing well from a long absence. (upgrade.php)
  3398. + Allow users to pay a subscription to get enhanced board access. (subscriptions.php, Subscriptions-PayPal.php, ManagePaid.php, Admin.php, ScheduledTasks.php, upgrade, install, ManagePaid template, ManagePaid language file)
  3399. + Add flood control to the search function and allow the admin to enable image verification for guests. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php, Search template, Search language files, upgrade, install)
  3400. ! Don't allow search strings longer than 100 characters. (Search.php, Search template, Search language file)
  3401. ! Clean up the sessions table every so often. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  3402. ! Clearing the log_online table was getting done too often thanks to a missing cache call. (Subs.php)
  3403. ! Begun work to make RepairBoards less repetative by rewriting the find error section into the now common array form. (RepairBoards.php)
  3404. ! When kicking guests in wireless mode, make sure to use the wireless login template. (Security.php)
  3405. ! Added new template and language files and moved from maintenance related entries into them from the Admin files. (ManageMaintenance and Admin templates, ManageMaintenance and Admin language files)
  3406. ! RepairBoards now avoids repetition, resumes better during fixing, and displays more information to the admin. It also now works on postgreSQL. (RepairBoards.php, Admin template)
  3407. & Added a load of new language strings to improve feedback on repair progress. (ManageMaintenance language file)
  3408. ! Use a rel instead of class to control links opening in a new window. (Lots of files)
  3409. ! Profiles were not saving if you allowed people to change their member name. (Profile.php)
  3410. * Visual improvements to the auto suggest feature and some caching tweaks. (suggest.js, PersonalMessage template)
  3411. * Only apply the PNG fix to certain images, and only those in the admin center - as resizing remote PNGs croaks on IE6. (Admin.php, pngfix.js)
  3412. ! Added the character fix for some more poor implementation email clients (att, comcast, bellsouth). (Subs-Post.php)
  3413. * Added smf_default_theme_url to the list of javascript globals. (index templates)
  3414. & Changed the text in the string identification_by_smf to remove the reference to SMF. (Login language file)
  3415. ! SMF was incorrectly reporting it had not optimized tables when it actually had. (DbExtra-mysql.php)
  3416. ! Spell maintenance correctly instead of maintenace. (Admin.php, FixLanguage.php, Admin language file) [Bug 1096]
  3417. ! Attempt to make board permission reports less likely to break their memory limit. (Reports.php, Reports template)
  3418. ! Fixed undefined index error when editing permission profile. (ManagePermissions.php)
  3419. ! Work harder to stop search engines trying to pretend to send emails. (SendTopic.php, Display, Profile and Memberlist templates)
  3420. ! It was possible to get a database error when viewing RSS feeds. (News.php)
  3421. ! Entity converter was not respecting primary keys thus breaking data. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  3422. ! When e107 bridge uses e107 auth, the SMF user might not be created yet (e107 bridge/smf.php)
  3423. ! The install files had a duplicate id for the scheduled stats. (install_2-0_msql.sql, install_2-0_sqlite.sql) [Bug 1100]
  3424. ! Added function for setting admin preferences. (Subs-Admin.php)
  3425. ! Make the side bar setting part of the admin preferences.
  3426. ! Added new view to the manage permissions screen which simplifies the display of permissions. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template)
  3427. & Added a load of new strings for the above change. (ManagePermissions language file)
  3428. ! Use the admin preferences variable to store the admin's desired permissions view. (ManagePermissions.php)
  3429. ! Expanded the toggle javascript function to allow it to be used for admin preferences. (script.js)
  3430. ! The SetJavaScript function should invalidate the current themes cache even if the settings are for another theme. (Themes.php)
  3431. ! The manage holidays page had lost the link for adding new ones. (ManageCalendar.php)
  3432. ! If the user makes an error during registration, take them back to the template. (Register.php, Register template)
  3433. ! Custom profile fields can now be required on registration, with error checking to ensure they are filled in right. (ManageSettings.php, Register template)
  3434. ! Some new language strings for the above changes. (Login, Errors language files)
  3435. ! sendpm will now return the member ID's as the index in the log. (Subs-Post.php)
  3436. * Not allowed to have a rel on a <link> tag. (index template files)
  3437. * Put the rich text editor control script into a table cell so it won't ruin validation. (GenericControls template)
  3438. * Safari should now show more then one line when previewing. (Post template, style.css) [Bug 1034]
  3439. * Use the correct button label for permission submission. (ManagePermissions template) [Bug 1105]
  3440. ! Some messages have line breaks in to the extreme which was breaking text2words. (Subs.php)
  3441. ! Try harder not to timeout when creating a search index. (ManageSearch.php)
  3442. ! Removing an unapproved message could cause an error. (RemoveTopic.php)
  3443. ! Split the Profile source file into three elements, keeping the old file as a master, to stop the include size approaching PHP's limit. (Profile.php, Profile-View.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile-Actions.php)
  3444. ! Show the personal message settings in the profile as well as in the personal message center to allow the admin to edit them. (PersonalMessage.php, Profile-Modify.php)
  3445. * Remove the old template for personal message settings and instead use the generic profile template. (PersonalMessage, Profile template)
  3446. & Move the language strings for personal message settings back to the profile language file. (PersonalMessage, Profile language files)
  3447. * Admin template was linking to credits incorrectly. (Admin template) [Bug 1116]
  3448. ! Search was using spam protection even when browsing results. (Search.php) [Bug 1115]
  3449. & The email template function was missing the error message required if a template cannot be found. (Errors language file)
  3450. & The email template had the wrong name for the merge notification. (EmailTemplates language file) [Bug 593]
  3451. ! XML had the wrong variable for showing an email address. (News.php)
  3452. ! Add some table traversal to preparsecode to ensure we don't allow invalid table BBC. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 1112]
  3453. ! For no logical reason there was an ip2range function within upgrade.php. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1127]
  3454. ! Don't bother logging the currency setup error. (ManagePaid.php) [Bug 1126]
  3455. ! Week view calendar could cause an undefined index error. (Subs-Calendar.php) [Bug 1121]
  3456. ! The BBC parsar wasn't closing block quote stuff correctly. (Subs.php) [Bug 1112]
  3457. ! Allow the admin to toggle the pm_remove_inbox_label theme option. (Settings templates) [Bug 1128]
  3458. ! URL's made with the WYSIWYG editor were being cut off at the first equals sign. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1113]
  3459. ! Missing global. (smf_api.php) [Bug 1082]
  3460. ! Don't allow people to edit the "No polls", "Reply Only" and "Read Only" permissions. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, ManagePermissions language file) [Bug 934]
  3461. ! Do a better job of picking the right permissions in upgrade/install. Note this will override any setup by admins in Beta 1 for the predefined set. (upgrade, install scripts)
  3462. ! Force a recache of the users avatar if they change it. (Profile template) [Bug 1129]
  3463. ! Added auto suggest to the "Add members to a group" page. (Groups.php, ManageMembergroups template) [Bug 1109]
  3464. ! Moderator was inheriting permissions from regular members, which is silly. (ManageMembergroups.php) [Bug 1107]
  3465. ! The XML JumpTo box wasn't doing entities and HTML very well. (Xml.php) [Bug 1025]
  3466. * Don't show the hostname field in the profile if hostname lookups are disabled. (Profile template) [Bug 1099]
  3467. ! Move the BBC array from the templates to the source files. (GenericControls template, Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 917]
  3468. + Added an icon next to the report to moderator link that can be used to issue a warning because of that post. (Display.php, Profile-Actions.php, Display and Profile template, index and Profile language files) [Feature 1110]
  3469. ! The query to delete permission profiles was refering to the wrong table for id_parent column. (Subs-Boards.php)
  3470. * The generic settings template did not validate. (Admin template)
  3471. & American english please. (ManagePaid and ManagePermissions language files)
  3472. ! Database substring function uses 1 based index not 0 based index. (SSI.php)
  3473. ! Removed some erroneous spaces. (Lots of files) [Bug 1134]
  3474. * There can be only one helpmenu ID. (Help template) [Bug 1133]
  3475. ! More spaces and more other small misc changes. (Load.php, ManageMail.php, ManageSettings.php) [Bug 1135]
  3476. ! Don't show the warning icon on messages when the warning system has been disabled. (Display.php) [Bug 1139]
  3477. * Use a transparent background for the warning icon. (warn.gif) [Bug 1139]
  3478. ! Use the language string for moderation log actions. (Modlog.php) [Bug 1072]
  3479. ! Skip chmod actions when installing/uninstalling mods. (Packages.php)
  3480. ! Make the copyright check more forgiving for older copyright messages. (Subs.php)
  3481. ! Fixed undefined offset when editing permissions. (ManagePermissions.php) [Bug 1138,1137]
  3482. ! Removed even more unnecessary spacing. (ManageSettings.php, Subs-Boards.php) [Bug 1134]
  3483. ! Banned users weren't being flagged as such for notifications if they also had an expired ban. (ManageBans.php) [Bug 1118]
  3484. ! Optimise the updateBanMembers function as it was very slow at working out who had an incorrect ban. (ManageBans.php)
  3485. ! Make sure search engine tracking features all get turned off and on at the right points, and work together. (ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageSettings.php) [Bug 993]
  3486. * Don't show the preview button if you're adding/editing a poll - as we don't support it! (Poll template) [Bug 165]
  3487. ! Don't show alt or title in smileys being parsed into the WYSIWYG editor as it breaks with entities. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 20,980]
  3488. ! When trying to fix code tags take into account that the parser deals with them unlike the old days, so don't do so much. (Subs-Post.php) [Bug 336]
  3489. ! Give global moderator access to the default board on install. (install scripts) [Bug 822]
  3490. ! Link the titles on the core features page. (ManageSettings.php, Admin template) [Bug 879]
  3491. ! If we're closing simple HTML then don't break the BBC tag that we're closing it for. (Subs.php) [Bug 254]
  3492. ! Load the language file for the theme you are editing, if changing theme settings. (Themes.php) [Bug 232]
  3493. ! There is no need for the Set-Cookie header when downloading. (Display.php, Calendar.php) [Bug 981]
  3494. ! Only send newsletters to people who have activated their account. (ManageNews.php)
  3495. & Use a dedicated email for coppa joiners. (Subs-Member.php, EmailTemplates language file) [Bug 958]
  3496. ! Don't htmlspecialchars smiley codes as it actually stops them working. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 1035]
  3497. ! We were just sending the digit 1 to UTF8 people using hotmail - which meant emails were harder to understand. (Subs-Post.php)
  3498. ! Respect the hidden setting of a poll in SSI. (SSI.php)
  3499. & Add a new language string to tell the user if they cannot see a poll. (index language file) [Bug 1055]
  3500. ! TrackIP was linking to a users profile even if they didn't exist. (Profile-View.php)
  3501. + Added a BBC button for a decimal list. (Subs-Editor.php, orderlist.gif)
  3502. ! Change the color specific BBC tags to [color] BBC tags. (Subs-Post.php)
  3503. ! SSI's showPoll wasn't properly checking the voting permission. (SSI.php) [Bug 235]
  3504. ! Make the new ordered list work flawlessly with the WYSIWYG editor. (editor.js)
  3505. ! Allow the timeformat function to be passed a variable indicating which offsets to apply. (Subs.php)
  3506. ! Calendar events shown on Display were incorrectly having user offsets applied. (Display.php)
  3507. ! If we're using SSI and a serial error occurs don't jump back into the SMF theming, just get out of there. (Errors.php) [Bug 1084]
  3508. ! Handle nested lists better in the WYSIWYG, whilst accepting there are limitations to how clever we can be thanks to different browsers. (Subs-Editor.php) [Bug 597]
  3509. ! The WYSIWYG editor was not POSTing data, resulting in length limitations. (editor.js)
  3510. * The topic icon dropdown wasn't putting stuff in the right place all the time. (script.js)
  3511. ! As search engines change session all the time remove that feature, and get a performance boost. (ManageSearchEngines.php)
  3512. ! Use the generic list for the tracking user and ip functions. (Profile-View.php, Profile template)
  3513. ! Allow the generic list function to use a custom start variable name in case two tables are on the same page. (Subs-List.php, GenericList template)
  3514. ! The generic list function now allows you to align the no items label. (Subs-List.php, GenericList template)
  3515. ! Use the generic list function for the user notification lists. (Profile-Modify.php, Profile template)
  3516. ! Ordered lists weren't necessarily getting converted back to BBC as one might like. (Subs-Editor.php)
  3517. ! Use the generic list function for viewing group requests and watched members. (Groups.php, ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ManageMembergroups template)
  3518. + Add the ability to use multiple attachment paths. (Display.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManageServer.php, Post.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php, Admin template, ManageAttachments template, Admin language files, install, upgrade)
  3519. ! Add an option for showing search engines on the board index and who's online list. (Subs-MembersOnline.php, Who.php, SSI.php, ManageSearchEngines.php, upgrade and install scripts)
  3520. ! Upgrade wasn't checking for a 2.0 specific file when trying to find out of date ones. (upgrade.php) [Bug 1150]
  3521. ! If anything other than null is passed as include_boards in SSI recentTopics use it in the query. (SSI.php) [Bug 1152]
  3522. * Don't allow Firefox and it's ilk to remember the admin session password - otherwise what is the point!! (Login template)
  3523. ! Stop encoding semi-colons in the refresh header as it doesn't seem to work everywhere. (Subs.php)
  3524. ! Multiple attachment folders was breaking new attachments. (Subs-Post.php)
  3525. ! If a post is still awaiting approval don't bother applying the time limit. (Post.php, Display.php) [Bug 1155]
  3526. ! Sending personal messages with WAP was broken. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  3527. ! Personal Messages now supports labels on WAP. (Wireless template) [Bug 886]
  3528. ! Make sure show_spider_online is set before trying to use it. (Subs-MembersOnline.php) [Bug 1161]
  3529. ! Some small fixes in database queries. (several files)
  3530. ! Redesigned the database query system to allow multiple data types to be injected safely in the query. (several files)
  3531. ! File based caching could die if the caching variable contained a slash and quote. (Load.php)
  3532. ! updateSettings now requires all based variables to not be escaped. (Subs.php)
  3533. ! $_POST and $_COOKIE are no longer escaped by cleanRequest. (QueryString.php)
  3534. ! updateMemberData now requires that all passed data is NOT escaped but sent as the field's true value. (Subs.php, various files)
  3535. ! Allow the hacking attempt protection within db_query to be overridden, and use this in db_insert. (Subs-Db-xxx.php)
  3536. ! updateStats('postgroup') now requires that parameter one is the array of members to act on, if set. (Subs.php)
  3537. * Link (!) in child board lists to the mod center. (BoardIndex and MessageIndex template) [Bug 1172]
  3538. ! Magic quotes removal wasn't working properly, causing login to fail. (QueryString.php)
  3539. ! Applications can now request that the database error handler return immediately for the purposes of upgrade etc where a visual error is not appropriate. (Subs-Db-xxx.php)
  3540. ! Package manager correctly extracts files from archives again. (Subs-Package.php) [Bug 1184]
  3541. November 2007
  3542. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3543. * Removed white background in admin section, section headers now highlights. (Admin.template, dropdown.css, Genericmenu.template, Subs-Menu.php)
  3544. * Moved some additional css files to the css subdirectory. (print.css, wireless.css, fonts-compat.css plus various files)
  3545. + Added a new css file for the admin center and WYSIWYG editor. (editor.css, admin.css)
  3546. ! The WYSIWYG editor now doesn't show line breaks in IE when hitting enter, also state of style tracking is improved. (editor.js)
  3547. ! Restricting number of lines in signature was one line out. (Profile.php)
  3548. ! Restricting font size in signature now does best to do px, pt, em and text based sizes. (Profile.php, ManageSettings.php)
  3549. ! Also check HTML images when restricting signature usage. (Profile.php, ManageSettings.php)
  3550. ! Only need one approval check per query. (SSI.php)
  3551. ! Spelling and grammer mistakes. (xml_topic.js)
  3552. ! Fixed the size tag regular expression. (Subs.php)
  3553. * 50 != 55. (Profile template)
  3554. ! Turn on caching by default on install or upgrading from 1.1 or lower. (install and upgrade files)
  3555. ! Removed test code for simplemachines.org (Subs-Auth.php)
  3556. ! WYSIWYG editor now works much better with fonts in Internet Explorer. (Subs-Editor.php)
  3557. ! We need the session when doing stats recount. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  3558. * When toggling an ignored post go back to the post instead of the top. (Display template)
  3559. * You can't view unread posts for redirect boards ;). (MessageIndex.template, BoardIndex.template)
  3560. ! Allow reporting of your own posts. There are times when it is perfectly logical. (SendTopic.php, Errors language file)
  3561. ! Made the post moderation permissions more understanable. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions language file)
  3562. * When adding a new board default to adding the board below instead of above. (ManageBoard template)
  3563. & Improved some of the error messages. (Errors language file)
  3564. + Added a new function, legalise_bbc, to attempt to fix invalid XHTML generated by some browsers - mainly Opera. (Subs-Editor.php)
  3565. ! Huge number of fixes for the WYSIWYG editor to make it work better generally. (editor.js, Subs-Editor.php)
  3566. ! Make the rich editor it's own control to make it easier to deploy elsewhere. (Post.php, PersonalMessages.php, Subs-Editor.php, Post and PersonalMessages templates)
  3567. * Added template for all future controls and used it for the Rich Edit. (GeneralControls.php)
  3568. ! Don't use the characters S and Z in visual verification just like the comment told us. (MangeRegistration.php, PersonalMessage.php, Post.php, Register.php)
  3569. ! Removed target="_blank" from links and moved to a JS solution. This should allow strict doc-type to be used. (Lots of files)
  3570. * Changed seperate to the correct spelling of separate. Theme authors should note that this changed the setting name from 'seperate_sticky_lock' to 'separate_sticky_lock'. (index, Recent, PersonalMessage, BoardIndex, MessageIndex, Search template files, Reports.php, Subs-Post.php)
  3571. ! Added the option to view user posts on a particular board. (Profile.php)
  3572. ! Added a BBC tag to act like the bidirectional override tag. (Subs.php)
  3573. * The help template should output the pre bbc tag example as shown in the example. (Help template)
  3574. October 2007
  3575. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3576. + Allow admins to select which birthday email to send out. Thanks to karlbenson, nite0859, zwaldowski, and geezmo for their birthday messages. (ManageMail.php, ScheduledTasks.php, Subs-Post.php, EmailTemplates and ManageMail language files)
  3577. * Ensure that the latest post column of the boardindex isn't empty for redirection boards. (BoardIndex template)
  3578. ! Personal Message searching wasn't always showing the right buttons. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3579. ! Don't show the board and topic names in the link tree if there is an error. (Load.php)
  3580. ! If a user is logged in, they can't be a spider. (Load.php)
  3581. ! Ensure that pages with simple actions are not wrapped in Mambo. (Mambo bridge/smf.php)
  3582. ! Add additional warnings about the use of the user synch buttons in the Mambo admin panel. (Mambo bridge/admin.smf.php)
  3583. + Allow admin's to edit language entries from the admin panel. (Admin.php, ManageServer.php, Admin template, ManageSettings language file)
  3584. + Added a dedicated admin screen for setting post moderation settings for a board profile to simplify, what is for some, a confusing process. (Admin.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template)
  3585. & Some new language entries for the above. (Admin, ManageSettings language files)
  3586. ! Upgrade script was doing a poor job with large 1.1 forums. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  3587. ! Update ATOM feeds to version 1.0 - thanks to Oldiesmann. (News.php)
  3588. * Fixed error when Managing Members with > 20 unapproved members. (ManageMembers template)
  3589. * Only display a permission section if it has something within it. (ManagePermissions template)
  3590. ! When disabling custom profile fields ensure we stop displaying them. (ManageSettings.php)
  3591. ! Fix error when guests view a profile. (Profile.php)
  3592. ! When the max post length is reached in quick edit, show them the max post length limit. (Post.php)
  3593. ! Skipped files don't need the extra operation data. (Packages.php)
  3594. ! Show the topic name in the link tree for adding/editing a poll. (Poll.php)
  3595. ! Don't error if a toggle panel div cannot be found. (script.js)
  3596. ! Wrong language string was being used for date registered in members awaiting approval section. (ManageMembers.php)
  3597. ! First check to see if the $spider['user_agent'] is not empty before passing it over to strpos. (ManageSearchEngines.php)
  3598. ! Check to see if $_SESSION['id_robot'] is not empty before logging spider stats. (ManageSearchEngines.php)
  3599. ! When removing illegal permissions, make sure to enclose the permissions in quotes so they wont get treated as column names. (ManagePermissions.php)
  3600. ! Wrong permission was being used for the manage permissions tab. (Admin.php)
  3601. ! Profile page was still using legacy indexes for language strings. (FixLanguage.php, Profile template)
  3602. & Changed index name for the change above. (Profile language files)
  3603. ! Sort attachments in profile by date descending by default. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  3604. * Placed the sort image after the column name for consistensy in Show Attachments section in Profile page. (Profile template)
  3605. ! When deleting posts from the recent posts section, make sure that the modaction is logged. (Recent.php, RemoveTopic.php, Recent template)
  3606. * Adding new images to permissions for membergroup screen (ManagePermissions.template, images from admin folder)
  3607. + It is now possible to download and install language packs from the Simple Machines site via the admin center. (ManageServer.php)
  3608. ! Language files were getting truncated when settings were saved. (ManageServer.php)
  3609. + Grab the SM Files automatically during the install or upgrade. (install.php, upgrade.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  3610. ! Birthday email setting needed a help text. (Help language file)
  3611. ! Help text that were using printf identifiers weren't being used correctly. (Help.php)
  3612. ! Don't show topic summary posts if set to zero. (Post.php)
  3613. ! It was sometimes possible to see posts in a child board that you couldn't access. (Subs-Post.php)
  3614. * Give permission profile editing it's own tab. (Admin.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, Admin and ManagePermissions language files)
  3615. + Automatically prune the error log. (ManageSettings.php, ScheduledTasks.php, Admin and ManageSettings language files, install and upgrade files)
  3616. + Added a weekly maintenance task. (ScheduledTasks.php, install and upgrade files)
  3617. + Automatically prune the ban hit, moderator action, report to moderator, and schedule task logs as well. (ScheduledTasks.php, Admin.php, manageSettings.php, Admin and ManageSettings language files, install and upgrade files)
  3618. ! Allow additional paramaters to be added to the url in a generic menu tab. (GenericMenu template)
  3619. ! Link the (!) after the board name to the list of unapproved topics. (BoardIndex template, style.css)
  3620. ! When limiting unapproved topics/posts to a board keep the board information in the link for the tabs. (PostModeration.php)
  3621. September 2007
  3622. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3623. ! Make sure the bridge knows where the javascript files are. (Mambo bridge/smf.php)
  3624. + Added a hook to export the first post in a new topic. (Subs-Post.php)
  3625. ! Update Mambo bridge for SMF 2.0. (Mambo bridge/several files)
  3626. ! BoardIndex was sometimes showing unapproved topic names. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  3627. ! Fixed undefined index error due to the mod cache not being set for guests. (Load.php)
  3628. & Fixed invalid string entry in install.php. (Install.php, Install language file)
  3629. ! Fixed out of date index causing error in display. (Display.php)
  3630. ! Only optimise SMF tables. (install.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  3631. ! Cleanup Permissions wasn't displaying the right contextual information. (Admin.php)
  3632. ! Upgrade should now work better with PostgreSQL. (upgrade.php, upgrade script)
  3633. & Make the timings of scheduled tasks clearer to users. (ManageMaintenance.php, Admin template, Admin language file)
  3634. ! Don't allow an ICQ value of zero on registration. (Subs-Members.php)
  3635. ! Sometimes people couldn't see how to issue warnings. (Profile.php)
  3636. * Make it obvious how the warning level can be changed. (Profile template)
  3637. * Add a cancel option to the AJAX indicator to turn it off. (index template, style css)
  3638. + Added the ability to view the operations that failed when installing/uninstalling a mod. (Packages.php, Subs-Package, Packages template, Packages language file)
  3639. ! Cleaned up various files to comply with the SM coding standards. (Various files)
  3640. ! Wireless devices running Internet Explorer don't like refresh header. (Subs.php)
  3641. ! Continue to the next profile area section if current one is disabled. (Profile.php)
  3642. + Allow the admins to, optionally, monitor search engine activity on their site. (ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageSettings.php, ScheduledTasks.php, Subs-Membergroups.php, upgrade, install)
  3643. + Allow admin to allocate a membergroup for detected search engines. (Load.php)
  3644. & New language entries for the above. (Search, Admin language files)
  3645. ! It was possible to get an undefined index error using the mail queue. (Load.php)
  3646. ! The "Send PM" link wasn't showing in profile for non-admins. (Profile.php)
  3647. * Typo on moderation center template means watched posts read watched users. (ModerationCenter template)
  3648. ! Ensure theme settings, when saved, take effect instantly. (Load.php)
  3649. ! Who is viewing a topic wasn't saving correctly. (Themes.php)
  3650. ! Some input values didn't get escaped properly - reported by Michael Brooks. (Groups.php, PersonalMessages.php, Post.php, Profile.php, QueryString.php, Search.php, Subs-Boards.php, Subs.php)
  3651. ! Some attachment filenames didn't get escaped properly. (Display.php, ManageAttachments.php)
  3652. + Check to see if the Mambo bridge is installed correctly, and if not, die with an error message (Mambo bridge/SMF_header_include.php)
  3653. ! Use Mambo $loginfo as an object rather than an array. (Mambo bridge/SMF_user_change.php)
  3654. + Make the Mambo bridge compatible with Nokkaew (Mambo bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  3655. + Added the option to add the database query to the error message. (ManageSettings.php, Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php, ManageSettings and Help language files)
  3656. ! Changed preferred column method from 'eval' to 'function' as it's better readable that way. (ManageAttachments, ManageBans.php, ManageCalendar.php, ManageMail.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageSearchEngines.php, ManageSettings.php, ManageSmileys.php)
  3657. ! Fixed a query error shown when listing the members from the admin panel. (Subs-Members.php)
  3658. ! Wrong function name when checking permissions. (Profile.php)
  3659. * Show a confirmation box only when trying to apply changes to failed operations for custom themes. (Packages.template.php)
  3660. & Tweak the spider group function to ensure that only restrictive permissions are applied. (Load.php, Search and Help language files)
  3661. ! Switching between drop down menu and side bar was sending the wrong save query. (Subs-Menu.php)
  3662. * Managing a redirection board was being difficult once it had a redirect under it's belt. (ManageBoards.php, Subs-Boards.php, ManageBoards template)
  3663. ! Ensure quoting a personal message always works in conversation view - no matter who sent the PM. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3664. ! Sometimes deleting PM's in conversation mode wasn't looking like it had done it. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3665. & Provide some helpful advice when enabling conversations that saving your messages in the outbox will improve the usefulness of the feature. (PersonalMessage language file, PersonalMessage template)
  3666. ! Upgrade should once again work in command line mode. (upgrade.php)
  3667. ! Centralize the decision on whether to show the email address and how. (Display.php, Groups.php, Load.php, News.php, PersonalMessages.php, Security.php, SendTopic.php, Subs-Auth.php, Display template, ManageMembergroups template, Memberlist template, PersonalMessages template, Profile template)
  3668. August 2007
  3669. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3670. ! Fast quoting should no longer cause an error when the user doesn't have any moderation rights. (Post.php)
  3671. ! The core features are defined in $context not $modSettings. (ManageSettings.php)
  3672. ! Don't hide permissions because of typos. (ManagePermissions.php)
  3673. ! Mail queue wasn't respecting limits on how many emails to send quite right. (Load.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  3674. * Some links were still using the old link style for admin pages. (Reports.template.php)
  3675. & Added missing text string for issue_warnings in Generate Group Reports (Reports language file)
  3676. ! Wrong language string was being used for activation reminder emails. (ManageMembers.php)
  3677. * Added missing global variables in Wireless template. (Wireless template)
  3678. ! Fix the link to the Mod Center settings. (ModerationCenter language file)
  3679. & Fixed some grammar problems in Profile language files. (Profile language file)
  3680. + Allow searching of custom profile fields. (upgrade, install, Memberlist.php, ManageSettings.php, Memberlist template, Memberlist language file)
  3681. ! Displaying moderators on the board index wasn't working on postgreSQL. (Subs-BoardIndex.php)
  3682. ! Make sure the babylon and classic themes have their layers set correctly. (theme_info.xml)
  3683. ! Fixed numerous problems with cached querys. (Load.php, Groups.php, Subs-Auth.php, Security.php, Modlog.php)
  3684. ! Upgrade was erroring if a package you tried to uninstall had no files. (upgrade.php)
  3685. ! Scheduled tasks was missing a page title. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  3686. ! When reporting a database error use the right database title. (Subs-Auth.php)
  3687. ! Upgrade has some globals undefined. (upgrade.php)
  3688. + Enhance privacy settings of custom fields - to allow fields to be user viewable but not editable. (upgrade, ManageSettings.php, Admin template, Profile.php, Memberlist.php)
  3689. & Changed some language strings related to the above. (ManageSettings language file)
  3690. ! Attachments were not being shown as approved in PostgreSQL. (Post.php)
  3691. + Allow boards to be specified as links to redirect to other areas. (install, upgrade, ManageBoards.php, Subs-BoardIndex.php, Subs-MessageIndex.php, Post.php, Search.php, Subs.php)
  3692. * Significant template changes for the above. (MessageIndex, ManageBoards, BoardIndex template)
  3693. & Language entries for redirection boards. (ManageBoards, index language files)
  3694. ! All database calls should use the $smfFunc variable (Various files)
  3695. ! Don't allow nesting of size bbc tags. (Subs.php)
  3696. SMF 2.0 Beta 1 August 25, 2007
  3697. ================================================================================
  3698. August 2007
  3699. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3700. ! Try to do a better job of logging the URL on an error if SEF is enabled. (Errors.php)
  3701. ! Make sure it's hard to force an error with a silly URL. (Subs-Post.php)
  3702. ! If using an old version of host which doesn't support the -W command don't call it. (Subs.php)
  3703. ! Allow a subject of just &nbsp; and other HTMLesc characters. (Post.php)
  3704. * Changed some visuals on the calendar display. (Calendar.php, Calendar template)
  3705. ! Force the admin to turn on OpenID. (ManageRegistration.php, LogInOut.php; Register, index, Login templates; Login language file)
  3706. + Added a (currently hardly used) way to view the calendar by weeks. (Subs-Calendar.php, Calendar.php, Calendar template)
  3707. & The notify_boards_body email shouldn't say that there might be other topics. (EmailTemplates language file)
  3708. ! Allow the use of em in the size BBC tag. (Subs.php)
  3709. ! Added a function that should in theory allow exporting of events in iCal format. (Calendar.php)
  3710. + Allow users to select how many topics/messages they want on each page - and allow the admin to disable this. (ManagePosts.php, Themes.php, Profile.php, MessageIndex.php, Display.php, Recent.php)
  3711. * Update templates to reflect the above. (Profile, Settings template)
  3712. & New language entries for above. (Admin, Help, Profile language files)
  3713. ! Allow users to log out in maintenance mode. (index.php)
  3714. ! The WYSIWYG editor will now attempt to highlight the current active buttons. (editor.js)
  3715. ! Attempt to detect post count underflow without relying on such behavior. (Subs.php)
  3716. ! Change the size of the profile stats bar graphs so that smaller values are more likely to show a bar. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  3717. ! Changed the birthday emails offset value to avoid a problem with a negative timestamp. (install SQL files, mysql upgrade file)
  3718. ! When the default theme directory is wrong but the standard path is available add it to the list of directories to load from. (Load.php)
  3719. ! Respect the use of %l in the Today/Yesterday time format. (Subs.php)
  3720. * Move the info center code into its own function. (BoardIndex template files)
  3721. ! Close moderation reports when topics and messages are deleted. (RemoveTopic.php)
  3722. ! Work harder to avoid timeouts during maintenance, and don't let the debug cache get too big. (ManageMaintenance, Subs-Db-xxx.php)
  3723. + Allow guests to vote in polls if they have the relevant permissions and the poll starter allows it. (Post.php, Poll.php, ManagePermissions.php, install, upgrade scripts)
  3724. * Some template and language changes for the above. (Poll template, Post template, Errors, Post language files)
  3725. ! Show a link to weekly view in the calendar. (Calendar template, Subs-Calendar.php, Calendar.php)
  3726. ! If there are more than fifteen birthdays on a day then hide anything over ten using javascript. (Calendar.php, Calendar template)
  3727. ! Ensure that the mod_cache is set in $user_info before trying to create the query restrictions. (Load.php)
  3728. ! Change the email date format to use -0000 to better comply with the RFC. (Subs-Post.php)
  3729. * The news fader should now work with Safari. (BoardIndex template files)
  3730. + Added some missing information when viewing PMs in wireless mode. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3731. ! Added an integration hook after the theme is loaded. (Load.php)
  3732. ! Removed the layer check for integrate_exit. (Subs.php)
  3733. ! Check GET and POST instead of REQUEST for numeric keys. (QueryString.php)
  3734. ! Adjust the can_mod check to handle the new group query from the mod cache. (Load.php)
  3735. * Fixed wrong padding in search panel in admin section (Admin.template)
  3736. * Added icons to Core Features screen (Themes/default/images/admin/several icons , Admin.template )
  3737. * Fixed headers and cosmetic errors in Calendar (Calendar.template)
  3738. ! Fixed long standing issue with dollar signs in quick edit. (xml_topic.js)
  3739. ! Attempt to fix invalid BBC orders breaking forum layout. (Subs-Post.php)
  3740. * Added in missing images and styles in admins ection of Classic and Babylon theme ( babylon/css/dropdown.css, classic/css/dropdown.css, multiple images )
  3741. * Updated admin features icons to use 24bit PNG images , added javascript fix for IE ( Admin.template, babylon/style.css, classic/style.css , index.template for all 3 themes )
  3742. + Added the old topic warning to quick reply. (Display.php, Display Template, index and Post language files)
  3743. * The info center should respect the show latest member theme option. (BoardIndex templates)
  3744. * If a menu has a subsection with a defined URL, make sure to use that. (GenericMenu template)
  3745. ! Allow usernames that contain the guest title as a substring provided that the username isn't the guest title. (Subs-Members.php)
  3746. * Fixed a few CSS issues in admin dropdown menu. (Admin.template, Themes/default/css/dropmenu.css, GenericMenu.template, images)
  3747. * Fixed headers in ModerationCenter being too high. (ModerationCenter.template)
  3748. ! Ensure posts in locked topics can't be modified without the proper permission. (Display.php, Post.php)
  3749. ! Make sure to update the post counts correctly when moving topics. (MessageIndex.php, MoveTopic.php)
  3750. * Cosmetic changes to the admin dropdown menu ( GenericMenu.template, dropmenu.css )
  3751. ! When a topic is created in a board without any topics force the cache to refresh itself. (Post.php)
  3752. ! Don't try to style the quickmodSubmit item if it isn't being generated. (Display template)
  3753. ! Use wwwRedirect instead of www in the URL when redirecting requests that forgot the www subdomain. (Load.php)
  3754. ! Allow those with a primary membergroup who can not leave that group still join other groups. (Profile.php)
  3755. ! Don't allow sending PMs to members who can't read them. (Subs-Post.php)
  3756. & Language string for above. (PersonalMessages language)
  3757. ! Don't allow the use of the Right-To-Left Override character. (Load.php)
  3758. ! Fixed editing grace period inconsistancies within the post script. (Post.php)
  3759. ! Don't allow resizing of smileys in WYSIWYG editor - only supported in IE I'm afraid. (Subs-Editor.php, editor.js)
  3760. ! Attach a class name to the WYSIYWG editor. (style.css, editor.js)
  3761. ! Rename veriable "mode" to something more understandable in the WYSIWYG editor. (editor.js)
  3762. ! Don't allow resuming an upgrade unless they've actually got somewhere. (upgrade.php)
  3763. ! If the user selects to preview a quick reply and there are new replies in the mean time still show the preview. (Post.php)
  3764. * Clean up the manage board and manage group templates to make them more consistant and remove some unneeded tables. (ManageBoard, ManageMembergroups template)
  3765. * Fixed showing of same thumbnail for selecting themes in Profile section (Themes.php)
  3766. July 2007
  3767. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3768. * Updated icons/images wuth optimized versions, thanks to AlienCowFarm (default/images)
  3769. ! Tell the user how long their post ban is for. (Subs.php)
  3770. ! The db_insert function now accepts a connection variable for use with multiple connections. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php)
  3771. ! The ssi_menu function now returns the menu items instead of $context. (SSI.php)
  3772. ! Ensure that the SSI function properly respect the output method variable. (SSI.php)
  3773. ! Separate out the Login2 function into separate parts. (LogInOut.php)
  3774. ! The GET parameters were not correctly handling url encoded values. (QueryString.php)
  3775. + Added initial support for OpenID. (Lots of files)
  3776. + Added start of "core feature" page for turning on and off big features. (ManageSettings.php, Admin.php, Admin template)
  3777. ! Don't allow searching of one character items. (Search.php, Errors language file)
  3778. ! Attempt to make Personal Message conversations work on PostgreSQL. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3779. ! Warn anyone attempting to make a redirection topic when moving an unapproved topic. (MoveTopic, index language file)
  3780. ! Allow admins to post HTML without other text being present. (Post.php)
  3781. ! Attempt to make SMF 2.0 slightly more PHP6 friendly. (index.php, install.php, QueryString.php)
  3782. ! Undeleting an account wasn't checking the password. (LogInOut.php, Login template)
  3783. ! Stop CDATA blocks breaking preview/quick modify. (Post.php)
  3784. ! Also check a members additional groups when deciding if they are over their personal message limit. (Subs-Post.php)
  3785. * Reduced flickering in IE through CSS, on admin drop-down menu ( dropmenu.css)
  3786. June 2007
  3787. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3788. ! Sending newsletters could cause a timeout on large boards. (ManageNews.php)
  3789. ! Session fixation could in rare cases be applied - reported by David Vieira-Kurz). (Subs-Auth.php)
  3790. ! Check the correct permission for issuing warnings. (Profile.php)
  3791. ! Prevent recursive functions causing a stack overflow in PHP. (QueryString.php)
  3792. ! Inform users with login bans about why they can't login. (Security.php, LogInOut.php, index language files)
  3793. * Let user mark selected topics read on unread and unreadreplies searches. (index and Recent default theme Templates, default theme style.css)
  3794. ! When splitting stickied topics don't make the new topic sticky also. (SplitTopics.php)
  3795. ! Bad query was making the message previews not work. (MessageIndex.php)
  3796. ! SQL SUBSTRING function does not use 0 base indexing. (Recent.php, Subs-Recent.php)
  3797. ! Fixed minor typo showing wrong number of unapproved topics in moderation center. (PostModeration.php)
  3798. + Added new functions to SSI.php including fetchPost, fetchMember, randomMember and fetchGroupMembers (SSI.php, ssi_examples.php, ssi_examples.shtml)
  3799. ! Stop putting &nbsp;'s into the message editing window. (Post.php)
  3800. ! Allow users to see their unapproved topics and tell them it's not approved. (index.php, MessageIndex.php)
  3801. ! Tell moderators how many topics/posts are unapproved in the board and allow them to filter these out in the moderation center. (PostModeration.php, MessageIndex.php)
  3802. & New language strings for the above (index language file)
  3803. ! MySQL's utf8 collation mapped some characters as equal causing a database insert on posting a topic to go wrong in rare cases. (Subs.php)
  3804. ! Modifying posts could cause a database error in some cases. (Subs-Post.php)
  3805. ! Converted the lists for profile fields and mail queue to the standardized list form. (ManageMail.php, ManageMail template, ManageMail language file, ManageSettings.php, Admin template)
  3806. ! Rearranged checks in brd search conditional to avoid undefined index errors. (Search.php)
  3807. ! Make sure to return something from the SSI functions. (SSI.php)
  3808. ! Ensure bday3 is also set when checking birthdates. (Profile.php)
  3809. + Added the ability to specify other directories in which to check for template files. (Load.php)
  3810. ! Cookies were in some cases not stored on localhost. (Subs-Auth.php)
  3811. ! Make sure cookies are inspected before being unserialized. (LogInOut.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  3812. ! The mail queue list wasn't sorting properly. (ManageMail.php)
  3813. ! The additional row after the title of a generic list wasn't shown. (GenericList template)
  3814. May 2007
  3815. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3816. + If posting an attachment and using the default message icon, change the icon to a clip icon. (Post.php, Display.php MessageIndex.php, Recent.php, Search.php)
  3817. ! The page index wasn't properly sorting the PMs. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3818. & Change the recommended password length from six to eight. (Profile language file)
  3819. ! Don't do language file caching if caching is generally disabled. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  3820. & Globalize variables used in language files. (Many language files)
  3821. + Add the list of ignored users to $user_info and to $context['user']. (Load.php)
  3822. * If the poster is being ignored by the user use javascript to collapse the post. (Display template)
  3823. ! Reporting a personal message needed some more sanitation. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3824. ! Added $cachedir to the list of globals. (SSI.php)
  3825. ! Prevent setupThemeContext from being ran more then once under SSI. (Subs.php)
  3826. ! Use the correct URL for installing packages from the latest packages script. (latest-packages.js)
  3827. * Changed a javascript variable name to one that makes more sense. (Search template)
  3828. ! Fixed a small spelling mistake in the upgrade script. (upgrade.php)
  3829. April 2007
  3830. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3831. ! Removed the admin setting to stop users from hiding their email address. (ModSettings.php, upgrade script, various files)
  3832. ! Added a (normally enabled) setting to force users to email other users via a forum form instead of their client. (SendTopic.php, ModSettings.php, various other files)
  3833. ! Changed the nature of the "Hide email" user setting to now mean "Disallow users from emailing yourself". (Profile.php, index language file)
  3834. + Added a (currently) basic search to the admin section. (Admin.php, Admin template)
  3835. ! All setting related functions now take an optional parameter to return what setting data they are dealing with. (Various files)
  3836. ! Allow the brd search paramter to be used in the url as a non array. (Search.php)
  3837. ! Allow people to search the online manual from the admin panel and display results within the admin area. (Admin.php, Admin template)
  3838. ! Added a function and generic templates for displaying a menu - and used them for the admin and moderation centers. (Admin.php, ModerationCenter.php, Subs-Menu.php, GenericMenu template)
  3839. * Changed the layout on admin search, changed dropdown-menu to use css classes (Admin.template, GenericMenu.template, dropmenu.css, dropmenu_default.css, images/admin/change_menu.png, images/admin/change_menu2.png)
  3840. ! mktree could potentially get itself into a loop. (Subs-Package.php)
  3841. ! Allow users to override wap detection if they wish. (index.php)
  3842. + It is now possible to ban users using wireless mode. (Profile.php, ManageBans.php, Wireless template, Wireless language files)
  3843. ! Don't show the calendar submenu if the user can't post an event. (Subs.php)
  3844. ! Changed to the link the submenu to sort the errorlog in desc order. (Subs.php)
  3845. ! The ban error wasn't being shown on themes using the new layers. (Subs.php)
  3846. ! Fixed the error with posting attachments. (Subs-Post.php)
  3847. ! Added the sub button code into all menu items so modification authors can easily add some. (Subs.php)
  3848. ! SSI.php didn't update some of its txt variables. (SSI.php)
  3849. ! Trying to do array operations on a boolean type is bad. (Subs-Menu.php)
  3850. ! Memberlist was using the wrong column for website sorting. (Memberlist.php)
  3851. ! Renamed ModSettings.php to ManageSettings.php, and the same for the language file. (ManageSettings.php, ManageSettings language file)
  3852. ! Joomla bridge was removing some semi-colons in URLs instead of converting them to SEF. (Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  3853. ! Made bridged outgoing emails smarter when converting URLs. (Mambo/Joomla bridges/smf.php)
  3854. ! Bridge wasn't using UTF-8 language files appropriately in certain circumstances (Joomla bridge/mod_smf_login.php, smf.php)
  3855. ! Mambo 4.6 sometimes loads arrays as objects, invalidating output. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/admin.smf.php)
  3856. ! Sanitize input from the Joomla bridge registration, as the javascript check doesn't necessarily take care of it all. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.php)
  3857. + Added AEC compatibility to Joomla bridge. (several files)
  3858. ! Some HTML header information was missing from Joomla headers. (Mambo/Joomla bridges/smf.php, SMF_header_include.php)
  3859. ! Fixed an undefined constant in e107 bridge language files (e107 bridge/admin_smf_config.php, English.php, French.php)
  3860. ! ModLog wasn't properly restricting entries for users. (ModLog.php)
  3861. ! WYSIWYG editor wasn't previewing correctly. (Post.php, editor.js)
  3862. ! Group monthly statistics by year. (Stats.php, Stats and XML template files, Stats language, stats.js)
  3863. ! Completed the backend changes for the new admin menu and made tabs visible regardless of menu preference. (Most Admin files)
  3864. ! Show unapproved posts to the people who made them assuming they are not guests - also give a javascript warning on their post requiring approval. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, Profile.php, Post template, index and Post language files)
  3865. ! Added ability to decrement warning points from users every 24 hours and changed the clean cache scheduled task into a daily maintenance one. (Profile.php, ManageSettings.php, upgrade and install scripts, ScheduledTasks.php, Admin language files)
  3866. ! Display warning status on topic display (If setting enabled) and allow the admin to decide whether only moderators can see warning status. (ManageSettings.php, Display.php, Load.php, Display template, index language file, style.css, images directory)
  3867. March 2007
  3868. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3869. ! Profile now uses a generic template and has only one point of entry. (Profile.php)
  3870. ! Make it possible for administrators to decide which standard fields are displayed where. (ModSettings.php, Profile.php, Register.php, ModSettings template)
  3871. ! Added a setting to enable visual verification on posting for certain users. (ManagePosts.php, Post.php)
  3872. ! Moved visual verification javascript to a separate file that automatically populates links as required. (captcha.js)
  3873. ! It is now possible to translate the agreement file by creating a new file called agreement_language.txt - this can be edited from the admin center. (ManageRegistration.php, Register.php)
  3874. * Updated admin menu to fallback on default stylesheet for older themes + changed look for default, classic and babylon admin menu. (Admin.php, babylon/index.template, classic/index.template, Admin.template, style.css, css/dropmenu.css, css/dropmenu_default.css, babylon/css/dropmenu.css, classic/css/dropmenu.css)
  3875. + Added the ability to define sub menu buttons for the template menu. (Subs.php)
  3876. & Added language strings for above. (index language files)
  3877. ! An invisible UTF-8 character wasn't filtered out properly. (Load.php)
  3878. ! The website profile fields should now only show up in the correct page of the profile. (Profile.php)
  3879. ! The admin template had the wrong Simple Machines file names. (Admin template)
  3880. + Added the ability to store files retrieved from sites other then Simple Machines. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  3881. ! Limit SSI polls to polls outside of the recycling board. (SSI.php)
  3882. ! The function logAction now does a check to ensure that the log is active before doing a lot of work. (Subs.php)
  3883. ! The moderation center wasn't loading the menu stylesheet. (ModerationCenter.php)
  3884. * Added initial support for icons to admin menu, changed minor css. (Admin.php, Admin.template.php, Themes/default/images/admin)
  3885. ! The membergroup report was incorrectly reporting that regular members had access to certain boards. (Reports.php)
  3886. ! The PHP tag is no longer a block level element in both parsing and HTML. (Subs.php)
  3887. ! Added CSS classes to many of the BBC tags and moved much of the inline styles into the CSS file. (Subs.php, style.css)
  3888. ! Main layer split caused the security check on files to not be done. (Subs.php)
  3889. ! Added more sub menu items to the main menu. (Subs.php)
  3890. & Moved and added language strings for above. (index, Admin, Manual, ModerationCenter, and Profile language files)
  3891. ! Moderation center wasn't dealing with the icon issue in its menu. (ModerationCenter.php)
  3892. & Changed the layout of latest-themes.js and latest-packages.js (latest-themes.js, latest-packages.js, package.png, themes.png)
  3893. ! A typo was causing the ignore boards setting to be used for advanced searches. (Search.php)
  3894. ! Added caching for the main menu items. (Subs.php)
  3895. ! Searching for the end position in the package manager could fail. (Subs-Package.php)
  3896. ! Finally fixed a nasty problem with upgrade stopping it working properly when uninstalling mods. (upgrade.php)
  3897. + Added mime type information to attachments to allow for the type of the file to be detected upon upload increasing security. (Display.php, Profile.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs-Graphics.php, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  3898. ! Added little feature to allow moderators to make notes to each other in the moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php)
  3899. ! Enhanced spam protection to take into account the various types of actions being protected against. (upgrade scripts, Subs.php)
  3900. + Added functionality for sending emails to people without revealing their email address - not quite used yet. (SendTopic.php, SendTopic template)
  3901. * Changed URL for sending a topic to enable email sending functions to be grouped together better. (Display templates, index.php)
  3902. February 2007
  3903. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3904. ! Fixed a remaining, if not extremely difficult to exploit, issue with downloads on IE - reported by Jessica Hope. (Display.php)
  3905. ! Fixed to/bcc fields in Personal Messages not being htmlspecialchar'd - reported by Aria-Security team. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3906. ! People with the manage_permissions could maybe abuse it. (ManagePermissions.php, ManageMembergroups.php)
  3907. ! The path was sometimes wrong when installing a package. (Subs-Package.php)
  3908. ! Display name can now be no longer than 60 characters as people were taking it too far! (Profile.php, Profile template)
  3909. & New error string for the above. (Errors language files)
  3910. ! Quick edit would lose the old modified time if you made no changes. (Post.php)
  3911. ! Password reminder was not respecting password strength. (Reminder.php)
  3912. ! Retain all current theme settings when editing a different theme. (Themes.php)
  3913. ! Try to ensure ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT is always set. (Load.php)
  3914. * Removed the classic specific Post template. (Post template)
  3915. + Added functionality for checking if a username is available and password suitability to the registration screen. (Register.php, Register template)
  3916. * Added a new register javascript class, and some place holder images. (register.js)
  3917. & Added some language entries for the above changes. (Login language file)
  3918. ! Always send an alternative plain us-ascii text version of the body along with each mail for basic support of older mail clients. (Subs-Post.php)
  3919. ! Convert non-ascii characters to entities for mails sent to yahoo addresses to assure characters are being displayed properly in yahoo's client. (Subs-Post.php)
  3920. * Updated the search template with new layout. (Search template)
  3921. * Wider sidebox and color tweaks for upgrade.php ( Upgrade.php )
  3922. * Changed icons and slight layout changes in Register.template (register.js, Register template, field_check.gif, field_valid.gif, field_unvalid.gif )
  3923. ! People upgrading from non-sha1 supporting PHP to new sha1 supporting PHP were having problems. (Subs-Compat.php, LogInOut.php)
  3924. ! Added more options for when sending a news letter, and changed the way it functions to stop it being a bandwidth hog. (ManageNews.php, ManageNews template)
  3925. & Language strings for the above change. (Admin language file)
  3926. ! Moved classes into separate source files and converted them to PHP 5 styled classes. (PackageGet.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Subs-Packages.php)
  3927. ! Created a class loading function for maintaining PHP 4 compatibility. (Subs.php)
  3928. ! Moved calendarValidatePost() to Subs-Calendar.php and renamed to validateEventPost. (Subs-Post.php, Subs-Calendar.php, Post.php, Calendar.php)
  3929. ! Separated several event modifying functions and moved them to Subs-Calendar.php. (Calendar.php, Subs-Calendar.php)
  3930. ! Created a function for getting a list of boards. (Subs-MessageIndex.php, Calendar.php, Calendar template, MessageIndex.php, Post.php, Post template, Search.php, Xml.php)
  3931. ! Removed the old loadJumpTo function that was no longer being used. (Load.php)
  3932. ! Changed the way fields are setup in Profile. (Profile.php)
  3933. * Added a scripts directory for all javascript files to the default theme - and added one specific to profile. (profile.js)
  3934. * Expanded the right box height for upgrade.php. ( upgrade.php )
  3935. * Added dropdown menu + setting to toggle menu/sidebar for admin section (Admin.php, Admin.template.php, ModSettings.php, ModSettings.english.php, Help.english.php, style.css, admintab_active_left.gif, admintab_active_right.gif, admintab_left.gif, admintab_right.gif)
  3936. & Moved all emails into a single file that uses a template format. (Many language files)
  3937. + Use email templates for sending out emails. (Many source files)
  3938. & Fixed minor typos (Manual language files, Login language files)
  3939. + Implemented a generic form of displaying lists, so that lists used in SMF can all be based on the same template. (Subs-List.php, GenericList template)
  3940. ! Converted the lists in the admin areas 'Calendar', 'Smileys and Message Icons', 'Attachements and Avatars', 'Members' and 'Membergroups' to the standardized form. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageCalendar.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageSmileys.php, Subs-Calendar.php, Subs-Membergroups.php, Subs-Members.php, ManageAttachments template, ManageCalendar template, ManageMembergroups template, ManageMembers template, ManageSmileys template)
  3941. ! Converted the lists in the ban admin section to the standardized form. (ManageBans.php, ManageBans template)
  3942. January 2007
  3943. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3944. ! Ensure that spell check can't cause an offset error. (Subs-Post.php)
  3945. ! Improved the upgrade script and made it look much nicer in debug mode. (upgrade.php)
  3946. ! Added parameter to mimespecialchars to allow sending a custom character set. (Subs-Post.php)
  3947. ! Birthday email was being sent to people who hadn't set their birthday. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  3948. & Changed the wording in the reset member options section of themes. (Themes language files)
  3949. ! Expanded group hidden flag to allow admininstrators to determine what should be visible on the Board Index. (ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembergroups template)
  3950. * The unread posts link on the babylon theme caused poor tiling in the category header. (babylon BoardIndex template)
  3951. ! The database function, db_insert, now takes the file name and line number as a parameter for better debugging. (Several files)
  3952. + Added functionality to warn a user, link a users warning level to certain moderation tags, use it as a watch, and review all warnings. (ModerationCenter.php, Profile.php, ModSettings.php, Security.php, ManagePermissions.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  3953. & Template and language entries for the above. (ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter language files, Profile template, Profile language files, Help language files, ModSettings language files)
  3954. ! Split the main layer into two layers, html and body. (Load.php, index template files)
  3955. ! Moved the PM alert code from the source to the theme. (Subs.php, index template files)
  3956. ! If someone forgets to send an array to the recentPosts or recentTopics SSI functions don't complain. (SSI.php)
  3957. ! From the permission index link to the manage membergroups page instead of the manage members page. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template)
  3958. ! Don't link files that have been eval'd in the error log. (ManageErrors.php)
  3959. ! Replaced links to the admin center membergroup member list to the moderation center membergroup member list. (Admin.php, Groups.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManagePermissions.php)
  3960. ! Merged the function retrieving the board list for the board index and the child boards for the message index into a single function in Subs-BoardIndex.php. (BoardIndex.php, MessageIndex.php, Subs-BoardIndex.php)
  3961. ! Created a user online function used by both the board index and SSI. (BoardIndex.php, SSI.php, Subs-MembersOnline.php)
  3962. ! No longer overwrite the contents of REMOTE_ADDR if it appears valid. (QueryString.php)
  3963. ! Added a cache handler that'll call the appropriate function in case the cached item cannot be found. (Load.php)
  3964. ! Cache membergroups for the board index in the memory cache instead of the database. (ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Membergroup.php, BoardIndex.php, RepairBoards.php, Themes.php)
  3965. ! Moved getLastPosts from Recent.php to Subs-Recent.php and added a cache retrieval function for it. (Recent.php, Subs-Recent.php, BoardIndex.php)
  3966. ! Created a TrackStatsUsersOnline function previously embedded in the main BoardIndex function. (BoardIndex.php, Subs-MembersOnline.php)
  3967. + Added a number of user configurable moderation preferences to the moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php, Subs.php, SendTopic.php, upgrade and install scripts).
  3968. & Language entries for above change. (ModerationCenter language file)
  3969. ! Removed membergroups_updated from the settings table as it is rarely used and takes up space - use settings_updated instead. (Various files)
  3970. ! Moved the boardindex and SSI calendar cache from the settings table to the cache. (BoardIndex.php, SSI.php, Subs-Calendar.php)
  3971. ! Changed the updateStats('calendar') calls into an updateSettings call, as the cache handler does the updating of cache. (Subs.php, Calendar.php, ManageCalendar.php, MessageIndex.php, MoveTopic.php, Post.php, Profile.php, RemoveTopic.php, RepairBoards.php, Subs-Boards.php, Subs-Charset.php)
  3972. ! Moved several core calendar functions to Subs-Calendar.php. (Calendar.php, Post.php, Subs-Calendar.php)
  3973. + Added a setting for toggling the complexity of the visual verification image used on registration (etc). (ManageRegistration.php, Register.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Register template)
  3974. & Added language entries for above. (Login language files)
  3975. ! Quick modifying HTML posts would mess up linebreaks. (Post.php)
  3976. ! The package manager wasn't uninstalling "end" searches correctly. (Subs-Package.php)
  3977. ! Package manager was wrongly labelling redirects. (Packages.php)
  3978. ! Inside of html tags convert &#13; to a real newline. (Subs.php)
  3979. ! Renamed disable_visual_verification to visual_verification_type and changed it's values accordingly. (upgrade_2-0.sql, Register.php, ManageRegistration.php, Register template)
  3980. ! PrintPage now shows the full board tree. (Printpage.php, Printpage template)
  3981. ! Subs-Compat.php is now included for all people using PHP < Version 5. (index.php, SSI.php, upgrade.php)
  3982. ! Upgrade will now attempt to create tables with same collation as the members table to avoid collation problems. (upgrade.php, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  3983. ! It was not possible to remove a partial custom index. (ManageSearch.php)
  3984. ! Resend activation after email change did not work with Joomla bridge. (Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  3985. ! Fixed language synch for login module on non-forum pages. (Joomla bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  3986. ! Fixed a bug in PCRE causing regular expression compilation failures in UTF-8 mode. (Load.php, Search.php, Subs.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Post.php)
  3987. ! If an email had a quote in it sending a newsletter would fail. (ManageNews.php)
  3988. December 2006
  3989. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3990. ! Optimized a query in recent posts. (Recent.php)
  3991. ! Fixed default state of permission profiles. (install, upgrade scripts)
  3992. ! Image verification sound wouldn't always work in Firefox. (Subs-Sound.php)
  3993. ! Caching user permissions was not always respecting deny permissions. (Load.php)
  3994. ! Put in a fix for DST issues cropping up due to spanned events. (Calendar.php)
  3995. * Don't allow people to report their own Personal Message. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3996. ! PM labels were not being properly truncated. (PersonalMessage.php)
  3997. + Replaced addslashes_recursive with escapestring_recursive, and added unescapestring_recursive. (QueryString.php)
  3998. ! For databases which don't use slashes quotes on insert handle magic quotes better. (QueryString.php)
  3999. ! Rewrote many queries to use INNER JOIN instead of cross joins. (Many files)
  4000. ! Replace all instances of addslashes/stripslashes where used for database data with the database escaping functions. (Many files)
  4001. ! Fixed multi-language support for Mambo/Joomla bridge login module on non-forum pages (Mambo/Joomla bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  4002. + Added register mambot to Mambo 4.6 bridge so that users who register in Mambo are auto-created in SMF. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/SMF_register.php, SMF_register.xml)
  4003. ! Fixed bridge registration so that it uses Mambo 4.6's new language method (Mambo 4.6 bridge/smf_registration.html.php)
  4004. ! Updated search to work with databases which don't support insert ignore. (Search.php)
  4005. ! Added transaction support to the database abstraction layer. (Database source files)
  4006. ! The regular expression used for parsing '/me'-lines didn't work properly in older PHP versions. (Subs-Post.php)
  4007. ! Updated database queries a bit to re-fix PostgreSQL support. (Various files)
  4008. + Added set of database functions to allow mod writers to write abstracted schema changes. (DbPackages-schema.php)
  4009. + When uninstalling a modification users will be asked whether they wish to reverse database changes. (Packages.php, install_2-0 and upgrade_2-0 scripts)
  4010. ! You may now choose to have radio buttons as a custom profile field. (ModSettings.php, Profile.php, Admin template)
  4011. ! If the detected IP address for a user is different than the REMOTE_ADDR variable make it more obvious in TrackUser/TrackIP. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  4012. ! Mambo/Joomla bridge config should go to main admin page if "Cancel" is clicked. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4013. ! Fixed a missing global. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/smf.php)
  4014. + Changed the SEF handling in the bridge for use with third party Joomla SEF components. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4015. + Added Kindred's enhancements to the bridged whos online. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php, smf_integration_arrays.php)
  4016. ! Deleting a member in SMF deleted in Joomla, but not in Joomla's ACL (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4017. ! censorText can now be forced to censor the text - and this is now used for the cached Calendar data. (Load.php, Calendar.php)
  4018. ! Moved Personal Message options from profile to personal messaging. (Profile.php, PersonalMessage.php, Profile template, PersonalMessage template)
  4019. & Moved language entries associated with above to PersonalMessage language files. Added a couple of new strings. (Profile, PersonalMessage language files)
  4020. ! When a user replies to a personal message keep track of what is linked to what - to allow threaded views in the future. (upgrade, install scripts. Subs-Post.php, PersonalMessage.php)
  4021. ! The upgrade script was doing some things in the wrong order, causing some errors. (upgrade.php)
  4022. ! Look for the specific function when doing htmlspecialchars__recursive. (QueryString.php)
  4023. ! Bridge login module didn't handle language variables correctly. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  4024. ! When displaying lists of packages in the Package manager, alternate the background color so it'll be easier to read. (Packages template)
  4025. ! It was possible for files to be sent with the wrong mime type - reported by Jessica Hope and rotwang. (Display.php)
  4026. * Search template looked a little odd on IE. (Search template)
  4027. * In prune boards the checkbox for stickies would toggle with the board selection. (Admin template)
  4028. ! Make it impossible to make guests too much like administrators. (ManagePermissions.php)
  4029. ! Aposthophes in smiley directories would cause a SQL error. (ManageSmileys.php)
  4030. ! Fixed labelling personal messages not being restricted to the current member. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4031. + Added ability to setup rules for sorting personal messages. (upgrade, install scripts. PersonalMessage.php, Subs-Post.php)
  4032. & Added a fair few language strings for above change. (PersonalMessage language files)
  4033. ! Added a currently unimplemented option for changing how personal messages as displayed. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  4034. ! Stopped PersonalMessages showing a folder as read just for entering it. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4035. & Renamed "Outbox" to "Sent Items" which makes more sense. (PersonalMessage language files)
  4036. ! Renamed the db_query function to smf_db_query to avoid potential integration conflicts. (Subs-Db-mysql.php, Subs-Db-postgresql.php, Subs-Db-sqlite.php)
  4037. ! Signature settings were case sensitive. (Profile.php, ModSettings.php)
  4038. ! Personal messages were showing signatures regardless of whether they were enabled. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  4039. ! Make sure showing members of a group respects hidden email status. (Groups.php)
  4040. ! Attempt to cache more information for personal messages. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4041. ! Added column to members table for storing personal messages preferences - currently only doing display mode. (install and upgrade scripts, PersonalMessage.php)
  4042. * Added icon and settings information to toggling the current message view. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  4043. & Renaming some language entries had broken line breaks causing badly formatted emails. (Several langauge files)
  4044. ! The context variable was being used before it was being defined. (Load.php)
  4045. ! Wrong capalization on a couple of function calls. (PersonalMessage.php, Profile.php)
  4046. ! Returned the online color to the membergroup list. (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4047. ! Some bridge registration functions were still using deprecated constants. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4048. ! Users should never be redirected by to registration and activation pages on login (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4049. & Renamed bulk of the remaining strings. (Various files)
  4050. ! Do not allow 0, 0px, or 0pt to be used in size tags. (Subs.php)
  4051. ! Upgrade now does template changes in steps. (upgrade.php)
  4052. * Added a discreet interface for emulating version numbers in the package manager. (Package template, Package language files)
  4053. + Make it possible to view a members attachments from their profile. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  4054. & Added some language entries for the above change. (Profile language files)
  4055. ! Added rel="nofollow" to many duplicate URL's. (Various files)
  4056. * You can now view members topics from their profile. (Profile related files)
  4057. + Added e107 bridge. (Several files)
  4058. ! Fixed a bug with the to and bcc fields for PMs that could cause some problems when displaying an invalid name. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4059. + Added delete member and change member data integration hooks to e107 bridge. (e107 bridge/smf.php)
  4060. ! Do not allow 0, 0px, or 0pt to be used in size tags. (Subs.php)
  4061. + Added an "Upgrade" tab to the Mambo/Joomla bridge config page. (several files)
  4062. November 2006
  4063. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4064. ! Previewing a post wasn't respecting the disable smiley option. (Post templates)
  4065. ! Changed the transfer-encoding method to base64 as it appears to be better supported by webmail clients. (Subs-Post.php)
  4066. ! Try to strip off the eval errors from the file names in the error log, so it'll link to the file correctly. (ManageErrors.php)
  4067. ! Fixed the spelling checker not work properly for non-western and UTF character sets. (spellcheck.js, Subs-Post.php)
  4068. ! The JavaScript function php_strtolower wasn't working properly on all servers. (sha1.js)
  4069. ! Made the recognition of the character set for the UTF8 conversion function case insensitive. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  4070. * The inline subject editor on the message index now allows 'enter' as save-key. (MessageIndex template)
  4071. * The inline subject editor on the message index in some cases cancelled on selecting the input box. (xml_board.js, MessageIndex template)
  4072. ! A missing email address in a package could cause two undefined indexes. (PackageGet.php, Packages template)
  4073. ! Redirect to the theme list after deleting a theme. (Themes.php)
  4074. ! Applied a different method to trim spaces for UTF-8 strings as the previous one didn't appear to be working on all servers. (Load.php)
  4075. ! Some post moderation queries were giving database errors if the user wasn't an admin. (PostModeration.php)
  4076. * Allow the user to collapse the news fader. (BoardIndex templates)
  4077. ! Allow the database specific file to modify the database prefix if needed. (Load.php, Subs-Db-mysql.php)
  4078. * Firefox doesn't display horizontal scrollbars when needed in code tags, so use some javascript to make it happen. (index templates)
  4079. * Added a class to the containing div for the help window and for the audio verification. (Help and Register template)
  4080. * Cleaned up the HTML a little for the audio verification. (Register template)
  4081. + Added initial support for PostgreSQL. (Subs-Db-postgresql.php, install.php, Most other files)
  4082. ! Ensure scheduled tasks can never get into a state where they don't run. (Load.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  4083. ! Fixed a bug causing the age weight of a search to be zero. (Search.php)
  4084. * The spell check function for inline editing didn't work properly in some cases. (Display template)
  4085. ! $ID_MEMBER is no longer a global - it has been replaced with $user_info['id']. (Many files)
  4086. ! Some columns containing message ID's were not formated as unsigned integers. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4087. ! Old PHP-versions didn't compile some regular expressions properly in UTF-8 mode. (Load.php, Search.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  4088. ! The recent posts on the board index could use a different timezone in rare cases. (BoardIndex.php)
  4089. ! Make sure fulltext indexes are dropped before they are created, in case they weren't detected properly. (ManageSearch.php)
  4090. ! The avatar settings weren't getting reshown if you uploaded an invalid avatar. (Profile.php)
  4091. ! Searching for Personal Messages always resulted in no more than one page. (PersonalMessages.php)
  4092. ! PM labels selected for searching Personal messages were not carried over in consecutive pages. (PersonalMessages.php)
  4093. ! Selecting multiple (but not all) labels for searching resulted in less results than expected. (PersonalMessages.php)
  4094. * Clicking 'Advanced search' on searching Personal Messages redirected to the forum search. (PersonalMessages template)
  4095. * The 'Advanced search' link in both PM and forum search didn't carry over the search term properly if it contained UTF-8 characters. (PersonalMessages template, Search template)
  4096. * The id attribute used for labels had an invalid format in some templates. (Admin template, ManageNews template, PersonalMessages template, Poll template, Post template)
  4097. * The PM folder HTML form was improperly referred to by JavaScript. (PersonalMessages template)
  4098. ! Fixed several package manager bugs. (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php)
  4099. & Added a language string for the above change. (Packages language files)
  4100. ! Fixed the htmltrim function trimming too many characters. (Load.php)
  4101. + Added option for pruning members. (ManageMaintenance.php, Admin template)
  4102. & Added language entries for above. (Admin, Help language files)
  4103. ! Prevent prefetching bots to clutter the error log when trying to access non-public boards. (Load.php)
  4104. ! The quick login setting was reversed on the board index. (BoardIndex.php)
  4105. ! The move-file directive used in package-info.xml was not working properly. (Subs-Package.php)
  4106. ! Using the root path as FTP path for executing modifications in some cases returned a 'Path could not be found' error. (Subs-Package.php)
  4107. ! Selecting members for banning from a popup wasn't working properly. (Subs-Auth.php, ManageBans template)
  4108. ! An error could be triggered in rare cases on installing modifications. (Subs-Package.php)
  4109. ! When display lists of mods in the Package Manager, alternate the background color so it'll be easier to read. (Packages template)
  4110. October 2006
  4111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4112. ! Fixed the page title on the user account deletion confirmation page. (Profile.php)
  4113. ! The modSettings variable wasn't in the global list for the reset password function, making the integration call worthless. (Subs-Auth.php)
  4114. ! The "Find Members" box loses track of whether it's buddies only on pagination. (Subs-Auth.php)
  4115. ! Fixed various times where some necessary globals were missing. (ManageBoards.php, ManageSmileys.php, Reminder.php, RemoveTopic.php)
  4116. * Only show dividers between BBC buttons if there are some within the dividers. (Post templates)
  4117. ! Searching for member details by date was often a fruitless experience. (ManageMembers.php)
  4118. * Try to avoid the "register button won't work" scenario on register. (Register template)
  4119. ! When fixing BBC tags make sure to always assign a closing tag. (Subs-Post.php)
  4120. + Added the ability to provide an optional initialization function for each template. (Load.php)
  4121. ! Make sure that Mambo/Joomla bridges do not use the $database object for accessing the SMF database. (several files)
  4122. ! When saving the config, Joomla was adding in new rows when it should have been updating existing rows. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4123. + Added new version of upgrade - requires admin login, uses AJAX, upgrades/reinstalls mods and templates. (upgrade.php)
  4124. + Added user interface to enable WYSIWYG editor. (Profile template, Post template, Settings template)
  4125. & Added language entries for the above change. (Admin, Help, Profile language files)
  4126. & Fixed small typos in admin panel. (Admin.english.php, Themes.english.php)
  4127. * Linked membergroup name to the list of members in that group. (ManageMembergroups, ManageMembergroups.template)
  4128. + Added option to create custom profile fields from the admin console. (upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql, Profile.php, Register.php, ModSettings.php)
  4129. * Updated several templates to show custom profile fields. (Display, Profile, Register templates)
  4130. & Added many language files for above change. (ModSettings, Errors, Help language files)
  4131. + Added browser detection for Firefox 1 and Firefox 2 specifically. (Load.php)
  4132. + Added the ability to tell bots not to index a page. (index templates)
  4133. + Tell robots not to index topics that are being accessed with .msg, prev_next, ;all, or by printing the topic. (Display.php)
  4134. ! CAPTCHA now uses truetype fonts wherever possible to give slightly clearer images. (Subs-Graphics.php, several fonts)
  4135. ! Fixed bug in showLetterImage that caused the function to often fail. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  4136. ! Changed all occurrences of mysql_ functions to use the generalized database functions in smfFunc. (Almost all source files)
  4137. + Added the ability to specify a different database to use other then MySQL. (Load.php, index.php, SSI.php)
  4138. ! Moved the Database.php file to the Subs-Db-mysql.php file. (Database.php, Subs-Db-mysql.php)
  4139. ! Changed Xoops login integration hook to use Xoops native authorization objects. (Xoops bridge/index.php)
  4140. ! Some search parameters weren't being sanatized when accessing a previous search, leading to a potential XSS vulnerability. (PersonalMessage.php, Search.php)
  4141. ! Minor typo in PlushSearch2 prevented "user" search parameter from being remembered when trying to access a previous search. (Search.php)
  4142. ! When requesting the insert id from the database pass along the table and column names. (Several files)
  4143. + Added an interface for determining who to show and in what order for the who's online page. (Who.php, Who template, Who language files)
  4144. ! Encrypted login failed for some character sets when the username or password contained non-western characters. (sha1.js, script.js, Load.php, index template)
  4145. September 2006
  4146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4147. ! Do some slightly more advanced javascript browser protection. (script.js, editor.js)
  4148. ! Allow post editing and basic moderation when in wireless mode - only wap2 or imode. (Display.php, LockTopic.php, Wireless template)
  4149. & Added some langauge entries for the above change. (Wireless language files)
  4150. ! Fixed the line break being used in non-windows systems in mails sent by sendmail. (Load.php, Subs-Post.php)
  4151. + Added option to limit number of personal messages to be sent in one go. (PersonalMessage.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, ModSettings.php)
  4152. & Added language entries for above changes. (Help, ModSettings, PersonalMessage language files)
  4153. ! The hotmail fix didn't work properly. (Subs-Post.php)
  4154. ! The URL for deleting the install and upgrade files was using an invalid request variable. (upgrade.php, install.php)
  4155. ! Conversion of $func to $smfFunc missed a couple spots. (Search.php)
  4156. ! When checking how many personal messages a user has sent the last hour - count the recipients not the messages. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4157. ! If the user has some special characters in their password, check to see if they still have an old hash when logging in. (LogInOut.php)
  4158. & Add a link in maintenance for manually emptying the cache folder. (MananageMaintenance.php, Admin template, Admin language files)
  4159. ! Added a function to empty the cache folder - and made it empty the cache folder when upgrading, installing a mod - and always when in debug mode. (Subs.php, Packages.php, Themes.php, ScheduledTask.php, upgrade.php)
  4160. ! When loading a language copy it to the cache folder to speed up the loading process. Allow loading more than one language file at once. (Load.php)
  4161. ! Bridged attached images wouldn't open in a new window. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4162. ! Some types of outgoing emails were not rewritten properly. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4163. ! Javascript doesn't like HTML entities. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4164. ! The recent topics on the board index should respect the ignore boards setting. (BoardIndex.php, Recent.php)
  4165. ! Fixed a problem when there are no message icons. (Subs-Editor.php)
  4166. ! Removing topics via the forum maintenance page was not checking for the correct refer page. (RemoveTopic.php)
  4167. ! Load the permissions before loading the theme, so that the permission checks are actually meaningful. (index.php)
  4168. ! Fixed a problem with the cur_cat parameter when adding a new board. (ManageBoards.php)
  4169. + Add logout functionality to Mambo 4.6 login bot. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/SMF_login.php)
  4170. * In the default theme, don't show the mark all as read button if the user can not see any boards. (BoardIndex template)
  4171. ! If the user specifies an invalid message id in the url, give an error. (Load.php)
  4172. ! Use the cache when messages are specified in the url. (Load.php)
  4173. ! When using SSI, automatically flush the mail queue buffer. (Subs-Post.php)
  4174. ! Allow the use of uppercase letters when specifying the color for the glow and shadow tags. (Subs.php)
  4175. ! Simplified the checking process for selecting the active tab. (Subs.php)
  4176. ! Make the php version of SSI examples use the forum character set. (ssi_examples.php)
  4177. ! The daily digest was causing blank errors to occur. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4178. & Renamed a heap load of language entries and removed a few legacy ones. (index, Admin language files, FixLanguage.php)
  4179. ! Put the language file parsing code out of Load.php to keep it clean. (Load.php, ManageMaintenance.php)
  4180. ! If the cache directory is not writable, put in a workaround. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  4181. + Added a new tool, convert_languages.php, to enable theme and language authors to update their files to 2.0. (converter_languages.php)
  4182. ! Display a warning if the cache directory is not writable. (Subs.php, index language files)
  4183. ! Use fatal_lang_error instead of fatal_error whenever possible. (several files)
  4184. & Moved error messages affected by the above into the Errors language files. (several language files)
  4185. + Added a birthday email task, which is off by default. (ScheduledTasks.php, Admin and PersonalMessage language files, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4186. + Added an option to manually trigger a task to run. (ManageMaintenance.php, Admin template, Admin language files)
  4187. + Moved the database specific functions to their own file. (index.php, SSI.php, Database.php, Errors.php, Load.php, Subs.php)
  4188. ! Updated the quick admin tasks links to use the proper link format. (Admin.php)
  4189. ! Make sure that there are no HTML entities in bridged unwrapped javascript. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4190. ! Add some missing languages to the synch array. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_integration_arrays.php)
  4191. ! Try every possibility for language synching to avoid template errors. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4192. ! Missing globals in bridge resend password. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4193. ! Try to change some of the settings in case users don't do it themselves. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4194. ! Get rid of the extra slash When going from the Xoops admin panel to the SMF admin panel. (Xoops bridge/admin/index.php)
  4195. ! Recurse changes from Mambo/Joomla bridge to Mambo 4.6 bridge, and remove Joomla-specific code. (several files)
  4196. ! When adding a new message icon, make sure to escape the titles of the current icons. (ManageSmileys.php)
  4197. ! The php tag wasn't acting like a proper block level tag. (Subs.php)
  4198. ! Make sure bridge registration is compatible with Mambo 4.6. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4199. ! Bridge registration component doesn't need an installation script for Mambo 4.6. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/install.smf_registration.php)
  4200. + Added an xmlHTTP'ed icon dropdown, allowing to change message icons from the display page. (Post.php, Xml.php, Display template, script.js)
  4201. ! Inline modification wasn't working properly in IE 5.0. (xml_topic.js)
  4202. ! Brought back the 'Go' button for the jumpto fanatics. (script.js, Display template)
  4203. ! Search results could in some cases get a relevance above 100%. (Search.php)
  4204. ! Check for additional problematic values in the starting value for the memberlist. (Memberlist.php)
  4205. * Added a link to view the unread posts for a particular category to the board index. (BoardIndex template, index language files)
  4206. ! Changed the way that packages where displayed on the server list. (PackageGet.php, Packages template)
  4207. ! When synching users from Mambo/Joomla to SMF, check to see if the admin wants usernames or real names as display in SMF. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4208. ! SEF URLs work differently in Mambo 4.6 (Mambo 4.6 bridge/smf.php)
  4209. ! Change all URLs in RSS feeds to bridged URLs. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4210. ! Not all special characters were converted correctly in bridged outgoing emails (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4211. ! Upgrade was sometimes losing changes to the Settings.php file. (upgrade.php)
  4212. ! Fixed javascript error when updating editor breadcrumb without selected text. (editor.js)
  4213. ! Only use the IE 5.0 function call work around if you have to - it causes an error on IE6. (script.js)
  4214. ! Don't bother trying to auto-detect fonts. Whilst clever it seems to be more buggy than it's worth. (editor.js)
  4215. ! The text editor wasn't working quite right in non-wysiwyg mode. (editor.js)
  4216. * Editing a permission profile was showing membergroup permissions. (ManagePermissions template)
  4217. ! Doing add/remove permissions on a profile was not saving. (ManagePermissions.php)
  4218. ! Ensure adding a member to a group is case insensitive. (Groups.php)
  4219. ! Ensure the log_online timestamp is backed up correctly. (DumpDatabase.php)
  4220. ! Added a page title to the page that requests ftp details. (Subs-Package.php)
  4221. ! Try to repair all theme's settings, not just the default theme. (repair_settings.php)
  4222. + Added an option to download a package by entering the url alone. (PackageGet.php, Packages template, Packages language files)
  4223. ! Search wasn't always including the subject matches properly. (Search.php)
  4224. ! Don't include administrators in the permission reports, they get to do everything anyways. (Reports.php)
  4225. ! Show local moderators as being able to access all boards since in reality a moderator can always access their board. (Reports.php)
  4226. ! Some configurable number format options were not showing the decimal separator. (Load.php)
  4227. ! The 'most popular boards by activity' statistics were not always showing the proper boards. (Profile.php)
  4228. ! If a guest tries to post with a reserved name, handle it as a post error instead of causing a fatal error. (Post.php, Subs-Members.php)
  4229. ! Preview wasn't working on the WYSIWYG editor. (editor.js, Post.php, Post template)
  4230. ! Check the session when downloading a package. (PackageGet.php)
  4231. ! Show the current board on the selection box for moving a topic, just make sure it's not selectable. (MoveTopic.php, MoveTopic template)
  4232. ! Show the linktree on the move topic page. (MoveTopic.php, MoveTopic template)
  4233. ! Show the search section in the linktree in the personal message area. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4234. ! Fixed the integration problems caused by the database changed. (SSI.php, Database.php)
  4235. ! Check to make sure the limit is a positive value when showing a feed. (News.php)
  4236. August 2006
  4237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4238. ! Fixed an undefined index notice in the 1.0 upgrade script. (upgrade_1-0.sql)
  4239. ! Use a modified key for APC to counteract an APC bug retrieving the wrong keys. (Load.php)
  4240. ! The linked events in the topic display was using the same context variable as SSI's ssi_todaysEvents(). (Display.php, Display template)
  4241. + Added option for synching languages to the Mambo/Joomla bridge. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/install.smf.php, admin.smf.php, smf.php)
  4242. ! Searching inside topics sorted by topic size didn't yield results. (Search.php)
  4243. ! Adjusted the relevancy rating for searching within topics, making the theoretical maximum rating 100%. (Search.php)
  4244. ! Make sure CAPTCHA images work in Mambo/Joomla as well. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4245. ! Fix (fast) quoting/modifying messages that no longer exist showing an 'undefined index' notice. (Post.php)
  4246. ! Messages could be sent with a body containing only bullitin board code. (Post.php)
  4247. ! The check on the maximum length of a Personal Message didn't respect UTF-8 characters. (PersonalMessages.php)
  4248. ! The installer didn't show the error properly in case it was unable to disable mod_security. (install.php)
  4249. * Generated reports were still showing a button instead of a tab for the print layout link. (Reports template)
  4250. ! The package manager wasn't showing the last two packages from the server's packages.xml correctly. (PackageGet.php)
  4251. ! Use the member ID instead of the topic ID to search through the log_topics table for the 'Find and repair any errors' function. (RepairBoards.php)
  4252. ! Let the cache (if enabled) help remembering the last visit time when viewing 'unread posts since last visit'. (Load.php)
  4253. ! The entityconvert function was declared twice. (Subs-Post.php)
  4254. ! The Personal Message search function did not respect the deletion flag. (PersonalMessages.php)
  4255. ! Make sure the user themselves are shown in the list of 'who's viewing this board/topic'. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php)
  4256. ! The error log was not correctly applying the default error type if true was passed as the error type. (Errors.php)
  4257. ! Fixed notifications not being property reset when viewing a topic in some cases. (Display.php)
  4258. ! Optimise the daily/weekly digest. Also fix topic text being incorrect. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4259. ! The board name was missing a semi colon on the double quote html entity. (ManagePermissions.php)
  4260. * Firefox doesn't play well with the move BBC tag and AJAX previewing, so make it use regular preview if the move tag is present. (Post template)
  4261. ! Store a different version of the users IP to get around highly unlikely spoofing issues. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, install.php, Subs-Members.php, Security.php, QueryString.php, Load.php)
  4262. * Changed several definitons into shorter versions. ( style.css )
  4263. * Help.template changed to better use current theme colors. Updates on PM help section. (Help template, help.css, languages/Manual.english, languages/Manual.dutch, languages/Manual.german, languages/Manual.spanish)
  4264. ! Don't send the newsletter to members who are unable to turn off their notification due to a banning. (ManageNews.php)
  4265. * The auto detect time offset script should now work regardless of day boundries. (Profile template)
  4266. ! Don't allow users to get a new visual verification code simply by refreshing. (Register.php)
  4267. ! Added a caching mechanism to the memberlist to prevent a query that relies heavily on filesort to put too much pressure on the database. (Memberlist.php, Subs.php, Profile.php)
  4268. * The WAP2 template didn't allow expanding of categories while the I-mode template didn't allow both collapsing and expanding of categories. (Wireless template)
  4269. ! Quick moderation wasn't logging some actions correctly. (MessageIndex.php)
  4270. ! Don't show the IP address in the moderation log if the user doesn't have the correct permissions. (Modlog.php)
  4271. ! Converted all occurences of the ucwords function to an internationalized version. (Load.php, ManageServer.php, Profile.php, Register.php, Subs-Charset.php, Subs.php, Packages template)
  4272. ! Show languages without the -utf8 suffix. (Profile.php, Register.php, Load.php)
  4273. ! Prevent some member/board/topic statistics to become negative. (RemoveTopic, MoveTopic.php, SplitTopics.php)
  4274. ! Don't require admin access to view the files downloaded from Simple Machines website. (index.php, Admin.php, Admin and ModerationCenter templates)
  4275. ! Make sure the function to display the Simple Machines files uses the output compression as needed. (Admin.php)
  4276. ! The ;topicseen paramater didn't always work properly. (Display.php)
  4277. ! Make sure the upgrade script respects the current database character set setting. (upgrade.php)
  4278. * Tweaked the way the visual verification box looks on the register form. (Register.php)
  4279. ! The internationalized version of the ucwords function didn't work properly. (Load.php)
  4280. ! Decide which menu buttons are available in the source instead of the template. (Subs.php, index template)
  4281. ! Some emails were getting sent twice. (Subs-Post.php)
  4282. ! Fixed undefined index in RepairBoards. (RepairBoards.php)
  4283. ! Added Opera 9 to the list of detected browsers. (Load.php)
  4284. ! Removed the theme_default setting. (smf_api.php, Themes.php, Load.php, Themes language files)
  4285. ! Added an interface to choose which themes users are allowed to select. (Themes.php, Load.php, Themes template, Errors language files)
  4286. ! If a board has a default theme defined and its set to override the user's theme, then allow that theme to be used even if it isn't selectable otherwise. (Load.php)
  4287. ! Store the file type for the Simple Machines files in the database so other file types can be used. (Admin.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4288. ! Fixed a query for viewing posts awaiting moderation. (PostModeration.php)
  4289. ! Fixed bridged admin user creation (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4290. ! Language array was backwards (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4291. ! Changed ;childs to the more grammatically correct ;children. (Recent.php, Subs-Boards.php, BoardIndex and MessageIndex templates)
  4292. ! Posting just an image will again count as posting something. (Post.php)
  4293. ! Fixed an undefined index occuring in some cases when sending emails. (Subs-Post.php)
  4294. ! Fixed a bug causing the accelerators not to be detected properly. (Subs-Admin.php)
  4295. * The sticky topic weight percentage wasn't updated properly. (ManageSearch template)
  4296. ! Split utf8_strto into utf8_strtoupper and utf8_strtolower for speed optimization. (Subs-Charset.php, Load.php, Subs.php)
  4297. ! The php BBC tag was incorrectly setting up the validate function when the tag was disabled. (Subs.php)
  4298. + Added a "who's online" integration hook (Who.php)
  4299. + Split off the large integration arrays in the Mambo/Joomla bridge into their own file (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php, smf_integration_arrays.php, smf.xml)
  4300. + Added "who's online" hook functionality to Mambo/Joomla bridge (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php, smf_integration_arrays.php)
  4301. ! Fixed unset not working properly in all cases due to a vulnerability in PHP. (QueryString.php, Profile.php, Post.php, ManageNews.php)
  4302. ! Make sure that variable names in Joomla header bot don't interfere with non-com_frontpage front pages. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/SMF_Header_include.php)
  4303. + Added bridge for Mambo 4.6. (several files)
  4304. ! Keep Joomla from eating Personal Message anchors. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  4305. ! Some bridged emails have \n\r replaced with underscores. (smf.php)
  4306. ! Let Joomla clean its own variables. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/SMF_header_inlcude.php)
  4307. * Fixed a javascript error occuring on posting in the saveEntities() function. (Post template)
  4308. ! If a theme has been specified with ssi_theme, allow it to be used even if its not a selectable theme. (Load.php)
  4309. ! Changed the 'jump to'-box into a XMLhttp function in order to decrease bandwidth and reduce the number of queries. (index.php, script.js, Xml.php, Xml template, Display.php, Display template, MessageIndex.php, MessageIndex template, Search.php, Search template)
  4310. ! Adjusted the un_htmlspecialchars function to run slightly faster. (Subs.php)
  4311. * Moved postbox specific javascript to it's own script. (editor.js, Post template)
  4312. ! Tweaked the CAPTCHA image to be a little less obstructed by the dots. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  4313. ! Don't allow people to keep guessing at the same image. (Register.php)
  4314. + Added new file for handling preperation for wysiwyg editor. (Subs-Editor.php)
  4315. * Restructured Javascript functions on the topic display page so that they are more easy to configure from the template and OOP'ish. (Display template, xml_topic.js, script.js)
  4316. ! Correctly handle group moderators trying to view the moderation log. (Modlog.php)
  4317. ! Allow group moderators to see their group in the moderation center, even if its a hidden group. (Groups.php)
  4318. ! Allow group moderators without the manage_membergroups permission to add and remove members from their group. (Groups.php, Subs-Membergroups.php)
  4319. ! When adding members to a group from the moderation center respect the group hidden setting. (Groups.php)
  4320. ! Add some basic browser detection to the javascript environment. (script.js)
  4321. ! Uninstalling XML-packages in which the original text string contained a dollar sign wasn't working properly. (Subs-Packages.php)
  4322. ! Updated iGamingCMS bridge for latest version of iGaming. (several files)
  4323. ! Get the Mambo mainframe instance before trying to assign values to it. (Mambo 4.6 bridge/smf.php, SMF_header_include.php)
  4324. + Added installation instructions for iGaming bridge. (iGamingCMS bridge/readme.txt)
  4325. & Added Hungarian language files for Mambo and Joomla bridges. (several files)
  4326. ! Fixed boardurl without a hostname showing a notice on session check. (Security.php)
  4327. ! Redirect to the admin panel home page if user cancels configuration. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4328. ! Upgrading should no longer cause the moderation log to lose data. (upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4329. ! Don't allow the admin to register a member with the same name as another member. (ManageRegistration.php, Subs-Members.php)
  4330. ! Moved pretty much all of the posting javascript out of the post template. (Post.template.php, editor.js)
  4331. ! Moved the message icon retrieval function to Subs-Editor. (Post.php, Subs-Editor.php)
  4332. ! Using symbols such as an apostrophe in the password should now hash it correctly allowing login from the front page. (Profile.php, LogInOut.php)
  4333. * Submitting a quick moderation form could result in a Javascript error. (MessageIndex template)
  4334. ! Multiple consecutive /me statements didn't get parsed properly. (Subs-Post.php)
  4335. ! Prevent strict notices appearing in PHP 5.1 caused by not setting a default timezone. (Load.php, install.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4336. * The auto detect time offset function was returning the wrong sign. (Profile template)
  4337. ! No longer block requests with cookies containing numeric keys. (QueryString.php)
  4338. ! Updated editor to show fonts as drop-downs. Moved some elements around. Updated to ensure the non-html mode works on Opera etc. (Subs-Editor.php, editor.js)
  4339. ! ssi_recentTopics now puts the number of replies and views into context too. (SSI.php)
  4340. ! Store the file and line information for the error log in separate columns. (Errors.php, ManageErrors.php, Errors template, Admin language files, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4341. ! When parsing smileys use the smiley code as the alt text and the smileys description as the title text. (Subs.php)
  4342. ! Changed the column type to allow for a larger buddy list. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4343. ! To allow easier integration, change the usage of the $func variable to $smfFunc. (several files)
  4344. July 2006
  4345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4346. ! Split Subs-Members.php into Subs-Members.php and Subs-Membergroups.php. (Subs-Members.phg, Subs-Membergroups.php, ManageMembergroups.php, Groups,php)
  4347. ! Created a generic function to list all members from a certain group. (Subs-Membergroups.php, Admin.php)
  4348. ! Created a generic function to get a list of server versions. (Subs-Admin.php, Admin.php, Stats.php)
  4349. ! Moved SMF's table optimize function from Admin.php to ManageMaintenance.php. (index.php, Admin.php, ManageMaintenance.php)
  4350. ! Moved SMF's forum totals recount function from Admin.php to ManageMaintenance.php. (index.php, Admin.php, ManageMaintenance.php)
  4351. ! Created a generic function for retrieving detailed version information of SMF's source, theme and language files. (Admin.php, Subs-Admin.php)
  4352. ! Created a generic function for cleaning up the file permissions. (Admin.php, Subs-Package.php)
  4353. ! Moved the updateSettingsFile function from Admin.php to Subs-Admin.php. (Admin.php, Subs-Admin.php, Errors.php, ManageMaintenance.php, ManageServer.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  4354. ! Block page requests attempting to modify the $GLOBALS variable. (QueryString.php)
  4355. ! Changed some references to the $GLOBALS variable into global scope variables, since the $GLOBALS variable can be rather unpredictable. (several files)
  4356. ! Fixed some bugs occurring on the 'Show Posts' section of the Profile screen. (Profile.php)
  4357. ! Made the AJAX indicator a little more friendly. (style.css)
  4358. ! Functions that use the AJAX indicator should still work, even if the indicator function isn't defined. (xml_board.js, xml_topic.js)
  4359. ! The AJAX indicator will now be used when loading stats. (Stats template)
  4360. ! Fixed the handling of the AJAX indicator when using IE6 and below. (index template, script.js)
  4361. ! Added the AJAX indicator to the Babylon and Classic themes. (index template, style.css)
  4362. + Added "Guest" as a group for Group Synch option. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4363. ! Allowed the scheduler to have no future events. (Load.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  4364. ! Added a UTF-8 version of strtolower in order to make search indexing case insensitive. (Load.php, Subs-Charset.php)
  4365. ! Fixed an bug causing the repair forum function to generate a lot of notices. (RepairBoards.php)
  4366. ! Visual verification didn't work properly when guest access was disabled. (index.php)
  4367. ! Added the option for users to automatically remove the inbox label when applying another label (PersonalMessage.php, Profile template, Profile language files)
  4368. ! Fixed some bugs that were causing entities to be shown incorrectly in (nofication) mails. (Subs-Post.php)
  4369. ! HTML-entities in a non-UTF-8 environment were not properly parsed in Personal Messages. (Subs-Post.php)
  4370. ! Make sure the response prefix is always taken from the forum's default language. (MoveTopics.php, Post.php, PersonalMessages.php, SplitTopics.php, Display.php, Display template)
  4371. ! Function mambo_smf_exit was broken (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4372. ! Update version info for Mambo/Joomla bridge (several files)
  4373. ! Only install the header bot in Joomla (install.smf.php)
  4374. ! Make sure that the login conforms to mysqli (smf.php)
  4375. ! Missing variable was causing an error when trying to add a moderator to a board (Subs-Boards.php)
  4376. ! Added an error message to the installer in case UTF-8 is not supported by the current MySQL version. (install.php, install language files)
  4377. ! No longer do an explicit count on columns that cannot be NULL as MySQL doesn't optimize this properly. (several files)
  4378. ! Optimized log_topics update queries a bit with MySQL >= 4.1 specific queries (maintaining compatibility with 3.23). (Display.php, Subs.php)
  4379. ! Include the table definition in the temporary table creation to assure the proper formatting of the columns. (Recent.php)
  4380. ! Some regular expressions were causing internal code overflow errors when combined with the UTF8 modifier. (Load.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  4381. ! A few input controls on the install page were wrongly labeled. (install.php)
  4382. ! Make sure all time bound processes don't modify the $time_start variable. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageMail.php, ManageMaintenance.php)
  4383. ! The subject link wasn't adjusted properly after quick editing a message. (xml_topic.js)
  4384. ! Upgrade should reorder the boards after it's finished to prevent boards being in the wrong order. (upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4385. ! Don't count requesting an XML/RSS-feed as being online (in most cases these kind of pages are retrieved automatically). (index.php)
  4386. ! Fixed a query parse bug in the task scheduler. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4387. ! Make sure $context['utf8'] is set when parse_bbc() is called. (Subs.php)
  4388. ! Fixed htmlspecialchars__recursive() and htmltrim__recursive() not working without $func being defined. (QueryString.php)
  4389. ! Updated credits. (Admin.php)
  4390. ! A few characters were not encoded in mimespecialchars() causing improper headers in rare cases. (Subs-Post.php)
  4391. ! Fixed undefined indexes on including certain language files in the installer. (install.php)
  4392. ! Return to the previous step if either the email address or the username is invalid. (install.php)
  4393. * Added an indicator for new child board posts in the board and message index to the Imode & WAP2 template. (Wireless template)
  4394. ! Show a confirmation that the profile was updated successfully. (Profile.php, Profile template, Profile languages)
  4395. ! The response prefix wasn't loaded into the context variable on posting messages. (Post.php)
  4396. ! Show the file and line words in the language of the person viewing the error log. (Errors.php, ManageErrors.php)
  4397. ! Cleaned up Mambo/Joomla group synch queries, and display group name instead of group id (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4398. + Added support for language components like Joom!fish (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4399. ! Deny direct access to the bridge file (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4400. + Added basic SMF caching to enable users without accelerators installed to benefit from caching. (cache, upgrade.php, install.php, Load.php, Settings.php, Settings_bak.php)
  4401. & Added some strings for above, and a scheduled task to clear the cache. (ScheduledTasks.php, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql, Admin language files)
  4402. * Added hidden setting to disable SMF javascript stuff. (Admin, Packages, Themes, ManageSmileys templates)
  4403. ! When using fatal_lang_error() log the error in the forum's language but display the error in the user's language. (Errors.php)
  4404. ! Added an array and query addition for the boards the user is a local moderator for to the mod cache. (Subs-Auth.php)
  4405. ! Members that are a local moderator now can see the boards they moderator. (Load.php)
  4406. ! Prevent search from using regular expression matchin if HTML entities are being used in the query. (Search.php)
  4407. ! Ignore some characters in search queries that might prevent the search index from working properly. (Search.php)
  4408. ! Don't use regular expressions in the WHERE part of the query when using BOOLEAN MODE in fulltext searches. (Search.php)
  4409. ! Use the phrase search feature for BOOLEAN MODE fulltext search. (Search.php)
  4410. ! Changed the behavior of the 'force index' option from searching only in combination with an index to searching exclusively using an index. (Search.php)
  4411. ! Fixed excluded words in some cases not being checked for in the subject and the body. (Search.php)
  4412. ! Make sure the matching body lines in the search results respect UTF-8 character boundaries. (Search.php)
  4413. ! Search didn't always return results if only the subject matched. (Search.php)
  4414. ! Added a (hidden) option 'search_simple_fulltext' to search the forum using a single non-binary fulltext query. (Search.php, Search templates)
  4415. ! UTF-8 and entity conversion in some cases corrupted serialized strings stored in the database. (ManageMaintenance.php, Subs-Charset.php)
  4416. ! Searching messages with the 'topic subjects only' option selected and specifying a user only yielded a result if the user was the topic starter. (Search.php)
  4417. * Updated the login and password reminder screens in the manual to be in sync with the 'real' screens. (Help templates)
  4418. * Keep track of which language files are currently loaded and avoid reloading when possible (Load.php)
  4419. + Added new setting, signature_settings, to determine a load of signature rules. (ModSettings.php, Profile.php, Admin template)
  4420. ! Removed old setting, max_signatureLength, and incorperated it into overall signature settings. (install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4421. * Respect disabled signatures setting wherever necessary. (Display.php, Display templates, Profile template)
  4422. & Several new language strings for above change. (ModSettings, Profile language files)
  4423. ! When building the mod cache make sure to use the proper permissions. (Subs-Auth.php)
  4424. ! When logging a moderation action, include the board id when possible (Display.php, LockTopic.php, MessageIndex.php, Post.php, PostModeration.php, RemoveTopic.php, SplitTopics.php)
  4425. + Added notification option for having notifications sent as a digest. (Profile.php, Load.php, Post.php, Register.php, Subs-Post.php, Profile template)
  4426. ! Added scheduled tasks to send digests. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4427. ! Changed notifyOnce for notifyRegularity. (upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4428. & Language changes for the digest. (Admin, Post, Profile language files)
  4429. ! Store the board, topic, and message ids in their own column in the moderation log (Subs.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, Modlog.php)
  4430. ! Moved the moderation log from the admin center to the moderation center (Modlog.php, Subs.php, ModerationCenter.php, index.template, Modlog.template, Admin and ModerationCenter language files)
  4431. ! Limit the moderation actions a moderator can see to the boards they moderate (Modlog.php)
  4432. + Keep track of when the last moderation report action took place. (SendTopic.php, ModerationCenter.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4433. + Cache the number of open moderation reports the user can see. (ModerationCenter.php, Security.php)
  4434. * If there are open moderation reports display an informative link. (index.template)
  4435. & Language additions for the above link. (index language files)
  4436. ! Recount statistics was not timing out correctly. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  4437. ! Fixed progress bar when recounting statistics. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  4438. ! Too many periods in Apache seemed to cause it to segfault. (Subs-Post.php)
  4439. ! Try do a better job of protecting against upgrade timeouts for index changes. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4440. ! Fixed # signs in bridged outgoing emails (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4441. - Removed obsolete bridge files (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/config.smf.php, config.smf_registration.php)
  4442. ! Updated bridge version info (several files)
  4443. ! Added a Javascript'ed fix in order to be able to discern numeric HTML-entities from upper-ASCII characters when posting messages. (Calendar template, PersonalMessages template, Poll template, Post template, xml_topic.js, Calendar.php, Poll.php, Post.php)
  4444. ! Only run the integrate_exit call if the template layers have been setup. (Subs.php)
  4445. + Added the ability to specify a message id using the msg variable of REQUEST to access a particular message. (Load.php)
  4446. ! If a message id is specified in the moderation log, make it a link to that message. (Modlog.php)
  4447. ! Make sure transfer-encoding 'quoted-printable' is only used in cases '7bit' is not allowed. (Subs-Post.php)
  4448. ! The global variable $db_cache didn't always get initialized, causing a warning. (Subs.php)
  4449. + Added a generic function to get entries from the moderation log. (Modlog.php)
  4450. + Added a full moderation report for reported posts. (index.php, ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter and Errors language files)
  4451. ! In the moderation center link to the mod report instead of the topic. (ModerationCenter template)
  4452. ! Integrate outgoing emails before altering messages for mime special characters. (Subs-Post.php, Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4453. ! Fix URLs for Joomla 1.0.10 SEF updates. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4454. ! Fix adding new membergroups to synch in Joomla bridge config. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4455. ! Fix "Missed Activation" functionality in Mambo/Joomla bridge. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.html.php, smf_registration.php)
  4456. & Added 'Search in...' to $txt['search_subject_only'] for clarity sake. (Search language files)
  4457. ! Fixed some problems with email digest. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4458. + Added a scheduled task to retrieve cetain javascript files from the Simple Machines website. (ScheduledTasks.php, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql, Admin and Errors language files)
  4459. * Use the stored javascript files instead of getting them directly from the Simple Machines website each time. (Admin, ManageSmilies, ModerationCenter, Packages, Themes templates)
  4460. ! Attempted to stop timeout issues with upgrade. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4461. ! Renamed current admin homepage function to AdminHome, from Admin. (Admin.php)
  4462. ! Created a new function, AdminMain(), to act as the entry point for all admin related functions. (Admin.php)
  4463. ! Created a new function, ModerationMain(), to act as the entry point for all admin related functions. (ModerationCenter.php)
  4464. ! Removed adminIndex out of Subs.php, it's functionality is now in AdminMain. (Subs.php, Admin.php)
  4465. ! Move the action array for admin related functions out of index.php, and made part of AdminMain. (index.php, Admin.php)
  4466. * Updated many, many functions to remove the use of adminIndex - and instead relate them to admin actions. (Several files)
  4467. ! Instead of trying to store the javascript files from Simple Machines in the default theme, store them in the database. (ScheduledTasks.php, Admin.php, Admin, ManageSmilies, ModerationCenter, Packages, Themes templates, Errors language files, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4468. ! Repair the changes to the moderation report after the structural changes to the moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php)
  4469. ! 'ignoreBoards' didn't have a default error causing a problem in strict mode. (install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4470. ! Added new setting, pm_posts_verification, to determine the amount of posts under which a code must be entered when sending PM's. (ModSettings.php, PersonalMessage.php)
  4471. ! VerificationCode will now generate an image even if the settings disabled (As the session variable must be set anyway). (Register.php)
  4472. * Updated personal message template to include above change. (PersonalMessage template)
  4473. & Several language entries for the above. (Errors, Help, ModSettings, PersonalMessage language files)
  4474. ! Combined pm_posts_verification as pm_max_recipients settings into one master setting, pm_spam_settings. (upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4475. ! Fixed 'You have already submitted this post' error showing in some cases it shouldn't. (Security.php, Post.php)
  4476. + Adding ;childs to Unread searchs will search the child boards of the specified boards also. (Recent.php)
  4477. * Added ;childs to the Core and Babylon new post indicator links on the BoardIndex and MessageIndex. (BoardIndex and MessageIndex templates)
  4478. ! Added a fix for Hotmail not showing UTF-8 mails properly. (Subs-Post.php)
  4479. ! A query in updateMemberData was not passing the file and line constants to db_query. (Subs.php)
  4480. ! Make links in notifications sent to hotmail addresses clickable. (Subs-Post.php)
  4481. ! Allow partial word matches of the subject in case it's enabled in the search settings. (Search.php)
  4482. ! Limit the amount of table joins when searching for extremely long phrases. (Search.php)
  4483. ! Prevent the search function from looking for a suggestion if the search term is an integer as that can for unknown reason crash PHP. (Search.php)
  4484. ! Added the log_search_topics table in the 'empty unimportant logs' process. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  4485. ! Some error log filters were shown with too many slashes. (ManageErrors.php)
  4486. June 2006:
  4487. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4488. ! Fixed a parse error in the upgrade. (upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4489. ! Upgrade wasn't updating the calendar settings. (upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4490. + Added the UTF8 feature to this branch. (several files)
  4491. ! Make sure that bridged login is compatible with Joomla 1.0.9 (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4492. ! Alter bridge output for Xoops 2.0.14 compatibilty (Xoops Bridge/index.php,smf_index.html)
  4493. + Added a div block to serve as an indicator that an AJAX process is waiting for a serverresponse. (index template)
  4494. + Added a language string for the above (index language files)
  4495. + Added a function to turn the above indicator on and off (script.js)
  4496. ! Changing the topic's subject, quoting a message, and inline editting a message will now use the AJAX indicator as appropriate.
  4497. ! The banned error message will now include when the ban will expire. (index language files, Security.php)
  4498. ! Fixed a problem when creating a new ban and having a trigger by email. (ManageBans.php)
  4499. ! Added parameter to who's online page to not show guests. (Who.php)
  4500. ! The context variable is no longer shut out by it's peers when preparsing code. (Subs-Post.php)
  4501. ! Added a check to the unread post search to make sure there is at least one board you can see. (Recent.php)
  4502. + Added Mambo/Joomla pathway code. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4503. ! Made it impossible to erase admin status for the original Mambo/Joomla admin. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4504. ! All numbers should now respect the format specified by the admin. (Profile.php, Subs.php, ManageSearch.php, ManageMail.php)
  4505. ! Added an optional parameter to override the number of decimal places used in a number. (Subs.php)
  4506. ! Added the visual verification disable option to the interface. (ManageRegistration.php, Register template, Login language files)
  4507. ! Login integration hook was inserting email as username in some cases. (LoginOut.php)
  4508. ! Show a more generic error when searching doesn't yield a result. (Errors language files)
  4509. May 2006:
  4510. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4511. ! Added a function to display a file on a given line and the lines surrounding it. (ManageErrors.php, Errors template)
  4512. ! When viewing the error log it will try and determine if the message is referencing a file, if so it will link the file name to the function to view it's contents. (ManageErrors.php)
  4513. & Updated the view error log to now allow filtering by the error type (ManageErrors.php, Errors template, Admin language files)
  4514. ! Make sure that bridge logins are not case sensitive (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4515. ! When synching users from Joomla to SMF, emails were written into passwords (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4516. ! Make sure SSI doesn't chop off messy Gallery2 component URLs (Mambo/Joomla bridge/SMF_Header_include.php)
  4517. ! Allow packages to use BBC in the readme if they desire. (Subs-Package.php, Packages.php)
  4518. ! Updated the attachments template to use admin tabs, and changed attachment settings to use the standard settings template. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  4519. ! Updated the prepareDBSettingContext function to make it more versatile. (ManageServer.php, Admin template)
  4520. & Changed some language entries to work with the new template. (Admin and Help language files)
  4521. + Added new file to aid in testing 2.0 whilst language tags change. (FixLanguage.php)
  4522. ! Error log wasn't setting up the admin tabs quite right. (Errors.php)
  4523. * Added images for moderation center related bits. (moderate.gif, approve.gif, ignore.gif, close.gif)
  4524. ! Avatar settings now uses the show_settings template to be more generic. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  4525. & Edited some language strings for the above change. (FixLanguage.php, Help language files)
  4526. ! The generic settings template now supports custom messages and inline permissions. (ManageServer.php, Admin template)
  4527. ! News settings now uses the generic settings template. (ManageNews.php, ManageNews template)
  4528. ! Added interface to set moderation center access permission. (ManagePermissions.php, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4529. & Added language entry for above permission. (ManagePermission language file)
  4530. + Added bridge for Joomla 1.5 (several files)
  4531. * Added new javascript object, smfToggle, for creating a toggling header. (script.js, index template, BoardIndex template)
  4532. + Added new file, ScheduledTasks, to deal with - scheduled tasks. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4533. ! Moved the ReduceMailQueue function to ScheduledTasks.php. (index.php, Subs-Post.php, Load.php, ManageMail.php)
  4534. ! Fixed integrated login for Joomla 1.5 (Joomla 1.5 bridge/smf.php)
  4535. ! Fixed integrated logout for Joomla 1.5 (Joomla 1.5 bridge/smf.php)
  4536. + Moved maintenance code to separate file. (ManageMaintenance.php)
  4537. + Added scheduled tasks section to maintenance menu. (ManageMaintenance.php, Admin template, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4538. & Added new language entries for above. (Admin language files)
  4539. ! Scheduled tasks now works, also added logging to tasks that have run (No interface to browse log yet). ScheduledTasks.php, ManageMaintenance.php, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Load.php, index.php)
  4540. ! Added approval queue to enable relatively quick sending of summary emails to moderators. (Subs-Post.php, ManageAttachments.php, ScheduledTasks.php, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4541. & Added language entries for the above. (Admin language files)
  4542. + Added scheduled tasks log. (ManageMaintenance, Admin template)
  4543. ! Moved optimise database to become a scheduled task. (install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql, ManageServer.php, Load.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
  4544. & Language entries associated with the above changes. (ModSettings, Admin language files)
  4545. + Added approval summary email as a scheduled task, which informs moderators etc about posts awaiting approval. (ScheduledTasks.php)
  4546. + Adding ;childs to the url when marking particular boards read will now cause all the children (and off that boards children, and on) to be marked as read also. (Subs-Boards.php)
  4547. + Added the ability to specify boards to ignore via the user's profile. (Profile template, Profile.php, Load.php, Profile language files)
  4548. + Added $user_info['query_wanna_see_board'] that can be used in place of $user_info['query_see_board'] that will not include any boards in the user's ignore board list (Load.php)
  4549. + The board index will now treat all ignored boards as read. (BoardIndex.php)
  4550. ! ?action=unread will not show topics from boards that are being ignored unless directly specified (Recent.php)
  4551. ! Recent posts on the board index will not show topics from boards that are ignored. (Recent.php)
  4552. ! The search option page will not select ignored boards by default (Search.php)
  4553. ! When not using the advanced search ignored boards are automatically not included in the results (Search.php)
  4554. + The message index will now treat all ignored child boards as read (MessageIndex.php)
  4555. ! ssi_recentPosts, ssi_recentTopics, ssi_topBoards, ssi_topTopics, ssi_recentPoll, ssi_recentEvents will now exclude boards that the user is ignoring (SSI.php)
  4556. ! The array of calendar events will now exclude events that are in an ignored board (Calendar.php)
  4557. ! The array of calendar events now include the board id for the event. (Calendar.php)
  4558. + Added permission profiling, to allow an admin to set the permissions for one board off another, or even a predefined setting. (install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql, Admin.php, Load.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManagePermissions.php, Profile.php, Reports.php, ScheduledTasks.php, Security.php, Subs-Boards.php, Subs-Members.php, ManageBoards template, ManagePermissions template, Profile template)
  4559. + Added permission inheritance option to member groups to allow a membergroup to "slave" another. (ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembergroups template)
  4560. & Added many language entries for above. (Errors, ManageMembers, ManagePermissions language files)
  4561. ! Try to chmod the mambots/system folder in case people don't follow instructions (Mambo/Joomla bridge/install.smf.php)
  4562. + Added a setting to enable the ignore boards feature (Load.php, ManageBoards.php, Profile.php, ManageBoards template, Help Language files, ManageBoard Language files, Profile Language files)
  4563. ! Fixed up report generation to work with the new permission features. (Reports.php)
  4564. & Added new language strings for the above change. (Reports language files)
  4565. - Removed settings for calendar colors - moved to style sheet. (SSI.php, install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql, ManageCalendar.php, BoardIndex template, ManageCalendar template)
  4566. & Removed language entries for the above change. (ManageCalendar language files)
  4567. ! Changed topic/post settings templates to use the generic admin template. (ManagePosts.php, Admin template)
  4568. ! Combined the calendar show events/bdays/holidays on calendar/index settings into one type. (upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql, BoardIndex.php, Calendar.php)
  4569. ! Changed calendar settings template to use the generic template. (ManageCalendar.php)
  4570. ! Permission settings now uses the generic admin template. (ManagePermissions.php)
  4571. ! Board settings also use the generic admin template. (ManageBoards.php)
  4572. * Changed the generic template to allow insertion of text above and below it for javascript etc. (Admin template, ManageNews.php)
  4573. ! ManageSmileys now uses the generic admin template. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageSmileys template)
  4574. & Renamed some language entries and added two new ones for the above change. (FixLanguage.php, ManageSmileys language files)
  4575. ! Search results can now use the xml format if specified. (Search.php, Xml template)
  4576. ! Cleaned up the select menu for moving topics in both the full page and the quick moderation (MoveTopic.php, MoveTopic template, MessageIndex template)
  4577. April 2006:
  4578. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4579. + Added a visual verification code to the registration function. (index.php, Register.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Register template)
  4580. & Added a few entries for the above feature. (Login language files, Error language files)
  4581. * Added a font directory to the default theme for visual verification code feature. (Themes/default/fonts)
  4582. + Added the ability to specify an error types to errors that are stored in the table (Errors.php)
  4583. + Added code to allocate more RAM for bridges (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4584. ! Added checking to the topic, board, and action REQUEST parameters to ensure they are not arrays prior to processing (QueryString.php)
  4585. ! Moved the category functions from Subs-Boards.php to the new Subs-Categories.php (Subs-Boards, Subs-Categories, index.php)
  4586. ! Moved CollapseCategories to BoardIndex.php, QuickModeration to MessageIndex.php and QuickModeration2 to Display.php (index.php, Subs-Boards.php, BoardIndex.php, MessageIndex.php, Display.php)
  4587. ! Created a general function for collapsing and expanding one or more categories. (Subs-Categories.php)
  4588. ! Firefox doesn't like entities in Javascript. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4589. + RSS feeds go to wrapped forum posts. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4590. ! As long as there is an exit integration hook, let it handle all pages, special or not. (Subs.php, Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4591. ! Member information wasn't being used properly in the registration hook. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4592. ! Fixed an undefined variable error. (News.php)
  4593. ! Allow theme authors to override the verification color. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  4594. ! Only allow searching for up to ten words at once. (Search.php)
  4595. ! Fixed a bug when adding members to a membergroup through the admin control panel (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4596. ! Fixed an empty delimiter using explode (Subs-Post.php)
  4597. ! Adding post moderation permissions to the admin interface, and incorporate them into upgrades. (upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql, ManagePermissions.php)
  4598. & Added language entries for the above change. (ManagePermissions language file)
  4599. * Added new style classes for unapproved post and topic backgrounds, and use this in the Display and MessageIndex templates. (style.css, Display template, MessageIndex template)
  4600. ! Respect approval status of messages and topics - always. (SSI.php, index.php, Calendar.php, Display.php, Load.php, MessageIndex.php, News.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Recent.php, Search.php, Security.php, Stats.php, Subs-Post.php)
  4601. ! Repair was not working quite right with unapproved/reply counts. (RepairBoards.php)
  4602. * Added "approve" button next to posts awaiting approval. (Display template, approve.gif)
  4603. & Added language string for this function. (index language files)
  4604. ! Added function for approving buttons, and strings to log moderation action. (RemoveTopic.php, Modlog.php, Admin language files)
  4605. + Added first elements of moderation center post moderation. (PostModeration.php, index.php, ModerationCenter template)
  4606. & Added language entries for above. (ModerationCenter language files)
  4607. ! The password was not being checked properly when modifying your own profile.
  4608. ! Cache what boards a user can see unapproved posts in. (Security.php)
  4609. * Added indicator for unapproved posts to Board Index. (BoardIndex.php, MessageIndex.php, MessageIndex template, BoardIndex template)
  4610. * Added new language entry to aid above change. (index language files)
  4611. ! notifyMembersBoard now takes the topic it is going to notify as parameters. (Post.php)
  4612. ! VirtueMart compatibility wasn't always working (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  4613. ! Errors due to passwords that aren't strong enough will no longer be logged into the error log (Subs-Members.php)
  4614. ! Added a spoken version of the visual verification code. (Register.php, Subs-Sounds.php, Register.php, Register template)
  4615. & Added a few language tags for the above change. (Login language files)
  4616. * Added 'sound font' to the default theme dir. (Themes/default/fonts/sound/*.english.wav)
  4617. ! Added a bit of random noise to the visual verification code. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  4618. ! Optimised the code for moving a topic. (MoveTopic.php)
  4619. ! Added new index to log_topics table to help speed up admin functions. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  4620. ! Unapproving topics and posts now theoretically works, as do notifications. (Subs-Post.php)
  4621. & Post approval was missing permission strings. (Errors language files)
  4622. ! Updated post approval permissions following team feedback. (Several files)
  4623. ! The last messages on a board wasn't updating after a post was approved. (Subs-Post.php)
  4624. ! Ensure we use the US spelling of Moderation Center - even though it's not proper English. (Subs.php, index template)
  4625. ! Added Compuart's speeded up showPosts code. (Profile.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4626. ! If a guest is posting, remeber what their username and email is, to save them time on subsequent posts. (Post.php)
  4627. ! Make sure that Mambo/Joomla installer files have proper PHP tags (Mambo/Joomla bridge/install.smf.php, uninstall.smf.php)
  4628. + Add warnings about use of Synching buttons (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4629. ! Logout integration hook wasn't redirecting properly in some cases (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4630. ! Mark unread wasn't taking you back to the right place when you revisited the topic. (Display.php)
  4631. * Editing posts with two dollar signs in it wasn't working. (xml_topic.js)
  4632. ! If host_from_ip fails still cache the result as system commands can take time. (Subs.php)
  4633. ! If a server doesn't support the timeout option on host then disable it. (Subs.php)
  4634. ! There doesn't appear to be any reason to slash square brackets in emails. (Subs-Post.php)
  4635. * The help template had some incorrect text entries. (Help template)
  4636. ! Don't put defunct package servers in upgrade. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4637. ! Added function to approve attachments (Subs-Post.php)
  4638. ! Display will now only show approved attachments unless you can approve them yourself. (Display.php, Display template)
  4639. & Added some language strings for above. (index language files)
  4640. ! Group Synch did not insert new rows for SMF group IDs greater than 8 (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4641. ! Post approval notifications were generating errors. (Post.php, Subs-Post.php)
  4642. * Fixed typo in Moderation Center template. (ModeraionCenter template)
  4643. ! When tracking a user only look at their latest posts to save query time. (Profile.php)
  4644. & Admin tabs should now show the main description if the tab's description is set but empty (Admin template)
  4645. + Added attachment approval to the moderation center. (PostModeration.php, ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template)
  4646. & Added some language entries for the above change. (ModerationCenter language files)
  4647. ! CreatePost was assuming a post was supposed to be unapproved if you didn't specify. (Subs-Post.php)
  4648. ! Added permission, post_unapproved_attachments, for requiring approval of attachments. (ManagePermissions.php)
  4649. ! Posting with attachments now takes into account approval status. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php, Post template)
  4650. & Several language files for the above. (Errors, ManagePermissions, Post language files)
  4651. ! Add a little overhead when picking a theme incase the admin is hiding some. (Themes.php)
  4652. March 2006:
  4653. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4654. * Tab order now includes the spell check button for the quick reply box (Display template)
  4655. + Added Joomla 1.0.8 session compatibility (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4656. + Added VirtueMart session compatibility (Mambo/Joomla bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  4657. + Added mambot so that Joomla! users do not have to add code to their Joomla! templates (install.smf.php, smf.php, smf.xml, SMF_header_include.php, SMF_header_include.x)
  4658. + Added the option to use Mambo/Joomla default or CB registration (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php, smf.php, mod_smf_login.php)
  4659. + Added Instant Synch tab to the Mambo/Joomla bridge admin panel (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4660. ! After a successful password reset, the bridge was redirecting to the registration page (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4661. + Added function to migrate SMF users to Mambo/Joomla (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4662. + Added option for MamboCharge registration (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php, smf.php, mod_smf_login.php)
  4663. ! Make sure to update the Mambo/Joomla ACL, in case of name change (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4664. + Added function to update Mambo/Joomla members to the group synch settings (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4665. + Added 3rd party developer tab structure to the bridge config panel (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4666. + Updated instructions for bridge installation (Mambo/Joomla bridge/readme.html)
  4667. ! Make sure that header code is XHTML compliant (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php, SMF_header_include.php)
  4668. ! Fixed typos in Mambo/Joomla bridge (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4669. ! The config wasn't loading in all cases for the bridge login module (Mambo/Joomla bridge/mod_smf_login.php)
  4670. ! New users were not being entered into the Mambo/Joomla ACL when migrated during login (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4671. ! Logout in Joomla 1.0.8 was not working without register_globals on (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4672. ! Integrated redirecting for errors and Immediate Registration was not working properly (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4673. ! Membergroup Settings page was missing it's title (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4674. ! Code cleanup in redirect integration hook (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4675. ! Make sure that users migrated in from Mambo/Joomla have post groups (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4676. ! Let Mambo/Joomla handle admin notifications with bridge registration (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4677. ! Bridge header bot for Joomla was not pulling a full URL with SEF turned off (Mambo/Joomla bridge/SMF_header_include.php)
  4678. + Added the ability to specify a database username and password to use while in SSI mode (Errors.php, ManageServer.php, SSI.php, Settings.php, Settings_bak.php)
  4679. & Added the ability to specify a database username and password to use while in SSI mode (Admin and Help language files)
  4680. * Changed the merge topic form so you can specify the topic ID to merge with (SplitTopics template)
  4681. & Added a string to handle the merge topic form change (index language files)
  4682. ! Fixed group synch for Joomla (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4683. ! Bridge registration hook was receiving blank information. (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4684. ! Mambo/Joomla does not check for unique names -- bridge should ((Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4685. ! Unchecking all BBC tags in the BBC settings page now saves the settings correctly and no longer causes an error (ManagePosts.php)
  4686. ! Migrating users from Mambo/Joomla on login inserted blank username into stats (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4687. ! Not all default options inserted in component installation (Mambo/Joomla bridge/install.smf.php)
  4688. - Removed the check for duplicate membergroup names (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4689. & Removed error string for duplicate membergroup names (Error language files)
  4690. ! Group synch panel wasn't showing inside a tab (Mambo/Joomla bridge/admin.smf.php)
  4691. ! Users migrated from Mambo/Joomla were always using real name as display name (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4692. ! The [hr] and [br] tag no longer use style="clear: both;"
  4693. ! The description for the active admin tab should now showing up properly in the Core theme. (Admin template)
  4694. ! Users will now be able to see their own hidden email address on the profile summary page. (Load.php)
  4695. ! Email notifications of PMs should now be sent in the language the user selected. (Subs-Post.php)
  4696. ! Make sure database field is large enough for some very long absolute paths (Mambo/Joomla bridge/install.smf.php)
  4697. ! Bridge config wasn't loading for bridge registration (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf_registration.php, smf_registration.html.php)
  4698. ! When creating a new ban, triggers for hostname and email should now be saved properly (ManageBans.php)
  4699. ! Unwrapped option was not displaying properly (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4700. ! Prevent votes to be cast multiple times (Poll.php)
  4701. February 2006:
  4702. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4703. + Added post moderation columns to relevant tables. (upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4704. ! Repair boards and board recount respects and fixes post moderation mis-counts. (RepairBoards.php, Admin.php)
  4705. & Added new repair language string for above. (Admin language files)
  4706. ! Move topics now respects post moderation counts. (MoveTopic.php, Subs-Post.php)
  4707. ! Splitting a topic will now preserve approval status. (SplitTopics.php)
  4708. ! Merging and removing topics now preserves approval status. (SplitTopics.php, RemoveTopic.php)
  4709. ! Quick moderation now plays nicely with approval bits. (Subs-Boards.php)
  4710. ! updateLastMessages was unnecessarily slow, and sometimes wrong. (Subs-Post.php, Load.php)
  4711. ! Post now takes users permissions into account to determine approval status of a post. (Post.php, Display.php)
  4712. * Updated templates to show a warning when the post will require approval. (Display and Post templates, index and Post language files)
  4713. ! createPost and modifyPost now work with post approval. (Subs-Post.php)
  4714. ! The title link wasn't updated properly after xmlHTTP editing of a message. (xml_topic.js)
  4715. ! Added an index to a temporary field in the Ikonboard converter to make the conversion go faster. (ikonboard_to_smf.sql)
  4716. ! ApprovePosts and ApproveTopics now work, for approval at least. (Subs-Post.php)
  4717. January 2006:
  4718. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4719. * Closed a open <span> tag. (index template)
  4720. ! MaxMsgID could take a value which was not numeric. (Subs.php)
  4721. ! User ID added to $user_info variable. (Load.php)
  4722. + All reported posts are now logged in the database. (SendTopic.php, RemoveTopics.php, SplitTopics.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql, RepairBoards.php)
  4723. & Added some language strings for repairing report tables. (Admin language files)
  4724. * Sticky button had a wrong check. (Display template)
  4725. + Added reported message review section to moderation center. (index.php, ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template)
  4726. & Added language entries for the reported topic review section. (ModerationCenter language files)
  4727. * Typo in javascript routine. (xml_topic.js)
  4728. ! Added a modSetting to allow overriding the character set from the language file. (Load.php)
  4729. + Added an option to install SMF using UTF-8 as database and output character set. (install.php)
  4730. & Added a few language strings for the above change. (install language files)
  4731. ! Updated copyright dates. (All files)
  4732. ! SSI was not showing the correct link to new posts. (SSI.php)
  4733. ! Changed some of the timeout values to be much more generous on servers with low timeouts. (upgrade.php, Admin.php, RepairBoards.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManageSearch.php)
  4734. ! Fix the upgrade table backup not copying the table type. (upgrade.php)
  4735. ! Include the character set and collation of each table for the upgrade backup. (upgrade.php)
  4736. ! The upgrade wasn't checking for the existence of an old column. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4737. ! An invalid default action was selected in 'News and newsletters' for users without the edit_news permission. (ManageNews.php)
  4738. * Logic for second add poll/mark read check was wrong. (Display template)
  4739. ! Updated 2.0 bridges with changes from 1.1 bridges (several files)
  4740. ! Unwrapped pages were not output (Xoops bridge/index.php)
  4741. + Added two new membergroup options, membergroup type and hidden status. (Profile.php, ManageMembergroups.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  4742. + Added "Group Membership" area to the profile, for owners only at the moment. (Profile.php)
  4743. * Updated templates for new changes. (Profile and ManageMembergroup templates, style.css)
  4744. & Added new langugages for above changes. (Profile and Members language files)
  4745. * Inline events were causing an error on the NDT. (Display template)
  4746. ! Changed the way findMembers works, to ensure it works on MySQL versions which seem to have bugs using IN with strings. (Subs-Auth.php)
  4747. & Changed some profile strings to make them shorter. (Profile (English) language file)
  4748. * Added fix to ensure sticky topics look OK on old themes. (MessageIndex template)
  4749. ! Fixed the calendar editing such that people without permission to modify posts can still modify the right events. (Calendar.php, Post.php, Calendar template)
  4750. ! Increased size of smileyOrder to allow for more smileys. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4751. * Tweaked the star javascript on Manage Membergroups to not force more than 0 stars. (ManageMembergroups template)
  4752. * Changed old style buttons to use button_strip routine. (Search template, PersonalMessage.template)
  4753. * Mark as read on unread posts did not add any queried boards (Recent template)
  4754. ! Jumpto on wrapped forums was jumping to stand alone forum (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4755. ! Bridged logout might throw an error with register_globals off (Mambo/Joomla Bridge/smf.php)
  4756. + Added vB 3.5 converter. (vbulletin35_to_smf.sql)
  4757. ! Fixed converter to work with new log table system. (convert.php)
  4758. ! Censored words had a PHP 4.4.0 incompatibility. (ManagePosts.php)
  4759. * Removed javascript on "Delete Selected" button for tabbed themes. (Display template)
  4760. & Cleaned up some text strings related to permissions. (ManagePermissions.english.php)
  4761. ! Creating a new board wasn't inheriting permissions correctly. (ManageBoards.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  4762. * Added a little protection against index errors in the Xml template - for stupid people. (Xml template)
  4763. + Added option to installer to collect statistics. (install.php, Stats.php)
  4764. + Added moderation center interface to group requests, and actually made it all work. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter language files)
  4765. ! Emails are sent to inform users when their application for a group is accepted/rejected. (ModerationCenter files)
  4766. ! Think I may have got to the bottom of the "subject/topic cache problem". (SplitTopics.php, MoveTopic.php, RemoveTopic.php)
  4767. ! Don't mark a message as edited if it was done through javascript and not actually changed. (Post.php)
  4768. ! When repair boards deletes orphaned topics, delete orphaned log_topics too. (RepairBoards.php)
  4769. * Keepalive was causing problems due to a bug with FireFox 1.5. (script.js)
  4770. + Added group moderators, and respected this feature within the group request scope. (ManageMembergroups.php, Moderation Center.php)
  4771. ! Cache the group moderator and board moderator status of a user in the session, to save on queries. (Subs-Auth.php, Security.php)
  4772. ! Fixed outgoing email bug with UTF-8 encoding (Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4773. + Moved Mambo/Joomla bridge config to a database table instead of flatfile (several files)
  4774. + Added Mambo/Joomla bridge options to main bridge config as a tab (several files)
  4775. + Added Mambo/Joomla bridge group synchronization. (several files)
  4776. + Added ID_GROUP to the change member data integration hook (Subs.php, Mambo/Joomla bridge/smf.php)
  4777. + Click the dots to show the missing pages of a page index. (Subs.php, script.js)
  4778. ! Some SSI submission forms resulted in a session check error. (SSI.php)
  4779. ! Updated all HTML forms to ensure enforcement of the input character set. (several files)
  4780. ! Removed depreciated function is_admin. (Security.php)
  4781. + Moved the "Browse members in group" function into Groups.php and changed it to allow guests, moderators and admin's to have various levels of activity with it. (Groups.php, ManageMembergroups.php)
  4782. ! Moved group related stuff for the moderation center into Groups.php. (Groups.php, ModerationCenter.php, index.php)
  4783. * Added a load of language strings for the above. (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4784. ! Renamed 'show_sp1_info' to 'show_stats_index', and removed the [More Stats] link shown in who's online if the setting is disabled. (BoardIndex, Settings template, install_2.0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql)
  4785. * Removed smf200 language string in favour of rewritten 'show_stats_index'. (Themes language files)
  4786. + Added theme setting for showing groups on the board index. (RepairBoards.php, ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Members.php, Themes.php, BoardIndex.php)
  4787. & Added language string for above. (Themes language files)
  4788. December 2005:
  4789. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4790. ! The upgrade script is updated to operate correctly with SMF 2.0. (upgrade.php)
  4791. + the package manager now keeps track of changes to mods through a new SQL table. (install_2-0.sql, upgrade_2-0.sql, Packages.php, PackageGet.php)
  4792. + The package manager now offers you the option of installing a package into multiple themes. (Subs-Package.php, Package template)
  4793. & Added some language strings for the above change. (Package language files)
  4794. ! Updated install script for SMF 2.0. (install_1-1.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4795. ! Use the database to determine which SQL files to parse during upgrade. (upgrade.php)
  4796. ! Searching without temporary table support wasn't working properly. (Search.php)
  4797. + Added an email queuing system to SMF, for sending emails out over time. (index.php, Subs-Post.php, ManageNews.php, Subs.php, upgrade_2-0.sql, install_2-0.sql)
  4798. ! Moved mail settings to separate area on the admin center. (ManageMail.php, ModSettings.php)
  4799. & Moved associated language strings for settings. (ManageMail, ModSettings language files)
  4800. ! Merging topics with no polls under strict MySQL settings wasn't working properly. (SplitTopics.php)
  4801. ! The validation code wasn't properly updated when requesting a password reminder, causing a database error in MySQL strict mode. (Reminder.php)
  4802. & Changed "Messages" into "My Messages" to make a distinction between the forum messages and the personal messages. (index language files)
  4803. + Added ability to browse the mail queue, and empty it all at once if required. (ManageMail.php, ManageMail template)
  4804. ! Install was putting the admin's IP address in their personalText settings. (install.php)
  4805. + Added images for active mirror tabs. (mirrortab_active_first.gif, mirrortab_active_last.gif, mirrortab_active_back.gif, style.css)
  4806. * Ensured tabs on memberlist suit the new themes. (Memberlist.php, Memberlist template)
  4807. * The admin tab wasn't selected when modifying themes. (index template)
  4808. ! Fixed error when creating a new membergroup. (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4809. ! On some servers Server Settings wasn't working. (ManageServer.php)
  4810. ! You couldn't send newsletters to post based membergroups. (ManageNews.php)
  4811. + Added the beginning of a moderation center. (ModerationCenter.php, ModerationCenter template, ModerationCenter english language, index template, Subs.php)
  4812. SMF 1.1 RC2 December 23, 2005
  4813. ================================================================================
  4814. December 2005:
  4815. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4816. ! Upgrade wasn't using sub steps for the log table conversion. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4817. ! Try to parse &? URLs in Mambo/Joomla in case of outdated modules and links. (Mambo bridge/smf.php)
  4818. + Added login/logout redirect code for Mambo/Joomla bridge. (Mambo bridge/smf.php)
  4819. + Added some tools in draft stage for help file conversion. (help-convert.php, help-list.php)
  4820. * Recent template was showing the wrong links for topic replies. (Recent template)
  4821. + Started moving help files into the template system. (Help.php, Help template, Manual language files)
  4822. ! Package manager was sometimes requesting ftp information when not really required. (Subs-Package.php)
  4823. ! Added the ability to emulate forum version through package manager (albeit with no interface). (Packages.php, PackageGet.php)
  4824. ! When editing theme settings the "template settings" from the current template were being lost. (Themes.php)
  4825. * Added ability to customise the button strip alignment to template_button_strip. (Combat and index templates)
  4826. * helplogo.gif replaced with helplogo.jpg in classic theme. (helplogo.gif, helplogo.jpg)
  4827. * Started adjusting the help templates to match the current theme. (Help template)
  4828. ! The enableSpellChecking setting wasn't always checked the right way. (Display.php, PersonalMessage.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Search.php)
  4829. + Added searching within a topic, when searching from the Display screen. (index template, Search.php)
  4830. ! Sort custom index search terms before querying the index. (Search.php)
  4831. ! Prevent too high numbers being inserted/queried in the search index. (Subs.php)
  4832. ! Mambo bridge "Forgot Password" was missing a component location for redirection upon success (Mambo bridge/smf_registration.php)
  4833. * Removed hardcoded color and corrected typo in the stylesheet. (index templates, style.css)
  4834. * The add poll button wasn't always shown in NDT. (Display template)
  4835. ! Fixed PHP 5.1 problem in feature settings. (ModSettings.php)
  4836. ! Added large_text as a possible setting type, to generate a textarea if desired. (ManageServer.php, Admin template)
  4837. * Changed the coloring/template of personal messages to make it more consistant - and work well in other themes. (PersonalMessage template)
  4838. ! Fixed inconsistancy with use of newtime and new_from causing error in recent messages. (Recent.php, Profile.php, Recent Templates)
  4839. ! Empty logs was cleaning a non-existant log. (Admin.php)
  4840. ! Recent topics was showing topics that were already marked as read. (Recent.php)
  4841. * Some Recent templates showed old-style new-links. (Recent templates)
  4842. * Fixed tab index conflict in Classic theme's Post screen. (Post template)
  4843. ! Made Mambo/Joomla login/logout redirects SEF (smf.php, mod_smf_login.php)
  4844. ! Some of the URL-anchors in 'Recent replies' were incorrect. (Recent.php)
  4845. ! The ICQ-link and images URL's have changed...again. (Load.php)
  4846. ! Add an index to the log tables before converting them. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4847. ! Allow adding indexes to non-existent columns when upgrading. (upgrade.php)
  4848. * Fixed validation errors in index.template for guests. Opera and IE showed jumpbox wrong in Display. (index template, Display template)
  4849. * Modified tabs routines to adjust for right-to-left setting. (index template)
  4850. ! Made Mambo/Joomla posting redirects and outgoing emails SEF (smf.php)
  4851. - Removed function is_admin(), which is obsolete (Security.php)
  4852. & Added French language files for Xoops bridge (xoops/language/french)
  4853. + Moved help files into Help template, updated Help.php to use these files. (Help template, Help.php)
  4854. & Added new language file for all user manual language entries. (Manual language files)
  4855. ! Added conversion tool for converting existing xml language files. (help-convert.php, help-list.php)
  4856. ! Removed old help directory from default theme. (help directory)
  4857. ! Added small fix to start variable in the member list. (MemberList.php)
  4858. ! Don't allow membergroups to have the same name on editing. (ManageMembergroups.php)
  4859. ! Jumping to a personal message wasn't working if you had the newest shown at the top. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4860. * added a titlebg container to the participation icon area. (Recent template)
  4861. ! Fixed typo in searchSort function. (Search.php)
  4862. ! Store the SMTP password base64_encoded to make it slightly more difficult to read from a backup. (ManageServer.php, Subs-Post.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4863. ! Marking messages as unread wasn't working. (Subs-Boards.php, Display.php)
  4864. ! Fixed minor MySQL 5.0.12 compatibility flaw. (PersonalMessage.php)
  4865. ! Fixed problem in unread replies to your posts incorrectly showing nothing on big boards. (Recent.php)
  4866. ! PHP Syntax highlighting wasn't happening on all code tags. (Subs.php)
  4867. ! Mambo/Joomla login module was using bridge password reminder even if set to SMF registration (mod_smf_login.php)
  4868. ! Updated copyright message to minimise confusion as to who owns the copyright on the content. (Subs.php, index language files)
  4869. ! Moved some bits around in the upgrade script to ensure if it times out important things don't get done twice! (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4870. ! One of the obsolete indexes on the messages table wasn't dropped. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4871. ! Improved performance for the main MessageIndex query, especially for other than the first or last page. (MessageIndex.php)
  4872. ! Non-SEF redirects were not always working correctly in Mambo/Joomla bridge. (smf.php, mod_smf_login.php)
  4873. ! Reversed primary key columns of the log_mark_read table for speed optimization. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  4874. + Mambo/Joomla login module is published on all pages by default upon installation (install.smf.php)
  4875. ! Added a sub-menu config item for Mambo/Joomla bridge registration admin panel (install.smf.php)
  4876. + Added PhpNuke bridge
  4877. ! Updated upgrade script to make it slightly more friendly for the log table upgrade. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4878. ! Updated the session rewrite function to use an ampersand entity in the URL and not semi-colon for compatibility. (QueryString.php)
  4879. ! Repairing boards wasn't pausing very efficiently. (RepairBoards.php)
  4880. ! Reversed primary key columns of the log_topics table for speed optimization. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  4881. + Added Xoops to SMF user migration upon login.
  4882. ! Prevent an error while upgrading in case knownThemes isn't set. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4883. ! Selecting invalid boards for recent topics/replies was showing a database error. (Recent.php)
  4884. ! Added back the subject-only search. (Search.php)
  4885. * In NDT the right tab wasn't always shown. (index template)
  4886. & Changed 'Edit Profile' into 'Profile' to match with the other tabs in the main button bar. (index language file)
  4887. ! Topic search wasn't in all cases working. (Search.php)
  4888. ! Fixed a few minor upgrade issues. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  4889. ! New member stats weren't updating in Mambo/Joomla bridge registration. (smf_registration.php)
  4890. ! Check for the sequences of index columns when performing an index check during upgrade .(upgrade.php)
  4891. ! Moved the column swapping of the log_topics index to the protected table alteration. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4892. ! Borrow upgrade_query's error handler for protected table alteration queries. (upgrade.php)
  4893. ! integrate_pre_include was being tested before integration settings were loaded. (Load.php)
  4894. ! BoardIndex links to the last topic of each board weren't linking to the last post for guests. (BoardIndex.php)
  4895. * Member search did not check for using_tabs setting. (Memberlist template)
  4896. * Added PM tab and removed "you have x messages" + merged 2 bars to 1. (index template, languages/index.dutch, languages/index.english , languages/index.german, languages/index.spanish)
  4897. ! Fixed small bug in upgrade for users coming from YaBBSE. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  4898. ! Made upgrading the search index resumable. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4899. ! Updated default value for date columns to be MySQL-strict compatible. (several files)
  4900. ! Holidays weren't updated properly on the boardindex after modifying them. (ManageCalendar.php)
  4901. ! Some direct message links were linking to the wrong page. (Display.php)
  4902. ! Finally fixed problem with upgrading from YaBBSE on windows server, plus a few other tweaks. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4903. ! Some Mambo/Joomla field names need to be enclosed in back-ticks. (install.smf.php, smf_registration.php)
  4904. * Fixed error with legend in the default unread template. (Recent template)
  4905. ! Copyright was throwing an error for old language files. (Subs.php)
  4906. ! Some feature settings weren't saving as a result of a missing loadLanguage. (ModSettings.php)
  4907. * Use the current themes help.css file if it exists. (Help.php)
  4908. ! When detecting crawlers, ensure we pick up on Google. (Load.php)
  4909. ! Some activation emails did not contain the full URL in Mambo/Joomla bridge registration. (smf_registration.php)
  4910. ! Make sure all text columns have no default value. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, upgrade.php)
  4911. ! Fixed error with the Calendar, which caused a problem when New Years came about. Calendar.php)
  4912. ! Added newtime as an index in context from MessageIndex.php for compatibility with old themes. (MessageIndex.php)
  4913. ! It was possible to generate an error from the ManageSmileys screen. (ManageSmileys.php)
  4914. ! For some unknown reason the log_banned table had a column for ban_ids. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4915. ! Fixed a few things in the MySQL STRICT elements of the converter, including posterIP and checking the size of message body. (upgrade_1-1.sql, upgrade.php)
  4916. ! Prevent 1.0 upgrade from being done more than once. (upgrade.php)
  4917. ! Made all inserts/replace insert all columns that have no default value. (several files)
  4918. ! Include the registration date from the Mambo user table on import. (Mambo bridge/smf.php)
  4919. ! Some registration data wasn't properly inserted by the registration hook. (Mambo bridge/smf.php, Phpnuke bridge/index.php, Xoops bridge/index.php)
  4920. ! The profile birthdate couldn't be updated to a date before 1970. (Profile.php)
  4921. ! loadMemberData now adds the banned status to the context correctly in all situations. (Load.php)
  4922. November 2005:
  4923. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4924. ! The eblah converter couldn't be run multiple times. (eblah_to_smf.php)
  4925. ! The IPB 2 converter didn't convert all members if the same email address was used twice. (invision2_to_smf.sql)
  4926. ! The phpBB 2 converter didn't work properly with some modifications. (phpbb2_to_smf.sql)
  4927. ! Updated the read me documents to the new default theme. (readme_install.html, readme_update.html, readme_upgrade.html, readme_convert.html)
  4928. + Added Orstio's Mambo/Joomla bridge, from now on officially supported by SMF. (several files)
  4929. ! Added an HTML version of a readme to the above bridge. (readme.html)
  4930. ! Fixed the deadlock prevention that might not work properly in all cases. (Errors.php)
  4931. + Added bridges for XOOPS and IGaming. (several files)
  4932. ! Remove the <span class="remove"> showing in the error messages in 'Track User' and 'Track IP'. (Profile.php)
  4933. ! Show the most recent errors first in 'Track IP'. (Profile.php)
  4934. + Added group-sensitive member migration to iGaming bridge (igaming/smf.php)
  4935. ! Fixed blank fields in iGaming bridge configuration (igaming/sources/admin/smf.class.php)
  4936. ! Don't show the absolute number of posts in the profile statistics on large message boards. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  4937. ! Fix a notice when performing activation or approval on multiple members. (ManageMembers template)
  4938. ! In some cases the upgrade created the same backup tables more than once. (upgrade.php)
  4939. + Added outgoing email integration for iGaming. (igaming/smf.php)
  4940. ! Searching with a user specified resulted in some cases in a database error. (Search.php)
  4941. + Added module admin panel and language files for Xoops. (several files)
  4942. ! Adjusted all queries with one or more OUTER JOIN for MySQL 5.0.12 compatibility. (several files)
  4943. ! Fixed 'Mark board as read' not working properly for >MySQL 4.0. (Subs-Boards.php)
  4944. ! Fixed split function showing a database error with an empty selection. (SplitTopics.php)
  4945. ! Simpleboard converter stopped working if duplicate values were inserted into the log_notify table. (simpleboards_to_smf.sql)
  4946. + Added a converter for e107 CMS. (e107_to_smf.sql)
  4947. ! Binary compare text columns in order to prevent potential mixed collation errors. (ldu_to_smf.sql, mybb_to_smf.sql, myphp_to_smf.sql, openbb_to_smf.sql, oxygen_to_smf.sql, phpbb2_to_smf.sql, phpnuke_to_smf.sql, xmb_to_smf.sql, yabb2_to_smf.php)
  4948. ! By default, disable the spell checking option. Without the proper dictionaries installed, it might prevent search from working. (upgrade_1-0.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  4949. + Added login integration for Xoops bridge. (xoops/index.php)
  4950. ! Fixed session issue with logging out in Xoops bridge. (xoops/index.php)
  4951. ! Xoops integrated login functional. (xoops/index.php)
  4952. + Added logout and registration integration for Xoops bridge. (xoops/index.php)
  4953. + Added bridge login block for Xoops bridge. (several files)
  4954. ! Fixed guest being a selectable group for some inline permissions. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManageNews.php, ManagePermissions.php)
  4955. ! Removed the ability to give guests admin permissions. (ManagePermissions.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4956. ! Added an option to move boards to an empty category. (ManageBoards.php)
  4957. & Added a language tag for the above change. (ManageBoards language files)
  4958. ! Fixed the problem with |&nbsp; appearing in messages of some forums. (Subs-Post.php)
  4959. * Javascript error generated because xml_enable was used instead of xml_enable_check. (ManageNews template)
  4960. * Wrong declaration class attribute in style caused errors. (style.css)
  4961. ! Force character set in HTTP headers to prevent ambiguous character interpretation. (Display.php, Load.php, News.php, Subs.php)
  4962. & Added an error string if a message icon has more than 16 characters. (ManageSmileys.php, Errors language files)
  4963. ! Upgrade should now backup tables with the correct engine type. (upgrade.php)
  4964. ! Do a better job at keeping the is_activated flag correct for banned members. (Security.php)
  4965. * Show ban information in a users profile. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  4966. & Added several language entries for the above change. (Profile language files)
  4967. ! When showing who is viewing a board/topic it now sorts user in click order, and shows them as buddy if applicable. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php)
  4968. + Added option (max_pm_recipients) to limit number of recipients a user may message at once. (PersonalMessage.php, ModSettings.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  4969. & Added language strings for above change. (PersonalMessage, ModSettings and Help language files)
  4970. * Added XML editing to the message index. (MessageIndex, XML templates, Post.php, MessageIndex.php)
  4971. * Who's online will now default to ascending when clicking "sort by name". (Who template)
  4972. * Added new javascript file for xml editing in the message index. Also cleaned up the javascript. (MessageIndex templates, xml_board.js)
  4973. + Added interface for caching, and moved several server settings into the server setting area. (ManageServer.php, ModSettings.php, Admin.php)
  4974. * Added new template for server settings. (Admin template)
  4975. & Added new language entries for above changes. (Help, ModSettings and Admin language files)
  4976. ! Update the online log if the user is viewing a topic/board and who's online is enabled. (Subs.php, Display.php, MessageIndex.php)
  4977. ! Moved around some settings under feature settings. (index.php, Subs.php, modSettings.php, ManageServer.php, Admin template)
  4978. & Changed some language strings for the above change. (ModSettings language file)
  4979. ! The time tag now takes an optional parameter, absolute, for not offsetting the time, and edits better. (Subs-Post.php)
  4980. + Added personal message integration hook. (Subs-Post.php)
  4981. ! Added component variables to Mambo/Joomla login module form submission to make sure they don't get wiped. (mod_smf_login.php)
  4982. ! Remember the sort status when deleting attachments. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  4983. ! Rewrote the custom search index to make it faster and more compact. (ManageSearch.php, RemoveTopic.php, Search.php, Subs.php, Subs-Posts.php, ManageSearch template)
  4984. ! The steps for creating the custom index are now time limited. (ManageSearch.php)
  4985. ! Allow resuming the creation of a custom index. (ManageSearch.php)
  4986. ! Stopwords are now removed in a stepped way. (ManageSearch.php)
  4987. ! Added a warning in case two indexes are created on the messages table. (ManageSearch template)
  4988. & Added and removed language strings for the above changes. (Search language files)
  4989. ! The detection of whether fulltext tables could be created or not didn't always work properly. (ManageSearch.php)
  4990. ! The reattributePosts() function didn't add the proper amount of posts to a member. (Subs-Members.php)
  4991. * Added optional theme setting, 'use_buttons', for showing buttons with text alongside them. (index templates)
  4992. * Fixed some problems with older themes using the above setting. (Calendar, PersonalMessage, Search, Profile and SplitTopics templates)
  4993. ! Added new function, create_button, for creating buttons in themes without all the checks. (Subs.php)
  4994. * Added function to index template for generating rows/tabs of buttons, and implemented it in Display. (index, Display templates)
  4995. ! Added new template, Combat, to ensure old themes work with new functionality. (Subs.php, Combat template)
  4996. * Moved modify_inline.gif image to icons directory and added to babylon and classic themes. (modify_inline.gif)
  4997. & Repair boards now finds thumbnails without parents. (RepairBoards.php, Admin language files)
  4998. * Moved some Display javascript into a separate file for better caching, and made the javascript more templatable. (xml_topic.js, xml_board.js, Display and MessageIndex templates)
  4999. ! Xoops registration integration wasn't holding the old URL in the session. (xoops/index.php)
  5000. + Changed recount function in "Attachment Manager" to a maintenance function for fixing all manner of attachment problems. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5001. & Added new language entries for above change. (Admin language files)
  5002. * Added Recent template back into babylon theme. (Recent template)
  5003. & Added "Reply to All", but only in the NDT at the moment. (PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage language files)
  5004. * Remove smf_session_id in favour of passed session id's. (script.js, xml_board.js, xml_topic.js, MessageIndex, Display, Login, index, ManageSmileys, Packages, Themes templates, mod_smf_login.php)
  5005. * Display template now only does inline editing on the babylon/classic theme if the subject area is double clicked. (Display templates)
  5006. * Browsing attachments will now retain sorting direction when switching between browse types. (ManageAttachments template)
  5007. * Cleaned up NDT for backwards compatibility further, removed some instances of windowbg3. (ManageBans, ManageSmileys, BoardIndex, MessageIndex templates)
  5008. * Updated search to show participation information. (Search.php, Search template)
  5009. ! Fixed package manager not extracting separate files correctly. (Subs-Package.php)
  5010. ! Attachment maintenance was deleting custom avatars in error. (ManageAttachments.php)
  5011. * The NDT was showing some information twice. (index template)
  5012. ! Caching of button strips was working a little too well. (index, Combat, MessageIndex, Display, Recent templates)
  5013. ! Stop users who are already logged in attempting to log in again by redirecting them. (LogInOut.php)
  5014. & Removed language entry associated with old error message for users logging in twice. (Errors language files)
  5015. ! Upgrade was messing up the order of categories. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5016. * Sending out newsletters wasn't preserving the parse HTML value. (ManageNews template)
  5017. ! Sending out newsletters was stripping slashes one too many times thanks to sendmail doing it too. (ManageNews.php)
  5018. ! Sending out newsletters was always missing off some poor guy. (ManageNews.php)
  5019. ! Added new optional attribute to a package to force a redirect after installation. (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, Package template, package-info.dtd)
  5020. & Added three language entries for above change. (Packages language file)
  5021. ! Updated version numbers to SMF 1.1 RC2. (all files)
  5022. ! Editing templates was reporting the wrong line numbers, and adding in extra line breaks. (Themes.php)
  5023. ! Bypass the SSI session errors if it's being called from the command line. (SSI.php, QueryString.php)
  5024. ! Made defining of WIRELESS conditional, in case it's already been defined elsewhere (index.php)
  5025. ! The BBC parser could cause apache problems when parsing emails. (Subs.php)
  5026. ! Avatars were still being deleted unnecessarily during maintenance. (ManageAttachments.php)
  5027. ! Fix URLs and email addresses being autolinked inside linked tags. (Subs.php)
  5028. ! Updated the log table system in order to improve performance, especially for the unread posts and replies. (several files)
  5029. * Moved some more functions from the Display template to xml_topic.js (Display template, xml_topic.js)
  5030. ! Inline modification wasn't storing the modified body and subject in the Javascript environment. (xml_topic.js)
  5031. * Updated all non-NDT themes to do the inline editing with a button instead of doubleclicking. (Display template)
  5032. ! BoardIndex was showing an undefined index error for guests. (BoardIndex.php)
  5033. ! Install wasn't showing some database errors properly. (install.php)
  5034. * Hide buttons if xmlHTTP or JavaScript isn't supported. (Display template, xml_topic.js)
  5035. October 2005:
  5036. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5037. ! Let upgrade base other themes off babylon if specific templates are missing. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5038. + Added Grudge's PM search feature to the interface. (PersonalMessages.php)
  5039. & Added two new language strings, most_online_ever and most_online_today for the new theme. (index language files)
  5040. * Added a theme setting to determine whether tabs are used in the admin center. (Admin template, Index template)
  5041. * removed "welcome guest.." in the login form. Appeared twice. (Index template)
  5042. * Added next-previous links to the top. Only showed on bottom. (Display template)
  5043. ! The base theme URL wasn't inserted in the upgrade of the new default theme. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5044. ! Added integrate_change_member_data to allow integration after updating a member profile. (Subs.php)
  5045. - Removed integrate_change_email as it's already covered by the above function. (Profile.php, Register.php)
  5046. * Updated the new theme's thumbnail. (thumbnail.gif)
  5047. ! The first-letter-anchors in the member list weren't always working. (Memberlist.php)
  5048. ! deleteBoards() didn't work properly with an empty array of boards as input (Subs-Boards.php)
  5049. * Added extra styles to classic and babylon theme, used in default theme (style.css)
  5050. * Added check for use of tabs on buttons. If not set, use the buttons from images/(language) folder (Recent template, Profile template)
  5051. * Added session check to mark-as-read buttons. (BoardIndex template, MessageIndex template, Recent template)
  5052. * New colors on install and upgrade files. (install.php, upgrade.php)
  5053. ! The installer now attempts to automagically fix potential mod_security problems. (install.php)
  5054. & Added a language string for the above change. (install language files)
  5055. ! Updated the installer to add the Babylon theme and add 'Core' to the name of the default theme. (install.php, install language files)
  5056. ! Checking a modified date of a cached attachment didn't in all cases work properly. (Display.php)
  5057. ! Add an extra check to make sure users aren't logged in twice. (LogInOut.php)
  5058. & Added a language string for the above change. (Errors language files)
  5059. ! Moving of large numbers of topics is now done in chunks. (MoveTopics.php)
  5060. ! Highlight the poll options that a user has voted. (Display.php, Display templates)
  5061. ! Fixed a PHP 5.0.5 compatibility issue causing ssi_whosOnline() to malfunction. (SSI.php)
  5062. ! Fix false entries of locks and stickies showing up in the moderation log. (Post.php)
  5063. ! Don't show non-moderator lock entries in the moderation log. (Post.php)
  5064. ! News and newsletter settings didn't have a page title. (ManageNews.php)
  5065. ! Fix a notice when setting a group to no permissions. (ManagePermissions.php)
  5066. ! XML-feeds with restricted/non-existing boards didn't show the proper error. (News.php)
  5067. ! Topic wasn't properly marked as read after inline modification. (Post.php)
  5068. ! Don't trim the replacement of a censored word. Allows to replacement containing smiley codes. (ManagePosts.php)
  5069. + Added an option to create a custom index for searching messages. (ManageSearch.php, ManageSearch template, Subs.php, Subs-Post.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  5070. & Added and removed several language tags for the above change. (Search language files)
  5071. & Added a help-tag explaining the why of search indexes. (Help language files, Search language files)
  5072. ! Rewritten the search engine to better accomodate the fulltext and custom indexes. (Search.php)
  5073. ! Added a search setting to limit the amount of results of a search. (ManageSearch.php, ManageSearch template, Search language files)
  5074. ! Split the search index itself from the properties of the index in the admin interface. (ManageSearch.php, ManageSearch template)
  5075. + Stickyness of a topic can now be used as factor in the relevance rating of a search. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php, ManageSearch template)
  5076. & Added language tags for the above change. (Help language files, Search language files)
  5077. * Added margin to user logo (index template)
  5078. * Changed moderation buttons to a bar similar to the main navigation buttons. (Display template, style.css)
  5079. ! The installer was trying to create one of the tables twice. (install_1-1.sql)
  5080. ! One of the MySQL errors in the installer wasn't recognized by non-english MySQL versions. (install.php)
  5081. September 2005:
  5082. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5083. ! Fixed &#91;/&#93; parsing issue in announcements and notifications. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  5084. ! Trying to create an icon in first place might result in an error. (ManageSmileys.php)
  5085. ! Deleting message icons plain didn't work. (ManageSmileys.php)
  5086. ! When moving a board with the new interface, make the first first child - where you clicked. (ManageBoards.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  5087. ! Properly handle non-English error messages from MySQL. (Errors.php, upgrade.php, convert.php)
  5088. ! Parameter count error on every account approval - din't hurt anything, though. (ManageMembers.php)
  5089. ! Deleting an empty category probably wouldn't work. (Subs-Boards.php)
  5090. ! Don't include the port in cookie domains. (Subs-Auth.php, smf_api.php)
  5091. ! In debug mode, flush like a crazy person - it works. (upgrade.php)
  5092. ! Do the fixing of the subject cache in chunks. (RepairBoards.php)
  5093. & Fixed some language ambiguities. (ManageBoards language files, ManageBoards template, ManagePermissions language files, Themes language files)
  5094. ! Staff reports now show members with global moderating powers too. (Reports.php, Reports language files)
  5095. ! Staff report entries are now sorted by display name. (Reports.php)
  5096. ! groupsAllowedTo() function wasn't working properly for global board permissions. (Subs-Members.php)
  5097. + Added an XMLhttp-option to doubleclick messages in order to edit them inline. (Post.php, Display template, Xml template, index language files)
  5098. ! Add a log entry to the moderation log after stickying/locking a topic in the post screen. (Post.php)
  5099. + Added initial files for new default theme. (babylon Theme directory, Settings language files, index template, style.css)
  5100. ! Upgrade now bases the theme paths off the default theme. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5101. SMF 1.1 RC1 September 20, 2005
  5102. ================================================================================
  5103. September 2005:
  5104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5105. ! Ignore user aborts while posting. (Subs-Post.php)
  5106. ! Make status.php output defunct processes correctly. (status.php)
  5107. ! Snitz password checking - SHA-256 - was not working. (LogInOut.php)
  5108. ! Unread replies couldn't sort on everything properly. (Recent.php)
  5109. ! New stepped forum error checking in repair - now works even on large forums reliably. (RepairBoards.php)
  5110. ! Created a work-around for the Firefox bug that causes the password manager to store the SHA'ed password instead of the original. (Load.php, Login template, Index template)
  5111. ! A few query optimizations. (Profile.php, SplitTopics.php)
  5112. ! Added a general function to retrieve the membergroups that have a specific permision (Subs-Members.php)
  5113. ! Added a general function to retrieve the members that have a specific permision (Subs-Members.php)
  5114. ! 'Report to moderator' notifications are now sent to anyone with the 'moderate_board' permission. (SendTopics.php)
  5115. ! When a guest reports a message to the moderator the notification will now contain the user's IP address. (SendTopics.php)
  5116. ! Strip out potentially sensitive strings from shown queries. (status.php)
  5117. * Make some more sub templates for WAP users, and use card titles - like Google does ;). (Wireless template)
  5118. & Show an error message if someone using wireless tries to go somewhere not ready for them. (Subs.php, Wireless language files)
  5119. ! Package installation readmes weren't showing! (Packages.php)
  5120. ! Fix some minor wording problems in some converters. (all converters)
  5121. * The Register template still had incorrect COPPA JavaScript. (Register template)
  5122. ! Add support for the MyPHP Forum password hashing. (LogInOut.php)
  5123. ! Added ADODB support to the converter for Windows, which seems to work for more providers/drivers than ODBC. (convert.php)
  5124. ! updateSettingsFile() didn't like having newlines at the end. (Admin.php)
  5125. ! Remove the namespace for RSS 2.0 feeds, let's see if they still work everywhere, though. (News.php)
  5126. & Changed whoall_repottm to whoall_reporttm. (Who language files)
  5127. ! Get the necessary information on FreeBSD too. (status.php)
  5128. ! Some post counts, like those over 1000, weren't showing properly in the memberlist. (Memberlist.php)
  5129. ! Add the ability to do more efficient stepped queries - not just LIMIT. (convert.php)
  5130. ! Add a MyPHP Forum 3.0 converter. (myphp_to_smf.sql)
  5131. * Moved the hashLoginPassword() and hashAdminPassword() functions to script.js. (index template, Login template, script.js)
  5132. ! Switched some repair steps to prevent unique-key insert conflicts. (RepairBoards.php)
  5133. ! Don't show a reply link if the topic is locked. (SSI.php)
  5134. ! Add a percentage bar to the repair process, and cleanup timeout detection. (RepairBoards.php)
  5135. & Added a check for missing members on log_notify. (Admin language files, RepairBoards.php)
  5136. ! Add file and line number information to the hacking attempt message for injection sniffing. (Subs.php)
  5137. ! Add support for Solaris and show proper command names. (status.php)
  5138. ! Added information about character set searching and fulltext not working on InnoDB. (ManageSearch.php, ManagePosts.php, Search language files)
  5139. ! Send unknown image attachments as image/gif and let the user agent figure out what they are. (Display.php)
  5140. ! Make the staff report use the new membersAllowedTo(). (Reports.php)
  5141. ! Don't bother with stats if there are no posts in any boards to speak of. (Profile.php)
  5142. & Added the word "now" to the remove old posts feature for clarity. (Admin language files)
  5143. & Clarified "cleanup permissions" strings to more strongly convey that it's an action. (Packages language files)
  5144. ! Separated functions for creating, modifying and deleting boards and categories. (ManageBoards.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  5145. + Added a function that allows to easily move boards between categories. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template, ManageBoards language files)
  5146. ! If we just have free, use it. (status.php)
  5147. ! Put a little more work into the PHPSESSID showing check just in case. (Load.php, QueryString.php)
  5148. ! Be more tolerant of paths to the component itself. (simpleboard_to_smf.sql)
  5149. ! Rewrote parts of the search engine for faster searching. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php, RemoveTopic.php, upgrade.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  5150. ! Add warnings if a filename in a modification is not used as a full path. (Subs-Package.php)
  5151. ! Searching by guest name wasn't working. (Search.php)
  5152. & Added a separate error message for the case when you try to quote a deleted post. (Post.php, Errors language files)
  5153. ! Newsletters still weren't sending to regular/ungrouped members. (ManageNews.php)
  5154. ! Show permissions wasn't taking access permissions into account. Added a list of restricted boards. (Profile.php, Profile template, Profile language files)
  5155. ! Include topic cache maintenance in the repair boards function. (RepairBoards.php, Admin language files)
  5156. ! Fix empty unimportant logs for the new search tables. (Admin.php)
  5157. ! Fix error messages given by subject match overlapping word match in cases. (Search.php)
  5158. ! PHP-Nuke converter was checking for "attachments" not "bbattachments". (phpnuke_to_smf.sql)
  5159. ! Added support for XMLHTTP previewing for Opera 8.01+. (Post template)
  5160. ! Added detection of temporary tables in Search. (Search.php)
  5161. & $txt['cannot_move_own'] was missing. (Errors language files)
  5162. ! Got rid of the use of eval() in the new parser, although it still uses some lambda functions. (Subs.php)
  5163. ! Remove some package servers from the default install. (install_1-1.sql)
  5164. ! The call_user_func() function doesn't support reference parameters. (LogInOut.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5165. ! Add a [time] tag. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5166. ! Regular search wasn't doing subject searching properly. (Search.php)
  5167. ! Make the MarkRead() action support c, boards, and board. (Subs-Boards.php)
  5168. ! Require sesc for markasread actions. (Recent.php, Subs-Boards.php, MessageIndex template, Display template, Recent template, BoardIndex template)
  5169. ! Anywhere that used base64_decode() wasn't friendly to +'s. (ManageErrors.php, Search.php, PersonalMessage.php, ManageMembers.php, Modlog.php)
  5170. ! Parser didn't like :-\[/quote] etc. (Subs.php)
  5171. ! Back out the unicode filtering stuff because it did effect UTF-16. (QueryString.php, Subs.php)
  5172. ! Try to avoid some joins on the boards table for longer queries. (Recent.php)
  5173. ! Editing censored words now requires the moderate_forum forum permission instead of the admin_forum permission. (ManagePosts.php, Subs.php)
  5174. ! Handle 's in email addresses for newsletters better. (ManageNews.php)
  5175. * Mark as read was in some cases not sending a session code. (Recent template)
  5176. ! Fixed some of the repair steps that didn't repair properly. (RepairBoards.php, Admin language files)
  5177. ! Changed the way subjects are broken down into words in the subject caching table. (RepairBoards.php, Subs.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, upgrade.php)
  5178. ! Make the installer able to handle the default subject for searching. (install.php)
  5179. & Minor case change to $txt[454] and $txt[455]. (index language files, index.english.xml)
  5180. ! Fix searching by user, wasn't working since my last fix :/. (Search.php)
  5181. ! Search results per page weren't ordered properly. (Search.php)
  5182. * Remove the membergroup selection for attachments that didn't work anyway. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5183. & And its associated language entries. (Admin language files)
  5184. ! The guest_post_no_email setting didn't work properly for previewing posts. (Post.php)
  5185. August 2005:
  5186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5187. ! PHP code wasn't being posted correctly in some cases. (Subs.php)
  5188. ! Try harder to recover from deadlocks. (Errors.php)
  5189. ! Fixed a typo in sendpm() that was never being a problem. (Subs-Post.php)
  5190. ! Cleaned up internationalization handling. (Search.php)
  5191. ! That stupid upgrade_php?step thing was still happening in the upgrader. (upgrade.php)
  5192. ! The Burning Board converters were not properly converting polls. (burningboard2_to_smf.sql, burningboardlite_to_smf.sql)
  5193. ! The package manager was not properly matching version ranges. (Subs-Package.php)
  5194. ! The package manager wasn't doing quotes properly. (Subs-Package.php)
  5195. ! Improved the speed of a query in the statistics panel a little. (Profile.php)
  5196. ! Improved the Simpleboard converter a little. (simpleboard_to_smf.sql)
  5197. ! The status script didn't like not having /etc access. (status.php)
  5198. ! Improved the itemcode parsing inside quotes and next to each other. (Subs.php)
  5199. ! Quoted printable and character 128 still weren't friends. (Subs-Post.php)
  5200. ! Made the installer able to log you in even if the account exists, as 1.0 did. (install.php)
  5201. * Fix the newsfader for Internet Explorer 4. (fader.js)
  5202. * Minor aesthetic improvements to improve XHTML compatibility. (MessageIndex template, script.js, Post template, index template, BoardIndex template, Subs.php, Admin.php, ModSettings.php)
  5203. & Since administrators are discouraged from adding post groups to board access rights, show regular members in announce. (Post.php, Post language files)
  5204. ! With search engine friendly URLs, you couldn't have commas in parameter values. (QueryString.php)
  5205. ! Try harder not to show errors during a database dump. (DumpDatabase.php)
  5206. ! Handle url="" and email="" in vBulletin converters. (vbulletin_to_smf.sql, vbulletin3_to_smf.sql)
  5207. ! Don't backup the error log, it's not worth it. (DumpDatabase.php)
  5208. ! The converters weren't doing image attachments and avatars correctly. (176; convert.php)
  5209. ! If a filter had no results, sort direction was lost. (ManageErrors.php)
  5210. ! When filtering is using a wildcard, and you filter on something that would be the same, don't filter on the same wildcard. (ManageErrors.php)
  5211. ! The error message you got when trying to access edit news was wrong. (ManageNews.php)
  5212. ! Try to make sure register_globals is never a problem. (SSI.php)
  5213. * JavaScript error changing COPPA settings. (Register template)
  5214. ! Skip evil directories when making a backup. (Subs-Package.php)
  5215. ! Do the custom avatar directory properly and better check against doing directories twice in cleanperms. (Admin.php)
  5216. ! Do the registration date correctly. (phpnuke_to_smf.sql)
  5217. ! Added Land Down Under converter. (ldu_to_smf.sql)
  5218. ! Add ODBC support to the converter - now we can convert Snitz, etc. directly. (convert.php)
  5219. ! Strip characters we don't like from the subject line. (Post.php)
  5220. ! Make it so open_basedir doesn't affect status.php... (status.php)
  5221. SMF 1.1 Beta 4 August 20, 2005
  5222. ================================================================================
  5223. August 2005:
  5224. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5225. * Changed color: #FF0000 to red in a few places. (Admin template, Calendar template, PersonalMessage template, Profile template, Subs.php, Printpage template, Reports template)
  5226. ! Small optimization to the member statistics. (Profile.php)
  5227. ! Added censorWholeWord to the list of settings to skip if they don't exist. (upgrade_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  5228. ! Fix "space at the beginning of a line" regression. (Subs.php)
  5229. ! Added mail_strip_carriage and disableRegisterCheck. (Register.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5230. ! Use file_get_contents() instead of implode/file because it's more efficient. (Subs-Compat.php, Themes.php, Subs-Package.php, Load.php, ManageRegistration.php, Packages.php, Register.php, Display.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  5231. ! Use md5_file() instead of md5 on the file contents because it's more efficient. (Subs-Compat.php, Display.php)
  5232. * Cleaned up lots of form usage to better fit with standards. (script.js, Admin.php, ModSettings.php, MessageIndex template, Display template, Search template, index.xslt, Login template, SplitTopics template, Search template, Themes template, Poll template, MoveTopic template, Calendar template, Admin template, ManagePermissions template, ManageBans template, ManageAttachments template, ManageBoards template, ManageMembergroups template, ManageMembers template, ManageNews template, ManageSmileys template, Profile template, spellcheck.js, Post template, searching.xslt, loginout.xslt, webinstall.php, Register template, posting.xslt)
  5233. * Fixed the jumpto menu when an ? was in scripturl. (MessageIndex template, Display template, Search template)
  5234. ! Avoid doing topicseen more than necessary. (Display.php, Subs-Boards.php, Subs-Post.php, MessageIndex.php)
  5235. ! Removed avatar settings 'avatar_allow_server_stored' and 'avatar_allow_upload' in favour of permissions for each avatar storage method. (Load.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManagePermissions.php, Profile.php, Subs.php, , install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, ManageAttachments template, Profile template, phpbb_to_smf.sql, phpnuke_to_smf.sql, yabbse_to_smf.sql)
  5236. & Added some new (and removed some old) language entries for the above change. (Admin, Errors, ManagePermissions and Reports language files)
  5237. ! Make it a lot easier to make post group statistics based on more than just posts. (Subs.php, Subs-Members.php, ManageMembers.php)
  5238. ! Cache xml/rss feeds for guests - much of the time - too. (News.php)
  5239. ! Make it so that searching for errors that have variable text in them can show them all - I know this may be controversial, but we need to make it at least an option. (ManageErrors.php, LogInOut.php)
  5240. ! Resort the boards table after a repair. (RepairBoards.php)
  5241. ! Approximate calendar dates as mid-day since we don't know the actual time. (Display.php)
  5242. * Local Moderator cannot have group permissions, so don't allow the selection thereof - also sort groups and handle checkboxes better. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template)
  5243. ! Cache those permissions too! (Load.php)
  5244. * Add inline permissions for viewing and posting attachments. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5245. & Add language entries for the above permissions interface. (Admin language files)
  5246. ! Make status.php command-line friendly. (status.php)
  5247. & Removed the part about the username not having special characters allowed. (Login language files)
  5248. ! Make the converter handle prefixes better. (convert.php)
  5249. * Make poll option choices labels. (Display template, Display.php, SSI.php)
  5250. ! Cleanup handling of non-validating xml characters. (Subs.php)
  5251. ! Update version numbers to SMF 1.1 Beta 4. (all files)
  5252. ! The percentage complete for a maintenance recount wasn't updating correctly. (Admin.php)
  5253. ! Extra ban triggers weren't being done properly when adding a new ban from a profile. (ManageBans.php)
  5254. * Add a stylesheet for the print media. (index template, print.css)
  5255. ! Validate input as proper, valid XHTML. (QueryString.php, Subs.php)
  5256. ! Don't use accelerator caching when in command line mode. (Load.php)
  5257. ! Fine, just bump the memberGroups column to 255 and be done with it. (install_1-1.sql)
  5258. ! Avoid using a REPLACE INTO for log_topics. (Display.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5259. ! Prevent a notice when catching actions. (Themes.php)
  5260. & Tweak the notify_send_type strings a bit to clarify them. (Profile language files)
  5261. ! Fixed an error given when no pms are found from a search. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5262. * Splitting topics wasn't working 100% correctly. (SplitTopics template)
  5263. ! If you make the max message length too high, increase the size of the body column. (ManagePosts.php)
  5264. * If the body column is mediumtext, don't allow creation of a fulltext index. (ManageSearch.php, ManageSearch template)
  5265. & Added a warning to describe the situation in which the fulltext index CANNOT be created. (Search language files)
  5266. & Clarify the globalCookies help text. (Help language files)
  5267. ! Support <error /> in package-info.xml files. (Subs-Package.php, Packages.php, package-info.dtd)
  5268. ! Ignore case and handle 1.0.* properly in matchPackageVersion(). (Subs-Package.php)
  5269. ! Add a conditional comment ON UPDATE to the log_online table for MySQL 4.1.2 and above. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  5270. ! Fix coloring, validating, and formatting issues with the parser error message. (Load.php)
  5271. * Use smf_session_id where possible in JavaScript. (index template, Login template, Themes template, Packages template, ManageSmileys template)
  5272. ! After editing smileys, flush the cache immediately. (ManageSmileys.php)
  5273. ! Fix a notice you might get when saving your profile with a bad external avatar. (Profile.php)
  5274. ! Cookieless logins, etc. weren't working properly on PHP 5. (Load.php)
  5275. ! XML stuff didn't work without cookies enabled. (QueryString.php)
  5276. ! Let things expand toward a higher cache level. (News.php, Load.php, Subs.php)
  5277. ! Permissions weren't working properly from smf_api.php. (smf_api.php)
  5278. ! Made sure everything was ship-shape with PHP 4.1.0. (Subs.php, Subs-Compat.php, Load.php, index.php)
  5279. ! The status script was generating errors when MySQL was not available. (status.php)
  5280. ! Prevent a package manager error when no searches are found. (Subs-Package.php)
  5281. ! If the package manager can get enough free ram, keep a workspace of modified files and modify none before all can be. (Subs-Package.php, Themes.php, Packages.php)
  5282. ! When showing xmlArray errors, do a backtrace if possible. (Subs-Package.php)
  5283. + Now packages can have multiple modification files which depend on each other. (Subs-Package.php)
  5284. ! Save uploaded avatar widths and heights into the database. (Profile.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  5285. ! Allow the subject to be passed in the query string of a new post. (Post.php)
  5286. ! Make sure to check the moderator's session on lock/sticky. (LockTopic.php)
  5287. ! An extra (unnecessary and slow in this case) query was being run on some searches. (Search.php)
  5288. ! People want the copyright shown for SSI, so show it. (Subs.php)
  5289. ! Double check the user when deleting posts from the recent posts list. (Recent.php)
  5290. ! Try to do even more safety checks in updateSettingsFile(). (Admin.php)
  5291. ! If topics rows go missing, try to put posts in the right boards. (RepairBoards.php)
  5292. ! Automatically switch URLs to https when the forum is accessed that way. (Load.php)
  5293. ! Fix some avatar and attachment problems in the phpBB converters. (phpbb2_to_smf.sql, phpnuke_to_smf.sql)
  5294. ! Move some data to be cached at level 3. (Subs.php, Load.php, MoveTopic.php)
  5295. ! Minor improvements to the package manager's template. (Packages template)
  5296. ! Improved (I think) a search query to use better indexes. (Search.php)
  5297. ! Add support for APC. (Load.php, Admin.php)
  5298. ! The removeMessage() function was doing too much work. (RemoveTopics.php)
  5299. * Open a window with scrollbars always if the window is expected to be too large for the screen. (script.js)
  5300. ! If caching is enabled at level 2, don't let people start a new search until the last one finishes, or 90 seconds pass. (Search.php)
  5301. ! Don't allow prefetching when it comes to searching and unread topics/replies. (Search.php, Recent.php)
  5302. ! Make upgrade work with 1.0 Beta 4. (upgrade_1-0.sql)
  5303. ! Fix a possible race condition involving totalTimeLoggedIn. (Subs.php)
  5304. ! Don't dump the user_settings cache so often. (Subs.php, Load.php)
  5305. ! Make sure the feed title is always properly escaped. (News.php)
  5306. July 2005:
  5307. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5308. ! The profile_edit_own and profile_edit_any permissions had not been properly removed. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5309. ! Repairing your forum didn't work properly for versions of MySQL older than 4.0.4. (RepairBoards.php)
  5310. * Hits were not showing properly in the stats. (Stats template)
  5311. & The installer now warns you if you install over an older version. (install.php, Install language files)
  5312. ! Improved the use of temporary tables to increase the performance of unreadreplies. (Recent.php)
  5313. ! Did the above for all unread topics. (Recent.php)
  5314. ! The shorten_subject() function wasn't properly handling "...&#". (Subs.php)
  5315. * The first found result wasn't being quoted in find members. (Help template)
  5316. ! Temporary tables are now better supported. (ViewQuery.php)
  5317. ! Upgrader didn't support going from older versions of 1.0. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  5318. ! Link back to maintenance was wrong. (RepairBoards.php)
  5319. ! Crazy ol' Safari didn't like the progress bar. (Admin template)
  5320. ! Use POST for JavaScriptModify. (Post.php)
  5321. ! Added the first and last post ids to context. (MessageIndex.php, Recent.php)
  5322. * Added setting for enabling buddy list. (ModSettings.php, Subs-Post.php, Profile.php, Load.php, Profile template, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5323. & Added language string for the buddy list setting. (ModSettings language files)
  5324. * Moved the buddy section to it's own area in profile, and added much more contextual information to the buddy screen. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  5325. & Added/removed some language strings for the above change. (Profile language files)
  5326. ! Typo using imagesavealpha. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  5327. ! The package manager now better displays installability on download. (PackageGet.php, Subs-Package.php)
  5328. * Messed with the look of the package download listing a little. (Packages template)
  5329. ! Show MySQL's error message for the table_test. (convert.php)
  5330. ! Properly detect what an attachment's filename should be in all the converters. (all converters, upgrade_1-1.sql, Subs.php)
  5331. ! Allow links of the format <www.example.com>. (Subs.php)
  5332. ! Typo on registration from admin center. (Subs-Members.php)
  5333. ! Create backups upon package installation and uninstallation. (Packages.php, Subs_package.php)
  5334. ! The copytree() function wasn't actually copying files. (Subs-Package.php)
  5335. ! Admin member activation language usage wasn't up to spec. (ManageMembers.php)
  5336. ! A few typos in the phpBB/phpNuke and Burning Board converters. (phpbb2_to_smf.sql, phpnuke_to_smf.sql, burningboard2_to_smf.sql, burningboardlite_to_smf.sql)
  5337. ! Added a bunch of new repair options to the repair feature - needs more cleanup. (RepairBoards.php)
  5338. & Added an error for profile's showPosts when load averages are high. (Profile.php, Errors language files)
  5339. ! Some versions of MySQL didn't support the search manager's detection of fulltext indexes. (ManageSearch.php)
  5340. ! Smileys with special characters in them didn't render well. (ManageSmileys.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5341. * Clean up a few minor invalid HTML bits here and there. (various files)
  5342. ! Persist the template debugging stuff in links and redirects. (Subs.php, QueryString.php)
  5343. * Don't use document.write(). (ManageMembergroups template, ManagePermissions template, Admin template, ManageNews template, Profile template)
  5344. * Avoid the usage of # as a link target. (Subs.php, index template, Admin template, Help template, ManageMembergroups template, ManagePermissions template)
  5345. ! Fixed quite a few bugs in the MercuryBoard converter. (mercuryboard_to_smf.sql)
  5346. ! Updated a few things in all the converters. (convert.php, all converters)
  5347. ! Fixed some minor bugs in the Oxygen and XMB converters. (oxygen_to_smf.sql, xmb_to_smf.sql)
  5348. ! The UBB.threads converter now works with 6.5 as well as 6.4 afaik. (ubbthreads_to_smf.sql)
  5349. ! Fixed some problems with the YaBB SE converter. (yabbse_to_smf.sql)
  5350. ! Added new-style version of the Snitz converter. (snitz_to_smf.sql)
  5351. ! Added converters for MyBulletinBoard (which is amazingly like vBulletin...) and UseBB. (mybb_to_smf.sql, usebb_to_smf.sql)
  5352. ! Added a converter for Deluxe Portal 2.0. (deluxeportal2_to_smf.sql)
  5353. * Fixed the latest and greatest themes alignment. (Themes template)
  5354. ! In some rare cases, members could delete replies to their own topics even if not granted that permission. (Recent.php, RemoteTopics.php)
  5355. ! Added a converter for eblah p9. (eblah_to_smf.php)
  5356. ! The YaBB converter was missing the getAttachmentFilename function. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  5357. ! Added converter for FUDforum. (fud_to_smf.php)
  5358. ! Autolink links like "www.example.com" at the beginning of posts. (Subs.php)
  5359. ! The YaBB and E-Blah converters now better handle merging. (yabb_to_smf.php, eblah_to_smf.php)
  5360. ! The OpenBB converter is now tested and working properly. (openbb_to_smf.sql)
  5361. ! Apparently fetch_web_data() is more reliable than fopen'ing the URL, even with allow_url_fopen off? (PackageGet.php)
  5362. ! Added Zorum 3 converter - wow, I hate wannabe oop database structures. (zorum3_to_smf.sql)
  5363. ! Added IkonBoard converter and its style of hashing to LogInOut.php (ikonboard_to_smf.sql, LogInOut.php)
  5364. ! Some converters weren't doing attachments/uploaded files properly. (all converters)
  5365. ! Remove yesterday as well from the who's online list time. (Who.php)
  5366. ! Actually reconnect on lost connection errors. (Errors.php, upgrade.php)
  5367. ! Added a MyTopix converter. (mytopix_to_smf.sql)
  5368. ! Work around a bug in PHP 4.1.x for labeling. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5369. ! Added a page title to the manage boards settings page. (ManageBoards.php)
  5370. ! Don't auto-close tags for fake tags. (Subs.php)
  5371. ! Make convert.php automatically work out ID_CATs and ID_PARENTs and childLevels - simplifying a bunch of converters. (convert.php, all converters)
  5372. ! Moved the Forum Error Log from Errors.php to ManageErrors.php (index.php, Errors.php, ManageErrors.php)
  5373. ! Reversed the default sort order of the error log to match the Moderation log, the Ban log and the default topic order. (Subs.php)
  5374. ! The converters now properly delete old attachments before converting new ones. (all converters)
  5375. ! Simplified the method of attachment conversion in all converters. (all converters)
  5376. ! Possible file_exists() error. (Subs-Package.php)
  5377. ! Fixed the permission_mode error while modifying a board. (ManageBoards.php)
  5378. * The help files were not compatible with Firefox. (index.xslt, loginout.xslt, pm.xslt, posting.xslt, profile.xslt, registering.xslt, searching.xslt, style.xslt)
  5379. ! Cleaned up poll option conversion in XMB/Oxygen's converters. (xmb_to_smf.sql, oxygen_to_smf.sql)
  5380. ! Fix login redirection when using queryless URLs. (QueryString.php, LogInOut.php)
  5381. * Sorting and better pagination is now supported in unread/unreadreplies. (Recent.php, Recent template)
  5382. ! Add unreadMessages to the maintenance recount. (Admin.php)
  5383. ! Cleaned up the latest packages section, made it work mostly as intended - needs more work, though. (latest-packages.js)
  5384. ! Add integration for outgoing emails to fix links in them. (Subs-Post.php)
  5385. ! Add apache_reset_timeout calls in a few places, if the function exists. (upgrade.php, convert.php, yabb_to_smf.php, eblah_to_smf.php, create_backup.php, restore_backup.php, DumpDatabase.php, Subs-Package.php)
  5386. ! Create attachment thumbnails on posting, not just on display... and ask for more memory. (Post.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  5387. * Bans, groups, imode pms, and moderators are now selected by display name *properly*, not username. (ManageBans.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template, ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  5388. ! The buddies section really wasn't looking up members properly, and the ignore list wasn't working either. (Profile.php)
  5389. ! The querystring wasn't being parsed properly for PHP 4.1.x. (QueryString.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  5390. ! Don't continue on if the member data is cruft. (Load.php)
  5391. ! Manage labels from the pm center was conflicting with PHP-Nuke. (PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage.php)
  5392. ! Added some actual search code to personal messages - still a lot to do with the context. (PersonalMessage, PersonalMessage template)
  5393. & Renamed showBuddies to editBuddies. (Profile.php, Profile template, Profile language files)
  5394. ! Sped up counting of members for newsletters - and ensured it respects whether post groups are enabled or not. (ManageNews.php)
  5395. * The boardindex no longer shows collapsed/empty categories. (Wireless template)
  5396. ! There was a typo that only affected the forum when stickies were off. (Display.php)
  5397. ! Greatly speed up the "delete old log_topics entries" query by forcing an index. (Subs.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  5398. ! Don't search by email address if there's no @. (Subs-Auth.php)
  5399. ! Fix calendar moderation action notice. (Post.php)
  5400. & Modified note in $txt['ftp_setup_why_info'] to include 755. (Install language files)
  5401. ! Better support PHP suExec hosts in the installer. (install.php)
  5402. ! When sending emails and when posting, try to ignore timeouts from PHP or Apache. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  5403. ! Make searching by member name a lot like searching for member's names elsewhere. (Search.php, PersonalMessage.php)
  5404. ! Updated a small thing for PHP 4.1.x. (Themes.php)
  5405. ! Searching wasn't respecting age restrictions properly. (Search.php)
  5406. ! To avoid errors, skip broken topics in converters. (all converters)
  5407. ! Added versatileBulletinBoard 1.0.0 converter. (vbb_to_smf.sql)
  5408. ! Some tags weren't allowed to be mixed case. (Subs.php)
  5409. ! Cache user settings periodically if cache_enable is set to 2. (Load.php, Subs.php)
  5410. * Display template wasn't validating if you had quick moderation on but couldn't do any moderation. (Display template)
  5411. ! Alright, now both sets of tags can be either case. (Subs.php)
  5412. * Memberlist searching was missing label's for checkboxes. (Memberlist template)
  5413. * Fixed entity parsing in remove/apply label drop down. (PersonalMessage template)
  5414. ! The Snitz converter now does moderators, censored words, and notifications. (snitz_to_smf.sql)
  5415. ! Ignore bad cached data. (Load.php)
  5416. ! Simplify some table upgrade stuff to make upgrades from beta 1.0 versions easier. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5417. ! Include in the cache keys the modification time of Load.php. (Load.php)
  5418. ! Finally fixed the nasty bug that was removing theme options. (Profile.php)
  5419. ! Cache settings, theme settings, and theme options - it isn't perfect when mucking up theme settings, but it should be okay. (Load.php, Profile.php, Themes.php)
  5420. * Disable both order boxes on changing categories. (ManageBoards template)
  5421. ! Administrators could still be deleted. (Subs-Members.php)
  5422. * Guests' emails weren't properly being hidden. (Display.php, PersonalMessage.php, Display template, PersonalMesasge template)
  5423. ! Installer wasn't working properly anymore. (Load.php)
  5424. ! Remove periods from the cookie name on save. (Admin.php)
  5425. ! The package manager now works much better under safe mode/suexec hosts. (Packages.php, Subs-Package.php)
  5426. & Slightly improved the personal message search feature, and added two new language entries. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template, Personal Message language files)
  5427. * Added label searching to the pm interface, and made the search results link back to the relevant folder. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  5428. & Added a few additional language entries for the above change. (PersonalMessage and Errors language files)
  5429. & Somewhat minor pm typos. (PersonalMessage language files)
  5430. ! Made it easier to add additional protocols for url tags. (Subs-Post.php)
  5431. ! Cleaned up more package manager stuff when permissions are weird and safe mode is on. (Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php, Packages.php)
  5432. ! Remove all members from a group when it is changed to a post group. (ManageMembergroups.php)
  5433. ! Fix some problems with SMF working on MySQL 3.23.28, and raise the requirements to that. (Admin.php, ManageErrors.php, ManageBans.php, upgrade.php, install.php, webinstall.php, convert.php, yabb_to_smf.php, eblah_to_smf.php)
  5434. ! Use a full path to Load.php instead of __FILE__ to improve things. (Load.php)
  5435. ! Guests weren't getting 'Guest' as their name properly. (Load.php)
  5436. ! The vBulletin3 converter now supports file-based attachments. (vbulletin3_to_smf.sql)
  5437. & Cleaned up the interface for and errors reported by the repair feature, added checking of pm senders. (RepairBoards.php, Admin language files, index language files)
  5438. ! Added command-line support to the upgrader because that won't timeout. (upgrade.php)
  5439. ! Added YaBB 2 converter, and made conversion system able to understand php files. (yabb2_to_smf.php, convert.php, yabb_to_smf.php, eblah_to_smf.php)
  5440. ! Expanded the SMF Database Error message emailed to the admin. (Subs-Auth.php)
  5441. ! Moved isReservedName() function from Security.php to Subs-Members.php. (Security.php, Subs-Members.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Register.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  5442. ! Use an explicit GMT in newsfeeds to avoid problems with various webservers. (News.php)
  5443. * Don't use $user_info in templates, and show IPs to those who can see them. (Profile template, Profile.php)
  5444. ! Stop lazy bumkins from trying ssi_boardNews() on an empty board. (SSI.php)
  5445. & Clarify error_query_not_specific_enough. (Errors language files)
  5446. ! Trying to add zero members to a group broke things bad. (Subs-Members.php)
  5447. ! Latest posts weren't getting cached at all. (BoardIndex.php)
  5448. * Allow double clicking a suggestion to replace automatically when spell checking. (Post template)
  5449. ! Use SHOW TABLES if and when SHOW TABLE STATUS fails. (Admin.php)
  5450. ! Don't depend on $db_prefix not containing the database name. (Load.php, Admin.php, DumpDatabase.php, create_backup.php, upgrade.php, SSI.php, ManageSearch.php)
  5451. ! Don't create the poll until we know there are no errors with the attachments. (Post.php)
  5452. ! If possible, when quoting pms, show a link to the poster and the time it was sent. (PersonalMessage.php, Subs.php)
  5453. ! Fix over-caching of dates. (Subs.php)
  5454. ! Made a createAttachment() function to compliment the others. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  5455. ! Moved the sha1 functions from Security.php to Subs-Compat.php to reduce compilation time a bit for users with PHP >= 4.3.0. (index.php, Security.php, Subs-Compat.php, SSI.php, install.php)
  5456. ! Sticky the show buddies option in find members. (Subs-Auth.php)
  5457. ! Increase the strictness of the icon filename check. (Post.php)
  5458. ! Show a pretty error message if PHP isn't supported and they run the installer. (install.php)
  5459. * Finding members to add to your buddy list wasn't working. (Profile template)
  5460. * Make the member search template look more like its other friends, add check all. (ManageMembers template)
  5461. ! Avoid REPLACE/INSERTs into log_online when an UPDATE is sufficient. (Subs.php)
  5462. & Automatically detect/fix wrong SMTP port for SSL. (index language files, Subs-Post.php)
  5463. ! The Snitz converter still wasn't doing order properly. (snitz_to_smf.sql)
  5464. ! Search engines weren't always getting the profile, etc. pages. (QueryString.php)
  5465. * Added a guest_post_no_email setting to make it easier not to require guest emails. (Post.php, Post template)
  5466. * Further improved the template for pm searching - made full display of messages more useful. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  5467. & Added a new language string to Personal Message language file for the search option on the side bar. (PersonalMessage language files)
  5468. SMF 1.1 Beta 3 Public June 28, 2005
  5469. ================================================================================
  5470. June 2005:
  5471. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5472. ! Ignore misspelled search words that are only misspelled in case. (Search.php)
  5473. ! Make logins redirect, back to the topic they came from, even with quick login. (LogInOut.php)
  5474. ! Don't allow a fixLongWords setting that could break preg_replace. (Subs.php)
  5475. ! Cleaned up after some copyright bad mojo. (Subs.php)
  5476. ! Moved updateLastMessages() to Subs-Post.php. (SplitTopics.php, RemoveTopic.php, MoveTopic.php, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  5477. * Added smf_avatarResize() to script.js. (script.js, Subs.php)
  5478. ! Make it so people who are not actually viewing a board or topic don't show as doing so. (Load.php, Security.php)
  5479. ! Cleaned up pages listing for when boards= is specified. (Recent.php)
  5480. * Moved table optimization template into Admin template. (Admin.php, Admin template)
  5481. & Removed outdated language string $txt[137] and replaced with $txt['maintain_return']. (RepairBoards.php, Admin language files)
  5482. & Removed all iterations of the 'Settings' string and replaced them with a global string in the index language file. (index language files, Admin language files, Login language files, ManageBoards language files, ManagePermissions language files, ManageSmileys language files, Search language files)
  5483. * Several template changes for above change. (ManageBoards.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManageNews.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManageRegistration.php, ManageSearch.php, ManageSmileys.php, ManageBoards template, ManageNews template, ManageSearch template, ManageSmileys template, Register template)
  5484. ! Added page titles to some Manage Permissions pages. (ManagePermissions.php)
  5485. ! Tightened up permission checking when delete all posts of a member. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  5486. ! Attempted to do something to help make the permission manager not crawl along on big forums. (ManagePermissions.php)
  5487. ! Made differences from global permissions bold. (Reports.php)
  5488. ! Redirect back to board permissions after changing board to local/global. (ManagePermissions.php)
  5489. ! Add more filtering to the reports. (Reports.php)
  5490. ! Languages in multiple themes were being listed more than once. (Profile.php, Admin.php)
  5491. * I really can't stand titlebg'd boxes *inside* other boxes, it's like having a button on a button. (Packages template)
  5492. * The classic theme had NOT been updated for the release. (Post template)
  5493. ! Holidays were only getting added if they already existed, and not if they didn't. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5494. ! Attempted to use characters alone when possible, if iconv is not available. (Subs-Post.php)
  5495. * Don't expand the stats twice in a row. (Stats template)
  5496. ! Added some more path identifiers to the package manager. (Subs-Package.php)
  5497. & Updated $helptxt['allow_disableAnnounce']. (Help language files)
  5498. ! Smileys with brackets in them could break some parsing. (Subs.php)
  5499. ! The registration integration function was misnamed. (Subs-Members.php)
  5500. ! The status.php script now works for 1.x and old 1.1 Beta versions, and detects its path a lot better. (status.php)
  5501. ! Support using a querystring in $scripturl better. (Subs-Auth.php)
  5502. ! The bbc parser now does printpage as well, fixing a LOT of various bugs. (Subs.php, PrintPage.php)
  5503. * Missed a th in style.css. (style.css, Themes.php)
  5504. ! Sent notifications should be stripped of slashes before parsing. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  5505. ! Breaking up long words works a lot better now. (Subs.php)
  5506. ! Ignore the recycle bin in ssi_topBoards(). (SSI.php)
  5507. ! Edit message icons didn't show anything but defaults for some themes. (ManageSmileys.php)
  5508. ! Now deeper caching works better by clearing things. (Subs.php, MoveTopic.php, Load.php)
  5509. ! Don't always pipe host for lookups, try to vary it. (Subs.php)
  5510. ! Fix icon theme detection. (Post.php, ManageSmileys.php, Search.php, Recent.php, MessageIndex.php)
  5511. ! Don't try to assign the database result by reference since it doesn't matter to Zend. (Subs.php, smf_api.php)
  5512. ! Cleaned up some debugging stuff. (Subs.php, ViewQuery.php)
  5513. ! Cleaned up some places where the language was changed and not changed back. (Subs-Post.php)
  5514. ! Sending out reminder emails, etc. now respects the user's language. (ManageMembers.php)
  5515. ! The template error messages are now more i18n-friendly. (Load.php)
  5516. ! Now, downloadAvatar() should work even with allow_url_fopen disabled. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  5517. ! Added a bunch of missing mysql_free_result()'s. (various files)
  5518. ! Added AfriNIC as new Regional Internet Registry. (Profile.php, Profile language files)
  5519. ! Cleanup handling of avatars that *aren't* URLs. (Profile.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  5520. * Added a not_done sub template to the Admin template, and used it for maintenance. (Admin template, Admin.php)
  5521. & Added a few strings for the above interface. (Admin language files)
  5522. * Cleaned up some bad HTML (style.css, various files)
  5523. ! Now, if you use ?debug and have a decent (non-IE) browser, sends as application/xhtml+xml. (Subs.php)
  5524. ! The quote tag wasn't taking a single parameter. (Subs.php)
  5525. ! Updated a bunch of converters to wrap at 80 and other minor changes. (all converters)
  5526. ! Added a OpenBB converter from Kirby. (openbb_to_smf.sql)
  5527. ! Added a Simpleboard converter, also from Kirby. (simpleboard_to_smf.sql)
  5528. ! Changed the converter engine a decent amount: now supports parameters, looped updates, no settings file, nicer debugging, and fixes some bugs. (convert.php, all converters)
  5529. ! Add some preliminary injection protection to validate queries. (Subs.php)
  5530. ! Make the restriction on having bbc in your name a bit tighter. (smf_api.php, Subs-Members.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  5531. ! Added [code=...] syntax, which invites alternative color coding opportunities. (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  5532. ! Clean up HTML, no longer allow cross nesting of HTML and tags. (Subs.php)
  5533. & Updated $helptxt['registrations'] and $helptxt['smileys'], and removed $helptxt['disabledBBC']. (Help language files)
  5534. ! Template errors now work even with allow_url_fopen disabled. (Load.php)
  5535. * Added interface to change file permissions automatically. (Admin.php, Packages template)
  5536. & Added language files for the cleanup permissions interface. (Packages language files)
  5537. ! Notifications often were not sending. (Subs-Post.php)
  5538. ! Changing your password salt was not working either. (Subs.php, LogInOut.php)
  5539. * Poll editing wasn't working properly. (Poll.php, Post.php, Poll template)
  5540. ! Don't use PCRE to check db strings, because it segfaults under PHP 4 sometimes. (Subs.php)
  5541. ! Cleanup fixTags() for the new parser. (Subs-Post.php)
  5542. + Added optional load average detection, currently hidden. (Load.php, Subs-Auth.php, Errors.php, Search.php, Recent.php)
  5543. & Added language entries for the above change's messages. (Errors langauge files)
  5544. SMF 1.1 Beta 3 June 9, 2005
  5545. ================================================================================
  5546. June 2005:
  5547. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5548. ! Fixed some parsing problems that could lead to injection holes in IE. (Subs.php)
  5549. * Added an update window in the admin area, to inform users when new updates become available. (Admin template)
  5550. & Added two new language entries for the above change. (Admin language files)
  5551. & Clarify $txt['package_install_options_ftp_why']. (Packages language files)
  5552. ! A few tabs and permissions were wrong after the split. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageNews.php)
  5553. * Added icons to the personal messages section to show if a message has been replied to. (PersonalMessage template, added pm_read.gif & pm_replied.gif)
  5554. & Added some additional language strings for the above change. (PersonalMessage language files)
  5555. ! Fixed some corrupt buddy online images. (buddy_useron.gif)
  5556. ! Clean up some error messages. (ManageBans.php, ManageMembergroups.php, ManagePermissions.php, Errors.php)
  5557. ! The current board wasn't being cached properly in cache level 2. (Load.php)
  5558. & Removed $txt['smf89'] and added a few strings to repairs. (RepairBoards.php, Admin language files)
  5559. & Update $txt['activate_after_registration'] with a message about junk and spam. (Login language files)
  5560. ! Moved adminNotify() function to Subs-Posts.php. (Register.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5561. ! Moved (admin) registration center to ManageRegistration.php. (Register.php, ManageRegistration.php)
  5562. ! Added a general function for registration of members to Subs-Members.php. (Register.php, ManageRegistration.php, Subs-Members.php)
  5563. ! Moved Revered names to the Register Center (ManageRegistration.php, Subs.php, index.php)
  5564. & Removed $helptxt['edit_reserved'] and updated $helptxt['view_members'] and $helptxt['registrations']. (Help language files)
  5565. & Added $txt['admin_register_done']. (Login language files)
  5566. & Replaced Admin center shortcut to the Registration center by a shortcut to the Member center. (Admin language files, Admin.php)
  5567. ! Force a re-evaluation of all bans after upgrading. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5568. ! Some speed improvements. (Search.php, Profile.php)
  5569. ! Don't log banned web accelerators. (Security.php)
  5570. ! Fixed parse error flash BBC. (Subs.php)
  5571. ! Fixed email not always hidden in RSS feeds. (News.php)
  5572. ! Removed server.list in favor of a new database table for package servers. (Admin.php, Packages.php, PackageGet.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  5573. ! Add board-specific titles to the news feeds. (News.php)
  5574. ! Try to allow intranet IPs through a proxy as long as the proxy is behind the intranet too. (QueryString.php)
  5575. * Never allow deny for guests. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5576. ! Use bitwise shifting and logic for setBit() and getBit(). (Security.php)
  5577. * Fix a zillion places where the HTML for selected or checked was ugly. (Register template, Calendar template, ManageBoards template, ManageMembers template, ManageCalendar template, Poll template, Post template, Profile template, SplitTopics template, Reports template, ManageSmileys template)
  5578. * Fixed some extra semicolons in pm reply links. (PersonalMessage template)
  5579. ! Fixed the js resize not working if one of the limits was not set. (Subs.php)
  5580. ! Go, go, update files racer! (all files)
  5581. ! People who weren't administrators couldn't delete other members. (Subs-Members.php)
  5582. * Typo which made invalid XHTML. (Display template)
  5583. * Cleaned up a little more bad HTML. (Post template, ManageAttachments template, Poll template, Profile template)
  5584. ! Put in the new bbc parser. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php, Display.php, Load.php, ManageNews.php, MessageIndex.php, News.php, PersonalMessage.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Recent.php, Register.php, Search.php, SplitTopics.php)
  5585. ! Fixed some places where body was being pulled and parsed in full when it shouldn't. (SSI.php, Recent.php)
  5586. ! Made it much more possible to cache the output of parse_bbc(). (SSI.php, Display.php, News.php, PersonalMessage.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Recent.php, Register.php, Search.php, SplitTopics.php, Subs.php)
  5587. ! The split topics interface was not respecting smileysEnabled. (SplitTopics.php)
  5588. ! Mixed up the admin center links a little. (Subs.php, Admin template)
  5589. & Adjusted $txt[426], $txt[427], $txt[428], $txt[501], $txt['layout_controls'], $txt['censor_case'], $txt['smf231']. (Admin language files)
  5590. ! Moved censored words to ManagePosts.php and updated its interface. (index.php, Admin.php, Admin template, ManagePosts.php)
  5591. & Added some tags for the above change. (Admin language files)
  5592. ! Fixed some issues with the bbc parser - wasn't handling unclosed tags well, double scanned some areas when parsing smileys, wasn't parsing links and long words correctly all of the time. (Subs.php)
  5593. + Created separate screens for post settings, BBC settings and topic settings. (ModSettings.php, ManagePosts.php, Admin template)
  5594. & Moved several settings from ModSettings to Admin for above change. (Modsettings language files, Admin language files)
  5595. ! Moved setting countChildPosts to 'General board settings'. (ModSettings.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  5596. & Moved a tag from ModSettings to ManageBoards for above change. (ModSettings language files, ManageBoards language files)
  5597. & Removed $helptxt['edit_censored'] and added $helptxt['posts_and_topics']. (Help language files)
  5598. ! If "allow events not linked to posts" was enabled, new events couldn't be created by normal users. (Calendar.php)
  5599. ! Add caching to parse_bcc(), but only if the post is fairly long. (Subs.php)
  5600. * Clean up some bad HTML. (ManageMembergroups template, Register template, ManageBoards template, Admin template)
  5601. * Add a size rule for th. (style.css)
  5602. ! Make things easier to mod as far as adding BBC and allowing them to be disabled. (Subs.php, ManagePosts.php)
  5603. ! More speed improvements for the search function. (Search.php)
  5604. ! Display was showing the remove topic button even if you didn't have permission to remove the topic. (Display.php)
  5605. * Added an example to search to show what it's capable of. (Search template, Search language files)
  5606. * Cleaned up the package installation template, to make it clearer what is going on, and any problems that may exist. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  5607. & Removed package43 language string, and added several new strings for the above change. (Packages language files)
  5608. May 2005:
  5609. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5610. ! The profile wasn't loading default theme options. (Profile.php)
  5611. ! Some timestamps weren't being calculated properly. (BoardIndex.php)
  5612. ! Change internal sanity error message format. (Load.php, LogInOut.php, Errors.php, Post.php, Security.php, Subs-Package.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5613. * Make the log_floodcontrol table fixed-width, and changed a few IP columns. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Modlog.php, Subs.php, Errors.php, ManageMembers.php, smf_api.php, Errors template)
  5614. ! Speed up updateLastMessages() or break it - let's find out. (Subs.php)
  5615. * Use the context for common statistics. (Subs.php, index template, BoardIndex template, SSI.php, Stats.php, BoardIndex.php, Stats template)
  5616. * Change show_vBlogin to show_quick_login. (Subs.php, index template)
  5617. ! Add [nobbc] and [html] to printing pages. (PrintPage.php)
  5618. ! More fixes for the UBB.threads converter, even more proven to work than before. (ubbthreads_to_smf.php)
  5619. + Added functionality for generating reports in the admin center. (index.php, Subs.php, Reports.php)
  5620. * Added a template for printing and viewing reports. (Reports template)
  5621. & Added a rather large amount of language entries for the above. (Admin language files, Reports language files)
  5622. ! UBB.threads converter now also converts polls, personal messages and moderators. (ubbthreads_to_smf.php)
  5623. ! The COPPA template shown after registration was not using the main template layer. (Load.php)
  5624. + validatePassword() is now called when a password is created/changed to check it matches current forum rules. (Profile.php, Register.php)
  5625. & Added some language strings for the above change. (Errors language files)
  5626. + Added converter for MercuryBoard. (mercuryboard_to_smf.php)
  5627. + Added converter for Oxygen. (oxygen_to_smf.php)
  5628. + Added converter for XOOPS/newBB (xoops_to_smf.php)
  5629. ! Add hidden setting for forum_alias_urls. (Load.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  5630. * Don't allow prefetches to mark topics read/etc. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php, index template)
  5631. ! Added beginnings of new conversion system. (convert.php, vbulletin_to_smf.sql, yabbse_to_smf.sql)
  5632. ! Changed some 1.x compatbility code. (BoardIndex.php, Load.php)
  5633. + Added new style converter for MercuryBoard. (mercuryboard_to_smf.sql)
  5634. ! Fixed a few bugs with the new converter. (convert.php)
  5635. + Added setting for password strength to the admin center. (Register.php)
  5636. * Modified the template for the registration center to reflect the above. (Register template)
  5637. & Added a selection of language entries for the above addition. (Login language files, Help language files)
  5638. & Fix discrepency with username/display name on register. (Register.php, Login language files)
  5639. ! Added capability to do javascript subject change, icon change, lock, sticky, etc. (Post.php, Subs-Post.php, index.php)
  5640. + Added a new converter for converting from Phorum. (phorum_to_smf.sql)
  5641. ! Updated a few statistics to play nicer with InnoDB tables. (Subs.php)
  5642. ! When using pngs, output is now with alpha values to avoid black background. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  5643. ! Unless something is horribly wrong, realName should never be NULL. (ManageMembers.php, Subs.php, all converters)
  5644. ! Updated the new converters so they include even less duplicated code. (yabbse_to_smf.sql, vbulletin_to_smf.sql, mercuryboard_to_smf.sql, phorum_to_smf.sql, convert.php)
  5645. ! Cache a few more things. (Load.php, BoardIndex.php)
  5646. + Added new style converter for miniBB. (minibb_to_smf.php)
  5647. ! Fix some improper parsing of img tags with autolinked URLs in them. (Subs.php)
  5648. * The quotefast popup was not using the right character set. (Post template)
  5649. ! The stats page wasn't always showing 10 items for everything. (Stats.php)
  5650. ! Changed version numbers from 1.1 Beta 2 to 1.1 Beta 2+. (all files)
  5651. * Added start of searching for pms. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  5652. & Added some strings to make it internationalizable. (PersonalMessage language files)
  5653. ! Reformatted a few things and removed recycled topics from totalTopics. (Subs.php)
  5654. ! Fix a notice for invalid referrers. (Security.php)
  5655. * Add a nowrap span around total members on the index. (index template)
  5656. ! Trim the search query for memberlist searching. (Memberlist.php)
  5657. + Added new style converter for UBB.threads, and increased the converters capabilities. (ubbthreads_to_smf.sql)
  5658. ! Just use double quotes in the eval replacements because preg expects it. (Subs.php)
  5659. ! Forms weren't being hidden properly in edit news interface. (Admin.php)
  5660. ! CleanupPermissions() is basically done now, just needs interface. (Admin.php)
  5661. ! Fixed typo in the search function that could be bad. (Search.php)
  5662. + Added the option to add multiple ban items to a single ban. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, phpbb2_to_smf.php, xmb_to_smf.php, yabbse_to_smf.php, ManageMembers.php, Register.php, Security.php)
  5663. + Each ban can now have multiple restrictions, including a new restriction 'cannot login'. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template, Security.php, LogInOut.php)
  5664. ! Added a counter to count each 'ban hit'. (Security.php, Login.php, Register.php)
  5665. ! Updated the ban center interface, to reflect above changes. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  5666. ! Split off the ban center functions in ManageMembers.php to ManageBans.php. (index.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageBans.php)
  5667. * Split off the ban center templates in ManageMembers.template.php to ManageBans.template.php. (ManageMembers template, ManageBans template)
  5668. ! Prevent guests from posting when their email is banned. (Post.php)
  5669. ! Expired bans are not deleted automatically anymore. (ManageBans.php, ManageBans template)
  5670. ! Each ban can (must) have a name to make it identifyable. (ManageBans.php, ManageBans template)
  5671. ! Banned members are removed from the 'users online' list immediately. (ManageBans.php, Security.php)
  5672. & Added several language strings for above changes. (Admin language files, Help language files)
  5673. ! Option to add ban triggers in the 'Add new ban' screen. (ManageBans.php, ManageBans template)
  5674. & Updated $txt['ban_add_notes'] for above change. (Admin language files)
  5675. ! Added a general inline permission settings. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template)
  5676. ! Changed the avatar permission settings to use the general inline permissions. (ManagageAttachments.php, ManagageAttachments template)
  5677. * Inline permissions now allow toggling. (ManagePermissions template)
  5678. ! Added inline permissions for calendar settings and search settings. (ManageCalendar.php, ManageSearch.php)
  5679. & Added language strings for the above change. (ManageCalendar language files, Search language files)
  5680. ! Added tabs for manage boards and categories. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  5681. ! Moved recycle bin settings from Modsettings to 'Manage Boards and Categories'. (ModSettings.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  5682. & Moved the recycle language tags from ModSettings to ManageBoards and added some extra tags there. (ModSettings language files, ManageBoards language files)
  5683. * Added an icon in 'manage boards and categories' to show which board is the recycle board. (ManageBoards template)
  5684. + Added (default) option to not use 'deny'-permissions. (Load.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  5685. & Added language strings for the above change. (ManagePermissions language files, Help language files)
  5686. & Removed $txt['avatar_select_permission_desc'] and added $txt['ban_partial_ban']. (Admin language files)
  5687. * Added some help tags to the predefined membergroups. (ManagePermissions template, ManageMembers template, Help language files)
  5688. ! Added support for unsalted sha1 passwords, for users converting from PunBB and others I'm sure. (LogInOut.php)
  5689. + Added a (default) option to disable post count based group permissions. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template, Reports.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5690. & Added some new language tags for the above change. (ManagePermissions language files, Help language files)
  5691. ! Simplified the permissions shown in the profile screen, there was too much information imo. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  5692. & Removed language tags $txt['showPermissions_all_boards'], $txt['showPermissions_all_boards_except'], $txt['showPermissions_boards'], $txt['showPermissions_boards_denied'], $txt['showPermissions_local_only']. (Profile language files)
  5693. ! Show a warning if the new converter hasn't been deleted from the forum directory. (Subs.php)
  5694. * Send the current forum version with the detailed version template, incase we ever want to do clever stuff with it. (Admin template)
  5695. ! Updated new converter to give more flexibility when fetching settings. (convert.php)
  5696. + Added the (default) option to simplify local permissions to four choices (normal, no polls, reply-only, and read-only). (Load.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageMembers.php, ManagePermissions.php, Reports.php, Security.php, ManageBoards template, ManagePermissions template, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, most converters)
  5697. & Adjusted language files for above change. (Admin language files, Help language files, ManageBoards language files, ManagePermissions language files)
  5698. ! The permission view in Profile now also takes users being a moderator in account. (ManageMembers.php)
  5699. ! Fixed inline permissions showing postgroups when they were not supposed to. (ManagePermissions.php)
  5700. ! Typo in the YaBB converter which only affected attachment-less installs. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  5701. ! If there's a database error loading the settings table, assume a connection problem. (Load.php)
  5702. ! Even though only admins should touch it, validate the groups for sending emails a bit more. (ManageMembers.php)
  5703. ! Add an icon to recentTopics()' output. (SSI.php)
  5704. ! Allow the reporting of your own posts when you cannot modify them. (SendTopic.php)
  5705. * Make mark unread keep your place. (Display.php, Display template, Subs-Boards.php)
  5706. ! Smileys weren't uploading properly on some servers. (ManageSmileys.php)
  5707. * Jump to the right label and message after smiting/applauding. (PersonalMessage template, Karma.php)
  5708. * Fixed some invalid HTML in the edit poll interface. (Poll template)
  5709. ! Use fetch_web_data() for downloading attachments. (Profile.php)
  5710. & Removed $txt['avatar_url_wrappers_required']. (ManageAttachments.php, Admin language files)
  5711. * Removed the no longer needed url wrappers warning. (ManageAttachments template)
  5712. ! Make radio groups which only have one item still work. (script.js)
  5713. * Fix selecting external avatars from the profile without other options enabled. (Profile template)
  5714. * Add an option to resize avatars with javascript, add an avatar class for all avatars. (Subs.php, Load.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5715. & Add $txt['option_js_resize']. (Admin language files)
  5716. ! 'Post poll' permission is now independent of the permission to post topics. (Post.php)
  5717. & Adjusted $txt['permissionhelp_poll_post'] to reflect the above change. (ManagePermissions language files)
  5718. ! Full bans are now also supported by cookies. (Security.php)
  5719. & Added character set and right-to-left for installer. (install.php, Install language files)
  5720. ! Censor outgoing PM notifications. (Subs-Post.php)
  5721. ! Added integrate_delete_member. (ManageMembers.php)
  5722. * Add labels to the additional groups for usability. (Profile template)
  5723. ! Added status script - not completely ready yet. (status.php)
  5724. ! Cleaned up some emails from RSS feeds. (News.php)
  5725. ! Merged news and newsletters into a single admin center screen. (index.php, Subs.php, ManageNews.php, ManageMembers.php, Admin.php, ManageNews template, Admin template, ManageMembers template)
  5726. & Added some language tags for the above change. (Admin language files)
  5727. ! Moved modsettings 'xmlnews_enable' and 'xmlnews_maxlen' to the news and newsletters settings screen. (ModSettings.php, Modsettings language files, ManageNews.php, Admin language language files)
  5728. & Moved $helptxt['email_members'] to $txt['news_mailing_desc'] (Help language files, Admin language files)
  5729. ! Allow replacing a searched-for string with nothing. (Subs-Package.php)
  5730. ! Add the beginnings of POP3 before SMTP login. (Subs-Post.php)
  5731. * Polls now quick-preview properly without the post_new permission. (Post template)
  5732. ! Add various list style types to the [list] bbc. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5733. ! Censor poll options on edit and display. (Poll.php, Display.php, SSI.php)
  5734. ! Messed with and cleaned up a lot of the new converters, removed old. (all converters)
  5735. ! PHP highlighting wasn't completely compatible with PHP 5. (Subs.php)
  5736. ! Backup wasn't restarting properly after a timeout. (upgrade.php)
  5737. ! Add some warnings for moderation logging to help track problems. (Subs-Boards.php, Subs.php)
  5738. ! Sorting by file size didn't work properly. (ManageAttachments.php)
  5739. ! The upgrader wasn't doing attachments properly. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5740. ! Adding a poll to a topic should now work regardless on modify permissions. (Poll.php, Display template)
  5741. ! Improved edit/add poll interface to work better with preview and error messages. (Poll.php, Poll template)
  5742. ! When editing or removing a poll look at who started the poll, not just the topic. (Poll.php)
  5743. & Added some language error strings for the above changes. (Errors language files)
  5744. ! Updated reports to support the new board permissions - and fixed a few bugs with board permissions. (Reports.php)
  5745. & Added some language entries for the above change. (Reports language files)
  5746. ! Moved the profile functions trackUser, trackIP and showPermissions from ManageMembers.php to Profile.php. (index.php, ManageMembers.php, Profile.php)
  5747. * Moved the templates of above mentioned functions from ManageMembers.template.php to Profile.template.php. (ManageMembers template, Profile template)
  5748. * Moved the announcement sub templates from ManageMembers.template.php to Post.template.php. (Post.php, ManageMembers template, Post template)
  5749. ! Split ManageMembers.php into ManageMembers.php, ManageMembergroups.php, and Subs-Members.php. (index.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageMembergroups.php)
  5750. * Split ManageMembers.template.php into ManageMembers.template.php and ManageMembergroups.template.php. (ManageMembers template, ManageMembergroups template)
  5751. ! Created admin tabs for 'Manage Membergroups', including a new settings tab. (ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembergroups template)
  5752. & Removed language tag $txt['membergroups_members_all_current_desc'] and updated tags $txt['membergroups_edit_post_group'], $txt['membergroups_new_board_desc'], $txt['membergroups_can_edit_later'], $txt['membergroups_new_as_copy'], and $txt['membergroups_star_image_note'], $txt['membergroups_max_messages_note']. (MangageMembers language files)
  5753. & Changed all occurences of 'member group' to 'membergroup'. (ManageMembers language files, Errors language files, Admin language files, Reports language files)
  5754. ! Show an error when adding an already existing membergroup. (ManageMembergroups.php, Errors language files)
  5755. ! Board access can now also be adjusted when editing membergroups (ManageMembergroups.php, ManageMembergroups template)
  5756. ! Added a general function to Subs-Members.php to remove one or more membergroups. (ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Members.php)
  5757. ! Added a general function to Subs-Members.php to remove one or more members from one or more membergroups. (ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Members.php)
  5758. ! Added a general function to Subs-Members.php to add one or more members to a specified membergroup. (ManageMembergroups.php, Subs-Members.php)
  5759. ! Added a few more cleaning queries to deleteMembers(). (Subs-Members.php)
  5760. & Removed $helptxt['edit_agreement'] and put it into $helptxt['registrations']. (Help language files)
  5761. ! Clean up the saving of temporary attachments with weird filenames. (Post.php)
  5762. ! The staff report didn't properly handle denied permissions. (Reports.php)
  5763. ! Fix database session lifetime usage and cache things more when set to "super cache". (Load.php)
  5764. ! Expanded on some browser identifications. (Load.php)
  5765. ! Fix cli usage of SSI.php. (SSI.php)
  5766. * Remove Gecko only CSS from index template. (index template)
  5767. * Tweaked the calendar layout a bit. (Calendar template)
  5768. ! Fix international characters in the custom title. (Profile.php)
  5769. ! Add more hacking attempt warnings for those goons who want to remove obExit()s. (Security.php)
  5770. ! Minor tweak to the sha1 functions. (Security.php)
  5771. ! Moved 'members awaiting approval/activation' from the register center to the member center. (Register.php, Register template, ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  5772. & Moved several language tags from Login to ManageMembers for above change. (Login language files, ManageMembers language files)
  5773. & Split $txt['admin_browse_no_members'] into $txt['admin_browse_no_members_approval'] and $txt['admin_browse_no_members_activation']. (ManageMembers language files)
  5774. & Updated $txt['admin_browse_awaiting_approval'], $txt['admin_browse_awaiting_activate'] and $txt[9]. (ManageMembers language files, Admin language files)
  5775. ! Lots of fixes related to the move of members awaiting activation to ManageMembers. (Themes.php, Register.php, ManageMembers.php, index template)
  5776. & Added an option to approve a member yet require their account to be activated. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers language files)
  5777. ! Use <noembed> for flash instead of content inside <embed>. (Subs.php)
  5778. ! Look in at least the last five groups of new posts in ssi_recentTopics()/ssi_recentPosts(). (SSI.php)
  5779. SMF 1.1 Beta 2 May 8, 2005
  5780. ================================================================================
  5781. May 2005:
  5782. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5783. ! Try not to reset stats ever, under any circumstances. (Subs.php)
  5784. ! Make sure not to generate errors when showing template parse errors. (Load.php)
  5785. ! Update the credits. (Admin.php)
  5786. ! Make the statistics show without errors when there are no members. (Stats.php)
  5787. ! Don't log an error if the image file is corrupt. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  5788. ! Make sure not to assume $_POST['sc'] means form submission. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageCalendar.php, ManageMembers.php, Calendar.php)
  5789. ! Error was caused when saving several labels containing quotes. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5790. ! The webinstaller now uses POST to make requests. (Subs-Package.php, webinstall.php)
  5791. ! Fixed serious bug with deleting members from "Manage Member" section, and made it handle search better. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  5792. ! Find and fix errors wasn't properly reporting poll and event errors. (RepairBoards.php)
  5793. ! Fixed offset error when viewing the moderation log. (Modlog.php)
  5794. ! Thumbnails can now be separately browsed. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5795. & Added a language tag for the above change. (Admin language files)
  5796. ! The attachment links in the 'Browse files' screen shows a popup for images. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5797. ! Don't show a scrollbar for popups containing an image of a known size. (ManageAttachments.php, Display.php, script.js)
  5798. ! The link to 'manage boards and categories' was not shown on the admin panel for users with only the manage_boards permission. (Subs.php)
  5799. & Changed hits into 'page views'. (Stats language files, Help language files, ModSettings language files)
  5800. ! Improved the UBB converter by a huge amount, and added attachment support. (ubbthreads_to_smf.php)
  5801. ! Fixed thumbnails showing as attachments in the post screen. (Post.php)
  5802. ! Fixed removing thumbnails from 'Browse files' screen. (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  5803. ! Some general fixes for thumbnail removing. (ManageAttachements.php, Profile.php, RemoveTopic.php, Subs-Graphics.php, ManageMembers.php)
  5804. ! Prevent Google web cache from caching URL's that perform certain actions. (Security.php)
  5805. ! Add image dimensions for custom avatars to the attachment table. (upgrade_1.1.sql)
  5806. ! Fixed events in topics not respecting all possible date values. (Display.php, ManageMembers.php)
  5807. ! Allow queryless URLs in CGI mode if cgi.fix_pathinfo is enabled. (News.php, QueryString.php, Subs.php)
  5808. ! Upgrade from 1.0 had a few MySQL 3 incompatible statements in it. (upgrade_1-0.sql)
  5809. April 2005:
  5810. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5811. * Only the first + was being properly escaped. (Post template)
  5812. ! Updated everything to 1.1 Beta 1+. (all files)
  5813. & Attempted to clarify $txt['package_action_failure'] and $txt['package_action_success']. (Package language files)
  5814. ! You weren't able to erase your MSN account from your profile. (Profile.php)
  5815. ! Change the order of notification sending a bit to ensure it's done after other things. (Post.php)
  5816. ! Fixed up the calendar to handle week numbers correctly when the week start day is not Sunday, and to handle week 53 better. (Calendar.php)
  5817. ! When editing a poll, if you put in less than two options the error message wasn't being displayed properly. (Poll.php)
  5818. * When editing a ban an error would result due to a missing field in the template. (ManageMembers template)
  5819. ! Send notifications for quick moderation properly. (Subs-Boards.php)
  5820. ! Don't reverse to fix the block if the block still won't match. (QueryString.php)
  5821. * Fixed border staying red on post preview errors. (Post template)
  5822. ! Label changes were sometimes leaking across to other receivers. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5823. * Make the selected state of a pm persist one page view to facilitate relabeling. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  5824. ! Fixed a possible but minor error in the spell checker. (Subs-Post.php)
  5825. ! Made the webinstaller work with the new password encryption. (webinstall.php)
  5826. ! Added 'disableQuotedPrintable' setting to disable the use of quoted-printable. (Subs-Post.php)
  5827. * The quick login was *not* being hased properly because of a typo. (index template)
  5828. ! Pretend with glow using background-color, and use text-shadow for shadows. (Subs.php)
  5829. * The news fader was broken in some browsers. (BoardIndex template, fader.js)
  5830. ! Fade smoothly (images/links/color) if possible by browser - only Mozilla/IE/Safari. (fader.js)
  5831. ! Don't use tables for glow/shadow in IE, as it has its own problems too. (Subs.php)
  5832. * In the default theme, make the new/no new icons link to unread topics for that board. (BoardIndex template, MessageIndex template)
  5833. ! Okay, this time I think I really did fix the race condition of double posting with caching. (Security.php)
  5834. ! The unread messages count was getting miffed up. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5835. ! Notifications weren't sending for new posts in a board. (Post.php)
  5836. * The memberlist was showing websites for everyone, whether they had one or not. (Memberlist template)
  5837. ! Attempt to send emails without changing the encoding, if possible and disableQuotedPrintable is set. (Subs-Post.php)
  5838. ! Optimized the ID_BOARD index of the messages table (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  5839. ! Improve the efficiency of cache_put_data() when there's no cache available, add debug info. (Subs.php, Load.php)
  5840. ! Don't send off an email with a blank mysql_error(). (Subs-Auth.php)
  5841. ! Increase the accuracy and efficiency of the total time logged in caching. (Stats.php)
  5842. * Selecting a color, even without text highlighted, should focus the textarea. (Post template)
  5843. ! Since boardsAllowedTo() is kinda slow, cache its result if possible. (Security.php)
  5844. ! The package manager should now function even without allow_url_fopen enabled. (Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php)
  5845. ! Try harder to get the birthdate right. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  5846. ! In cases, unread messages weren't being shown properly. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5847. * Handle poll option tabindexes better. (Post template)
  5848. ! Properly handle images that have &s in their filenames, and try to detect size with GD even if allow_url_fopen is off. (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  5849. ! Attempt to use caching in url_image_size() if it took a long time. (Subs.php)
  5850. ! Try to preparse lists/tables a little more cleanly and logically. (Subs-Post.php)
  5851. * The avatar selection interface wasn't showing your external avatar properly. (Profile template)
  5852. ! Show version information about PHP accelerators in the admin center too. (Admin.php)
  5853. ! Use array_map() instead of foreach in a couple places since it's likely faster. (QueryString.php)
  5854. ! Don't use array_key_exists() since it is slower than isset. (ManageMembers.php, Memberlist.php, Register.php)
  5855. * Fixed some invalid html. (Display template, MessageIndex template, Search template, ManageCalendar template, ManageMembers template, Admin template, Errors template, Profile template)
  5856. * Added xmlns attributes to <html> tags. (Post template, index template, Printpage template, Wireless template, Help template)
  5857. ! Speed up updateLastMessages() for larger forums. (Subs.php)
  5858. ! Sped up the recent posts of members, and used a temporary table for larger forums to avoid locks. (Profile.php)
  5859. ! Use a temporary table for "replies to your posts" on larger forums, if available. (Recent.php)
  5860. ! Add preview to SSI.php's recentPosts and recentTopics. (SSI.php)
  5861. ! Fix the &#039; problem in signatures, I think. (Profile.php)
  5862. ! Sped up ssi_topTopics a bit for larger forums, and boardsAllowedTo() for all. (SSI.php, Security.php)
  5863. * Use a more xhtml friendly commenting scheme for script and style elements. (various files, various templates)
  5864. ! Fix the profile html saving issue once and for all. (Subs-Auth.php)
  5865. ! Tweaked a couple column sizes - doesn't really matter. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5866. ! Fixed some issues with logging moderation actions on your own posts. (Post.php)
  5867. ! Strip out any <br />s after [/html]. (Subs.php)
  5868. ! Don't allow posts with a blank subject via remote form. (Post.php)
  5869. ! It was possible to screw up post notifications with an incorrect board id. (Subs-Post.php)
  5870. ! Increase the limits when looking for recent posts. (SSI.php)
  5871. ! Add a bit of safety checking when looking up the form_stack via cache. (Security.php)
  5872. ! Always send remove topic notifications before removing the topics. (Subs-Boards.php)
  5873. * Ignore errors using filters in the fader, just keep going. (fader.js)
  5874. & Added $txt['countChildPosts'] and $helptxt['countChildPosts']. (ModSettings.php, ModSettings language files, Help language files)
  5875. & Allow a bit more in the way of basic HTML. (Subs.php, Help language files)
  5876. ! Make the ID_BOARD change in upgrade_1-1.sql conditional. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5877. ! Add attachment converting support. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  5878. * Even when one avatar directory has a name similar to another one, keep the files in the right places. (Profile template)
  5879. ! Fix the "there are no unread topics" link when in a board/category. (Recent.php)
  5880. ! Remove PHPSESSID=... from logged URLs. (Errors.php)
  5881. ! Speed up the upgrade process just a little bit. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5882. ! Added integrate_verify_user and integrate_verify_password settings. (Load.php, Profile.php, Security.php)
  5883. ! Renamed the customAvatarDir column in table attachments to attachmentType (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  5884. ! Register thumbnails and image dimensions in the attachments table for better performance and maintainability (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Display.php, Load.php, ManagaAttachments.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Subs.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  5885. + Added function validatePassword for determining if a password is strong enough to be allowed on the forum - not yet used. (Subs-Auth.php)
  5886. * Added JavaScript function to expand thumbnails inline. (Display template, Display.php)
  5887. ! By default, ignore recycled messages for the ssi_recentPosts and ssi_recentTopic functions. (SSI.php)
  5888. + Added automatic detection of wireless protocol (index.php)
  5889. + Added recent topics and recent replies for the wireless protocol (Recent.php, Wireless template)
  5890. & Added two language strings for the above change (Wireless language files)
  5891. + Added functionality for reporting personal messages to administrators - no interface for enabling yet though. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  5892. & Added a bunch of language strings for the above changes. (PersonalMessage and Errors language files)
  5893. * Make time offset guess positive when it should be, usually. (Profile template)
  5894. & Removed $txt['themeadmin_settings_uses_default']. (Themes language files)
  5895. * Got rid of the restriction from modifying a theme's settings if it used the default's. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  5896. ! Encrypted the (very temporarily) encrypted FTP password. (Subs-Package.php)
  5897. ! Minor tweaks to the theme installation process. (Themes.php)
  5898. ! Allow feeds to be made for a list of boards or categories. (News.php)
  5899. ! Added $mysql_set_mode for those people using MySQL 4.1 or above. (Load.php)
  5900. ! Explicitly insert NOW() for some configurations of MySQL 4.1. (Subs.php)
  5901. ! Make queryless URLs work for redirects, and fix some bugs with them. (Subs.php, QueryString.php)
  5902. ! Fixed the personal message label boxes appearing even if you didn't have any labels. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5903. * Added setting and link in template for reporting a personal message. (PersonalMessage template, ModSettings.php)
  5904. & Added a couple of language strings for the above change. (PersonalMessage, ModSettings, Help language files)
  5905. ! Fixed an error in the conversion of attachments during upgrade. (upgrade.php)
  5906. ! Fixed a bug causing the avatars in a custom directory not to be shown. (Load.php)
  5907. & Tweaked $txt['database_error_versions']. (index language files)
  5908. ! Added some cleanliness to checkSubmitOnce(). (Security.php)
  5909. ! Notice when editing some groups. (ManageMembers.php)
  5910. ! Don't show where they're trying to be on who's online if they are banned. (Security.php)
  5911. ! Fixed a typo in the smf_api.php file and in invision_to_smf.php. (smf_api.php, invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  5912. ! Fixed a bug not showing thumbnails of attachments with a space in the file name (Display.php)
  5913. ! Don't count thumbnail views as 'downloads'. (Display.php)
  5914. * Show images that are too large in a popup instead of inline (Display template, Display.php)
  5915. * Added the date a ban was set to the ban list, to ease tracking the most recent bans. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  5916. & Added one text entry for the above change. (Admin language files)
  5917. ! Members without an avatar weren't being handled well. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  5918. ! If no actions are specified, just kick back. (PersonalMessage.php)
  5919. ! Glow and shadow weren't working, and some bloke finally noticed. (Subs.php)
  5920. ! Don't fail miserably if a backup file cannot be created. (Subs-Package.php)
  5921. ! Updated version numbers to 1.1 Beta 2. (all files)
  5922. March 2005:
  5923. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5924. ! The "settings" link on the smileys page didn't work. (ManageSmileys.php)
  5925. & Added a few targets to external links. (Admin language files, Help language files, Install language files)
  5926. ! Cache the most immediately successful path in the settings table. (Subs-Package.php)
  5927. ! Calculate member list pagination properly. (Memberlist.php)
  5928. ! Typo causing reserved names to default strangely. (install.php)
  5929. ! Optimized a little bit of SSI.php's boardNews. (SSI.php)
  5930. ! Fixed a bug that was preventing correct YaBB SE conversion. (upgrade_1-0.sql)
  5931. ! Turn on maintenance mode before the backup is started. (upgrade.php)
  5932. ! Fixed a couple version numbers. (ssi_examples.php, ssi_examples.shtml, news_readme.html, readme_convert.html, readme_upgrade.html, readme_install.html, readme_update.html, webinstall.php, smf_api.php, yabb_to_smf.php)
  5933. ! Don't choke and die if the Settings.php file isn't writable when sending an error message. (Admin.php)
  5934. SMF 1.1 Beta 1 March 28, 2005
  5935. ================================================================================
  5936. March 2005:
  5937. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5938. & Show a note in the manage boards and manage groups interfaces about post groups. (ManageBoards language files, ManageMembers language files)
  5939. * The above, and don't check post groups by default. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template, ManageMembers template)
  5940. * Make the star preview support $language as well. (ManageMembers template)
  5941. * Add support for copying templates from the default into a theme. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  5942. & Add copy stuff to language files as well. (Themes language files)
  5943. ! Don't let quotes break the censored words tester. (Admin.php)
  5944. ! Don't log deadlocks in the error log. (Errors.php)
  5945. ! Use CDATA for the rss/etc. descriptions. (News.php)
  5946. ! Try to avoid changing the last visit on xml and rss calls. (Load.php)
  5947. ! Attempt to avoid shrinking/expanding avatars and thumbnails if that's the size they already are. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  5948. ! Lengthen quote author=... a bit. (Subs.php, Printpage.php)
  5949. * Don't just say "total topics" for topics started. (Profile template)
  5950. & Update the language files with a couple new strings. (Profile language files)
  5951. ! Redirect to the poll they voted in after an SSI-related vote. (SSI.php)
  5952. * Minor typo in the folder view. (PersonalMessage template)
  5953. ! Compress the backup on-the-fly, if possible and use _rowid ascending if we can. (create_backup.php)
  5954. ! Removed session authentication for track IP/Member. (Profile.php)
  5955. ! Added some extra checks to make sure messages to be split still exist (SplitTopics.php)
  5956. ! Moved splitting of topics into a general function (SplitTopics.php)
  5957. ! Events that aren't linked to a topic should be visible to anyone (BoardIndex.php, SSI.php)
  5958. ! Store the type of the login cookie in the cookie itself; this solves "unable to logout" problems. (LogInOut.php, Load.php)
  5959. ! Don't use get_cfg_var() to check for safe mode. (PackageGet.php)
  5960. ! Fix lacnic whois server link. (ManageMembers.php)
  5961. * If possible, select the correct whois server and bolidfy its link. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  5962. ! Sometimes (much of the time), using multiple search conditions could cause your add code to be miffed up. (Subs-Package.php)
  5963. ! The RSS feeds were using overly unique links. (News.php)
  5964. ! Try to parse blank URLs and a few other things more correctly. (Subs-Post.php)
  5965. ! Properly use MIME for sending HTML emails, clean up things for spam checkers. (ManageMembers.php, Subs-Post.php)
  5966. * Add stylesheet editor preview functionality. (Themes.php, Themes template, Admin template)
  5967. & Add a button as well to refresh the preview. (Themes language files)
  5968. * Attempt to make css preview a little more lightweight. (Themes template)
  5969. ! Allow unread/replies/recent to take lists of categories/boards. (Recent.php)
  5970. ! Make it possible to use %3$s for the name of the poster in new topic notification emails. (Post.php)
  5971. ! When a banned member logged in they were incorrectly being marked as "un-activated" (Load.php, LogInOut.php)
  5972. ! Use SQL_NO_CACHE for creating backups. (DumpDatabase.php, create_backup.php)
  5973. ! Update with the password changes in the smf_api.php file. (smf_api.php)
  5974. ! Tell MySQL not to cache the data from admin recount stuff either. (Admin.php)
  5975. * Use lowercase for color dropdown. (Post template)
  5976. & Don't allow registration/name change when the new name has censored words in it. (Security.php, Errors language files)
  5977. ! Changed cache_disable to cache_enable - default, off. (Load.php)
  5978. * Cleaned up a bunch of settings so nothing coughs if they don't exist. (MessageIndex template, Display template, upgrade_1-0.sql, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Subs-Post.php, repair_settings.php)
  5979. ! Add ignore_user_abort to things that need to finish cleanly. (all converters, upgrade.php, webinstall.php)
  5980. * Clean up message application strategy, add labeling multiple messages. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  5981. & Add language entries for said behavior. (PersonalMessage language files)
  5982. * Mark as read on recent posts for a specific board should only affect that board. (Recent template)
  5983. ! Fixed some bugs in html and li parsing. (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  5984. ! Now that caching is off by default, additionally cache smileys and message icons. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  5985. ! Fix a couple unlikely situations which would just generate notices anyway. (Search.php, PersonalMessage.php)
  5986. ! Fix a minor code layout problem in Gecko browsers. (Subs.php)
  5987. ! Don't actually change the REQUEST_URI, since others might use it. (QueryString.php, Subs.php, Subs-Auth.php, Security.php)
  5988. ! Properly set and keep track of the locked status (moderator vs. user) when replying. (Post.php)
  5989. ! Use queryless URLs by default even with just SSI.php included. (SSI.php)
  5990. ! When activating/deactivating accounts, keep banned status properly. (Profile.php)
  5991. ! Handle more cases where is_activated is not 1 or 0. (ManageMembers.php)
  5992. ! Make in what ways the member is banned available in the profile summary's context. (Profile.php)
  5993. ! Cache slow hostname lookups if caching is enabled. (Profile.php, Subs.php)
  5994. ! Don't give an error when you try to delete nothing from the news. (Admin.php)
  5995. & People think the "ungrouped" adjective is bad - use "regular members" instead. (Admin language files, ManageBoards language files, ManagePermissions.php)
  5996. ! Who's online was showing the wrong time. (Who.php)
  5997. ! Increased the efficiency of the statistics page - especially for large forums - by a large amount. (Stats.php)
  5998. * Give 30 more pixels of leg room for posts in show posts under a member. (Profile template)
  5999. ! Improved the speed and efficiency of the latest posts from a member functionality. (Profile.php)
  6000. ! Try to speed up recent unread topics a bit more. (Recent.php)
  6001. * Only list those labels you can apply to the selected messages - more logical. (PersonalMessage template)
  6002. ! Try to handle caching of attachments just a little better. (Display.php, Subs.php)
  6003. ! Use %20 instead of + in aim links for spaces. (Load.php)
  6004. ! Handle the usage of curly braces in automatically parsed links. (Subs.php)
  6005. ! Removed the mailprog_error() function and cleaned up its error message a bit. (Reminder.php)
  6006. ! Cleaned up URL rewriting in xml/rss syndication. (News.php)
  6007. ! Added a lot of integration stuff. (index.php, Load.php, QueryString.php, News.php, Profile.php, Register.php, Reminder.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  6008. ! Allow the definition of SMF_INTEGRATION_SETTINGS to override any $modSettings. (Load.php)
  6009. * If something goes wrong with live preview, fall back. (Post template, script.js)
  6010. & Added message when you've replied to or forwarded a pm. (PersonalMessage language files)
  6011. * Made is_replied_to work. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  6012. ! Prettied up the optimize function a bit. (Admin.php)
  6013. ! Fixed a couple bad links not including $scripturl. (RepairBoards.php)
  6014. * Fixed a lot of jumpto javascript problems - losing session without cookies, etc. (MessageIndex template, Display template, Search template, help/index.xslt)
  6015. * Cleaned up a lot of label handling and marking, etc. Now shows unread messages per label. (PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage.php)
  6016. ! Changed the way microtime() is used. (Subs.php, repair_ID_MSG.php, repair_ID_PM.php, repair_ID_TOPIC.php, ssi_examples.php)
  6017. ! Don't change the actual cal_days_for_index setting. (BoardIndex.php, SSI.php)
  6018. ! Optimized a couple things a bit more. (SSI.php)
  6019. ! Updated part of the ftp connection stuff. (install.php, Subs-Package.php, webinstall.php, create_backup.php)
  6020. ! Added transactions to the backup tool. (create_backup.php)
  6021. ! Show the proper (first) error message when you can't view the admin center. (Security.php)
  6022. * Properly fixed the usage of PHPSESSID in URLs with the jumpto box. (script.js, MessageIndex template, Search template, Display template)
  6023. ! Added a recount of pm totals to the upgrader, and fixed the old one to be speedy-speedy. (upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6024. ! Read/unread status of individual posts was wrong. (Display.php)
  6025. ! Added upgrade from the mod of messsage icons. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6026. ! The edit_disable_time setting now applies to deleting posts as well. (RemoveTopic.php, Recent.php, Profile.php, Subs-Boards.php, Display.php)
  6027. * Fixed a small HTML typo. (Search template)
  6028. ! Set session.save_handler to files before any session_start(). (install.php, upgrade.php, convert.php, create_backup.php, repair_settings.php, restore_backup.php, webinstall.php)
  6029. ! The board index wasn't calculating its children's most recent posts correctly. (BoardIndex.php)
  6030. * The live preview didn't like plusses. (Post template)
  6031. * Keep track of the current label better when deleting, replying, etc. to pms. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  6032. ! Handle 127 errors as well, if it's possible to do so. (Errors.php)
  6033. ! The database error email message just wasn't sending. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6034. ! Try to make Settings.php less volatile; use caching if at all available. (Subs-Auth.php, Errors.php)
  6035. ! Autocomplete banned member's names because it does make sense for admins at least. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6036. ! Made it possible to have an admin "tab" contain a full URL, independent to the current section. (Admin template)
  6037. ! Upon entering the registration center, the user will now be directed straight to the activation page, if appropriate. (Register.php)
  6038. ! Combined several different package manager actions into one controlling function. (index.php, PackageGet.php)
  6039. * Added "tabs" to the Package Manager interface, and removed the existing Package Manager layer. (Packages.php, PackageGet.php, Package templates)
  6040. & Added/Removed language entries to reflect the changes above. (Packages and Who language files)
  6041. ! Don't bother inserting settings with a zero value, if they are not currently set. (Subs.php)
  6042. ! Clean up better after multiple spaces/etc. in usernames. (Register.php)
  6043. ! Handle single quotes in email addresses from the profile better. (Profile.php)
  6044. ! Handle single quotes in censored words better. (Load.php)
  6045. ! Try to apply quoted-printable a lot less of the time. (Subs-Post.php)
  6046. * Make smf_codeFix iterate backwards over divs to prevent breakage. (index template)
  6047. * Cleanup post preview and insert quote in IE, etc. (Post.php, Post template)
  6048. ! Turn off list code fixing, since it's borken anyway. (Subs-Post.php)
  6049. * Fixed "fetching preview" never going away - I think. (Post template)
  6050. ! Lists were not working well, it seems, all of the time. (Subs-Post.php)
  6051. ! Attempt to show, in debugging mode, errors even in attributes. (Errors.php)
  6052. ! Add spam protection to sending topics and reporting posts. (SendTopic.php)
  6053. & Added error string for a user not entering their password during a profile change. (Errors language files)
  6054. ! Minor tweak to package manager's FTP handling. (Packages.php)
  6055. ! Add actual speed measurement, use pconnect where possible. (create_backup.php)
  6056. * Made the default theme significantly more usable in right-to-left. (BoardIndex template, Display template, Calendar template, index template, MessageIndex template, Profile template)
  6057. ! Made it possible to change the display status of more than one smiley at once. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageSmileys template)
  6058. & Added some language strings for above change. (ManageSmileys language files)
  6059. * Fix key stats breaking with too much data for compliant browsers. (index template)
  6060. ! Handle multiple integration buffers. (Subs.php)
  6061. ! Fixed a case where calendar events wouldn't be handled properly. (Calendar.php)
  6062. + Added option to display linked events in a topic. (ManageCalendar.php, Display.php, Display and ManageCalendar Templates)
  6063. & Added language entries for the above addition. (index and ManageCalendar language files)
  6064. February 2005:
  6065. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6066. ! Converters should clear the log_topics/mark_read/boards tables. (all converters)
  6067. ! Add converter readme. (readme_convert.html)
  6068. ! If you change the cookie name, reset the cookie before redirecting. (Admin.php)
  6069. ! Redesigned 'Attachments & Avatars' to look more consistent with the other admin center screens (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  6070. ! Moved modSettings for attachments and avatars to the 'Attachments & Avatars' center. (ModSettings.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  6071. & Moved block of language strings for above change. (ModSettings language files, ManageAttachments language files)
  6072. - Removed modSetting avatar_check_size as it only eats resources. (Load.php, Subs.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  6073. & Removed $txt['avatar_check_size'] and $helptxt['avatar_check_size'] for above change (Admin language files, Help language files)
  6074. - Removed modSetting avatar_allow_external_url as it is already a permission. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php, phpbb2_to_smf.php, Load.php, Subs.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template, Profile.php, Profile template)
  6075. & Removed $txt['avatar_allow_external_url'] for above change. (Admin language files)
  6076. + Added an option to let all external avatar URL's be downloaded. (Profile.php, ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  6077. + Added an option to host uploaded avatars in a separate directory from attachments for better server performance (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template, Profile.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Load.php, Subs.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6078. ! Fix for passing "GLOBALS" to register_globals. (SSI.php)
  6079. ! Who's online wasn't properly showing those actions which require permission to see. (Who.php)
  6080. ! Use sendmail if the smtp_host is blank, trim smtp_host on usage. (Subs-Post.php)
  6081. ! Fixed mod settings avatar_action_too_large getting the wrong value (ManageAttachments.php, ManageAttachments template)
  6082. * Added "tab" system to the admin template, to improve efficiency when making tabbed admin templates. (Admin template)
  6083. * Changed ManageSmileys to use this new style tab system. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageSmileys template)
  6084. ! Keep contextual information for WebTV as well. (Load.php)
  6085. ! Avoid generating errors for searches that don't have blank quotes in them, etc. (Search.php)
  6086. ! Attempt to handle very-large attachments better. (Display.php)
  6087. * Remove height from post/personalmessage because IE 5 is too good for it. (style.css)
  6088. * Show number of users online to even those who can't view the link. (BoardIndex template)
  6089. ! Couldn't send pms to some members, again. (InstantMessage.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6090. ! Make it so break up long words won't screw up links. (Subs.php)
  6091. ! Edit permissions wasn't sorting boards properly. (ManagePermissions.php)
  6092. ! Added an ID_TOPIC index to the calendar table. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6093. ! Provide contextual information for calendar events. (Display.php)
  6094. & Added $txt['poll_return_vote'] for going back to vote after viewing the results. (index language files)
  6095. * You are now shown a link to go back to vote after viewing poll results. (Display template)
  6096. & Removed the punctuation in $txt['smf29']. (index language files)
  6097. * Registration now uses the admin tab functionality. (Register.php, Register template)
  6098. ! Simplified part of the converter basic code. (all converters)
  6099. ! Calendar events weren't being updated completely properly. (Post.php)
  6100. ! If the mail server rejects the EHLO, send HELO. (Subs-Post.php)
  6101. ! Don't let entities show in pm notifications. (Subs-Post.php)
  6102. ! Don't send RSET for the last email. (Subs-Post.php)
  6103. ! Allow email messages to have lines that start with "." using SMTP. (Subs-Post.php)
  6104. + Emails are now sent with MIME compliant UTF-8 encoding. (Subs-Post.php)
  6105. ! Fixed some internationalization problems with the pm autocomplete. (InstantMessage template, Subs-Auth.php)
  6106. ! Properly censor the first post's subject and show it in the main link, not the matched subject. (Search.php)
  6107. ! In Invision, usernames should already have entities. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  6108. ! Error message when deleting/changing a member ban. (ManageMembers.php)
  6109. ! Cleanup RSS feed link and per board/topic links. (index template)
  6110. ! Fixed a typo that was causing permission problems for non-administrators. (Profile.php)
  6111. & Remove $txt[209] because it is sadly no longer in use. (index language files)
  6112. ! Attempt to send the User-Agent as well for HEAD requests - doesn't fix anything because PHP is broken too. (Subs.php)
  6113. ! If someone's data isn't loaded yet, they have no permissions; return false instead of generating errors. (Security.php)
  6114. ! Don't generate errors if the footer is for any reason shown twice. (Subs.php)
  6115. ! Make the personal messages load faster. (InstantMessage.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6116. * Theme settings cleanup part one - the revenge of the paths. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  6117. & Updated a bunch of language entries for the above. (Themes language files)
  6118. ! The sorting links in the attachment manager were wrong. (ManageAttachments.php)
  6119. * Small typo when trying to edit icons. (ManageSmileys template)
  6120. * Unable to delete attachments/avatars from the admin panel. (ManageAttachments template, ManageAttachments.php)
  6121. ! Fixed search not narrowing down the results of multiple fulltext and-branches. (Search.php)
  6122. ! Spanning of events should now be editable everywhere, and some additional checks on validity are now carried out. (Post.php, Calendar.php, Post template)
  6123. * Added tabs to the Search and Calendar templates. (ManageCalendar.php, ManageSearch.php, ManageSmileys.php, Register.php, ManageCalendar template, ManageSearch template)
  6124. ! Don't let updateSettingsFile() write if it read in a broken file. (Admin.php)
  6125. ! Only find activated members when searching for pms/ignore list/etc. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6126. ! Trim notification email bodies for fun. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  6127. ! Fixed a lingering internationalization issue. (Subs-Post.php)
  6128. & Send the full text of announcements in announcement notification emails. (Post.php, Post language files)
  6129. ! Make search properly use entities and search for them. (Search.php)
  6130. ! You couldn't set the strength for glow to more than 2 without using zeros. (Subs.php)
  6131. ! Send (optionally) custom Message-Id headers with messages sent by SMF - this makes it theoretically possible to handle replies. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php, ManageMembers.php)
  6132. ! Make the "I don't like people to see my full path which can easily be seen in other ways anyway" people happy. (SSI.php, ssi_examples.php)
  6133. ! Attempt to use iconv to fix things, if it exists. (Subs-Post.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  6134. ! Make the subjects of pms properly internationalized. (Subs-Post.php, InstantMessage.php)
  6135. ! Purdy up the parse error message output and try to detect sub templates if possible. (Load.php, Errors.php)
  6136. ! Change [quote=...] to [quote="..."] in the vBulletin converters. (vbulletin_to_smf.php, vbulletin3_to_smf.php)
  6137. ! Quote results from other pages using find members. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6138. ! Don't show birthdays for those who aren't activated/are banned. (Calendar.php)
  6139. ! Set $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] properly, even if that's not what it is :P. (QueryString.php)
  6140. ! The guest/default theme options are now used if none are found. (Register.php, Load.php)
  6141. * Don't show an option to change theme settings if only the default theme's settings are used. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  6142. + Allow the *removal* of theme options, not just the change thereof. (Themes.php)
  6143. * Cleanup the interface for changing options a lot, made it more logical and perform as it should. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  6144. & Made a bunch of language changes to further this effort. (Themes language files)
  6145. ! Backup restoration utility wasn't loading long enough lines. (restore_backup.php)
  6146. ! Set up a basic way to do mail from an address other than $webmaster_email. (Subs-Post.php)
  6147. + Rewrote the interface for selecting messages to be split and added XMLhttp support. (SplitTopics.php, SplitTopics template, Xml template)
  6148. * Added two image buttons for above feature (split_select.gif, split_deselect.gif)
  6149. & Added three language strings for the above feature. (index language files)
  6150. ! Removed numerical sub-actions for splitting and merging topics. (SplitTopics.php, Subs-Boards.php, SplitTopics template)
  6151. ! Added option to insert start numbers dynamically for function constructPageIndex. (Subs.php, Display.php, MessageIndex.php, Recent.php, ManageMembers.php, SplitTopics.php)
  6152. ! Fixed last split post causing a JavaScript error in IE. (SplitTopics.php)
  6153. * Make a few things in the theme manager look nicer under dumb ol' IE. (Themes template)
  6154. ! Make font sizes work properly. (Subs.php)
  6155. * Fixed a minor javascript error when replying. (Post template)
  6156. ! Use ignore_user_abort when strategic. (Admin.php, Load.php)
  6157. ! The html tag wasn't working on multiple lines correctly. (Subs-Post.php)
  6158. ! Try to continue on permission denied errors, which we hopefully won't get anyway. (Subs-Package.php)
  6159. ! Gender has been stored as a number for quite some time now. (Register.php)
  6160. * Use a session check in karma links. (Display template, InstantMessage template, Karma.php)
  6161. ! Remove some (hopefully) unnecessary indexes on the messages table. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6162. ! Added the cache_put_data and cache_get_data functions. (Load.php)
  6163. ! Cache the male vs. female ratio. (Stats.php)
  6164. ! Cache the individual parsecode'd blocks for an hour. (Subs.php)
  6165. ! Added get_memcached_server and support for multiple mmcached servers with wannabe load balancing. (Load.php)
  6166. ! Tweak order of settings table changes. (upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6167. ! Use mmcache/eaccelerator sessions when database driven sessions are off and the cache is enabled. (Load.php)
  6168. ! There's no reason for secretAnswer to ever be longer than 64 characters. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6169. ! Make the recent posts for rss feeds look harder for posts. (News.php)
  6170. ! Cleanup delete_replies, etc. permissions and possible problems/flaws. (RemoveTopic.php)
  6171. ! Modified log_online table and code slightly for speed optimization. (install.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Subs.php)
  6172. ! Added indexes to the log_errors table to speed up track IP/member. (install.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6173. ! Cleaned up last traces of mod setting 'enableReportToMod'. (SendTopic.php, upgrade_1-0.sql, install.sql)
  6174. ! Switched the primary key ID's of the log_boards table for (a little) faster performance. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6175. ! Split some queries in the updateLastMessages() for faster performance. (Subs.php)
  6176. ! PHP was sometimes not being highlighted properly. (Subs.php)
  6177. ! Rename InstantMessage.php to PersonalMessage.php. (index.php, ManageMembers.php, PersonalMessage.php)
  6178. * Rename the InstantMessage template to PersonalMessage, but still support the old. (PersonalMessage template, PersonalMessage.php, Load.php, detailed-version.js)
  6179. & Rename the InstantMessage language files to PersonalMessage, but support old as above. (PersonalMessage language files, Subs-Post.php, PersonalMessage.php, detailed-version.js)
  6180. ! Fixed new poll choices sometimes getting messed up after editing polls. (Poll.php)
  6181. & Attempt to minimize/counter session problems with SSI.php. (SSI.php, index language files)
  6182. ! Using caching, avoid doing DELETEs more often than necessary on log_online, and do UPDATEs if possible. (Subs.php)
  6183. ! Add a bunch of security-related warnings and such for people changing code. (Errors.php, Security.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  6184. ! Do version number checking inclusive. (Subs-Package.php)
  6185. ! Don't cache parsed post data - too much memory. (Subs.php)
  6186. ! Send emails using the realName, if it was specified. (Register.php)
  6187. & Added a few missing documentation strings, cleaned up mail_type description. (ModSettings.php, Help language files, ModSettings language files)
  6188. * Don't show the delete selected button until it's useful. (Display template)
  6189. ! Cache the $board_info with moderators if we're only viewing the board directly. (Load.php)
  6190. ! Solve the submit once race condition problem using caching, if possible. (Security.php)
  6191. ! Clean up query string handling. (QueryString.php)
  6192. ! Don't resize images down to anything by zero. (Subs-Post.php)
  6193. * Show, optionally, resized down thumbnails for image attachments. (Display.php, ManageAttachments.php, Post.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Display template, ManageAttachments template, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6194. & Added help and descriptions for the above added options. (Admin language files, Help language files)
  6195. ! Moved creation and modification of posts into a function. (Post.php, Subs-Post.php, MoveTopic.php, Load.php)
  6196. * Clean up handling of internationalized names. (Profile.php, Subs-Auth.php, PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template)
  6197. * Store labels on pms numerically instead of as text - sorry, this scraps all current labeling. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage template, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6198. & Make it possible to remove messages from the inbox, and store them only in labels. (PersonalMessage.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, PersonalMessage language files)
  6199. ! Use backticks when optimizing tables with potentially unknown names. (Admin.php)
  6200. ! Only send Content-Length for attachments/images if output compression is off or it is huge. (Display.php)
  6201. ! Create thumbnails on first un-thumbnailed view. (Display.php)
  6202. & Mark all those strings used in emails. (index language files, Login language files, PersonalMessage language files, Post language files, Profile language files)
  6203. * Fix some places where ?> is used bare in PHP code. (Load.php, News.php, PersonalMessage.php, Post.php, Register.php, Subs-Package.php, Wireless template, invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  6204. ! Adjust ID_MEMBER size on attachments to the same size as the column on members. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6205. ! Properly delete thumbnails when deleting their attachment. (ManageAttachments.php)
  6206. ! Don't touch ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT/totalTimeLoggedIn under SSI. (Load.php, Subs.php)
  6207. * Add whitespace between smileys in the popup so they wrap better. (Post template)
  6208. ! Tweak indexes on calendar and themes. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6209. ! Cache the smileys, if possible, for a short period. (Subs-Post.php)
  6210. ! Don't set the notifications as sent if none were even touched. (Subs-Post.php)
  6211. * Cleanup internationalization of message labels. (PersonalMessage.php, PersonalMessage tmeplate, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6212. ! Fix posting updating post count. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php, MoveTopic.php)
  6213. * Major/dumb typo in script.js that made collapsing things not work. (script.js)
  6214. & Changed $days to $txt['days'], $days_short to $txt['days_short'], $months, etc. (index language files, Subs.php, Profile.php)
  6215. * A few template changes for the above too. (Calendar template, Profile template, Settings template)
  6216. ! Fix time formats for today/yesterday again. (Subs.php)
  6217. * Add stuff-doing to the list of things the theme manager can do. (Themes template, Themes.php)
  6218. & And add some language entries for the above. (Themes language files)
  6219. ! Collect and validate information about available languages on registration. (Register.php)
  6220. ! If you log in as an administrator, get rid of the no-double-register lock. (LogInOut.php)
  6221. ! Check a few other things in registrations a bit more throughly. (Register.php)
  6222. & Changed $txt['whoallow_sendtopic'] to $txt['whotopic_sendtopic']. (Who.php, Who language files)
  6223. * When editing polls, the choice ordering could be messed up. (Poll template)
  6224. ! Try to properly handle the case where karmaWaitTime is set to 0. (Karma.php)
  6225. ! Only try to create the thumbnail once, and fail if it doesn't work. (Display.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  6226. ! Cache moderator group info and tweak how it's used. (Load.php)
  6227. ! Clean up the information about ssi_boardNews, which was way old. (news_readme.html)
  6228. * Cleaned up some old bgcolor usage. (index template, Printpage template)
  6229. ! Optimized the administrative totals recount by a rediculous amount. (Admin.php)
  6230. * Automatic notification was still being turned off sometimes on replies with quick reply. (Display template)
  6231. * Attempt to control the size of avatar previews, if possible. (Profile template)
  6232. ! URLs within URLs in certain situations didn't auto link properly. (Subs.php)
  6233. January 2005:
  6234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6235. ! The calendar was not showing birthdates properly at the end of the year. (Calendar.php)
  6236. & Fixed a typo in the can't reply to locked topics message. (Errors language files)
  6237. ! Add a integrate_redirect setting for redirection. (Subs.php)
  6238. ! Don't show "2: ", or "8: " error level indicator in error messages, show file/line to admins. (Errors.php)
  6239. ! The attachment directory's size was not being counted properly. (ManageAttachments.php, Post.php)
  6240. ! Search had some problems still with "temporary table emulation". (Search.php)
  6241. ! If readfile is disabled, check for null instead of false. (Display.php)
  6242. ! Updated path detection for windows servers. (install.php, Packages.php, PackageGet.php, create_backup.php)
  6243. & Add a new language string for the installer detecting a path. (Install language files)
  6244. ! Fixed a minor typo in the package manager. (PackageGet.php)
  6245. & Add a new language string for the installer to not say deleting the file doesn't work on all servers. (Install language files)
  6246. & Added $txt['mysql_error_space'] and a check for out of diskspace errors. (Errors.php, Errors language files)
  6247. ! Updated the backup creation tool, adding better FTP handling. (create_backup.php)
  6248. ! Don't log notices from PHP 5 in the error log. (Errors.php)
  6249. * The news fader now updates just slightly less often. (fader.js)
  6250. & Updated $txt[739] to better reflect what the setting does. (Admin language files)
  6251. * Slightly tweaked the look of recent and searched posts... very minor. (Recent template, Search template, Recent.php)
  6252. ! Added who action information to the profile contextual information. (Who.php, Load.php, Profile.php)
  6253. ! Don't show the option to move a topic if there's only one board (you can see.) (MessageIndex.php, Display.php)
  6254. * Added Mark selected read to the quickmoderation options. (Subs-Boards.php, MessageIndex template)
  6255. & Added $txt['quick_mod_markread'] for the above. (index language files)
  6256. * Don't show merge-to target boards if this is the only board they can see. (SplitTopics template)
  6257. ! If there are no topics to merge with available, show an error message. (SplitTopics.php)
  6258. ! Added web installer and mirror listing. (webinstall.php, mirrors.xml)
  6259. ! Fixed some group-related bugs in the YaBB SE converter. (yabbse_to_smf.php)
  6260. ! For older themes, provide the $modSettings['memberCount'] value. (BoardIndex.php)
  6261. ! Don't use strtr replacing a blank string with a blank string. (PackageGet.php, create_backup.php)
  6262. & Made $txt['package45'] more descriptive. (Packages language files)
  6263. ! Use MySQL conditional comments for TRUNCATE, etc. (ManageMembers.php, Errors.php, Admin.php, Search.php, ManageSearch.php)
  6264. ! Escape any input made from the login page, just in case. (LogInOut.php)
  6265. + Registration management will now allow filtering by different approval types where appropriate. (Register.php, Register template)
  6266. ! Removed duplication of actions in registration management (Delete/Reject). (Register.php, Register template)
  6267. & Added several language strings to aid the filtering in registration management. (Login language files)
  6268. ! Added some backend functionality for COPPA support, in particular post registration screens. (index.php, Register.php, Register template)
  6269. & Added many language entries to Login language files for above addition. (Login language files)
  6270. & Added $months_titles to ease translation in Greek, etc. (index language files)
  6271. * The calendar now uses $months_titles for capitalized titles. (Calendar template)
  6272. ! Handle attachments with quotes in their names properly. (all converters)
  6273. & Added string to show current filter when you are on a non-standard filter in registration management. (Register.php, Register template, Login language files)
  6274. ! Use isset with multiple parameters when possible. (Admin.php, Errors.php, InstantMessage.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageSmileys.php, MoveTopic.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Register.php, Security.php, all converters)
  6275. ! Provide SHA-1 support for old PHP versions, allow it in a login cookie - no real changes yet. (Load.php, Security.php)
  6276. ! Implement SHA-1 hashing for passwords; use the passwordSalt for cookies. (SSI.php, Load.php, LogInOut.php, Profile.php, Register.php, Reminder.php, Security.php, Subs-Auth.php, install.php)
  6277. ! Update copyright notices. (all files)
  6278. ! Use a proper id under WAP for categories. (Wireless template)
  6279. ! If you want people to retain their stars, member group, etc... just blank the moderator group out. (Load.php)
  6280. ! On the profile statistics page, show the member's name for clarity. (Profile template)
  6281. ! Number format wasn't saving properly from the settings. (Subs.php)
  6282. ! Use proper checks for FULLTEXT even under 3.23.x.. (ManageSearch.php, DumpDatabase.php, create_backup.php)
  6283. ! Admin registration will now only let admins register admins. (Register.php)
  6284. * Added front end for COPPA implementation, including settings in the admin panel, and checkbox on registration. (Register.php, Register template)
  6285. & Added some language entries for above change. (Login and Help language files)
  6286. ! Activation should be disabled for COPPA users - for the time being at least. (Register.php)
  6287. & It is now possible to receive a reminder of COPPA contacts/forms if you try to log in as a minor without approval. (LogInOut.php, Register.php, Login language files)
  6288. ! Use mhash for sha1 instead of the PHP version if at all possible for speed. (Security.php)
  6289. ! Moved "edit agreement" to a subaction of regcenter; could do more. (Subs.php, Register.php, Admin.php, Admin template, index.php)
  6290. & Improved the text descriptions shown when viewing an unapproved/unactivated profile. (Load.php, Profile.php, Profile template, Profile language files)
  6291. ! Requesting a new activation email after changing your email address was causing an error. (Profile.php, Register.php)
  6292. & Registration center can now handle approving deleted accounts. (Register.php, Register template, Login language files)
  6293. ! Moving topics should use default redirect notice in forum's default language. (MoveTopic.php)
  6294. ! Attempt to handle colons (:) in links... (Subs.php)
  6295. ! Check to make sure uploaded temp files actually exist when validating them. (Profile.php, Post.php, Themes.php, PackageGet.php, ManageSmileys.php, test_modification.php)
  6296. ! Fix pagination in trackip functionality. (ManageMembers.php)
  6297. ! For mark unread's purposes, don't check that they aren't the last poster. (Recent.php)
  6298. ! Whether an email was public or not (email_public) was not properly reflecting guest_hideContacts. (Load.php)
  6299. ! Add an .htaccess for attachments/ - if it doesn't work or causes a 500, no loss... only gain. (attachments/.htaccess)
  6300. ! Edit poll was duplicating slashes, etc., on preview. (Poll.php)
  6301. ! Don't add entity's to the sender's name in email notifications. (Subs-Post.php)
  6302. ! If there were karma or im options involved with only some members, failure resulted. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  6303. ! Theme converter was adding too many slashes to PHP code from template.php. (Themes.php)
  6304. ! Fixed a small bug causing the XML output to show incorrectly. (News.php)
  6305. ! GlobalCookies setting was not properly disabled for IP addresses. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6306. ! Fixed unable to set delete_own/delete_any permission. (ManagePermissions.php)
  6307. ! HTML-ify everything in the smiley's description text. (Subs.php)
  6308. ! Allow whitespace within the actual table cells, and fix a little bit more bad table syntax. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6309. ! Optimized poll option deletion. (Poll.php)
  6310. ! Don't cough and die on filenames with tildas in them in the detailed version checker. (Admin.php)
  6311. * Search now features quick moderation... sorta. (Search.php, Search template, Subs-Boards.php)
  6312. * Improved error messages displayed on login screen for unapproved accounts. (LogInOut.php, Login template)
  6313. * Approval on account deletion added, so admin can give the thumbs up before account removed. (Subs.php, ModSettings.php, Profile.php, Register.php)
  6314. & Language entries added for above changes. (Login language files, Errors language files, Profile language files, ModSettings language files)
  6315. + Added two new notification settings, notifyTypes and notifySendBody. (install_1.1,sql, upgrade_1.1.sql, Load.php, Post.php, Profile.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6316. * Altered Profile template to accomodate above settings. (Profile template)
  6317. & Added new language strings for above changes. (Profile and Post language files)
  6318. ! Show "all unread" on the linktree separately from "unread"... (Recent.php)
  6319. ! Minor notice in login if you went to login2 directly. (LogInOut.php)
  6320. * Allow the easy uninstallation/upgrade of non-modification packages. (Packages template)
  6321. ! Attempt to turn off session.use_trans_sid in loadSession(). (Load.php)
  6322. ! If Invision's upload directory cannot be found for some reason, use .../uploads. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  6323. ! The recount functionality is now (somewhat) paginated. (Admin.php)
  6324. ! If the package file is zero bytes in size, don't die horribly. (Subs-Package.php)
  6325. & Added an option to *disable* notifySendBody. (ModSettings.php, ModSettings language files, Help language files)
  6326. * Approval from a users profile now works correctly, and gives a warning before approving the deletion of an account. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  6327. & Increased the options for pruning messages from forum maintenance. (RemoveTopic.php, Admin template, Admin language files)
  6328. ! Don't create a backup of the "Settings.php" file using the normal tilda method. (Subs-Package.php)
  6329. ! Blank out url_rewriter.tags so SMF can just do it itself. (Load.php)
  6330. * Because of the markread option, always show checkboxes for quick moderation. (MessageIndex template, Search template)
  6331. * If you can't post in a specific board, and there are no topics, and only children, just show the children. (MessageIndex.php, MessageIndex template)
  6332. ! Added shorten_subject() function to deal with internationalization problems. (SSI.php, Subs.php, BoardIndex.php, MessageIndex.php, Recent.php, Post.php)
  6333. ! Use the name instead of the username in the page title for profiles. (Profile.php)
  6334. ! Disabling BBC also disabled smileys without warning. (Subs.php)
  6335. ! Work a little harder to sanitize filenames. (ManageSmileys.php, Themes.php, QueryString.php)
  6336. ! Fixed a couple minor typos. (Help files, various files)
  6337. * Add logo setting... too many questions. (Settings template, Themes template, Themes language files, index template)
  6338. * Tweak a few things for right-to-left support. (BoardIndex template, Calendar template)
  6339. & Tweaked $txt['own_profile_confirm']. (Profile language files)
  6340. - Don't allow output compression on PHP 4.1.2, etc. either - causes problems. (index.php, SSI.php)
  6341. ! Make "don't send me any email" notification setting also apply to report-to-moderator and registration notifications - HURRAH!! (Register.php, SendTopic.php)
  6342. ! Removed isBanned from members table in favor of is_activated, taking the unlucky value of 13 for a banned member. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, ManageMembers.php, Post.php, Security.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6343. ! Optimize tables one at a time to avoid unnecessary locks. (Load.php)
  6344. ! Don't die horribly if the compression data in an archive is corrupt. (Subs-Package.php)
  6345. ! Warn also if "webinstall.php" exists. (Subs.php)
  6346. ! Properly escape entered text for error messages, etc. (Search.php)
  6347. ! Copy over the entire images directory when creating a copy of the default theme. (Themes.php)
  6348. ! Show the correct path to the Themes directory even on Windows servers. (Themes.php)
  6349. ! Don't send forum-wide emails to unactivated people, or any emails really. (Post.php, Subs-Post.php, ManageMembers.php)
  6350. ! Fixed a minor notice when searching without create temporary. (Search.php)
  6351. ! Pagination was still a bit wrong in unread topics, etc. (Recent.php)
  6352. ! Search has been rewritten in order to increase speed, integrate fulltext search and improve accuracy of search results. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php)
  6353. + Search now supports excluding words by adding a minus sign (e.g. animals -sheep). (Search.php)
  6354. ! Search no longer uses temporary tables. (Search.php)
  6355. ! Search cache can no longer be disabled. (Search.php, ManageSearch.php)
  6356. ! ModSettings 'disableTemporaryTables' and 'search_cache_size' are no longer used. (ManageSearch template, ManageSearch.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6357. & Removed language tags for above changes. (Search langugage files, Help language files)
  6358. * Removed submit buttons if there are no PM labels defined yet. (InstantMessages template, InstantMessages.php)
  6359. + Attempt to fix "incorrect key file" errors too. (Errors.php)
  6360. ! Upgrader didn't show the error message properly for when agreement.txt was not writable. (upgrade.php)
  6361. ! Fix lists and tables a bit better on preview/post ;). (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  6362. + Allow [url=?topic=1.0], [img]/images/...[/img], [url=#blah], [anchor=blah], etc. (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  6363. + Added backend functionality for additional message icons. (SSI.php, Display.php, MessageIndex.php, Post.php, Recent.php, Search.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6364. * Updated templates to respect the location of message icons. (Display template, MessageIndex template, Post template, Recent template, Search template)
  6365. + Added a very basic message icon editor, to allow for adding, editing, sorting and deletion of message icons. (ManageSmileys.php, ManageSmileys template)
  6366. & Added language strings for message icon manager. (Admin language files, Errors language files, ManageSmileys language files)
  6367. ! phpBB converter now handles code sections and some other bbcode better. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  6368. ! Fixed a few typos, logging of mark read for guests in split. (SplitTopics.php, Security.php)
  6369. * Small change to style.css - limit the max-height of code blocks. (style.css)
  6370. ! CGI server check for logins, etc. wasn't working with FastCGI. (Load.php)
  6371. ! Cleanup better when deleting a member. (ManageMembers.php)
  6372. ! Don't add to the moderation log when a moderator deletes his or her own post. (RemoveTopic.php, Subs-Boards.php)
  6373. + Make it easier to run something that uses SSI.php from the command line. (Load.php, QueryString.php)
  6374. ! Allow login cookie length to be longer. (Load.php, smf_api.php)
  6375. ! Get basic support for feeds other than RSS and SMF's xml ready - not done. (News.php)
  6376. ! Fix "never expire" not being properly checked bug. (LogInOut.php)
  6377. ! Allow forum moderators to blank email addresses and allow board moderators to edit those posts. (Post.php)
  6378. + Attachments are no longer lost on preview/error. (Post.php, ManageAttachments.php)
  6379. * Modified the templates to no longer give warnings about preview, and to allow uncheck of attachments to stick. (Post template)
  6380. ! Removed attach_lose and attach_preview, which are no longer needed. (Post language files)
  6381. * The "additional options" area now sticks better. (Post template)
  6382. ! Send announcement now links to first post. (Post.php)
  6383. ! Don't show the email icon for members or guest posters whose email is blank. (Load.php)
  6384. ! If is_activated is greater than 10, it means a ban is in place. (upgrade_1-1.sql, ManageMembers.php, Security.php)
  6385. ! Add base functionality for "cleanup permissions". (index.php, Admin.php)
  6386. ! Themes based on other themes now work properly. (Themes.php, upgrade.php)
  6387. * Added hits and average hits per day to the stats page. (Stats.php, Stats template)
  6388. & Added num_hits and average_hits. (Stats language files)
  6389. * Don't allow registration submission at all with a blank name/email. (Register template)
  6390. * Minor efficiency tweak to ssi_boardNews. (SSI.php)
  6391. ! The db_query() function now takes false, false as to mean no error checking. (Subs.php, ManageSearch.php, Search.php)
  6392. ! The search interface wasn't able to remove the fulltext index. (ManageSearch.php)
  6393. ! Updated the YaBB converter. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  6394. ! Make sure "since last visit" is always more than five hours ago. (Load.php)
  6395. ! If anything goes wrong extracting a file, fail more silently. (Subs-Package.php)
  6396. & Change $txt[350] just slightly. (Admin language files)
  6397. & Internationalize the installer a bunch more. (install.php, install_1-1.sql, Install language files)
  6398. & Renamed notifyAnncmnts_UserDisable to allow_disableAnnounce. (ModSettings.php, Post.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Help language files, ModSettings language files)
  6399. * Changed the setting also in one template. (Profile template)
  6400. * When you uncheck attachments and hit preview, now allow more attachment uploads in good faith. (Post.php, Post template)
  6401. ! Recent posts counter was starting over from 1. (Recent.php)
  6402. * The board management interface now warns you when checking a board's permissions will make it local. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  6403. & Added confirmation string to language files. (ManageBoards language files)
  6404. ! Recount all forum totals was not properly affecting the last messages on boards. (Admin.php)
  6405. ! Add contextual information describing whether they consider YOU a buddy. (Load.php)
  6406. ! Add backend for resetting the login hash and for challenge logins. (LogInOut.php)
  6407. ! Added backend for the horrid countChildPosts - which turns on and off without affectings boards. (BoardIndex.php, MessageIndex.php)
  6408. ! Attachments with "&" and " " characters in them weren't converted properly. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  6409. ! Don't check that uploaded files exist if open_basedir is set. (Post.php, Profile.php, Themes.php, ManageSmileys.php, PackageGet.php)
  6410. ! Attempt to detect whether local and global cookies should be on at installation. (install.php)
  6411. ! Keep tabs in PHP code blocks properly under PHP 5. (Subs.php)
  6412. * Deleting a single PM wasn't working correctly. (InstantMessage.php, InstantMessage template)
  6413. & Took the word "10" out of $txt[234]. (index language files)
  6414. ! Make upgrade.php accept an older language file for minor releases. (upgrade.php)
  6415. ! Change default of 'smiley_enable' to off. (upgrade_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6416. ! Clean up statistics sorting in all the converters. (all converters)
  6417. ! The Burning Board converter should now transparently handle 1x and 2x. (burningboard_to_smf.php)
  6418. ! Simplify shorten_subject() by quite a bit, let's hope I don't regret this. (Subs.php)
  6419. ! Links with : in them were fixed, but with http:// in them (all) were broken. (Subs.php)
  6420. ! Sessions now look slightly slightly nicer with/without queryless URLs on. (QueryString.php)
  6421. * Changed everywhere that used ;id to something else for dumb servers. (Display.php, InstantMessage.php, Load.php, LogInOut.php, ManageBoards.php, ManageCalendar.php, ManageMembers.php, ManagePermissions.php, ManageSmileys.php, Register.php, Subs.php, Themes.php, ManageBoards template, ManageCalendar template, ManageMembers template, ManagePermissions template, ManageSmileys template, Profile template, Register template, script.js, Themes template)
  6422. & Fixed a link in $txt['smf3']. (ModSettings language files)
  6423. ! Resetting all theme options didn't always set the default registration options right. (Themes.php)
  6424. * Allow a Settings template to specify that a option is a default option. (Settings template, Themes template)
  6425. & A few links were using _new instead of _blank. (Errors language files, Help language files, Subs.php, news_readme.html)
  6426. ! Cleaned up the flash output - it should look/work better with non-IE browsers now, and use less bandwidth in such situations. (Subs.php)
  6427. * Renamed im_email_notify and im_ignore_list to pm_*. (Profile template, all converters, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, smf_api.php, repair.php, Subs-Post.php, Profile.php, Load.php, Register.php)
  6428. * Fixed few minor errors in InstantMessage sending error handling. (InstantMessage.php, InstantMessage template)
  6429. & Changed the error message for ALTER to include CREATE/DROP. (upgrade.php, Install language files)
  6430. ! In most cases, you couldn't properly select theme-dependent language files. (Admin.php, Profile.php)
  6431. ! $modSettings['enableErrorLogging'] can now be set to 2 to log ALL ERRORS. (Errors.php)
  6432. ! Don't force a referer check for just a single attachment's deletion. (ManageAttachments.php)
  6433. ! Fixed the 'parentheses not balanced' error. (Search.php)
  6434. ! Make it so is_read can be things other than 1. (InstantMessage.php)
  6435. + Log whether a message has or has not been replied to. (InstantMessage.php)
  6436. ! Use tinyint(3) instead of 4 for poll columns. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6437. * Add an autocompleter to to/bcc for pms - soon to have more, and buddies. (InstantMessage template, Subs-Auth.php)
  6438. ! MIME encode the sender's name when sending emails. (Subs-Post.php)
  6439. ! Don't let the "space left in the attachment directory" show below 0. (ManageAttachments.php)
  6440. ! A database error could occur if you tried to create a smiley with a single quote in its name. (ManageSmileys.php)
  6441. ! That should do it for RDF and ATOM feeds. (News.php, Load.php)
  6442. ! Where possible, load the language file before the template. (Help.php, InstantMessage.php, LogInOut.php, ManageMembers.php, ManagePermissions.php, Post.php, Register.php, Reminder.php, Security.php, SendTopic.php, Stats.php, Subs-Auth.php, Subs-Post.php, Themes.php)
  6443. * Properly (I think?) handle multiple recipients in auto complete. (InstantMessage template)
  6444. * Cache the previous results to increase speed of searches. (InstantMessage template)
  6445. ! Only search autocomplete by display name. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6446. ! Use <br /><br /> instead of \n\n for the notice. (ManageAttachments.php)
  6447. ! Properly handle special characters at the beginning and end of the search word. (Search.php)
  6448. ! Don't show the pm popup when action is pm. (Subs.php)
  6449. ! Package manager wasn't properly skipping missing files. (Subs-Package.php)
  6450. ! Minor unimportant but still dumb typo in all converters. (all converters)
  6451. ! Fixed a notice that could occur when a guest posts. (Post.php)
  6452. * Work around dumb server security settings. (Subs.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  6453. ! Inherit font style and color in table tags. (Subs.php)
  6454. + Added XMLHttpRequest support for previewing messages (Post.php, Post template, Subs.php, script.js)
  6455. * Added an XML template for the above feature. (Xml template)
  6456. ! Quotefast feature now does XMLHttpRequest asynchronously. (Post.php, Display template, Post template, Xml template)
  6457. * Created a sub-template for the quotefast using a popup (non-XMLHttpRequest). (Post template)
  6458. ! LoadTheme() doesn't load the index template anymore for certain actions. (Load.php)
  6459. + Added a 'new' icon for new posts that were added while posting/previewing. (Post.php, Post template)
  6460. & Moved $txt['error_while_submitting'] from errors to index. (Errors language files, index language files)
  6461. & Added $txt['login_hash_error']. (Login language files)
  6462. * Logins are now hashed against a challenge code for security. (Login template, index template, LogInOut.php, Security.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  6463. ! Added a password hash disable function to give upgraders time to not be annoyed. (Subs.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, all converters)
  6464. * Add textToEntities function to aid internationalization. (script.js, Post template, InstantMessage template)
  6465. ! Correct post counts when moving between two boards that count differently. (MoveTopic.php)
  6466. ! Track events properly so they won't overlap when more than a month of them are loaded. (Calendar.php, SSI.php, BoardIndex.php)
  6467. ! Keep track of event spans with just one row - properly, in other words. (SSI.php, Calendar.php, Post.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, yabbse_to_smf.php)
  6468. & Added $txt['smileys_forum_board_default']. (index language files)
  6469. * Profile now shows a choice for forum/board default smiley set. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  6470. ! Profile no longer uses special redirect unless it needs to. (Profile.php)
  6471. + Implemented XMLHTTP support for the stats page. (Stats.php, Stats template, Xml template)
  6472. ! Adjust the session vars on collapse of statistics. (Stats.php, Stats template, script.js)
  6473. ! Tweaked entity internationalization code, since we now have to deal with 127+. (MoveTopic.php, Poll.php, Post.php, Search.php, SplitTopics.php)
  6474. ! Use sprintf instead of str_pad when possible. (Stats.php, Calendar.php)
  6475. ! Fix the security warning and make it more readable. (Subs.php)
  6476. ! If a "duplicate entry" error occurs while voting, just ignore it. (Poll.php)
  6477. ! Cleanup a few notes and file saving in the converters. (all converters, various files)
  6478. ! Arranged admin center items more logical (imho) and shortened the names. (Subs.php, Admin language files)
  6479. ! Merged 'registration agreement' into 'registration center'. (Register.php, Subs.php, Admin template, Register template)
  6480. * Added a template layer for the registration center menu. (Register template, Register.php)
  6481. ! Adjust (lower) a few timeouts. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6482. + If spell checking is on and working, search keywords are now checked. (Search.php)
  6483. * Added contextual information for revising the search - for no results/misspelling, more if template wishes. (Search template)
  6484. & Add a few entries to the language files for the above. (Search language files)
  6485. ! Don't allow the deletion of administrators by non-administrators. (ManageMembers.php, Profile.php)
  6486. ! Use LOW_PRIORITY in a few queries on topic/attachment display so as not to lock other things up. (Display.php)
  6487. ! Fix some issues in the YaBB and YaBB SE converters. (yabb_to_smf.php, yabbse_to_smf.php)
  6488. ! Allow the removal of the first post by quick moderation if it's the only post. (Subs-Boards.php)
  6489. ! Did you mean was ignoring excluded search terms. (Search.php)
  6490. * Allow an override of the preview magic with Ctrl. (Post template)
  6491. ! A few minor cleanups with label handling in personal messages. (InstantMessage.php, InstantMessage language files)
  6492. * Editing the span of an event should now work correctly, in unlinked events anyway. (Calendar.php, Calendar template)
  6493. * Buddies are now shown when using who's online via SSI (SSI.php)
  6494. ! Replaced two mysql_fetch_array()s with mysql_fetch_assoc()s. (DumpDatabase.php, create_backup.php)
  6495. ! Hard code an error message since it's better than nothing. (Load.php)
  6496. ! Do internationalization cheating on personal text as well. (Profile.php)
  6497. ! Changed several mysql_query()'s to db/convert/upgrade_query()'s. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql, burningboard_to_smf.php, ViewQuery.php, DumpDatabase.php, Errors.php)
  6498. ! Logging in after the password hashing is enabled with a non-sha1 password wasn't working. (LogInOut.php)
  6499. * Correctly list hidden and buddy users in who's online. (BoardIndex template)
  6500. * Fix a few XML preview typos, make is_not_guest() die in xml mode. (Post.php, Security.php, Xml template)
  6501. ! Add tgz to the allowed package extensions. (Package.php, PackageGet.php)
  6502. * XML nodes are sent in 4 kilobyte chunks. (Post template, Display template)
  6503. ! Calendar wasn't showing birthdays and holidays properly. (Calendar.php)
  6504. & The package manager now caches your FTP information so it can use it more actively. (LogInOut.php, Packages.php, Subs-Package.php, Packages language files)
  6505. * Now, when you do things that require temp or others to be writable, you're prompted for FTP info. (Subs-Package.php, Packages.php, Packages template)
  6506. + The package manager now works on safe mode servers without PHP suExec - mostly. (Subs-Package.php)
  6507. ! Make undo work with position="end" as well. (Subs-Package.php)
  6508. ! Added a function to make chmod'ing files easier and more suExec compliant. (Subs-Package.php, Packages.php)
  6509. December 2004:
  6510. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6511. ! Cleaned up the gif loading code and removed quite a few unnecessary functions. (Subs-Graphics.php)
  6512. ! The forum URL is now checked to make sure it starts with a scheme. (install.php, repair_settings.php, Admin.php)
  6513. ! Don't prefill the "To" box with "". (InstantMessage.php)
  6514. ! Cleaned up some comments and minor coding conventions. (various files)
  6515. ! Added package SDK to the repository. (tools/package)
  6516. ! Attempt to stop time and memory limits from causing problems with attachments. (Display.php)
  6517. ! Attempt to prevent a timeout when recounting forum totals and statistics. (Admin.php)
  6518. ! Don't allow editing of own custom title by default. (install_1-1.sql)
  6519. ! Cleanup permissions and make upgrades not set permissions each round or affect post groups. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, ManagePermissions.php, phpbb2_to_smf.php, yabbse_to_smf.php)
  6520. ! Changed remove_replies to delete_replies, remove_own/any to delete_own/any, delete_own/any to remove_own/any. (Display.php, ManagePermissions.php, MessageIndex.php, Profile.php, Recent.php, RemoveTopic.php, Security.php, Subs-Boards.php, Errors language files, ManagePermissions language files, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, invision2_to_smf.php, invision_to_smf.php, phpbb2_to_smf.php, yabbse_to_smf.php)
  6521. & Updated $txt['mlist_search'] and $txt[303]. (index language files)
  6522. ! Add holidays to the calendar until 2020. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6523. ! Add language installation notes to all and remove requirements from update, since they are the same. (install_readme.html, upgrade_readme.html, update_readme.html)
  6524. ! Speed up mark read notably for larger forums/boards. (Subs-Boards.php)
  6525. ! Do we really want to switch to "view all" after deleting from "view members"? (ManageMembers.php)
  6526. ! Show "last online" or "last active" in italics if they are not activated. (ManageMembers.php)
  6527. ! Add the darn online colors to "who's viewing" information. (Display.php, MessageIndex.php)
  6528. ! Added an index on ID_MEMBER to log_topics; yes, it's more index and more space, but... it'll be faster in some parts. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6529. ! In the few cases where it would be more efficient not to do the extra lookups for updateStats, they are no longer done. (Post.php, Register.php)
  6530. * Update script.js to handle an evil change to Safari 1.3's handling of readonly inputs/textareas. (script.js)
  6531. ! Let the people have their email addresses of one character. (Post.php, Register.php, Profile.php, SendTopic.php)
  6532. ! Only allow email addresses for the MSN field. (Profile.php)
  6533. ! Lay down basic frame work for "theme x based on theme y". (Load.php, Help.php)
  6534. ! XMB converter wasn't handling the post text correctly. (xmb_to_smf.php)
  6535. * Added ability to add members to a buddy list. (Profile.php, Load.php, BoardIndex.php, Subs-Auth.php, index.php, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, BoardIndex and Display templates)
  6536. ! Small fix with default permissions in the permissions manager. (ManagePermissions.php)
  6537. ! It's no longer possible to delete the last admin account from their profile. (Profile.php)
  6538. & Added language entry for the above change. (Errors language files)
  6539. ! Fixed a small bug in adding an unlinked calendar event. (Calendar template)
  6540. ! Added settings for displaying holidays etc on the calendar. (install_1.1.php, upgrade_1.1.php, ManageCalendar.php, Calendar.php, ManageCalendar template)
  6541. & Added and altered language entries for the above change. (ManageCalendar language files)
  6542. ! Themes could be set by URL even if this was turned off. (Load.php)
  6543. ! A quote with only an author followed by a quote with more caused problems - now it doesn't as much. (Subs.php)
  6544. ! Format lists with </li> (for validity) even when using [*], etc. (Subs-Post.php)
  6545. ! Made a check for form_stack_pointer just in case. (Security.php)
  6546. ! Check for session support in the installer to avoid getting a blank screen. (install.php)
  6547. & Added $txt['error_session_missing']. (Install language files)
  6548. ! Polls now use the same psuedo-international character set fixing. (Post.php, Poll.php)
  6549. ! Allow the subjects to be actually (or near) 100 characters counting &#***;, &quot;, etc. as only one. (Post.php)
  6550. ! Added ENABLE/DISABLE KEYS support to the create_backup.php utility. (create_backup.php)
  6551. ! Don't log dlattach as the last page view... (Subs.php)
  6552. ! Always show "me" on who's viewing this topic/board. (MessageIndex.php, Display.php)
  6553. ! Roll over previous/next instead of showing an error - also optimize previous/next query. (Display.php)
  6554. & Removed $txt['previous_next_end']. (Errors language files)
  6555. ! Updating stats which would leave a negative post count was causing an error. (Subs.php)
  6556. ! To/Bcc will no longer be filled with quotes upon an error sending a post. (InstantMessage.php)
  6557. & Updated error message shown when a message can't be sent due to size of someones inbox. (InstantMessage.english.php)
  6558. * Administrators are now completely exempt from capacity limit. (Subs-Post.php, ManageMembers template)
  6559. ! Return a 304 HTTP response if an avatar/attachment is still cached by the user agent and hasn't been modified. (Display.php)
  6560. ! You can now view the unread posts or replies in just a single category. (Recent.php)
  6561. & Removed the word "beta" from the default theme description. (Settings language files)
  6562. * Clean up page indexes and links for WAP/WML. (Wireless template)
  6563. & Added $txt['cannot_announce_topic']. (Errors language files)
  6564. & Added some helpful information to $helptxt['fixLongWords']. (Help language files)
  6565. * Fix links to board/category specific recent posts; show current location. (Recent template, Recent.php)
  6566. ! XMB converter was adding slashes in bad/annoying places. (xmb_to_smf.php)
  6567. ! vBulletin 2 and 3 converters were not properly converting the last post information. (vbulletin_to_smf.php, vbulletin3_to_smf.php)
  6568. ! Passwords with single quotes in them weren't being set properly from the profile. (Profile.php)
  6569. * Reformatted the password reminder a bit; no longer have to specify whether it's a username or email. (Reminder.php, Reminder template)
  6570. & Removed $txt['smf101'] and $txt['smf102'], and now $txt[194] is 'Password reminder' not just 'reminder'. (Profile language files, index language files)
  6571. ! Updated the help in various places, layout and language information. (various files in help)
  6572. & Added $txt['register_subject'], $txt['register_immediate_message'], $txt['register_activate_message'], $txt['register_pending_message'], $txt['resend_activate_message'], and $txt['resend_pending_message']... removed $txt[700], $txt['activate_mail'], and $txt['approval_email']. (Login language files)
  6573. ! Registration now uses a much more translatable/changeable string for registration. (Register.php)
  6574. ! Image URL protection was affecting links in some cases too when images were next to each other. (Subs-Post.php)
  6575. ! Removing nested quotes removed text between when using just [quote]. (Post.php, InstantMessage.php)
  6576. ! Don't show html tags in board titles in the <title> element. (MessageIndex.php)
  6577. * Cleaned up Search template and made it not search the recycle bin by default. (Search.php, Search template)
  6578. ! Searching with symbols now works better even in fulltext mode. (Search.php)
  6579. ! Match highlighting was having problems with special characters. (Search.php)
  6580. ! Administration panel sometimes gave errors if you had very few permissions to it. (Admin.php)
  6581. * Tweaked the layout of search results and put the relevance to the left. (Search template)
  6582. ! Don't spell check ALL CAPS words, and don't think 'word' is spelled wrong. (Subs-Post.php)
  6583. & Updated $txt['send_validation_onChange']. (ModSettings language files)
  6584. ! If a birthday from next year is shown on the board index, calculate the age correctly. (Calendar.php)
  6585. & Add board listing into context for simplicity, make categories select boards, collapse board list. (Search.php, Search template)
  6586. ! Fixed a few typos. (Install language files, Admin language files, Errors language files)
  6587. ! Big clean up in the moderation log, including much better handling of sorting/pagination after a search. (index.php, Modlog.php, Modlog template)
  6588. ! Updated Invision 2 converter to (hopefully) deal with personal messages correctly. (invision2_to_smf.php)
  6589. + Added a basic converter that will hopefully convert from UBB.threads to SMF. (ubbthreads_to_smf.php)
  6590. ! Searching by action in the moderation log will now work across all languages. (Modlog.php)
  6591. ! Check cookie before unserializing to patch PHP security hole. (Load.php, smf_api.php)
  6592. ! Don't use unserialize() in Search, instead fake it. (Search.php)
  6593. & Add half a sentence to $txt['smiley_editsets_explain']. (ManageSmileys language files)
  6594. * Add backend for searching topics specifically. (Search.php, Search template)
  6595. & Added $txt['search_specific_topic'] for the search parameters page. (Search language files)
  6596. ! Trim the end of templates and language files when including them. (Load.php)
  6597. ! Search wasn't handling escaped bbc properly. (Search.php)
  6598. * If you click advanced, carry over the string you're searching for. (Search template)
  6599. ! Backup utilities didn't support FULLTEXT. (DumpDatabase.php, create_backup.php)
  6600. ! Prevent changing a board's parent to one of its children. (ManageBoards.php)
  6601. ! Make sure people can't remove posts if they have no permission at all to. (Subs-Boards.php)
  6602. & Added $txt['timeoffset_autodetect']... (Profile language files)
  6603. * Added "auto detect" to profile's time offset. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  6604. ! Don't delete attachments that have internationalized filenames on maintenance. (ManageAttachments.php)
  6605. ! Registering a new member would cause an error to be flagged if the ban session variable didn't exist. (Register.php)
  6606. ! Added functionality to registration management to allow admins to quickly perform actions on outstanding users. (Register.php, Register template)
  6607. & Added langauge entries for above change. (Login language files)
  6608. * If an error occurs when saving on the profile page, an error message will now appear to say why. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  6609. & Several error strings added to language files. (Errors language files)
  6610. + Implemented PM support for WAP 2 & I-mode. (Wireless template, InstantMessages.php, Subs-Auth.php)
  6611. & Added some language tags for the above change (Wireless language files)
  6612. ! Fixed small upgrade bug. (upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6613. ! Fixed error in label display if PM has only BCC recipients. (InstantMessages.php)
  6614. ! Fixed a small bug in searching PM recipients. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6615. ! Fixed members with an apostrophe could not be sent a PM. (InstantMessages.php)
  6616. ! Smileys are no longer parsed for the wireless protocol. (Subs.php)
  6617. ! Invision 2 converter will now warn the user if files are not writable - and will not attempt what it cannot achieve. (Invision2_to_smf.php)
  6618. * Added a "Check All" button to the "Email Your Members" screen.(ManageMembers template)
  6619. * Position the caret properly when nothing's selected in Internet Explorer. (script.js)
  6620. ! Handle many elements with the same name in invertAll(). (script.js)
  6621. ! Fill the email your member variables even for custom email addresses. (ManageMembers.php)
  6622. * Show an attachment's actual width and height even if it is resized down. (Display.php, Display template)
  6623. * It was possible to have a member name that you couldn't pm. (Subs-Auth.php, InstantMessage.php, InstantMessage template)
  6624. ! Automatically recognize /home2/ as well as /home/. (install.php, Packages.php, PackageGet.php, create_backup.php)
  6625. ! Completely clear the settings for any guest. (Load.php)
  6626. ! Only allow a clear text password if there is no salt in the database. (LogInOut.php)
  6627. ! All the converters now use convert_query for query error prevention. (converters/*)
  6628. ! Renamed the title of "New Year's". (upgrade_1-0.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6629. ! Don't list all holidays/birthdays ever - 0000-12-30 to 0000-01-01. (Calendar.php)
  6630. ! Show a guest-friendly error message when a guest can't see a topic/board. (Load.php)
  6631. ! The registration date changed when editing profiles and getting errors. (Profile.php)
  6632. ! Because the registration date can be changed, order by it specifically when viewing the member list. (Memberlist.php)
  6633. ! Allow arrays as theme options and settings. (Themes.php, Profile.php)
  6634. ! Registration from the admin screen now handles permissions correctly, and choosing activation will now always work. (Register.php)
  6635. ! Improved the menus of the registration center to ensure they appear when required - and only when required. (Register.php)
  6636. * Added a new menu to the registration center for registration settings, and moved existing settings across to this area. (modSettings.php, Register.php, Register template)
  6637. & Several language changes for above changes (Migration, removal and a few additions), and adaption of the current help text. (Admin, Login, modSettings and Help language files)
  6638. ! Fixed some minor notices when getting pm errors and loading missing language files. (Load.php, InstantMessage.php)
  6639. ! Add integrate_buffer setting to obExit for buffering purposes, as well as output_buffers theme setting. (Subs.php)
  6640. & Tweaked description of time format. (profile help files, Profile language files)
  6641. ! Package manager was sometimes uninstalling xml-style packages incorrectly. (Subs-Package.php)
  6642. ! Only accept a value of 1 for is_activated, when checking to see if an account is active. (SSI.php, Load.php, LogInOut.php, ManageMembers.php, Reminder.php, smf_api.php)
  6643. ! Spell checking *misspelled* 'quoted words' didn't work properly, sometimes accents were ignored. (Subs-Post.php)
  6644. ! Now, when a user is awaiting admin approval is_activated is set to a value of 3. (Register.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6645. * Don't use $txt[94] + something for total numbers, it's not very internationalizable. (BoardIndex template)
  6646. ! The package manager tried to show 'package_no_gzip' but it should have been 'package_no_zlib'. (Packages.php)
  6647. ! Just in case, make sure any files from simplemachines.org don't contain dlattach. (PackageGet.php, Themes.php, ManageSmileys.php)
  6648. & Fixed some problems in the Spanish language files. (all language files)
  6649. ! The XMB converter now properly parses the [align] bbc tag. (xmb_to_smf.php)
  6650. & Fixed a minor typo - "through out". (Profile language files, profile help files)
  6651. ! Fixed a typo in the phpBB converter. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  6652. ! Avoid marking boards and topics read for guests upon deletion. (RemoveTopic.php, MoveTopic.php)
  6653. ! Smileys couldn't have special characters (<, >, &, etc.) in their alt/description text. (Subs.php)
  6654. ! Fixed a few problems in the YaBB SE to SMF converter. (yabbse_to_smf.php)
  6655. ! Don't even allow files to be uploaded as avatars if they have no proper size. (Profile.php)
  6656. ! Fix a small notice made when you change your password from your profile. (Profile.php)
  6657. & Merged language changes with branch. (all language files)
  6658. * Fixed a bit of button display logic. (Recent template)
  6659. November 2004:
  6660. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6661. ! Handle the case where the bbcode_uid is blank. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  6662. ! You weren't able to upload a theme directly without clearing the "copy of" box. (Themes.php)
  6663. ! Updated the create_backup.php utility to offer to create files via FTP. (create_backup.php)
  6664. ! Fix line-endings of text files on attachment download. (Display.php)
  6665. ! If you used two dots in an attachment filename, for any reason, it could fail. (Subs.php)
  6666. ! There was a potential problem in the installer if something got double-spaced. (install.php)
  6667. ! Updated restore_backup.php to have the option to restore paths, etc. (restore_backup.php)
  6668. ! Converters now try a cross-database check before doing anything. (all converters)
  6669. ! Added style="clear: both;" to hr and explicit br's because it makes sense. (Subs.php)
  6670. & Updated $txt['mboards_moderators_desc'] to reduce confusion. (ManageBoards language files)
  6671. ! Prevent an error in the profile when the avatar path is not properly accessable. (Profile.php)
  6672. * Added $context['tabindex'] to the Post and InstantMessage templates. (Post template, InstantMessage template, Load.php)
  6673. & Added $txt['register_only_once'] error message to Register. (Errors language files)
  6674. ! Upgrade now checks for broken tables and lost connections, and automatically recovers. (upgrade.php)
  6675. ! Only ignore certain types of errors in upgrade_query(). (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6676. ! Prevent [0] from messing up posts when not in lists. (Subs.php)
  6677. ! Renamed the instant_messages table to personal_messages, im_recipients to pm_recipients. (all converters, upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, repair_ID_PM.php, Admin.php, InstantMessage.php, Load.php, LockTopic.php, ManageMembers.php, Security.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6678. & Cleaned up $txt['deleteAccount_posts']. (Profile language files)
  6679. & Added $txt['mail_send_unable'] for mail that couldn't send. (index language files)
  6680. ! Added 'bar_width' information for polls. (Poll.php)
  6681. ! Added 'add above' option for boardmod-style files, which means basically add before. (Subs-Package.php)
  6682. * When possible, use XMLHttpRequest for "insert quote". (Post template, Display template, Post.php)
  6683. * Fixed a minor error in package uploading. (PackageGet.php, Packages template)
  6684. ! The recentTopics and recentPosts SSI functions were not well scalable. (SSI.php)
  6685. * Gosh, how long has that typo been there? (BoardIndex template)
  6686. * Capacity bar added to personal message center to show how close to having a full inbox the user is. (InstantMessage.php, InstantMessage template)
  6687. * Ability to "Label" messages added to personal message center, including manager to add/remove labels. (InstantMessage.php, upgrade_1.1.sql, install_1.1.sql, InstantMessage template)
  6688. & Language entries added for above changes. (InstantMessage language files)
  6689. ! Fixed small bug which was occuring when trying to increment personal message count. (Subs.php)
  6690. ! Added [nobbc] tag (which anyone can use) that disables bbc/autolinking. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6691. ! Fixed a notice in ssi_recentPoll. (SSI.php)
  6692. ! Cleaned up upgrade.php, nearly done. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6693. ! Don't show uninstall for older versions of installed mods. (PackageGet.php, Packages.php, Packages template)
  6694. ! Don't warn about the deletion of a package if it's not the current version. (Packages template)
  6695. ! Adjusted the margin for the ssi_examples page... san. (ssi_examples.php)
  6696. ! Don't compress attachments on PHP 4.1.x. (Display.php)
  6697. ! Don't show a blank screen if template files are missing. (Load.php)
  6698. ! Attempt to get past session.auto_start, but don't start a session otherwise if one was already started. (Load.php, install.php, Install langauge files, Help language files)
  6699. ! Support incorrect usage of [td]/[tr]/etc. better. (Subs.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6700. ! Cleaned up a lot of whitespace issues. (various files)
  6701. ! Updated credits. (Admin.php)
  6702. * Hidden emails are now properly italicized in profiles. (Profile template, Load.php)
  6703. & $txt['smf24'] now more correctly says "total voters". (index language files)
  6704. * Added tabindexes to the Register template to aid registration.
  6705. ! Added debugging information in the package manager when data is appened to a file. (Subs-Package.php)
  6706. ! Avatars were being resized even if the "check every time" option was enabled. (Subs.php, Load.php)
  6707. * Removed the Search template from the classic theme, moved post overflow style into style.css. (Search template, Post template, Profile template, Recent template, Display template, style.css)
  6708. * Tweaked a classic template a bit. (Recent template)
  6709. ! Small notice when an author wasn't specified for modifications. (Package template)
  6710. ! The extension of an uploaded avatar wasn't being determined properly for well-sized bitmaps. (Profile.php)
  6711. ! Modifications weren't always uninstallable. (Subs-Package.php)
  6712. ! The installer wasn't setting up the session properly with database driven sessions. (install.php)
  6713. ! Impose a hard limit (potentially configurable) of 200 pages of results in search. (Search.php)
  6714. ! Attempted to fix that darn entity thing in profiles. (Profile.php)
  6715. * Added a line-height to codeheader/quoteheader so they would look proper. (style.css)
  6716. * The newsfader now attempts to detect the colors to fade from/to from the stylesheet. (BoardIndex template)
  6717. ! Announcing a topic on a board no one could access was giving errors. (Post.php)
  6718. ! Started poll and topic counts were including junk posts. (Profile.php)
  6719. ! The session auto rewriter could adversely affect the latest-news... (Admin template)
  6720. ! Check the output_handler directive to see if output compression is already being done. (SSI.php, index.php)
  6721. ! Converters were not auto-continuing properly. (all converters)
  6722. * Updated the inserted code for lists to use breaks. (Post template)
  6723. ! Attempted to make the dump database functionality ask for more memory. (DumpDatabase.php)
  6724. * Added a few labels to the avatar section of the profile. (Profile template)
  6725. ! Handle & -> &amp; in board descriptions on creation and edit. (ManageBoards.php)
  6726. ! Fixed a possible error in topic announcenment if permissions were already screwed up. (Post.php)
  6727. ! [quote] and /me are no longer effected negatively in [code] blocks. (Subs-Post.php)
  6728. ! Fixed a small typo in the help. (profile help files)
  6729. * The wrong language strings were being used for 'Total Topics'. (BoardIndex template)
  6730. ! Always log notices and all other errors, no matter what. (Errors.php)
  6731. + Added a mod setting named "integrate_exit". This option can be used to call a function on exit. (Subs.php)
  6732. ! Session keep alive was being called too often. (script.js)
  6733. * Show the rss feed as an alternate relative link. (index template)
  6734. ! When "whole words" was enabled, you couldn't properly censor special characters sometimes. (Load.php)
  6735. ! The create_backup.php utility wasn't handling field names properly, a few other minor things. (create_backup.php)
  6736. ! Avoid conflicts with other MySQL-driven scripts in SSI.php by selecting no database. (SSI.php)
  6737. ! Automatically try to handle deadlocks and such from InnoDB tables. (Errors.php)
  6738. * Fixed a javascript error to do with attachments. (Post template)
  6739. + Added a Search center in admin panel. (Subs.php, ManageSearch.php)
  6740. * Created ManageSearch template for above feature. (ManageSearch template)
  6741. ! Removed Search section from 'Features and Settings'. (ModSettings.php)
  6742. + Added fulltext search support. (Search.php)
  6743. * Search errors won't be fatal anymore, but shown as warnings like Post and Profile. (Search template, Search.php)
  6744. ! Search remembers whether simple search was used or not. (Search.php)
  6745. & Created a language file for Search.php and ManageSearch.php. (Search language files)
  6746. & Moved several search-related language strings from ModSettings and index to the Search language file. (Search language files, Admin language files, Errors language files, index language files, ModSettings language files)
  6747. ! Debug stuff should also work for MySQL < 4.1 now. (Subs.php)
  6748. ! Give an extra courtesy five minutes for typing when edit_disable_time is on. (Post.php)
  6749. ! RSS was outputting non-queryless URLs. (News.php)
  6750. ! Added an ID_MSG to SSI's boardNews output. (SSI.php)
  6751. ! Recent topics speed up now no longer ignores topics marked unread. (Recent.php)
  6752. * To help find people using old versions of SMF, the current-version.js script now takes the forum's version. (Admin template)
  6753. ! I may have just fixed the last posts per board problem. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  6754. ! The view query debugging functionality now works on INSERT... SELECT queries too. (ViewQuery.php, Subs.php)
  6755. * Updated some parts of the BoardIndex template to use permissions properly. (BoardIndex template)
  6756. ! "Randomize" the cookie on installation, based on the database info. (install.php)
  6757. ! Added is_topic_starter to each post's contextual information. (Display.php)
  6758. ! If any of the pagination settings are zero, reset them to defaults... they're used in many many places. (Load.php)
  6759. ! Don't overwrite the error message in install.php when trying a different database name. (install.php)
  6760. ! Don't automatically optimize when using SSI. (Load.php)
  6761. ! Cleaned up the default output of boardNews and added comment_link/comment_href. (SSI.php)
  6762. + Added an isBanned column to the members table - when set, they don't receive notifications. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Post.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6763. ! Now, when you ban someone explicitly, it will set said field... if later they are unbanned, it should be unset. (ManageMembers.php, Security.php)
  6764. October 2004:
  6765. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6766. ! If the first word in the string was misspelled, spell checking failed. (Subs-Post.php)
  6767. * The signature length checker wasn't functioning exactly correctly. (Profile template)
  6768. ! Now, the referrer check works even if the server is configured incorrectly. (Security.php)
  6769. ! The referrer check should now work even across subdomains, when "global cookies" are enabled. (Security.php)
  6770. ! It was possible to search the member list based on aim/msn/etc. even when guest_hideContacts was enabled. (Memberlist.php)
  6771. * Updated a comment in index.template.php to make it sound a little less weird. (index template)
  6772. ! Upgrader wouldn't actually reset the language to english. (upgrade.php)
  6773. ! If you enter an invalid value for ICQ (such as 0) the field should be blanked. (Profile.php)
  6774. ! If you can't administrate the forum, you can't add members to the Administrator group. (ManageMembers.php)
  6775. ! The boards in your notification list were erroneously showing as unread when they weren't. (Profile.php)
  6776. * The notification list in your profile was not paginated; it needs to be for longer lists of topics. (Profile.php, Profile template)
  6777. ! In Opera, only the first " in a javascript-inserted quote was fixed for entities.
  6778. & Updated $txt['theme_options_reset'] to make more sense. (Themes language file)
  6779. ! Invision converter was giving a notice for some uploaded avatars. (invision2_to_smf.php)
  6780. * Very slightly tweaked the padding in the main administration area. (Admin template)
  6781. ! Started some work on the YaBB converter. (yabb_to_smf.php)
  6782. ! The access this template file directly was not working for some windows servers. (Load.php)
  6783. ! If you picked 'http://' as your own avatar, it saved it and made errors everywhere. (Profile.php)
  6784. & Changed "everytime" to "every time". (ModSettings langauge files, Profile language files)
  6785. & Fixed various typos throughout comments and English language files. (various files)
  6786. ! Got rid of some more ereg_replace's and made them str_replace's ;).
  6787. ! Don't require database backup to come from ?action=admin;area=maintain. (DumpDatabase.php)
  6788. ! BBC Tags weren't being disabled properly when sending personal messages. (Post.php, Subs-Post.php)
  6789. ! Removed redirectMetaRefresh option. (Subs.php, ModSettings.php, ModSettings language files, Help language files)
  6790. ! Now, redirectexit() automatically detects the presence of a full URL. (Help.php, Karma.php, LogInOut.php, PackageGet.php, Subs.php, Themes.php, ViewQuery.php)
  6791. * Now, the session keep alives are done automatically on every page. (index.php, Display template, Post template, script.js)
  6792. * It is now much easier to set theme options with javascript. (Subs.php, index template, script.js)
  6793. * Added a version number to the theme settings. (index template)
  6794. & $txt['statPanel_noPosts'] now sounds better even when it's not your profile. (Profile language files)
  6795. ! Error when uploading a file that wasn't a zip or tar.gz file to the package manager. (PackageGet.php)
  6796. ! The smf_api.php file should not do nothing if it's included into SMF or with SSI.php. (smf_api.php)
  6797. ! The value of theme options and theme settings can now be much longer. (smf_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6798. ! Don't send the subject mime encoded if it doesn't need to be. (Subs-Post.php)
  6799. & Now, the package manager will say "uninstallation actions for archive..." (Packages language file)
  6800. * Fixed it so it would say that in the template too. (Packages template)
  6801. ! The getPackageInfo() function no longer allows selection of a specific package-info.xml file. (Subs-Package.php, Packages.php)
  6802. ! Significantly optimized the "show all unread topics" function so it is of bearable speed. (Recent.php)
  6803. ! Basic HTML now works again, and you're allowed to use alt with it, after the src for img tags. (Subs.php)
  6804. ! Quoting posts works better now from Internet Explorer if they have < or >. (Post.php)
  6805. ! Fixed subject internationalization cheating in split, merge, and move. (SplitTopic.php, MoveTopic.php)
  6806. ! First subject of a merged topic was getting "Re: " on the front. (SplitTopic.php)
  6807. ! Subject internationalization was also not working well in the "last post" column. (MessageIndex.php, BoardIndex.php)
  6808. ! Insert quote feature was not behaving well with Opera 7.60's implementation of DOMParser. (Post.php)
  6809. * The calendar now shows a "board to post in" even on preview. (Post template)
  6810. * The message being sent when a person was deleted was.... weird. (Register template, Login language file, Register.php)
  6811. ! Who's online wasn't showing people on a board if they viewed a topic in it. (Load.php)
  6812. ! Recent posts through xml/rss were not being limited by board properly. (News.php)
  6813. ! The parsing of links with autolinked links in them still wasn't working 100%. (Subs.php)
  6814. ! The above problem was still occurring for basic html links. (Subs.php)
  6815. ! By default, send personal messages to members from "email" by bcc. (ManageMembers.php)
  6816. ! Updated topics weren't sorting properly. (Recent.php)
  6817. ! Cleaned up more of upgrade, almost done. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6818. ! Search no longer requires administrator action to fix "CREATE TEMPORARY" problems. (Search.php)
  6819. ! Don't pollute the settings table with "empty" settings. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql)
  6820. * Renamed 'memberCount' to 'totalMembers'. (various files, BoardIndex template, index template)
  6821. ! Tags should be disabled more cleanly. (Subs.php)
  6822. ! Sticky and notify didn't properly default when previewing a new topic. (Post.php)
  6823. ! You can now register with parts of your birthdate. (Register.php)
  6824. ! Significantly optimized "show new replies to your posts" by cheating :P. (Recent.php)
  6825. ! The package manager didn't handle missing files well. (Packages.php)
  6826. & $txt['pswd4'] was talking about things that didn't really happen. (loginout help files, Profile language files)
  6827. ! To avoid confusion, allow default_options for registration too, same as options. (Register.php)
  6828. ! Fixed email and FTP autolinking too, ugh... (Subs.php)
  6829. ! If you got an error on the theme profile page, it didn't remember post data well. (Profile.php)
  6830. ! The 'send_welcomeEmail' didn't matter; it always did this. (Register.php)
  6831. ! Upgrade clears out more settings that shouldn't be there anymore now. (upgrade_1-1.sql, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6832. ! You can now use variables in the subjects of mass emails. (ManageMembers.php)
  6833. ! Fixed more autolinking issues with [email=...]... (Subs.php)
  6834. & $txt['permissionname_move'] was slightly confusing. (ManagePermissions langauge files)
  6835. ! Fixed attachments with quotes and spaces in them. (Post.php, Display.php, ManageSmileys.php)
  6836. ! Optimized a few membergroup queries. (Memberlist.php, SSI.php, BoardIndex.php, Subs-Post.php, Who.php, Modlog.php)
  6837. ! SSI.php was not using the correct ID_GROUP for online status. (SSI.php)
  6838. & Added help text for the smiley center. (ManageSmileys langauge files)
  6839. * Used the above text in many places. (ManageSmileys template)
  6840. & Renamed maxwidth and maxheight to max_image_width and max_image_height. (Display.php, Subs-Post.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6841. & Changed some $helptxt indexes that were using wrong values. (Help language files)
  6842. * Updated templates to use the above. (Modlog template, Errors template, Themes template, ManageBoards template, Admin template, ManageMembers template)
  6843. ! The mail_type setting is now 0 or 1, not smtp or sendmail. (Subs-Post.php, ModSettings.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  6844. ! Updated server list. (server.list)
  6845. ! Package manager should give a hint to the package server for the language to use. (PackageGet.php)
  6846. ! Clear the remembered language and theme upon login. (LogInOut.php)
  6847. ! Fix typo causing theme options not to be loaded properly. (Register.php)
  6848. ! The upgrader should offer to delete its sql files as well. (upgrade.php)
  6849. ! Fixed numerous issues with the upgrader and its sql. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6850. ! Settings.php was, in cases, being outputted double-spaced. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, Admin.php, all converters)
  6851. * Now, in Gecko-based (Mozilla, etc.) browsers, clicking bbc buttons will select text better. (script.js)
  6852. * Additionally, Gecko browsers were akwardly scrolling the text back to the top. (script.js)
  6853. ! Fixed the login bug for some darn versions of Apache too. (Load.php)
  6854. ! You should be able to set theme options for theme x. (Themes.php, script.js)
  6855. * The "delete selected" button in the Classic theme shouldn't have had a background. (Display template, classic only)
  6856. ! Just in case people misread the installer's stuff, try using the table prefix if the given user/database fail. (install.php)
  6857. & Slightly updated the removeNestedQuotes description in the help. (Help language files)
  6858. ! The remove nested quotes feature no longer leaves newlines everywhere in the post. (Post.php, InstantMessage.php)
  6859. ! Remove the removeNestedQuotes setting if it's not used. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6860. * Upped the username limit in the Register template to 25 characters. (Register template)
  6861. ! Disabling [shadow] tags had disastrous results, in cases. (Subs.php)
  6862. ! Use INSTR instead of LIKE in a few places where it'd be faster. (Modlog.php, MessageIndex.php, Display.php)
  6863. ! If you clicked an IP address directly, pagination didn't work. (ManageMembers.php)
  6864. ! If the username is defaulted, but blank, focus it instead of the password. (Login template)
  6865. ! Message preview was taking off the first 128 characters. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php)
  6866. ! Packages weren't always downloading properly, in most cases in fact. (PackageGet.php)
  6867. ! Added smf_loadThemeData to the smf_api.php file. (smf_api.php)
  6868. ! If you can't download a package, give a better error message. (Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php)
  6869. ! Attempt to log a person out of the subdomain if globalCookies is on. (Subs-Auth.php)
  6870. ! Installer should delete install_1-1.sql too. (install.php)
  6871. & Fixed $helptxt['attachmentEnable'] to actually correspond to the current options. (Help language files)
  6872. ! When connecting to FTP, try another possible path just to make it easier. (Packages.php, PackageGet.php, install.php)
  6873. * Added a "go to last post" icon to the topic listing. (Recent template, MessageIndex template, last_post.gif)
  6874. ! Corrected last_post hrefs and added a 'new_href' to simplify things. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php)
  6875. * Used the new 'new_href' in a few templates. (Recent template, MessageIndex template)
  6876. ! Increase the search pointer as soon as possible. (Search.php)
  6877. ! Don't show upgrade error message when using SSI. (Errors.php)
  6878. ! Up cookie name to SMFCookie11 by default. (repair_settings.php, Settings.php, Settings_bak.php)
  6879. ! Spell check was not handling slashes (\) properly. (Subs-Post.php)
  6880. ! If flash was enabled, a notice was being given. (Subs.php)
  6881. ! Added create_file and create_dir functionality to the ftp client. (Subs-Package.php, install.php)
  6882. ! Don't leave broken files in the database when avatar upload fails... (Subs-Graphics.php, Profile.php)
  6883. ! Minor improvements to the installer and its code. (install.php)
  6884. ! Added zip to the default allowed attachment extensions, alphabetized them, changed default to off. (install_1-1.sql)
  6885. ! Marked some internationalization-needing places in the install script. (install_1-1.sql)
  6886. & Added $txt['installer_language_set'] for the JavaScript-less (Install language files, install.php)
  6887. ! Properly tell the server that the connection should be closed. (Subs.php)
  6888. & Corrected $helptxt['m_queryless_urls']. (Help language files)
  6889. & The forum copyright now opens in a new window. (index language files)
  6890. ! Stopped using <h4> in the tools and converters, and moved on to <h3> (which was what should have been used.) (various files)
  6891. ! No longer should Settings.php ever be corrupted; this happened because of \r's in the file. (various converters, install.php, upgrade.php, repair_settings.php, Admin.php)
  6892. ! Small notice upon initial installation. (Subs.php)
  6893. ! Flash wasn't being parsed properly if someone added tags inside it. (Subs.php)
  6894. * Added forum version to latest package information. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  6895. ! Updated version numbers to 1.1 Beta 1 (no it's not out yet) to fix confusion. (all files)
  6896. ! Added un_preparsecode() and changed the second parameter of preparsecode(). (Subs-Post.php, Post.php, InstantMessage.php)
  6897. + You can now post html by adding it in [html] tags - administrators only. (Subs-Post.php)
  6898. ! Only list activated members on the member list. (Memberlist.php)
  6899. ! When member registration approval is enabled, only show the number of approved/activated members. (Subs.php)
  6900. ! Major improvements to the restore_backup utility: percentage, proper query string handling, etc. (restore_backup.php)
  6901. ! Moved a couple options around, and cleaned up option handling. (ModSettings.php, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6902. ! The forum_time() function now takes a timestamp, which it will adjust as well. (Subs.php)
  6903. ! All the timestamp contextual information now includes the proper offsetting. (various files)
  6904. * The memberlist now loads and shows member data the same way everywhere else does, e.g. theme options ;). (Memberlist.php, Memberlist template)
  6905. * There are now anchors in the memberlist to jump more directly to a letter. (Memberlist.php, Memberlist template)
  6906. ! Renamed $themeUser to $memberContext. (Display.php, InstantMessage.php, Load.php, Memberlist.php, News.php, Profile.php, Search.php, Who.php)
  6907. * Emails are now sent in chunks, which added the email_members_send sub template. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  6908. & Added $txt['email_continue'] and $txt['email_done'] to show progress. (Admin language files)
  6909. ! The dump database feature was not totally compatible with MySQL 4.1.x. (DumpDatabase.php)
  6910. ! Added a create_backup.php tool, not totally tested yet, to create backups without worry of timeout. (create_backup.php)
  6911. ! Package manager should show images in file listing. (Packages.php)
  6912. ! Highlight PHP code when viewing files from that listing too. (Packages.php, Subs.php)
  6913. ! Default username wouldn't save for FTP info. (Packages.php)
  6914. ! Subjects in notifications were being sent with html in them. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php)
  6915. ! Renamed notifyUsersBoard() to notifyMembersBoard(). (Post.php)
  6916. * If the avatar preview is available, and they enter an image in the url field, preview it there. (Profile template)
  6917. + Added Calendar Manager to admin center. From here admins can manage the calendar settings and holidays on their forum. (ManageCalendar, ManageCalendar template)
  6918. ! Calendar settings migrated from feature settings to the calendar manager. (modSettings.php)
  6919. & Language strings for calendar migrated from modSettings language file to ManageCalendar language file. (modSettings, ManageCalendar language files)
  6920. & Language strings added/edited for new calendar manager. (ManageCalender, Help, Admin language files)
  6921. + New settings added to allow posting of events not linked to a post. (ManageCalendar.php, Calendar.php, SSI.php, Subs.php, BoardIndex.php)
  6922. * New template added for posting an event which is not linked. (Calendar templates)
  6923. * Templates changed to adapt to new method of event posting. (BoardIndex, Calendar templates)
  6924. & Language entries added for the above. (index language file)
  6925. ! SSI.php was returning null for an error in ssi_boardNews(). (SSI.php)
  6926. ! Upgrades weren't being checked for properly. (Subs-Package.php)
  6927. ! The phpBB converter didn't check for the attachments table properly. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  6928. + Added ability to set a time limit after which posts can no longer be edited. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, modSettings.php, Display.php, Post.php)
  6929. & Language entries added for change above. (Errors, modSettings, Help language files)
  6930. ! Added a host_from_ip() function, now used for hostname lookups, uses shell if possible. (ManageMembers.php, Profile.php, Security.php, Subs.php)
  6931. ! A maximum of 32 Administrators are now listed in the admin center. (Admin.php)
  6932. * Small template change to add "more" link if more than 32 administrators are present. (Admin template)
  6933. & One useful language entry added to language files for above change. (index language files)
  6934. * It is now possible to choose Saturday as a calendar start day. (Calendar.php, Profile and Settings templates)
  6935. ! Fixed a humbling number of my own typos. (various files)
  6936. & Renamed $txt['package_ftp_neccessary'] to $txt['package_ftp_necessary']. (Packages language files)
  6937. ! Avoid a notice in install.php for old versions of PHP. (install.php)
  6938. ! In permissions management, the "Ungrouped Members" box would show as checked in error if no groups had access. (ManagePermissions.php)
  6939. ! The repair_settings.php tool no longer saves database settings without a connection, checks for dirname(), and detects a value for db_prefix. (repair_settings.php)
  6940. * Stick the state of the additional options drop down on preview. (Post template, Post.php)
  6941. ! The case of [php]/[PHP] shouldn't matter. (Subs.php)
  6942. ! Prevent the package manager from timing out with long modification files. (Subs-Package.php)
  6943. * The search value being prefilled in "simple search" was incorrect. (Search template)
  6944. ! The FTP path was not being autodetected well except in /home/xyz/ style hosts. (Packages.php)
  6945. * IP addresses in the ban log should be links. (ManageMembers template)
  6946. + Added new setting for warning the user when they are replying to a topic older than a set amount of days. (ModSettings.php, Post.php, install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql)
  6947. & Added language entries for above addition. (ModSettings, Help and Post language files)
  6948. ! Renamed 'option' to 'options' for polls - compatibility with Mambo. (SSI.php, Display.php, Poll.php)
  6949. ! Sometimes, packages weren't properly reversable. (Subs-Package.php)
  6950. * Added confirmation screen to board manager when deleting boards. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  6951. & Language entries added for the above change. (ManageBoards language files)
  6952. ! Changed embarassed.gif to embarrassed.gif in smileys. (install_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, various converters, posting help files, Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  6953. * Quick moderation didn't work in topics with "buttons as text". (Display template)
  6954. ! Added posts to topPoster information. (SSI.php)
  6955. & There, the SMF link in the copyright may now optionally include the title "Simple Machines Forum". (index language files)
  6956. ! If someone entered no "To" and no "Bcc" a notice *might* have been caused. (InstantMessage.php)
  6957. ! If there are extra "[quote]"s at the end of the message, or extra "[/quote]"s at the beginning, get rid of them. (Subs-Post.php)
  6958. ! The default FTP server options were not being used properly. (Packages.php, PackageGet.php)
  6959. ! Unread topics/replies weren't checking properly for which board you were looking for. (Recent.php)
  6960. * Added a post class and tweaked the css a bit. (Post template, Display template, Search template, Profile template, Recent template, style.css)
  6961. & Added package_no_zlib error, shown when the server has no zlib support. (Packages.php, Packages language files)
  6962. ! Behold the return of the debugging information! (Subs.php, Load.php)
  6963. & Added some language file entries for repair boards - $txt['repair_poll_gone'], $txt['repair_event_link_gone'], $txt['maintain_no_errors']. (Admin language files)
  6964. ! Tweaked many things in the repair functionality, and made it no longer ask you if you wanted to fix no errors.
  6965. September 2004:
  6966. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6967. ! Do a check to allow IP address access transparency. (Load.php)
  6968. ! Don't trim or mess with lines of Settings.php that aren't variable definitions. (Admin.php, all converters, repair_settings.php, install.php, upgrade.php)
  6969. ! Slightly better error handling to do with temporary tables and searching. (Search.php)
  6970. ! Search results now handle line breaks and quotes better. (Search.php)
  6971. ! Activation check was preventing email change from going through properly. (Register.php)
  6972. ! Insert quote feature now supports tabs, MSIE and Mozilla. (Post.php)
  6973. ! New upgrade script tested and working, at least it runs. Needs testing on old YaBB SE/SMF's. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6974. * Added delete_selected.gif image to classic. (delete_selected.gif, Display template)
  6975. * Cleaned up im_new.gif so it looks better cleaner. (im_new.gif)
  6976. * Updated javascript information urls - old ones still work. (Admin template, Packages template, ManageSmileys template, Themes template)
  6977. ! I can only assume that this is regressing the profile_remote_avatar upgrade bug. (upgrade.php)
  6978. & Added $txt['mark_unread_confirm'] to confirm mark unread. (index language file)
  6979. * Added javascript confirmation when marking a whole board unread. (MessageIndex template)
  6980. * Added delete_selected.gif to the classic theme and made it use it. (Display template)
  6981. ! If a member has a smiley set that doesn't exist, use the default. (Load.php)
  6982. ! Removed $modSettings['search_max_cached_results'] as it was too confusing, and not useful enough (Search.php, ModSettings.php, Help language files, ModSettings language files, smf_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6983. + Added an option to disable the use of temporary tables (Search.php, ModSettings, Help language files, ModSettings language files, smf_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6984. & Added an error message just in case temporary tables cannot be created. (Error language files, Search.php)
  6985. & Added an error message when you access SSI.php by URL directly. (SSI.php, index language files)
  6986. ! Agreement now allows and parses any bbc in it. (Register.php)
  6987. ! Attachments can now have foreign (localizable) characters in their names when "encrypt filenames" is on. (Post.php, ManageAttachments.php, Subs.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Profile.php, Display.php)
  6988. & Bad attachments now give a 404 and a slightly better error message. (Errors language file, Display.php)
  6989. ! Moved a bit more into upgrade_1-0.sql from upgrade.php. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  6990. ! Merged topics will now take the ID of the first topic instead of a new ID. (SplitTopics.php)
  6991. + Added a user option to disable the post warning. (Post.php, Profile template, Profile language files)
  6992. ! The upgrader now includes all settings from YaBB SE, just to facilitate best conversion. (upgrade.php)
  6993. ! Optimized a query or two and cleaned up some comments. (various files)
  6994. & Removed the enableNewReplyWarning setting because... it is no longer useful. (smf_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, ModSettings.php, Post.php, Help language files, ModSettings language files)
  6995. * You can now always chose to enable/disable the warning, and it can be reset globally. (Profile template, Settings template)
  6996. ! Topics started, boards, views, and replies are no longer counted for posts in the recycle bin. (Stats.php)
  6997. ! Cleaned up hide contacts from guests. (Memberlist.php, Display.php)
  6998. ! Reordering categories wasn't working - only if you saved a board. (ManageBoards.php)
  6999. & Added a check for the ALTER privilege. (install.php, Install language files.)
  7000. * Added a minor comment to the index template's key stats box. (index template)
  7001. ! Gender and a number of other things should be available on every profile page. (Profile.php)
  7002. * Cleaned up logic for mark unread showing so it won't affect most users. (Display template)
  7003. ! Don't waste time censoring things when the censor list is empty. (Load.php)
  7004. ! Don't censor message previews twice for the same message. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php)
  7005. ! Clip message previews before censoring - thanks Elissen. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php)
  7006. ! Template errors are now shown with correct error messages whether templates are eval()'d or not. (Load.php, Errors.php)
  7007. ! Notifications on topic removal should work again. (Subs-Boards.php, RemoveTopic.php)
  7008. ! The "a new member has registered" emails had extra line breaks in them. (Register.php)
  7009. & Made it clearer that who_view was only for Who's Online. (ManagePermissions langauge files)
  7010. ! An extra break was being send with moderator reports. (SendTopic.php)
  7011. ! The showPosts section was linking to the end of the topic, not the right post. (Profile.php)
  7012. * Removed board-level mark unread. (MessageIndex template)
  7013. & Removed mark_unread_confirm because it's no longer needed/used. (index language file)
  7014. ! Fixed calendar updating again. (SSI.php, BoardIndex.php)
  7015. ! Fixed an issue in the vBulletin 3 converter with birthdays. (vbulletin3_to_smf.php)
  7016. ! Removed some unnecessary table joins. (Search.php)
  7017. ! Fixed a bug in color parsing for topic printing, and a couple minor code issues. (Printpage.php, Subs.php)
  7018. ! Fixed a small issue with updating the latest registered member when there were none. (Subs.php)
  7019. ! Ignore bad smiley set directories while searching. (ManageSmileys.php)
  7020. ! Fixed a small issue with avatar saving. (Profile.php, Subs-Graphics.php)
  7021. ! The return to post feature wasn't persisting on preview. (Post.php)
  7022. ! Removed some unused settings - no visual difference. (Admin.php)
  7023. ! Don't permanently dump big avatars unless the "refuse it" option is used. (Load.php)
  7024. ! Alternative password checks were being done more often than they needed to be. (LogInOut.php)
  7025. ! Search in the memberlist should use * as a wildcard. (Memberlist.php)
  7026. ! Attachment manager wasn't passing permissions properly for attachment download. (ManageAttachments.php)
  7027. ! Minor tweaks to the "new username/password" email. (Subs-Auth.php)
  7028. ! Added SHA-256 hash downgrade support if mhash is compiled in. (LogInOut.php)
  7029. ! Updated smf_api.php with more functions, such as smf_formatTime and smf_allowedTo. (smf_api.php)
  7030. ! Database dumps should provide column information for the INSERTs. (DumpDatabase.php)
  7031. ! The smf_api.php file now provides access to the SMF session too, when used in the database. (smf_api.php)
  7032. & Made $txt['notifyXOnce1'] read about 8 times better - imho. (Profile langauge file)
  7033. ! Links might be autolinked inside [url=...]...[/url] which would cause weird code display. (Subs.php)
  7034. ! Fixed a few minor issues/potential issues in profile viewing and editing. (Profile.php)
  7035. * The smileys popup is now user-resizable. (Post template)
  7036. * Announcement countdown wasn't working exactly right. (ManageMembers template)
  7037. ! Announcement needs to go back to the user's langauge after partial sending. (Post.php)
  7038. ! Bumped announcement chunk size up just a wee bit... 50 -> 75. (Post.php)
  7039. & Translated a few strings in the package manager and finished some documentation. (Subs-Package.php, Packages langauge files)
  7040. ! Contextual data should be provided for the avatar's href when it's uploaded. (Load.php)
  7041. ! URL autolinking could cause a stack overflow on very very long URLs. (Subs.php)
  7042. ! Get rid of the poll_choices error when upgrading twice. (upgrade_1-0.sql)
  7043. ! Attempted to resolve the reversing of some IP addresses. (QueryString.php)
  7044. ! Use [:alpha:] instead of A-Za-z etc. where possible, to solve localization problems even if it's ugly. (Subs-Post.php, Subs.php)
  7045. ! Send Topic feature was not checking email addresses properly. (SendTopic.php)
  7046. ! Further updated the upgrader so more was in upgrade_1-0.sql. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  7047. ! Don't allow automatic package download of any package without session check. (PackageGet.php)
  7048. ! If a package no longer exists (404, etc.) don't show any errors from PHP. (PackageGet.php)
  7049. * Made several things work with the "latest" stuff. (ManageSmileys template, Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php)
  7050. ! Upped required version to MySQL 3.23.6. (install.php, upgrade.php)
  7051. & Fixed punctuation on $txt['number_recent_posts']. (Themes langauge file)
  7052. ! Creating a file on error should be optional when parsing modifications. (modification.dtd, Subs-Package.php)
  7053. ! Splitting a topic should mark the topic read for the user, because they split it. (SplitTopic.php)
  7054. & Error message should be shown when PHP is not compiled with MySQL support. (install.php, Install langauge files)
  7055. ! If you use a form in the news, show <form> in the preview. (Admin.php)
  7056. ! Don't mark the category as new if the only new board is a recycle bin. (BoardIndex.php)
  7057. ! Added readmes for installation, upgrade, and update. (readme_install.html, readme_upgrade.html, readme_update.html)
  7058. ! Activation from the profile plumb wasn't working. (Profile.php)
  7059. ! The invision converter wasn't doing birthdates and wasn't parsing signatures properly. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  7060. & Changed "Minutes to login" to "Minutes to stay logged in" because it sounds better. (index language files)
  7061. * Tweaked the Reminder template slightly to look markedly better. (Reminder template)
  7062. ! Various tweaks to help files. (all files in help/)
  7063. ! Avoid calling exit; if at all possible for integration, e.g. Mambo. (Subs.php, index.php)
  7064. ! Printpage wasn't parsing quotes correctly at all. (Printpage.php)
  7065. ! By default, the karma_edit permission should be allowed. (smf_1-0.sql)
  7066. ! Updated some problems in the Burning Board converter. (burningboard_to_smf.php)
  7067. ! Invision converter now works properly, thanks Hal9000. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  7068. & Updated $helptxt['karmaMode'], $helptxt['enableStickyTopics'], $helptxt['cal_enabled'], $helptxt['avatar_allow_external_url'], and $helptxt['pollMode'] to talk about permissions. (Help language file)
  7069. ! Consecutive [url=] tags were getting linked together. (Subs.php)
  7070. ! Sigh, now email links work okay when in [email] tags too. (Subs.php)
  7071. * Replying with quick reply, with "auto notify" off, turned off notifications. (Display template)
  7072. ! RSS was saying it was version 0.91, it was actually 0.92. (News.php)
  7073. * Smiley popup would open multiple times without closing itself. (Post template)
  7074. ! RSS feeds were being sent with the wrong doctype, and an improper character set. (News.php)
  7075. * Added something to stop Firefox (hopefully) from following previous/next links automatically. (index template)
  7076. ! You weren't able to add smileys with different case than other smileys. (ManageSmileys.php)
  7077. ! Tweaked the column size of ID_PM to 10 instead of 11. (upgrade_1-0.sql, smf_1-0.sql)
  7078. ! When marking unread, mark the page you were on unread, not the whole topic. (Subs-Boards.php)
  7079. ! The ssi_boardNews() function should give the topic ids too. (SSI.php)
  7080. ! Quote people by their real name, not their login name. (InstantMessage.php)
  7081. * Don't show people's usernames in their profiles. (Profile template)
  7082. ! Send emails with mime-encoded subjects. (Subs-Post.php)
  7083. * Editing a group's name that had html in it caused an error. (ManageMembers template, ManageMembers.php)
  7084. * Add something to mask out XMLHttpRequest for Internet Explorers. (script.js)
  7085. ! Printing links in lists didn't always seem to work. (Printpage.php)
  7086. ! In some cases, dumping the database would generate errors for empty tables. (DumpDatabase.php)
  7087. ! Missing error message for a blank password - Login wasn't loaded. (Reminder.php)
  7088. * You can now edit category names with html in them properly. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template)
  7089. * The "category name" and "(modify)" are now separate links. (ManageBoards template)
  7090. * Administration "quick tasks" section had an extra row. (Admin.php, Admin template)
  7091. August 2004:
  7092. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7093. ! Allowed elements, e.g. <br />, before email addresses that are automatically linked. Let's hope this doesn't backfire. (Subs.php)
  7094. ! Now, a "special" redirect is used on just the post page to make the return to topic option work properly. (Post.php, Subs.php)
  7095. ! After calls to "setLoginCookie" the same special redirect is now used. (Register.php, Profile.php, LogInOut.php)
  7096. ! Backed up language files (index.language.php~) are no longer treated like actual language files. (Admin.php, Profile.php)
  7097. & Removed $txt['membergroupss_min_posts'] because it wasn't being used and was misspelled anyway. (ManageMembers langauge files)
  7098. & Added $txt['membergroups_postgroups'] to fix an untranslated (hardcoded) string. (ManageMembers language files)
  7099. * Removed some hardcoded text ("Post groups") and put in a language string instead. (ManageMembers template)
  7100. ! As an administrator, registering a new member should use the guest theme options not your own. (Register.php)
  7101. ! To ease misunderstandings, the upgrader now specifies that it converts the existing *YaBB SE* template. (upgrade.php)
  7102. ! Moved the place database errors are marked in the database so that two people accessing it at once won't cause a race condition. (Errors.php)
  7103. ! Fixed a case where profile theme options might not be saved properly. (Profile.php)
  7104. ! Now, if you're using Opera, quoting a post with "insert quote" won't show &quot;s, although it still has i18n problems. (Post.php)
  7105. ! Added $context['server'] array for very basic information about the server. (Load.php)
  7106. ! Now, for using refresh instead of location, $context['server']['needs_login_fix'] is used along with $context['browser']. (Post.php, Profile.php, LogInOut.php, Register.php)
  7107. ! The Queryless URLs function now uses $context['server']. (QueryString.php)
  7108. ! Added a session check to registration to make it more difficult to register large numbers of accounts in sequence. (Register.php)
  7109. ! SSI.php now always returns a value, true or false, which represents whether it could load or not. (SSI.php)
  7110. ! Changed the way duplicate events were handled in SSI.php minorly, although it shouldn't make a difference. (SSI.php, BoardIndex.php)
  7111. ! Now, ssi_recentEvents no longer shows duplicate events. Man I'm think headed. (SSI.php)
  7112. ! Fixed a few coding conventions problems like spaces missing after, or present before, commas. (numerous files and templates - unimportant changes)
  7113. * You can now use smileys with quotes in their description in the smiley popup... (Subs-Post.php, Post template)
  7114. ! If you used spaces in the disabled bbc list, it would not work properly. (Post.php)
  7115. * Due to a typographical error, bbc tags were not being properly disabled all of the time. (Subs.php, Post template)
  7116. ! Updated version numbers to 1.0 RC1 to avoid release confusion. (all files)
  7117. + Split permission moderate_forum into moderate_forum (search/delete/track members, track IP, register center, reserved names), manage_membergroups (manage/assign membergroups) and manage_bans. (several files)
  7118. + Split permission admin_forum into admin_forum (package management, mod/server/theme settings, maintenance, error/mod logs) and manage_permissions. (several files)
  7119. + Split permission edit_forum into edit_forum (attachments, smileys, censored words, registration agreement) and manage_boards (manage boards and categories.) (several files)
  7120. ! Split permission group 'Forum administration' into 'Forum administration' and 'Member administration'. (several files)
  7121. ! Fixed bug clearing the admin membergroup when changing someone's membergroup settings having only moderate_forum permission. (Profile.php)
  7122. ! Fixed language and 'hide email' setting not changeable without profile_extra permission. (Profile.php)
  7123. ! 'View/Delete members' doesn't allow deleting members anymore without the profile_remove_any permission. (ManageMembers template)
  7124. ! 'Edit censored words' and 'edit registration agreement' now requires moderate_forum instead of edit_forum permission. (Admin.php, ManageMembers.php, Subs.php)
  7125. ! Dissolved edit_forum permission into manage_smileys and manage_attachments. (several files)
  7126. ! Fixed hide user online showing in MessageIndex and Display. (MessageIndex.php, Display.php)
  7127. ! isAllowedTo() now accepts arrays of permissions. (Security.php)
  7128. + Added board permission announce_topic replacing announcement boards. (several files)
  7129. + Added announcement of topics allowing to select membergroups and sending in batches. (Post.php)
  7130. ! For polls, moderator locks now override member locks, but administrator's locks do not override those of moderators. (Poll.php)
  7131. ! Double posting shouldn't cause problems if the session hasn't even been initialized properly yet. (Security.php)
  7132. ! Even if Ungrouped Members have permission to moderate_forum, do not send new member notifications to them. (Register.php)
  7133. * Previously, if you didn't allow people to hide their emails, but you hid emails from guests, the emails would not be hidden - fixed. (Load.php, Profile template, InstantMessage template, Display template)
  7134. ! If you set the default theme to Default, and then disallowed people from selecting default but allowed them to select other themes, an error was shown. (Themes.php)
  7135. ! Don't email members who have been DENIED the moderate_forum permission when members register. (Register.php)
  7136. ! Emails meant to be sent in html were not being sent with the correct Content-Type. (Subs-Post.php)
  7137. & Removed $txt['whoadmin_ban2'] because the action is no longer being used. (Who language file)
  7138. * Removed the "notify_announcements" section. (ManageBoards template)
  7139. ! Streamlined the server_parse() function and made it take a parameter for the message to send. Notably, this allows for better error handling. (Subs-Post.php)
  7140. ! Attachment size should round up, not say "0" if there are more than 0 bytes in the file. (Display.php)
  7141. ! Fixed a mistake in the package manager which made xml style modifications not work. (Subs-Package.php)
  7142. ! Depending on your server configuration, sometimes $_GET was keeping its slashes. (QueryString.php)
  7143. * Fixed a small bit of invalid html in the spellcheck sub template. (Post template)
  7144. ! Gave some more contextual information to the Post template - $context['is_new_topic'], $context['is_new_post'], $context['is_first_post']. (Post.php)
  7145. ! Changed a small unimportant piece of javascript to look nicer. (upgrade.php, all converters.)
  7146. ! Using move or announce in conjunction with go back to topic did not mark the board properly read. (Post.php)
  7147. ! The installer could not be used again on an already installed forum to refresh things. (install.php)
  7148. ! Fixed a potential issue in the way the messages table was initially created. (smf_1-0.sql)
  7149. & Added $txt['user_refresh_install'] and $txt['user_refresh_install_desc']. (Install language files)
  7150. ! Posted guest names and emails are now always trimmed and verified. (Post.php)
  7151. ! In some cases, deleting a member might not remove them from being the latest member. (ManageMembers.php)
  7152. * Detailed version checker did not work with the default theme. (Admin template)
  7153. * Code blocks now show in Safari properly... though, the code isn't pretty. (index template)
  7154. * Added $context['browser']['is_mac_ie'] and made it the code block fix code work on it too. (Load.php, index template)
  7155. ! The query to reset options has now been broken up into many smaller queries.... it's more queries, but it's not a humungous query anymore. (Themes.php)
  7156. ! Fixed a small possible error if someone was looking for trouble. (InstantMessage.php)
  7157. ! Fixed a typo which was causing "topics and posts" deletion when deleting a member not to work. (Profile.php)
  7158. ! Fixed a typo in member specific theme options. (Theme.php)
  7159. ! You were not allowed to change a member's username to either its current value or their realName. (Subs-Auth.php)
  7160. ! If you send a topic, and don't provide a comment, it shouldn't send "and the comment:" in the email. (SendTopic.php)
  7161. ! Listing members from a membergroup based on posts did not include pages properly. (ManageMembers.php)
  7162. ! Archive extracting routines didn't make destination directories. (Subs-Package.php)
  7163. * After spell checking, the message box should be focused. (spellcheck.js)
  7164. & Updated $txt['whoall_helpadmin'] in the English files to more accurately affect what's happening. (Who language file)
  7165. * Use javascript to pass what form to use in the spell checker. (InstantMessage template, Display template, Post template, Subs-Post.php, spellcheck.js)
  7166. * If the next word has no possible suggestions, clear the "change to" box. (spellcheck.js)
  7167. ! Fixed some minor coding convention issues. (Subs-Graphics.php, MoveTopic.php)
  7168. * Updated some of the code in the spellchecker to make it cleaner. (spellcheck.js, Post template)
  7169. ! Improved spellchecker highlighting of "abcd abc" and similar. (Subs-Post.php)
  7170. ! You couldn't always use apostrophes in your email address. (Post.php, Register.php, Profile.php, Security.php)
  7171. ! If you can delete any posts on a board, it shouldn't matter if it's your own or a reply. (RemoveTopic.php)
  7172. ! The phpBB converter should convert \n -> <br /> and " -> &quot;. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  7173. ! Fixed expand/collapse modSettings not working on IE with META refresh enabled. (Subs.php)
  7174. ! The Invision converters didn't do [list] properly. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php)
  7175. ! Apparently, Opera can actually do innerText - fixed "quotefast" internationalization. (Post.php)
  7176. ! Internationalized characters not in the current character set were not being highlighted properly by search. (Search.php)
  7177. ! Added option to copy board permissions from one board to another on a group by group basis. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template)
  7178. & Added $txt['permissions_copy_from_board'] and $txt['permissions_select_board']. (ManagePermissions language file)
  7179. ! Editing the theme template and style sheet no longer switches to that theme. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  7180. + Changed option guest_hideEmail to guest_hideContacts, which now hides messenger information from guests too when enabled. (SQL/Upgrade, ModSettings.php, Load.php, Memberlist.php)
  7181. & Changed two language entries to accommodate above change. (Help and ModSettings language files)
  7182. ! Fixed bug in for ID_TOPIC repair file. (repair_ID_TOPIC.php)
  7183. ! The phpBB converter should now convert gallery avatars. (phpBB2_to_smf.php)
  7184. + When viewing members in a group you can now sort by column, and added extra information to the template. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template)
  7185. * Adjusted the placement of the "why isn't moderator here?" text. (Profile template)
  7186. ! The upgrader couldn't handle moderators with ' in their name - or queries :P. (upgrade.php)
  7187. * Adjusted breaks in the index template to look cleaner. (index template)
  7188. ! Typographical error was causing, in some cases, permissions not to be calculated correctly. (RemoveTopic.php)
  7189. ! The am/pm indicators were displayed inconsistently with the Today "mod" enabled. (Subs.php)
  7190. ! Creating a new post group didn't resync the post groups of members. (ManageMembers.php)
  7191. ! Ignore list conversion now cleans out apostrophes. (upgrade.php)
  7192. ! Don't make any change to the registration date if they didn't change it. (Profile.php)
  7193. ! Rolled back a major spot of idiocy in calendar checking. (BoardIndex.php, SSI.php)
  7194. ! Editing a post made by a guest, previous to when they became a member, should not throw a reserved name error. (Post.php)
  7195. & Added $txt['register_passwords_differ_js'], modified register_agree a bit, and made a note that they were used with javascript. (Login language files)
  7196. * Now, if you try to register with two different passwords, it stops you right off ;). Also cleaned up the javascript a bit. (Register template)
  7197. ! Admin registration wasn't always working properly. (Register.php)
  7198. ! Added Snitz converter (not nearly done yet!) for MySQL only. (snitz_to_smf.php)
  7199. ! Fixed a minor issue with IP detection. (QueryString.php)
  7200. ! Shadow tags weren't allowing other tags to apply within them. (Subs.php)
  7201. ! Shadow and glow didn't take fonts outside of them, now they do in *certain good browsers*. (Subs.php)
  7202. ! If you changed your email before activating, you might be able to get past a ban. (Register.php)
  7203. * Now, when a file is not writable (index template or style.css) it warns you of this fact. (Themes.php, Themes template)
  7204. & Added the language entries necessary for this change. (Themes language file)
  7205. ! You can now use &, (, ), and several other characters in avatar filenames and category names. (Profile.php, Load.php, Subs.php)
  7206. ! Minor tweak to trimming in registration. (Register.php)
  7207. ! Fixed typo in upgrade preventing boardOrder column to be changed. (upgrade.php)
  7208. ! Removed boards table keys 'children' and 'boardOrder' and added key 'ID_PARENT'. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql)
  7209. ! Removed categories table key 'catOrder'. (upgrade.php, install.php, smf_1-0.sql)
  7210. ! Changed sorting of the boards table into a permanent table sort. (upgrade,php, ManageBoards.php, Admin.php, BoardIndex.php, Load.php, ManageMembers.php, ManagePermissions.php, MessageIndex.php, ModSettings.php, MoveTopic.php, Post.php, Search.php, SplitTopics.php)
  7211. ! Changed sorting of the smileys table into a permanent table sort. (upgrade,php, ManageSmileys.php, Subs-Post.php, all converters)
  7212. ! Removed the smileyOrder key from the smileys table as it wasn't used anymore. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql)
  7213. ! Adjusted the SSI whosOnline to be consistent with the way the online list is shown on the board index. (SSI.php)
  7214. * Fixed some bad paths to package_installed.gif and package_old.gif. (Packages template)
  7215. ! You can't make backups of files that don't exist, I guess :P. (Subs-Package.php)
  7216. ! Archiving -> 1.0 upgrade stuff into a parsable sql file - part 1, not done. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  7217. ! More archiving of upgrade stuff - still not done, and still needs some reworking. (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  7218. * Fixed the document.postmodify.attachmentPreview.value javascript error. (Post template)
  7219. ! Fixed a dumb and annoying typo that mainly affects debugging. (index.php, SSI.php)
  7220. ! Moderation log was reversing sort in cases when you deleted any. (Modlog.php)
  7221. ! Updated phpBB converter to do more avatars and group conversion - thanks packman. (phpbb2_to_smf.php)
  7222. & Cleaned up mark unread and made it usable; added a string too. (Subs-Boards.php, index language files)
  7223. * Added images for mark unread. (markunread.gif)
  7224. * Added mark unread to topics and boards, replacing one of the old topic buttons on one side. (Display template, MessageIndex template)
  7225. ! Fixed a minor typo with the package manager; minor but it was causing big problems. (Subs-Package.php)
  7226. ! Another large chunk of upgrade.php converted, nearly done with it now to parse ;). (upgrade.php, upgrade_1-0.sql)
  7227. ! More work on upgrader, minor tweak to installer. (upgrade.php, install.php)
  7228. ! Various coding convention updates. (various files)
  7229. ! Fixed a hardcoded string - N/A. (ManageAttachments.php)
  7230. ! The package manager should assume a link absolute if it starts with http://. (PackageGet.php)
  7231. SMF 1.0 RC1 August 10, 2004
  7232. ================================================================================
  7233. August 2004:
  7234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7235. + repair_settings.php now checks that Settings.php is writable. (tools/repair_settings.php)
  7236. * Packages now only show links to install if they are install-able. (Packages.php, Packages template)
  7237. & You can no longer access ?action=activate when activation is not available, nor is the "Did you miss your activation email? link shown. (Subs.php, Register.php, index language files)
  7238. * Added class="signature" to where ever signatures are displayed to ease stylesheeting. (Display template, Profile template, InstantMessage template)
  7239. * Migrated a few remaining colors from index.template.php to style.css in the default theme. (index template, style.css)
  7240. * Tried to add better documentation in the style.css file under the default theme. (style.css)
  7241. ! Updated version numbers to SMF 1.0 RC1 in preparation for release. (all files)
  7242. ! Upgrade no longer clears the moderation log, just for David. (upgrade.php)
  7243. ! Fixed typo that made quotefast functionality not work with "s. (Post.php)
  7244. ! Mozilla now does entities properly with quotefast ;). (Post.php)
  7245. ! Now, if someone replies while you were reading you still get the subject line. (Post.php)
  7246. * Changed the stylesheet link to style.css to include ?rc1. (index template)
  7247. ! Profile now erases default options from any/all themes. (Profile.php)
  7248. ! The IP icon was not being shown properly to guests. (Display template)
  7249. ! The IP detection routine no longer allows "forwarded for", etc. (QueryString.php)
  7250. ! Fixed a problem with new reply notification. (Post.php)
  7251. ! When removing ones vote from a poll, and one has not voted, nothing should be done at all. (Poll.php)
  7252. & Changed the English error messages "Username does not exist" and "Password field is empty" to read better. (index and Login language files)
  7253. * Registering a member from the Admin interface should hide the password with ***s. (Register template)
  7254. ! The "Require user to activate the account" checkbox in the admin registration interface did not work. (Register.php)
  7255. ! Released RC1 to Charter Members. (xml/latest-news.js)
  7256. * Made a small update to the Internet Explorer overflow fixing code. (index template)
  7257. * Version checker no longer shows current version in red if it is old, and checks by greater than not compare. (Admin template)
  7258. ! Upgrade was turning off persistent connections. (upgrade.php)
  7259. & Changed the "Do you really want to delete your own profile?" string to use the word account. (Profile language file)
  7260. ! Fixed an issue that was causing, in most cases, default theme options not to work. (Register.php)
  7261. * Fixed some invalid xhtml in set theme options and settings. (Themes template)
  7262. * You couldn't uncheck a default option for new members. (Themes template)
  7263. ! Saved a little bit of memory by not passing something that shouldn't be passed to the template. (PackageGet.php)
  7264. * Packages you cannot install from a server are no longer shown in bold. (Packages template)
  7265. ! Fixed pagination error when browsing avatars in the attachments manager. (ManageAttachments.php)
  7266. ! Avatar listing and management should go by ID_MEMBER not being zero, not ID_MSG being zero for mods' sake. (ManageAttachments.php)
  7267. * Fixed some invalid html to do with event editing. (Post template)
  7268. & Finished the dutch translation and removed unused language tag membergroups_members_all_current. (ManageMembers language file)
  7269. * Fixed a minor bug in the Post template (only evaluting $context['event'] if it is set). (Post template)
  7270. ! A typo was making the memberGroups upgrading code in upgrade.php run for versions it shouldn't. (upgrade.php)
  7271. ! You can now list more groups per board under access rights. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql)
  7272. ! Permission keys can now be 30 characters long, which should fix a possible issue with truncated permissions. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql)
  7273. ! Fixed a small notice to do with seqnum that would hardly ever occur. (Security.php)
  7274. ! Some hosts ban readfile for no reasons, so handle that case. (Display.php)
  7275. ! Removed some commented code which was not being used, and should not be used. (Subs.php)
  7276. ! Tested Burning Board converter against wBB 2 - it at least runs. (converters/burningboard_to_smf.php)
  7277. ! Followed up on more "look at me later" comments. (converters/yabbse_to_smf.php, converters/xmb_to_smf.php)
  7278. ! Updated just a little bit of documentation. (Admin.php)
  7279. ! Fixed a small possible and minor problem in upgrade for some versions of SMF. (upgrade.php)
  7280. ! Some quotes from YaBB SE weren't parsing correctly. (Subs.php)
  7281. July 2004:
  7282. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7283. + Now, if you put ;board=Z on the URL for unread or unreadreplies, you will see said things only for that board.
  7284. * Search now shows the board the result was in under the topic link.
  7285. ! Tweaked the entity magic so that it supports more characters, hopefully this won't cause problems.
  7286. ! Now, subjects are also magick'd. This should make it work better on bad character sets.
  7287. ! Upped the subject length limit to 100 characters from 80. (internationalization.)
  7288. ! Fixed a reserved MySQL word being used as label.
  7289. & Removed some unused language tags.
  7290. & Made some consistency adjustments in the dutch language files and translated all untranslated lines.
  7291. * Fixed some accesskey properties for the wireless template that were missing.
  7292. + Added a preview column in the news center and checkboxes for fast removal of news items.
  7293. * Disallowing hide online status was not working at all because of a typo in Profile.template.php.
  7294. ! Font size was wrong in the ssi_examples.shtml page.
  7295. & Tweaked $txt['modlog_moderation_log_desc'] so people can see why it won't delete things.
  7296. ! The require/require_once functions are faster than include/include_once - use them instead when possible.
  7297. ! Subject shortening wasn't very i18n... still isn't, totally.
  7298. ! MoveTopic didn't do board names with single quotes in them properly :(.
  7299. + Now, when there is a parse error in a template or language file, an error message is displayed with debugging information.
  7300. & Added some language entries to the index language files to show when handling this problem.
  7301. ! Several fixes made the the vBulletin 3 converter.
  7302. + Added "Male to Female ratio" and "Users Online Today" to the statistics page.
  7303. & Two new language strings added to Stats.language.php for above change.
  7304. + Added a utility function, reattributePosts, to ManageMembers.php for attributing guest posts to members.
  7305. ! Fixed a bug in upgrade causing it to run indefinitely.
  7306. ! When using flash, add AllowScriptAccess="never" for Flash Player 6+.
  7307. ! Fixed some quote and code tag preparsing issues.
  7308. ! Changed some ordering in upgrade.php so that, even if you tried to duplicate your attachments it wouldn't happen now ^_^.
  7309. ! Fine, fixed the list tag a different way.
  7310. ! Fixed upgrade not converting single quotes for news lines properly.
  7311. ! Trying to change the PHP setting to add xHTML compatible URL separators for URLs that automatically get an added session ID (needed for SSI and template links).
  7312. + Added link in attachment manager to recount file sizes.
  7313. + Added avatar management to the attachment manager.
  7314. & Several new language entries added to Admin.language.php for above change.
  7315. + Added backend for "Reply to All" in personal messages.
  7316. ! Fixed problem with previewing instant messages losing the "to" field.
  7317. + New setting, number_format added, this is a string that allows the admin to choose how values are displayed in the forum.
  7318. & Two new strings added to Help and ModSettings.language.php for describing the above change.
  7319. + Added function, numberformat, for formatting numbers from the above setting.
  7320. ! Fixed possible bug in Profile which would result in posts per day being wrong for an extreme geek.
  7321. + Converters for Invision 2 and vB 3.0 now convert passwords and salt data.
  7322. ! Users who have come from Invision 2 and vB 3.0 can now log in without resetting their password.
  7323. + It is now possible to specify whether or not a board theme should override a users preference.
  7324. & Two new languages entries added to ManageBoards.language.php to reflect above change.
  7325. ! SSI function, topPoster, can now take amount of posters to return as a parameter.
  7326. + If new replies are made between reading a thread and replying, a warning message is displayed.
  7327. & New lanaguage strings added to Post.language.php for above change.
  7328. + New function, ResetPassword, added to Subs-Auth.php for resetting password and/or username.
  7329. + Admins can now change their members usernames from their profile - although this resets their password too.
  7330. & New language strings added to Profile and Login language files to reflect above changes.
  7331. ! Fixed some incompatibility problems with old templates, I think, and a small notice in ModSettings.php.
  7332. ! Email auto-linking wasn't always working properly.
  7333. * A bug in IE caused gifs to stop animating if they were clicked.... (as a link) in the Post template.
  7334. * Access checkboxes shouldn't be shown for moderator/admin.
  7335. * Small oddity in the Profile template under notifications.
  7336. ! Cleaned up and commented some of the ftp stuff more - hopefully this still works everywhere.
  7337. ! Package manager was not removing files properly.
  7338. + Added setting to allow disabling of BBC tags by listing them.
  7339. & Two new language strings added to Help and ModSettings language files for above change.
  7340. * Post template adapted significantly to handle above change.
  7341. + Viewing members from a group now has a new template, with options to easily add and remove members from said group.
  7342. & Several language entries added to ManageMembers.language.php to accommodate above change.
  7343. + Added ability to notify the admin team whenever a new member registers.
  7344. & New language strings added to ModSettings and Login language files to reflect this addition.
  7345. ! Fixed avatar download and resize option not working properly.
  7346. & New langauge entry added to Packages.language.php to enable better browsing of packages.
  7347. + Restyled the ban center to match the layout of other admin center screens.
  7348. + Added a ban log viewer.
  7349. + Added an ID_MEMBER column to the ban log.
  7350. * Updated the templates in ManageMembers to reflect above changes.
  7351. & Added several language tags to the ManageMembers and Errors language files.
  7352. ! Added some extra checks to the is_not_banned function.
  7353. ! Cannot register ban is now logged in the log_banned table.
  7354. * Some javascript cleanup for the detailedversion checker, and cleanup for the latest news when offline. (Admin template)
  7355. * The "im_delete.gif" image now reads "Delete All" to avoid confusion with deleting checked messages. (im_delete.gif)
  7356. * Changed the placement of the delete button and made it read "Delete Selected". (InstantMessage template)
  7357. ! Updated the documentation sections in many source files to sync with current functions. (Sources/*.php)
  7358. ! Attempted to fix pm notifications being sent in the wrong language - needs more investigation. (Load.php)
  7359. ! The "quote fast" feature now properly supports entities - but only in Internet Explorer. Support on other browsers is pending. (Post.php)
  7360. ! Not showing your online status was not working because of a typo. (Profile.php)
  7361. * Fixed the typo "hilight" in the spell checking javascript and Post template. (spellcheck.js, Post template)
  7362. ! Made a small change to the default wording of the agreement. (agreement.txt)
  7363. ! Saving a theme option for the default theme did not erase said option in the current theme, making changing your options not work.
  7364. ! Who's online was showing members who choose to not be shown online, but as guests.
  7365. & The IP address logged for unsuccessful admin login attempts was incorrect at times; should now be fixed. (Admin langauge files)
  7366. * Spell check now scrolls to the word that changed in IE and Mozilla. (Post template, spellcheck.js)
  7367. ! Typo was making full-ban reasons not display properly on registration failure. (Register.php)
  7368. ! Two members online at exactly the same time might be mistakenly shown as not online. (BoardIndex.php)
  7369. ! SSI.php now truncates on line breaks (<br />) as well as spaces. (SSI.php)
  7370. ! Reduced the spam-ness of html emails sent by the forum. (Subs-Post.php, ManageMembers.php)
  7371. June 2004:
  7372. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7373. * Fixed a small issue with SendTopic.template.php's version not updating properly.
  7374. ! A setting in ModSettings.php was named wrong; search_max_cache_size -> search_cache_size.
  7375. * Fixed some layout problems in the Search template. (caused by old style HTML :P.)
  7376. * Changed any "checkAll()" functions to calls to invertAll() from script.js.
  7377. ! PHP 5 can be configured to make sessions shorter than 32 bytes... maybe longer?
  7378. ! If there are no smileys in location x, you might get a small error.
  7379. * Recommitted those darn icons.... stupid cvsnt is adding kb twice or not at all :(.
  7380. ! [color=#......] should allow A-F too, not just numbers.
  7381. ! Made it so clear text color codes can be a *little* longer. (mediumpurple, etc.)
  7382. ! Fixed a typo (one missing letter!) that was causing very substantial problems on some servers.
  7383. ! .htaccess wasn't working properly for Apache 1. (it wasn't even applying :/.)
  7384. ! Made it so you only have to change one line to make index.php something else.
  7385. ! Added emphasis to "nothing's wrong" in the conversion timeout.
  7386. ! Small typo affecting downloading updated packages.
  7387. ! The attachments feature no longer allows uploads with the filename ".htaccess" or "index.php".
  7388. ! If encrypted filenames are on, these are allowed.
  7389. + It is now possible to upload images to the Smiley center.
  7390. & Many new language entries added to ManageSmileys.language.php for above change.
  7391. * Smiley template cleaned up some more to make it more efficient.
  7392. ! Don't show the database upgrade error message for CVS or Demo versions.
  7393. * Whitespace shouldn't wrap in error log URLs.
  7394. * Only show a link to the IP if they can actually click it.
  7395. ! Cleaned up the permission loading in Display.php so it's a little clearer...
  7396. * Emails in manage members should be clickable -> mailto:.
  7397. * Added more commenting in index.template.php around the forum name stuff.
  7398. ! Commas should be allowed after email addresses.
  7399. ! Smileys could not be put in the first place on a row.
  7400. ! Resetting everyone's theme options was redirecting to the wrong place.
  7401. + You can now upload different smileys to different sets if you wish.
  7402. * Javascript added to the import smileys template to improve usability.
  7403. ! Resetting default theme options should override theme-specific ones.
  7404. * Now, when you change another member's language it doesn't affect your own.
  7405. ! Holiday titles are no longer censored, because they shouldn't be.
  7406. ! Code Review: Calendar.php. (updated documentation, fixed some overly restrictive permissions checks.)
  7407. ! More characters are now allowed in email addresses.
  7408. ! Cleaned up the way heading and rules were handled in ModSettings.php.
  7409. & Added some entries to the index langauge file - unread_topics_visit, unread_topics_visit_none, and unread_topics_all.
  7410. * It's now clearer that you are seeing posts since your last visit, and there is a link to see ALL unread topics.
  7411. ! Fixed a typo in SSI.php related to birthdays.
  7412. ! Moved the check for double post submission down in Post for error messages.
  7413. ! Added a loadAttachmentContext() function to Display.php.
  7414. ! You shouldn't be able to register with the email address of someone registered.
  7415. * You shouldn't get a javascript error message if you don't have the code fix on.
  7416. * Added warning text under Answer: in the profile for the Secret Question.
  7417. & Edited $txt['secret_desc'] and added $txt['secret_desc2'] in Profile language files.
  7418. + YaBB SE converter should now convert banned members, calendar events and have an attempt at settings!
  7419. ! MSIE wasn't styling ul's properly.
  7420. ! Made the title for posted calendar events slightly longer. (48)
  7421. ! Updated version numbers to 1.0 Beta 6+ to avoid confusion with the actual release.
  7422. * Slightly improved the look of displayed poll results in Display.
  7423. ! Don't show the "upgrade template.php" checkbox if it's already been upgraded.
  7424. & Edited $txt[677] - explains how to create child boards
  7425. ! Fixed a bug that was resulting in database sessions not being deleted.
  7426. + phpBB2 converter should now convert attachments if the attachment mod was installed.
  7427. + YaBBSE converter should now convert over membergroups successfully.
  7428. + It is now possible to upload new packages in the package manager.
  7429. & Several new language entries added to Packages.language.php and Errors.language.php for above change.
  7430. & Some language entries moved from ManageSmileys.language.php to Errors.language.php.
  7431. ! Inlined some element calls in the helpfiles.
  7432. ! Added message body preview *information* so the templates *can* display it if they so wish to.
  7433. * Took a typo back out of smf_codeFix, having reintroduced it last beta - oops.
  7434. * Added inital changes for "someone posted while you were *reading*".
  7435. ! Double post prevention/sequencing should no longer break old templates. Now, scripts could use this to their advantage if they bothered to keep the session *anyway*, but they don't so it doesn't matter.
  7436. ! Don't allow the deletion of just any file with the package manager remove thing.
  7437. & Added default_time_format to the Install language files and the installer.
  7438. * Minor template change in the package manager to make links consistent.
  7439. + Made a custom imagecreatefrombmp(). Needs more testing, but works in most cases. (yes, this means bitmap support for GD ;).)
  7440. + Added pagination to the trackIP function, to stop hefty page loads.
  7441. * Altered trackIP template to be more similar to trackUser to improve consistancy across functions.
  7442. & Two new language entries added to Profile.language.php to accommodate above change.
  7443. + New option added, allow_editDisplayName, to dictate whether a user may or may not edit their display name.
  7444. & New language string added to ModSettings.language.php to accommodate above change.
  7445. + Added a backend for repairing attachments (filesize and those deleted).
  7446. * Fixed guest posting so that: guest editing guest works, admin editing guest allows name/email editing, and post errors are handled well.
  7447. & Renamed poll_few to error_poll_few so poll error handling can work properly.
  7448. & Removed two language strings made obselete by the above changes.
  7449. ! If they preview/post with no options, give an error but make sure there are at least two boxes.
  7450. ! ssi_examples.php should show the proper path, not one with mixed slashes.
  7451. * Don't bother fading in fader.js if there is only one item.
  7452. ! Small typo in the recent rss/xml feed stuff was making stuff inaccurate.
  7453. ! Personal messages should be sent by memberName with "s.
  7454. ! Installer was screwing up the indentation of Settings.php, if any.
  7455. ! Fixed attachments, personal messages, and children in vBulletin 3 converter.
  7456. ! All the converters were "leaving" attachments if they weren't converted - fixed.
  7457. ! Added an Invision 2 converter, works for the most part, needs tweaking.
  7458. & Edited one text string and added another to clearly state that admins need to enter an email address when registering new users
  7459. & Edited the registration template to reflect the above language file change.
  7460. ! SSI.php should just not load if it can't connect.
  7461. ! The current_forum_time was without server offset as well as user offset.
  7462. ! Printpage shouldn't put PHP code in a box, since Display doesn't.
  7463. * Changed some spans to divs in BoardIndex and several other templates because it looks slightly nicer.
  7464. * Added label elements to the additional options in Post.
  7465. * Show IP address help text in the Display template ;).
  7466. & Added see_admin_ip and see_member_ip to the Help language files.
  7467. ! Upgrade wasn't handling news properly - should just remove one set of slashes.
  7468. + Pagination added to "Who's Online" page.
  7469. SMF 1.0 Beta 6 June 12, 2004
  7470. ================================================================================
  7471. June 2004:
  7472. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7473. * When previewing a post with attachments, you are now warned you will have to reattach them.
  7474. & Added attach_lose language string entry.
  7475. & Changed $txt[247] to $txt['hello_member'], and $txt[248] to $txt['hello_guest'].
  7476. * These two strings changed a few templates as well...
  7477. + You can now use your email address to login instead of just your username.
  7478. ! PNGs and JPEGs were getting two dots for avatar filenames. (avatar_1..png)
  7479. * The "deliminator" index was changed to "delimiter" - a real word :P.
  7480. ! Some names wouldn't work in the ignore list - namely ones with underscores.
  7481. ! You *SHOULD* now be able to use any characters you want in your username - have fun!
  7482. ! The "Find Members" function now quotes usernames in several places so the above can work well.
  7483. ! Image resizing was sometimes messing up the aspect ratio.
  7484. + Added javascript for adding poll options to New/Edit Poll screens.
  7485. & New language entry added to Post.language.php for above change.
  7486. ! The error generated when incorrectly attempting to answer a secret question, will now show the membername in question.
  7487. & New language entry added to Profile.language.php for above change.
  7488. + If you are banned from posting you will get a notice on each page telling you so, with the reason why.
  7489. & New language entry, $txt['you_are_post_banned'], added to index.language.php to reflect above change.
  7490. + Search now can cache results.
  7491. ! Several search optimizations.
  7492. + The viewNewestFirst setting has been replaced in preference to user option view_newest_first, for choosing ordering of topics.
  7493. & New language string, $txt['recent_posts_at_top'], added to Profile.language.php for above change.
  7494. & Old language strings for removed setting removed from modSettings.language.php and Help.language.php.
  7495. ! Users who are moderating are now less affected by spamProtection().
  7496. ! Fixed minor problem with spamProtection() which would reset flood control whenever anyone logged in.
  7497. ! Replaced default laugh smiley with one that is different from cheesy.
  7498. ! Deleting an attachment didn't *always* work well with translated language files.
  7499. * You can now preview poll editing again.
  7500. ! When you preview - if there's no subject, it should use "(No subject)".
  7501. ! Sometimes lists were getting blank spaces after their start.
  7502. * Back to topic and move now work together in conjunction.
  7503. ! Added a notice to smf_1-0.sql so people don't think they need to run it or anything.
  7504. ! The percentages for a poll now add up a little better.
  7505. * Show "no messages" in the error log when there are none.
  7506. * Fixed some layout issues in the error_log sub template, Errors template.
  7507. ! Fixed additional slashes issue with "applying filter".
  7508. * Made a lot of updates to the MessageIndex template, none of which change really anything. (just cleanup.)
  7509. ! Cleaned up the ugly and generated whitespace in the help files.
  7510. * Changed the order of the icons in the Who template.
  7511. * Banning page now offers more explanation as to the difference between a reason, and notes!
  7512. & Two new language strings added to Admin.language.php for above change.
  7513. ! Added sanity check to sendpm(), to protect against manually deleted entries.
  7514. + New setting added which, when enabled, will stop non-administrators from hiding their online status.
  7515. & New language string added to ModSettings.language.php and Help.language.php for above setting.
  7516. * Settings template now has labels for all the checkboxes, so that it looks better.
  7517. ! It's no longer easily possible to copy permissions from the Administrator group.
  7518. + Whenever a database error is thrown, if the user is an admin, a version check is carried out, and reported if it fails.
  7519. & New language string added to index.language.php for above change.
  7520. ! It's now possible to tell printpage to show images - but only in the backend.
  7521. & Added upshrink_description so you can tell what the button does.
  7522. * Made the index template actually use the above string.
  7523. * Don't show search quote section when there's no quote to be had.
  7524. ! Upgrade now uses a default for time format string in case it got blanked out.
  7525. ! Observe PHP's session.auto_start setting, and don't start a session if it's on.
  7526. * Search templates shouldn't do highlighting themselves.
  7527. * Added some basic column sorting to "Who's Online".
  7528. ! Several fixes to the password reminder/activation features - particularly for forums with approval enabled.
  7529. & New language strings added to the Profile and Register templates, for above changes.
  7530. + Theme setting 'display_recent_bar' replaced with theme setting 'number_recent_posts', allowing the admin to specify amount of recent posts.
  7531. & New language strings added to Themes.language.php to describe new setting. Old string $txt[509] removed.
  7532. + YaBB SE converter should now convert over all important logs and moderators.
  7533. ! deleteMembers now does some sanity checks on permissions - particularly to protect against rogue calls.
  7534. ! deleteMembers now logs the deleting of a members account into the moderation log.
  7535. & New string added to Admin.language.php to reflect above change.
  7536. ! Updated a message in the upgrader so it makes more sense. (agreement.txt message.)
  7537. ! Cleaned up a few more "Hacker?" error messages - there are not many left.
  7538. ! Upgrade was not removing slashes from YaBB SE news entries.
  7539. + Added bbc parsing for [acronym]s and [abbr]s just like the corresponding html elements.
  7540. ! Current forum time in profile now shows with your format.
  7541. ! If you're printing you want the full date; not today/yesterday.
  7542. ! Printing images, by default, now shows (http://www.url.to/image.gif).
  7543. ! Added D-Day, 06/06, to the calendar holidays.
  7544. & Changed enableVBStyleLogin's help... changed its description, changed autoLinkUrls' description. (English only.)
  7545. ! The installer now supports using ftp://hostname.tld/ as the server.
  7546. ! SSI.php now always starts the session again - let's see if this still causes problems.
  7547. ! Quick simplification to the [me=] bbc expression.
  7548. ! The vBulletin 3 converter now does the table prefix right, but not that much else.
  7549. + It's now possible to use database driven session functions. Not totally ready yet.
  7550. ! Updated repair_settings.php and the installer to deal with database sessions.
  7551. & Added databaseSession_enable, databaseSession_lifetime, and databaseSession_loose as settings - and their associated text.
  7552. & Removed the disableCaching option since it didn't do anything at this point anyway.
  7553. + Added two new user options, view_newest_pm_first and calendar_start_day, representing order of personal messages and day a week begins.
  7554. & Two new language strings added to Profile.language.php for above change.
  7555. ! vBulletin 3.0 converter updated to convert boards, threads, messages and polls.
  7556. ! Email autolinking had become broken.
  7557. ! Help files are now being cleaned by HTML Tidy after generation, so they look nicer. Related cleanup.
  7558. ! Code Review: News.php. (optimized the main recent query BIG TIME, and cleaned up things into CDATAs.)
  7559. * Cleaned up minor layout issues and things in many templates, and added proper versioning information.
  7560. * If you type in a URL to a star image, make it at least have one image.
  7561. * Happy Image Optimization Day to all, and to all a good night.
  7562. * Modified the topic status icons so "sticky" is clearer.
  7563. ! Several fixes and optimizations in search.
  7564. ! Moved sorting from the second search screen to the first in order to accommodate search caching.
  7565. * Removed sorting links in search result screen, added an option list to the main search screen.
  7566. + Added a lot of search options in to a new section of the modsettings.
  7567. & Added a language block to Settings, a block to Help, a block to Search and a single tag to Error.
  7568. ! Fixed an issue with form sequence checking when previewing PMs.
  7569. ! Censoring wasn't working perfectly with &amp;.
  7570. + You can now use \* to censor the character * instead of a wildcard.
  7571. * Fixed some xhtml problems in the Display, Profile, Settings, SplitTopics, and ManageMembers templates.
  7572. ! Help files no longer have the xml namespace on them.
  7573. ! Some converters weren't automatically continuing properly... most, actually.
  7574. * Fixed more xhtml errors in more templates, ugh. Mostly typos. (algin!?)
  7575. * The script.js file, and all the templates no longer use fetchById... a better solution has been introduced. (better now than after RC...)
  7576. ! Wrote up the parseModification() function... should be... actually... DONE!
  7577. ! vBulletin 3.0 converter should now convert instant messages and notifications.
  7578. + You can now specify default values for theme options in the theme settings.
  7579. ! Guests now use the default theme options.
  7580. * The Settings templates are now used only as a listing. The settings are all in Profile now.
  7581. & Added some language entries to Themes for the administration interface.
  7582. + You can now reset everyone's theme options to whatever you want. (example: turn on quick reply!)
  7583. ! Made ID_BOARD conversion on messages a little faster.
  7584. & Changed $txt['smf124'] to be a lot wordier. (attachment upload error.)
  7585. ! Renamed tar_gz_file() and tar_gz_data() to read_tgz_file() and read_tgz_data().
  7586. + Added read_zip_data() which means zip file support - not just tar.gz. Yea. (still requires zlib, mind you!!)
  7587. ! The package manager can now check and etc. zip files too ;). (note: they are still bigger.)
  7588. ! Queryless URLs now use .html to prefix all pages.
  7589. ! Clearing unimportant logs now affects log_search as well.
  7590. ! If you download two versions of the same mod (same filename, at least...) it will rename the second.
  7591. ! There is now backend support for showing whether packages are installable or not. (for this version of SMF...)
  7592. + You can now specify what format the modification is in using package-info.xml in packages. Default is now xml.
  7593. & Replaced a "Hacker?" error message in the package manager with a translatable and informative string.
  7594. ! Renamed the get*Message() type functions to prepare*Context().
  7595. ! The package manager's parseModification() should now handle multiple search rules properly.
  7596. * Removed all the special doctype stuff.... it was only for debugging reasons only, and did indeed help.
  7597. ! Wee, updated everything to Beta 6 ;).
  7598. ! I'm almost certain that sendmail doesn't like \r\n, and wants just \n.
  7599. ! Optimized a whole bunch of avatars by quite a decent bit, and some of them even look better now imho.
  7600. * ManageSmileys template split into more manageable chunks.
  7601. + Upgrade should now be capable of converting old settings into member theme settings to options.
  7602. ! The discontinued viewNewestFirst and cal_startmonday settings are now converted over in the upgrade process.
  7603. + Added pagination to the ban screen and user tracking.
  7604. & Ban will expire within was misleading in Admin language file - changed to "expire after".
  7605. ! Upgrade now drops a few keys that some had which were unnecessary.
  7606. ! Adjusted some minor aesthetics in install.php.
  7607. ! Now repair_settings.php uses JavaScript to set the boxes on a click ;).
  7608. ! The package manager now warns you if you can't write to the Packages directory.
  7609. * Modified the Package template with a few minor additions.
  7610. & Added some strings to the Package language files for these purposes.
  7611. ! Package installation *MAY* now fully use FTP. Not sure, needs more testing.
  7612. * Moved the following into the icons folder: online.gif, assist.gif, members.gif, calindex.gif, package_installed.gif, package_old.gif, info.gif, login_bindex.gif
  7613. * Renamed icons/login_bindex.gif to icons/login.gif, icons/calindex.gif to icons/calendar.gif.
  7614. ! Made a few changes to formatting and stuff; nothing that should affect anything. (sql file, a few source files, etc.)
  7615. & Now the default message, topic subject, board, category, etc... is all translatable.
  7616. May 2004:
  7617. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7618. ! The .htaccess file now works properly on Apache 2 and Apache 1.
  7619. ! Settings.php/index.php was redirecting to //install.php in some rare cases.
  7620. ! Added MySQL connection error message to the installer if there was a problem.
  7621. ! Installer wasn't automatically logging you in, like ever.
  7622. * Package manager now respects the option to make backups or not!
  7623. ! Package manager now detects when it would need to chmod files over FTP. (but it doesn't do that yet...)
  7624. * Renamed the view_other and extract_other sub templates to view_package and extract_package.
  7625. ! Package manager more consistently uses file_put_contents() now.
  7626. * Tied checkboxes together with javascript in InstantMessage template.
  7627. ! Auto submit added to all converters.
  7628. ! Fixed problems with Invision converter making random members moderators and not converting sub forums correctly.
  7629. ! YaBB SE converter can now convert boards/topics and messages.
  7630. * Removed the ReportToModerator template and merged it with the SendTopic template.
  7631. ! Removed ReportToModerator.php and merged its contents with SendTopic.php.
  7632. ! Help can't work in Mozilla and produce valid xhtml at the same time, it seems.
  7633. ! Under permissions for guests, only permissions a guest can use are listed.
  7634. * Corrected a minor issue with lone own/any permissions in ManagePermissions.
  7635. ! The package manager can now chmod files via FTP, given a password.
  7636. * You can now set default values for the FTP stuff under installation options.
  7637. * Added a warning when you try to delete a package that is currently installed.
  7638. & Added some language entries to make sure this works internationally ;).
  7639. ! The package manager now handles missing server.list files much better.
  7640. * Package manager no longer lists package groups that... don't exist.
  7641. & Made translatable some previously untranslatable sections of the package manager.
  7642. & Added some cleaner error handling for incorrect directories - and added an error message to Errors.
  7643. * Changed JavaScript usage of void(0) to returning false on events which is cleaner.
  7644. ! Sending announcements on posting was not working properly with permissions.
  7645. ! MoveTopic was doing the log tables in the wrong place, so they weren't working.
  7646. ! InstantMessage's preview wasn't doing entities properly.... dunno why, it looked purposeful.
  7647. ! Unread replies should be much faster now.
  7648. ! Marking unread replies read didn't really work if queryless urls was on.
  7649. ! Package manager now takes the path off files you require, etc. in package-infos.
  7650. ! For ModSettings.php, you no longer have to add checkboxes to the list at the bottom.
  7651. ! Calendar was not always checking permissions properly.
  7652. ! MAJOR CHANGE: All Members group changed to mean Ungrouped Members only.
  7653. & Changed some language entries to reflect the above change in .
  7654. * Removed javascript that forces "All Members" to mean all other groups in ManageBoards.
  7655. & Updated $helptxt['cal_enabled'] because it was referencing old settings.
  7656. * Added check all to ManageBoards.
  7657. * fetchSessionTemp image was missing from the Display templates.
  7658. ! The BoardIndex now provides $context['online_groups'] for legends, etc.
  7659. ! Now writelog() doesn't bother to write online log data when who is not enabled.
  7660. ! Minor changes to filesystem error handling in the package manager.
  7661. ! ManageBoards wasn't looking hard enough for some entities.
  7662. ! Made a minor optimization to the statistics page.
  7663. + After registration a new user will automatically be logged in.
  7664. * Minor change to Register.template.php so the registration message looks a little nicer.
  7665. ! If you are already logged in you can't go to the registration page!
  7666. ! Added some extra checks into the Invision and phpBB converters.
  7667. ! YaBB SE converter should now be able to convert polls and instant messages.
  7668. * Changed file= to package= in links in PackageManager screens (made sense to allow the next change...)
  7669. + Can now view files from the PackageManager "list files" screen.
  7670. & Added some strings to the Packages language file for this purpose.
  7671. ! Glow and shadow were adding extra slashes than they needed to...
  7672. ! Added urldecode__recursive() for get parsing.
  7673. * Put check all/remove selected/remove all at the top and bottom in Errors.
  7674. ! SMTP is not a reasonable length for timeouts on the SMTP server.
  7675. ! FTP links with passwords didn't work out too well.
  7676. * Showing members' IPs now works on posts by the permission.
  7677. ! In BBC, width now *must* come before height... you can't do [img height=y width=x] anymore.
  7678. + Font size in posts is limited to a reasonable size.
  7679. ! Took the margin off the list bbc because it was just confusing.
  7680. ! Redid the BBC parser so it makes more sense and is easier to change... also has better restrictions.
  7681. * You can now limit searches to only the topic subject.
  7682. & Added an entry to the index language files for this purpose.
  7683. & Moving topics now has a better message that you can customize better... includes board, etc.
  7684. * Minor change to the MoveTopic template to make this possible.
  7685. ! You can now use SSI.php to redirect somewhere after login/logout.
  7686. ! Now repair_settings.php handles queryless URLs too.
  7687. ! Replaced all the ereg's with preg_match's for speed reasons, mainly.
  7688. ! It turns out vBulletin could use admin/config.php or includes/config.php. (drat, I think I tested it with the wrong version...)
  7689. ! For compatibility, re-allowed board=x; in quote links.
  7690. ! Changed some very typographic text in upgrade.php....
  7691. ! Typo in the XMB converter's attachment upgrading - it wouldn't do binary files right.
  7692. + You can now specify your language in the URL with ?language like with themes.
  7693. ! SSI.php shouldn't try to send headers if they've already been sent.
  7694. * Added an option to import smileys from a directory...
  7695. & Added some strings to ManageSmileys and cleaned up the confirmation string.
  7696. ! Removed send_announce permission since it wasn't used anywhere anyway.
  7697. ! Made the notification function a little more robust, renamed it to sendNotifications and moved it to Subs-Post.php.
  7698. ! Changed error_reporting to without notices if debugging is off. ($db_show_debug.)
  7699. & Removed some unused strings from the Help language files.
  7700. ! Cleaned up after some "look at me later" comments.
  7701. ! Attachments can now be deleted more than one at a time.
  7702. * Cleaned up some of the attachment manager template.
  7703. ! Started a vBulletin 3 converter - as it happens the other one was not at all compatible.
  7704. ! Added / for compatibility reasons to [quote ... link=xxxxxxx].
  7705. ! Attachment Manager now allows you to sort by column.
  7706. ! Added a basic Burning Board converter - may need to be updated for current version of BB.
  7707. * Changed email notification option in personal messaes section of profile to a checkbox.
  7708. & Changed $txt[327] in Profile.language.php to be more descriptive and removed $txt[328].
  7709. + Added option to limit total amount of attachments per post.
  7710. & Added new language entries to ModSettings, Post and Errors.language.php for above changes.
  7711. ! Maximum attachment size per post will now work correctly when a user edits their post.
  7712. ! Default sort in attachment manager changed to date, descending, because it's more useful.
  7713. ! Drastically changed the ModSettings stuff again. Now you don't have to add the setting in two places.
  7714. ! The repair_settings.php script was forgetting the /images on the images url for the default.
  7715. * surroundText() didn't work at the beginning of a post in Mozilla.
  7716. ! Removed ssi_no_doctype in favor of ssi_layers.
  7717. & Added a "no entities" note to $txt['show_personal_messages'] in index.
  7718. ! Automatically linked URLs were getting the <'s linked too.
  7719. ! The installer could potentially mis-write Settings.php.
  7720. * The Search template did not handle having no boards well.
  7721. * Tidied up post template and added a lot of comments.
  7722. ! Fixed a bug that was causing the find user function not to work - at all.
  7723. * Now you can see if boards or topics you have requested notification on are new in your profile.
  7724. ! Messed with some of the debug stuff so it is cleaner...
  7725. ! Some server configurations didn't think of ['-1'] as [-1].
  7726. & Merged in a large portion of Webby's Dutch translations...
  7727. ! Added a new key to attachments to make things better and faster.
  7728. * Don't show language selection unless there are other languages to select.
  7729. ! Disallowing theme selection did plum didley.
  7730. + Added new option to polls to allow users to change their vote on a poll.
  7731. * Post, Poll and Display templates to reflect the above change.
  7732. & New language entries added to index.language.php and Post.language.php files for above change.
  7733. + Added the ability to set your SMTP port to any value.
  7734. & New language string added to ModSettings.language.php to reflect this change.
  7735. ! Added .xml to guest action whitelist so rss can work...
  7736. ! XML now cleans output to get rid of the doctype.
  7737. ! An index drop for back in Beta 2.5 was causing upgrade to be much slower than it needed to be - and it's not *necessary*. Removed.
  7738. ! Optimized a query in the upgrade script.
  7739. + 'show permission' in the profile screen now shows all permissions and membergroups at once.
  7740. & Changed showPermissions_* tags in the Profile language file.
  7741. * Fixed the jump box in the 'show permission' profile screen (xhtml issue and session ID not properly passed).
  7742. * Split up the 'show permission' screen into a general permission part and a board specific permission part.
  7743. + Statistics can now be expanded.
  7744. * Changed the Stats template to show contract/expand for months.
  7745. ! Added rmdir() and mkdir() to the ftp in Subs-Package.php.
  7746. * Fixed a small layout problem with the Display template in the default theme under Safari.
  7747. ! Fixed bug in all converters resulting in statistics not being correct.
  7748. + Added converting of smiley data to the phpBB, invision and XMB converters.
  7749. ! All converters now correctly setup board access for membergroups.
  7750. + Deleting a category will now give you the option of moving any boards within to another category before deletion.
  7751. & Several language entries added to ManageBoards.language.php to accommodate above change.
  7752. * New template added to ManageBoards.template.php for above change.
  7753. + Added a theme option so that administrators can hide post groups of members who are already assigned a "real" group.
  7754. & Two language strings added to Themes.language.php to reflect above change.
  7755. ! vBulletin converters now also convert smileys.
  7756. ! All converters now properly support "weird" database names.
  7757. + Session timeout are now considered a post error, so nothing should be lost.
  7758. & checkSession() can now return an error, instead of calling fatal_lang_error().
  7759. * Added texts to explain the post error.
  7760. & Added a block of error_* tags to the post language file.
  7761. + Javascript is now used to show extra attachments boxes in the default theme; but only as many as you can post.
  7762. * The Post template has been updated with these changes and made it handle the permissions better.
  7763. & Added two language entries to the language files for this purpose.
  7764. ! Fixed minor bug with invision converter failing on boards with sub boards.
  7765. ! Fixed bug with quick moderation which resulting in topic counts being deducted twice.
  7766. ! Fixed bug which resulted in moderation logging not occuring consistently when removing posts/topics.
  7767. ! Help sub-directory of images removed and help image (helplogo.gif) added to images directory.
  7768. * All help files updated to reflect above change.
  7769. ! Page links in the attachments manager were incorrect.
  7770. + You can now add ;all to unread to not show "since last visit"... no inteface yet.
  7771. * The option to delete current attachments was lost after previewing a post.
  7772. & Strings 562 and 561 updated to sound crisper and cleaner, removed DATE which was often incorrect and not needed anyway.
  7773. ! The value of viewNewestFirst was conflicting badly with personal message defaults.
  7774. & Added a description for membergroups and postgroups in the "Edit Membergroups" screen.
  7775. ! Fixed some minor bugs in the view permission profile screen.
  7776. + Sending a PM that has a timed out session no longer redirects to a fatal_error.
  7777. * Error message is now shown when something goes wrong sending a PM.
  7778. ! Make a distinction between 'to' and 'bcc' for error 'pm recipients not found'.
  7779. & Moved error tags from Post lanugage file to Error language file.
  7780. ! PM send report now shows all users that successfully received the PM.
  7781. & $txt['pm_successfully_sent'] changed to show individual recipients.
  7782. ! Fixed wrong formatted post data that is passed by the admin login session validation.
  7783. + Added session timeout protection in the template editor.
  7784. ! Fixed bug which meant search was not correctly sorting by date.
  7785. ! Fixed bug which would result in moderation logging errors when deleting topics.
  7786. ! Fixed bug in markBoardsRead which would cause an issue if not passing it an array.
  7787. + Restyled Smiley admin center.
  7788. & Changed and added several tags to ManageSmileys language files.
  7789. & Added some smiley_* tags to the error language files.
  7790. ! added modSettings for absolute path to the smileys dir ('smileys_dir').
  7791. + Smileys can now be put in a popup.
  7792. * Changed the structure of $context['smileys'] for the Post interface.
  7793. & Added more_smileys* tags to the Post language file.
  7794. ! The calendar wasn't showing events, birthdays, etc. on the last day of the month.
  7795. * Made some asthetic changes to the smileys interface on the post page.
  7796. & New language entry added to Post.language.php to accommodate above change.
  7797. + A new child board will now automatically take its parents permissions.
  7798. ! Subdomain independent cookies were not working with domains with no subdomain or with .co.jp, etc.
  7799. ! Now, ssi_login() does nothing if you are not a guest.
  7800. ! Upgrade now does some cleanup for the memberGroups column.
  7801. ! Fixed errors you would get if you went to post2 directly - although you shouldn't do that.
  7802. * Attachment preview warning now works properly again.
  7803. * If you attach something and then hit preview/get an error, additional options will be expanded.
  7804. & Updated $txt['attach_preview'] so it makes more sense with the new functionality.
  7805. * Fixed it so auto-focus for login works in new builds of Firefox.
  7806. ! Fixed some bad links in the help files. (weren't internationalized...)
  7807. * Importing smileys into an existing set is no longer an option, but instead a link.
  7808. ! You can only import smileys if there are actually any in the directory that are not already installed.
  7809. & Several new language strings added to ManageSmileys.language.php for above changes.
  7810. + Added warning message to indicate if new replies have been made when posting to a thread.
  7811. & New entry, enableNewReplyWarning, added to Help and ModSettings language files for option text for above change.
  7812. & Two new entries added to the Post.language.php files for the errors messages for above change.
  7813. ! Changed karmaWaitTime so that it is treated as a float - so 0.5 means half an hour.
  7814. ! Calendar events should not be duplicated, but should show the first next spanned event.
  7815. ! The "Visit Simple Machines!" string in the help files was not translatable.
  7816. + Added file repair_ID_TOPIC.php, for resorting topic IDs.
  7817. ! Fixed some minor bugs in repair_ID_MSG.php.
  7818. ! Double submission prevention of forms is now handled by the session AND JavaScript (especially wireless devices need this.)
  7819. * Added an extra hidden field seqnum to several post forms.
  7820. & Added an error message in the error language file for duplicate form submission.
  7821. * Added a wireless post icon for posts sent from a wireless device.
  7822. ! Corrected a little design error with showPermissions. (border)
  7823. ! Hopefully install.php not being writable will be okay... more people will have to delete it manually.
  7824. & Added language entries to index for notifications of non-reply events.
  7825. + You are now notified when topics you have set for notifications are stickied, locked, removed, split, merged, etc.
  7826. ! Theme conversion was not always working on windows servers.
  7827. April 2004:
  7828. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7829. & The word "offline" was spelled wrong in onlineEnable in the ModSettings language file.
  7830. ! The url_image_size() function now handles 500 errors as well...
  7831. ! 'disableHostnameLookup' wasn't saving in ModSettings.php.
  7832. * The boardseen's in Recent.template.php were supposed to be topicseen.
  7833. & Minor grammatical errors in the Profile language files.
  7834. ! Invision converter wasn't doing avatars properly.
  7835. & Calendar was misspelled in ModSettings and Help sometimes as "Calender".
  7836. ! Help for profiles updated for the new look, at least mostly.
  7837. ! If you are not the poster, you no longer get the courtesy editing time.
  7838. * Now daily statistics are considered a "detailed" thing you can view by clicking a link; this makes the stats page significantly shorter, and makes it look better generally.
  7839. & Added a "more detailed" link to the Stats language files.
  7840. ! Minor notice if you didn't enter a code to set your password.
  7841. ! Installer's FTP now works properly on PHP 4.1.x.
  7842. & Added a listing to the installer for files that need to be made writable.
  7843. ! Installer no longer deletes the Install language files.
  7844. ! The default path for the FTP part of the installer was wrong usually.
  7845. ! The installer can now more reliably delete itself, even with nobody servers.
  7846. * Added a "credits" section to the admin, and to the Admin template.
  7847. & Added language entries for the new page. (not done yet!!)
  7848. * Corrected Classic's link to catbg.gif in style.css.
  7849. ! Don't log unable to load errors in the error log for the spell checker... there's nothing that can be done!
  7850. ! Put the "Forum Configuration" menu above the "Member Controls" menu.
  7851. ! Updated ICQ link to http://web.icq.com/whitepages/about_me/1,,,00.html?Uin=(id).
  7852. * Temporary "quicker" admin interface for some things, not final.
  7853. ! Don't bother with .fromXXXXXXX if there are no replies to the topic anyway on the message index.
  7854. * Solved td and tr bbc image discrepencies... again.
  7855. & Added a setting to use META refresh redirects instead of HTTP ones.
  7856. ! Updated version numbers to "1.0 Beta 5+" to avoid confusion.
  7857. ! Upgrade now checks the version of the index language file too.
  7858. ! Now, if arg_separator.input includes ; there will be a small speed boost ;).
  7859. ! Backed out is_writable check on session.save_path.
  7860. ! Some MySQL servers didn't like the backup method exactly... it should be working now.
  7861. ! Posting wasn't checking the lock_own permission exactly right.
  7862. ! Some PHP versions don't seem to like references...
  7863. ! Some calendar functions weren't affecting $context properly in SSI.php.
  7864. ! If upgrade does 2000 messages at a time it doesn't need to sort by ID_BOARD... (filesort anyway!)
  7865. ! It seems some hosts disallow the set_magic_quotes_runtime() and version_compare() functions.
  7866. ! Added an .htaccess file to be used with Apache; includes many optimizations and security settings.
  7867. & Cleaned up quick task list in admin and made it respect permissions.
  7868. SMF 1.0 Beta 5 Public April 26, 2004
  7869. ================================================================================
  7870. April 2004:
  7871. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7872. * Added some breaks to the edit news screen so Opera can understand it properly.
  7873. ! Was missing some debugging information in Security.php..
  7874. ! In PHP, 0 == '+' evaluates to true... which was causing problems in updateMemberData().
  7875. & There's only one i in Uninistall :P.
  7876. ! Attachments and uploaded avatars should work in more buggy versions of browsers..
  7877. & Added (in a new window) to show_personal_messages in the index language files.
  7878. ! You would get an error sometimes if you created a new group and didn't specify access...
  7879. * Fixed a small problem with the admin announcements... didn't look good is all...
  7880. ! Package Manager linked to "pre" instead of "install" after downloading a package.
  7881. ! Code review: Help.php. (cleaned some comments up, etc.)
  7882. ! Printpage now handles general tag parsing much better, faster, and cleaner.
  7883. ! Clarified the \n and <br /> discrepencies in doUBBC() and parsecode().
  7884. ! Fixed a potential issue in statistics keeping...
  7885. * Removed remaining db_debug_junk_temp() calls from the index templates.
  7886. & Changed aditional_membergroups to additional_membergroups in the Profile language files, and added additional_groups_show.
  7887. * If you had a lot of groups, the profile was way long - now the additional groups are not listed until you need them.
  7888. * Moved avatar preview in profile and made it look better imho, and certainly so in 800x600.
  7889. * Moved posts to account settings, made karma use javascript to always have a correct total ;).
  7890. * Took out the "Personal Settings" section completely and merged things accordingly.
  7891. & Removed the now unnecessary $txt['theme2u'] and $txt['personal'] from Profile.
  7892. & Renamed all the profile sections to be "friendlier".
  7893. & Added specific information for each section, and removed $txt[698] - in the Profile language files.
  7894. ! Fixed bug where creating a new board was dying horribly if you didn't need to add access to specific boards.
  7895. ! The installer wasn't always output buffering everything.
  7896. & The ftp_path_info from the Install language files wasn't being used properly.
  7897. * Profile and post signature text size were different.
  7898. * Deny permissions were "dissapearing".
  7899. * You can now see the height, width, and file size of attached files.
  7900. ! Package Manager should work around issues with broken package lists.
  7901. ! SSI was sending a doctype as well.
  7902. ! ModSettings.php now handles missing settings MUCH better, so you don't need queries or anything for mods.
  7903. & Added a disableHostnameLookup option and various related language strings.
  7904. & Removed $txt['smf313'] from ModSettings language files and took out the "extended" type which was just fluff anyway.
  7905. ! Should no longer be using superfluous (e.g. marked by wastefulness :P.) obExit()'s.
  7906. ! Converters were using ; instead of &amp; for "incomplete" steps.
  7907. & Added permissions_deny_dangerous to the ManagePermissions language files.
  7908. * Now a warning is given when you are denying permissions, and the interface is a little easier to navigate - I think.
  7909. & Now if max_messageLength is set to 0, it means no max. Changed the label to make this clear.
  7910. & Removed $txt[57], $txt['smf116'], $txt['calendar32'], $txt['calendar49'], and $txt['smf104'] from ModSettings.
  7911. & Totally reorganized the ModSettings language files so they actually make some amount of sense... split smf69 into three parts.
  7912. ! Sometimes the features and options page wouldn't collapse certain areas, caused by an IE bug. Workaround made.
  7913. & Renamed some strings in Help, Admin, and ModSettings as well to simplify adding settings to ModSettings.php.
  7914. ! Updated version to SMF 1.0 Beta 5 Public in preparation of release.
  7915. * Now using the "delete_selected" button, but only for the Default theme since the others are missing.
  7916. ! matchPackageVersion() now trims whitespace.
  7917. ! You can now use reverse="true" on modifications to parse them backwards for uninstallation.
  7918. & Added new "easy" time format for using the forum default, changed "Ban User" to "Ban this user".
  7919. ! Removed my testing address from the package server list...
  7920. ! Package Manager options won't save the FTP stuff right now, I haven't decided on it.
  7921. ! Added contextual information for the darn group color.
  7922. & Moved previous/next into the language files from the settings table for i18n.
  7923. * Added fetchSession magic to the Display/Quick Reply stuff.
  7924. * Fixed wordwrapping in the most time online section of Stats.
  7925. ! Now, in most cases, if the user gets an error they won't be logged as doing x.
  7926. * The preview in Post now overflows properly in Internet Explorer ;).
  7927. ! Took out description of wildcards in searching help at least for now.
  7928. SMF 1.0 Beta 5 April 21, 2004
  7929. ================================================================================
  7930. April 2004:
  7931. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7932. ! Session URL rewriting was broken for the wrong versions of PHP :P.
  7933. ! Added file_put_contents() to Subs-Package.php
  7934. ! Added some as-yet unused options to the package manager for FTP and backups.
  7935. + The installer can now chmod files using FTP so they can be written to.
  7936. & Added Install language files for the new installer.
  7937. ! The installer is now almost totally i18n friendly - just have to clean up some of the settings table and holidays.
  7938. ! The installer looks a bunch nicer now, but doesn't support ya anymore.
  7939. ! There's now an option in the installer for output compression.
  7940. ! The sql file can now have {$boarddir} and {$boardurl} in it.
  7941. & Manually migrated changes to old language files to Spanish ones, not all though. (too many...)
  7942. ! Regorganized default Settings.php so that it makes more logical sense, with better comments.
  7943. ! The MAJOR SECURITY RISK now looks much more annoying ;).
  7944. ! Turn off the moderation log on new installs.
  7945. ! The installer allowed a blank database name, which was bad for sure.
  7946. + It's now possible, in theory, to mark boards as unread.
  7947. + Added unread topics a simple and easy way that works ;).
  7948. ! Logs for topics and boards are assumed to be exclusive and should be kept clean. (topics takes precendence now!)
  7949. * The MySQL, PHP, and W3C links now all open in new windows.
  7950. ! Pruning topics no longer sends them to the recycle bin.
  7951. ! Typo in image resizing code would not resize some images properly.
  7952. ! Notifications can now be sent by post group access too...
  7953. * Put a dumb limit on post groups so they won't show for admins until 100 posts.
  7954. ! When you post a reply, uncache the last viewed topic so it can be "viewed" again.
  7955. ! Reviewed the phpBB2 converter and redid its layout, etc.
  7956. ! Registration disabled, activation and approval settings all merged into one setting.
  7957. & New language entries added to ModSettings.language.php and Help.language.php to reflect this.
  7958. ! Password is now emailed to new members regardless of whether the admin must approve the account.
  7959. & New language entry, $txt['approval_email'], added to Login.language.php to reflect this change.
  7960. ! Registration center will now allow admin to look at remaining unactivated/approved accounts after the settings have been disabled.
  7961. + Find Members option added to pm preferences section of users profile.
  7962. ! Fixed a bug in Subs-Package, related to file_put_contents.
  7963. * Cleaned up some admin templates so they all do the help the same way.
  7964. & Installer now tells you to, and how to, get to the admin center.
  7965. ! Upgrade wasn't working well with groups that had apostrophes.
  7966. ! HTTP_HOST should already include the port number...
  7967. ! Reviewed the Invision converter, improved its UI, redid the attachments converting, and made it do bbc properly.
  7968. * The Admin template, in general, now looks a lot better in 800x600, etc. It also works better... edit news, censored, etc.
  7969. & Now the "Edit News" and "Censored" sections *optionally* uses javascript to add items.
  7970. & Added more help next to the maintenance options.
  7971. ! The installer no longer allows invalid prefix characters - it just ignores them.
  7972. * Removed the unused cat.gif...
  7973. * Cleaned up some xhtml - inputs that weren't closed, etc.
  7974. ! Code review: Errors.php. (just some commenting, mainly.)
  7975. ! After-login redirection now works properly... again.
  7976. ! If you were a guest, and you tried to post with no name, you'd get an error.
  7977. & Put all of the "welcome" strings into one, namely $txt['welcome_guest'] - better for i18n.
  7978. * Changed the index template to use this new string; old index templates should still work.
  7979. + It's now possible to resend validation emails easily, and to change your email address after registering - with the correct password.
  7980. * Renamed the "activate" sub template in Login to "retry_activate", and added "resend".
  7981. & Some new entries addded to the Login language file for this purpose.
  7982. & Added $txt['whoall_pm_send2'] for pm sending...
  7983. & Attachments can now be limited by total size per post.
  7984. ! Now, attachmentSizeLimit or attachmentPostLimit, etc. = 0 means no max.
  7985. ! Attachments -> Disable New Attachments didn't work.
  7986. ! Remove old topics was removing stickies again.
  7987. ! When moving a topic, if you don't specify any text for the redirect, don't add two breaks.
  7988. ! QuickModeration2 wasn't logging actions properly... or at all.
  7989. ! Banning by email with wildcard should be possible even if ti might affect admins.
  7990. * Trying to edit the permissions from manage boards wouldn't work unless it was already local.
  7991. ! The installer should now properly update $webmaster_email when you set up your inital account.
  7992. ! When you banned registration, you got errors caused by seemingly minor typos.
  7993. * Signatures should now have scrollbars too.
  7994. ! The installer now does much better permissions checking on windows.
  7995. ! Reserved name search within/don't search within was broken - reversed.
  7996. ! Made upgrade.php look purdier, removed the javascript requrements.
  7997. ! Now updateMemberData() supports the '+' and '-' functionality.
  7998. ! Code review: index.php. (some minor reorganization, more comments, etc.)
  7999. ! Sessions in the log_online table should be session ids not hashes.
  8000. ! You shouldn't be able to add smileys with no code at all.
  8001. ! Spell check was checking words in code blocks too...
  8002. + Major security addition! checkSession() now has a new parameter to check the referring action via session.
  8003. ! Added action session check to remove old topics, dump database, and manage attachments.
  8004. + You can/should now use "quotes" around members you are sending messages to - ie. "I, Brian".
  8005. ! The installer now automatically logs you in after installing.
  8006. & Added no_dump_database to the Errors language files.
  8007. ! Code review: DumpDatabase.php. (cleaned up a lot of commenting.)
  8008. ! Reviewed the vBulletin (it actually works now!) and XMB (untested!!) converters, upgrading the UI, etc.
  8009. ! Don't cache fatal database error messages in the browser!
  8010. ! vBulletin converter can now convert attachments.
  8011. ! If you are missing YaBB SE settings in Settings.php, upgrade handles it better now.
  8012. ! Added ID_BOARD column to messages table. Should speed some things up.
  8013. * Fixed some very strange problems with the new index template by using a table instead.
  8014. ! The number of views now updates before the page view, not after.
  8015. + Show permissions now can be used to show either general permissions or permissions by board.
  8016. & New language entries added to Profile.language.php to reflect above change.
  8017. ! You could register members with no email address in the admin center.
  8018. ! You might get errors if you used deny permissions in some cases.
  8019. * Smileys should now sort, more or less, properly - and save on move.
  8020. + If you specify a theme in the URL, it is now "sticky" - works for guests too.
  8021. - Removed, at least temporarily, wildcard support in searching... it's much much faster now.
  8022. * Added a scrollbar to avatars on Display, and made the post summary overflow with scrollbars.
  8023. ! XMB Converter can now convert attachments.
  8024. * Added posts_per_day to contextual information and displayed it for Profile.
  8025. & Added a posts_per_day language string in the Profile files.
  8026. ! Added a few new logging events to the moderation log.
  8027. & Added 5 new language strings in Admin.language.php to reflect the above change.
  8028. + When creating a membergroup you can select which boards the new membergroup will have access to.
  8029. & Two new language strings added to ManageMembers.language.php to reflect the above change.
  8030. ! Upgrade wasn't always converting all messages to have ID_BOARD.
  8031. ! Avatar upload was mistakenly marking bitmaps as wireless bitmaps.
  8032. ! Code review: Who.php. (basically fine, just added a little commenting.)
  8033. * The invertAll javascript function no longer affects disabled checkboxes.
  8034. ! Banning wasn't always using the right name for the sorry message...
  8035. ! An error was thrown if two people hit the forum at the same time for the first time that day.
  8036. ! In SSI.php's pollVote, sometimes you'd get a weird error about copyright missing, if you accessed it directly.
  8037. ! SSI.php's topPoll/recentPoll were blank for anyone with the permission everywhere. (most people!)
  8038. ! You couldn't vote in polls with SSI.php in most cases.
  8039. ! Sometimes, poll results would word wrap in tight places - no longer.
  8040. ! If the userLanguage setting was off, sometimes strings wouldn't be loaded properly. (!)
  8041. * Messed with theme administration some, not done yet..
  8042. & Added some help strings for themes in Help, Themes, etc.
  8043. ! parseBoardMod() handles missing files correctly now
  8044. ! Now, if $fatal is false in loadLanguage, it will always load the language file.
  8045. ! Don't add <?php and ?> to PHP sections twice.
  8046. * Fixed some minor browser compatibility issues with Post and Display...
  8047. * Permissions manager now uses radios instead of select boxes.
  8048. & Added an explanation at the top of ManagePermissions.
  8049. ! If you tried to preview a theme it got "stuck" on that one.
  8050. + Added the option to show a popup on new personal messages.
  8051. * Added some code to the Settings templates to show the popup option.
  8052. & Added entries to Profile and index language files for the pm popup.
  8053. ! The ssi_examples pages were mislabeling showPoll.
  8054. ! boardOrder just wasn't big enough.
  8055. ! Now all the version numbers say Beta 5 - doesn't mean release today, just soon.
  8056. ! Cleaned up online logging slightly, not much changed though.
  8057. ! Posts per day showed rediculous values if the member hadn't been registered for over one day.
  8058. & Removed some "Hacker?" error messages and put them in Errors.
  8059. + Now you can pick between jpeg and png for saved avatars.
  8060. & Added some help text for some of the avatar settings.
  8061. ! Added some values to the default entries for allowed attachment extensions.
  8062. & Internationalized the default "Hi.+Are+you+there?" message.
  8063. ! Added xml:lang to rss and xml output for internationalization.
  8064. ! The removeMessage() function didn't properly handle working without a board.
  8065. ! Reminder was giving an error from the wrong language file.
  8066. ! Now, if you received a message from a guest it says "Guest" instead of not showing anything.
  8067. * Tweaked the InstantMessage template so it looks a little better.
  8068. + You can now delete messages with "quick moderation" by checking them from your inbox/outbox.
  8069. * Solved an issue in Firefox with signature overflowing.
  8070. ! TRUNCATE should come before DELETE FROM.
  8071. ! Older versions of PHP used null instead of false for filesystem errors.
  8072. & Changed a few strings in ManagePermissions to sound better.
  8073. * Modified the ManagePermissions layout a bit more.
  8074. + You can now set access rights via permissions instead of boards.
  8075. & Added the permissions_quickgroups help string to Help.
  8076. ! Adding a new board/category now requires the user to fill in the details before it's actually added to the database.
  8077. & One new language string, $txt['mboards_add_cat_button'], added to ManageBoards.language.php.
  8078. * ManageBoards template updated slightly to accommodate above change.
  8079. * The "Edit Membergroups" page now limits total stars to 99, and does better updating of the preview.
  8080. ! Upgrade now "auto continues" after some time... 3 seconds actually.
  8081. ! Changed some aliases not to use reserved keywords, although this is usually allowed...
  8082. + New help system using xml based help files with a lot more information.
  8083. * Moved help.css, redid it, and cleaned it up a lot.
  8084. * Removed the old-style help from the Help template.
  8085. & Tore out the now useless stuff from the Help language files.
  8086. & ReportToModerator now sends your email address and warns you that it does.
  8087. ! Optimized some for loops to not count an array's length every loop.
  8088. * The BBC buttons were missing the title attribute... again. I swear I've fixed this three times at least.
  8089. & Minor aesthetic change to Profile's $txt['messages_from_ip'].
  8090. ! QuickModeration2 wasn't updating a topic's replies properly.
  8091. ! Moving topics no longer requires the move permission on both boards, for now. Will rethink.
  8092. * Moved the catbg definitions to style.css. It just is too hard for people to look everywhere, not worth making images portable.
  8093. March 2004:
  8094. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8095. ! Made MySQL error messages look nicer in the installer.
  8096. ! Search wasn't handling multiple/0/mixed searching very well.
  8097. ! Added "police" smiley. (sorry, it's an inside joke...)
  8098. ! Upgrade wouldn't work properly without English installed.
  8099. ! Guests would sometimes get errors if they tried to access a profile and had no permissions.
  8100. & Email, Login, and Logout should be consistently spelled. (English only...)
  8101. * Cleaned up some <label> elements so they work properly in IE 6.
  8102. ! Added a Cache-Control header after the session_start() call although I don't really like it.
  8103. * Added session keep-alive code so that your session shouldn't time out while posting.
  8104. ! Added another smiley, and set the update package to contain the stupid smileys..
  8105. ! You couldn't edit a post with attachments if you couldn't post attachments.
  8106. * Adding polls and linking to the calendar used the first message on the page, not in the topic.
  8107. ! Changed the order of the recount so that the slowest thing was last.
  8108. * Sometimes the upshrink actions were being cached; fixed.
  8109. ! Tried to clean up after some code duplication in SSI.php.
  8110. ! Added setLoginCookie() to Subs-Auth to standardize the login cookie a bit more.
  8111. ! Small typo in template converter was causing very annoying problems in some cases...
  8112. ! Pspell wasn't loading external languages all the time, properly.
  8113. ! If you couldn't view ANY polls, recentPoll, topPoll, and showPoll died horribly.
  8114. ! The database dumper wasn't gzipping properly, or cleaning input properly.
  8115. * submitThisOnce() now makes <textarea>s read only on submit.
  8116. & Changed some remaining Who language file entries meant for im instead of pm.
  8117. ! Who now shortens the time to only what's necessary - not the "Today at" part.
  8118. * Who template should now look a bit better.
  8119. ! The installer and upgrader now have options to delete themselves when everything is done.
  8120. ! Removed the copyright referrer javascript code since it was causing problems apparently.
  8121. ! Calendar events weren't rolling over months/years.
  8122. & Added the $txt['rtm_not_own'] string to the Errors language files.
  8123. + Members can no longer report their own posts to moderators, it's almost always abuse.
  8124. ! There, now the md5_hmac function looks more confusing :P.
  8125. + Added [rtl] and [ltr] bbcode support, no button.
  8126. + Added hidden disableCheckUA setting and made it so the user agent is verified on session checks.
  8127. + Installer package should now redirect to install.php by default, but the check is removed upon install.
  8128. ! When you delete a membergroup, its access is removed from any boards it had access to.
  8129. ! Preventing a lot more bad IP addresses - 192.168.*.*, 0.*.*.*, and 255.*.*.*, 172.16.*.*.
  8130. * Fixed internationalization in the "find members" function's sub template.
  8131. * The DOCTYPE is now a theme setting in the init sub template - this makes debugging easier in IE.
  8132. * The BoardIndex template's categories should be much easier to theme now - backwards compatible.
  8133. SMF 1.0 Beta 4.1 Public March 27, 2004
  8134. ================================================================================
  8135. March 2004:
  8136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8137. ! Some theme conversion errors have now been fixed.
  8138. ! Non-administrators should not be able to register new administrators.
  8139. ! boardsAllowedTo now applies deny permissions properly, as well as handles allow permissions better.
  8140. ! Guests don't have passwords; they cannot validate, so don't even try - just make them login.
  8141. & The English version of $txt['notifyXAnn4'] now makes more sense as to what it does.
  8142. * Fixed a typographical error on one of the spanish buttons.
  8143. ! Installer was adding slashes to things twice... very bad actually.
  8144. ! Installer now checks for certain paths to exist.
  8145. ! The *expected* commas were screwing up a query where they were not handled properly in pick themes.
  8146. ! The installer now verifies that the username/email you are trying to use has not already been taken.
  8147. ! The installer makes sure Sources/Subs.php exists before trying to include it!
  8148. ! Minor typo was making boolean values from registrations not work.
  8149. * Hostname shouldn't distort Profile layout.
  8150. ! Recent failed when there were no posts at all.
  8151. * Removed any references to "form1" as a form - ManageMembers, ModSettings, and ManagePermissions.
  8152. * Today's birthday on the BoardIndex was displaying some invalid XHTML.
  8153. ! If none of the messages were new, it would not mark any as the "newest" message.
  8154. ! Changing the default sort of messages made the counter screw up. (Reply #.)
  8155. ! Jumping to a specific message or the newest message didn't work with viewNewestFirst.
  8156. ! Help still wasn't working after fixing the undefined sections.
  8157. ! Default value for stars changed to star.gif.
  8158. ! SSI's boardNews failed when there were no topics at all to display.
  8159. * Profile wouldn't preview the first avatar.
  8160. ! Minor notice if improper groups are set.
  8161. + Recent and unread should not include posts from the recycle bin board.
  8162. * Added information to explain why moderator isn't shown in account settings.
  8163. & Added strings to Profile and Help for this purpose.
  8164. * Replaced topic class icons for the classic theme.
  8165. * Calendar was linking to index.php not $scripturl.
  8166. * Removed cal_todaycolor and cal_captioncolor in favor of the template system.
  8167. ! What used to be $topic['extended_class'] is now known as $topic['class'].
  8168. ! Hits aren't logged when we're just downloading/viewing attachments/avatars.
  8169. ! Removed redirect option for attachments as it could be insecure and in some cases prevents attachments to work.
  8170. * Avatar directories with underscores (_) in their names weren't working.
  8171. ! Template converter didn't always convert the Content-Type correctly.
  8172. * Added help to the admin_login sub template in Login about what password it is, tweaked layout, added page_title.
  8173. & Added securityDisable_why to the Help language files.
  8174. + Now, if you set the number of days for the calendar on the board index to 1, it will say "Today's" instead of "Upcoming".
  8175. & Language files changed to reflect this new functionality.
  8176. * BoardIndex template changed to make this possible.
  8177. * Added a little helptext to the events listing to help administrators along - (how do you edit these events?).
  8178. & Added the necessary language strings to make this possible.
  8179. & Added a note to enableSpellChecking in ModSettings telling people that it doesn't always work!
  8180. ! Upgrade should now both update less and do gender properly.
  8181. ! The randomized session checks should now work on all server configurations.
  8182. ! Deleting boards now removes any permissions associated with that board.
  8183. ! deltree() was using chmod(..., 077) which in most cases did not work for obvious reasons.
  8184. ! Editing a post but not returning to it would show it as new.
  8185. ! Added something to stop people from trying fake PHPSESSIDs in their URLs.
  8186. & Added a note to smf244 - don't entity that string.
  8187. ! Package manager was naming the wrong file when it found one that was missing.
  8188. ! ssi_theme should be a "final decision" so to speak.
  8189. ! Creating a group based off another group caused big problems if that group had no permissions.
  8190. * Fixed some javascript mistakes (typos) in ManageMembers.template.php.
  8191. ! You shouldn't be allowed to delete the first message in a topic with quick moderation.
  8192. * Moved trackIP and trackUser to ManageMembers.
  8193. * There ain't gonna be no "<p>&nbsp;</p>" in MY code!!!
  8194. + Added showPermissions to profile so people can see permissions "at work". (not complete!)
  8195. * Added a showPermissions sub template to ManageMembers.
  8196. & Added strings to Profile for this...
  8197. ! Title for trackUser was very very wrong...
  8198. ! url_parts() and hence localCookies didn't work well with IPs as domain names.
  8199. * Added local time display to the profile summary.
  8200. & Added $txt['local_time'] to the Profile language files.
  8201. ! Removed some remaining <font>s.
  8202. * Printpage should look a lot better now, and use much better html.
  8203. * Distribution should no longer use deprecated elements like <u> and <s>.
  8204. & Profile strings updated to reflect members with no or all permissions.
  8205. * Show Permissions now makes a note of if you have all permissions or something.
  8206. * Printpage should now be totally black and white in most current browsers.
  8207. ! You should be able to see the results after expiration even if they chose "don't show until vote."
  8208. ! SSI's boardNews shouldn't clip strings that aren't too long.
  8209. ! Profile's dateRegistered wasn't very i18n.
  8210. ! Dumb typos in SSI.php's events function.
  8211. ! Nesting different *types* of [quote]s broke things sometimes.
  8212. ! Editing a board that had entities in its name didn't work well...
  8213. & $txt['theme_guests'] changed to 'Overall forum default' so it make more sense.
  8214. & Admin center now also includes 'Theme Settings'... added $txt['theme_current_settings'] to Admin.
  8215. ! Editing permissions now requires the admin_forum permission - at least for now.
  8216. & $helptxt['m_queryless_urls'] now shows whether it works or not; now doesn't work in CGI mode.
  8217. ! Now, if autoFixDatabase is on, "lost connection" errors will be tried a second time.
  8218. & $txt['who_hidden'] changed to be much more elusive and descriptive - 'Nothing, or nothing you can see...'
  8219. ! Search wasn't showing the correct last-post time.
  8220. ! There shouldn't be any more 'unknown' IPs, at least in theory.
  8221. ! Profile sidebar thing shouldn't be shown unless it is actually needed.
  8222. ! Profile was changing dlattach out, although I suppose avatars can be attachments. (?)
  8223. ! User's IP address is now contained in the $user_info array.
  8224. ! All the tables SSI.php outputs should now use the class "ssi_table".
  8225. * The default theme's css was using the theme URL not default URL.
  8226. ! Code review: QueryString.php. (cleaned up comments and redid some code to work better.)
  8227. + Queryless URLs should now work on more installs, because it doesn't change output size.
  8228. ! Code review: LockTopic.php. (minor clean up, not much to change at all.)
  8229. ! If the first character of a post is a space, it will now be displayed properly.
  8230. ! Code review: Notify.php. (minor clean up, should deal better with mods.)
  8231. ! Code review: SendTopic.php. (very minor clean up, just flows a little better.)
  8232. + Personal Messages can now be sorted by column.
  8233. * Changed the InstantMessage template so the links are clickable.
  8234. ! The poll functions in SSI should now follow permissions correctly.
  8235. + Added $context['browser']['is_ie5.5'], which makes it easier to fix things for older browsers.
  8236. * Fixed some Internet Explorer issues in older browsers...
  8237. * Moved the stupid darn avatar to the left side, happy?
  8238. * Fixed a small layout problem in the Profile template.
  8239. ! The Profile wasn't just listing images, but also other files it shouldn't have.
  8240. * Moved a lot of colors into the style.css from index.template.php for the default theme.
  8241. ! Now using Alienine's smiley set as the default, added classic.
  8242. ! Setting theme options with javascript shouldn't be logged. (jsoption)
  8243. & Minor aesthetic change to $txt['smf62'] so it reads a bit better.
  8244. ! Code review: Karma.php. (changed the flow of things to make it simpler...)
  8245. * Added an overflow for the attachments...
  8246. * You can now delete posts from the "show posts" page in a users profile.
  8247. & A language entry issues for manage_permissions was resolved - one duplicate entry removed (Admin.language.php).
  8248. ! You can no longer enter a negative amount of stars for member groups.
  8249. * Delete posts added to the recent posts interface as well.
  8250. ! Maximum message length shouldn't ever be less than, say, 100. (upgrade only.)
  8251. & Added (0 for no max) to all the $txt[689] strings in Admin.
  8252. * Fixed signature limit javascript and made it handle no limit.
  8253. * Added a "Spell Check" button to the signature in the Profile template.
  8254. ! Aspell now works on windows platforms. (using a workaround, though!)
  8255. ! Re-enabled language-specific spell checking. Should work out, needs more testing.
  8256. * The spellcheck sub template in Post now uses your forum's colors and proper i18n. (yea, I can test it now locally!)
  8257. & Added Change, Change All, Ignore, and Ignore All to the Post language files.
  8258. ! Reminder email should not work if the activation_code in the database is blank.
  8259. ! Changed everything from mt_rand to use just rand, since mt_rand was not always being seeded.
  8260. * Code review: ReportToModerator.php. (now using msg instead of mid, but still compatible.)
  8261. ! $_REQUEST['start'] now defaults to 0 if not passed or negative. If this is bad, $_GET['start'] should be used.
  8262. ! Avoid getting blank screens if there's an error shown before gzipping starts.
  8263. ! ob_sessrewrite shouldn't even be started until the header is outputted...
  8264. ! Added a check so $cookiename shouldn't ever get spaces in it, etc.
  8265. ! isAllowedTo() shouldn't ask for a password, and then give an error - if they can't.
  8266. * Fixed a small mistake in the Modlog template, and made it look a lot nicer.
  8267. & Removed modlog_object, modlog_expand, and modlog_retract from the Admin language files.
  8268. - You can no longer expand and contract the "objects" in the moderation log.
  8269. & Changed whoadmin_modifyModSettings and whoadmin_modifyModSettings2 because they were plum incorrect.
  8270. ! Renamed getMessage() to preparePostContext() in Display.php.
  8271. * Cleaned up a great deal in Display, and add a lot more comments that were missing.
  8272. ! Added a VERY BASIC and NOT DONE option to theme_info.xml to base it off another theme.
  8273. ! Moved registration agreement checkbox to the edit agreement page.
  8274. * Cleaned up the MoveTopic template so it looks nicer when things are collapsed, etc.
  8275. ! MoveTopic now properly handles permissions on both boards involved.
  8276. * Tweaked the Profile template's layout just a bit so as not to squish stuff so much.
  8277. ! Theme editor might edit wrong index template or style.css if use_default_images is on.
  8278. ! Personal messages in the outbox were being duplicated with multiple recipients.
  8279. ! Added sanity kludge so Settings.php wouldn't be saved improperly.
  8280. * No preview should be made of the star image if it is blank, in ManageMembers.
  8281. * Updated fix for overflow: auto; under Internet Explorer; now 5.0 and above only, but happens faster and works on all div blocks.
  8282. ! The srand() function should not be called too much, it degrades actual randomness.
  8283. & Changed a typo in ManagePermission's $txt['permissionhelp_moderate_board'].
  8284. ! Reminder should send the IP address...
  8285. * Using REPLACE for some log_topics inserts... althougb I suppose it's okay if it's already there.
  8286. ! Image size is now checked on posting, instead of viewing.... of course, it's so simple!
  8287. + Now image size limiting does even images *with* a specified width and/or height.
  8288. ! Updated all version numbers to SMF 1.0 Beta 4.1 Public in preparation for release.
  8289. ! The forum default theme's stuff wasn't being set properly when the default theme is disabled.
  8290. & Added a note to the admin_browse_w* language strings, saying not to entity them.
  8291. & Added error messages for profile_remove_own and profile_remove_any.
  8292. ! Changed cookie login time to a lot of years because it fixed some issues ;). (verified in many browers.)
  8293. + Deleting an account from a users profile now gives an admin the option of deleting posts made by that user.
  8294. * deleteAccount template changed to give option of deleting posts.
  8295. & New language strings added to Profile.language.php, all related to deleting posts of a user.
  8296. ! Fixed profile summary displaying incorrect local time.
  8297. SMF 1.0 Beta 4 Public March 14, 2004
  8298. ================================================================================
  8299. March 2004:
  8300. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8301. * Reorganized topic classes, and updated the default ones with Alienine's.
  8302. ! Fixed problem with calendar being able to list boards off limit to a user.
  8303. ! Admins can no longer be banned by username, IP, or email.
  8304. ! Upgrade and install now set mostOnlineToday to 1.
  8305. ! Changed all version numbers to Beta 4 Public.
  8306. ! Fixed instant message bug in all converters.
  8307. ! Hits can now go up to a lot lot more than it could before ;).
  8308. ! Delete all messages can now force setting instantMessages to zero.
  8309. ! Register was adding slashes twice to the theme option names.
  8310. ! If you included SSI.php but didn't start a session, you'd get "SID"s in your URLs.
  8311. ! The calendar should no longer show spanned events in a row on the board index.
  8312. ! Deleting members now also hides their email addresses...
  8313. ! Quoting messages from a sender with special characters in there name was buggy.
  8314. ! Template conversion functions added to template.php.
  8315. ! Permissions of post groups are now added to the permissions of primary and secondary goups.
  8316. ! Split up membergroup management screen and permission management screen.
  8317. & Added language tag $txt['edit_permissions'] to Admin.lang.php and changed $txt[8].
  8318. & Created new language file ManageMembers.
  8319. & Moved around some language tags between ManagePermissions, ManageMembers, and Admin.
  8320. * Moved modify membergroup, and add membergroup screens from ManagePermissions to ManageMembers
  8321. * Added Membergroup index to ManageMembers template.
  8322. ! Split up regular and post count based groups in 'Edit Membergroups'.
  8323. * Added member count to the 'Email Your Members' screen.
  8324. ! Fixed a few bugs in 'Email Your Members' and cleaned up some code.
  8325. ! Fixed number of members shown in permission screen.
  8326. ! Themepicker now only shows themes that are set in the 'knownThemes' setting.
  8327. ! Membergroups are sorted everywere like: fixed groups (ID<4), regular groups (name), postgroups (postcount).
  8328. ! Dissolved determinePostGroup in loadMemberData() and loadMemberContext().
  8329. ! Removed loadMemberGroups() from several places were it wasn't needed anymore.
  8330. ! Modify permissions now also retrieves and stores 'deny' permissions.
  8331. * Changed checkboxes into drop downs in the Modify permissions screen.
  8332. ! Fixed wrong counting of permissions per membergroup.
  8333. ! Fixed SetQuickGroups and added the addDeny feature to it.
  8334. * Moved invertAll to script.js and added the function to the permission index and view members.
  8335. & Inverted subscribe function notifications (checked is unsubscribe).
  8336. * Changed the appearance of the notification settings into a messageindex style.
  8337. * invertAll now supports a mask among other things, and is faster and better.
  8338. ! Added an option added to hide users email from guests.
  8339. & $txt['guest_hideEmail'] added to modSettings.language.php and $txt['m_guest_hideEmail'] to Help.language.php.
  8340. * Moved copy_to_outbox to a different section of profile.
  8341. * Added Quick Moderation to Display templates.
  8342. & Added quickmod_delete_selected string to the index language files.
  8343. ! Moderator permissions should no longer inherit from parents. (logical; other permissions don't.)
  8344. ! The phpBB converter should now handle personal messages much better.
  8345. ! Upgrade should now convert the template.php file ;) :D!
  8346. ! Member list would not go away... although it respected permissions.
  8347. & Added $txt['mboards_permission'] so that permissions can be accessed via the board management.
  8348. * Permissions can now be set with a separate "board" screen.
  8349. * Permissions screen can now *show* who has access to the board.
  8350. & Added $txt['permissions_access'] for this purpose.
  8351. * The header can now be shrunken even if you are a guest.
  8352. ! Denied permissions are *better* supported in allowedTo() and boardsAllowedTo().
  8353. ! Added move_own to permission interface.
  8354. ! Stickyness can only be changed now if the EnableStickyTopics modSetting is enabled.
  8355. * Quickmod will only show on Display.php if you have the proper rights.
  8356. ! Fixed access settings in $context for board permission index screen.
  8357. ! Replaced modSetting 'enableReportToMod' by permission 'report_any'.
  8358. ! Htmlspecialchar'ed the retrieved member IP in loadMemberContext.
  8359. * Moved the whois links to track IP.
  8360. & Added language tags whois_* to Profile.php.
  8361. ! Checked permissions (75% percent done).
  8362. & Added help tags for the permissions (75% done).
  8363. & Updated german language files thanks to Daniel D., including recent additions.
  8364. ! Fixed some permission bugs for polls.
  8365. ! Polls now always show options and (allowed) links.
  8366. ! Checked permissions (done).
  8367. & Added help tags for the permissions (done).
  8368. * Optimized english buttons and put in optimized german temporary buttons.
  8369. * Added some possible error handling in the Profile template for the avatar javascript.
  8370. & Added three new language entries in index.language.php. (All poll related)
  8371. * There is now visual information on when a poll will expire.
  8372. ! Fixed a massive security issue in regcenter allowing people to bypass validation.
  8373. * Added javascript code size fix to the default theme, annoying as IE can be.
  8374. * Reduced confusion in the permissions manager.
  8375. & Added some help texts for the permissions manager.
  8376. & Removed "(IE and NS6 only)" because it is dumb and stupid :P.
  8377. * All of the german/spanish/dutch images should be more or less updated.
  8378. ! Fixed ability to edit polls and leave them with no options/question.
  8379. & New language entry, $txt['poll_no_question'], added to Errors.language.php.
  8380. ! Upgrade should do auto_increment correctly now.
  8381. ! Latest member was doubly htmlspecialchar'd.
  8382. & Added some repair boards stuff, minor cleanup to some mistakes.
  8383. ! Notifications in the profile are now ordered by time posted...
  8384. ! The rss feed for latest members was using the wrong guid.
  8385. ! Error reporting should respect the error_reporting setting.
  8386. * The powered by and valid logos now light up on hover in the default theme.
  8387. * The default display template is now in sync with the classic one.
  8388. ! Fixed calculation of birthdays (birthdays in month < 10 were not found).
  8389. ! Reduced amount of cached birthday information (less memory used, more birthdays allowed).
  8390. ! Birth year can be left empty in profile settings (assumed to be 0000).
  8391. ! Fixed birthday not shown in profile summary if the birthyear is left empty.
  8392. * Today's birthday highlighted on boardIndex.
  8393. ! Tried to disallow Settings.php being saved shorter than 10 lines.
  8394. * Fixed a minor html mistake in the ManageSmileys template.
  8395. ! Fixed events on boardindex not showing for group 'registered users'.
  8396. ! Fixed query_see_board so that 0 means all not just ungrouped.
  8397. ! Fixed adding membergroup with pre-defined permissionsettings.
  8398. ! Remove nested quotes replaces nested quotes by a line break.
  8399. ! Resetting a birthday should be possible now by just removing fields.
  8400. ! Events were zero based in YaBB SE, not correctly upgraded.
  8401. ! Default board for calendar events had no effect.
  8402. ! Added a check for a bad session.save_path in the installer... and a plug for my bug report ;).
  8403. ! Tweaked the credits slightly so they display a lot better.
  8404. * Administration sidebar is now more font-size friendly.
  8405. ! URLs with single quotes are now autolink'd, although I still don't think it's valid :P.
  8406. & Modified $txt[430] so it could include the username.
  8407. ! Saving settings now updates the calendar too.
  8408. ! Calendar wasn't showing holidays properly. (t. Patrick's Day, ernal Equinox.)
  8409. ! The member who starts/adds a poll is now recorded in the polls table.
  8410. * Added confirmation Javascript for attachment remove action.
  8411. & Added $txt['confirm_delete_attachments*'] to the Admin language files.
  8412. ! Added session check to remove attachment(s).
  8413. ! Fixed age selection in admin Member Search.
  8414. ! Randomized session check code.
  8415. ! Fixed permissions not properly counted for 'Guest' membergroup (some PHP/MySQL versions).
  8416. ! Removed loadMemberGroups (there's not enough added value there anymore).
  8417. ! Profile Account settings remember additional membergroups when an error occurs.
  8418. * Profile Account settings use different context variables to select membergroups.
  8419. ! Upgrade should now solve any missing-language problems.
  8420. ! Typo was making the above not actually solve anything, but at least it warned you.
  8421. & Fixed a typo in the non-english language files in ManageSmileys.
  8422. * De-admin prevention works again, minor change to Profile template.
  8423. ! Backup in upgrade wasn't working for *some* versions of MySQL.
  8424. & Very minor typo in the description of a certain permission.
  8425. ! A ] is now allowed before automatically linked URLs.
  8426. * People without the "admin_forum" permission can no longer set other people as administrators.
  8427. ! See that line two above? It was bad. Very bad. ] are no longer allowed before links.
  8428. * Added some preview functionality to EditPoll - for later use.
  8429. & Fixed small version problem with ManageMembers language files.
  8430. & Translated some of the German language files.
  8431. ! Autolink wasn't verifying scheme properly.
  8432. ! Help defaulting was not working properly in some cases.
  8433. ! Time offset should be floating point in Features and Options.
  8434. February 2004:
  8435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8436. ! The installer now asks directly for the forum name during installation.
  8437. ! VERY annoying typo in MessageIndex.php was causing children of children to be shown erroneously read/unread.
  8438. * Attempted to maximize desktop space economy-style in the ManagePermissions template.
  8439. ! Most every link is paired with a href now and vice versa, not done but very tired.
  8440. ! Trying to set a board as primary when there are no other boards no longer dies miserably. (now it dies silently ;).)
  8441. ! Maximum for constructPageIndex was the end, not the page before the end.
  8442. & Added the $txt['change_color'] string to all the Post language files.
  8443. * Now when you select a color it pops back to "Change Color" so you can pick it again.
  8444. ! Added an optional boards parameter to allowedto() and isAllowedTo().
  8445. ! boardsAllowedTo() now also has a boards parameter.
  8446. * The search and profile's recent posts should now apply permissions more or less correctly.
  8447. * Ten most recent posts now also does this, as well as linking to the poster's profile ;).
  8448. ! Added 'is_guest' => false to loadMemberContext().
  8449. * Removed an array initialization when commenting, oops.
  8450. ! Removed some references made on local variables. (doesn't save memory.)
  8451. ! Actually cleaned up the glow/shadow tags without removing them!
  8452. ! Calendar birthdays should now be in the proper month and day even on leap years.
  8453. ! Added 'Date Posted' to search screen, removed Reples/Matches. Left old code in if people want to change theme.
  8454. ! Theme installer works on more configurations now. (stupid $_FILES array.)
  8455. * Fixed some void(0) problems with a couple templates...
  8456. * Find Members shouldn't add the same member more than once, focuses box automatically.
  8457. + Each board can now be explicitely switched between Local and Global permissions.
  8458. + Post group permissions now add up to the other permissions.
  8459. + The number of permissions that are set for each membergroup is shown on the permissionindex page.
  8460. * Changed the local permission part of the permission index to reflect the changes in permission structure.
  8461. ! Who is online shows members as guest if the profile cannot be found.
  8462. + Added currently invisible function, IMPrune, for deleting personal messages over x days old.
  8463. & Two new language entries added to InstantMessage.language.php.
  8464. * New template, prune, added to InstantMessage.template.php.
  8465. ! Updated Instant Message functions to represent PM, not IM.
  8466. ! The calendar was calculating age based off the current year.
  8467. * $context['user']['avatar'] now is an array with more useful information.
  8468. * Added some spacing above the moderation buttons in Display.
  8469. ! Changed "TRUNCATE TABLE" to "TRUNCATE".
  8470. ! More im related variables renamed.
  8471. ! imsend() renamed to sendpm().
  8472. ! Permissions im_read and im_send renamed to pm_read and pm_send.
  8473. ! I have *no idea* why it has to be done NOW, but if it's going to be done now, it should at least be done fully - im->pm.
  8474. * Changed lots of templates, as did the changes above, since if Display has to be changed screw it anyway. No patience.
  8475. * Added context links to the track IP stuff.
  8476. ! Having no gender when upgrading no longer causes problems.
  8477. * Post wasn't showing the "Delete Event" button.
  8478. ! Typo on SetJavaScript made it fill the error log rather quickly.
  8479. * Changed a bunch of "."s to ","s in the InstantMessage template.
  8480. ! The link to edit an event was using the poster's ID instead of the topic's.
  8481. * Help popup now always has a margin, even if it is 0 in style.css.
  8482. * Calendar now has more padding in the days...
  8483. * Cleaned up the context stuff a lot in MessageIndex for children.
  8484. ! Reversed the order of the participation key, should make more things faster.
  8485. ! Some minor fix's on the converters.
  8486. ! Added classic theme to installer and upgrader.
  8487. & Moved everything out of the Settings language files because they should be for language specific settings only.
  8488. ! Permissions can now be add/deny instead of just add.
  8489. * Changed the default theme, please don't be mad at me if you don't like it :P.
  8490. ! Deleting a theme now resets everyone who was using that theme to ID_THEME = 0.
  8491. SMF 1.0 Beta 4 February 21, 2004
  8492. ================================================================================
  8493. February 2004:
  8494. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8495. ! Now there should be less difficulties with quotes and such tags.
  8496. ! Moderators should not double up parent/child now.
  8497. * The smiley set interface is much better now... ManageSmileys, etc.
  8498. & Added some new strings to ManageSmileys for the new interface.
  8499. ! Added more documenation to DumpDatabase.php and Notify.php.
  8500. * Moved images/im_sm_newmsg.gif to images/icons/im_newmsg.gif.
  8501. * Removed the unused images/im_sm_prefs.gif image.
  8502. ! Nearly finished the documentation in Errors.php.
  8503. ! MySQL 3 didn't like a certain query in notification settings, it seems.
  8504. ! Added a "package-list" parameter to the package server query...
  8505. ! Removed the last PackageCreate() functions from Packages.php.
  8506. ! Removed the Packer class finally ;). (still far from done.)
  8507. ! Completely removed the old $guestaccess, $MaxSigLen, and $MaxMessLen variables.
  8508. ! Put in some better memory saving devices... not completely used yet.
  8509. ! Removed the $showbbcbutt, $enable_ubbc, $timeformatstring variables.
  8510. ! Changed all the version numbers to 1.0 Beta 4. (not releasing yet!)
  8511. ! Version checker now looks for .template.php on the end.
  8512. + Added showPoll to SSI.php - this displays poll by topic ID - allows voting AND viewing of results.
  8513. ! Put showPoll into ssi_examples.php and ssi_examples.shtml.
  8514. ! Added is_last to boardNews function to make it look better.
  8515. ! Jack.R.Abbit's package server URL corrected to not have an extra /.
  8516. ! Cleaned up some of the PackageGet stuff to use xmlArray's auto_trim feature.
  8517. * Separated the sub templates in Packages because it was a mess.
  8518. & Added packages_latest/packages_latest_fetch to the Packages language file.
  8519. * Added a "Latest Packages" panel - to be moved to look better - in Packages.
  8520. * Added $context['support_info'] and $context['current_versions'] in preparation for some changes to ?action=admin.
  8521. ! Began the start of parsePackageInfo() and added matchPackageVersion() to Subs-Package.php.
  8522. ! Added an xml directory to the other stuff for DTDs and such stuff.
  8523. ! The upgrade script was creating a legacy $HeroPostNum variable in Settings.php.
  8524. ! Changed calendar_holiday DRASTICALLY into calendar_holidays. Don't worry, I have reasons.
  8525. ! calendarHolidayArray() now takes two dates and gets the events between them.
  8526. ! calendarBirthdayArray() now also takes two dates, almost done correcting the bug... (next is the calendar table..)
  8527. ! The calendar table now uses the same case as all the other tables ;).
  8528. ! calendarEventArray() now goes between two dates too.
  8529. ! SSI.php's recentPoll function has been greatly optimized now.
  8530. ! The calendar table has now lost day/year/month in favor of eventDate. (this is better for queries.)
  8531. ! Themes not edits the index.template.php file instead of index.php. (oops...)
  8532. ! The attachment downloading routine now restarts the output buffering, so as to fix any output already sent.
  8533. ! Moderators didn't seem to be working properly, only the first worked.
  8534. ! The moderatrion log no longer chokes if you click "remove" with nothing checked..
  8535. ! Updated a lot of the documentation in Subs-Package.php.
  8536. ! Upgraded the xmlArray class to the most recent version, which adds a lot of functionality.
  8537. & Removed errlog_total and 657 from the Admin language files.
  8538. * Removed all the statistics from the administration panel.
  8539. & Removed the 425 language string from the Admin files.
  8540. * The administration interface now has an area for common support concerns.
  8541. & Added support related entries to the Admin language files.
  8542. ! Added the latest-support.js file to deliver the latest support concerns.
  8543. & Changed the average_members string to 'Average registrations per day' in the Stats files.
  8544. ! Added and cleaned up more documentation in Printpage.php, News.php, MoveTopic.php, and Memberlist.php.
  8545. ! Fixed a minor undefined index notice in Subs-Boards.php.
  8546. ! Clarified the xmlArray error messages by adding "XML" to them ;).
  8547. ! All entities (like &#039;) are now correctly parsed in xml files.
  8548. ! Added a fix that converts international entities to text in preparsecode().
  8549. ! The calendar now shows birthdays for *any year*.... duh.
  8550. * Optimized a few more images. (namely blank.gif in default.)
  8551. ! saveInstalledPackages() now checks if the installed.list file is writable.
  8552. ! the getPackageInfo() function now conforms to the dtd as far as what's required and what's not.
  8553. ! Reorganized some of the package manager code and put comments as to what needs to be done. (not 100% complete or anything...)
  8554. - Removed basic/advanced permissions interface.
  8555. + Added a per permission interface.
  8556. - Removed permission wizard (was already replaced by the drop down boxes in the permission index page).
  8557. + Merged board and membergroup selector into one interface on the permission index page.
  8558. + Added option to switch between 'inherit permissions' and 'set local permissions'.
  8559. & Several language strings have been changed, removed and added in ManagePermissions.php.
  8560. & Language strings for permissions have been regrouped.
  8561. * Removed templates modify_board and wizard in ManagePermissions.php.
  8562. ! Fixed membergroup Global Moderator (=2) in upgrade.php.
  8563. * Decreased padding-space between admin center content and nav bar.
  8564. * Increased width of the index template to 95%.
  8565. + Version checker now checks language files in default directory.
  8566. & All language files altered to give version tags at top.
  8567. & Fixed some typos in the Help, index, Settings, Profile, Post, and Errors language files.
  8568. * Smite/Applaud links were wrong in the InstantMessage template.
  8569. ! Today mod no longer shows errors on negative dates.
  8570. * Quotes and code blocks should look nicer in wireless now...
  8571. + You can now activate your account manually by typing in the code.
  8572. & Moved some strings around to make this possible, and added a few - all to index.
  8573. * Added an "activate" sub template to the Login template to make all this possible.
  8574. * The Post template no longer shows "delete event" when creating a new event ;).
  8575. & Changed the wording of a few setting descriptions, added help for 3 existing options.
  8576. + Permission checking and documenting (25% done).
  8577. * Links removed when permission is not set (25% done).
  8578. + Info about online status added to theme user context.
  8579. & Serveral changes in the $txt['online?'] tags.
  8580. * Online icon and link are now constructed in the template.
  8581. ! Fixed moderators not getting proper permissions.
  8582. ! Fixed error 'missing topic ID' for 'post new event'.
  8583. + Post event now only shows those boards a user is allowed to post in.
  8584. - Removed option to set specific event posting members (already done by the permission system).
  8585. ! Made some big optimizations to the topics table and a few to SSI.php ;).
  8586. * Removed the big table that everything in view/delete members seemed to be contained in.
  8587. ! News feeds were double spaced because they used nl2br.
  8588. ! Feeds now use the email address instead of name for author.
  8589. ! Personal Messages weren't always deleting when you deleted a member. (ie. their sender.)
  8590. * Added some commenting to the index template.
  8591. * Changed a lot of the colors to just use lowercase, since a standard is needed.
  8592. - Package manager no longer uses "<TBLPREFIX>" in sql files; use "$db_prefix" instead.
  8593. ! The parsePackageInfo() function now does stuff, sorta...
  8594. & Removed some unslightly markup from the copyright statement.
  8595. ! The ssi_recentEvents() function wasn't going through the array properly.
  8596. ! Tabs have been kludged to produce good html except under MSIE 4 and 5, so they still work.
  8597. * Printpage now shows the topic subject in the title.
  8598. ! Added some more comments to important functions in Security.php.
  8599. * When clicking "mark all read" from the unread replies, it only marks those topics read.
  8600. - Global moderator no longer is a special membergroup.
  8601. ! Changed how events were cached to save space and actually do it properly.
  8602. * Changed a lot of the admin templates to make them more "Universal" in appearance.
  8603. & Added some extra help items to Help.language.php, and some minor additions in other language files.
  8604. * Simplified jump_to, although old stuff should still work fine.
  8605. * Quick moderation now remembers where you last moved the topic(s) to.
  8606. ! The upgrade script now saves Settings.php properly more of the time.
  8607. ! The upgrade script now redoes paths like './', etc.
  8608. ! Upgrade now skips updating the messages table if it doesn't need to be updated.
  8609. - Upgrade no longer converts attachments with a size but no name.
  8610. ! Most of the times ALTER IGNORE was being used in upgrade.php, it was unnecessary. (it only ignores duplicate uniques.)
  8611. ! You can now have no reserved names, without getting errors... or so I think.
  8612. ! Moved around some package management code to make it go smoother.
  8613. ! Optimized the calendar birthday query some more, because it was doing extra math before.
  8614. ! Reordered a few of the different actions in the administration sidebar.
  8615. * Spaced out the links on the administration sidebar more so they are easier to read.
  8616. * Added some more help links to administration templates and tweaked a few more things.
  8617. & Added latest_support, latest_packages, and latest_themes to $helptxt in the Help language files.
  8618. & Moved around a few strings in the index and Settings language files.
  8619. ! Clicking Install! on themes without doing anything no longer gives a "Hacker?" error message.
  8620. * The "Back" link after installing a theme now correctly reads "Back" ;), and it shows a sidebar.
  8621. ! If for some reason a topic has no messages, it should now cause less errors.
  8622. & Added one language entry ($txt[11]) to Admin.language.php.
  8623. & Several language entries added to Profile.language.php.
  8624. * Profile template changed quite a bit to make it more consistent. Notification and "Show Posts" sub templates changed considerably.
  8625. * Reformated the notification sub template of Profile so it looks nicer, and added a board notification listing.
  8626. & Redid all the language strings associated with the notification section and added a few. (Profile)
  8627. ! Deleting topic notifications no longer deletes all board notifications.
  8628. * The topic notification list now shows what board the topic is in, sub template changes are NOT compatible!
  8629. * Cleaned up the HTML in some templates that were using <b> inside catbg. (only decreases the usefulness of style.css!)
  8630. * Moved titlebg from td to tr in a few remaining places, cleaned up its <b>s too.
  8631. * Tweaked the Display templates so that the <on: date> line wouldn't have extra padding.
  8632. - Removed $user_info['is_moderator'] and $context['user']['is_moderator'].
  8633. + Added new permission moderate_board for all those extra things that make a moderator.
  8634. + Added permission edit_news.
  8635. + Added permission administrate_forum (merging repair_forum permission and admin-specific permissions).
  8636. + Added permissions profile_remove_own and profile_remove_any.
  8637. - Removed permissions profile_edit_own and profile_edit_any.
  8638. & Renamed profile_own_identity to profile_identity_own and profile_any_identity to profile_identity_any.
  8639. & Renamed profile_own_extra to profile_extra_own and profile_any_extra to profile_extra_any.
  8640. & Renamed profile_own_title to profile_title_own and profile_any_title to profile_title_any.
  8641. * Modified admin index to reflect the users' permissions.
  8642. ! Regrouped admin permissions.
  8643. ! Updated profile page to work with several combinations of permissions.
  8644. * Added an arrow in the registration center to indicate which screen is selected.
  8645. ! Removed some old group stuff from ModSettings.php, made it htmlspecialchars things. (I remember doing this before!)
  8646. ! After saving "Edit Forum Settings", you are no longer sent back to ?action=admin.
  8647. * "1 member awaiting approval" -> "There is one member awaiting approval."
  8648. & Added approve_thereis and approve_thereare to the index language files.
  8649. ! Renamed the is_banned() function is_not_banned().
  8650. * Changed the formatting of comments because my editor is playing tricks on me.
  8651. ! Added some documentation to Register.php and ModSettings.php.
  8652. ! A typo in the installer was making installing on PHP 5 cause errors.
  8653. ! Fixed online image in memberlist not showing properly.
  8654. ! Upgrade now skips personal message recipients that don't exist.
  8655. ! Upgrade now skips recipients that don't exist.
  8656. + IMKillAll/IMKillAllQuery functions can now delete ALL messages (not just in certain folder).
  8657. & Added an extra language entry to InstantMessage.language.php, $txt[411].
  8658. ! Upgrade now updates the basic statistics in the settings table.
  8659. * Really really long error URLs no longer distort the template.
  8660. ! Package browser now skips files that have no package-info.xml.
  8661. ! Packages were being looked for in /Packages/temp/, when they wouldn't be there ;).
  8662. ! The create-file action in package-info.xml should create an empty file.
  8663. ! The forum's version shouldn't include SMF in the package manager.
  8664. ! Repositioned some of the major functions so that they are sorted more logically.
  8665. ! Renamed the loadThemeUser() function to loadMemberContext() because the old name made no sense.
  8666. ! The loadMemberContext() function now returns true or false, depending on whether the data could be loaded.
  8667. ! Renamed the LoadUserID() function to loadMemberData() for the same reason as loadThemeUser().
  8668. ! Moved the loadJumpTo() and getBoardParents() functions to Load.php from Subs.php.
  8669. & Added the $txt['theme_thumbnail_href'] and $txt['theme_description'] strings to the Settings language files.
  8670. + Themes are now shown by those instead of predefined things.
  8671. * Added $txt['theme_global_description'] to the Themes language files.
  8672. - Removed the description from the theme settings and database.
  8673. * Removed the interface for editing the theme description.
  8674. & Removed the $txt['actual_theme_description'] variable from the Settings language files.
  8675. & $txt['reminder_subject'] is now used for reminder email subjects.
  8676. ! The validation_code is only 10 characters in default installations.
  8677. ! Corrected counter for people using the forum default theme.
  8678. & Completely reformatted the "report to moderator" email so it looks nicer. (removing and adding things from index.)
  8679. ! Reporting posts no longer sends names with entities in them.
  8680. * You can install templates without 777 now, but only from a directory. (Themes)
  8681. ! Themes with slashes in their names weren't installing very well.
  8682. ! If you can moderate_forum, you can send messages to anyone.
  8683. & $txt['theme_user'] added for when only one person is using a theme (people are -> person is).
  8684. * Added check for amount of users using a theme to the themes template, so correct text is displayed.
  8685. & Added $helptext[17], containing help on theme settings.
  8686. * The language version checker now works properly.
  8687. & Fixed a minor typo in theme_edit_index in the Themes language files.
  8688. ! Guests can now access the help page even if they are restricted to only login, etc.
  8689. ! Cleaned up the news_readme.html file to reflect some of the changes made...
  8690. ! The addslashes and stripslashes recursive functions now affect keys as well for security.
  8691. ! Revised or added some documentation to Who.php, Profile.php, and QueryString.php.
  8692. ! Some PHP configurations weren't installing new themes from existing directories well.
  8693. * Fixed a checkbox in the Search template not using the check class.
  8694. ! A typo in Admin.php caused a strange error when clearing logs.
  8695. ! A missing global was causing "Try again" not to work in upgrade.php.
  8696. * Fixed a bug in Recent.template.php that caused an error when there weren't any recent replies.
  8697. * Changed the "Delete Account" sub template in Profile.template.php to be more appropriate.
  8698. & Added some missing language entries to the ManagePermissions language files. (non-english only.)
  8699. ! Fixed a typo in upgrade.php that was causing upgrade issues.
  8700. & Fixed a lot of typographical errors in various language files. (english or untranslated only.)
  8701. & Made some captitalization fixes to all language files... (even non-english ones, hope it's i18n.)
  8702. ! Added a "first_post" sort method to MessageIndex, although it's not used currently.
  8703. + Ban actions are now stored in the moderation log.
  8704. + Moderation log made slightly more useful as topics, members and board IDs are expanded to give their descriptions.
  8705. & Four new language additions added to Admin.language.php ('modlog_expand', 'modlog_retract', 'modlog_search' and 'modlog_by').
  8706. * Moderation log template (Modlog.php) changed slightly.
  8707. ! Resolved some odd issues in the converters.
  8708. ! Upgrade now just says "SMF Upgrade Utility" to reduce confusion.
  8709. * Added Javascript function selectRadioByName().
  8710. * The banning stuff now auto-selects the box you click on ;).
  8711. ! Upgrade now sets the calendar as not updated today, so it will be fixed ;).
  8712. * The index.php files in Themes/* were pointing to themselves instead of the one in Themes.
  8713. ! Missed an "empty delimiter" error in Post.php for the response_prefix.
  8714. & This may or may not be your profile :P?
  8715. ! Moved around a setting in "Edit Features and Options" to be more logical.
  8716. & Added a link to theme settings from the "Edit Features and Options" page.
  8717. ! The updateMemberData() function now attempts to keep certain values above -1 ;).
  8718. ! Recount totals now handles people with *no messages at all.*
  8719. ! SSI function showPoll now shows amount of votes per option when output_method is echo.
  8720. ! Avatar groups (directories) with underscores now get them converted to spaces.
  8721. ! The package manager now supports websites without titles ;).
  8722. ! parsePackageInfo() should now delete files from the correct place.
  8723. ! PackageOther() now uses parsePackageInfo(), and it works too!
  8724. & Used the &copy; entity although it isn't needed.
  8725. ! parsePackageInfo() now tries to clean up after restrictive permissions.
  8726. ! parsePackageInfo() checks if anything went wrong with $failure, but doesn't use it yet.
  8727. ! Fixed some very annoying errors about using ob_gzhandler twice...
  8728. ! Effectively renamed PackageOther() to PackageInstallTest(), but it's going to be used for more soon ;).
  8729. & Made a small change to package44... 'Installing *this* package will...'.
  8730. ! QuoteFast now quotes non-European, etc. text correctly.
  8731. * Packages now handle readmes better, parsePackageInfo makes a list of what wasn't done.
  8732. & Added some strings to the Packages language files for i18n reasons.
  8733. ! Fixed some annoying problems in upgrade.php's personal message upgrading.
  8734. ! Removed package avatar/language file sub action destinction... changed to install and install2.
  8735. ! Made some changes to upgrade.php to better support upgrading from heavily modded forum installs.
  8736. ! Added a parseBoardMod() function for board mod files, although I'd prefer xml style... not used yet.
  8737. * Linked username in registration center to profile.
  8738. ! Fixed 'set permission like this group' for group 0.
  8739. ! Fixed 'set permission like this group' where the source group has no permissions set.
  8740. ! 'set permission like this group' now also copies global board permission.
  8741. & Fixed some misplaced permission error strings in Errors.
  8742. ! Mangled around a few things so the package manager might parse mods, but I doubt it works well.
  8743. ! Updated xmlArray to current version; creates a new xmlArray of the correct class.
  8744. ! Added to_array() method for xmlArray, this easily fetches the contents of an element.
  8745. ! The xmlArray no longer stores empty strings when trim is on.
  8746. ! Exported XML no longer shows [] when it's a set of elements.
  8747. ! getPackageInfo now uses the to_array() method, which should be faster.
  8748. ! The server list now uses to_array() for the same above-mentioned reasons.
  8749. ! Links with : in them now auto-link, as long as it's not the last character.
  8750. * The Packages javascript now has the installed mods in it to avoid listing things twice.
  8751. * Made some changes to the package manager so it can actually install mods ;). (theory, and boardmod only!)
  8752. ! Some minor aesthetic changes to the installer and made it do some lycos stuff just because it can.
  8753. - Removed the "Skip This" option from the installer because it could cause problems.
  8754. ! Attachments, if "encrypt filenames" is off, now use a redirect if possible.
  8755. ! Installer, package installer, attachments, latest news, and dump database work in safe mode/lycos. (although dump database has an ad at the end!)
  8756. + Added theme option to save PMs to the outbox by default.
  8757. * Settings template now includes the theme option 'copy_to_outbox'.
  8758. & $txt['copy_to_outbox'] added to Profile.{lang}.php.
  8759. ! Messages from deleted members were not showing who sent them properly.
  8760. * Fixed some invalid xhtml in the package file listing.
  8761. & Aesthetic changes to some of the strings in Packages so they sound nicer.
  8762. * Migrated installation warning and no-upgrade warning to PackageInstallTest. Soon it shall replace Premod/Mod/Mod2/Mod3, etc.
  8763. & Added some new language strings in Packages.. $txt['package_installed_warning1'], $txt['package_installed_warning2'], and $txt['package_installed_warning3'].
  8764. ! Added the database connection link to all functions that need it; makes it a lot easier to use things like phpAdsNew with SMF.
  8765. ! If maintenance mode is on, SSI.php can now take $ssi_maintenance_off and dies with an error message.
  8766. ! It is now possible to reset members to use the board default theme.
  8767. & One language entry, $txt['theme_forum_default'], added to Themes.language.php.
  8768. + Report to moderator now sends emails out in correct language for the moderator.
  8769. & Several language entries moved from index.language.php to Post.language.php.
  8770. * Removed the mod_warning sub template from the Packages template file.
  8771. & Removed the PackageMod() function from Packages.php, along with its strings in Packages.
  8772. - Removed ability to use just a .sql file; now you should use a .php file with sql in it.
  8773. ! Started to remove some of the PackageMod3() function.
  8774. & Removed some old strings from the Packages language files.
  8775. & Corrected $txt['smf3'] so that it points to the correct theme settings.
  8776. * Moved enable_news to theme settings, although show_news is still filled.
  8777. & Phased out $enable_notification... mostly. Removed $txt[381] from Admin.
  8778. & Renamed "Edit Forum Settings" to "Edit Server Settings" in the Admin language file.
  8779. ! Minor aesthetic change: the "(confirm)" is now in italics.
  8780. ! Fixed a unique index problem with split topics, should work in all cases...
  8781. ! The package manager now lists all the actions of a boardmod file and lists failures.
  8782. & Removed some strings from Packages and got rid of PackageMod3().
  8783. & Moved $txt[51] from index to Packages.
  8784. * Now Packages must be installed/uninstalled after testing that they work.
  8785. & Removed some language entries that are no longer needed.
  8786. + Theory dictates that the package installer/uninstaller should work, as well as upgrading; xml format mods and more not done yet.
  8787. ! Fixed the duplicate key error on splitting a topic; renamed some variables for consistency.
  8788. * Fixed some minor things in Packages.php related to installing/uninstalling packages. Confirmed working :D.
  8789. & Added some language stuff to make installing and uninstalling packages say stuff properly.
  8790. ! constructPageIndex() now protects against people not properly passing stuff to it :P.
  8791. * Renamed 'cur_page' to 'current_page' in the Wireless template.
  8792. ! Clicking on a new sort column in view members should start you back at the beginning, not where you are; same in mod log.
  8793. ! Sort order of error log will now be remembered after removing entries.
  8794. ! Added a selection triangle to the memberlist item that is selected.
  8795. * Fixed a search memberlist template glitch.
  8796. ! Error messages should be shown with entities, but not elements.
  8797. & Moved rtm8 back from the Post files to Profile; it isn't used anywhere else.
  8798. * Now there's a link to click about why the secret answer field is blank.
  8799. & Added $txt['secret_why_blank'] to Profile, and $helptxt['secret_why_blank'] to Help.
  8800. & Modified the English version of $txt[596] to sound better.
  8801. & Added $txt['secret_desc'] to Profile to describe what exactly the secret question is.
  8802. * Added this to the Profile template.
  8803. & Tweaked $txt['smf243'] and $txt['smf244'] because they used Password not password :P.
  8804. ! Moved around a couple of settings in feature settings and options to make more logical.
  8805. ! Where ever there was a time in the context, added a timestamp. Makes it easier ;).
  8806. * The default catbg.gif file is now taller and even smaller ;) - and it looks better too.
  8807. ! Added some missing href's to contexts that had link's but no href's.
  8808. + Added "find user" option to Personal Messages.
  8809. * New template, find_users, added to InstantMessage.template.php.
  8810. & Four new language entries added to index.language.php. ($txt['find_*'])
  8811. ! Fixed Display.php's start=new not always going to the right page.
  8812. & Added $txt['find_close'], and redid some of the language work.
  8813. * The find members thing has been moved to Help for now, and does a lot more.
  8814. ! Now posting should insert a time one second in the future so as to fix start=new issues for sure.
  8815. ! Added the semicolon to the list of characters allowed before a smiley.
  8816. ! Fixed an xhtml typo in the Display template.
  8817. & Added $txt['find_wildcards'] to the index.language.php files.
  8818. * Added wildcard information to the find members sub template.
  8819. * Added find members to the ManageBoards template for moderators.
  8820. * findMembers() now respects the hideEmail settings.
  8821. ! Probably/possibly fixed the table bbc parsing bug.
  8822. ! BBC wasn't highlighting properly from the first character. (index = 0)
  8823. ! Fixed a very special-case for the attachments not working.
  8824. ! Changed $linkid to $db_connection in install.php to fix installation problems.
  8825. & Added the vote and modlog actions to the Who language files.
  8826. ! Moved (in the defaults) the >:D smiley before the :D smiley.
  8827. & Added Modifications language file for modifications to put strings in ;). (always loaded.)
  8828. * Added the [!] box to the bcc field as well. (InstantMessage)
  8829. * The javascript function reqWin() now takes three parameters, but the last two are optional.
  8830. * Find Members and Quote Fast links all changed to use the new reqWin() format.
  8831. * reqWin() now always returns false, changed "reqWin(this.href); return false;" to "return reqWin(this.href);".
  8832. * Changed on[event]="javascript: to just on[event]="
  8833. ! Last character of an event can't/shouldn't be ','.
  8834. January 2004:
  8835. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8836. * Reoranized language strings for SendTopic to be cleaner.
  8837. & Indexes changed for SendTopic's language strings in index.
  8838. * Renamed all templates ".template.php".
  8839. & Languages renamed to languages.
  8840. * Moved images/tree/*.gif to images/icons/*.gif.
  8841. ! Added repair_paths.php tool for changing servers, might need changing.
  8842. ! Removed the posts parameter of determinePostGroup().
  8843. & Removed unreasonable poll length limit, changed Post.
  8844. ! The "hide until expire" poll option worked backwards; fixed.
  8845. ! fixed typo; DROP KEY -> DROP INDEX in upgrade.php.
  8846. & Moved 'poll_range_error' to the Errors language files.
  8847. ! Changed version check to use .template.php.
  8848. * Made the version line not include .php.
  8849. * Renamed the main sub template in Admin/Help to popup.
  8850. * Renamed the main sub template in Admin/Errors to error_log.
  8851. - Removed Admin dir in Themes/{theme}/ and Themes/{theme}/languages.
  8852. * Moved /Admin templates to the main template dir.
  8853. * Renamed Admin/index.php template to Admin.php
  8854. * Merged templates Help.template.php and Admin/Help.template.php
  8855. & Moved /Admin language files to the main language dir.
  8856. & Renamed language files Admin/index.{language}.php to Admin.{language}.php
  8857. & Merged language files Help.{langugage}.php and Admin/Help.{langugage}.php
  8858. * Renamed the error sub template in Errors to fatal_error.
  8859. ! Removed version tagging from templates not updated to use better xhtml.
  8860. ! Cleaned up ManageBoards and upgrade.php's board ordering.
  8861. + Added version information to the settings table.
  8862. ! Fixed bug in reordering of children.
  8863. * Cleaned up SplitTopics template a little.
  8864. * No longer shows "0 Hidden" if there are no users currently hidden.
  8865. ! Now counts hidden users as a user in the online list.
  8866. * Tweaked news fader display to play nicer with border colors.
  8867. ! Fixed using breaks after/before bbc tags like url, iurl, flash, and img.
  8868. ! If a board has no posts in it, it isn't new.
  8869. ! ssi_checkPassword now checks whether the member is activated.
  8870. ! Made line breaks show in MySQL error messages.
  8871. ! Fixed bug that happened when two people accessed the page for a new day.
  8872. ! Usernames with <'s in them appeared wrong in the error log.
  8873. ! Fixed a typo in profile's error handling for additional options.
  8874. ! Upgrade shouldn't add any permissions.
  8875. + Upgrade now checks the version number of certain file(s).
  8876. ! Upgrader now works better with non-standard theme paths. (still buggy.)
  8877. ! Simplified check for moderator status. (fixes moderators not showing in children.)
  8878. + Upgrade now makes sure Settings.php has no trailing whitespace.
  8879. ! Removed some unnecessary (and imho annoying) whitespace.
  8880. ! Fixed a typo in ManageBoards that made modifying a board impossible.
  8881. ! Upgrade was screwing up people's genders.
  8882. & Changed the show_children string slightly in Settings.
  8883. + The profile now warns you before taking away admin priv's.
  8884. * Added check in Profile for self de-admin.
  8885. & Added confirmation string for self de-admin to Profile.
  8886. ! More documentation; Admin.php and Calendar.php.
  8887. ! Merging two topics a person had notification on failed, fixed.
  8888. ! Made some changes to reduce over-comma'ing knownThemes.
  8889. + Added barebones smiley installer.
  8890. ! Fixed bug in installer that made it use the wrong path for Settings.php.
  8891. + Changed ssi_recentPosts and ssi_recentTopics so you can exclude certain boards.
  8892. ! Child boards in MessageIndex were not being marked as having new posts.
  8893. + Added ssi_ban option to SSI.php so it doesn't always ban.
  8894. * Made some minor html tweaks.
  8895. ! Fixed some vestages from when personal messages were called instant.
  8896. ! Made upgrade remove even MORE evil deletedBy keys...
  8897. * Changed the URL to spellcheck.js and fader.js to the default theme.
  8898. * Everywhere that points to script.js now uses the default URL.
  8899. ! Post groups were not working correctly.
  8900. ! Unable to load language file error message tweaked to show filename.
  8901. ! Fixed bug in SSI.php when showing hidden users.
  8902. ! Fixed a bug in banPermissions() that screwed up stuff if banning wasn't run.
  8903. ! Fixed bug that prevented proper member search within additional membergroups.
  8904. + Split table instant_messages into instant_messages and im_recipients
  8905. & Added language tags to the InstantMessage language file.
  8906. + Added a send report to PM posting if one or more of the recipients failed.
  8907. * Added an option to the PM post screen to store a copy of the message in the outbox.
  8908. ! Fixed a couple bugs in upgrade.php... (ims, Settings.php.)
  8909. ! Added some more documentation.
  8910. ! Changed IMPostError() to use less parameters.
  8911. ! Minor tweaks to package manager. (not done yet!)
  8912. ! Replaced all calls to getimagesize() with url_image_size() which times out.
  8913. ! Added an index.php to the theme directories to protect their contents.
  8914. ! Updated theme file copying as index.php is now index.template.php.
  8915. + Added user statistics panel to profile. May need some more stuff to be add/removed.
  8916. & Added language tags for user statistics to Profile language files.
  8917. * Added template function for user statistics to Profile.
  8918. ! Updated converters to work with new instant message tables.
  8919. ! Put $emailpassword, $emailnewpass, $emailwelcome and $allow_hide_email into $modSettings.
  8920. * Simplified statPanel sub template in Profile.
  8921. & Added $txt['statPanel_show'] to Profile.
  8922. ! Send messages to members wasn't loading Subs-Post.php.
  8923. ! Moved required version for buffer manipulation up to 4.3.0... ugh.
  8924. & Removed the Notify language files and migrated stuff from it to the index language files.
  8925. * Moved stuff around in the Profile and Settings templates.
  8926. ! Added label elements to the ModSettings ('Edit Features and Options') page.
  8927. & Took some ?s off of setting descriptions.
  8928. ! Moved buttons as images settings from admin to theme settings.
  8929. * Removed use_image_buttons part of index.template.php. (although keeping it there doesn't hurt.)
  8930. ! Updated some queries to fit slightly different guidelines.
  8931. ! Fixed a few mistakes in the statPanel stuff.
  8932. + Created a "default forum theme" for members who want to follow the forum default.
  8933. * Added checkbox to "parse" html in send member email. (ManageMembers)
  8934. & Added a language string $txt['email_parsed_html'] to Admin.
  8935. * Made the submit/preview buttons in InstantMessage the same order as in Post.
  8936. ! The link was wrong when quoting a message.
  8937. & Made a copy of $txt[130] in Post.*.php to fix notification errors.
  8938. + Added registration center; includes admin approval, reviewing outstanding activations and admin register member.
  8939. & Added language entries to Admin, Help, Login and index language files for registration.
  8940. * Registration template added to considerably, index template changed. (added # of unactivated.)
  8941. ! Added help text to email type modSettings.
  8942. ! Moved $guestaccess, $timeformatstring, $showbbcbutt, $enable_ubbc, $MaxMessLen and $MaxSigLen to $modSettings and theme settings.
  8943. & Language change on "allow guest access" to make it work non-inverted.
  8944. ! Bug fixed in theme settings where "show images" wasn't remembering what it was before switching.
  8945. * Fixed agreement so it warns you if it's not writable.
  8946. * Fixed a bug in Profile that didn't check mistakes correctly.
  8947. * Personal messages weren't saving when the box was checked.
  8948. ! Personal messsages now handle bad starts better.
  8949. ! Changed the case of DeleteMembers() to deleteMembers().
  8950. ! The updateLastMessage() query no longer uses filesort and temporary. (shudder!!)
  8951. ! Renamed "updateLastMessage()" to "updateLastMessages()" and made it take an array.
  8952. ! Made the debugging stuff not allow you to click on anything not explainable.
  8953. ! Optimized updateStats('member'), updateStats('postgroups') (a lot), and updateSettings().
  8954. ! Fixed a notice if you were at ?action=post. (calendar?)
  8955. ! Added a kludge for people who have removed all post groups. (which should not be done.)
  8956. + Notifications now tell you WHO posted the reply. (replies only!)
  8957. & Changed $txt[128] so it can have the poster's name in it.
  8958. ! Deleting all attachments caused problems.
  8959. ! Editing the "Newbie" group made it no longer a post group.
  8960. & No reason to log $txt['smf270']...
  8961. ! You couldn't post events to the calendar unless you were an administrator.
  8962. ! Moved some of the main forum settings around.
  8963. ! Cleaned up OptimizeTables() a little bit.
  8964. ! Added more logs to the "empty out unimportant logs" function.
  8965. ! Made some notes on queries that are slow.
  8966. ! Changed spamProtection() to only take a type.
  8967. ! Added a new key to messages that cleans a few things up some.
  8968. ! Optimized a minor query in the statistics.
  8969. ! Optimized some queries in Profile.
  8970. ! Fixed some minor issues with coding guidelines in queries.
  8971. ! Deleting a single post to the recycle bin didn't add to the counts.
  8972. ! A space at the beginning of a line didn't show.
  8973. ! Optimized some of the personal message queries.
  8974. * Who's Online IP links now open in a new window.
  8975. ! The updateSettings() function caused errors on *new* settings.
  8976. ! The "member doesn't exist" error can probably be ignored.
  8977. * Cleaned up the InstantMessage template a bit, you can now forward deleted members' PMs.
  8978. + Added option to choose membergroup in "register new member" function.
  8979. * Added said option to the Register template.
  8980. & Added three new entries to Login language files for this option.
  8981. ! Made loadTheme() do more of the theme selection.
  8982. ! Reordered the data loading order so boards are above the theme.
  8983. + Added a board by board selectable theme setting. (overridable)
  8984. ! Added ID_THEME column to the boards table, made the INSERT only specify certain columns in the sql file.
  8985. * ManageBoards can now set the theme for a board.
  8986. & Added $txt['mboards_theme'], $txt['mboards_theme_desc'], and $txt['mboards_theme_default'].
  8987. ! The loadUserSettings() function was setting the user's theme wrong...
  8988. ! The spellcheck popup had a trailing single quote.
  8989. ! Fixed a typo in the default previous/next links.
  8990. * Cleaned up Display template a lot. (not done; no mandatory changes.)
  8991. ! The deleteMembers() function now affects the log_online table.
  8992. ! Some dates for Winter Solstices were wrong.
  8993. ! Profile statistics should now respect time offsets.
  8994. & Spelling, 'stastics' should have read 'statistics' in Profile.
  8995. ! Making a mistake in editing someone's profile would show your username.
  8996. & The markasread action was missing from Who's Online.
  8997. ! Tweaked some of the search queries a bit, tweaked relevance.
  8998. * Fixed some minor issues with the Search template.
  8999. ! Typo in dump database made compression not work well.
  9000. + News.php is now dead. News moved to SSI. News accessed through boardNews() in SSI.php.
  9001. ! You can now pass length to boardNews() which limits characters per news item.
  9002. ! news_template.php removed in favor of SSI.php's templating.
  9003. ! news_readme.html updated to reflect new things...
  9004. ! Added session rewriting to SSI.php...
  9005. * The "Save to outbox" checkbox in InstantMessage now uses a label.
  9006. * "hideemail" in the Register template changed to "hideEmail".
  9007. + Register can now hold as much of profile as the theme wants, needs more work.
  9008. * Post's Additional Options drop down now switches between +/- alt.
  9009. ! ID_MSG resort tool now does things better.
  9010. ! Changed the activation center's default sort to dateRegistered.
  9011. * The activation center now has a "check all" box, fixed a javascript error.
  9012. & Fixed some grammar in Login.
  9013. ! After approval, the registration center goes back to the page you were on.
  9014. ! Put warning about missing copyright back in and made it work properly.
  9015. * Help now uses a different way of showing the copyright.
  9016. & Added $txt['help_copyright'] to Help language files.
  9017. & Removed $txt['smf_news_error1'] for SSI from Stats language files.
  9018. * Cleaned up ManageMembers template a very little bit.
  9019. ! Errors should now show breaks properly, or so it seems.
  9020. ! Now you can ban members with the IP address 'unknown'.
  9021. ! RSS feeds now max out at 255 limit for performance reasons; you really never need more.
  9022. ! The recent posts and news feeds now allow you to specify boards.
  9023. ! The author element in RSS feeds now use the name instead of link.
  9024. ! Oops, the guid in RSS feeds should be a URL.
  9025. ! The RSS feeds now use entities more often.
  9026. * Fixed some unimportant typos and spacing.
  9027. * Statistics should now should in YYYY/MM/DD format instead of DD/MM/YYYY.
  9028. & Changed $txt['smf_stats_6'] to reflect this new format.
  9029. * Fixed some spacing issues in spellcheck.js.
  9030. & Added package_installed_key, package_installed_current, and package_installed_old to Packages.
  9031. ! ModSettings no longer does groups, it was badly done and unused anyway.
  9032. ! Fixed an upgrade BBC bug.
  9033. ! Removed package creation function from the package manager.
  9034. & Removed the now unused language entries from Packages.
  9035. ! Fixed a bug in the template converter.
  9036. ! More documentation in some sources....
  9037. ! Turning off polls should work better now.
  9038. & Added Wireless language files.... should be more internationalized now.
  9039. ! If you weren't directly an admin, changing your profile would cause a warning about removing your admin status.
  9040. ! Minor typo in search caused a regular expression error.
  9041. ! SendTopic message looks a bit different.
  9042. ! Added repair.php, hope it one day is worth something.
  9043. ! The template converter is now more or less working properly.
  9044. ! The updateLastMessages() function wasn't setting empty boards correctly.
  9045. ! Deleting a member now sets all their messages to be from a guest/deleted member.
  9046. ! Fixed a typo in the dutch $txt['spellcheck_done'].
  9047. ! Printing a topic with images did not go well.
  9048. ! Topic reply notifications didn't handle entities well.
  9049. ! Attachments with a size of -1 weren't handled well in Post.
  9050. ! New would sometimes go to the last post of the previous page...
  9051. ! Empty boards still made the category they were in mark as new.
  9052. ! Fixed a dumb typo that was causing double posting.
  9053. ! Tried to better some queries.
  9054. ! If pspell can't be loaded, the spellchecker gives up.
  9055. ! Added the "b" element to the allowed ones in error logging.
  9056. ! 10 most recent posts is now considerably faster on even smaller forums.
  9057. ! Added some new, but yet unused, information to topic viewing.
  9058. ! Added a "try again" link to errors in upgrade.php.
  9059. + Topic moving now remembers the last board you moved to.
  9060. * The MoveTopic template now selects it, not mandatory but recommended.
  9061. ! Upgrade was giving some post groups moderator permissions.
  9062. ! Permissions wizard thought it could affect administrators.
  9063. ! Password reset now works properly again; email looks better.
  9064. & Fixed some typos in ModSettings and Themes.
  9065. ! Logging in as an "additional" administrator now sets the admin_time.
  9066. ! Added ability to reverse sort list in error log.
  9067. & One text entry added to admin.language.php.
  9068. ! Added boardNews function to ssi_examples.
  9069. + Can now sort memberlist by date registered (ID_MEMBER).
  9070. & Removed a "click here" message from the Login language file. (English only.)
  9071. ! Moving a topic now moves over its mark_read data, in theory.
  9072. ! Personal Message notifications weren't being sent in the right language.
  9073. ! It now checks that the themes directory is writable before allowing you to install/make new theme.
  9074. + You can now add themes by directory, from anywhere ;).
  9075. ! There, register plugs people into groups right away.
  9076. ! SSI.php now uses topicseen instead of boardseen.
  9077. ! Added tabindexes to the manage categories page.
  9078. ! The spamProtection() function now only limits posting to the specified time.
  9079. ! The installer now specifically disallows "." as the install directory.
  9080. ! Made quoteheader/codeheader more themable.
  9081. ! Added a bunch of stuff to the recent/unread context variables.
  9082. * Added board information to unread/unreadreplies.
  9083. & Added an error message for if the attachments directory was read-only.
  9084. ! The url_image_size() function now handles empty URLs better.
  9085. ! Fixed some remaining issues with theme installation.
  9086. ! Made it so theme gzips do NOT contain the directory, rather their name is used.
  9087. ! Return to page after attachment deletion..
  9088. + The theme copy routine is now capable of making a theme with a specific name.
  9089. + Themes from a URL are now checked to be on simplemachines.org.
  9090. & An error message is now shown if you try to install a theme and Themes is not writable.
  9091. ! Smileys should now be extracted like Themes, not just to the root of /Smileys.
  9092. ! Mark as read - no board specified or invalid board, send to board index.
  9093. ! Wireless mode doesn't require a copyright link.
  9094. ! The "Copyright removed" error is not also logged to get attention ;).
  9095. ! No need to log the "topic locked" error.
  9096. * Cleaned up default "addpoll.gif" images..
  9097. * Optimized a whole junkload of images a lot. (decrease of about 13kb total...)
  9098. ! More documentation and stuff, mostly in Security and QueryString.
  9099. ! Fixed some more upgrade issues with instant messages.
  9100. ! Defined the actual_ URLs and paths in a different place so they'd get loaded earlier.
  9101. + repair_ID_IM.php added. Use it to repair the instant message tables.
  9102. Legend:
  9103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9104. ! Minor change or bugfix. (don't bother to log typos except between releases.)
  9105. * Change like above, but affects templates.
  9106. & Change that affects a language file. (make two if it affects templates too.)
  9107. + Feature addition or improvement.
  9108. - Feature or option removal.