Signed-off-by: Peter Spicer <>
@@ -318,7 +318,10 @@ class paypal_payment
public function isCancellation()
- if (substr($_POST['txn_type'], 0, 13) === 'subscr_cancel')
+ // subscr_cancel is sent when the user cancels, subscr_eot is sent when the subscription reaches final payment
+ // Neither require us to *do* anything as per performCancel().
+ // subscr_eot, if sent, indicates an end of payments term.
+ if (substr($_POST['txn_type'], 0, 13) === 'subscr_cancel' || substr($_POST['txn_type'], 0, 10) === 'subscr_eot')
return true;
return false;
@@ -275,9 +275,6 @@ else
// Some other "valid" transaction such as:
- // subscr_eot: End of term - sent when a subscription ends at a given term date. Normally should not occur because either
- // a paid sub is a one-off payment, or it's recurring without a fixed term.
- //
// subscr_signup: This IPN response (txn_type) is sent only the first time the user signs up for a subscription.
// It then does not fire in any event later. This response is received somewhere before or after the first payment of
// subscription is received (txn_type=subscr_payment) which is what we do process