@@ -505,7 +505,6 @@ $helptxt['coppaType'] = 'If age restrictions are enabled, then this setting will
$helptxt['coppaPost'] = 'The contact boxes are required so that forms granting permission for underage registration can be sent to the forum administrator. These details will be shown to all new minors, and are required for parent/guardian approval. At the very least a postal address or fax number must be provided.';
$helptxt['allow_hideOnline'] = 'With this option enabled all members will be able to hide their online status from other users (except administrators). If disabled only users who can moderate the forum can hide their presence. Note that disabling this option will not change any existing member\'s status - it just stops them from hiding themselves in the future.';
-$helptxt['make_email_viewable'] = 'If this option is enabled instead of users email addresses being hidden to normal members and guests they will be publicly viewable on the forum. Enabling this will put your users at greater risk of being victims of spam as a result of email harvesters visiting your forum. Note this setting does not override the user setting for hiding their email address from users. Enabling this setting is <strong>not</strong> recommended.';
$helptxt['meta_keywords'] = 'These keywords are sent in the output of every page to indicate to search engines (etc) the key content of your site. They should be a comma separated list of words, and should not use HTML.';
$helptxt['latest_packages'] = 'Here you can see some of the most popular and some random packages or mods, with quick and easy installations.<br /><br />If this section doesn\'t show up, your computer probably cannot connect to <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank" class="new_win">www.simplemachines.org</a>.';