@@ -2089,308 +2089,6 @@ function createPost(&$msgOptions, &$topicOptions, &$posterOptions)
return true;
- * Create an attachment, with the given array of parameters.
- * - Adds any addtional or missing parameters to $attachmentOptions.
- * - Renames the temporary file.
- * - Creates a thumbnail if the file is an image and the option enabled.
- *
- * @param array $attachmentOptions
- */
-function createAttachment(&$attachmentOptions)
- global $modSettings, $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $context;
- global $txt, $boarddir;
- require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Graphics.php');
- if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
- $id_folder = $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'];
- else
- $id_folder = 1;
- // These are the only valid image types for SMF.
- $validImageTypes = array(
- 1 => 'gif',
- 2 => 'jpeg',
- 3 => 'png',
- 5 => 'psd',
- 6 => 'bmp',
- 7 => 'tiff',
- 8 => 'tiff',
- 9 => 'jpeg',
- 14 => 'iff'
- );
- // If this is an image we need to set a few additional parameters.
- $size = @getimagesize($attachmentOptions['tmp_name']);
- list ($attachmentOptions['width'], $attachmentOptions['height']) = $size;
- // If it's an image get the mime type right.
- if (empty($attachmentOptions['mime_type']) && $attachmentOptions['width'])
- {
- // Got a proper mime type?
- if (!empty($size['mime']))
- $attachmentOptions['mime_type'] = $size['mime'];
- // Otherwise a valid one?
- elseif (isset($validImageTypes[$size[2]]))
- $attachmentOptions['mime_type'] = 'image/' . $validImageTypes[$size[2]];
- }
- // Get the hash if no hash has been given yet.
- if (empty($attachmentOptions['file_hash']))
- $attachmentOptions['file_hash'] = getAttachmentFilename($attachmentOptions['name'], false, null, true);
- // Assuming no-one set the extension let's take a look at it.
- if (empty($attachmentOptions['fileext']))
- {
- $attachmentOptions['fileext'] = strtolower(strrpos($attachmentOptions['name'], '.') !== false ? substr($attachmentOptions['name'], strrpos($attachmentOptions['name'], '.') + 1) : '');
- if (strlen($attachmentOptions['fileext']) > 8 || '.' . $attachmentOptions['fileext'] == $attachmentOptions['name'])
- $attachmentOptions['fileext'] = '';
- }
- $smcFunc['db_insert']('',
- '{db_prefix}attachments',
- array(
- 'id_folder' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int', 'filename' => 'string-255', 'file_hash' => 'string-40', 'fileext' => 'string-8',
- 'size' => 'int', 'width' => 'int', 'height' => 'int',
- 'mime_type' => 'string-20', 'approved' => 'int',
- ),
- array(
- $id_folder, (int) $attachmentOptions['post'], $attachmentOptions['name'], $attachmentOptions['file_hash'], $attachmentOptions['fileext'],
- (int) $attachmentOptions['size'], (empty($attachmentOptions['width']) ? 0 : (int) $attachmentOptions['width']), (empty($attachmentOptions['height']) ? '0' : (int) $attachmentOptions['height']),
- (!empty($attachmentOptions['mime_type']) ? $attachmentOptions['mime_type'] : ''), (int) $attachmentOptions['approved'],
- ),
- array('id_attach')
- );
- $attachmentOptions['id'] = $smcFunc['db_insert_id']('{db_prefix}attachments', 'id_attach');
- // @todo Add an error here maybe?
- if (empty($attachmentOptions['id']))
- return false;
- // Now that we have the attach id, let's rename this sucker and finish up.
- $attachmentOptions['destination'] = getAttachmentFilename(basename($attachmentOptions['name']), $attachmentOptions['id'], $id_folder, false, $attachmentOptions['file_hash']);
- rename($attachmentOptions['tmp_name'], $attachmentOptions['destination']);
- // If it's not approved then add to the approval queue.
- if (!$attachmentOptions['approved'])
- $smcFunc['db_insert']('',
- '{db_prefix}approval_queue',
- array(
- 'id_attach' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int',
- ),
- array(
- $attachmentOptions['id'], (int) $attachmentOptions['post'],
- ),
- array()
- );
- if (empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbnails']) || (empty($attachmentOptions['width']) && empty($attachmentOptions['height'])))
- return true;
- // Like thumbnails, do we?
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth']) && !empty($modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight']) && ($attachmentOptions['width'] > $modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth'] || $attachmentOptions['height'] > $modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight']))
- {
- if (createThumbnail($attachmentOptions['destination'], $modSettings['attachmentThumbWidth'], $modSettings['attachmentThumbHeight']))
- {
- // Figure out how big we actually made it.
- $size = @getimagesize($attachmentOptions['destination'] . '_thumb');
- list ($thumb_width, $thumb_height) = $size;
- if (!empty($size['mime']))
- $thumb_mime = $size['mime'];
- elseif (isset($validImageTypes[$size[2]]))
- $thumb_mime = 'image/' . $validImageTypes[$size[2]];
- // Lord only knows how this happened...
- else
- $thumb_mime = '';
- $thumb_filename = $attachmentOptions['name'] . '_thumb';
- $thumb_size = filesize($attachmentOptions['destination'] . '_thumb');
- $thumb_file_hash = getAttachmentFilename($thumb_filename, false, null, true);
- // To the database we go!
- $smcFunc['db_insert']('',
- '{db_prefix}attachments',
- array(
- 'id_folder' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int', 'attachment_type' => 'int', 'filename' => 'string-255', 'file_hash' => 'string-40', 'fileext' => 'string-8',
- 'size' => 'int', 'width' => 'int', 'height' => 'int', 'mime_type' => 'string-20', 'approved' => 'int',
- ),
- array(
- $id_folder, (int) $attachmentOptions['post'], 3, $thumb_filename, $thumb_file_hash, $attachmentOptions['fileext'],
- $thumb_size, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $thumb_mime, (int) $attachmentOptions['approved'],
- ),
- array('id_attach')
- );
- $attachmentOptions['thumb'] = $smcFunc['db_insert_id']('{db_prefix}attachments', 'id_attach');
- if (!empty($attachmentOptions['thumb']))
- {
- $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- UPDATE {db_prefix}attachments
- SET id_thumb = {int:id_thumb}
- WHERE id_attach = {int:id_attach}',
- array(
- 'id_thumb' => $attachmentOptions['thumb'],
- 'id_attach' => $attachmentOptions['id'],
- )
- );
- rename($attachmentOptions['destination'] . '_thumb', getAttachmentFilename($thumb_filename, $attachmentOptions['thumb'], $id_folder, false, $thumb_file_hash));
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- * Performs various checks on an uploaded file.
- * - Requires that $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID] be properly populated.
- *
- * @param $attachID
- */
-function attachmentChecks($attachID)
- global $modSettings, $context, $sourcedir, $smcFunc;
- // No data or missing data .... Not necessarily needed, but in case a mod author missed something.
- if ( empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]))
- $errror = '$_SESSION[\'temp_attachments\'][$attachID]';
- elseif (empty($attachID))
- $errror = '$attachID';
- elseif (empty($context['attachments']))
- $errror = '$context[\'attachments\']';
- elseif (empty($context['attach_dir']))
- $errror = '$context[\'attach_dir\']';
- // Let's get their attention.
- if (!empty($error))
- fatal_lang_error('attach_check_nag', 'debug', array($error));
- // These are the only valid image types for SMF.
- $validImageTypes = array(
- 1 => 'gif',
- 2 => 'jpeg',
- 3 => 'png',
- 5 => 'psd',
- 6 => 'bmp',
- 7 => 'tiff',
- 8 => 'tiff',
- 9 => 'jpeg',
- 14 => 'iff'
- );
- // Just in case this slipped by the first checks, we stop it here and now
- if ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size'] == 0)
- {
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = 'attach_0_byte_file';
- return false;
- }
- // First, the dreaded security check. Sorry folks, but this can't be avoided
- $size = @getimagesize($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['tmp_name']);
- if (isset($validImageTypes[$size[2]]))
- {
- require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Graphics.php');
- if (!checkImageContents($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['tmp_name'], !empty($modSettings['attachment_image_paranoid'])))
- {
- // It's bad. Last chance, maybe we can re-encode it?
- if (empty($modSettings['attachment_image_reencode']) || (!reencodeImage($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['tmp_name'], $size[2])))
- {
- // Nothing to do: not allowed or not successful re-encoding it.
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = 'bad_attachment';
- return false;
- }
- // Success! However, successes usually come for a price:
- // we might get a new format for our image...
- $old_format = $size[2];
- $size = @getimagesize($attachmentOptions['tmp_name']);
- if (!(empty($size)) && ($size[2] != $old_format))
- {
- if (isset($validImageTypes[$size[2]]))
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['type'] = 'image/' . $validImageTypes[$size[2]];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentDirSizeLimit']))
- {
- // Check the folder size if it hasn't been done already.
- if (!isset($context['dir_size']))
- {
- $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- SELECT SUM(size)
- FROM {db_prefix}attachments
- WHERE id_folder = {int:folder_id}',
- array(
- 'folder_id' => empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']) ? 1 : $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'],
- )
- );
- list ($context['dir_size']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
- $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
- }
- $context['dir_size'] += $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size'];
- // Soon to be too big - warn the admins...
- if (empty($modSettings['attachment_full_notified']) && $modSettings['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] > 4000 && $context['dir_size'] > ($modSettings['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] - 2000) * 1024)
- {
- require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php');
- emailAdmins('admin_attachments_full');
- updateSettings(array('attachment_full_notified' => 1));
- }
- // Too big! Maybe you could zip it or something...
- if ($context['dir_size'] > $modSettings['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] * 1024)
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = 'ran_out_of_space';
- }
- // Is the file too big?
- $context['attachments']['total_size'] += $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size'];
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit']) && $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size'] > $modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit'] * 1024)
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = array('file_too_big', array(comma_format($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit'], 0)));
- // Check the total upload size for this post...
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']) && $context['attachments']['total_size'] > $modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'] * 1024)
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = array('attach_max_total_file_size', array(comma_format($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'], 0), comma_format($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'] - (($context['attachments']['total_size'] - $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size']) / 1024), 0)));
- // Have we reached the maximum number of files we are allowed?
- $context['attachments']['quantity']++;
- // Set a max limit if none exists
- if (empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) && $context['attachments']['quantity'] >= 50)
- $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] = 50;
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) && $context['attachments']['quantity'] > $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'])
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = array('attachments_limit_per_post', array($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']));
- // File extension check
- if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentCheckExtensions']))
- {
- $allowed = explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['attachmentExtensions']));
- foreach ($allowed as $k => $dummy)
- $allowed[$k] = trim($dummy);
- if (!in_array(strtolower(substr(strrchr($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['name'], '.'), 1)), $allowed))
- {
- $allowed_extensions = strtr(strtolower($modSettings['attachmentExtensions']), array(',' => ', '));
- $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors'][] = array('cant_upload_type', array($allowed_extensions));
- }
- }
- // back up to the previous one if there's been an error.
- if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['errors']))
- {
- $context['dir_size'] -= $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size'];
- $context['attachments']['total_size'] -= $_SESSION['temp_attachments'][$attachID]['size'];
- $context['attachments']['quantity']--;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
* Modifying a post...
@@ -2419,7 +2117,7 @@ function modifyPost(&$msgOptions, &$topicOptions, &$posterOptions)
if (isset($msgOptions['body']))
$messages_columns['body'] = $msgOptions['body'];
// using a custom search index, then lets get the old message so we can update our index as needed
if (!empty($modSettings['search_custom_index_config']))