@@ -1,76 +1,41 @@
-function smf_NewsFader(oOptions)
+function smc_NewsFader(oOptions)
- this.opt = oOptions;
- this.oFaderHandle = document.getElementById(this.opt.sFaderControlId);
- // Surround each item with... anything special?
- this.sItemTemplate = 'sItemTemplate' in this.opt ? this.opt.sItemTemplate : '%1$s';
- // Fade delay (in milliseconds).
- this.iFadeDelay = 'iFadeDelay' in this.opt ? this.opt.iFadeDelay : 5000;
- // The array that contains all the lines of the news for display.
- this.aFaderItems = 'aFaderItems' in this.opt ? this.opt.aFaderItems : [];
- // Should we look for fader data, still?
- this.bReceivedItemsOnConstruction = 'aFaderItems' in this.opt;
- // The current item in smfFadeContent.
- this.iFadeIndex = -1;
- // Just make sure the page is loaded before calling the init.
- var fader = this;
- $(document).ready(function() {fader.init();});
-smf_NewsFader.prototype.init = function init()
- var oForeEl, oForeColor, oBackEl, oBackColor;
- // Did we get our fader items on construction, or should we be gathering them instead?
- if (!this.bReceivedItemsOnConstruction)
- {
- // Get the news from the list in boardindex
- var oNewsItems = this.oFaderHandle.getElementsByTagName('li');
- // Fill the array that has previously been created
- for (var i = 0, n = oNewsItems.length; i < n; i ++)
- this.aFaderItems[i] = oNewsItems[i].innerHTML;
- }
- // Start the fader!
- this.fade();
-// Main fading function... called 50 times every second.
-smf_NewsFader.prototype.fade = function fade()
- if (this.aFaderItems.length <= 1)
- return;
- var currentText;
- // Starting out? Set up the first item.
- if (this.iFadeIndex == -1)
- {
- currentText = this.sItemTemplate.replace('%1$s', this.aFaderItems[0]);
- this.iFadeIndex = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- // Go to the next item, or first if we're out of items.
- currentText = this.sItemTemplate.replace('%1$s', this.aFaderItems[this.iFadeIndex ++]);
- if (this.iFadeIndex >= this.aFaderItems.length)
- this.iFadeIndex = 0;
- }
- $('#' + this.opt.sFaderControlId).each(function() {
- temp_elem = $(this).clone().css({height: 'auto'}).appendTo('body').html(currentText);
- final_height = parseInt(temp_elem.height()) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top').replace(/[^-\d\.]/g, '')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom').replace(/[^-\d\.]/g, ''));
- temp_elem.remove();
- $(this).height($(this).height());
- }).html(currentText).animate({height: final_height}, 'slow');
- // Keep going.
- window.setTimeout(this.opt.sSelf + '.fade();', this.iFadeDelay);
+ var
+ aFaderItems = oOptions.aFaderItems || [],
+ iFadeIndex = 0,
+ iFadeDelay = oOptions.iFadeDelay || 5000,
+ iFadeSpeed = oOptions.iFadeSpeed || 650,
+ sItemTemplate = oOptions.sItemTemplate || '%1$s',
+ sControlId = '#' + oOptions.sFaderControlId,
+ fadeIn = function ()
+ {
+ iFadeIndex++;
+ if (iFadeIndex >= aFaderItems.length)
+ iFadeIndex = 0;
+ $(sControlId + ' li').html(sItemTemplate.replace('%1$s', aFaderItems[iFadeIndex])).fadeTo(iFadeSpeed, 0.99, function () {
+ // Restore ClearType in IE.
+ this.style.filter = '';
+ fadeOut();
+ });
+ },
+ fadeOut = function ()
+ {
+ setTimeout(function ()
+ {
+ $(sControlId + ' li').fadeTo(iFadeSpeed, 0, fadeIn);
+ }, iFadeDelay);
+ };
+ if (!aFaderItems.length)
+ $(sControlId + ' li').each(function ()
+ {
+ aFaderItems.push($(this).html());
+ });
+ $(sControlId).html('<li>' + sItemTemplate.replace('%1$s', aFaderItems[0]) + '</li>').show();
+ fadeOut();