// #1 latest member ID, #2 the real name for a new registration.
if (is_numeric($parameter1))
$changes['latestMember'] = $parameter1;
$changes['latestRealName'] = $parameter2;
updateSettings(array('totalMembers' => true), true);
// We need to calculate the totals.
// Update the latest activated member (highest id_member) and count.
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(id_member)
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE is_activated = {int:is_activated}',
'is_activated' => 1,
list ($changes['totalMembers'], $changes['latestMember']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
// Get the latest activated member's display name.
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT real_name
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE id_member = {int:id_member}
'id_member' => (int) $changes['latestMember'],
list ($changes['latestRealName']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
if (!empty($modSettings['registration_method']))
// Are we using registration approval?
if ($modSettings['registration_method'] == 2 || !empty($modSettings['approveAccountDeletion']))
// Update the amount of members awaiting approval
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE is_activated IN ({array_int:activation_status})',
'activation_status' => array(3, 4),
list ($changes['unapprovedMembers']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
// What about unapproved COPPA registrations?
if (!empty($modSettings['coppaType']) && $modSettings['coppaType'] != 1)
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE is_activated = {int:coppa_approval}',
'coppa_approval' => 5,
list ($coppa_approvals) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
// Add this to the number of unapproved members
if (!empty($changes['unapprovedMembers']))
$changes['unapprovedMembers'] += $coppa_approvals;
$changes['unapprovedMembers'] = $coppa_approvals;
case 'message':
if ($parameter1 === true && $parameter2 !== null)
updateSettings(array('totalMessages' => true, 'maxMsgID' => $parameter2), true);
// SUM and MAX on a smaller table is better for InnoDB tables.
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT SUM(num_posts + unapproved_posts) AS total_messages, MAX(id_last_msg) AS max_msg_id
FROM {db_prefix}boards
WHERE redirect = {string:blank_redirect}' . (!empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0 ? '
AND id_board != {int:recycle_board}' : ''),
'recycle_board' => isset($modSettings['recycle_board']) ? $modSettings['recycle_board'] : 0,
'blank_redirect' => '',
$row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result);
'totalMessages' => $row['total_messages'] === null ? 0 : $row['total_messages'],
'maxMsgID' => $row['max_msg_id'] === null ? 0 : $row['max_msg_id']
case 'subject':
// Remove the previous subject (if any).
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_search_subjects
WHERE id_topic = {int:id_topic}',
'id_topic' => (int) $parameter1,
// Insert the new subject.
if ($parameter2 !== null)
$parameter1 = (int) $parameter1;
$parameter2 = text2words($parameter2);
$inserts = array();
foreach ($parameter2 as $word)
$inserts[] = array($word, $parameter1);
if (!empty($inserts))
array('word' => 'string', 'id_topic' => 'int'),
array('word', 'id_topic')
case 'topic':
if ($parameter1 === true)
updateSettings(array('totalTopics' => true), true);
// Get the number of topics - a SUM is better for InnoDB tables.
// We also ignore the recycle bin here because there will probably be a bunch of one-post topics there.
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT SUM(num_topics + unapproved_topics) AS total_topics
FROM {db_prefix}boards' . (!empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0 ? '
WHERE id_board != {int:recycle_board}' : ''),
'recycle_board' => !empty($modSettings['recycle_board']) ? $modSettings['recycle_board'] : 0,
$row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result);
updateSettings(array('totalTopics' => $row['total_topics'] === null ? 0 : $row['total_topics']));
case 'postgroups':
// Parameter two is the updated columns: we should check to see if we base groups off any of these.
if ($parameter2 !== null && !in_array('posts', $parameter2))
$postgroups = cache_get_data('updateStats:postgroups', 360);
if ($postgroups == null || $parameter1 == null)
// Fetch the postgroups!
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, min_posts
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE min_posts != {int:min_posts}',
'min_posts' => -1,
$postgroups = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$postgroups[$row['id_group']] = $row['min_posts'];
// Sort them this way because if it's done with MySQL it causes a filesort :(.
cache_put_data('updateStats:postgroups', $postgroups, 360);
// Oh great, they've screwed their post groups.
if (empty($postgroups))
// Set all membergroups from most posts to least posts.
$conditions = '';
$lastMin = 0;
foreach ($postgroups as $id => $min_posts)
$conditions .= '
WHEN posts >= ' . $min_posts . (!empty($lastMin) ? ' AND posts <= ' . $lastMin : '') . ' THEN ' . $id;
$lastMin = $min_posts;
// A big fat CASE WHEN... END is faster than a zillion UPDATE's ;).
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}members
SET id_post_group = CASE ' . $conditions . '
END' . ($parameter1 != null ? '
WHERE ' . (is_array($parameter1) ? 'id_member IN ({array_int:members})' : 'id_member = {int:members}') : ''),
'members' => $parameter1,
trigger_error('updateStats(): Invalid statistic type \'' . $type . '\'', E_USER_NOTICE);
* Updates the columns in the members table.
* Assumes the data has been htmlspecialchar'd.
* this function should be used whenever member data needs to be
* updated in place of an UPDATE query.
* id_member is either an int or an array of ints to be updated.
* data is an associative array of the columns to be updated and their respective values.
* any string values updated should be quoted and slashed.
* the value of any column can be '+' or '-', which mean 'increment'
* and decrement, respectively.
* if the member's post number is updated, updates their post groups.
* @param mixed $members An array of integers
* @param array $data
function updateMemberData($members, $data)
global $modSettings, $user_info, $smcFunc;
$parameters = array();
if (is_array($members))
$condition = 'id_member IN ({array_int:members})';
$parameters['members'] = $members;
elseif ($members === null)
$condition = '1=1';
$condition = 'id_member = {int:member}';
$parameters['member'] = $members;
// Everything is assumed to be a string unless it's in the below.
$knownInts = array(
'date_registered', 'posts', 'id_group', 'last_login', 'instant_messages', 'unread_messages',
'new_pm', 'pm_prefs', 'gender', 'hide_email', 'show_online', 'pm_email_notify', 'pm_receive_from', 'karma_good', 'karma_bad',
'notify_announcements', 'notify_send_body', 'notify_regularity', 'notify_types', 'alerts',
'id_theme', 'is_activated', 'id_msg_last_visit', 'id_post_group', 'total_time_logged_in', 'warning',
$knownFloats = array(
if (!empty($modSettings['integrate_change_member_data']))
// Only a few member variables are really interesting for integration.
$integration_vars = array(
$vars_to_integrate = array_intersect($integration_vars, array_keys($data));
// Only proceed if there are any variables left to call the integration function.
if (count($vars_to_integrate) != 0)
// Fetch a list of member_names if necessary
if ((!is_array($members) && $members === $user_info['id']) || (is_array($members) && count($members) == 1 && in_array($user_info['id'], $members)))
$member_names = array($user_info['username']);
$member_names = array();
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT member_name
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE ' . $condition,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$member_names[] = $row['member_name'];
if (!empty($member_names))
foreach ($vars_to_integrate as $var)
call_integration_hook('integrate_change_member_data', array($member_names, $var, &$data[$var], &$knownInts, &$knownFloats));
$setString = '';
foreach ($data as $var => $val)
$type = 'string';
if (in_array($var, $knownInts))
$type = 'int';
elseif (in_array($var, $knownFloats))
$type = 'float';
elseif ($var == 'birthdate')
$type = 'date';
// Doing an increment?
if ($type == 'int' && ($val === '+' || $val === '-'))
$val = $var . ' ' . $val . ' 1';
$type = 'raw';
// Ensure posts, instant_messages, and unread_messages don't overflow or underflow.
if (in_array($var, array('posts', 'instant_messages', 'unread_messages')))
if (preg_match('~^' . $var . ' (\+ |- |\+ -)([\d]+)~', $val, $match))
if ($match[1] != '+ ')
$val = 'CASE WHEN ' . $var . ' <= ' . abs($match[2]) . ' THEN 0 ELSE ' . $val . ' END';
$type = 'raw';
$setString .= ' ' . $var . ' = {' . $type . ':p_' . $var . '},';
$parameters['p_' . $var] = $val;
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}members
SET' . substr($setString, 0, -1) . '
WHERE ' . $condition,
updateStats('postgroups', $members, array_keys($data));
// Clear any caching?
if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2 && !empty($members))
if (!is_array($members))
$members = array($members);
foreach ($members as $member)
if ($modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 3)
cache_put_data('member_data-profile-' . $member, null, 120);
cache_put_data('member_data-normal-' . $member, null, 120);
cache_put_data('member_data-minimal-' . $member, null, 120);
cache_put_data('user_settings-' . $member, null, 60);
* Updates the settings table as well as $modSettings... only does one at a time if $update is true.
* - updates both the settings table and $modSettings array.
* - all of changeArray's indexes and values are assumed to have escaped apostrophes (')!
* - if a variable is already set to what you want to change it to, that
* variable will be skipped over; it would be unnecessary to reset.
* - When use_update is true, UPDATEs will be used instead of REPLACE.
* - when use_update is true, the value can be true or false to increment
* or decrement it, respectively.
* @param array $changeArray
* @param bool $update = false
function updateSettings($changeArray, $update = false)
global $modSettings, $smcFunc;
if (empty($changeArray) || !is_array($changeArray))
// In some cases, this may be better and faster, but for large sets we don't want so many UPDATEs.
if ($update)
foreach ($changeArray as $variable => $value)
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}settings
SET value = {' . ($value === false || $value === true ? 'raw' : 'string') . ':value}
WHERE variable = {string:variable}',
'value' => $value === true ? 'value + 1' : ($value === false ? 'value - 1' : $value),
'variable' => $variable,
$modSettings[$variable] = $value === true ? $modSettings[$variable] + 1 : ($value === false ? $modSettings[$variable] - 1 : $value);
// Clean out the cache and make sure the cobwebs are gone too.
cache_put_data('modSettings', null, 90);
$replaceArray = array();
foreach ($changeArray as $variable => $value)
// Don't bother if it's already like that ;).
if (isset($modSettings[$variable]) && $modSettings[$variable] == $value)
// If the variable isn't set, but would only be set to nothing'ness, then don't bother setting it.
elseif (!isset($modSettings[$variable]) && empty($value))
$replaceArray[] = array($variable, $value);
$modSettings[$variable] = $value;
if (empty($replaceArray))
array('variable' => 'string-255', 'value' => 'string-65534'),
// Kill the cache - it needs redoing now, but we won't bother ourselves with that here.
cache_put_data('modSettings', null, 90);
* Constructs a page list.
* - builds the page list, e.g. 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 15.
* - flexible_start causes it to use "url.page" instead of "url;start=page".
* - handles any wireless settings (adding special things to URLs.)
* - very importantly, cleans up the start value passed, and forces it to
* be a multiple of num_per_page.
* - checks that start is not more than max_value.
* - base_url should be the URL without any start parameter on it.
* - uses the compactTopicPagesEnable and compactTopicPagesContiguous
* settings to decide how to display the menu.
* an example is available near the function definition.
* $pageindex = constructPageIndex($scripturl . '?board=' . $board, $_REQUEST['start'], $num_messages, $maxindex, true);
* @param string $base_url
* @param int $start
* @param int $max_value
* @param int $num_per_page
* @param bool $flexible_start = false
* @param bool $show_prevnext = true
function constructPageIndex($base_url, &$start, $max_value, $num_per_page, $flexible_start = false, $show_prevnext = true)
global $modSettings, $context, $txt, $smcFunc;
// Save whether $start was less than 0 or not.
$start = (int) $start;
$start_invalid = $start < 0;
// Make sure $start is a proper variable - not less than 0.
if ($start_invalid)
$start = 0;
// Not greater than the upper bound.
elseif ($start >= $max_value)
$start = max(0, (int) $max_value - (((int) $max_value % (int) $num_per_page) == 0 ? $num_per_page : ((int) $max_value % (int) $num_per_page)));
// And it has to be a multiple of $num_per_page!
$start = max(0, (int) $start - ((int) $start % (int) $num_per_page));
$context['current_page'] = $start / $num_per_page;
// Wireless will need the protocol on the URL somewhere.
$base_url .= ';' . WIRELESS_PROTOCOL;
$base_link = '%2$s ';
// Compact pages is off or on?
if (empty($modSettings['compactTopicPagesEnable']))
// Show the left arrow.
$pageindex = $start == 0 ? ' ' : sprintf($base_link, $start - $num_per_page, '' . $txt['prev'] . '');
// Show all the pages.
$display_page = 1;
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $max_value; $counter += $num_per_page)
$pageindex .= $start == $counter && !$start_invalid ? '' . $display_page++ . ' ' : sprintf($base_link, $counter, $display_page++);
// Show the right arrow.
$display_page = ($start + $num_per_page) > $max_value ? $max_value : ($start + $num_per_page);
if ($start != $counter - $max_value && !$start_invalid)
$pageindex .= $display_page > $counter - $num_per_page ? ' ' : sprintf($base_link, $display_page, '' . $txt['next'] . '');
// If they didn't enter an odd value, pretend they did.
$PageContiguous = (int) ($modSettings['compactTopicPagesContiguous'] - ($modSettings['compactTopicPagesContiguous'] % 2)) / 2;
// Show the "prev page" link. (>prev page< 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 15 next page)
if (!empty($start) && $show_prevnext)
$pageindex = sprintf($base_link, $start - $num_per_page, '' . $txt['prev'] . '');
$pageindex = '';
// Show the first page. (prev page >1< ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 15)
if ($start > $num_per_page * $PageContiguous)
$pageindex .= sprintf($base_link, 0, '1');
// Show the ... after the first page. (prev page 1 >...< 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 15 next page)
if ($start > $num_per_page * ($PageContiguous + 1))
$pageindex .= ' ... ';
// Show the pages before the current one. (prev page 1 ... >6 7< [8] 9 10 ... 15 next page)
for ($nCont = $PageContiguous; $nCont >= 1; $nCont--)
if ($start >= $num_per_page * $nCont)
$tmpStart = $start - $num_per_page * $nCont;
$pageindex.= sprintf($base_link, $tmpStart, $tmpStart / $num_per_page + 1);
// Show the current page. (prev page 1 ... 6 7 >[8]< 9 10 ... 15 next page)
if (!$start_invalid)
$pageindex .= '' . ($start / $num_per_page + 1) . '';
$pageindex .= sprintf($base_link, $start, $start / $num_per_page + 1);
// Show the pages after the current one... (prev page 1 ... 6 7 [8] >9 10< ... 15 next page)
$tmpMaxPages = (int) (($max_value - 1) / $num_per_page) * $num_per_page;
for ($nCont = 1; $nCont <= $PageContiguous; $nCont++)
if ($start + $num_per_page * $nCont <= $tmpMaxPages)
$tmpStart = $start + $num_per_page * $nCont;
$pageindex .= sprintf($base_link, $tmpStart, $tmpStart / $num_per_page + 1);
// Show the '...' part near the end. (prev page 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 >...< 15 next page)
if ($start + $num_per_page * ($PageContiguous + 1) < $tmpMaxPages)
$pageindex .= ' ... ';
// Show the last number in the list. (prev page 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... >15< next page)
if ($start + $num_per_page * $PageContiguous < $tmpMaxPages)
$pageindex .= sprintf($base_link, $tmpMaxPages, $tmpMaxPages / $num_per_page + 1);
// Show the "next page" link. (prev page 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 15 >next page<)
if ($start != $tmpMaxPages && $show_prevnext)
$pageindex .= sprintf($base_link, $start + $num_per_page, '' . $txt['next'] . '');
return $pageindex;
* - Formats a number.
* - uses the format of number_format to decide how to format the number.
* for example, it might display "1 234,50".
* - caches the formatting data from the setting for optimization.
* @param float $number
* @param bool $override_decimal_count = false
function comma_format($number, $override_decimal_count = false)
global $txt;
static $thousands_separator = null, $decimal_separator = null, $decimal_count = null;
// Cache these values...
if ($decimal_separator === null)
// Not set for whatever reason?
if (empty($txt['number_format']) || preg_match('~^1([^\d]*)?234([^\d]*)(0*?)$~', $txt['number_format'], $matches) != 1)
return $number;
// Cache these each load...
$thousands_separator = $matches[1];
$decimal_separator = $matches[2];
$decimal_count = strlen($matches[3]);
// Format the string with our friend, number_format.
return number_format($number, (float) $number === $number ? ($override_decimal_count === false ? $decimal_count : $override_decimal_count) : 0, $decimal_separator, $thousands_separator);
* Format a time to make it look purdy.
* - returns a pretty formated version of time based on the user's format in $user_info['time_format'].
* - applies all necessary time offsets to the timestamp, unless offset_type is set.
* - if todayMod is set and show_today was not not specified or true, an
* alternate format string is used to show the date with something to show it is "today" or "yesterday".
* - performs localization (more than just strftime would do alone.)
* @param int $log_time
* @param bool $show_today = true
* @param string $offset_type = false
function timeformat($log_time, $show_today = true, $offset_type = false)
global $context, $user_info, $txt, $modSettings;
static $non_twelve_hour;
// Offset the time.
if (!$offset_type)
$time = $log_time + ($user_info['time_offset'] + $modSettings['time_offset']) * 3600;
// Just the forum offset?
elseif ($offset_type == 'forum')
$time = $log_time + $modSettings['time_offset'] * 3600;
$time = $log_time;
// We can't have a negative date (on Windows, at least.)
if ($log_time < 0)
$log_time = 0;
// Today and Yesterday?
if ($modSettings['todayMod'] >= 1 && $show_today === true)
// Get the current time.
$nowtime = forum_time();
$then = @getdate($time);
$now = @getdate($nowtime);
// Try to make something of a time format string...
$s = strpos($user_info['time_format'], '%S') === false ? '' : ':%S';
if (strpos($user_info['time_format'], '%H') === false && strpos($user_info['time_format'], '%T') === false)
$h = strpos($user_info['time_format'], '%l') === false ? '%I' : '%l';
$today_fmt = $h . ':%M' . $s . ' %p';
$today_fmt = '%H:%M' . $s;
// Same day of the year, same year.... Today!
if ($then['yday'] == $now['yday'] && $then['year'] == $now['year'])
return $txt['today'] . timeformat($log_time, $today_fmt, $offset_type);
// Day-of-year is one less and same year, or it's the first of the year and that's the last of the year...
if ($modSettings['todayMod'] == '2' && (($then['yday'] == $now['yday'] - 1 && $then['year'] == $now['year']) || ($now['yday'] == 0 && $then['year'] == $now['year'] - 1) && $then['mon'] == 12 && $then['mday'] == 31))
return $txt['yesterday'] . timeformat($log_time, $today_fmt, $offset_type);
$str = !is_bool($show_today) ? $show_today : $user_info['time_format'];
if (setlocale(LC_TIME, $txt['lang_locale']))
if (!isset($non_twelve_hour))
$non_twelve_hour = trim(strftime('%p')) === '';
if ($non_twelve_hour && strpos($str, '%p') !== false)
$str = str_replace('%p', (strftime('%H', $time) < 12 ? $txt['time_am'] : $txt['time_pm']), $str);
foreach (array('%a', '%A', '%b', '%B') as $token)
if (strpos($str, $token) !== false)
$str = str_replace($token, strftime($token, $time), $str);
// Do-it-yourself time localization. Fun.
foreach (array('%a' => 'days_short', '%A' => 'days', '%b' => 'months_short', '%B' => 'months') as $token => $text_label)
if (strpos($str, $token) !== false)
$str = str_replace($token, $txt[$text_label][(int) strftime($token === '%a' || $token === '%A' ? '%w' : '%m', $time)], $str);
if (strpos($str, '%p') !== false)
$str = str_replace('%p', (strftime('%H', $time) < 12 ? $txt['time_am'] : $txt['time_pm']), $str);
// Windows doesn't support %e; on some versions, strftime fails altogether if used, so let's prevent that.
if ($context['server']['is_windows'] && strpos($str, '%e') !== false)
$str = str_replace('%e', ltrim(strftime('%d', $time), '0'), $str);
// Format any other characters..
return strftime($str, $time);
* Removes special entities from strings. Compatibility...
* Should be used instead of html_entity_decode for PHP version compatibility reasons.
* - removes the base entities (<, ", etc.) from text.
* - additionally converts and '.
* @param string $string
* @return the string without entities
function un_htmlspecialchars($string)
static $translation = array();
if (empty($translation))
$translation = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, ENT_QUOTES)) + array(''' => '\'', ' ' => ' ');
return strtr($string, $translation);
* Shorten a subject + internationalization concerns.
* - shortens a subject so that it is either shorter than length, or that length plus an ellipsis.
* - respects internationalization characters and entities as one character.
* - avoids trailing entities.
* - returns the shortened string.
* @param string $subject
* @param int $len
function shorten_subject($subject, $len)
global $smcFunc;
// It was already short enough!
if ($smcFunc['strlen']($subject) <= $len)
return $subject;
// Shorten it by the length it was too long, and strip off junk from the end.
return $smcFunc['substr']($subject, 0, $len) . '...';
* Gets the current time with offset.
* - always applies the offset in the time_offset setting.
* @param bool $use_user_offset = true if use_user_offset is true, applies the user's offset as well
* @param int $timestamp = null
* @return int seconds since the unix epoch
function forum_time($use_user_offset = true, $timestamp = null)
global $user_info, $modSettings;
if ($timestamp === null)
$timestamp = time();
elseif ($timestamp == 0)
return 0;
return $timestamp + ($modSettings['time_offset'] + ($use_user_offset ? $user_info['time_offset'] : 0)) * 3600;
* Calculates all the possible permutations (orders) of array.
* should not be called on huge arrays (bigger than like 10 elements.)
* returns an array containing each permutation.
* @param array $array
* @return array
function permute($array)
$orders = array($array);
$n = count($array);
$p = range(0, $n);
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; null)
$j = $i % 2 != 0 ? $p[$i] : 0;
$temp = $array[$i];
$array[$i] = $array[$j];
$array[$j] = $temp;
for ($i = 1; $p[$i] == 0; $i++)
$p[$i] = 1;
$orders[] = $array;
return $orders;
* Parse bulletin board code in a string, as well as smileys optionally.
* - only parses bbc tags which are not disabled in disabledBBC.
* - handles basic HTML, if enablePostHTML is on.
* - caches the from/to replace regular expressions so as not to reload them every time a string is parsed.
* - only parses smileys if smileys is true.
* - does nothing if the enableBBC setting is off.
* - uses the cache_id as a unique identifier to facilitate any caching it may do.
* -returns the modified message.
* @param string $message
* @param bool $smileys = true
* @param string $cache_id = ''
* @param array $parse_tags = null
* @return string
function parse_bbc($message, $smileys = true, $cache_id = '', $parse_tags = array())
global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $user_info;
static $bbc_codes = array(), $itemcodes = array(), $no_autolink_tags = array();
static $disabled;
// Don't waste cycles
if ($message === '')
return '';
// Just in case it wasn't determined yet whether UTF-8 is enabled.
if (!isset($context['utf8']))
$context['utf8'] = (empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) ? $txt['lang_character_set'] : $modSettings['global_character_set']) === 'UTF-8';
// Clean up any cut/paste issues we may have
$message = sanitizeMSCutPaste($message);
// If the load average is too high, don't parse the BBC.
if (!empty($context['load_average']) && !empty($modSettings['bbc']) && $context['load_average'] >= $modSettings['bbc'])
$context['disabled_parse_bbc'] = true;
return $message;
// Never show smileys for wireless clients. More bytes, can't see it anyway :P.
$smileys = false;
elseif ($smileys !== null && ($smileys == '1' || $smileys == '0'))
$smileys = (bool) $smileys;
if (empty($modSettings['enableBBC']) && $message !== false)
if ($smileys === true)
return $message;
// If we are not doing every tag then we don't cache this run.
if (!empty($parse_tags) && !empty($bbc_codes))
$temp_bbc = $bbc_codes;
$bbc_codes = array();
// Allow mods access before entering the main parse_bbc loop
call_integration_hook('integrate_pre_parsebbc', array(&$message, &$smileys, &$cache_id, &$parse_tags));
// Sift out the bbc for a performance improvement.
if (empty($bbc_codes) || $message === false || !empty($parse_tags))
if (!empty($modSettings['disabledBBC']))
$temp = explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['disabledBBC']));
foreach ($temp as $tag)
$disabled[trim($tag)] = true;
if (empty($modSettings['enableEmbeddedFlash']))
$disabled['flash'] = true;
/* The following bbc are formatted as an array, with keys as follows:
tag: the tag's name - should be lowercase!
type: one of...
- (missing): [tag]parsed content[/tag]
- unparsed_equals: [tag=xyz]parsed content[/tag]
- parsed_equals: [tag=parsed data]parsed content[/tag]
- unparsed_content: [tag]unparsed content[/tag]
- closed: [tag], [tag/], [tag /]
- unparsed_commas: [tag=1,2,3]parsed content[/tag]
- unparsed_commas_content: [tag=1,2,3]unparsed content[/tag]
- unparsed_equals_content: [tag=...]unparsed content[/tag]
parameters: an optional array of parameters, for the form
[tag abc=123]content[/tag]. The array is an associative array
where the keys are the parameter names, and the values are an
array which may contain the following:
- match: a regular expression to validate and match the value.
- quoted: true if the value should be quoted.
- validate: callback to evaluate on the data, which is $data.
- value: a string in which to replace $1 with the data.
either it or validate may be used, not both.
- optional: true if the parameter is optional.
test: a regular expression to test immediately after the tag's
'=', ' ' or ']'. Typically, should have a \] at the end.
content: only available for unparsed_content, closed,
unparsed_commas_content, and unparsed_equals_content.
$1 is replaced with the content of the tag. Parameters
are replaced in the form {param}. For unparsed_commas_content,
$2, $3, ..., $n are replaced.
before: only when content is not used, to go before any
content. For unparsed_equals, $1 is replaced with the value.
For unparsed_commas, $1, $2, ..., $n are replaced.
after: similar to before in every way, except that it is used
when the tag is closed.
disabled_content: used in place of content when the tag is
disabled. For closed, default is '', otherwise it is '$1' if
block_level is false, '
' elsewise.
disabled_before: used in place of before when disabled. Defaults
to '
' if block_level, '' if not.
disabled_after: used in place of after when disabled. Defaults
to '
' if block_level, '' if not.
block_level: set to true the tag is a "block level" tag, similar
to HTML. Block level tags cannot be nested inside tags that are
not block level, and will not be implicitly closed as easily.
One break following a block level tag may also be removed.
trim: if set, and 'inside' whitespace after the begin tag will be
removed. If set to 'outside', whitespace after the end tag will
meet the same fate.
validate: except when type is missing or 'closed', a callback to
validate the data as $data. Depending on the tag's type, $data
may be a string or an array of strings (corresponding to the
quoted: when type is 'unparsed_equals' or 'parsed_equals' only,
may be not set, 'optional', or 'required' corresponding to if
the content may be quoted. This allows the parser to read
[tag="abc]def[esdf]"] properly.
require_parents: an array of tag names, or not set. If set, the
enclosing tag *must* be one of the listed tags, or parsing won't
require_children: similar to require_parents, if set children
won't be parsed if they are not in the list.
disallow_children: similar to, but very different from,
require_children, if it is set the listed tags will not be
parsed inside the tag.
parsed_tags_allowed: an array restricting what BBC can be in the
parsed_equals parameter, if desired.
$codes = array(
'tag' => 'abbr',
'type' => 'unparsed_equals',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'quoted' => 'optional',
'disabled_after' => ' ($1)',
'tag' => 'acronym',
'type' => 'unparsed_equals',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'quoted' => 'optional',
'disabled_after' => ' ($1)',
'tag' => 'anchor',
'type' => 'unparsed_equals',
'test' => '[#]?([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\-]*)\]',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'tag' => 'b',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'tag' => 'bdo',
'type' => 'unparsed_equals',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'test' => '(rtl|ltr)\]',
'block_level' => true,
'tag' => 'black',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'tag' => 'blue',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'tag' => 'br',
'type' => 'closed',
'content' => ' ',
'tag' => 'center',
'before' => '