@@ -1885,6 +1885,7 @@ function alert_configuration($memID)
'msg_report_reply' => array('alert' => 'yes', 'email' => 'yes', 'permission' => array('name' => 'moderate_board', 'is_board' => true)),
'members' => array(
+ 'request_group' => array('alert' => 'yes', 'email' => 'yes'),
'register_new' => array('alert' => 'yes', 'email' => 'yes'),
'warn_own' => array('alert' => 'yes', 'email' => 'yes'),
'warn_any' => array('alert' => 'yes', 'email' => 'yes', 'permission' => array('name' => 'issue_warning', 'is_board' => false)),
@@ -3625,39 +3626,27 @@ function groupMembership2($profile_vars, $post_errors, $memID)
if (!empty($moderators))
- $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- SELECT id_member, email_address, lngfile, member_name, mod_prefs
- FROM {db_prefix}members
- WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:moderator_list})
- AND notify_types != {int:no_notifications}
- ORDER BY lngfile',
- array(
- 'moderator_list' => $moderators,
- 'no_notifications' => 4,
- )
- );
- while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
+ // Figure out who wants to be alerted/emailed about this
+ $data = array('alert' => array(), 'email' => array());
+ include_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Notify.php');
+ $prefs = getNotifyPrefs($moderators, 'group_request');
+ // Bitwise comparisons are fun...
+ foreach ($moderators as $mod)
- // Check whether they are interested.
- if (!empty($row['mod_prefs']))
+ if (!empty($prefs[$mod]))
- list(,, $pref_binary) = explode('|', $row['mod_prefs']);
- if (!($pref_binary & 4))
- continue;
- }
- $replacements = array(
- 'RECPNAME' => $row['member_name'],
- 'APPYNAME' => $old_profile['member_name'],
- 'GROUPNAME' => $group_name,
- 'REASON' => $_POST['reason'],
- 'MODLINK' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=groups;sa=requests',
- );
+ if ($prefs[$mod] & 0x01)
+ $data['alerts'][] = $mod;
- $emaildata = loadEmailTemplate('request_membership', $replacements, empty($row['lngfile']) || empty($modSettings['userLanguage']) ? $language : $row['lngfile']);
- sendmail($row['email_address'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body'], null, null, false, 2);
+ if ($prefs[$mod] & 0x02)
+ $data['email'][] = $mod;
+ }
- $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
+ // Now we pass this off to our background task to handle
+ $smcFunc['db_insert']('', '{db_prefix}background_tasks', array('task_file' => 'string-255', 'task_class' => 'string-255', 'task_data' => 'string', 'claimed_time' => 'int'), array('GroupNotif-Task.php', 'GroupNotify', serialize($data), time()));
return $changeType;