@@ -194,21 +194,35 @@ function smf_db_list_tables($db = false, $filter = false)
* @return string, the query to insert the data back in, or an empty
* string if the table was empty.
-function smf_db_insert_sql($tableName)
+function smf_db_insert_sql($tableName, $new_table = false)
- global $smcFunc, $db_prefix;
+ global $smcFunc, $db_prefix, $detected_id;
+ static $start = 0, $num_rows, $fields, $limit, $last_id;
+ if ($new_table)
+ {
+ $limit = strstr($tableName, 'log_') !== false ? 500 : 250;
+ $start = 0;
+ $last_id = 0;
+ }
+ $data = '';
$tableName = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $tableName);
// This will be handy...
$crlf = "\r\n";
- // Get everything from the table.
+ // This is done this way because retrieve data only with LIMIT will become slower after each query
+ // and for long tables (e.g. {db_prefix}messages) it could be a pain...
+ // Instead using WHERE speeds up thing *a lot* (especially after the first 50'000 records)
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- FROM {raw:table}',
+ FROM ' . $tableName .
+ (!empty($last_id) && !empty($detected_id) ? '
+ WHERE ' . $detected_id . ' > ' . $last_id : '') . '
+ LIMIT ' . (empty($last_id) ? $start . ', ' : '') . $limit,
- 'table' => $tableName,
+ 'security_override' => true,
@@ -218,39 +232,51 @@ function smf_db_insert_sql($tableName)
if ($num_rows == 0)
return '';
- $fields = array_keys($smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result));
+ if ($new_table)
+ {
+ $fields = array_keys($smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result));
- // SQLite fetches an array so we need to filter out the numberic index for the columns.
- foreach ($fields as $key => $name)
- if (is_numeric($name))
- unset($fields[$key]);
+ // SQLite fetches an array so we need to filter out the numberic index for the columns.
+ foreach ($fields as $key => $name)
+ if (is_numeric($name))
+ unset($fields[$key]);
- $smcFunc['db_data_seek']($result, 0);
+ $smcFunc['db_data_seek']($result, 0);
+ }
// Start it off with the basic INSERT INTO.
$data = 'BEGIN TRANSACTION;' . $crlf;
+ $insert_msg = $crlf . 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . $crlf . "\t" . '(' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')' . $crlf . 'VALUES ' . $crlf . "\t";
// Loop through each row.
- while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result))
+ while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
// Get the fields in this row...
$field_list = array();
- for ($j = 0; $j < $smcFunc['db_num_fields']($result); $j++)
+ foreach ($row as $key => $item)
// Try to figure out the type of each field. (NULL, number, or 'string'.)
- if (!isset($row[$j]))
+ if (!isset($item))
$field_list[] = 'NULL';
- elseif (is_numeric($row[$j]) && (int) $row[$j] == $row[$j])
- $field_list[] = $row[$j];
+ elseif (is_numeric($item) && (int) $item == $item)
+ $field_list[] = $item;
- $field_list[] = '\'' . $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($row[$j]) . '\'';
+ $field_list[] = '\'' . $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($item) . '\'';
- $data .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . ' (' . implode(', ', $fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $field_list) . ');' . $crlf;
+ if (!empty($detected_id) && isset($row[$detected_id]))
+ $last_id = $row[$detected_id];
+ // 'Insert' the data.
+ $data .= $insert_msg . '(' . implode(', ', $field_list) . ');' . $crlf;
- // Return an empty string if there were no rows.
- return $num_rows == 0 ? '' : $data . 'COMMIT;' . $crlf;
+ $data .= $crlf;
+ $start += $limit;
+ return $data;
@@ -261,9 +287,10 @@ function smf_db_insert_sql($tableName)
function smf_db_table_sql($tableName)
- global $smcFunc, $db_prefix;
+ global $smcFunc, $db_prefix, $detected_id;
$tableName = str_replace('{db_prefix}', $db_prefix, $tableName);
+ $detected_id = '';
// This will be needed...
$crlf = "\r\n";