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Merge pull request #1110 from Oldiesmann/release-2.1

! Tweak language strings to reflect 2.1's support for ImageMagick. Also don't show a warning if MagickWand is available.
Michael Eshom 11 years ago
2 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 6 6

+ 1 - 1

@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function ManageAttachmentSettings($return_config = false)
 	$txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'] = $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_current'] . $txt['basedirectory_for_attachments_warning'];
 	// Perform a test to see if the GD module or ImageMagick are installed.
-	$testImg = get_extension_funcs('gd') || class_exists('Imagick');
+	$testImg = get_extension_funcs('gd') || class_exists('Imagick') || get_extension_funcs('MagickWand');
 	// See if we can find if the server is set up to support the attacment limits
 	$post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');

+ 6 - 6

@@ -351,11 +351,11 @@ $txt['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] = 'Max attachment directory space';
 $txt['attachmentPostLimit'] = 'Max attachment size per post';
 $txt['attachmentSizeLimit'] = 'Max size per attachment';
 $txt['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] = 'Max number of attachments per post';
-$txt['attachment_img_enc_warning'] = 'Neither the GD module nor ImageMagick are currently installed. Image re-encoding is not possible.';
+$txt['attachment_img_enc_warning'] = 'Neither the GD module nor the IMagick or MagickWand extensions are currently installed. Image re-encoding is not possible.';
 $txt['attachment_postsize_warning'] = 'The current php.ini setting \'post_max_size\' may not support this.';
 $txt['attachment_filesize_warning'] = 'The current php.ini setting \'upload_max_filesize\' may not support this.';
 $txt['attachment_image_reencode'] = 'Re-encode potentially dangerous image attachments';
-$txt['attachment_image_reencode_note'] = '(requires GD module or ImageMagick)';
+$txt['attachment_image_reencode_note'] = '(requires GD module or ImageMagick with IMagick or MagickWand extension)';
 $txt['attachment_image_paranoid_warning'] = 'The extensive security checks can result in a large number of rejected attachments.';
 $txt['attachment_image_paranoid'] = 'Perform extensive security checks on uploaded image attachments';
 $txt['attachmentThumbnails'] = 'Resize images when showing under posts';
@@ -451,13 +451,13 @@ $txt['avatar_action_too_large'] = 'If the avatar is too large...';
 $txt['option_refuse'] = 'Refuse it';
 $txt['option_html_resize'] = 'Let the HTML resize it';
 $txt['option_js_resize'] = 'Resize it with JavaScript';
-$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = 'Download and resize it (requires GD module)';
+$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = 'Download and resize it (requires GD module or ImageMagick with IMagick or MagickWand extension)';
 $txt['avatar_max_width_upload'] = 'Maximum width of uploaded avatar';
 $txt['avatar_max_height_upload'] = 'Maximum height of uploaded avatar';
 $txt['avatar_resize_upload'] = 'Resize oversized large avatars';
-$txt['avatar_resize_upload_note'] = '(requires GD module)';
+$txt['avatar_resize_upload_note'] = '(requires GD module or ImageMagick with IMagick or MagickWand extension)';
 $txt['avatar_download_png'] = 'Use PNG for resized avatars';
-$txt['avatar_img_enc_warning'] = 'Neither the GD module nor ImageMagick are currently installed. Some avatar features are disabled.';
+$txt['avatar_img_enc_warning'] = 'Neither the GD module nor the Imagick or MagickWand extensions are currently installed. Some avatar features are disabled.';
 $txt['avatar_external'] = 'External avatars';
 $txt['avatar_upload'] = 'Uploadable avatars';
 $txt['avatar_server_stored'] = 'Server-stored avatars';
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ $txt['custom_avatar_dir_desc'] = 'This should be a valid and writable directory,
 $txt['custom_avatar_url'] = 'Upload URL';
 $txt['custom_avatar_check_empty'] = 'The custom avatar directory you have specified may be empty or invalid. Please ensure these settings are correct.';
 $txt['avatar_reencode'] = 'Re-encode potentially dangerous avatars';
-$txt['avatar_reencode_note'] = '(requires GD module)';
+$txt['avatar_reencode_note'] = '(requires GD module or ImageMagick with IMagick or MagickWand extension)';
 $txt['avatar_paranoid_warning'] = 'The extensive security checks can result in a large number of rejected avatars.';
 $txt['avatar_paranoid'] = 'Perform extensive security checks on uploaded avatars';