Previous / Next Month Links'; // The name of this setting is kind of misleading...we can't shorten actual months unfortunately! $txt['setting_cal_short_months'] = 'Short Month Titles'; $txt['setting_cal_short_days'] = 'Short Day Titles'; // Adding/Editing/Viewing Holidays $txt['manage_holidays_desc'] = 'From here you can add and remove holidays from your forum calendar.'; $txt['current_holidays'] = 'Current Holidays'; $txt['holidays_title'] = 'Holiday'; $txt['holidays_title_label'] = 'Title'; $txt['holidays_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to remove these holidays?'; $txt['holidays_add'] = 'Add new holiday'; $txt['holidays_edit'] = 'Edit existing holiday'; $txt['holidays_button_add'] = 'Add'; $txt['holidays_button_edit'] = 'Edit'; $txt['holidays_button_remove'] = 'Remove'; $txt['holidays_no_entries'] = 'There are currently no holidays configured.'; $txt['every_year'] = 'Every Year'; ?>