Browse Source

! Some HTML5 fixes. More to do but this is just the ones I can get done right now.

Signed-off-by: Peter Spicer <[email protected]>
Peter Spicer 11 years ago

+ 3 - 3

@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ function template_download_language()
 						<th class="first_th" scope="col">
 							', $txt['languages_download_filename'], '
-						<th scope="col" width="100">
+						<th scope="col" style="width: 100px">
 							', $txt['languages_download_writable'], '
-						<th scope="col" width="100">
+						<th scope="col" style="width: 100px">
 							', $txt['languages_download_exists'], '
-						<th class="last_th centercol" scope="col" width="4%">
+						<th class="last_th centercol" scope="col" style="width: 4%">
 							', $txt['languages_download_copy'], '

+ 2 - 2

@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ function template_group_members()
 						<th ', empty($context['group']['assignable']) ? ' class="last_th" colspan="2"' : '', '><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=', $context['current_action'], (isset($context['admin_area']) ? ';area=' . $context['admin_area'] : ''), ';sa=members;start=', $context['start'], ';sort=posts', $context['sort_by'] == 'posts' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', ';group=', $context['group']['id'], '">', $txt['posts'], $context['sort_by'] == 'posts' ? ' <span class="sort sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '"></span>' : '','</a></th>';
 	if (!empty($context['group']['assignable']))
 		echo '
-						<th class="last_th" width="4%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" class="input_check" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form);"></th>';
+						<th class="last_th" style="width: 4%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" class="input_check" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form);"></th>';
 	echo '
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ function template_group_members()
 						<td', empty($context['group']['assignable']) ? ' colspan="2"' : '', '>', $member['posts'], '</td>';
 		if (!empty($context['group']['assignable']))
 			echo '
-						<td align="center" width="4%"><input type="checkbox" name="rem[]" value="', $member['id'], '" class="input_check" ', ($context['user']['id'] == $member['id'] && $context['group']['id'] == 1 ? 'onclick="if (this.checked) return confirm(\'' . $txt['membergroups_members_deadmin_confirm'] . '\')" ' : ''), '/></td>';
+						<td align="center" style="width: 4%"><input type="checkbox" name="rem[]" value="', $member['id'], '" class="input_check" ', ($context['user']['id'] == $member['id'] && $context['group']['id'] == 1 ? 'onclick="if (this.checked) return confirm(\'' . $txt['membergroups_members_deadmin_confirm'] . '\')" ' : ''), '/></td>';
 		echo '

+ 1 - 1

@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ function template_user_subscription()
 		<table class="table_grid">
 				<tr class="catbg">
-					<th class="first_th" width="30%">', $txt['paid_name'], '</th>
+					<th class="first_th" style="width: 30%">', $txt['paid_name'], '</th>
 					<th align="center">', $txt['paid_status'], '</th>
 					<th align="center">', $txt['start_date'], '</th>
 					<th class="last_th" align="center">', $txt['end_date'], '</th>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function template_main()
 		// This is just some column... show the link and be done with it.
 			echo '
-					<th scope="col" class="', $key, isset($column['class']) ? ' ' . $column['class'] : '', '"', isset($column['width']) ? ' width="' . $column['width'] . '"' : '', isset($column['colspan']) ? ' colspan="' . $column['colspan'] . '"' : '', '>
+					<th scope="col" class="', $key, isset($column['class']) ? ' ' . $column['class'] : '', '"', isset($column['width']) ? ' style="width: ' . $column['width'] . '"' : '', isset($column['colspan']) ? ' colspan="' . $column['colspan'] . '"' : '', '>
 						', $column['link'], '</th>';
 	echo '

+ 3 - 3

@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ function template_main()
 			// If it's on in "image" mode, don't show anything but the column.
 			elseif (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']))
 				echo '
-					<th class="last_th" width="4%">&nbsp;</th>';
+					<th class="last_th" style="width: 4%">&nbsp;</th>';
 		// No topics.... just say, "sorry bub".
 			echo '
-					<th scope="col" class="first_th" width="8%">&nbsp;</th>
+					<th scope="col" class="first_th" style="width: 8%">&nbsp;</th>
 					<th colspan="3"><strong>', $txt['topic_alert_none'], '</strong></th>
-					<th scope="col" class="last_th" width="8%">&nbsp;</th>';
+					<th scope="col" class="last_th" style="width: 8%">&nbsp;</th>';
 		echo '

+ 10 - 10

@@ -1554,11 +1554,11 @@ function template_file_permissions()
 						<span style="color: ', ($dir['perms']['chmod'] ? 'green' : 'red'), '">', ($dir['perms']['chmod'] ? $txt['package_file_perms_writable'] : $txt['package_file_perms_not_writable']), '</span>
 						', ($dir['perms']['perms'] ? '&nbsp;(' . $txt['package_file_perms_chmod'] . ': ' . substr(sprintf('%o', $dir['perms']['perms']), -4) . ')' : ''), '
-					<td align="center" class="perm_read" width="8%"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="read" class="input_radio"></td>
-					<td align="center" class="perm_write" width="8%"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="writable" class="input_radio"></td>
-					<td align="center" class="perm_execute" width="8%"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="execute" class="input_radio"></td>
-					<td align="center" class="perm_custom" width="8%"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="custom" class="input_radio"></td>
-					<td align="center" class="perm_nochange" width="8%"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="no_change" checked class="input_radio"></td>
+					<td align="center" class="perm_read"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="read" class="input_radio"></td>
+					<td align="center" class="perm_write"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="writable" class="input_radio"></td>
+					<td align="center" class="perm_execute"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="execute" class="input_radio"></td>
+					<td align="center" class="perm_custom"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="custom" class="input_radio"></td>
+					<td align="center" class="perm_nochange"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $name, ']" value="no_change" checked class="input_radio"></td>
@@ -1662,11 +1662,11 @@ function template_permission_show_contents($ident, $contents, $level, $has_more
 					<span class="', ($dir['perms']['chmod'] ? 'success' : 'error'), '">', ($dir['perms']['chmod'] ? $txt['package_file_perms_writable'] : $txt['package_file_perms_not_writable']), '</span>
 					', ($dir['perms']['perms'] ? '&nbsp;(' . $txt['package_file_perms_chmod'] . ': ' . substr(sprintf('%o', $dir['perms']['perms']), -4) . ')' : ''), '
-				<td align="center" width="8%" class="perm_read"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="read" class="input_radio"></td>
-				<td align="center" width="8%" class="perm_write"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="writable" class="input_radio"></td>
-				<td align="center" width="8%" class="perm_execute"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="execute" class="input_radio"></td>
-				<td align="center" width="8%" class="perm_custom"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="custom" class="input_radio"></td>
-				<td align="center" width="8%" class="perm_nochange"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="no_change" checked class="input_radio"></td>
+				<td align="center" class="perm_read"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="read" class="input_radio"></td>
+				<td align="center" class="perm_write"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="writable" class="input_radio"></td>
+				<td align="center" class="perm_execute"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="execute" class="input_radio"></td>
+				<td align="center" class="perm_custom"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="custom" class="input_radio"></td>
+				<td align="center" class="perm_nochange"><input type="radio" name="permStatus[', $ident . '/' . $name, ']" value="no_change" checked class="input_radio"></td>
 			<tr id="insert_div_loc_' . $cur_ident . '" style="display: none;"><td></td></tr>';

+ 1 - 1

@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ function template_coppa_form()
 	// Show the form (As best we can)
 	echo '
-		<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="tborder" align="center">
+		<table style="width: 100%; padding: 3px; border: 0" class="tborder" align="center">
 				<td align="left">', $context['forum_contacts'], '</td>

+ 5 - 0

@@ -676,18 +676,23 @@ pre.file_content {
 .perm_read {
 	background-color: #d1f7bf;
+	width: 8%;
 .perm_write {
 	background-color: #ffbbbb;
+	width: 8%;
 .perm_execute {
 	background-color: #fdd7af;
+	width: 8%;
 .perm_custom {
 	background-color: #c2c6c0;
+	width: 8%;
 .perm_nochange {
 	background-color: #eee;
+	width: 8%;
 .select_spot {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ function template_chmod_files()
 	echo '
 		<form action="', $incontext['form_url'], '" method="post">
-			<table width="520" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center" style="margin: 1em 0;">
+			<table align="center" style="width: 520px; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0; border: 0">
 					<td width="26%" valign="top" class="textbox"><label for="ftp_server">', $txt['ftp_server'], ':</label></td>