Post.english.php 15 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // Version: 2.1 Alpha 1; Post
  3. global $context;
  4. $txt['post_reply'] = 'Post reply';
  5. $txt['message_icon'] = 'Message icon';
  6. $txt['subject_not_filled'] = 'The subject field was not filled out. It is required.';
  7. $txt['message_body_not_filled'] = 'The message body was not filled out. It is required.';
  8. // Use numeric entities in the below string.
  9. $txt['add_bbc'] = 'Add BBC tags';
  10. $txt['bold'] = 'Bold'; // deprecated
  11. $txt['italic'] = 'Italicized'; // deprecated
  12. $txt['underline'] = 'Underline'; // deprecated
  13. $txt['center'] = 'Centered'; // deprecated
  14. $txt['hyperlink'] = 'Insert Hyperlink'; // deprecated
  15. $txt['insert_email'] = 'Insert Email'; // deprecated
  16. $txt['bbc_code'] = 'Insert Code'; // deprecated
  17. // Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
  18. $txt['bbc_quote'] = 'Insert Quote'; // deprecated
  19. $txt['list'] = 'Insert List'; // deprecated
  20. $txt['list_unordered'] = 'Insert unordered list'; // deprecated
  21. $txt['list_ordered'] = 'Insert ordered list'; // deprecated
  22. $txt['change_color'] = 'Change color'; // deprecated
  23. $txt['black'] = 'Black'; // deprecated
  24. $txt['red'] = 'Red'; // deprecated
  25. $txt['yellow'] = 'Yellow'; // deprecated
  26. $txt['pink'] = 'Pink'; // deprecated
  27. $txt['green'] = 'Green'; // deprecated
  28. $txt['orange'] = 'Orange'; // deprecated
  29. $txt['purple'] = 'Purple'; // deprecated
  30. $txt['blue'] = 'Blue'; // deprecated
  31. $txt['beige'] = 'Beige'; // deprecated
  32. $txt['brown'] = 'Brown'; // deprecated
  33. $txt['teal'] = 'Teal'; // deprecated
  34. $txt['navy'] = 'Navy'; // deprecated
  35. $txt['maroon'] = 'Maroon'; // deprecated
  36. $txt['lime_green'] = 'Lime Green'; // deprecated
  37. $txt['white'] = 'White'; // deprecated
  38. $txt['disable_smileys'] = 'Disable smileys';
  39. $txt['dont_use_smileys'] = 'Don\'t use smileys.';
  40. // Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'.
  41. $txt['posted_on'] = 'Posted on';
  42. $txt['standard'] = 'Standard';
  43. $txt['thumbs_up'] = 'Thumb Up';
  44. $txt['thumbs_down'] = 'Thumb Down';
  45. $txt['excamation_point'] = 'Exclamation point';
  46. $txt['question_mark'] = 'Question mark';
  47. $txt['icon_poll'] = 'Poll';
  48. $txt['lamp'] = 'Lamp';
  49. $txt['add_smileys'] = 'Add smileys';
  50. $txt['flash'] = 'Insert Flash'; // deprecated
  51. $txt['ftp'] = 'Insert FTP Link'; // deprecated
  52. $txt['image'] = 'Insert image'; // deprecated
  53. $txt['table'] = 'Insert table'; // deprecated
  54. $txt['table_td'] = 'Insert table column'; // deprecated
  55. $txt['topic_notify_no'] = 'There are no topics with notification.';
  56. $txt['marquee'] = 'Marquee'; // deprecated
  57. $txt['teletype'] = 'Teletype'; // deprecated
  58. $txt['strike'] = 'Strikethrough'; // deprecated
  59. $txt['glow'] = 'Glow'; // deprecated
  60. $txt['shadow'] = 'Shadow'; // deprecated
  61. $txt['preformatted'] = 'Preformatted text'; // deprecated
  62. $txt['left_align'] = 'Left align'; // deprecated
  63. $txt['right_align'] = 'Right align'; // deprecated
  64. $txt['superscript'] = 'Superscript'; // deprecated
  65. $txt['subscript'] = 'Subscript'; // deprecated
  66. $txt['table_tr'] = 'Insert table row'; // deprecated
  67. // post_too_long seems unused (duplicate in Errors: error_post_too_long
  68. $txt['post_too_long'] = 'Your message is too long. Please go back and shorten it, then try again.';
  69. $txt['horizontal_rule'] = 'Horizontal Rule'; // deprecated
  70. $txt['font_size'] = 'Font size'; // deprecated
  71. $txt['font_face'] = 'Font face'; // deprecated
  72. $txt['toggle_view'] = 'Toggle view'; // deprecated
  73. $txt['unformat_text'] = 'Remove formatting'; // deprecated
  74. $txt['rich_edit_wont_work'] = 'Your browser does not support Rich Text editing.'; // deprecated
  75. $txt['rich_edit_function_disabled'] = 'Your browser does not support this function.'; // deprecated
  76. // Use numeric entities in the below five strings.
  77. $txt['notifyUnsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe to this topic by clicking here';
  78. $txt['lock_after_post'] = 'Lock after Post';
  79. $txt['notify_replies'] = 'Notify me of replies.';
  80. $txt['lock_topic'] = 'Lock this topic.';
  81. $txt['shortcuts'] = 'shortcuts: alt+s submit/post or alt+p preview';
  82. $txt['shortcuts_drafts'] = 'shortcuts: alt+s submit/post, alt+p preview or alt+d save draft';
  83. $txt['shortcuts_firefox'] = 'shortcuts: shift+alt+s submit/post or shift+alt+p preview';
  84. $txt['shortcuts_drafts_firefox'] = 'shortcuts: shift+alt+s submit/post, shift+alt+p preview or shift+alt+d save draft';
  85. $txt['option'] = 'Option';
  86. $txt['reset_votes'] = 'Reset vote count';
  87. $txt['reset_votes_check'] = 'Check this if you want to reset all vote counts to 0.';
  88. $txt['votes'] = 'votes';
  89. $txt['attach'] = 'Attach';
  90. $txt['clean_attach'] = 'Clear attachment';
  91. $txt['attached'] = 'Attached';
  92. $txt['allowed_types'] = 'Allowed file types';
  93. $txt['cant_upload_type'] = 'You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are %1$s.';
  94. $txt['uncheck_unwatchd_attach'] = 'Uncheck the attachments you no longer want attached';
  95. $txt['restricted_filename'] = 'That is a restricted filename. Please try a different filename.';
  96. $txt['topic_locked_no_reply'] = 'Warning! This topic is currently/will be locked<br />Only admins and moderators can reply.';
  97. $txt['awaiting_approval'] = 'Awaiting approval';
  98. $txt['attachment_requires_approval'] = 'Note that any files attached will not be displayed until approved by a moderator.';
  99. $txt['error_temp_attachments'] = 'There are attachments found, which you have attached before but not posted. These attachments are now attached to this post. If you do not want to include them in this post, you can remove them <a href="#postAttachment">here</a>.';
  100. // Use numeric entities in the below string.
  101. $txt['js_post_will_require_approval'] = 'Reminder: This post will not appear until approved by a moderator.';
  102. $txt['enter_comment'] = 'Enter comment';
  103. // Use numeric entities in the below two strings.
  104. $txt['reported_post'] = 'Reported post';
  105. $txt['reported_to_mod_by'] = 'by';
  106. $txt['rtm10'] = 'Submit';
  107. // Use numeric entities in the below four strings.
  108. $txt['report_following_post'] = 'The following post, "%1$s" by';
  109. $txt['reported_by'] = 'has been reported by';
  110. $txt['board_moderate'] = 'on a board you moderate';
  111. $txt['report_comment'] = 'The reporter has made the following comment';
  112. $txt['attach_restrict_attachmentPostLimit'] = 'maximum total size %1$d KB';
  113. $txt['attach_restrict_attachmentSizeLimit'] = 'maximum individual size %1$d KB';
  114. $txt['attach_restrict_attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] = '%1$d per post';
  115. $txt['attach_restrictions'] = 'Restrictions:';
  116. $txt['post_additionalopt_attach'] = 'Attachments and other options';
  117. $txt['post_additionalopt'] = 'Other options';
  118. $txt['sticky_after'] = 'Sticky this topic.';
  119. $txt['move_after2'] = 'Move this topic.';
  120. $txt['back_to_topic'] = 'Return to this topic.';
  121. $txt['approve_this_post'] = 'Approve this post';
  122. $txt['retrieving_quote'] = 'Retrieving quote...';
  123. $txt['post_visual_verification_label'] = 'Verification';
  124. $txt['post_visual_verification_desc'] = 'Please enter the code in the image above to make this post.';
  125. $txt['poll_options'] = 'Poll Options';
  126. $txt['poll_run'] = 'Run the poll for';
  127. $txt['poll_run_limit'] = '(Leave blank for no limit.)';
  128. $txt['poll_results_visibility'] = 'Result visibility';
  129. $txt['poll_results_anyone'] = 'Show the poll\'s results to anyone.';
  130. $txt['poll_results_voted'] = 'Only show the results after someone has voted.';
  131. $txt['poll_results_after'] = 'Only show the results after the poll has expired.';
  132. $txt['poll_max_votes'] = 'Maximum votes per user';
  133. $txt['poll_do_change_vote'] = 'Allow users to change vote';
  134. $txt['poll_too_many_votes'] = 'You selected too many options. For this poll, you may only select %1$s options.';
  135. $txt['poll_add_option'] = 'Add Option';
  136. $txt['poll_guest_vote'] = 'Allow guests to vote';
  137. $txt['spellcheck_done'] = 'Spell checking complete.';
  138. $txt['spellcheck_change_to'] = 'Change To:';
  139. $txt['spellcheck_suggest'] = 'Suggestions:';
  140. $txt['spellcheck_change'] = 'Change';
  141. $txt['spellcheck_change_all'] = 'Change All';
  142. $txt['spellcheck_ignore'] = 'Ignore';
  143. $txt['spellcheck_ignore_all'] = 'Ignore All';
  144. $txt['more_attachments'] = 'more attachments';
  145. // Don't use entities in the below string.
  146. $txt['more_attachments_error'] = 'Sorry, you aren\'t allowed to post any more attachments.';
  147. $txt['more_smileys'] = 'more';
  148. $txt['more_smileys_title'] = 'Additional smileys';
  149. $txt['more_smileys_pick'] = 'Pick a smiley';
  150. $txt['more_smileys_close_window'] = 'Close Window';
  151. $txt['error_new_reply'] = 'Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
  152. $txt['error_new_replies'] = 'Warning - while you were typing %1$d new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
  153. $txt['error_new_reply_reading'] = 'Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
  154. $txt['error_new_replies_reading'] = 'Warning - while you were reading %1$d new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.';
  155. $txt['announce_this_topic'] = 'Send an announcement about this topic to the members:';
  156. $txt['announce_title'] = 'Send an announcement';
  157. $txt['announce_desc'] = 'This form allows you to send an announcement to the selected membergroups about this topic.';
  158. $txt['announce_sending'] = 'Sending announcement of topic';
  159. $txt['announce_done'] = 'done';
  160. $txt['announce_continue'] = 'Continue';
  161. $txt['announce_topic'] = 'Announce topic.';
  162. $txt['announce_regular_members'] = 'Regular Members';
  163. $txt['digest_subject_daily'] = 'Daily Digest';
  164. $txt['digest_subject_weekly'] = 'Weekly Digest';
  165. $txt['digest_intro_daily'] = 'Below is a summary of all activity in your subscribed boards and topics at %1$s today. To unsubscribe please visit the link below.';
  166. $txt['digest_intro_weekly'] = 'Below is a summary of all activity in your subscribed boards and topics at %1$s this week. To unsubscribe please visit the link below.';
  167. $txt['digest_new_topics'] = 'The following topics have been started';
  168. $txt['digest_new_topics_line'] = '"%1$s" in "%2$s"';
  169. $txt['digest_new_replies'] = 'Replies have been made in the following topics';
  170. $txt['digest_new_replies_one'] = '1 reply in "%1$s"';
  171. $txt['digest_new_replies_many'] = '%1$d replies in "%2$s"';
  172. $txt['digest_mod_actions'] = 'The following moderation actions have taken place';
  173. $txt['digest_mod_act_sticky'] = '"%1$s" was stickied';
  174. $txt['digest_mod_act_lock'] = '"%1$s" was locked';
  175. $txt['digest_mod_act_unlock'] = '"%1$s" was unlocked';
  176. $txt['digest_mod_act_remove'] = '"%1$s" was removed';
  177. $txt['digest_mod_act_move'] = '"%1$s" was moved';
  178. $txt['digest_mod_act_merge'] = '"%1$s" was merged';
  179. $txt['digest_mod_act_split'] = '"%1$s" was split';
  180. $txt['attach_error_title'] = 'Error uploading attachments.';
  181. $txt['attach_warning'] = 'There was a problem during the uploading of <strong>%1$s</strong>.';
  182. $txt['attach_check_nag'] = 'Unable to continue due to incomplete data (%1$s).';
  183. $txt['attach_max_total_file_size'] = 'Sorry, you are out of attachment space. The total attachment size allowed per post is %1$s KB. Space remaining is %2$s kB.';
  184. $txt['attach_folder_warning'] = 'The attachments directory can not be located. Please notify an administrator of this problem.';
  185. $txt['attach_folder_admin_warning'] = 'The path to the attachments directory (%1$s) is incorrect. Please correct it in the attachment settings area of your admin panel.';
  186. $txt['attach_limit_nag'] = 'You have reached the maximum number of attachments allowed per post.';
  187. $txt['attach_no_upload'] = 'There was a problem and your attachments could not be uploaded';
  188. $txt['attach_remaining'] = '%1$d remaining';
  189. $txt['attach_available'] = '%1$s KB available';
  190. $txt['attach_kb'] = ' (%1$s KB)';
  191. $txt['attach_0_byte_file'] = 'The file appears to be empty. Please contact your forum administrator if this continues to be a problem';
  192. $txt['attached_files_in_session'] = '<em>The above underlined file(s) have been uploaded but will not be attached to this post until it is submitted.</em>';
  193. $txt['attach_php_error'] = 'Due to an error, your attachment could not be uploaded. Please contact the forum administrator if this problem continues.';
  194. $txt['php_upload_error_1'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. Please contact your host if you are unable to correct this issue.';
  195. $txt['php_upload_error_3'] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
  196. $txt['php_upload_error_4'] = 'No file was uploaded. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
  197. $txt['php_upload_error_6'] = 'Unable to save. Missing a temporary directory. Please contact your host if you are unable to correct this problem.';
  198. $txt['php_upload_error_7'] = 'Failed to write file to disk. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
  199. $txt['php_upload_error_8'] = 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
  200. $txt['error_temp_attachments_new'] = 'There are attachments which you had previously attached but not posted. These attachments are still attached to this post. This post does need to be submitted before these attachments are either saved or removed. You can do that <a href="#postAttachment">here</a>';
  201. $txt['error_temp_attachments_found'] = 'The following attachments were found which you had previously attached to another post but not posted. It is advisable that you do not post until these are either removed or that post has been submited.<br />Click <a href="%1$s">here</a> to remove those attachments. Or <a href="%2$s">here</a> to return to that post.%3$s';
  202. $txt['error_temp_attachments_lost'] = 'The following attachments were found which you had previously attached to another post but not posted. It is advisable that you do not upload any more attachments until these are removed or that post has been submitted.<br />Click <a href="%1$s">here</a> to remove these attachments.%2$s';
  203. $txt['error_temp_attachments_gone'] = 'Those attachments have now been removed and you have been returned to the page you were previously on';
  204. $txt['error_temp_attachments_flushed'] = 'Please note that any files which had been previously attached but not posted have now been removed.';
  205. $txt['error_topic_already_announced'] = 'Please note that this topic has already been announced.';
  206. $txt['cant_access_upload_path'] = 'Cannot access attachments upload path!';
  207. $txt['file_too_big'] = 'Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is %1$d KB.';
  208. $txt['attach_timeout'] = 'Your attachment couldn\'t be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.<br /><br />Please consult your server administrator for more information.';
  209. $txt['bad_attachment'] = 'Your attachment has failed security checks and cannot be uploaded. Please consult the forum administrator.';
  210. $txt['ran_out_of_space'] = 'The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem.';
  211. $txt['attachments_no_write'] = 'The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.';
  212. $txt['attachments_no_create'] = 'Unable to create a new attachment directory. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.';
  213. $txt['attachments_limit_per_post'] = 'You may not upload more than %1$d attachments per post';
  214. ?>