
! Remove the 'common support issues' block from the support and credits page. No-one reads it anyway, might as well save on requests to sm.org and a little bit of bandwidth and performance while we're at it. Fixes #652

Signed-off-by: Peter Spicer <[email protected]>
Peter Spicer 11 年之前

+ 1 - 15

@@ -214,19 +214,6 @@ function template_credits()
-	// Display latest support questions from simplemachines.org.
-	echo '
-			<div class="cat_bar">
-				<h3 class="catbg">
-					<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=helpadmin;help=latest_support" onclick="return reqOverlayDiv(this.href);" class="help"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/helptopics_hd.png" class="icon" alt="', $txt['help'], '" /></a> ', $txt['support_latest'], '
-				</h3>
-			</div>
-			<div class="windowbg">
-				<div class="content">
-					<div id="latestSupport">', $txt['support_latest_fetch'], '</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>';
 	// The most important part - the credits :P.
 	echo '
 			<div id="credits_sections" class="cat_bar">
@@ -289,8 +276,7 @@ function template_credits()
 	echo '
 		// ]]></script>
 		<script type="text/javascript" src="', $scripturl, '?action=viewsmfile;filename=current-version.js"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript" src="', $scripturl, '?action=viewsmfile;filename=latest-news.js"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript" src="', $scripturl, '?action=viewsmfile;filename=latest-support.js"></script>';
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="', $scripturl, '?action=viewsmfile;filename=latest-news.js"></script>';
 	// This sets the latest support stuff.
 	echo '

+ 0 - 3

@@ -310,9 +310,6 @@ $txt['support_resources'] = 'Support Resources';
 $txt['support_resources_p1'] = 'Our <a href="%1$s">Online Manual</a> provides the main documentation for SMF. The SMF Online Manual has many documents to help answer support questions and explain <a href="%2$s">Features</a>, <a href="%3$s">Settings</a>, <a href="%4$s">Themes</a>, <a href="%5$s">Packages</a>, etc. The Online Manual documents each area of SMF thoroughly and should answer most questions quickly.';
 $txt['support_resources_p2'] = 'If you can\'t find the answers to your questions in the Online Manual, you may want to search our <a href="%1$s">Support Community</a> or ask for assistance in either our <a href="%2$s">English</a> or one of our many <a href="%3$s">international support boards</a>. The SMF Support Community can be used for <a href="%4$s">support</a>, <a href="%5$s">customization</a>, and many other things such as discussing SMF, finding a host, and discussing administrative issues with other forum administrators.';
-$txt['support_latest'] = 'Common support &amp; issues';
-$txt['support_latest_fetch'] = 'Retrieving support information...';
 $txt['edit_permissions_info'] = 'Change restrictions and available features, globally or in specific boards.';
 $txt['membergroups_members'] = 'Regular Members';
 $txt['membergroups_guests'] = 'Guests';

+ 0 - 1

@@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ $helptxt['allow_hideOnline'] = 'With this option enabled all members will be abl
 $helptxt['make_email_viewable'] = 'If this option is enabled instead of users email addresses being hidden to normal members and guests they will be publicly viewable on the forum. Enabling this will put your users at greater risk of being victims of spam as a result of email harvesters visiting your forum. Note this setting does not override the user setting for hiding their email address from users. Enabling this setting is <strong>not</strong> recommended.';
 $helptxt['meta_keywords'] = 'These keywords are sent in the output of every page to indicate to search engines (etc) the key content of your site. They should be a comma separated list of words, and should not use HTML.';
-$helptxt['latest_support'] = 'This panel shows you some of the most common problems and questions on your server configuration. Don\'t worry, this information isn\'t logged or anything.<br /><br />If this stays as &quot;Retrieving support information...&quot;, your computer probably cannot connect to <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank" class="new_win">www.simplemachines.org</a>.';
 $helptxt['latest_packages'] = 'Here you can see some of the most popular and some random packages or mods, with quick and easy installations.<br /><br />If this section doesn\'t show up, your computer probably cannot connect to <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank" class="new_win">www.simplemachines.org</a>.';
 $helptxt['latest_themes'] = 'This area shows a few of the latest and most popular themes from <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank" class="new_win">www.simplemachines.org</a>.  It may not show up properly if your computer can\'t find <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank" class="new_win">www.simplemachines.org</a>, though.';

+ 1 - 2

@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ VALUES
 	(3, 'latest-news.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&format=%2$s', '', 'text/javascript'),
 	(4, 'latest-packages.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript'),
 	(5, 'latest-smileys.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript'),
-	(6, 'latest-support.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript'),
-	(7, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
+	(6, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 # --------------------------------------------------------

+ 1 - 2

@@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, d
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (3, 'latest-news.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&format=%2$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (4, 'latest-packages.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (5, 'latest-smileys.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (6, 'latest-support.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (7, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
+INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (6, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 # --------------------------------------------------------

+ 1 - 2

@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, d
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (3, 'latest-news.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&format=%2$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (4, 'latest-packages.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (5, 'latest-smileys.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (6, 'latest-support.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (7, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
+INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (6, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 # --------------------------------------------------------

+ 1 - 2

@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, d
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (3, 'latest-news.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&format=%2$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (4, 'latest-packages.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (5, 'latest-smileys.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (6, 'latest-support.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
-INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (7, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
+INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}admin_info_files (id_file, filename, path, parameters, data, filetype) VALUES (6, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s', '', 'text/javascript');
 # --------------------------------------------------------

+ 1 - 2

@@ -2067,8 +2067,7 @@ VALUES
 	(3, 'latest-news.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&format=%2$s'),
 	(4, 'latest-packages.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s'),
 	(5, 'latest-smileys.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s'),
-	(6, 'latest-support.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s'),
-	(7, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s');
+	(6, 'latest-themes.js', '/smf/', 'language=%1$s&version=%3$s');
 ---# Ensure that the table has the filetype column