@@ -1092,9 +1092,12 @@ function sendpm($recipients, $subject, $message, $store_outbox = false, $from =
$insertRows = array();
+ $to_list = array();
foreach ($all_to as $to)
$insertRows[] = array($id_pm, $to, in_array($to, $recipients['bcc']) ? 1 : 0, isset($deletes[$to]) ? 1 : 0, 1);
+ if (!in_array($to, $recipients['bcc']))
+ $to_list[] = $to;
@@ -1116,18 +1119,36 @@ function sendpm($recipients, $subject, $message, $store_outbox = false, $from =
$message = '';
- foreach ($notifications as $lang => $notification_list)
+ $to_names = array();
+ if (count($to_list) > 1)
- // Make sure to use the right language.
- loadLanguage('index+PersonalMessage', $lang, false);
+ $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
+ SELECT real_name
+ FROM {db_prefix}members
+ WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:to_members})',
+ array(
+ 'to_members' => $to_list,
+ )
+ );
+ while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
+ $to_names[] = un_htmlspecialchars($row['real_name']);
+ $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
+ }
+ $replacements = array(
+ 'SUBJECT' => $subject,
+ 'MESSAGE' => $message,
+ 'SENDER' => un_htmlspecialchars($from['name']),
+ 'REPLYLINK' => $scripturl . '?action=pm;sa=send;f=inbox;pmsg=' . $id_pm . ';quote;u=' . $from['id'],
+ 'TOLIST' => implode(', ', $to_names),
+ );
+ $email_template = 'new_pm' . (empty($modSettings['disallow_sendBody']) ? '_body' : '') . (!empty($to_names) ? '_tolist' : '');
- // Replace the right things in the message strings.
- $mailsubject = str_replace(array('SUBJECT', 'SENDER'), array($subject, un_htmlspecialchars($from['name'])), $txt['new_pm_subject']);
- $mailmessage = str_replace(array('SUBJECT', 'MESSAGE', 'SENDER'), array($subject, $message, un_htmlspecialchars($from['name'])), $txt['pm_email'] . (empty($modSettings['disallow_sendBody']) ? $txt['pm_email_body'] : ''));
- $mailmessage .= "\n\n" . $txt['instant_reply'] . ' ' . $scripturl . '?action=pm;sa=send;f=inbox;pmsg=' . $id_pm . ';quote;u=' . $from['id'];
+ foreach ($notifications as $lang => $notification_list)
+ {
+ $mail = loadEmailTemplate($email_template, $replacements, $lang);
// Off the notification email goes!
- sendmail($notification_list, $mailsubject, $mailmessage, null, 'p' . $id_pm, false, 2, null, true);
+ sendmail($notification_list, $mail['subject'], $mail['body'], null, 'p' . $id_pm, false, 2, null, true);
// Back to what we were on before!