@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
* @version 2.1 Alpha 1
-// This is the administration center home.
+ * This is the administration center home.
+ */
function template_admin()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings;
@@ -185,13 +187,15 @@ function template_admin()
<span class="botslice"><span></span></span>
'), ',
- sUpdateNotificationLink: ', JavaScriptEscape($scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;pgdownload;auto;package=%package%;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), '
+ sUpdateNotificationLink: smf_scripturl + ', JavaScriptEscape('?action=admin;area=packages;pgdownload;auto;package=%package%;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']), '
// ]]></script>';
-// Show some support information and credits to those who helped make this.
+ * Show some support information and credits to those who helped make this.
+ */
function template_credits()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;
@@ -360,7 +364,9 @@ function template_credits()
// ]]></script>';
-// Displays information about file versions installed, and compares them to current version.
+ * Displays information about file versions installed, and compares them to current version.
+ */
function template_view_versions()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;
@@ -620,11 +626,6 @@ function template_edit_censored()
<div id="moreCensoredWords"></div><div style="margin-top: 1ex; display: none;" id="moreCensoredWords_link"><a href="#;" onclick="addNewWord(); return false;">', $txt['censor_clickadd'], '</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
document.getElementById("moreCensoredWords_link").style.display = "";
- function addNewWord()
- {
- setOuterHTML(document.getElementById("moreCensoredWords"), \'<div style="margin-top: 1ex;"><input type="text" name="censor_vulgar[]" size="20" class="input_text" /> => <input type="text" name="censor_proper[]" size="20" class="input_text" /><\' + \'/div><div id="moreCensoredWords"><\' + \'/div>\');
- }
// ]]></script>
<hr width="100%" size="1" class="hrcolor clear" />
<dl class="settings">
@@ -692,7 +693,7 @@ function template_not_done()
echo '
<div style="padding-left: 20%; padding-right: 20%; margin-top: 1ex;">
<div style="font-size: 8pt; height: 12pt; border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 1px; position: relative;">
- <div style="padding-top: ', $context['browser']['is_webkit'] || $context['browser']['is_konqueror'] ? '2pt' : '1pt', '; width: 100%; z-index: 2; color: black; position: absolute; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">', $context['continue_percent'], '%</div>
+ <div style="padding-top: ', isBrowser('is_webkit') || isBrowser('is_konqueror') ? '2pt' : '1pt', '; width: 100%; z-index: 2; color: black; position: absolute; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">', $context['continue_percent'], '%</div>
<div style="width: ', $context['continue_percent'], '%; height: 12pt; z-index: 1; background-color: red;"> </div>
@@ -702,7 +703,7 @@ function template_not_done()
<div style="padding-left: 20%; padding-right: 20%; margin-top: 1ex;">
<span class="smalltext">', $context['substep_title'], '</span>
<div style="font-size: 8pt; height: 12pt; border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 1px; position: relative;">
- <div style="padding-top: ', $context['browser']['is_webkit'] || $context['browser']['is_konqueror'] ? '2pt' : '1pt', '; width: 100%; z-index: 2; color: black; position: absolute; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">', $context['substep_continue_percent'], '%</div>
+ <div style="padding-top: ', isBrowser('is_webkit') || isBrowser('is_konqueror') ? '2pt' : '1pt', '; width: 100%; z-index: 2; color: black; position: absolute; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">', $context['substep_continue_percent'], '%</div>
<div style="width: ', $context['substep_continue_percent'], '%; height: 12pt; z-index: 1; background-color: blue;"> </div>
@@ -741,30 +742,9 @@ function template_show_settings()
global $context, $txt, $settings, $scripturl;
- echo '
- <script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[';
if (!empty($context['settings_pre_javascript']))
- echo $context['settings_pre_javascript'];
- // If we have BBC selection we have a bit of JS.
- if (!empty($context['bbc_sections']))
- {
echo '
- function toggleBBCDisabled(section, disable)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.bbcForm.length; i++)
- {
- if (typeof(document.forms.bbcForm[i].name) == "undefined" || (document.forms.bbcForm[i].name.substr(0, 11) != "enabledTags") || (document.forms.bbcForm[i].name.indexOf(section) != 11))
- continue;
- document.forms.bbcForm[i].disabled = disable;
- }
- document.getElementById("bbc_" + section + "_select_all").disabled = disable;
- }';
- }
- echo '
- // ]]></script>';
+ <script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[', $context['settings_pre_javascript'], '// ]]></script>';
if (!empty($context['settings_insert_above']))
echo $context['settings_insert_above'];
@@ -1032,40 +1012,7 @@ function template_edit_profile_field()
// All the javascript for this page - quite a bit!
echo '
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
- function updateInputBoxes()
- {
- curType = document.getElementById("field_type").value;
- privStatus = document.getElementById("private").value;
- document.getElementById("max_length_dt").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("max_length_dd").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("dimension_dt").style.display = curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("dimension_dd").style.display = curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("bbc_dt").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("bbc_dd").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("options_dt").style.display = curType == "select" || curType == "radio" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("options_dd").style.display = curType == "select" || curType == "radio" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("default_dt").style.display = curType == "check" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("default_dd").style.display = curType == "check" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("mask_dt").style.display = curType == "text" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("mask").style.display = curType == "text" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("can_search_dt").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("can_search_dd").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("regex_div").style.display = curType == "text" && document.getElementById("mask").value == "regex" ? "" : "none";
- document.getElementById("display").disabled = false;
- // Cannot show this on the topic
- if (curType == "textarea" || privStatus >= 2)
- {
- document.getElementById("display").checked = false;
- document.getElementById("display").disabled = true;
- }
- }
var startOptID = ', count($context['field']['options']), ';
- function addOption()
- {
- setOuterHTML(document.getElementById("addopt"), \'<br /><input type="radio" name="default_select" value="\' + startOptID + \'" id="\' + startOptID + \'" class="input_radio" /><input type="text" name="select_option[\' + startOptID + \']" value="" class="input_text" /><span id="addopt"></span>\');
- startOptID++;
- }
// ]]></script>';
echo '
@@ -1488,57 +1435,7 @@ function template_callback_question_answer_list()
// The javascript needs to go at the end but we'll put it in this template for looks.
$context['settings_post_javascript'] .= '
- // Create a named element dynamically - thanks to: http://www.thunderguy.com/semicolon/2005/05/23/setting-the-name-attribute-in-internet-explorer/
- function createNamedElement(type, name, customFields)
- {
- var element = null;
- if (!customFields)
- customFields = "";
- // Try the IE way; this fails on standards-compliant browsers
- try
- {
- element = document.createElement("<" + type + \' name="\' + name + \'" \' + customFields + ">");
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- }
- if (!element || element.nodeName != type.toUpperCase())
- {
- // Non-IE browser; use canonical method to create named element
- element = document.createElement(type);
- element.name = name;
- }
- return element;
- }
var placeHolder = document.getElementById(\'add_more_question_placeholder\');
- function addAnotherQuestion()
- {
- var newDT = document.createElement("dt");
- var newInput = createNamedElement("input", "question[]");
- newInput.type = "text";
- newInput.className = "input_text";
- newInput.size = "50";
- newInput.setAttribute("class", "verification_question");
- newDT.appendChild(newInput);
- newDD = document.createElement("dd");
- newInput = createNamedElement("input", "answer[]");
- newInput.type = "text";
- newInput.className = "input_text";
- newInput.size = "50";
- newInput.setAttribute("class", "verification_answer");
- newDD.appendChild(newInput);
- placeHolder.parentNode.insertBefore(newDT, placeHolder);
- placeHolder.parentNode.insertBefore(newDD, placeHolder);
- }
document.getElementById(\'add_more_link_div\').style.display = \'\';