$(document).ready(function() { // menu drop downs $('ul.dropmenu, ul.quickbuttons').superfish({delay : 600, speed: 200, sensitivity : 8, interval : 50, timeout : 1}); // tooltips $('.preview').SMFtooltip(); // find all nested linked images and turn off the border $('a.bbc_link img.bbc_img').parent().css('border', '0'); }); // The purpose of this code is to fix the height of overflow: auto blocks, because some browsers can't figure it out for themselves. function smf_codeBoxFix() { var codeFix = $('code'); $.each(codeFix, function(index, tag) { if (is_webkit && $(tag).height() < 20) $(tag).css({height: ($(tag).height + 20) + 'px'}); else if (is_ff && ($(tag)[0].scrollWidth > $(tag).innerWidth() || $(tag).innerWidth() == 0)) $(tag).css({overflow: 'scroll'}); // Holy conditional, Batman! else if ( 'currentStyle' in $(tag) && $(tag)[0].currentStyle.overflow == 'auto' && ($(tag).innerHeight() == '' || $(tag).innerHeight() == 'auto') && ($(tag)[0].scrollWidth > $(tag).innerWidth() || $(tag).innerWidth == 0) && ($(tag).outerHeight() != 0) ) $(tag).css({height: ($(tag).height + 24) + 'px'}); }); } // Add a fix for code stuff? if (is_ie || is_webkit || is_ff) addLoadEvent(smf_codeBoxFix); // Toggles the element height and width styles of an image. function smc_toggleImageDimensions() { var images = $('img.bbc_img'); $.each(images, function(key, img) { if ($(img).hasClass('resized')) { $(img).css({cursor: 'pointer'}); $(img).on('click', function() { var size = $(this)[0].style.width == 'auto' ? '' : 'auto'; $(this).css({width: size, height: size}); }); } }); } // Add a load event for the function above. addLoadEvent(smc_toggleImageDimensions); function smf_addButton(stripId, image, options) { $('#' + stripId + ' ul').append( '' + '' + '' + options.sText + '' + '' + '' ); }