Browse Source

Merge pull request #1161 from Arantor/release-2.1

Theme changes
Arantor 11 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ function Display()
 		'mark_unread' => array('test' => 'can_mark_unread', 'text' => 'mark_unread', 'image' => 'markunread.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=markasread;sa=topic;t=' . $context['mark_unread_time'] . ';topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']),
 		'unwatch' => array('test' => 'can_unwatch', 'text' => ($context['topic_unwatched'] ? '' : 'un') . 'watch', 'image' => ($context['topic_unwatched'] ? 'un' : '') . 'watch.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=unwatchtopic;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.' . $context['start'] . ';sa=' . ($context['topic_unwatched'] ? 'off' : 'on') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']),
 		'send' => array('test' => 'can_send_topic', 'text' => 'send_topic', 'image' => 'sendtopic.png', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=emailuser;sa=sendtopic;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'),
-		'print' => array('test' => 'can_print', 'text' => 'print', 'image' => 'print.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'rel="new_win nofollow"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=printpage;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'),
+		'print' => array('test' => 'can_print', 'text' => 'print', 'image' => 'print.png', 'lang' => true, 'custom' => 'rel="nofollow"', 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=printpage;topic=' . $context['current_topic'] . '.0'),
 	// Build the mod button array

+ 0 - 8

@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 	$context['columns'] = array(
 		'is_online' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['status'],
-			'width' => 60,
 			'class' => 'first_th',
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'IFNULL(lo.log_time, 1) ASC, real_name ASC' : 'CASE WHEN mem.show_online THEN IFNULL(lo.log_time, 1) ELSE 1 END ASC, real_name ASC',
@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'email_address' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['email'],
-			'width' => 25,
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'mem.email_address DESC' : 'mem.hide_email DESC, mem.email_address DESC',
 				'up' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'mem.email_address ASC' : 'mem.hide_email ASC, mem.email_address ASC'
@@ -86,7 +84,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'website_url' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['website'],
-			'width' => 70,
 			'link_with' => 'website',
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.website_url) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.website_url, 1=1) DESC, mem.website_url DESC',
@@ -95,7 +92,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'icq' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['icq'],
-			'width' => 30,
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.icq) > 0 ASC, mem.icq = 0 DESC, mem.icq DESC',
 				'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.icq) > 0 DESC, mem.icq = 0 ASC, mem.icq ASC'
@@ -103,7 +99,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'aim' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['aim'],
-			'width' => 30,
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.aim) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.aim, 1=1) DESC, mem.aim DESC',
 				'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.aim) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.aim, 1=1) ASC, mem.aim ASC'
@@ -111,7 +106,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'yim' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['yim'],
-			'width' => 30,
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.yim) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.yim, 1=1) DESC, mem.yim DESC',
 				'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.yim) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.yim, 1=1) ASC, mem.yim ASC'
@@ -119,7 +113,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'skype' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['skype'],
-			'width' => 30,
 			'sort' => array(
 				'down' => 'LENGTH( > 0 ASC, IFNULL(, 1=1) DESC, DESC',
 				'up' => 'LENGTH( > 0 DESC, IFNULL(, 1=1) ASC, ASC',
@@ -141,7 +134,6 @@ function Memberlist()
 		'posts' => array(
 			'label' => $txt['posts'],
-			'width' => 115,
 			'colspan' => 2,
 			'default_sort_rev' => true,
 			'sort' => array(

+ 2 - 6

@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ function MessageIndex()
 				t.id_topic, t.num_replies, t.locked, t.num_views, t.is_sticky, t.id_poll, t.id_previous_board,
 				' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '0' : 'IFNULL(lt.id_msg, IFNULL(lmr.id_msg, -1)) + 1') . ' AS new_from,
-				t.id_last_msg, t.approved, t.unapproved_posts, ml.poster_time AS last_poster_time,
+				t.id_last_msg, t.approved, t.unapproved_posts, ml.poster_time AS last_poster_time, t.id_redirect_topic,
 				ml.id_msg_modified, ml.subject AS last_subject, ml.icon AS last_icon,
 				ml.poster_name AS last_member_name, ml.id_member AS last_id_member, ' . (!empty($settings['avatars_on_indexes']) ? 'meml.avatar,' : '') . '
 				IFNULL(meml.real_name, ml.poster_name) AS last_display_name, t.id_first_msg,
@@ -561,6 +561,7 @@ function MessageIndex()
 				'is_sticky' => !empty($row['is_sticky']),
 				'is_locked' => !empty($row['locked']),
+				'is_redirect' => !empty($row['id_redirect_topic']),
 				'is_poll' => $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && $row['id_poll'] > 0,
 				'is_posted_in' => false,
 				'icon' => $row['first_icon'],
@@ -583,8 +584,6 @@ function MessageIndex()
 					'href' => $row['avatar'] == '' ? ($row['id_attach'] > 0 ? (empty($row['attachment_type']) ? $scripturl . '?action=dlattach;attach=' . $row['id_attach'] . ';type=avatar' : $modSettings['custom_avatar_url'] . '/' . $row['filename']) : '') : (stristr($row['avatar'], 'http://') || stristr($row['avatar'], 'https://') ? $row['avatar'] : $modSettings['avatar_url'] . '/' . $row['avatar']),
 					'url' => $row['avatar'] == '' ? '' : (stristr($row['avatar'], 'http://') || stristr($row['avatar'], 'https://') ? $row['avatar'] : $modSettings['avatar_url'] . '/' . $row['avatar'])
-			determineTopicClass($context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]);
@@ -607,10 +606,7 @@ function MessageIndex()
 			while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
-			{
 				$context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['is_posted_in'] = true;
-				$context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['class'] = 'my_' . $context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['class'];
-			}

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1297,7 +1297,6 @@ function UnreadTopics()
 		$context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['first_post']['started_by'] = sprintf($txt['topic_started_by'], $context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['first_post']['member']['link'], $context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['board']['link']);
-		determineTopicClass($context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]);
@@ -1319,10 +1318,7 @@ function UnreadTopics()
 		while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
 			if (empty($context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['is_posted_in']))
-			{
 				$context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['is_posted_in'] = true;
-				$context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['class'] = 'my_' . $context['topics'][$row['id_topic']]['class'];
-			}

+ 4 - 4

@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ function template_main()
 	echo '
-		<div id="mlist" class="tborder topic_table">
-			<table class="table_grid" cellspacing="0">
+		<div id="mlist">
+			<table class="table_grid">
 				<tr class="catbg">';
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ function template_main()
 		// This is a selected column, so underline it or some such.
 		if ($column['selected'])
 			echo '
-					<th scope="col" class="', isset($column['class']) ? ' ' . $column['class'] : '', '" style="width: auto;"' . (isset($column['colspan']) ? ' colspan="' . $column['colspan'] . '"' : '') . ' nowrap="nowrap">
+					<th scope="col" class="', $key, isset($column['class']) ? ' ' . $column['class'] : '', ' selected" style="width: auto;"' . (isset($column['colspan']) ? ' colspan="' . $column['colspan'] . '"' : '') . '>
 						<a href="' . $column['href'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . $column['label'] . '</a><span class="sort sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '"></span></th>';
 		// This is just some column... show the link and be done with it.
 			echo '
-					<th scope="col" class="', isset($column['class']) ? ' ' . $column['class'] : '', '"', isset($column['width']) ? ' width="' . $column['width'] . '"' : '', isset($column['colspan']) ? ' colspan="' . $column['colspan'] . '"' : '', '>
+					<th scope="col" class="', $key, isset($column['class']) ? ' ' . $column['class'] : '', '"', isset($column['width']) ? ' width="' . $column['width'] . '"' : '', isset($column['colspan']) ? ' colspan="' . $column['colspan'] . '"' : '', '>
 						', $column['link'], '</th>';
 	echo '

+ 35 - 19

@@ -219,21 +219,18 @@ function template_main()
 		foreach ($context['topics'] as $topic)
+			$color_class = 'windowbg';
 			// Is this topic pending approval, or does it have any posts pending approval?
 			if ($context['can_approve_posts'] && $topic['unapproved_posts'])
-				$color_class = !$topic['approved'] ? 'approvetbg' : 'approvebg';
-			// We start with locked and sticky topics.
-			elseif ($topic['is_sticky'] && $topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg locked_sticky';
+				$color_class = (!$topic['approved'] ? 'approvetopic ' : 'approvepost ') . $color_class;
 			// Sticky topics should get a different color, too.
-			elseif ($topic['is_sticky'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg';
+			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
+				$color_class = 'sticky ' . $color_class;
 			// Locked topics get special treatment as well.
-			elseif ($topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class = 'lockedbg';
-			// Last, but not least: regular topics.
-			else
-				$color_class = 'windowbg';
+			if ($topic['is_locked'])
+				$color_class = 'locked ' . $color_class;
 			// Some columns require a different shade of the color class.
 			$alternate_class = $color_class . '2';
@@ -244,18 +241,37 @@ function template_main()
 					<td class="', $color_class, ' icon2">
 							<img src="', $topic['first_post']['icon_url'], '" alt="" />
-							', $topic['is_posted_in'] ? '<img class="posted" src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/icons/profile_sm.png" alt="" />' : '','
+							', $topic['is_posted_in'] ? '<img class="posted" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/profile_sm.png" alt="" />' : '', '
 					<td class="', $alternate_class, ' subject">
-						<div ', (!empty($topic['quick_mod']['modify']) ? 'id="topic_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '"  ondblclick="oQuickModifyTopic.modify_topic(\'' . $topic['id'] . '\', \'' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '\');"' : ''), '>
-							<div class="message_index_title floatleft">
-								', $topic['new'] && $context['user']['is_logged'] ? '<a href="' . $topic['new_href'] . '" id="newicon' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '" style="display: inline-block; margin: 7px 0 5px 3px;"><span class="new_posts">' . $txt['new'] . '</span></a>' : '', '
+						<div ', (!empty($topic['quick_mod']['modify']) ? 'id="topic_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '"  ondblclick="oQuickModifyTopic.modify_topic(\'' . $topic['id'] . '\', \'' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '\');"' : ''), '>';
+			// Now we handle the icons
+			echo '
+							<div class="icons">';
+			if ($topic['is_locked'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons lock floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons sticky floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_redirect'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons move floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_poll'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons poll floatright"></span>';
+			echo '
+							</div>';
+			echo '
+							<div class="message_index_title">
+								', $topic['new'] && $context['user']['is_logged'] ? '<a href="' . $topic['new_href'] . '" id="newicon' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '"><span class="new_posts">' . $txt['new'] . '</span></a>' : '', '
 								<span class="preview', $topic['is_sticky'] ? ' bold_text' : '', '" title="', $topic[(empty($settings['message_index_preview_first']) ? 'last_post' : 'first_post')]['preview'], '">
 									<span id="msg_', $topic['first_post']['id'], '">', $topic['first_post']['link'], ($context['can_approve_posts'] && !$topic['approved'] ? '&nbsp;<em>(' . $txt['awaiting_approval'] . ')</em>' : ''), '</span>
-							<br class="clear" />
 							<p class="floatleft">', $txt['started_by'], ' ', $topic['first_post']['member']['link'], '
 								<small id="pages', $topic['first_post']['id'], '">', $topic['pages'], '</small>
@@ -396,12 +412,12 @@ function template_topic_legend()
 		echo '
 			<p class="floatleft">', !empty($modSettings['enableParticipation']) && $context['user']['is_logged'] ? '
 				<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/profile_sm.png" alt="" class="centericon" /> ' . $txt['participation_caption'] . '<br />' : '', '
-				'. ($modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' ? '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/topic/normal_poll.png" alt="" class="centericon" /> ' . $txt['poll'] : '') . '<br />
+				'. ($modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' ? '<span class="generic_icons poll centericon"></span> ' . $txt['poll'] : '') . '<br />
 				<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/post/moved.png" alt="" class="centericon sizefix" /> ' . $txt['moved_topic'] . '<br />
-				<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/quick_lock.png" alt="" class="centericon" /> ' . $txt['locked_topic'] . '<br />
-				<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/quick_sticky.png" alt="" class="centericon" /> ' . $txt['sticky_topic'] . '<br />
+				<span class="generic_icons lock centericon"></span> ' . $txt['locked_topic'] . '<br />
+				<span class="generic_icons sticky centericon"></span> ' . $txt['sticky_topic'] . '<br />
 	if (!empty($context['jump_to']))

+ 2 - 2

@@ -547,10 +547,10 @@ function template_showDrafts()
 							<h5><strong><a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $draft['board']['id'], '.0">', $draft['board']['name'], '</a> / ', $draft['topic']['link'], '</strong> &nbsp; &nbsp;';
 			if (!empty($draft['sticky']))
-				echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/quick_sticky.png" alt="', $txt['sticky_topic'], '" title="', $txt['sticky_topic'], '" />';
+				echo '<span class="generic_icons sticky" title="', $txt['sticky_topic'], '"></span>';
 			if (!empty($draft['locked']))
-				echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/quick_lock.png" alt="', $txt['locked_topic'], '" title="', $txt['locked_topic'], '" />';
+				echo '<span class="generic_icons lock" title="', $txt['locked_topic'], '"></span>';
 			echo '

+ 45 - 29

@@ -136,28 +136,21 @@ function template_unread()
 		foreach ($context['topics'] as $topic)
-			// We start with locked and sticky topics.
-			if ($topic['is_sticky'] && $topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg locked_sticky';
+			$color_class = 'windowbg';
 			// Sticky topics should get a different color, too.
-			elseif ($topic['is_sticky'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg';
+			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
+				$color_class = 'sticky ' . $color_class;
 			// Locked topics get special treatment as well.
-			elseif ($topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class = 'lockedbg';
-			// Last, but not least: regular topics.
-			else
-				$color_class = 'windowbg';
+			if ($topic['is_locked'])
+				$color_class = 'locked ' . $color_class;
-			$color_class2 = !empty($color_class) ? $color_class . '2' : 'windowbg2';
+			$color_class2 = $color_class . '2';
 			// [WIP] There is trial code here to hide the topic icon column. Hardly anyone will miss it.
 			// [WIP] Markup can be cleaned up later. CSS can go in the CSS files later.
 			echo '
-							<td class="', $color_class, ' icon1" style="display: none;">
-								<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/topic/', $topic['class'], '.png" alt="" />
-							</td>
 							<td class="', $color_class, ' icon2">
 								<div style="position: relative; width: 40px; margin: auto;">
 									<img src="', $topic['first_post']['icon_url'], '" alt="" />
@@ -167,6 +160,21 @@ function template_unread()
 							<td class="subject ', $color_class2, '">
+			// Now we handle the icons
+			echo '
+							<div class="icons">';
+			if ($topic['is_locked'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons lock floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons sticky floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_poll'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons poll floatright"></span>';
+			echo '
+							</div>';
 			// [WIP] MEthinks the orange icons look better if they aren't all over the page.
 			echo '
 									<a href="', $topic['new_href'], '" id="newicon', $topic['first_post']['id'], '"><span class="new_posts">' . $txt['new'] . '</span></a>
@@ -287,37 +295,45 @@ function template_replies()
 		foreach ($context['topics'] as $topic)
-			// We start with locked and sticky topics.
-			if ($topic['is_sticky'] && $topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg locked_sticky';
+			$color_class = 'windowbg';
 			// Sticky topics should get a different color, too.
-			elseif ($topic['is_sticky'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg';
+			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
+				$color_class = 'sticky ' . $color_class;
 			// Locked topics get special treatment as well.
-			elseif ($topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class = 'lockedbg';
-			// Last, but not least: regular topics.
-			else
-				$color_class = 'windowbg';
+			if ($topic['is_locked'])
+				$color_class = 'locked ' . $color_class;
-			$color_class2 = !empty($color_class) ? $color_class . '2' : '';
+			$color_class2 = $color_class . '2';
 			// [WIP] There is trial code here to hide the topic icon column. Hardly anyone will miss it.
 			// [WIP] Markup can be cleaned up later. CSS can go in the CSS files later.
 			echo '
-							<td class="', $color_class, ' icon1" style="display: none;">
-								<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/topic/', $topic['class'], '.png" alt="" />
-							</td>
 							<td class="', $color_class, ' icon2">
 								<div style="position: relative; width: 40px; margin: auto;">
 									<img src="', $topic['first_post']['icon_url'], '" alt="" />
-									', $topic['is_posted_in'] ? '<img src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/icons/profile_sm.png" alt="" style="position: absolute; z-index: 5; right: 4px; bottom: -3px;" />' : '','
+									', $topic['is_posted_in'] ? '<img class="posted" src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/icons/profile_sm.png" alt="" />' : '','
 							<td class="subject ', $color_class2, '">
+			// Now we handle the icons
+			echo '
+							<div class="icons">';
+			if ($topic['is_locked'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons lock floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons sticky floatright"></span>';
+			if ($topic['is_poll'])
+				echo '
+								<span class="generic_icons poll floatright"></span>';
+			echo '
+							</div>';
 			// [WIP] MEthinks the orange icons look better if they aren't all over the page.
 			echo '
 									<a href="', $topic['new_href'], '" id="newicon', $topic['first_post']['id'], '"><span class="new_posts">' . $txt['new'] . '</span></a>

+ 0 - 5

@@ -345,11 +345,6 @@ function template_results()
 		// while we have results to show ...
 		while ($topic = $context['get_topics']())
-			$color_class = '';
-			if ($topic['is_sticky'])
-				$color_class = 'stickybg';
-			if ($topic['is_locked'])
-				$color_class .= 'lockedbg';
 			echo '
 			<div class="search_results_posts">

+ 59 - 57

@@ -620,21 +620,40 @@ div.pagesection div.floatright input, div.pagesection div.floatright select {
 	background: linear-gradient(to top, #FFFFFF 1%, #E2E9F3 70%);
+/* Nobody wants locked topics to stand out much. */
+.windowbg.locked {
+	background: #e7eaef;
+.windowbg2.locked {
+	background: #e7eaef;
 /* Sticky topics get a different background */
-.stickybg {
+.windowbg.sticky {
 	background: #cfdce8;
-.stickybg2 {
-	background: #d9e7f2;
+.windowbg2.sticky {
+	background: #cfdce8;
-/* Plain locked topics just get the icon. */
-/* Nobody wants them to stand out much. */
-.lockedbg {
-	background: #e7eaef;
+/* Locked AND sticky are a bit more technical */
+.windowbg.sticky.locked {
+	background: #e8d8cf;
-.lockedbg2 {
-	background: #f0f4f7;
+.windowbg2.sticky.locked {
+	background: #e8d8cf;
+/* Awaiting approval is a bit special, topics first */
+.windowbg.approvetopic {
+	background: #e4a17c;
+.windowbg2.approvetopic {
+	background: #e4a17c;
+/* Unapproved posts in approved topics */
+.windowbg.approvepost {
+	background: #ffeaea;
+.windowbg2.approvepost {
+	background: #ffeaea;
 /* Posts and personal messages displayed throughout the forum. */
@@ -2932,7 +2951,7 @@ tr.titlebg td {
 	vertical-align: middle;
-tr.windowbg td, tr.windowbg2 td, tr.approvebg td, tr.highlight2 td {
+tr.windowbg td, tr.windowbg2 td, tr.highlight2 td {
 	padding: 4px 8px;
 #credits p {
@@ -2946,7 +2965,7 @@ tr.windowbg td, tr.windowbg2 td, tr.approvebg td, tr.highlight2 td {
 .topic_table table {
 	width: 100%;
-.topic_table .icon1, .topic_table .icon2 {
+.topic_table .icon2 {
 	text-align: center;
 .topic_table .icon2 div {
@@ -2979,39 +2998,19 @@ tr.windowbg td, tr.windowbg2 td, tr.approvebg td, tr.highlight2 td {
 .topic_table td.lastpost {
 	font-size: 0.9em;
 	line-height: 1.5em;
-	padding: 4px 4px 4px 24px;
+	padding: 4px;
-/* Sticky topics get a different background */
-.topic_table td.stickybg {
-	background: #cfdce8 url(../images/icons/quick_sticky.png) no-repeat 98% 4px;
-.topic_table td.stickybg2 {
-	background: #cfdce8 url(../images/icons/quick_sticky.png) no-repeat 98% 4px;
-.topic_table td.locked_sticky, .topic_table td.stickybglockedbg {
-	background: #e8d8cf url(../images/icons/quick_sticky_lock.png) no-repeat 98% 4px;
-.topic_table td.locked_sticky2, .topic_table td.stickybglockedbg2 {
-	background: #e8d8cf url(../images/icons/quick_sticky_lock.png) no-repeat 98% 4px;
+/* Space those icons out a bit */
+.topic_table .icons span {
+	margin: 2px 0 0 5px;
-.message_index_title {
-	margin-right: 40px;
-/* Plain locked topics just get the icon. */
 /* Nobody wants them to stand out much. */
 .topic_table td.lockedbg {
-	background: #e7eaef url(../images/icons/quick_lock.png) no-repeat 98% 4px;
+	background: #e7eaef no-repeat 98% 4px;
 .topic_table td.lockedbg2 {
-	background: #e7eaef url(../images/icons/quick_lock.png) no-repeat 98% 4px;
-/* Stop those damned icons popping up in every table cell! */
-.topic_table td.icon1, .topic_table td.icon2, .topic_table td.stats,
-.topic_table td.lastpost, .topic_table td.moderation {
-	background-image: none;
+	background: #e7eaef no-repeat 98% 4px;
 .errorfile_table {
@@ -3066,7 +3065,9 @@ tr.windowbg td, tr.windowbg2 td, tr.approvebg td, tr.highlight2 td {
 .generic_icons.old {
 	background-position: -96px -32px;
-/* space reserved for 7 over, 4 down in the image */
+.generic_icons.poll {
+	background-position: -96px -48px;
 .generic_icons.sticky {
 	background-position: -112px 0;
@@ -3897,6 +3898,24 @@ span.hidelink {
 	margin: auto;
 	width: 500px;
+#mlist .selected {
+	white-space: nowrap;
+#mlist .is_online {
+	width: 60px;
+#mlist .email_address {
+	width: 25px;
+#mlist .website_url {
+	width: 70px;
+#mlist .icq, #mlist .aim, #mlist .yim, #mlist .skype {
+	width: 30px;
+#mlist .posts {
+	width: 115px;
 /* Styles for the basic search section.
 ------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -4277,12 +4296,6 @@ div#editlang_desc {
 .topic_details .smalltext {
 	font-size: 0.9em;
-#recent .windowbg2, .windowbg2 {
-	background: /*#eaf1f4;*/#f0f4f7;
-#recent .windowbg, .windowbg {
-	background: /*#e8eff5;*/#f0f4f7;
 #recent .pagesection {
 	padding: 3px 4px;
 	margin: 0 0 -10px 0;
@@ -4395,8 +4408,7 @@ tr.catbg th:last-child {
 .table_grid tr td:last-child, .table_grid td.lastpost, .table_grid td.whos_viewing, .table_grid td.moderation, .table_grid td.qaction_cell {
 	border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
-.table_grid td.windowbg, .table_grid td.windowbg2, .table_grid td.lockedbg, .table_grid td.lockedbg2,
-.table_grid td.stickybg, .table_grid td.stickybg2, .table_grid td.locked_sticky, .table_grid td.locked_sticky2,
+.table_grid td.windowbg, .table_grid td.windowbg2,
 .table_grid td.whos_viewing, .table_grid td.moderation, .table_grid td.qaction_cell, .table_grid tbody {
 	border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
@@ -4412,16 +4424,6 @@ tr.catbg th:last-child {
 	color: #222;
 	background: #fff2f2;
-/* Color for background of *topics* requiring approval */
-.approvetbg {
-	color: #222;
-	background: #e4a17c;
-.approvetbg2 {
-	color: #222;
-	background: #f3bd9f;
 div#manage_boards dl dd textarea[name=desc] {
 	margin-top: 1px;

+ 6 - 9

@@ -600,15 +600,6 @@ div#admin_menu {
 /* Styles for generic tables.
 ------------------------------------------------------- */
-.topic_table td.stickybg2 {
-	background: url(../images/icons/quick_sticky.png) no-repeat 2% 4px;
-.topic_table td.lockedbg2 {
-	background: url(../images/icons/quick_lock.png) no-repeat 2% 4px;
-.topic_table td.locked_sticky2 {
-	background: url(../images/icons/quick_sticky_lock.png) no-repeat 2% 4px;
 .topic_table td.lastpost {
 	background: none;
@@ -806,6 +797,12 @@ tr.windowbg2 th.stats_month, tr.windowbg2 td.stats_day {
 	padding: 5px 0 0 1em;
+/* Some icons need slight tweaks
+------------------------------------------------- */
+.generic_icons.move {
+	background-position: -112px -48px;
 /* Styles for the help section.
 ------------------------------------------------- */
 #helpmain h3.section {



