pdo = $pdo; $this->name = $name; $this->rollback(); }else{ throw new \Exception("Invalid pdo argument"); } } public function __get($name){ switch($name){ case 'exists':case 'name':case 'columns': return $this->$name; break; default: throw new \Exception("Invalid property {$name}"); } } public function exists(){ $pdo = $this->pdo; try{ $count = $pdo->exec("select count(1) from `{$this->name}` limit 1"); $this->exists = $count > 0; }catch(\Exception $e){ $this->exists = false; } return $this->exists; } public function describe(){ $this->columns = []; $this->primaryKey = []; $this->index = []; $this->foreignKeys = []; $this->columns_renamed = []; $this->columns_removed = []; $this->index_removed = []; $this->foreignKey_removed = []; if($this->exists){ $pdo = $this->pdo; $query = $pdo->query("show create table `{$this->name}`"); $sql = $query->fetch()['create table']; $query->closeCursor(); if(preg_match_all('/ PRIMARY KEY \(((?:`[^`]+`,?)+)\)/s', $sql, $primaryKey, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0){ $this->primaryKey = array_map( function($item){ return preg_replace('/`([^`]+)`/', '\\1', $item); }, array_merge( ...array_map( function($item){ return explode(',', $item[1]); }, $primaryKey ) ) ); } unset($primaryKey); if(preg_match_all('/ ((?:UNIQUE)? ?KEY) `([^`]+)` \(((?:`[^`]+`,?)+)\)/s', $sql, $indexes, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0){ $this->indexes = array_reduce($indexes, function($indexes, $item){ $indexes[$item[2]] = [ 'unique'=> $item[1] == 'UNIQUE KEY', 'columns'=> array_map(function($item){ return preg_replace('/`([^`]+)`/', '\\1', $item); }, explode(',', $item[3])), 'dirty'=> false ]; return $indexes; }); } unset($indexes); if(preg_match_all('/ CONSTRAINT `([^`]+)` FOREIGN KEY \(((?:`[^`]+`(?:, )?)+)\) REFERENCES `([^`]+)` \(((?:`[^`]+`(?:, )?)+)\)/s', $sql, $foreignKeys, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0) > 0){ $this->foreignKeys = array_reduce($foreignKeys, function($foreignKeys, $item) use($sql){ $columns = explode(',', $item[2]); $matches = explode(',', $item[4]); foreach($columns as $key => &$column){ $column = [ preg_replace('/`([^`]+)`/', '\\1', $column), preg_replace('/`([^`]+)`/', '\\1', $matches[$key]) ]; } $foreignKeys[$item[1]] = [ 'references'=> $item[3], 'columns'=> $columns, 'dirty'=> false ]; return $foreignKeys; }); } unset($foreignKeys); if(preg_match_all('/ `([^`]+)` ([^\(]+\([^\)]+\))[^,\n]*,?/s', $sql, $columns, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0){ foreach($columns as $column){ $default = null; $line = $column[0]; $line .= substr($line, -1, 1) === ',' ? '' : ','; if(preg_match('/ `[^`]+` [^\(]+\([^\)]+\)[^D$]+DEFAULT (?!NULL)(.+)(?: AUTO_INCREMENT|UNIQUE|KEY|PRIMARY|COMMENT|COLUMN_FORMAT|STORAGE|REFERENCES|,)/u', $line, $match) == 1){ $default = preg_replace("/'(.+)'/", "\\1", $match[1]); } $this->column( $column[1], // name $column[2], // type $default, // default preg_match('/`[^`]+` [^\(]+\([^\)]+\) NOT NULL/', $column[0]) === 1, // null preg_match('/ `[^`]+` [^\(]+\([^\)]+\)[^A$]+AUTO_INCREMENT,?/u', $line) == 1 // increment ); $this->columns[$column[1]]['dirty'] = false; } } unset($columns); } } public function commit(){ $pdo = $this->pdo; if(!$this->exists){ $columns = ''; foreach($this->columns as $name => $column){ $columns .= "{$pdo->stringColumn($name, $column)},"; } if(count($columns) > 0){ $columns = rtrim($columns, ','); } $pk = $this->primaryKey(); if(count($pk)){ $pk = ", primary key (".implode(',', $pk).")"; }else{ $pk = ''; } $index = ''; foreach($this->index as $name => $idx){ $index .=", {$pdo->stringIndex($name, $idx)}"; } $fk = ''; foreach($this->foreignKeys as $name => $k){ $fk .= ", {$pdo->stringForeignKey($name, $k)}"; } $sql = "create table `{$this->name}` ({$columns}{$pk}{$index}{$fk})"; $count = $pdo->exec($sql); if($count === false){ throw $pdo->getError(); } if(!$this->exists()){ throw new \Exception("Unable to create table {$this->name}. Generated SQL: {$sql}"); } unset($sql); $this->exists(); }else{ if(count($this->columns_renamed) > 0){ $sql = "alter table `{$this->name}`"; foreach($this->columns_renamed as $new => $old){ if(isset($this->columns[$new])){ $sql .= " change `{$old}` {$pdo->stringColumn($new, $this->columns[$new])}"; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); if($pdo->exec($sql) === false){ throw new \Exception("Unable to update table {$this->name}\n{$this->pdo->getError()}"); } } $columns = array_filter($this->columns, function($item){ return (bool)$item['dirty']; }); if(count($columns) + count($this->columns_removed) > 0){ $sql = "alter table `{$this->name}`"; foreach($this->index_removed as $name){ if($pdo->exec("show index from `{$this->name}` where KEY_name = ".$pdo->quote($name)) > 0){ $sql .= " drop index {$name},"; } } foreach($this->foreignKey_removed as $name){ $sql .= " drop foreign key {$name},"; } foreach($this->columns_removed as $name){ $sql .= " drop column {$name},"; } if(count($columns) > 0){ $sql .= " add ("; foreach($columns as $name => $column){ $sql .= "{$pdo->stringColumn($name, $column)},"; } $sql = rtrim($sql , ',') . "),"; } unset($columns); $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); if($pdo->exec($sql) === false){ throw new \Exception("Unable to update table {$this->name}\n{$this->pdo->getError()}"); } } $sql = ''; if($pdo->exec("show index from `{$this->name}` where KEY_name = 'PRIMARY'") > 0){ $sql .= " drop primary key,"; } if(count($this->primaryKey) > 0){ $sql .= " add primary key (".implode(',', $this->primaryKey)."),"; } foreach(array_filter($this->index, function($item){ return (bool)$item['dirty']; }) as $name => $idx){ $sql .= " add {$pdo->stringIndex($name, $idx)},"; } if(count($sql) > 0){ $sql = "alter table `{$this->name}`".rtrim($sql, ','); if($pdo->exec($sql) === false){ throw new \Exception("Unable to update table {$this->name}\n{$this->pdo->getError()}"); } } $foreignKeys =array_filter($this->foreignKeys, function($item){ return (bool)$item['dirty']; }); if(count($foreignKeys) > 0){ $sql = "alter table `{$this->name}`"; foreach($foreignKeys as $name => $fk){ $sql .= " add {$pdo->stringForeignKey($name, $fk)},"; } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); if($pdo->exec($sql) === false){ throw new \Exception("Unable to update table {$this->name}\n{$this->pdo->getError()}"); } } unset($foreignKeys); } $this->describe(); } public function rollback(){ $this->exists(); $this->describe(); } public function rename(string $type, string $old, string $new){ switch($type){ case self::COLUMN: if(isset($this->columns[$old])){ if(!isset($this->columns[$new])){ $this->columns[$new] = $this->columns[$old]; unset($this->columns[$old]); if(isset($this->columns_renamed[$old])){ unset($this->columns_renamed[$old]); } $this->columns_renamed[$new] = $old; }else{ throw new \Exception("{$this->name}.{$new} already exists. Unable to rename {$this->name}.{$old}"); } } break; default: throw new \Exception("Renaming {$type} is not implemented"); } return $this; } public function drop(string $type = null, string $name = null){ if(!is_null($type)){ switch($type){ case self::COLUMN: if(isset($this->columns[$name])){ if($this->exists){ $this->columns_removed = array_merge($this->columns_removed, [$name]); } unset($this->columns[$name]); } if(isset($this->columns_renamed[$name])){ unset($this->columns_renamed[$name]); } break; case self::INDEX: if(isset($this->index[$name])){ if($this->exists){ $this->index_removed = array_merge($this->index_removed, [$name]); } unset($this->index[$name]); } break; case self::FOREIGN_KEY: if(isset($this->foreignKey[$name])){ if($this->exists){ $this->foreignKey_removed = array_merge($this->foreignKey_removed, [$name]); } unset($this->foreignKey[$name]); } break; default: throw new \Exception("Cannot drop {$name}. Unknown type {$type}"); } }else{ if($this->exists){ $this->pdo->exec("drop table `{$this->name}`"); } $this->rollback(); } return $this; } public function column(string $name, string $type = null, $default = null, bool $null = false, bool $increment = false){ if(!is_null($type)){ $new = [ 'type'=> $type, 'default'=> $default, 'null'=> $null, 'increment'=> $increment, 'dirty'=> false ]; if(isset($this->columns[$name])){ $old = $this->columns[$name]; foreach($new as $key => $val){ if($key != 'dirty' && $old[$key] !== $val){ $new['dirty'] = true; break; } } }else{ $new['dirty'] = true; } $this->columns[$name] = $new; return $this; }else{ return isset($this->columns[$name]) ? $this->columns[$name] : null; } } public function index(string $name, array $columns = null, bool $unique = false){ if(!is_null($columns)){ foreach($columns as $column){ if(!isset($this->columns[$column])){ throw new \Exception("Can't add index. Column {$this->name}.{$column} doesn't exist"); } } $this->index[$name] = [ 'columns'=> $columns, 'unique'=> $unique, 'dirty'=>true ]; return $this; }else{ return isset($this->index[$name]) ? $this->index[$name] : null; } } public function addToIndex(string $name, string $column){ if(!isset($this->index[$name])){ throw new \Exception("Can't add column to index. Index {$this->name}.{$name} doesn't exist"); } if(!isset($this->columns[$column])){ throw new \Exception("Can't add column to index. Column {$this->name}.{$column} doesn't exist"); } $this->index[$name]['columns'] = array_merge($this->index[$name]['columns'], [$column]); } public function foreignKey(string $name, string $references = null, array $columns = []){ if(!is_null($references)){ $table = $this->pdo->table($references); if(!$table->exists){ throw new \Exception("Can't create foreign key {$name}. Table {$references} does not exist."); } foreach($columns as $column){ if(is_null($this->column($column[0]))){ throw new \Exception("Can't create foreign key {$name}. Column {$this->name}.{$column[0]} does not exist"); } if(is_null($table->column($column[1]))){ throw new \Exception("Can't create foreign key {$name}. Column {$references}.{$column[1]} does not exist"); } } $this->foreignKeys[$name] = [ 'references'=> $references, 'columns'=> $columns, 'dirty'=> true ]; return $this; }else{ return isset($this->foreignKeys[$name]) ? $this->foreignKeys[$name] : null; } } public function primaryKey(...$columns){ if(count($columns) > 0){ foreach($columns as $column){ if(!isset($this->columns[$column])){ throw new \Exception("Can't add Primary key. Column {$this->name}.{$column} doesn't exist"); } } $this->primaryKey = $columns; return $this; }else{ return $this->primaryKey; } } public function insert(array $data){ if(!$this->exists){ return 0; } $id = 0; $name = $this->name; $query = $this->pdo->query("insert into `{$name}` {$this->pdo->stringSet($data)}"); $query->execute(); $id = $this->lastInsertId(); $query->closeCursor(); return $id; } public function update(array $data, array $filter = null){ return $this->exists ? $this->pdo->exec("update `{$this->name}` {$this->pdo->stringSet($data)} {$this->pdo->stringFilter($filter)}") : 0; } public function delete(array $filter = null){ return $this->exists ? $this->pdo->exec("delete from `{$this->name}` {$this->pdo->stringFilter($filter)}") : 0; } public function fetch(array $columns = null, array $filter = null, int $start = null, int $amount = null){ $results = []; $this->each(function($row) use(&$results){ $results[] = $row; }, $columns, $filter, $start, $amount); return $results; } public function each(callable $fn, array $columns = null, array $filter = null, int $start = null, int $amount = null){ if($this->exists){ $limit = ''; if(!is_null($start) && !is_null($amount)){ $limit .= " limit {$start}, {$amount}"; } $columns = $columns ?? ['*']; $cols = ''; foreach($columns as $column){ $cols .= "{$column},"; } $cols = rtrim($cols, ','); $query = $this->pdo->query("select {$cols} from `{$this->name}` {$this->pdo->stringFilter($filter)} {$limit}"); while($row = $query->fetch()){ $fn($row); } $query->closeCursor(); } return $this; } public function count(array $filter = null){ if(!$this->exists){ return 0; } $query = $this->pdo->query("select count(1) from `{$this->name}` {$this->pdo->stringFilter($filter)}"); $count = $query->fetchColumn(); $query->closeCursor(); return $count; } public function lastInsertId(){ if(!$this->exists){ return 0; } $id = $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); if($id == 0){ $col = ''; foreach($this->primaryKey as $key => $name){ $column = $this->column($name); if($column['increment']){ $col = $name; break; } } if(count($col) > 0){ $query = $this->pdo->query("select {$col} from `{$this->name}` where {$col} = (select max({$col}) from `{$this->name}`)"); $id = $query->fetchColumn(); } } return $id; } } ?>