@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ $txt['add_language'] = 'Add Language';
$txt['add_language_smf'] = 'Download from Simple Machines';
$txt['add_language_smf_browse'] = 'Type name of language to search for or leave blank to search for all.';
$txt['add_language_smf_install'] = 'Install';
+$txt['add_language_found_title'] = 'Found Languages';
$txt['add_language_smf_found'] = 'The following languages were found. Click the install link next to the language you wish to install. You will then be taken to the package manager to install.';
$txt['add_language_error_no_response'] = 'The Simple Machines site is not responding. Please try again later.';
$txt['add_language_error_no_files'] = 'No files could be found.';