Эх сурвалжийг харах

! Renaming child boards to sub-boards, fixes #891

Signed-off-by: Peter Spicer <[email protected]>
Peter Spicer 11 жил өмнө

+ 1 - 1

@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ function template_main()
 				echo '
 					<tr id="board_', $board['id'], '_children" class="windowbg2">
 						<td colspan="3" class="windowbg children">
-							<p><strong>', $txt['parent_boards'], '</strong>: ', implode(', ', $children), '</p>
+							<p><strong>', $txt['sub_boards'], '</strong>: ', implode(', ', $children), '</p>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function template_main()
 					<td colspan="4">
 						<div class="cat_bar">
-							<h3 class="catbg">', $txt['parent_boards'], '</h3>
+							<h3 class="catbg">', $txt['sub_boards'], '</h3>
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function template_main()
 			echo '
 				<tr id="board_', $board['id'], '_children" class="windowbg2">
 					<td colspan="3" class="windowbg children">
-						<p><strong>', $txt['parent_boards'], '</strong>: ', implode(', ', $children), '</p>
+						<p><strong>', $txt['sub_boards'], '</strong>: ', implode(', ', $children), '</p>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ function template_imode_messageindex()
 	if (!empty($context['boards']))
 		echo '
-		<tr bgcolor="#b6dbff"><td>', $txt['parent_boards'], '</td></tr>';
+		<tr bgcolor="#b6dbff"><td>', $txt['sub_boards'], '</td></tr>';
 		foreach ($context['boards'] as $board)
 			echo '
 		<tr><td>', $board['new'] ? '<font color="#ff0000">-</font> ' : ($board['children_new'] ? '-<font color="#ff0000">.</font>' : '- '), '<a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $board['id'], '.0;imode">', $board['name'], '</a></td></tr>';
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ function template_wap2_messageindex()
 	if (!empty($context['boards']))
 		echo '
-		<p class="titlebg">', $txt['parent_boards'], '</p>';
+		<p class="titlebg">', $txt['sub_boards'], '</p>';
 		foreach ($context['boards'] as $board)
 			echo '
 		<p class="windowbg">', $board['new'] ? '<span class="updated">[-] </span>' : ($board['children_new'] ? '[-<span class="updated">] </span>' : '[-] '), '<a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $board['id'], '.0;wap2">', $board['name'], '</a></p>';

+ 2 - 2

@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ $txt['ignoreboards_disallowed'] = 'The option to ignore boards has not been enab
 $txt['mboards_delete_error'] = 'No category selected.';
 $txt['mboards_delete_board_error'] = 'No board selected.';
-$txt['mboards_parent_own_child_error'] = 'You can not make a parent its own child.';
-$txt['mboards_board_own_child_error'] = 'You can not make a board its own child.';
+$txt['mboards_parent_own_child_error'] = 'You can not make a board into a sub-board of itself.';
+$txt['mboards_board_own_child_error'] = 'You can not make a board into its own sub-board.';
 $txt['smileys_upload_error_notwritable'] = 'The following smiley directories are not writable: %1$s';
 $txt['smileys_upload_error_types'] = 'Smiley images can only have the following extensions: %1$s.';

+ 6 - 6

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ $txt['boards_and_cats'] = 'Manage Boards and Categories';
 $txt['order'] = 'Order';
 $txt['full_name'] = 'Full name';
 $txt['name_on_display'] = 'This is the name that will be displayed.';
-$txt['boards_and_cats_desc'] = 'Edit your categories and boards here. List multiple moderators as <em>&quot;username&quot;, &quot;username&quot;</em>. (these must be usernames and *not* display names)<br />To create a new board, click the Add Board button. To make the new board a child of a current board, select "Child of..." from the Order drop down menu when creating the board.';
+$txt['boards_and_cats_desc'] = 'Edit your categories and boards here. List multiple moderators as <em>&quot;username&quot;, &quot;username&quot;</em>. (these must be usernames and *not* display names)<br />To create a new board, click the Add Board button. To make the new board a sub-board of a current board, select "Sub-board of..." from the Order drop down menu when creating the board.';
 $txt['parent_members_only'] = 'Regular Members';
 $txt['parent_guests_only'] = 'Guests';
 $txt['catConfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this category?';
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ $txt['mboards_delete_board'] = 'Delete Board';
 $txt['mboards_delete_cat_contains'] = 'Deleting this category will also delete the below boards, including all topics, posts and attachments within each board';
 $txt['mboards_delete_option1'] = 'Delete category and all boards contained within.';
 $txt['mboards_delete_option2'] = 'Delete category and move all boards contained within to';
-$txt['mboards_delete_board_contains'] = 'Deleting this board will also move the child boards below, including all topics, posts and attachments within each board';
-$txt['mboards_delete_board_option1'] = 'Delete board and move child boards contained within to category level.';
-$txt['mboards_delete_board_option2'] = 'Delete board and move all child boards contained within to';
+$txt['mboards_delete_board_contains'] = 'Deleting this board will also move the sub-boards below, including all topics, posts and attachments within each board';
+$txt['mboards_delete_board_option1'] = 'Delete board and move sub-boards contained within to category level.';
+$txt['mboards_delete_board_option2'] = 'Delete board and move all sub-boards contained within to';
 $txt['mboards_delete_what_do'] = 'Please select what you would like to do with these boards';
 $txt['mboards_delete_confirm'] = 'Confirm';
 $txt['mboards_delete_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ $txt['mboards_redirect_disabled'] = 'Note: Board must be empty of topics to enab
 $txt['mboards_redirect_disabled_recycle'] = 'Note: You cannot set the recycle bin board to be a redirection board.';
 $txt['mboards_order_before'] = 'Before';
-$txt['mboards_order_child_of'] = 'Child of';
+$txt['mboards_order_child_of'] = 'Sub-board of';
 $txt['mboards_order_in_category'] = 'In category';
 $txt['mboards_current_position'] = 'Current Position';
 $txt['no_valid_parent'] = 'Board %1$s does not have a valid parent. Use the \'find and repair errors\' function to fix this.';
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $txt['recycle_enable'] = 'Enable recycling of deleted topics';
 $txt['recycle_board'] = 'Board for recycled topics';
 $txt['redirect_board_desc'] = 'A board that redirects users if they visit it';
 $txt['recycle_board_unselected_notice'] = 'You have enabled the recycling of topics without specifying a board to place them in.  This feature will not be enabled until you specify a board to place recycled topics into.';
-$txt['countChildPosts'] = 'Count child\'s posts in parent\'s totals';
+$txt['countChildPosts'] = 'Count sub-board\'s posts in parent\'s totals';
 $txt['allow_ignore_boards'] = 'Allow boards to be ignored';
 $txt['deny_boards_access'] = 'Enable the option to deny board access based on membergroup';
 $txt['boardsaccess_option_desc'] = 'For each permission you can choose \'Allow\' (A), \'Disallow\' (X), or <span class="alert">\'Deny\' (D)</span>.<br /><br />If you deny access, any member - (including moderators) - in that group will be denied access.<br />For this reason, you should set deny carefully, only when <strong>necessary</strong>. Disallow, on the other hand, denies unless otherwise granted.';

+ 2 - 2

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $txt['repair_stats_topics_5'] = 'Topic #%1$d has the wrong approval flag set.';
 $txt['repair_missing_boards'] = 'Topic #%1$d is in board #%2$d, which is missing.';
 $txt['repair_missing_categories'] = 'Board #%1$d is in category #%2$d, which is missing.';
 $txt['repair_missing_posters'] = 'Message #%1$d was posted by member #%2$d, who is now missing.';
-$txt['repair_missing_parents'] = 'Board #%1$d is a child of board #%2$d, which is missing.';
+$txt['repair_missing_parents'] = 'Board #%1$d is a sub-board of board #%2$d, which is missing.';
 $txt['repair_missing_polls'] = 'Topic #%1$d is tied to non-existent poll #%2$d.';
 $txt['repair_polls_missing_topics'] = 'Poll #%1$d is tied to non-existent topic #%2$d.';
 $txt['repair_missing_calendar_topics'] = 'Event #%1$d is tied to topic #%2$d, which is missing.';
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ $txt['repair_operation_stats_topics3'] = 'Topics with the wrong unapproved post
 $txt['repair_operation_missing_boards'] = 'Topics in a non-existent board';
 $txt['repair_operation_missing_categories'] = 'Boards in a non-existent category';
 $txt['repair_operation_missing_posters'] = 'Messages linked to non-existent members';
-$txt['repair_operation_missing_parents'] = 'Child boards with non-existent parents';
+$txt['repair_operation_missing_parents'] = 'Sub-boards with non-existent parents';
 $txt['repair_operation_missing_polls'] = 'Topics linked to non-existent polls';
 $txt['repair_operation_missing_calendar_topics'] = 'Events linked to non-existent topics';
 $txt['repair_operation_missing_log_topics'] = 'Topic logs linked to non-existent topics';

+ 1 - 1

@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ $txt['timeformat_easy5'] = 'DD-MM-YYYY, HH:MM:SS';
 $txt['poster'] = 'Poster';
 $txt['board_desc_inside'] = 'Show board descriptions inside boards.';
-$txt['show_children'] = 'Show child boards on every page inside boards, not just the first.';
+$txt['show_children'] = 'Show sub-boards on every page inside boards, not just the first.';
 $txt['show_no_avatars'] = 'Don\'t show users\' avatars.';
 $txt['show_no_signatures'] = 'Don\'t show users\' signatures.';
 $txt['show_no_censored'] = 'Leave words uncensored.';

+ 1 - 1

@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ $txt['movetopic_expires'] = 'Automatically remove the redirection topic';
 $txt['theme_template_error'] = 'Unable to load the \'%1$s\' template.';
 $txt['theme_language_error'] = 'Unable to load the \'%1$s\' language file.';
-$txt['parent_boards'] = 'Child Boards';
+$txt['sub_boards'] = 'Sub-Boards';
 $txt['smtp_no_connect'] = 'Could not connect to SMTP host';
 $txt['smtp_port_ssl'] = 'SMTP port setting incorrect; it should be 465 for SSL servers.';