Prechádzať zdrojové kódy

(poorly) Expanded the 'jump to' js code to allow using it outside of the jump to, and used them to load the quick moderation list of boards

Signed-off-by: emanuele <[email protected]>
emanuele 12 rokov pred

+ 0 - 9

@@ -609,15 +609,6 @@ function MessageIndex()
 				'use_permissions' => true,
 				'selected_board' => empty($_SESSION['move_to_topic']) ? null : $_SESSION['move_to_topic'],
-			$context['move_to_boards'] = getBoardList($boardListOptions);
-			// Make the boards safe for display.
-			foreach ($context['move_to_boards'] as $id_cat => $cat)
-			{
-				$context['move_to_boards'][$id_cat]['name'] = strip_tags($cat['name']);
-				foreach ($cat['boards'] as $id_board => $aboard)
-					$context['move_to_boards'][$id_cat]['boards'][$id_board]['name'] = strip_tags($aboard['name']);
-			}
 			// With no other boards to see, it's useless to move.
 			if (empty($context['move_to_boards']))

+ 0 - 12

@@ -2055,18 +2055,6 @@ function prepareSearchContext($reset = false)
 		$context['can_merge'] |= in_array($output['board']['id'], $boards_can['merge_any']);
 		$context['can_markread'] = $context['user']['is_logged'];
-		// If we've found a message we can move, and we don't already have it, load the destinations.
-		if ($options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && !isset($context['move_to_boards']) && $context['can_move'])
-		{
-			require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-MessageIndex.php');
-			$boardListOptions = array(
-				'use_permissions' => true,
-				'not_redirection' => true,
-				'selected_board' => empty($_SESSION['move_to_topic']) ? null : $_SESSION['move_to_topic'],
-			);
-			$context['move_to_boards'] = getBoardList($boardListOptions);
-		}
 		$context['qmod_actions'] = array('remove', 'lock', 'sticky', 'move', 'merge', 'restore', 'markread');

+ 25 - 19

@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ function template_main()
 			echo '
 				<tr class="titlebg">
 					<td colspan="6" align="right">
-						<select class="qaction" name="qaction"', $context['can_move'] ? ' onchange="this.form.moveItTo.disabled = (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != \'move\');"' : '', '>
+						<select class="qaction" name="qaction"', $context['can_move'] ? ' onchange="this.form.move_to.disabled = (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != \'move\');"' : '', '>
 							<option value="">--------</option>';
 			foreach ($context['qmod_actions'] as $qmod_action)
@@ -325,23 +325,8 @@ function template_main()
 			// Show a list of boards they can move the topic to.
 			if ($context['can_move'])
-			{
-					echo '
-						<select class="qaction" id="moveItTo" name="move_to" disabled="disabled">';
-					foreach ($context['move_to_boards'] as $category)
-					{
-						echo '
-							<optgroup label="', $category['name'], '">';
-						foreach ($category['boards'] as $board)
-								echo '
-								<option value="', $board['id'], '"', $board['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $board['child_level'] > 0 ? str_repeat('==', $board['child_level'] - 1) . '=&gt;' : '', ' ', $board['name'], '</option>';
-						echo '
-							</optgroup>';
-					}
-					echo '
-						</select>';
-			}
+				echo '
+			<span id="quick_mod_jump_to">&nbsp;</span>';
 			echo '
 						<input type="submit" value="', $txt['quick_mod_go'], '" onclick="return document.forms.quickModForm.qaction.value != \'\' &amp;&amp; confirm(\'', $txt['quickmod_confirm'], '\');" class="button_submit qaction" />
@@ -390,7 +375,28 @@ function template_main()
 	echo '
-			<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
+			<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[';
+	if (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && !empty($context['topics']) && $context['can_move'])
+		echo '
+				if (typeof(window.XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined")
+					aJumpTo[aJumpTo.length] = new JumpTo({
+						sContainerId: "quick_mod_jump_to",
+						sClassName: "qaction",
+						sJumpToTemplate: "%dropdown_list%",
+						iCurBoardId: ', $context['current_board'], ',
+						iCurBoardChildLevel: ', $context['jump_to']['child_level'], ',
+						sCurBoardName: "', $context['jump_to']['board_name'], '",
+						sBoardChildLevelIndicator: "==",
+						sBoardPrefix: "=> ",
+						sCatSeparator: "-----------------------------",
+						sCatPrefix: "",
+						bNoRedirect: true,
+						bDisabled: true,
+						sCustomName: "move_to"
+					});';
+	echo '
 				if (typeof(window.XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined")
 					aJumpTo[aJumpTo.length] = new JumpTo({
 						sContainerId: "message_index_jump_to",

+ 23 - 19

@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ function template_results()
 			echo '
 			<div class="titlebg2" style="padding: 4px;">
 				<div class="floatright">
-					<select name="qaction"', $context['can_move'] ? ' onchange="this.form.moveItTo.disabled = (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != \'move\');"' : '', '>
+					<select class="qaction" name="qaction"', $context['can_move'] ? ' onchange="this.form.move_to.disabled = (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != \'move\');"' : '', '>
 						<option value="">--------</option>';
 			foreach ($context['qmod_actions'] as $qmod_action)
@@ -407,23 +407,8 @@ function template_results()
 			if ($context['can_move'])
-			{
-					echo '
-					<select id="moveItTo" name="move_to" disabled="disabled">';
-					foreach ($context['move_to_boards'] as $category)
-					{
-						echo '
-						<optgroup label="', $category['name'], '">';
-						foreach ($category['boards'] as $board)
-								echo '
-						<option value="', $board['id'], '"', $board['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $board['child_level'] > 0 ? str_repeat('==', $board['child_level'] - 1) . '=&gt;' : '', ' ', $board['name'], '</option>';
-						echo '
-						</optgroup>';
-					}
-					echo '
-					</select>';
-			}
+				echo '
+				<span id="quick_mod_jump_to">&nbsp;</span>';
 			echo '
 					<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="', $scripturl . '?action=search2;params=' . $context['params'], '" />
@@ -513,7 +498,26 @@ function template_results()
 	echo '
 		<br class="clear" />
 		<div class="smalltext righttext" id="search_jump_to">&nbsp;</div>
-		<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
+		<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[';
+	if (!empty($options['display_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && !empty($context['topics']) && $context['can_move'])
+		echo '
+				if (typeof(window.XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined")
+					aJumpTo[aJumpTo.length] = new JumpTo({
+						sContainerId: "quick_mod_jump_to",
+						sClassName: "qaction",
+						sJumpToTemplate: "%dropdown_list%",
+						sCurBoardName: "', $context['jump_to']['board_name'], '",
+						sBoardChildLevelIndicator: "==",
+						sBoardPrefix: "=> ",
+						sCatSeparator: "-----------------------------",
+						sCatPrefix: "",
+						bNoRedirect: true,
+						bDisabled: true,
+						sCustomName: "move_to"
+					});';
+	echo '
 			if (typeof(window.XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined")
 				aJumpTo[aJumpTo.length] = new JumpTo({
 					sContainerId: "search_jump_to",

+ 28 - 14

@@ -1026,10 +1026,11 @@ function createEventListener(oTarget)
 // This function will retrieve the contents needed for the jump to boxes.
-function grabJumpToContent()
+function grabJumpToContent(elem)
 	var oXMLDoc = getXMLDocument(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=xmlhttp;sa=jumpto;xml');
 	var aBoardsAndCategories = new Array();
+	var bIE5x = !('implementation' in document);
@@ -1052,6 +1053,14 @@ function grabJumpToContent()
 	for (var i = 0, n = aJumpTo.length; i < n; i++)
+	if (bIE5x)
+		elem.options[iIndexPointer].selected = true;
+	// Internet Explorer needs this to keep the box dropped down.
+ = 'auto';
+	elem.focus();
 // This'll contain all JumpTo objects on the page.
@@ -1071,7 +1080,7 @@ JumpTo.prototype.showSelect = function ()
 	var sChildLevelPrefix = '';
 	for (var i = this.opt.iCurBoardChildLevel; i > 0; i--)
 		sChildLevelPrefix += this.opt.sBoardChildLevelIndicator;
-	setInnerHTML(document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerId), this.opt.sJumpToTemplate.replace(/%select_id%/, this.opt.sContainerId + '_select').replace(/%dropdown_list%/, '<select name="' + this.opt.sContainerId + '_select" id="' + this.opt.sContainerId + '_select" ' + ('implementation' in document ? '' : 'onmouseover="grabJumpToContent();" ') + ('onbeforeactivate' in document ? 'onbeforeactivate' : 'onfocus') + '="grabJumpToContent();"><option value="?board=' + this.opt.iCurBoardId + '.0">' + sChildLevelPrefix + this.opt.sBoardPrefix + this.opt.sCurBoardName.removeEntities() + '</option></select>&nbsp;<input type="button" class="button_submit" value="' + this.opt.sGoButtonLabel + '" onclick="window.location.href = \'' + smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'board=' + this.opt.iCurBoardId + '.0\';" />'));
+	setInnerHTML(document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerId), this.opt.sJumpToTemplate.replace(/%select_id%/, this.opt.sContainerId + '_select').replace(/%dropdown_list%/, '<select ' + (this.opt.bDisabled == true ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : 0) + (this.opt.sClassName != undefined ? 'class="' + this.opt.sClassName + '" ' : '') + 'name="' + (this.opt.sCustomName != undefined ? this.opt.sCustomName : this.opt.sContainerId + '_select') + '" id="' + this.opt.sContainerId + '_select" ' + ('implementation' in document ? '' : 'onmouseover="grabJumpToContent(this);" ') + ('onbeforeactivate' in document ? 'onbeforeactivate' : 'onfocus') + '="grabJumpToContent(this);"><option value="' + (this.opt.bNoRedirect != undefined && this.opt.bNoRedirect == true ? this.opt.iCurBoardId : '?board=' + this.opt.iCurBoardId + '.0') + '">' + sChildLevelPrefix + this.opt.sBoardPrefix + this.opt.sCurBoardName.removeEntities() + '</option></select>&nbsp;' + (this.opt.sGoButtonLabel != undefined ? '<input type="button" class="button_submit" value="' + this.opt.sGoButtonLabel + '" onclick="window.location.href = \'' + smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'board=' + this.opt.iCurBoardId + '.0\';" />' : '')));
 	this.dropdownList = document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerId + '_select');
@@ -1098,6 +1107,9 @@ JumpTo.prototype.fillSelect = function (aBoardsAndCategories)
 		this.dropdownList.onfocus = null;
+	if (this.opt.bNoRedirect)
+		this.dropdownList.options[0].disabled = 'disabled';
 	// Create a document fragment that'll allowing inserting big parts at once.
 	var oListFragment = bIE5x ? this.dropdownList : document.createDocumentFragment();
@@ -1127,7 +1139,15 @@ JumpTo.prototype.fillSelect = function (aBoardsAndCategories)
 		oOption = document.createElement('option');
 		oOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode((aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory ? this.opt.sCatPrefix : sChildLevelPrefix + this.opt.sBoardPrefix) + aBoardsAndCategories[i].name));
-		oOption.value = aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory ? '#c' + aBoardsAndCategories[i].id : '?board=' + aBoardsAndCategories[i].id + '.0';
+		if (!this.opt.bNoRedirect)
+			oOption.value = aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory ? '#c' + aBoardsAndCategories[i].id : '?board=' + aBoardsAndCategories[i].id + '.0';
+		else
+		{
+			if (aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory)
+				oOption.disabled = 'disabled';
+			else
+				oOption.value = aBoardsAndCategories[i].id;
+		}
 		if (aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory)
@@ -1137,18 +1157,12 @@ JumpTo.prototype.fillSelect = function (aBoardsAndCategories)
 	// Add the remaining items after the currently selected item.
-	if (bIE5x)
-		this.dropdownList.options[iIndexPointer].selected = true;
-	// Internet Explorer needs this to keep the box dropped down.
- = 'auto';
-	this.dropdownList.focus();
 	// Add an onchange action
-	this.dropdownList.onchange = function() {
-		if (this.selectedIndex > 0 && this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)
-			window.location.href = smf_scripturl + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.substr(smf_scripturl.indexOf('?') == -1 || this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.substr(0, 1) != '?' ? 0 : 1);
-	}
+	if (!this.opt.bNoRedirect)
+		this.dropdownList.onchange = function() {
+			if (this.selectedIndex > 0 && this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)
+				window.location.href = smf_scripturl + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.substr(smf_scripturl.indexOf('?') == -1 || this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.substr(0, 1) != '?' ? 0 : 1);
+		}
 // A global array containing all IconList objects.