compile.bat 1.5 KB

  1. @echo off
  2. if exist spasm.exe (
  3. echo "Starting Compile..."
  4. ) else (
  5. echo "Opening readme..."
  6. start ""
  7. exit
  8. )
  9. cd src
  10. rem Generates the jumptable and file together.
  11. echo "Generating"
  12. python ..\tools\ jmptable.z80
  13. copy /Y ..\docs\
  14. :app
  15. set /P c=Compile Grammer?(Y/N)
  16. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
  17. echo "Assembling App"
  18. ..\spasm.exe grammer.z80 ..\bin\grammer.8xk -I ..\z80float\single
  19. if exist grampkg.z80 goto :grampkg
  20. )
  21. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :grampkg
  22. goto :app
  23. :grampkg
  24. set /P c=Compile Default Package?(Y/N)
  25. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
  26. echo "Assembling Default Package"
  27. ..\spasm.exe grampkg.z80 ..\bin\grampkg.8xv
  28. if exist experimental\experimental.z80 goto :exppkg
  29. )
  30. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :exppkg
  31. goto :grampkg
  32. rem Install experimental package
  33. :exppkg
  34. set /P c=Compile Experimental Package?(Y/N)
  35. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
  36. echo "Assembling Experimental Package"
  37. ..\spasm.exe experimental\experimental.z80 ..\bin\EXPRMNTL.8xv -I single
  38. if exist launch.z80 goto :proglaunch
  39. )
  40. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :proglaunch
  41. goto :exppkg
  42. rem Install program launcher
  43. :proglaunch
  44. set /P c=Compile Program Launcher?(Y/N)
  45. if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
  46. echo "Assembling Program Launcher"
  47. ..\spasm.exe launch.z80 ..\bin\g250.8xp
  48. )
  49. if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :exit
  50. goto :proglaunch
  51. :exit
  52. cd..