
Removing unneeded files

Nathaniel van Diepen 11 年之前
共有 2 個文件被更改,包括 0 次插入718 次删除
  1. 0 718
  2. 二進制

+ 0 - 718

@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-    OmnomIRC COPYRIGHT 2010,2011 Netham45
-    This file is part of OmnomIRC.
-    OmnomIRC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    OmnomIRC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OmnomIRC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-messageList = Array();
-UserListArr = Array();
-curLine = 0;
-messageBox = document.getElementById("MessageBox");
-mBoxCont = document.getElementById("mBoxCont");
-Userlist = Array();
-// Start Request Loop functions*
-	function startLoop()
-	{
-		xmlhttp=getAjaxObject();
-		if (xmlhttp==null) { 
-			alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX! Please update for OmnomIRC compatibility."); 
-			return;
-		}
-		xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=getIncomingLine;
-		sendRequest();
-	}
-	function sendRequest()
-	{
-		url = "Update.php?lineNum=" + curLine + "&channel=" + getChannelEn() + "&nick=" + base64.encode(parent.userName) + "&signature=" + base64.encode(parent.Signature);
-		xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true);
-		xmlhttp.send(null);
-	}
-	function getIncomingLine()
-	{
-		if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 || xmlhttp.readyState=="complete") { 
-			if (xmlhttp.status == 200) addLine(xmlhttp.responseText); //Filter out 500s from timeouts
-			sendRequest();
-		}
-	}
-	function getAjaxObject()
-	{
-		xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); //Decent Browsers
-		if (!xmlhttp || xmlhttp == undefined || xmlhttp == null) xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");  //IE7+
-		if (!xmlhttp || xmlhttp == undefined || xmlhttp == null) xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); //IE6-
-		return xmlhttp;
-	}
-// End Request Loop functions  *
-// Start Parser                *
-	function addLine(message)
-	{
-		if (!message || message == null || message == undefined)
-			return;
-		doScroll = false;
-		if (mBoxCont.clientHeight + mBoxCont.scrollTop > mBoxCont.scrollHeight - 50) doScroll = true;
-		messageBox = document.getElementById("MessageBox");
-		if ("\v" != "v") //If IE, take the slow but sure route (This is enough of a performance hit in all browsers to use the optimized code if possible. Also, IE can go fuck itself.)
-			mBoxCont.innerHTML = '<table style="width:100%" class="messageBox" id="MessageBox">' + messageBox.innerHTML + parseMessage(message) + '</table>';
-		else //If not IE, yay!
-			messageBox.innerHTML = messageBox.innerHTML + parseMessage(message);
-		if (doScroll)mBoxCont.scrollTop = mBoxCont.scrollHeight + 50;
-		lnNum = message.split(":")[0];
-		if (lnNum > curLine)
-			curLine = lnNum;
-	}
-	function parseMessage(message)
-	{
-		a = message;
-		var parts = message.split(":");
-		lnumber = parts[0];
-		type = parts[1];
-		online = parts[2];
-		parsedMessage = "";
-		for (i = 4;i < parts.length;i++)
-			parts[i] = base64.decode(parts[i]);
-		name = clickable_names(parts[4],online);
-		var undefined;
-		if (parts[5] == undefined || parts[5] == "")
-			parts[5] = " ";
-		if (parts[5] != undefined && parts[5] != null)
-		{
-			parsedMessage = parseColors(parts[5]);
-			if (parts[5].toLowerCase().indexOf(parent.userName.toLowerCase().substr(0,4)) >= 0 && hasLoaded && notifications && parts[4].toLowerCase() != "spybot45")
-			{
-				showNotification("<" + parts[4] + "> " + parts[5]);
-				if (highDing)
-				{
-					document.getElementById('ding').play();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ((type == "message" || type == "action") && parts[4].toLowerCase() != "spybot45")
-		{
-			parsedMessage = parseHighlight(parsedMessage);
-		}
-		retval = "";
-		if (type != "message" && type != "pm")
-			retVal='<td class="name">';
-		switch (type)
-		{
-			case "join":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="join"> * ' + name + " has joined "+getChannelDe() + "</td>";
-				addUserJoin(parts[4],online);
-				if (online == "1")
-					return "";
-				break;
-			case "part":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="part"> * ' + name + " has left "+getChannelDe()+" (" + parsedMessage + ")" + "</td>";
-				removeUser(parts[4]);
-				if (online == "1")
-					return "";
-				break;
-			case "quit":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="quit"> * ' + name + " has quit IRC (" + parsedMessage + ")" + "</td>";
-				removeUser(parts[4]);
-				break;
-			case "kick":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="kick"> * ' + name + " has kicked " + parts[5] + " from "+getChannelDe()+" (" + parts[6] + ")" + "</td>";
-				removeUser(parts[4]);
-				break;
-			case "message":	
-				retval = '<span class="message"><td class="name">' + name + "</td><td>" + parsedMessage + "</td></span>";break;
-			case "action":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="action"> * ' + name + " " + parsedMessage + "</td>";break;
-			case "mode":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="mode"> * ' + name + " set "+getChannelDe()+" mode " + parts[5] + "</td>";break;
-			case "nick":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="nick"> * ' + name + " has changed his nick to " + parsedMessage + "</td>";
-				removeUser(parts[4]);
-				addUserJoin(parts[5],online);
-				break;
-			case "topic":
-				retval += '<td class="name"> </td><td class="topic"> * ' + name + " has changed the topic to " + parsedMessage + "</td>";break;
-			case "internal":
-				retval += parts[4];
-			break;
-			case "pm":
-				if (getChannelDe().toLowerCase() != ("*" + parts[4]).toLowerCase() && parts[4] != parent.userName)//Not in the PM window
-				{
-					retval = '<span class="pm"><td class="name">(PM)' + name + "</td><td>" + parsedMessage + "</td></span>";
-					if (hasLoaded)
-					{
-						openPMWindow(parts[4]);
-						if (notifications)
-							showNotification("(PM) <" + parts[4] + "> " + parts[5]);
-						if (highDing)
-								document.getElementById('ding').play();
-						document.getElementById("*" + parts[4]).style.color="#C22";
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					retval = '<td class="name">' + name + "</td><td>" + parsedMessage + "</td></span>"; //In the PM window
-				}
-			break;
-			case "curline":
-				return "";
-			break;
-			case "highlight":
-				if (parts[6].toLowerCase() == "spybot45") return "";
-				document.getElementById(parts[4]).style.color="#C22"; //This call will fail if they aren't in the chan. Crude, but effective.
-				if (notifications)
-					showNotification("(" + parts[4] + ") <" + parts[6] + "> " + parts[7]);
-				if (highDing)
-					document.getElementById('ding').play();
-				return "";
-			break;
-			case "default":
-				return "";
-			break;
-		}
-		if (type != "message" && type != "pm")
-			retVal+="</td>";
-		pretag = '<tr style="width:100%;">';
-		doHigh = !doHigh;
-		if (lineHigh && doHigh)
-		{
-			pretag = '<tr style="width:100%;" class="linehigh">';
-		}
-		doLineHigh = !doLineHigh;
-		d = new Date(parts[3]*1000);
-		retval = pretag + '<td class="irc-date">[' + d.toLocaleTimeString() + ']</td>'  + retval + "</tr>";
-		return retval;
-	}
-	function parseColors(colorStr)
-	{
-		if (!colorStr || colorStr == null || colorStr == undefined) return;
-		colorStr = clickable_links(colorStr);
-		lcount = 0;
-		a = colorStr;
-		arrayResults = Array();
-		arrayResults2 = Array();
-		while(colorStr.indexOf("\x03") >= 0)
-		{
-			arrayResults = colorStr.match("(^.*)\x03([0-9]{1,2}),([0-9]{1,2})(.*)");
-			arrayResults2 = colorStr.match("(^.*)\x03([0-9]{1,2})(.*)");
-			arrayResults3 = colorStr.match("(^.*)\x03([0-9]{1,2})(.*)");
-			if(arrayResults != null && arrayResults.length > 4) //FG & BG
-			{
-				b = arrayResults;
-				colorStr = arrayResults[1]+'<span class="fg-'+arrayResults[2]*1 +'"><span class="bg-'+arrayResults[3]*1 +'">'+arrayResults[4]+"</span></span>";
-				lcount+=2;
-			}
-			else if(arrayResults2 != null && arrayResults2.length > 3) //FG Only
-			{
-				colorStr = arrayResults2[1]+'<span class="fg-' + arrayResults2[2]*1 + '">'+arrayResults2[3]+"</span></span>";
-				lcount++;
-			}
-			else //We have a color control character w/o a color, most clients interperet this as clear colors.
-			{
-				for(lcount;lcount;lcount--)
-					colorStr=colorStr+"</span>";
-				colorStr = colorStr.replace(/\x03/,"");
-				lcount--;
-			}
-			lcount++;
-		}
-		for(;lcount>=0;lcount--)
-			colorStr=colorStr+"</span>";
-		colorStr=colorStr+"</span>";
-		/*Strip codes*/
-		colorStr = colorStr.replace(/(\x03|\x02|\x1F|\x09|\x0F)/g,"");
-		return(colorStr);
-	}
-	function parseHighlight(text)
-	{
-		if (text.toLowerCase().indexOf(parent.userName.toLowerCase().substr(0,4)) >= 0)
-		{
-			style = "";
-			if (highRed)
-				style = style + "color:#C73232;";
-			if (highBold)
-				style = style + "font-weight:bold;";
-			return '<span class="highlight" style="' + style + '">' + text + "</span>";
-		}
-		return text;
-	}
-	function clickable_links(text) 
-	{
-		if (!text || text == null || text == undefined) return;
-		text = text.replace(/http:\/\/www.omnimaga.org\//g,"h111://www.omnimaga.org/");
-		text = text.replace(/http:\/\/omniurl.tk\//g,"h111://omniurl.tk/");
-		text = text.replace(/((h111:\/\/(www.omnimaga.org\/|omniurl.tk))[-a-zA-Z0-9@:;%_+.~#?&//=]+)/, '<a target="_TOP" href="$1">$1</a>');
-		text = text.replace(/(((f|ht)(tp|tps):\/\/)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:;%_+.~#?&\/\/=]+)/g,'<a target="_blank" href="$1">$1</a>');
-		text = text.replace(/([[ ]|[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:;%_+.~#?&//=]+)/,'$1 <a target="_blank" href="http://$2">$2</a>');
-		text = text.replace(/h111/g,"http");
-		return text;
-	}
-	function clickable_names(name,isOnline)
-	{
-		if (isOnline == "1")
-			return '<a target="_TOP" href="http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=ezportal;sa=page;p=13&userSearch=' + name + '">' + colored_names(name) + '</a>';
-		return colored_names(name);
-	}
-	function colored_names(name)
-	{
-	if (!coloredNames)
-		return name;
-	if (!name || name == null || name == undefined)
-		return;
-	rcolors = Array(19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29);
-	sum = i = 0; 
-	while (name[i])
-		sum += name.charCodeAt(i++);
-	sum %= 9;
-	return '<span class="uName-'+rcolors[sum]+'">'+name+'</span>';
-	}
-// End Parser                  *
-// Userlist Start              *
-	userListContainer = document.getElementById("UserListArrContainer");
-	userListDiv = document.getElementById("UserList");
-	function addUser(user)
-	{
-		UserListArr.push(user);
-	}
-	function addUserJoin(user,online)
-	{
-		if(!hasLoaded) return;
-		var userp = base64.encode(user) + ":" + online;
-		UserListArr.push(userp);
-		parseUsers();
-	}
-	function parseUsers()
-	{
-		if (!userListDiv || userListDiv == null)
-		 userListDiv = document.getElementById("UserList");
-		userText = "";
-		i = 0;
-		UserListArr.sort(function(a,b)
-						{
-							var al=base64.decode(a).toLowerCase(),bl=base64.decode(b).toLowerCase();
-							return al==bl?(a==b?0:a<b?-1:1):al<bl?-1:1;
-						});
-		for (i=0;i<UserListArr.length;i++)
-		{
-			parts = UserListArr[i].split(":");
-			if (parts[1] == "0") userText = userText + "#" + base64.decode(parts[0]) + "<br/>";
-			if (parts[1] == "1") 
-				userText = userText + '<a target="_TOP" href="http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?action=ezportal;sa=page;p=13&userSearch=' +base64.decode(parts[0]) + 
-				'"><img src="http://netham45.org/irc/efnet/ouser.png" alt="Omnimaga User" title="Omnimaga User" border=0 width=8 height=8 />' + base64.decode(parts[0]) + '</a><br/>';
-			if (parts[1] == "2") userText = userText + "!" + base64.decode(parts[0]) + "<br/>";
-		}
-		userText = userText + "<br/><br/>";
-		userListDiv.innerHTML = userText;
-	}
-	function removeUser(user)
-	{
-		if(!hasLoaded) return;
-		for (i in UserListArr)
-		{
-			parts = UserListArr[i].split(":");
-			if (base64.decode(parts[0]) == user)
-				UserListArr.splice(i,1);
-		}
-		parseUsers();
-	}
-// Userlist End                *
-// Load Start                  *
-	function load()
-	{
-		cookieLoad();
-		lineHigh = getOption(6,"T") == "T";
-		doHigh = false;
-		coloredNames = getOption(3,"F") == "T";
-		highRed = getOption(2,"T") == "T";
-		highBold = getOption(1,"T") == "T";
-		enabled = getOption(5,"T") == "T";
-		notifications = getOption(7,"F") == "T";
-		highDing = getOption(8,"F") == "T";
-		showExChans = getOption(9,"F") == "T";
-		hasLoaded = false;
-		if (!enabled)
-		{
-			messageBox.innerHTML = '<a href="#" onclick="toggleEnable();">OmnomIRC is disabled. Click here to enable.</a>';
-			return false;
-		}
-		doLineHigh=true;
-		var body= document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
-		var chanScr= document.createElement('script');
-		chanScr.type= 'text/javascript';
-		chanScr.src= 'Channels.php';
-		chanScr.onload= function(){channelSelectorCallback();};
-		body.appendChild(chanScr);
-		chanList = document.getElementById('chanList');
-	}
-	window.onLoad = load();
-// Load End                    *
-// Links Start                 *
-	function toggleEnable()
-	{
-		setOption(5,!(getOption(5,'T') == 'T')?'T':'F');
-		window.location.reload(true);
-	}
-// Links End                   *
-// Message Send Start          *
-	function sendAJAXMessage(name,signature,message,chan) //'chan' kept for legacy purposes.
-	{
-		if (message[0] == "/")
-		{
-			if (parseCommand(message.substr(1)))
-				return;
-		}
-		if (getChannelDe()[0] == "*")
-		{
-			d = new Date();
-			str="0:pm:0:" + base64.encode(d.getTime()) + ":" + base64.encode(name) + ":" + base64.encode(HTMLEncode(message)); //Print PMs locally.
-			addLine(str);
-		}
-		var theURL = "message.php?nick=" + base64.encode(name) + "&signature="+base64.encode(signature)+"&message=" + base64.encode(message) +"&channel=" + getChannelEn();
-		xmlhttp2=new XMLHttpRequest();
-		xmlhttp2.open("GET", theURL ,false);
-		xmlhttp2.send(null);
-	}
-// Message Send End            *
-// Channel Selector Start      *
-	function channelSelectorCallback()
-	{
-		if (showExChans)
-			for (i in exChannels)
-				channels.push(exChannels[i]);
-		/*if (parent.moreChans)
-			for(i in parent.moreChans)
-				channels.push(base64.encode(parent.moreChans[i]));*/
-		loadChannels(); //From cookies
-		drawChannels();
-		var body= document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
-		var script= document.createElement('script');
-		script.type= 'text/javascript';
-		script.src= 'Load.php?count=50&channel=' + getChannelEn() + "&nick=" + base64.encode(parent.userName) + "&signature=" + base64.encode(parent.Signature) + "&time=" + (new Date).getTime();;
-		script.onload= function(){parseUsers();startLoop();mBoxCont.scrollTop = mBoxCont.scrollHeight;hasLoaded = true;};
-		body.appendChild(script);
-	}
-	function changeChannel()
-	{
-		//Empty out dirty holders
-		mBoxCont.innerHTML = '<table style="width:100%" class="messageBox" id="MessageBox"><tr><td>OmnomIRC</td></tr></table>';
-		hasLoaded = false;
-		curLine = 0;
-		UserListArr = Array();
-		userListDiv.innerHTML = "";
-		drawChannels();	
-		var body= document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
-		var script= document.createElement('script');
-		script.type= 'text/javascript';
-		script.src= 'Load.php?count=50&channel=' + getChannelEn() + "&nick=" + base64.encode(parent.userName) + "&signature=" + base64.encode(parent.Signature) + "&time=" + (new Date).getTime();;
-		script.onload= function(){parseUsers();startLoop();mBoxCont.scrollTop = mBoxCont.scrollHeight;hasLoaded = true;};
-		body.appendChild(script);
-	}
-	function drawChannels()
-	{
-		var chanText = '';//'<table>';
-		for (i in channels)
-		{
-		var chanName = base64.decode(channels[i]);
-			//partChannel
-			style = "chan";
-			chanText += '<table class="chanList"><td id="' + chanName + '" class="';
-			if (getChannelIndex()==i)
-				style = "curchan";
-			chanText += style;
-			chanText += '">';
-			if (chanName.substr(0,1) != "#")
-				chanText += '<span onclick="partChannel(\'' + chanName + '\')" onmouseover="this.style.color=\'#C73232\';this.style.font-weight=\'bolder\'" onmouseout="this.style.color=\'' + ((getChannelIndex()==i)?'#FFF':'#22C') + '\';this.style.font-weight=\'normal\'">x</span> ';
-			chanText += '<span onclick="selectChannel(' + i + ')">';
-			chanText += chanName;
-			chanText += "</span>";
-			chanText += "</td></table>";
-		}
-		//chanText += "</table>";
-		document.getElementById("ChanList").innerHTML = chanText;
-	}
-	function selectChannel(index)
-	{
-		setOption(4,String.fromCharCode(index + 32),true);
-		changeChannel();
-	}
-	function getChannelEn()
-	{
-		return channels[getChannelIndex()];
-	}
-	function getChannelDe()
-	{
-		return base64.decode(channels[getChannelIndex()]);
-	}
-	function getChannelIndex()
-	{
-		var index = getOption(4,String.fromCharCode(32)).charCodeAt(0) - 32;
-		if (index > (channels.length - 1))
-			index = 0;
-		return index;
-	}
-// Channel Selector End        *
-// Tab Completion Start        *
-function searchUser(start,startAt)
-	if(!startAt)
-		startAt = 0;
-	for (i=0;i<UserListArr.length;i++)
-	{
-		parts = UserListArr[i].split(":");
-		name = base64.decode(parts[0]).toLowerCase();
-		if (name.indexOf(start.toLowerCase()) == 0 && startAt-- <= 0)
-			return base64.decode(parts[0]);
-	}
-	return start;
-// Tab Completion End          *
-// Commands Start              *
-	function sendInternalMessage(message)
-	{
-		d = new Date();
-		str="0:internal:0:" + base64.encode(d.getTime()) + ":" + base64.encode(message);
-		addLine(str);
-	}
-	function joinChannel(paramaters)
-	{
-			if (paramaters.substr(0,1) != "@" && paramaters.substr(0,1) != "#")
-				paramaters = "@" + paramaters;
-			//Check if it already exists or not. If so, try to join it.
-			var count = 0;
-			for (i in channels)
-			{
-				if (base64.decode(channels[i]).toLowerCase() == paramaters.toLowerCase())
-				{
-					selectChannel(count);
-					return;
-				}
-				count++;
-			}
-			//Channel not in existance.
-			if (paramaters.substr(0,1) == "#")
-			{
-				sendInternalMessage('<span style="color:#C73232;"> Join Error: Cannot join new channels starting with #.</span>');
-				return;
-			}
-			//Valid chan, add to list.
-			channels.push(base64.encode(paramaters));
-			saveChannels();
-			selectChannel(channels.length-1);
-	}
-	function openPMWindow(paramaters)
-	{
-		if (paramaters.substr(0,1) == "@" && paramaters.substr(0,1) == "#")
-			sendInternalMessage('<span style="color:#C73232;"> Query Error: Cannot query a channel. Use /join instead.</span>');
-		if (paramaters.substr(0,1) != "*")
-			paramaters = "*" + paramaters;
-		for (i in channels)
-			if (base64.decode(channels[i]).toLowerCase() == paramaters.toLowerCase())
-				return; //PM already opened, don't open another.
-		channels.push(base64.encode(paramaters));
-		saveChannels();
-		drawChannels();
-	}
-	function partChannel(paramaters)
-	{
-		if (paramaters == "")
-		{
-			partChannel(getChannelDe());
-			return;
-		}
-		if (paramaters.substr(0,1) != "#")
-		{
-			for (i in channels)
-			{
-				if (base64.decode(channels[i]) == paramaters)
-				{
-					if (getChannelDe() == paramaters)
-					{
-						channels.splice(i,1);
-						selectChannel(i-1);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						channels.splice(i,1);
-						drawChannels();
-					}
-					saveChannels();
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-			if (paramaters.substr(0,1) != "@" && paramaters.substr(0,1) != "#")
-			{
-				paramaters = "@" + paramaters;
-				partChannel(paramaters);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				sendInternalMessage('<span style="color:#C73232;"> Part Error: I cannot part ' + paramaters + '. (You are not in it.)</span>');
-			}
-		}	
-		else
-		sendInternalMessage('<span style="color:#C73232;"> Part Error: I cannot part ' + paramaters + '. (That is not an OmnomIRC channel.)</span>');
-	}
-	function parseCommand(message)
-	{
-		var command = message.split(" ")[0];
-		var paramaters = message.substr(command.length+1).toLowerCase();
-		switch(command)
-		{
-			case "j":
-			case "join":
-				joinChannel(paramaters);
-			return true;
-			case "q":
-			case "query":
-				openPMWindow(paramaters);
-			return true;
-			case "win":
-			case "w":
-			case "window":
-				if (parseInt(paramaters) > channels.length || parseInt(paramaters) <= 0)
-					sendInternalMessage('<span style="color:#C73232;"> Invalid window selection. Valid options: 1-'+channels.length+'</span>');
-				else
-					selectChannel(parseInt(paramaters)-1);
-			return true;
-			case "p":
-			case "part":
-				partChannel(paramaters);
-			return true;
-			case "test":
-				sendInternalMessage(parent.Signature);
-			return true;
-			default:
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-// Commands End                *
-// Dynamic Channels Start      *
-	function loadChannels()
-	{
-		if (document.cookie.indexOf("OmnomChannels") >= 0)
-		{
-			var moreChans = document.cookie.split(";")[0].replace(/^.*OmnomChannels=(.+?)|.*/, "\$1").split("%");
-			for (i in moreChans)
-				if (moreChans[i][0] != "#" && moreChans[i] != "")
-					channels.push(moreChans[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	function saveChannels()
-	{
-		var chanList = "";
-		for (i in channels)
-		{
-			if (base64.decode(channels[i]).substr(0,1) != "#")
-			{
-				chanList = chanList + channels[i] + "%";
-			}
-		}
-		chanList = chanList.substr(0,chanList.length-1);
-		document.cookie = "OmnomChannels=" + chanList + ";expires=Sat, 20 Nov 2286 17:46:39 GMT;";
-	}
-// Dynamic Channels End        *
- function HTMLEncode(str) {
-   var div = document.createElement('div');
-   var text = document.createTextNode(str);
-   div.appendChild(text);
-   return div.innerHTML;
-  }
-  String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); };
