Modules help to extend the Grammer language. Unfortunately, there is a lot of overhead involved, so locating and loading routines is rather slow. As such, I recommend modules where speed isn't critical. Where it is, you can still use assembly programs and hex codes.
Here is the format of a module:
;All routines must be 768 bytes or less
;They get copied to moduleExec
#include ""
.db "Gram" ;Magic number
.dw MODULE_VERSION ;Minimum module version. Uses the current version.
.dw TableSize ;Number of elements on the table
.dw func0
.dw func1
.org 0 ;Set the code counter to 0 here
func0: .db "MYFUNC0",$10 \ .dw size_of_func0_code
func1: .db "MYFUNC1",$10 \ .dw size_of_func1_code
Here is the template that I use:
;All routines must be 768 bytes or less
;They get copied to moduleExec
#include ""
.db "Gram" ;magic number
.dw MODULE_VERSION ;minimum version
.dw (mod_start-2-$)/2 ;num elements
.dw func0-mod_start ;offset to func0
.dw func1-mod_start ;offset to func1
.dw func2-mod_start ;
.dw funcn-mod_start ;offset to funcn
func0: .db "func0",$10 \ .dw func1-$-2
func1: .db "func1",$10 \ .dw func2-$-2
funcn: .db "funcn",$10 \ .dw mod_end-$-2
There is already a lot of overhead with module look-up and loading, so to
minimize lookup time a little, Grammer uses binary search to locate functions.
As a consequence, the table needs to be sorted by their strings. For example, if
func0 is called "XXX" and func1 is called "AAA", then the table should have
.dw func1
before .dw func0
Another issue to take into account is that the code is copied to moduleExec
At this time, this limits your code to 768 bytes, and also jumps and calls need
to be relocated if they occur in your code. This does not apply to jr
instructions as these jump a relative distance.
So for example, let's look at this super complicated piece of code and make it even more complicated:
func0: .db "XXX",$10 .dw func0_end-func0_start
call label
That call will almost certainly crash. Instead, you need:
func0: .db "XXX",$10 .dw funco_end-func0_start
call moduleExec+label-func0_start
Again, this only applies to jp
and call
instructions, and only those for routines within the code. You can still make calls to Grammer routines without all the moduleExec+
One final note before we get to Grammer routines: the function names must be terminated by a 0
byte, a space token ($29
), or an open parentheses ($10
To use the parser and some of the more useful routines, you can use Grammer's
jump table. NOTE: This jump table might change in the future, which is why
the minimum module version
field is necessary.
You can use
for all the equates, available to
First, it is important to note that any routines that invoke the parser expect BC to hold the "ans" value.
call | description | example |
cmdJmp | A is holds the first byte of the token to evaluate, (parsePtr) points to the next byte to parse |
Suppose your function mimics sin( , given $C2 is the sin( token: ld a,$C2 \ jp cmdJmp |
jp ProgramAccessStart |
CompatCall | I can't remember. | Sorry. |
SelectedProg | Why tf is this in the jump table? | Just why? |
ExecOP1 | OP1 contains the name of the program to execute as Grammer code. | ld hl,prog_name \ rst rMov9ToOP1 \ jp ExecOP1 |
ParseFullArg | This parses an argument. BC is the input, HL points to the next byte to parse. Note: Use this to parse the first argument in most cases! |
call ParseFullArg |
ParseNextFullArg | This parses an argument. BC is the input, HL points to the next byte to parse. Note: Use this to parse subsequent arguments! |
call ParseNextFullArg |
ParseNextFullArg_Inc | HL points to the byte before the code to parse. |
ld hl,my_code \ call ParseNextFullArg_Inc \ ... |
ParseCondition | Use this to parse a condition, as in for While , Repeat , etc. |
jp ParseCondition |
DrawRectToGraph | See drawrect.z80 | Draw an inverted rectangle in the upper-left quarter of the screen: ld a,2 \ ld bc,$0000 \ ld de,$3020 \ call DrawRectToGraph |
GraphToLCD | This copies the gbuf to the LCD. (BufPtr) and (GrayBufPtr) point to the primary and secondary buffers respectively. | call GraphToLCD |
VPutSC | B is the char to draw, (textrow) and (textcol) are where to draw |
Draw an exclamation point at (x,y): ld hl,$xxyy \ ld b,'!' \ call VPutSC |
GetKey | This reads the current keypress into the A register. |
call GetKey |
GetGrammerText | This is used to convert a token string to an ASCII string. HL points to the start, returns BC is the size, DE points to the converted string. |
ld hl,tok_str \ call GetGrammerText |
GetGrammerText_DE | This is used to convert a token string to an ASCII string. DE points to where to output the converted text HL points to the start, returns BC is the size, DE points to the converted string. |
Convert from the string at HL to OP1: ld hl,tok_str \ ld de,OP1 \ call GetGrammerText_DE |
GetGrammerStr | Gets the size of a token string. HLpoints to the string. Returns BCas the size, HL` points to the end of the input string. |
ld hl,tok_str \ call GetGrammerStr |
GetKeyDebounce | This reads a debounced keypress into the A register. This is best for things like menus where you don't want key presses to be too fast. |
call GetKeyDebounce |
SearchString | Use this to find a substring within a string. See searchstring.z80 | _ |
If you wanted to make your own addition routine that looked like:
Your module code would look something like:
func_add: .db "ADD",$10 \ .dw nextfunc-$-2
call ParseFullArg ;parse the first argument
push bc ;Save the result
call ParseNextFullArg ;parse subsequent arguments
pop hl ;pop first arg back into HL
add hl,bc ;Second arg in BC. Add the two.
ld b,h ;\ Store the result in BC
ld c,l ;/