@@ -156,13 +156,12 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
// Clean the input.
// Clean the input.
foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $key => $value)
foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $key => $value)
- $_POST['delete'][$key] = (int) $value;
// Don't delete yourself, idiot.
// Don't delete yourself, idiot.
- if ($value == $user_info['id'])
- unset($_POST['delete'][$key]);
+ if ($value != $user_info['id'])
+ $delete[$key] = (int) $value;
- if (!empty($_POST['delete']))
+ if (!empty($delete))
// Delete all the selected members.
// Delete all the selected members.
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php');
@@ -170,9 +169,6 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
- if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query' && !empty($_REQUEST['params']) && empty($_POST))
- $_POST += @unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['params']));
// Check input after a member search has been submitted.
// Check input after a member search has been submitted.
if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query')
if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query')
@@ -284,6 +280,19 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
call_integration_hook('integrate_view_members_params', array(&$params));
call_integration_hook('integrate_view_members_params', array(&$params));
+ $search_params = array();
+ if ($context['sub_action'] == 'query' && !empty($_REQUEST['params']) && empty($_POST))
+ $search_params = @unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['params']));
+ elseif (!empty($_POST))
+ {
+ $search_params['types'] = $_POST['types'];
+ foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_info)
+ if (isset($_POST[$param_name]))
+ $search_params[$param_name] = $_POST[$param_name];
+ }
+ $search_url_params = isset($search_params) ? base64_encode(serialize($search_params)) : null;
// @todo Validate a little more.
// @todo Validate a little more.
// Loop through every field of the form.
// Loop through every field of the form.
@@ -292,45 +301,45 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_info)
foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_info)
// Not filled in?
// Not filled in?
- if (!isset($_POST[$param_name]) || $_POST[$param_name] === '')
+ if (!isset($search_params[$param_name]) || $search_params[$param_name] === '')
// Make sure numeric values are really numeric.
// Make sure numeric values are really numeric.
if (in_array($param_info['type'], array('int', 'age')))
if (in_array($param_info['type'], array('int', 'age')))
- $_POST[$param_name] = (int) $_POST[$param_name];
+ $search_params[$param_name] = (int) $search_params[$param_name];
// Date values have to match the specified format.
// Date values have to match the specified format.
elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date')
elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date')
// Check if this date format is valid.
// Check if this date format is valid.
- if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/', $_POST[$param_name]) == 0)
+ if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/', $search_params[$param_name]) == 0)
- $_POST[$param_name] = strtotime($_POST[$param_name]);
+ $search_params[$param_name] = strtotime($search_params[$param_name]);
// Those values that are in some kind of range (<, <=, =, >=, >).
// Those values that are in some kind of range (<, <=, =, >=, >).
if (!empty($param_info['range']))
if (!empty($param_info['range']))
// Default to '=', just in case...
// Default to '=', just in case...
- if (empty($range_trans[$_POST['types'][$param_name]]))
- $_POST['types'][$param_name] = '=';
+ if (empty($range_trans[$search_params['types'][$param_name]]))
+ $search_params['types'][$param_name] = '=';
// Handle special case 'age'.
// Handle special case 'age'.
if ($param_info['type'] == 'age')
if ($param_info['type'] == 'age')
// All people that were born between $lowerlimit and $upperlimit are currently the specified age.
// All people that were born between $lowerlimit and $upperlimit are currently the specified age.
$datearray = getdate(forum_time());
$datearray = getdate(forum_time());
- $upperlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $_POST[$param_name], $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']);
- $lowerlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $_POST[$param_name] - 1, $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']);
- if (in_array($_POST['types'][$param_name], array('-', '--', '=')))
+ $upperlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $search_params[$param_name], $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']);
+ $lowerlimit = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $datearray['year'] - $search_params[$param_name] - 1, $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday']);
+ if (in_array($search_params['types'][$param_name], array('-', '--', '=')))
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' > {string:' . $param_name . '_minlimit}';
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' > {string:' . $param_name . '_minlimit}';
- $where_params[$param_name . '_minlimit'] = ($_POST['types'][$param_name] == '--' ? $upperlimit : $lowerlimit);
+ $where_params[$param_name . '_minlimit'] = ($search_params['types'][$param_name] == '--' ? $upperlimit : $lowerlimit);
- if (in_array($_POST['types'][$param_name], array('+', '++', '=')))
+ if (in_array($search_params['types'][$param_name], array('+', '++', '=')))
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' <= {string:' . $param_name . '_pluslimit}';
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' <= {string:' . $param_name . '_pluslimit}';
- $where_params[$param_name . '_pluslimit'] = ($_POST['types'][$param_name] == '++' ? $lowerlimit : $upperlimit);
+ $where_params[$param_name . '_pluslimit'] = ($search_params['types'][$param_name] == '++' ? $lowerlimit : $upperlimit);
// Make sure that members that didn't set their birth year are not queried.
// Make sure that members that didn't set their birth year are not queried.
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' > {date:dec_zero_date}';
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' > {date:dec_zero_date}';
@@ -338,27 +347,27 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
// Special case - equals a date.
// Special case - equals a date.
- elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date' && $_POST['types'][$param_name] == '=')
+ elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'date' && $search_params['types'][$param_name] == '=')
- $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' > ' . $_POST[$param_name] . ' AND ' . $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' < ' . ($_POST[$param_name] + 86400);
+ $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' > ' . $search_params[$param_name] . ' AND ' . $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' < ' . ($search_params[$param_name] + 86400);
- $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' ' . $range_trans[$_POST['types'][$param_name]] . ' ' . $_POST[$param_name];
+ $query_parts[] = $param_info['db_fields'][0] . ' ' . $range_trans[$search_params['types'][$param_name]] . ' ' . $search_params[$param_name];
// Checkboxes.
// Checkboxes.
elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'checkbox')
elseif ($param_info['type'] == 'checkbox')
// Each checkbox or no checkbox at all is checked -> ignore.
// Each checkbox or no checkbox at all is checked -> ignore.
- if (!is_array($_POST[$param_name]) || count($_POST[$param_name]) == 0 || count($_POST[$param_name]) == count($param_info['values']))
+ if (!is_array($search_params[$param_name]) || count($search_params[$param_name]) == 0 || count($search_params[$param_name]) == count($param_info['values']))
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' IN ({array_string:' . $param_name . '_check})';
$query_parts[] = ($param_info['db_fields'][0]) . ' IN ({array_string:' . $param_name . '_check})';
- $where_params[$param_name . '_check'] = $_POST[$param_name];
+ $where_params[$param_name . '_check'] = $search_params[$param_name];
// Replace the wildcard characters ('*' and '?') into MySQL ones.
// Replace the wildcard characters ('*' and '?') into MySQL ones.
- $parameter = strtolower(strtr($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST[$param_name], ENT_QUOTES), array('%' => '\%', '_' => '\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_')));
+ $parameter = strtolower(strtr($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($search_params[$param_name], ENT_QUOTES), array('%' => '\%', '_' => '\_', '*' => '%', '?' => '_')));
$query_parts[] = '(' . implode( ' LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal} OR ', $param_info['db_fields']) . ' LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal})';
$query_parts[] = '(' . implode( ' LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal} OR ', $param_info['db_fields']) . ' LIKE {string:' . $param_name . '_normal})';
$where_params[$param_name . '_normal'] = '%' . $parameter . '%';
$where_params[$param_name . '_normal'] = '%' . $parameter . '%';
@@ -369,15 +378,15 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
$mg_query_parts = array();
$mg_query_parts = array();
// Primary membergroups, but only if at least was was not selected.
// Primary membergroups, but only if at least was was not selected.
- if (!empty($_POST['membergroups'][1]) && count($context['membergroups']) != count($_POST['membergroups'][1]))
+ if (!empty($search_params['membergroups'][1]) && count($context['membergroups']) != count($search_params['membergroups'][1]))
$mg_query_parts[] = 'mem.id_group IN ({array_int:group_check})';
$mg_query_parts[] = 'mem.id_group IN ({array_int:group_check})';
- $where_params['group_check'] = $_POST['membergroups'][1];
+ $where_params['group_check'] = $search_params['membergroups'][1];
// Additional membergroups (these are only relevant if not all primary groups where selected!).
// Additional membergroups (these are only relevant if not all primary groups where selected!).
- if (!empty($_POST['membergroups'][2]) && (empty($_POST['membergroups'][1]) || count($context['membergroups']) != count($_POST['membergroups'][1])))
- foreach ($_POST['membergroups'][2] as $mg)
+ if (!empty($search_params['membergroups'][2]) && (empty($search_params['membergroups'][1]) || count($context['membergroups']) != count($search_params['membergroups'][1])))
+ foreach ($search_params['membergroups'][2] as $mg)
$mg_query_parts[] = 'FIND_IN_SET({int:add_group_' . $mg . '}, mem.additional_groups) != 0';
$mg_query_parts[] = 'FIND_IN_SET({int:add_group_' . $mg . '}, mem.additional_groups) != 0';
$where_params['add_group_' . $mg] = $mg;
$where_params['add_group_' . $mg] = $mg;
@@ -388,23 +397,21 @@ function ViewMemberlist()
$query_parts[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $mg_query_parts) . ')';
$query_parts[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $mg_query_parts) . ')';
// Get all selected post count related membergroups.
// Get all selected post count related membergroups.
- if (!empty($_POST['postgroups']) && count($_POST['postgroups']) != count($context['postgroups']))
+ if (!empty($search_params['postgroups']) && count($search_params['postgroups']) != count($context['postgroups']))
$query_parts[] = 'id_post_group IN ({array_int:post_groups})';
$query_parts[] = 'id_post_group IN ({array_int:post_groups})';
- $where_params['post_groups'] = $_POST['postgroups'];
+ $where_params['post_groups'] = $search_params['postgroups'];
// Construct the where part of the query.
// Construct the where part of the query.
$where = empty($query_parts) ? '1' : implode('
$where = empty($query_parts) ? '1' : implode('
AND ', $query_parts);
AND ', $query_parts);
- $search_params = base64_encode(serialize($_POST));
- $search_params = null;
+ $search_url_params = null;
// Construct the additional URL part with the query info in it.
// Construct the additional URL part with the query info in it.
- $context['params_url'] = $context['sub_action'] == 'query' ? ';sa=query;params=' . $search_params : '';
+ $context['params_url'] = $context['sub_action'] == 'query' ? ';sa=query;params=' . $search_url_params : '';
// Get the title and sub template ready..
// Get the title and sub template ready..
$context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_members'];
$context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_members'];