@@ -86,19 +86,14 @@ function ManageAttachments()
function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
- global $txt, $modSettings, $scripturl, $context, $options, $sourcedir;
+ global $txt, $modSettings, $scripturl, $context, $options, $sourcedir, $boarddir;
require_once($sourcedir . '/Attachments.php');
// Get the current attachment directory.
- if (!empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
- {
- if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
- $context['attachmentUploadDir'] = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']];
- }
- else
- $context['attachmentUploadDir'] = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'];
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ $context['attachmentUploadDir'] = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']];
// If not set, show a default path for the base directory
if (!isset($_GET['save']) && empty($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']))
@@ -107,9 +102,6 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
$modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'] = $context['attachmentUploadDir'];
- if (!empty($modSettings['automanage_attachments']))
- automanage_attachments_check_directory();
$context['valid_upload_dir'] = is_dir($context['attachmentUploadDir']) && is_writable($context['attachmentUploadDir']);
if (!empty($modSettings['automanage_attachments']))
@@ -117,8 +109,14 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
$context['valid_basedirectory'] = true;
+ // A bit of razzle dazzle with the $txt strings. :)
+ $txt['attachment_path'] = $context['attachmentUploadDir'];
+ $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_path']= isset($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']) ? $modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'] : '';
+ $txt['use_subdirectories_for_attachments_note'] = empty($modSettings['use_subdirectories_for_attachments']) ? $txt['use_subdirectories_for_attachments_note'] : '';
$txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths">[' . $txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'] . ']</a>';
- $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'] = $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments'] . $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'];
+ $txt['attach_current_dir'] = empty($modSettings['automanage_attachments']) ? $txt['attach_current_dir'] : $txt['attach_last_dir'];
+ $txt['attach_current_dir_warning'] = $txt['attach_current_dir'] . $txt['attach_current_dir_warning'];
+ $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'] = $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_current'] . $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'];
// Perform a test to see if the GD module or ImageMagick are installed.
$testImg = get_extension_funcs('gd') || class_exists('Imagick');
@@ -138,10 +136,10 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
array('check', 'attachmentRecodeLineEndings'),
// Directory and size limits.
- array('select', 'automanage_attachments', array(0 => $txt['attachments_normal'], 1 => $txt['attachments_auto_space'], 2 => $txt['attachments_auto_years'], 3 => $txt['attachments_auto_months'], 4 => $txt['attachments_auto_16'], 5 => $txt['attachments_auto_16x16'])),
- array('text', 'basedirectory_for_attachments', 40, 'invalid' => empty($context['valid_basedirectory']), 'text_label' => (!empty($context['valid_basedirectory']) ? $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments'] : $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'])),
+ array('select', 'automanage_attachments', array(0 => $txt['attachments_normal'], 1 => $txt['attachments_auto_space'], 2 => $txt['attachments_auto_years'], 3 => $txt['attachments_auto_months'], 4 => $txt['attachments_auto_16'])),
array('check', 'use_subdirectories_for_attachments', 'subtext' => $txt['use_subdirectories_for_attachments_note']),
- (empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'])) ? array('text', 'attachmentUploadDir', 40, 'invalid' => !$context['valid_upload_dir']) : array('var_message', 'attachmentUploadDir_multiple', 'message' => 'attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'),
+ (empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']) ? array('text', 'basedirectory_for_attachments', 40,) : array('var_message', 'basedirectory_for_attachments', 'message' => 'basedirectory_for_attachments_path', 'invalid' => empty($context['valid_basedirectory']), 'text_label' => (!empty($context['valid_basedirectory']) ? $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_current'] : $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning']))),
+ array('var_message', 'attach_current_directory', 'subtext' => $txt['attachmentUploadDir_multiple_configure'], 'message' => 'attachment_path', 'invalid' => empty($context['valid_upload_dir']), 'text_label' => (!empty($context['valid_upload_dir']) ? $txt['attach_current_dir'] : $txt['attach_current_dir_warning'])),
array('int', 'attachmentDirFileLimit', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6),
array('int', 'attachmentDirSizeLimit', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit'], 6, 'postinput' => $txt['kilobyte']),
@@ -172,41 +170,20 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
array('warning', 'attachment_thumb_memory_note'),
array('text', 'attachmentThumbWidth', 6),
array('text', 'attachmentThumbHeight', 6),
+ '',
+ array('int', 'max_image_width', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
+ array('int', 'max_image_height', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']),
$context['settings_post_javascript'] = '
var storing_type = document.getElementById(\'automanage_attachments\');
var base_dir = document.getElementById(\'use_subdirectories_for_attachments\');
- mod_addEvent(storing_type, \'change\', mod_toggleSubDir);
- mod_addEvent(base_dir, \'change\', mod_toggleBaseDir);
- mod_toggleSubDir();
- function mod_addEvent(control, ev, fn){
- if (control.addEventListener){
- control.addEventListener(ev, fn, false);
- } else if (control.attachEvent){
- control.attachEvent(\'on\'+ev, fn);
- }
- }
- function mod_toggleSubDir(){
- var select_elem = document.getElementById(\'automanage_attachments\');
- var use_sub_dir = document.getElementById(\'use_subdirectories_for_attachments\');
- use_sub_dir.disabled = !Boolean(select_elem.selectedIndex);
- mod_toggleBaseDir();
- }
- function mod_toggleBaseDir(){
- var select_elem = document.getElementById(\'automanage_attachments\');
- var sub_dir = document.getElementById(\'use_subdirectories_for_attachments\');
- var dir_elem = document.getElementById(\'basedirectory_for_attachments\');
- if(select_elem.selectedIndex==0){
- dir_elem.disabled = 1;
- } else {
- dir_elem.disabled = !sub_dir.checked;
- }
- }';
+ createEventListener(storing_type)
+ storing_type.addEventListener("change", toggleSubDir, false);
+ createEventListener(base_dir)
+ base_dir.addEventListener("change", toggleSubDir, false);
+ toggleSubDir();';
call_integration_hook('integrate_modify_attachment_settings', array(&$config_vars));
@@ -222,46 +199,43 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
- if(isset($_POST['use_subdirectories_for_attachments']) && empty($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments']))
- $_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'] = (!empty($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']) ? ($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']) : $boarddir);
+ if (!empty($_POST['use_subdirectories_for_attachments']))
+ {
+ if(isset($_POST['use_subdirectories_for_attachments']) && empty($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments']))
+ $_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'] = (!empty($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']) ? ($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']) : $boarddir);
- // @todo add "basedirectory_for_attachments" to install & upgrade scripts
- if (empty($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments']))
- $modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'] = '';
+ if (!empty($_POST['use_subdirectories_for_attachments']) && !empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ {
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
+ }
+ else
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = array();
- // Create a new base directory if that's being changed and not there.
- if (!empty($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments']) && !is_dir($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments']))
- {
- // First time? Gotta setup the base directory array.
- if (empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ if (!empty($_POST['use_subdirectories_for_attachments']) && !empty($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments']) && !in_array($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'], $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
- if (empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = array(1 => $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
- elseif (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ $currentAttachmentUploadDir = $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'];
- $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'] = 1;
- $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = array(1 => $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][1]);
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = serialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
- }
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
- if (!automanage_attachments_create_directory($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'], true))
- // @todo Some sort of an error here also maybe??
- $_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'] = $modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'];
+ if (in_array($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'], $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'] = array_search($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'], $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
- if (isset($_POST['attachmentUploadDir']))
- $_POST['attachmentUploadDir'] = serialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ if (!automanage_attachments_create_directory($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments']))
+ {
+ // @todo Some sort of an error here also maybe??
+ $_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'] = $modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'];
+ }
- // Add to the array of known base directories.
- if (!is_array($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
- $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
- if (!in_array($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'], $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
- {
- $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']] = $_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'];
- updateSettings(array(
- 'attachment_basedirectories' => serialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']),
- ));
- $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
+ if (!in_array($_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'], $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ {
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']] = $_POST['basedirectory_for_attachments'];
+ updateSettings(array(
+ 'attachment_basedirectories' => serialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']),
+ 'currentAttachmentUploadDir' => $currentAttachmentUploadDir,
+ ));
+ }
@@ -1889,6 +1863,16 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
global $modSettings, $scripturl, $context, $txt, $sourcedir, $smcFunc;
+ // Since this needs to be done eventually.
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ if (!isset($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = array();
+ elseif (!is_array($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
+ $errors = array();
// Saving?
if (isset($_REQUEST['save']))
@@ -1901,6 +1885,15 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
if ($id < 1)
+ // Changing a directory name?
+ if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$id]) && !empty($path) && $path != $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$id])
+ {
+ if ($path != $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$id] && !is_dir($path))
+ if (!rename($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$id], $path))
+ $path = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$id];
+ // @todo else{return some sorta error}
+ }
if (empty($path))
// Let's not try to delete a path with files in it.
@@ -1916,6 +1909,15 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
list ($num_attach) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
+ // A check to see if it's a used base dir.
+ if (!empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ {
+ // Count any sub-folders.
+ foreach ($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] as $sub)
+ if (strpos($sub, $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false)
+ $num_attach++;
+ }
// It's safe to delete.
if ($num_attach == 0)
@@ -1925,7 +1927,10 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
// We need to make sure the current directory is right.
+ if (empty($_POST['current_dir']) && !empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
+ $_POST['current_dir'] = $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'];
$_POST['current_dir'] = (int) $_POST['current_dir'];
if (empty($_POST['current_dir']) || empty($new_dirs[$_POST['current_dir']]))
fatal_lang_error('attach_path_current_bad', false);
@@ -1953,24 +1958,65 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
+ {
+ // A check to prevent a user from adding an existing folder twice.
+ if (count($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']) == count(array_unique($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'])))
+ $new_dirs = array_unique($new_dirs);
// Save it to the database.
'currentAttachmentUploadDir' => $_POST['current_dir'],
'attachmentUploadDir' => serialize($new_dirs),
+ }
+ redirectexit('action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
- // Are they here for the first time?
- if (empty($modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']))
+ // Saving a base directory?
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['save2']))
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = array(
- 1 => $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']
- );
- $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'] = 1;
+ checkSession();
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ // Changing the current base directory?
+ $_POST['current_base_dir'] = (int) $_POST['current_base_dir'];
+ if (empty($_POST['new_base_dir']) && !empty($_POST['current_base_dir']))
+ {
+ if ($modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'] != $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$_POST['current_base_dir']])
+ updateSettings(array(
+ 'basedirectory_for_attachments' => $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'][$_POST['current_base_dir']],
+ ));
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = serialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ }
+ // Or adding a new one?
+ if (!empty($_POST['new_base_dir']))
+ {
+ require_once($sourcedir . '/Attachments.php');
+ $_POST['new_base_dir'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['new_base_dir'], ENT_QUOTES);
+ $current_dir = $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'];
+ if (!in_array($_POST['new_base_dir'], $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ automanage_attachments_create_directory($_POST['new_base_dir']);
+ // @todo Something if return is false.
+ $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'] = array_search($_POST['new_base_dir'], $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ if (!in_array($_POST['new_base_dir'], $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'][$modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir']] = $_POST['new_base_dir'];
+ updateSettings(array(
+ 'attachment_basedirectories' => serialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']),
+ 'basedirectory_for_attachments' => $_POST['new_base_dir'],
+ 'currentAttachmentUploadDir' => $current_dir,
+ ));
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
+ }
+ redirectexit('action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
- // Otherwise just load up their attachment paths.
- else
- $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
$listOptions = array(
'id' => 'attach_paths',
@@ -1982,13 +2028,13 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
'columns' => array(
'current_dir' => array(
'header' => array(
- 'value' => $txt['attach_current_dir'],
+ 'value' => $txt['attach_current'],
'data' => array(
'function' => create_function('$rowData', '
- return \'<input type="radio" name="current_dir" value="\' . $rowData[\'id\'] . \'" \' . ($rowData[\'current\'] ? \' checked="checked"\' : \'\') . ($rowData[\'automanage_attachments\'] ? \' disabled="disabled""\' : \'\') . \' class="input_radio" />\';
+ return \'<input type="radio" name="current_dir" value="\' . $rowData[\'id\'] . \'" \' . ($rowData[\'current\'] ? \' checked="checked"\' : \'\') . (!empty($rowData[\'automanage_attachments\']) ? \' disabled="disabled"\' : \'\') . \' class="input_radio" />\';
- 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 15%;',
+ 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 10%;',
'path' => array(
@@ -1997,9 +2043,9 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
'data' => array(
'function' => create_function('$rowData', '
- return \'<input type="text" size="40" name="dirs[\' . $rowData[\'id\'] . \']" value="\' . $rowData[\'path\'] . \'" class="input_text" style="width: 100%" />\';
+ return \'<input type="hidden" name="dirs[\' . $rowData[\'id\'] . \']" value="\' . $rowData[\'path\'] . \'" /><input type="text" size="40" name="dirs[\' . $rowData[\'id\'] . \']" value="\' . $rowData[\'path\'] . \'"\' . (!empty($rowData[\'is_base_dir\']) ? \' disabled="disabled"\' : \'\') . \' class="input_text" style="width: 100%" />\';
- 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 30%;',
+ 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 40%;',
'current_size' => array(
@@ -2039,18 +2085,150 @@ function ManageAttachmentPaths()
'value' => '<input type="hidden" name="' . $context['session_var'] . '" value="' . $context['session_id'] . '" /><input type="submit" name="new_path" value="' . $txt['attach_add_path'] . '" class="button_submit" /> <input type="submit" name="save" value="' . $txt['save'] . '" class="button_submit" />',
'style' => 'text-align: right;',
+ !empty($errors['folder']) ? array(
+ 'position' => 'top_of_list',
+ 'value' => implode('<br />', $errors['folder']),
+ 'style' => 'text-align: left;',
+ 'class' => 'noticebox',
+ ) : '',
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php');
+ if (!empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ {
+ $listOptions2 = array(
+ 'id' => 'base_paths',
+ 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'],
+ 'title' => $txt['attach_base_paths'],
+ 'get_items' => array(
+ 'function' => 'list_getBaseDirs',
+ ),
+ 'columns' => array(
+ 'current_dir' => array(
+ 'header' => array(
+ 'value' => $txt['attach_current'],
+ ),
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'function' => create_function('$rowData', '
+ return \'<input type="radio" name="current_base_dir" value="\' . $rowData[\'id\'] . \'" \' . ($rowData[\'current\'] ? \' checked="checked"\' : \'\') . \' class="input_radio" />\';
+ '),
+ 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 10%;',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'path' => array(
+ 'header' => array(
+ 'value' => $txt['attach_path'],
+ ),
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'db' => 'path',
+ 'style' => 'width: 45%;',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'num_dirs' => array(
+ 'header' => array(
+ 'value' => $txt['attach_num_dirs'],
+ ),
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'db' => 'num_dirs',
+ 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 15%;',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'status' => array(
+ 'header' => array(
+ 'value' => $txt['attach_dir_status'],
+ ),
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'db' => 'status',
+ 'style' => 'text-align: center; width: 15%;',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=manageattachments;sa=attachpaths;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'],
+ ),
+ 'additional_rows' => array(
+ array(
+ 'position' => 'below_table_data',
+ 'value' => '<input type="hidden" name="' . $context['session_var'] . '" value="' . $context['session_id'] . '" /><input type="submit" name="new_base_path" value="' . $txt['attach_add_path'] . '" class="button_submit" /> <input type="submit" name="save2" value="' . $txt['save'] . '" class="button_submit" />',
+ 'style' => 'text-align: right;',
+ ),
+ !empty($errors['base']) ? array(
+ 'position' => 'top_of_list',
+ 'value' => implode('<br />', $errors['base']),
+ 'style' => 'text-align: left;',
+ 'class' => 'noticebox',
+ ) : '',
+ ),
+ );
+ createList($listOptions2);
+ }
// Fix up our template.
- $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'attachments';
+ $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'attachpaths';
$context['page_title'] = $txt['attach_path_manage'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'attachment_paths';
+ * Prepare the actual attachment directories to be displayed in the list.
+ */
+function list_getBaseDirs()
+ global $modSettings, $context, $txt;
+ if (empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ return;
+ // The dirs should already have been unserialized but just in case...
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']))
+ $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
+ if (!is_array($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
+ $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
+ if (count($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']) == 0)
+ return;
+ $basedirs = array();
+ // Get a list of the base directories.
+ foreach ($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] as $id => $dir)
+ {
+ // Loop through the attach directory array to count the sub-directories
+ $cnt = 0;
+ foreach ($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] as $sid => $sub)
+ if (strpos($sub, $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false)
+ $cnt++;
+ if (!is_dir($dir))
+ $status = 'does_not_exist';
+ elseif (!is_writeable($dir))
+ $status = 'not_writable';
+ else
+ $status = 'ok';
+ $basedirs[] = array(
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'current' => $dir == $modSettings['basedirectory_for_attachments'],
+ 'path' => $dir,
+ 'num_dirs' => $cnt,
+ 'status' => $status == 'ok' ? $txt['attach_dir_ok'] : ('<span class="error">' . $txt['attach_dir_' . $status] . '</span>'),
+ );
+ }
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['new_base_path']))
+ $basedirs[] = array(
+ 'id' => '',
+ 'current' => false,
+ 'path' => '<input type="text" name="new_base_dir" value="" size="40" />',
+ 'num_dirs' => '',
+ 'status' => '',
+ );
+ return $basedirs;
* Prepare the actual attachment directories to be displayed in the list.
@@ -2063,18 +2241,20 @@ function list_getAttachDirs()
$modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir']);
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
- SELECT id_folder, COUNT(id_attach) AS num_attach
- FROM {db_prefix}attachments' . (empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? '' : '
- WHERE attachment_type != {int:type_avatar}') . '
+ SELECT id_folder, COUNT(id_attach) AS num_attach, SUM(size) AS size_attach
+ FROM {db_prefix}attachments
GROUP BY id_folder',
- 'type_avatar' => 1,
$expected_files = array();
+ $expected_size = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
+ {
$expected_files[$row['id_folder']] = $row['num_attach'];
+ $expected_size[$row['id_folder']] = $row['size_attach'];
+ }
$attachdirs = array();
@@ -2085,27 +2265,36 @@ function list_getAttachDirs()
$expected_files[$id] = 0;
// Check if the directory is doing okay.
- list ($status, $error, $size) = attachDirStatus($dir, $expected_files[$id]);
+ list ($status, $error, $files) = attachDirStatus($dir, $expected_files[$id]);
- // If it is, let's show that it's a base directory.
+ // If it is one, let's show that it's a base directory.
+ $sub_dirs = 0;
+ $is_base_dir = false;
if (!empty($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
if (!is_array($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']))
$modSettings['attachment_basedirectories'] = unserialize($modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
- $is_base_dir = in_array($dir, $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']) ? true : false;
+ $is_base_dir = in_array($dir, $modSettings['attachment_basedirectories']);
+ // Count any sub-folders.
+ foreach ($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] as $sid => $sub)
+ if (strpos($sub, $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false)
+ {
+ $expected_files[$id]++;
+ $sub_dirs++;
+ }
- else
- $is_base_dir = false;
$attachdirs[] = array(
'id' => $id,
'current' => $id == $modSettings['currentAttachmentUploadDir'],
- 'automanage_attachments' => isset($modSettings['automanage_attachments']) && $modSettings['automanage_attachments'] > 0 ? true : false,
+ 'automanage_attachments' => isset($modSettings['automanage_attachments']) && $modSettings['automanage_attachments'],
+ 'is_base_dir' => $is_base_dir,
'path' => $dir,
- 'current_size' => $size,
- 'num_files' => $expected_files[$id],
- 'status' => ($is_base_dir ? $txt['attach_dir_basedir'] . '/' : '') . ($error ? '<span class="error">' : '') . sprintf($txt['attach_dir_' . $status], $context['session_id'], $context['session_var']) . ($error ? '</span>' : ''),
+ 'current_size' => !empty($expected_size[$id]) ? round($expected_size[$id] / 1024, 2) : 0,
+ 'num_files' => $expected_files[$id] - $sub_dirs,
+ 'status' => $is_base_dir ? $txt['attach_dir_basedir'] : ($error ? '<div class="error">' : '') . sprintf($txt['attach_dir_' . $status], $context['session_id'], $context['session_var']) . ($error ? '</div>' : ''),
@@ -2133,11 +2322,13 @@ function list_getAttachDirs()
function attachDirStatus($dir, $expected_files)
+ global $sourcedir;
// If there's a problem. Let's try to fix it first.
if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir))
require_once($sourcedir . '/Attachments.php');
- automanage_attachments_create_directory($dir, true);
+ automanage_attachments_create_directory($dir);
if (!is_dir($dir))
@@ -2155,21 +2346,18 @@ function attachDirStatus($dir, $expected_files)
if (in_array($file, array('.', '..', '.htaccess', 'index.php')))
- $dir_size += filesize($dir . '/' . $file);
- $dir_size = round($dir_size / 1024, 2);
if ($num_files < $expected_files)
- return array('files_missing', true, $dir_size);
+ return array('files_missing', true, $num_files);
// Empty?
elseif ($expected_files == 0)
- return array('unused', false, $dir_size);
+ return array('unused', false, $num_files);
// All good!
- return array('ok', false, $dir_size);
+ return array('ok', false, $num_files);