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added Server documentation, commented out deprecated stuff

digital 7 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 113 tillägg och 55 borttagningar
  1. 113 55

+ 113 - 55

@@ -100,36 +100,61 @@ class ConnHandlerEcho(ConnHandlerBase):
 class Server(object):
-    """docstring for SocketHandler"""
+    """
+    Server opens either an unix or an inet connection. for every client which connects a new ClientHandler class is created.
+    """
     def __init__(self,
-            handler=None,
+            handler_class=None,
         super(Server, self).__init__()
+        # set to true when the server shuts down, for instance after a
+        # fatal exception
         self.exit_event =  False
+        # on which hostname or ip address the connection will be opened = host
+        # on which port the connection will be opened
         self.port = port
+        # what AF_INET family to use, either AF_INET or AF_UNIX (file socket)
         self.af_family = af_family
+        # whether ip addresses will be logged
         self.log_ip = log_ip
-        self.handler_kwargs = handler_kwargs
-        self.handler = handler
+        # number of maximum client connection at a time
         self.max_allowed_clients = max_allowed_clients
-        self.socket = self.make_socket()
+        # this handler class will be used when creating a new handler
+        self.handler_class = handler_class
+        # the kwargs passed to the handler's __init__ function
+        self.handler_kwargs = handler_kwargs
+        # don't make the socket yet, we don't need right now. will be created
+        # when the start method is called
+        # self.socket = self.make_socket()
+        self.socket = None
+        # create a task group for handlers, so we can easily cancel/terminate
+        # them all at once
         self.handle_tasks = curio.TaskGroup(name="tg_handle_clients")
+        # list of all active connection handlers
         self.connection_handler = []
-        self.conn_to_addr = {}
-        self.addr_to_conn = {}
-        self.conn_to_handler ={}
-        self.handler_to_conn = {}
-        self.read_sockets_expected = [self.socket]
+        # these aren't actually used, I will remove them soon
+        # self.conn_to_addr = {}
+        # self.addr_to_conn = {}
+        # self.conn_to_handler ={}
+        # self.handler_to_conn = {}
+        # this was used for the approach. we use the async approach now, let's remove it
+        # self.read_sockets_expected = [self.socket]
+        # register our cleanup method to be executed when the program exits.
+        # the cleanup function unregisters itself, so it won't get executed twice when the user called it befor the program exites
     def make_socket(self):
+        """
+        factory method for sockets.
+        this method makes a normal socket and wraps it in a wrapper
+        """
         lserver.debug("making a {} socket".format(self.af_family))
         if self.af_family == "AF_INET":
             s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
@@ -145,34 +170,43 @@ class Server(object):
         return s
     def make_handler(self, conn, addr):
-        return self.handler(conn, addr, self, **self.handler_kwargs)
-    def register_conn(self, conn, addr):
-        # if self.log_ip:
-        #"New connection from {} on port {}".format(*addr))
-        self.read_sockets_expected.append(conn)
-        if addr:
-            self.conn_to_addr[conn] = addr
-            self.addr_to_conn[addr] = conn
-    def unregister_conn(self, conn):
-        self.read_sockets_expected.remove(conn)
-        addr = self.conn_to_addr.get(conn, False)
-        if addr:
-            del self.addr_to_conn[addr]
-            del self.conn_to_addr[conn]
-    def register_handler(self, handler, conn):
-        self.connection_handler.append(handler)
-        self.conn_to_handler[conn] = handler
-        self.handler_to_conn[handler] = conn
-    def unregister_handler(self, handler, conn):
-        self.connection_handler.remove(handler)
-        del self.conn_to_handler[conn]
-        del self.handler_to_conn[handler]
+        """
+        factory method for handlers.
+        this method creates a handler object from self.handler_class and self.handler_kwargs
+        """
+        return self.handler_class(conn, addr, self, **self.handler_kwargs)
+    # def register_conn(self, conn, addr):
+    #     # if self.log_ip:
+    #     #"New connection from {} on port {}".format(*addr))
+    #     self.read_sockets_expected.append(conn)
+    #     if addr:
+    #         self.conn_to_addr[conn] = addr
+    #         self.addr_to_conn[addr] = conn
+    #
+    # def unregister_conn(self, conn):
+    #     self.read_sockets_expected.remove(conn)
+    #     addr = self.conn_to_addr.get(conn, False)
+    #     if addr:
+    #         del self.addr_to_conn[addr]
+    #         del self.conn_to_addr[conn]
+    #
+    # def register_handler(self, handler, conn):
+    #     self.connection_handler.append(handler)
+    #     self.conn_to_handler[conn] = handler
+    #     self.handler_to_conn[handler] = conn
+    #
+    # def unregister_handler(self, handler, conn):
+    #     self.connection_handler.remove(handler)
+    #     del self.conn_to_handler[conn]
+    #     del self.handler_to_conn[handler]
     def setup(self):
+        """
+        opens the connection and starts listening for clients. this method
+        does not block, it returns after starting to listen.
+        """"setting up socket")
         if self.af_family == "AF_INET":
             self.socket.bind((, self.port))
@@ -186,31 +220,43 @@ class Server(object):
         # self.socket.settimeout(1)
     def shutdown(self):
+        """
+        This method properly shuts down the sockets and closes them.
+        it unregisters itself from atexit, so it doesn't get executed twice
+        when it was manually called before to program exits.
+        """
         def error_handler(func,*args,log_text="error",**kwargs):
             except Exception as exc:
                 lserver.debug("error occured during "+log_text,exc_info=exc)
-        # this function can be called by the user and we don't need to clean
-        # up a second time when the program exits
         atexit.unregister(self.shutdown)"shutting down server")
-        error_handler(self.handle_tasks.cancel_remaining,log_text="handler cancel")
+        error_handler(
+            self.handle_tasks.cancel_remaining,log_text="handler cancel")
+        # check if there is actually a socket. if the shutdown method is
+        # executed before the start method, there is no socket.
         if self.socket:
             error_handler(self.socket.shutdown,log_text="socket shutdown")
             error_handler(self.socket.close,log_text="socket close")
-        # del self.socket
-        # self.socket = None
     def start(self):
-        # lserver.debug(dir(self))
+        """
+        this method starts the server. it is blocking.
+        """
+        self.setup()
     async def run(self):
-        self.setup()
+        """
+        this method is the main loop of the Server. it waits for new client
+        connections and creates a handle task for each of them. it does not
+        receive or send anything.
+        """
         lserver.debug("entering main loop")
         while ( not self.exit_event ):
             lserver.debug("waiting for client to connect")
+            # wait for a client to connect
             conn,addr = await self.socket.accept()
             if self.log_ip:
@@ -218,44 +264,56 @@ class Server(object):
       "a new client connected, let's handle it")
             handler = self.make_handler(conn, addr)
-            self.register_conn(conn, addr)
-            self.register_handler(handler, conn)
+            # self.register_conn(conn, addr)
+            # self.register_handler(handler, conn)
             await self.handle_tasks.spawn(self.handle_client(conn,handler))
     async def handle_client(self,socket,handler):
-        # _append_task()
+        """
+        This method waits for the client to send something and calls the
+        ClientHandler's handle method. there is a handle_client method running for each client connected.
+        """
         while True:
-        # for i in range(1):
                 if self.log_ip:
                     lserver.debug("waiting for {} to send something"
                     lserver.debug("waiting for the client to send something")
+                # wait for the client to send something
                 data = await handler.recv()
+                # if there is no data the client disconnected. this is a
+                # tcp protocoll specification.
                 if not data:
                     if self.log_ip:
               "the connection to {} was closed"
               "the connection to the client was closed")
-                    self.unregister_handler(handler, socket)
-                    self.unregister_conn(socket)
+                    # self.unregister_handler(handler, socket)
+                    # self.unregister_conn(socket)
                     await handler.close()
+                    # break out of the loop. don't return because we need to
+                    # do cleanup
-          "Client:"+data.strip())
+                    # don't strip the data of its whitespaces, since they may
+                    # be important.
+          "Client:"+data.rstrip())
                     coro = handler.handle(data)
                     task = await curio.spawn(coro)
-                    _tasks.append(task)
             except Exception as e:
                     lserver.error(e, exc_info=True)
-                    # saver to use time.sleep
-                    time.sleep(0.1)
+                    # let's sleep a bit, in case something is broken and the
+                    # loop throws an exception every time
+                    await async.sleep(0.01)
+        # if a task exits and hasn't been joined, curio prints a warning.
+        # we don't want the warning, so let's join the current task for 0
+        # seconds. instead of task.join() we use task.wait(). the only
+        # difference is that wait doesn't throw a exception if the task was
+        # stopped or crashed
         cur_task = await curio.current_task()
         await curio.ignore_after(0,cur_task.wait)
-        # _tasks.remove(cur_task)
 class Client(threading.Thread):
     """docstring for Client"""