// This file contains javascript associated with a autosuggest control
function smc_AutoSuggest(oOptions)
	this.opt = oOptions;

	// Store the handle to the text box.
	this.oTextHandle = document.getElementById(this.opt.sControlId);
	this.oRealTextHandle = null;

	this.oSuggestDivHandle = null;
	this.sLastSearch = '';
	this.sLastDirtySearch = '';
	this.oSelectedDiv = null;
	this.aCache = [];
	this.aDisplayData = [];

	this.sRetrieveURL = 'sRetrieveURL' in this.opt ? this.opt.sRetrieveURL : '%scripturl%action=suggest;suggest_type=%suggest_type%;search=%search%;%sessionVar%=%sessionID%;xml;time=%time%';

	// How many objects can we show at once?
	this.iMaxDisplayQuantity = 'iMaxDisplayQuantity' in this.opt ? this.opt.iMaxDisplayQuantity : 15;

	// How many characters shall we start searching on?
	this.iMinimumSearchChars = 'iMinimumSearchChars' in this.opt ? this.opt.iMinimumSearchChars : 3;

	// Should selected items be added to a list?
	this.bItemList = 'bItemList' in this.opt ? this.opt.bItemList : false;

	// Are there any items that should be added in advance?
	this.aListItems = 'aListItems' in this.opt ? this.opt.aListItems : [];

	this.sItemTemplate = 'sItemTemplate' in this.opt ? this.opt.sItemTemplate : '<input type="hidden" name="%post_name%[]" value="%item_id%" /><a href="%item_href%" class="extern" onclick="window.open(this.href, \'_blank\'); return false;">%item_name%</a>&nbsp;<img src="%images_url%/pm_recipient_delete.gif" alt="%delete_text%" title="%delete_text%" onclick="return %self%.deleteAddedItem(%item_id%);" />';

	this.sTextDeleteItem = 'sTextDeleteItem' in this.opt ? this.opt.sTextDeleteItem : '';

	this.oCallback = {};
	this.bDoAutoAdd = false;
	this.iItemCount = 0;

	this.oHideTimer = null;
	this.bPositionComplete = false;

	this.oXmlRequestHandle = null;

	// Just make sure the page is loaded before calling the init.
	addLoadEvent(this.opt.sSelf + '.init();');

smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.init = function()
	if (!window.XMLHttpRequest)
		return false;

	// Create a div that'll contain the results later on.
	this.oSuggestDivHandle = document.createElement('div');
	this.oSuggestDivHandle.className = 'auto_suggest_div';

	// Create a backup text input.
	this.oRealTextHandle = document.createElement('input');
	this.oRealTextHandle.type = 'hidden';
	this.oRealTextHandle.name = this.oTextHandle.name;
	this.oRealTextHandle.value = this.oTextHandle.value;

	// Disable autocomplete in any browser by obfuscating the name.
	this.oTextHandle.name = 'dummy_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
	this.oTextHandle.autocomplete = 'off';

	this.oTextHandle.instanceRef = this;

	var fOnKeyDown = function (oEvent) {
		return this.instanceRef.handleKey(oEvent);
	is_opera ? this.oTextHandle.onkeypress = fOnKeyDown : this.oTextHandle.onkeydown = fOnKeyDown;

	this.oTextHandle.onkeyup = function (oEvent) {
		return this.instanceRef.autoSuggestUpdate(oEvent);

	this.oTextHandle.onchange = function (oEvent) {
		return this.instanceRef.autoSuggestUpdate(oEvent);

	this.oTextHandle.onblur = function (oEvent) {
		return this.instanceRef.autoSuggestHide(oEvent);

	this.oTextHandle.onfocus = function (oEvent) {
		return this.instanceRef.autoSuggestUpdate(oEvent);

	if (this.bItemList)
		if ('sItemListContainerId' in this.opt)
			this.oItemList = document.getElementById(this.opt.sItemListContainerId);
			this.oItemList = document.createElement('div');
			this.oTextHandle.parentNode.insertBefore(this.oItemList, this.oTextHandle.nextSibling);

	if (this.aListItems.length > 0)
		for (var i = 0, n = this.aListItems.length; i < n; i++)
			this.addItemLink(this.aListItems[i].sItemId, this.aListItems[i].sItemName);

	return true;

// Was it an enter key - if so assume they are trying to select something.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.handleKey = function(oEvent)
	// Grab the event object, one way or the other
	if (!oEvent)
		oEvent = window.event;

	// Get the keycode of the key that was pressed.
	var iKeyPress = 0;
	if ('keyCode' in oEvent)
		iKeyPress = oEvent.keyCode;
	else if ('which' in oEvent)
		iKeyPress = oEvent.which;

	switch (iKeyPress)
		// Tab.
		case 9:
			if (this.aDisplayData.length > 0)
				if (this.oSelectedDiv != null)

			// Continue to the next control.
			return true;

		// Enter.
		case 13:
			if (this.aDisplayData.length > 0 && this.oSelectedDiv != null)

				// Do our best to stop it submitting the form!
				return false;
				return true;


		// Up/Down arrow?
		case 38:
		case 40:
			if (this.aDisplayData.length && this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.visibility != 'hidden')
				// Loop through the display data trying to find our entry.
				var bPrevHandle = false;
				var oToHighlight = null;
				for (var i = 0; i < this.aDisplayData.length; i++)
					// If we're going up and yet the top one was already selected don't go around.
					if (this.oSelectedDiv != null && this.oSelectedDiv == this.aDisplayData[i] && i == 0 && iKeyPress == 38)
						oToHighlight = this.oSelectedDiv;
					// If nothing is selected and we are going down then we select the first one.
					if (this.oSelectedDiv == null && iKeyPress == 40)
						oToHighlight = this.aDisplayData[i];

					// If the previous handle was the actual previously selected one and we're hitting down then this is the one we want.
					if (bPrevHandle != false && bPrevHandle == this.oSelectedDiv && iKeyPress == 40)
						oToHighlight = this.aDisplayData[i];
					// If we're going up and this is the previously selected one then we want the one before, if there was one.
					if (bPrevHandle != false && this.aDisplayData[i] == this.oSelectedDiv && iKeyPress == 38)
						oToHighlight = bPrevHandle;
					// Make the previous handle this!
					bPrevHandle = this.aDisplayData[i];

				// If we don't have one to highlight by now then it must be the last one that we're after.
				if (oToHighlight == null)
					oToHighlight = bPrevHandle;

				// Remove any old highlighting.
				if (this.oSelectedDiv != null)
				// Mark what the selected div now is.
				this.oSelectedDiv = oToHighlight;
	return true;

// Functions for integration.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.registerCallback = function(sCallbackType, sCallback)
	switch (sCallbackType)
		case 'onBeforeAddItem':
			this.oCallback.onBeforeAddItem = sCallback;

		case 'onAfterAddItem':
			this.oCallback.onAfterAddItem = sCallback;

		case 'onAfterDeleteItem':
			this.oCallback.onAfterDeleteItem = sCallback;

		case 'onBeforeUpdate':
			this.oCallback.onBeforeUpdate = sCallback;

// User hit submit?
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.handleSubmit = function()
	var bReturnValue = true;
	var oFoundEntry = null;

	// Do we have something that matches the current text?
	for (var i = 0; i < this.aCache.length; i++)
		if (this.sLastSearch.toLowerCase() == this.aCache[i].sItemName.toLowerCase().substr(0, this.sLastSearch.length))
			// Exact match?
			if (this.sLastSearch.length == this.aCache[i].sItemName.length)
				// This is the one!
				oFoundEntry = {
					sItemId: this.aCache[i].sItemId,
					sItemName: this.aCache[i].sItemName

			// Not an exact match, but it'll do for now.
				// If we have two matches don't find anything.
				if (oFoundEntry != null)
					bReturnValue = false;
					oFoundEntry = {
						sItemId: this.aCache[i].sItemId,
						sItemName: this.aCache[i].sItemName

	if (oFoundEntry == null || bReturnValue == false)
		return bReturnValue;
		this.addItemLink(oFoundEntry.sItemId, oFoundEntry.sItemName, true);
		return false;

// Positions the box correctly on the window.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.positionDiv = function()
	// Only do it once.
	if (this.bPositionComplete)
		return true;

	this.bPositionComplete = true;

	// Put the div under the text box.
	var aParentPos = smf_itemPos(this.oTextHandle);

	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.left = aParentPos[0] + 'px';
	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.top = (aParentPos[1] + this.oTextHandle.offsetHeight) + 'px';
	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.width = this.oTextHandle.style.width;

	return true;

// Do something after clicking an item.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.itemClicked = function(oCurElement)
	// Is there a div that we are populating?
	if (this.bItemList)
		this.addItemLink(oCurElement.sItemId, oCurElement.innerHTML);

	// Otherwise clear things down.
		this.oTextHandle.value = oCurElement.innerHTML.php_unhtmlspecialchars();

	this.oRealTextHandle.value = this.oTextHandle.value;
	this.oSelectedDiv = null;

// Remove the last searched for name from the search box.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.removeLastSearchString = function ()
	// Remove the text we searched for from the div.
	var sTempText = this.oTextHandle.value.toLowerCase();
	var iStartString = sTempText.indexOf(this.sLastSearch.toLowerCase());
	// Just attempt to remove the bits we just searched for.
	if (iStartString != -1)
		while (iStartString > 0)
			if (sTempText.charAt(iStartString - 1) == '"' || sTempText.charAt(iStartString - 1) == ',' || sTempText.charAt(iStartString - 1) == ' ')
				if (sTempText.charAt(iStartString - 1) == ',')

		// Now remove anything from iStartString upwards.
		this.oTextHandle.value = this.oTextHandle.value.substr(0, iStartString);
	// Just take it all.
		this.oTextHandle.value = '';

// Add a result if not already done.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.addItemLink = function (sItemId, sItemName, bFromSubmit)
	// Increase the internal item count.
	this.iItemCount ++;

	// If there's a callback then call it.
	if ('oCallback' in this && 'onBeforeAddItem' in this.oCallback && typeof(this.oCallback.onBeforeAddItem) == 'string')
		// If it returns false the item must not be added.
		if (!eval(this.oCallback.onBeforeAddItem + '(' + this.opt.sSelf + ', \'' + sItemId + '\');'))

	var oNewDiv = document.createElement('div');
	oNewDiv.id = 'suggest_' + this.opt.sSuggestId + '_' + sItemId;
	setInnerHTML(oNewDiv, this.sItemTemplate.replace(/%post_name%/g, this.opt.sPostName).replace(/%item_id%/g, sItemId).replace(/%item_href%/g, smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + this.opt.sURLMask.replace(/%item_id%/g, sItemId)).replace(/%item_name%/g, sItemName).replace(/%images_url%/g, smf_images_url).replace(/%self%/g, this.opt.sSelf).replace(/%delete_text%/g, this.sTextDeleteItem));

	// If there's a registered callback, call it.
	if ('oCallback' in this && 'onAfterAddItem' in this.oCallback && typeof(this.oCallback.onAfterAddItem) == 'string')
		eval(this.oCallback.onAfterAddItem + '(' + this.opt.sSelf + ', \'' + oNewDiv.id + '\', ' + this.iItemCount + ');');

	// Clear the div a bit.

	// If we came from a submit, and there's still more to go, turn on auto add for all the other things.
	this.bDoAutoAdd = this.oTextHandle.value != '' && bFromSubmit;

	// Update the fellow..

// Delete an item that has been added, if at all?
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.deleteAddedItem = function (sItemId)
	var oDiv = document.getElementById('suggest_' + this.opt.sSuggestId + '_' + sItemId);

	// Remove the div if it exists.
	if (typeof(oDiv) == 'object' && oDiv != null)
		oDiv.parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('suggest_' + this.opt.sSuggestId + '_' + sItemId));

		// Decrease the internal item count.
		this.iItemCount --;

		// If there's a registered callback, call it.
		if ('oCallback' in this && 'onAfterDeleteItem' in this.oCallback && typeof(this.oCallback.onAfterDeleteItem) == 'string')
			eval(this.oCallback.onAfterDeleteItem + '(' + this.opt.sSelf + ', ' + this.iItemCount + ');');

	return false;

// Hide the box.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.autoSuggestHide = function ()
	// Delay to allow events to propogate through....
	this.oHideTimer = setTimeout(this.opt.sSelf + '.autoSuggestActualHide();', 250);

// Do the actual hiding after a timeout.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.autoSuggestActualHide = function()
	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.display = 'none';
	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.visibility = 'hidden';
	this.oSelectedDiv = null;

// Show the box.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.autoSuggestShow = function()
	if (this.oHideTimer)
		this.oHideTimer = false;


	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.visibility = 'visible';
	this.oSuggestDivHandle.style.display = '';

// Populate the actual div.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.populateDiv = function(aResults)
	// Cannot have any children yet.
	while (this.oSuggestDivHandle.childNodes.length > 0)
		// Tidy up the events etc too.
		this.oSuggestDivHandle.childNodes[0].onmouseover = null;
		this.oSuggestDivHandle.childNodes[0].onmouseout = null;
		this.oSuggestDivHandle.childNodes[0].onclick = null;


	// Something to display?
	if (typeof(aResults) == 'undefined')
		this.aDisplayData = [];
		return false;

	var aNewDisplayData = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < (aResults.length > this.iMaxDisplayQuantity ? this.iMaxDisplayQuantity : aResults.length); i++)
		// Create the sub element
		var oNewDivHandle = document.createElement('div');
		oNewDivHandle.sItemId = aResults[i].sItemId;
		oNewDivHandle.className = 'auto_suggest_item';
		oNewDivHandle.innerHTML = aResults[i].sItemName;
		//oNewDivHandle.style.width = this.oTextHandle.style.width;


		// Attach some events to it so we can do stuff.
		oNewDivHandle.instanceRef = this;
		oNewDivHandle.onmouseover = function (oEvent)
		oNewDivHandle.onmouseout = function (oEvent)
		oNewDivHandle.onclick = function (oEvent)

		aNewDisplayData[i] = oNewDivHandle;

	this.aDisplayData = aNewDisplayData;

	return true;

// Refocus the element.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.itemMouseOver = function (oCurElement)
	this.oSelectedDiv = oCurElement;
	oCurElement.className = 'auto_suggest_item_hover';

// Onfocus the element
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.itemMouseOut = function (oCurElement)
	oCurElement.className = 'auto_suggest_item';

smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.onSuggestionReceived = function (oXMLDoc)
	var sQuoteText = '';
	var aItems = oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('item');
	this.aCache = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++)
		this.aCache[i] = {
			sItemId: aItems[i].getAttribute('id'),
			sItemName: aItems[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue

		// If we're doing auto add and we find the exact person, then add them!
		if (this.bDoAutoAdd && this.sLastSearch == this.aCache[i].sItemName)
			var oReturnValue = {
				sItemId: this.aCache[i].sItemId,
				sItemName: this.aCache[i].sItemName
			this.aCache = [];
			return this.addItemLink(oReturnValue.sItemId, oReturnValue.sItemName, true);

	// Check we don't try to keep auto updating!
	this.bDoAutoAdd = false;

	// Populate the div.

	// Make sure we can see it - if we can.
	if (aItems.length == 0)

	return true;

// Get a new suggestion.
smc_AutoSuggest.prototype.autoSuggestUpdate = function ()
	// If there's a callback then call it.
	if ('onBeforeUpdate' in this.oCallback && typeof(this.oCallback.onBeforeUpdate) == 'string')
		// If it returns false the item must not be added.
		if (!eval(this.oCallback.onBeforeUpdate + '(' + this.opt.sSelf + ');'))
			return false;

	this.oRealTextHandle.value = this.oTextHandle.value;

	if (isEmptyText(this.oTextHandle))
		this.aCache = [];



		return true;

	// Nothing changed?
	if (this.oTextHandle.value == this.sLastDirtySearch)
		return true;
	this.sLastDirtySearch = this.oTextHandle.value;

	// We're only actually interested in the last string.
	var sSearchString = this.oTextHandle.value.replace(/^("[^"]+",[ ]*)+/, '').replace(/^([^,]+,[ ]*)+/, '');
	if (sSearchString.substr(0, 1) == '"')
		sSearchString = sSearchString.substr(1);

	// Stop replication ASAP.
	var sRealLastSearch = this.sLastSearch;
	this.sLastSearch = sSearchString;

	// Either nothing or we've completed a sentance.
	if (sSearchString == '' || sSearchString.substr(sSearchString.length - 1) == '"')
		return true;

	// Nothing?
	if (sRealLastSearch == sSearchString)
		return true;

	// Too small?
	else if (sSearchString.length < this.iMinimumSearchChars)
		this.aCache = [];
		return true;
	else if (sSearchString.substr(0, sRealLastSearch.length) == sRealLastSearch)
		// Instead of hitting the server again, just narrow down the results...
		var aNewCache = [];
		var j = 0;
		var sLowercaseSearch = sSearchString.toLowerCase();
		for (var k = 0; k < this.aCache.length; k++)
			if (this.aCache[k].sItemName.substr(0, sSearchString.length).toLowerCase() == sLowercaseSearch)
				aNewCache[j++] = this.aCache[k];

		this.aCache = [];
		if (aNewCache.length != 0)
			this.aCache = aNewCache;
			// Repopulate.

			// Check it can be seen.

			return true;

	// In progress means destroy!
	if (typeof(this.oXmlRequestHandle) == 'object' && this.oXmlRequestHandle != null)

	// Clean the text handle.
	sSearchString = sSearchString.php_to8bit().php_urlencode();

	// Get the document.
	this.tmpMethod = getXMLDocument;
	this.oXmlRequestHandle = this.tmpMethod(this.sRetrieveURL.replace(/%scripturl%/g, smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl)).replace(/%suggest_type%/g, this.opt.sSearchType).replace(/%search%/g, sSearchString).replace(/%sessionVar%/g, this.opt.sSessionVar).replace(/%sessionID%/g, this.opt.sSessionId).replace(/%time%/g, new Date().getTime()), this.onSuggestionReceived);
	delete this.tmpMethod;

	return true;