'smf_db_search_query', 'db_search_support' => 'smf_db_search_support', 'db_create_word_search' => 'smf_db_create_word_search', 'db_support_ignore' => false, ); } // Does this database type support this search type? function smf_db_search_support($search_type) { $supported_types = array('custom'); return in_array($search_type, $supported_types); } // Returns the correct query for this search type. function smf_db_search_query($identifier, $db_string, $db_values = array(), $connection = null) { global $smcFunc; $replacements = array( 'create_tmp_log_search_topics' => array( '~mediumint\(\d\)~i' => 'int', '~TYPE=HEAP~i' => '', ), 'create_tmp_log_search_messages' => array( '~mediumint\(\d\)~i' => 'int', '~TYPE=HEAP~i' => '', ), ); if (isset($replacements[$identifier])) $db_string = preg_replace(array_keys($replacements[$identifier]), array_values($replacements[$identifier]), $db_string); elseif (preg_match('~^\s*INSERT\sIGNORE~i', $db_string) != 0) { $db_string = preg_replace('~^\s*INSERT\sIGNORE~i', 'INSERT', $db_string); // Don't error on multi-insert. $db_values['db_error_skip'] = true; } $return = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $db_string, $db_values, $connection ); return $return; } // Highly specific - create the custom word index table! function smf_db_create_word_search($size) { global $smcFunc; $size = 'int'; $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' CREATE TABLE {db_prefix}log_search_words ( id_word {raw:size} NOT NULL default {string:string_zero}, id_msg int(10) NOT NULL default {string:string_zero}, PRIMARY KEY (id_word, id_msg) )', array( 'size' => $size, 'string_zero' => '0', ) ); } ?>