/* * SMFtooltip, Basic JQuery function to provide styled tooltips * * - will use the hoverintent plugin if available * - shows the tooltip in a div with the class defined in tooltipClass * - moves all selector titles to a hidden div and removes the title attribute to * prevent any default browser actions * - attempts to keep the tooltip on screen * * Simple Machines Forum (SMF) * * @package SMF * @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org * @copyright 2011 Simple Machines * @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD * * @version 2.1 Alpha 1 * */ (function($) { $.fn.SMFtooltip = function(oInstanceSettings) { $.fn.SMFtooltip.oDefaultsSettings = { followMouse: 1, hoverIntent: {sensitivity: 10, interval: 300, timeout: 50}, positionTop: 12, positionLeft: 12, tooltipID: 'smf_tooltip', tooltipClass: 'tooltip', tooltipTextID: 'smf_tooltipText' }; // account for any user options var oSettings = $.extend({}, $.fn.SMFtooltip.oDefaultsSettings , oInstanceSettings || {}); // move passed selector titles to a hidden span, then remove the selector title to prevent any default browser actions $(this).each(function() { var sTitle = $('' + this.title + '').hide(); $(this).append(sTitle).attr('title', ''); }); // determine where we are going to place the tooltip, while trying to keep it on screen var positionTooltip = function(event) { var iPosx = 0; var iPosy = 0; if (!event) var event = window.event; if (event.pageX || event.pageY) { iPosx = event.pageX; iPosy = event.pageY; } else if (event.clientX || event.clientY) { iPosx = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; iPosy = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } // Position of the tooltip top left corner and its size var oPosition = { x: iPosx + oSettings.positionLeft, y: iPosy + oSettings.positionTop, w: $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID).width(), h: $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID).height() } // Display limits and window scroll postion var oLimits = { x: $(window).scrollLeft(), y: $(window).scrollTop(), w: $(window).width() - 24, h: $(window).height() - 24 }; // don't go off screen with our tooltop if ((oPosition.y + oPosition.h > oLimits.y + oLimits.h) && (oPosition.x + oPosition.w > oLimits.x + oLimits.w)) { oPosition.x = (oPosition.x - oPosition.w) - 45; oPosition.y = (oPosition.y - oPosition.h) - 45; } else if ((oPosition.x + oPosition.w) > (oLimits.x + oLimits.w)) { oPosition.x = oPosition.x - (((oPosition.x + oPosition.w) - (oLimits.x + oLimits.w)) + 24); } else if (oPosition.y + oPosition.h > oLimits.y + oLimits.h) { oPosition.y = oPosition.y - (((oPosition.y + oPosition.h) - (oLimits.y + oLimits.h)) + 24); } // finally set the position we determined $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID).css({'left': oPosition.x + 'px', 'top': oPosition.y + 'px'}); } // used to show a tooltip var showTooltip = function(){ $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID + ' #' + oSettings.tooltipTextID).show(); } // used to hide a tooltip var hideTooltip = function(valueOfThis){ $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID).fadeOut('slow').trigger("unload").remove(); } // for all of the elements that match the selector on the page, lets set up some actions return this.each(function(index) { // if we find hoverIntent use it if ($.fn.hoverIntent) { $(this).hoverIntent({ sensitivity: oSettings.hoverIntent.sensitivity, interval: oSettings.hoverIntent.interval, over: smf_tooltip_on, timeout: oSettings.hoverIntent.timeout, out: smf_tooltip_off }); } else { // plain old hover it is $(this).hover(smf_tooltip_on, smf_tooltip_off); } // create the on tip action function smf_tooltip_on(event) { // Grab the text from the hidden span element we created on page load if ($(this).children('.' + oSettings.tooltipClass).text()) { // create a ID'ed div with our style class that holds the tooltip info, hidden for now $('body').append('
'); // load information in to our newly created div var $tt = $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID); var $ttContent = $('#' + oSettings.tooltipID + ' #' + oSettings.tooltipTextID); // set the text in the div $ttContent.text($(this).children('.' + oSettings.tooltipClass).text()); $tt.show(); // show then position or it may postion off screen showTooltip(); positionTooltip(event); } return false; }; // create the Bye bye tip function smf_tooltip_off(event) { hideTooltip(this); return false; }; // create the tip move with the cursor if (oSettings.followMouse) { $(this).bind("mousemove", function(event){ positionTooltip(event); return false; }); } }); }; })(jQuery); /** * hoverIntent is similar to jQuery's built-in "hover" function except that * instead of firing the onMouseOver event immediately, hoverIntent checks * to see if the user's mouse has slowed down (beneath the sensitivity * threshold) before firing the onMouseOver event. * * hoverIntent r6 // 2011.02.26 // jQuery 1.5.1+ * * * hoverIntent is currently available for use in all personal or commercial * projects under both MIT and GPL licenses. This means that you can choose * the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly. * * // basic usage (just like .hover) receives onMouseOver and onMouseOut functions * $("ul li").hoverIntent( showNav , hideNav ); * * // advanced usage receives configuration object only * $("ul li").hoverIntent({ * sensitivity: 7, // number = sensitivity threshold (must be 1 or higher) * interval: 100, // number = milliseconds of polling interval * over: showNav, // function = onMouseOver callback (required) * timeout: 0, // number = milliseconds delay before onMouseOut function call * out: hideNav // function = onMouseOut callback (required) * }); * * @param f onMouseOver function || An object with configuration options * @param g onMouseOut function || Nothing (use configuration options object) * @author Brian Cherne brian(at)cherne(dot)net */ /* * PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE PLAYING AROUND WITH ANYTHING. KTHNX. * SMF Dev copy - Antechinus - 20th October 2011. * Code has been tweaked to give responsive menus without compromising a11y. * If contemplating changes, testing for full functionality is essential or a11y will be degraded. * Since a11y is the whole point of this system, degradation is not at all desirable regardless of personal preferences. * If you do not understand the a11y advantages of this system, please ask before making changes. * * Full functionality means: * 1/ hoverIntent plugin functions so that drop menus do NOT open or close instantly when cursor touches first level anchor. * 2/ The drop menus should only open when the cursor actually stops on the first level anchor, or is moving very slowly. * 3/ There should be a delay before the drop menus close on mouseout, for people with less than perfect tracking ability. * 4/ Settings for custom tooltips will be done separately in another file. */ (function($) { $.fn.hoverIntent = function(f,g) { // default configuration options var cfg = { sensitivity: 7, interval: 100, timeout: 0 }; // override configuration options with user supplied object cfg = $.extend(cfg, g ? { over: f, out: g } : f ); // instantiate variables // cX, cY = current X and Y position of mouse, updated by mousemove event // pX, pY = previous X and Y position of mouse, set by mouseover and polling interval var cX, cY, pX, pY; // A private function for getting mouse position var track = function(ev) { cX = ev.pageX; cY = ev.pageY; }; // A private function for comparing current and previous mouse position var compare = function(ev,ob) { ob.hoverIntent_t = clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t); // compare mouse positions to see if they've crossed the threshold if ( ( Math.abs(pX-cX) + Math.abs(pY-cY) ) < cfg.sensitivity ) { $(ob).unbind("mousemove",track); // set hoverIntent state to true (so mouseOut can be called) ob.hoverIntent_s = 1; return cfg.over.apply(ob,[ev]); } else { // set previous coordinates for next time pX = cX; pY = cY; // use self-calling timeout, guarantees intervals are spaced out properly (avoids JavaScript timer bugs) ob.hoverIntent_t = setTimeout( function(){compare(ev, ob);} , cfg.interval ); } }; // A private function for delaying the mouseOut function var delay = function(ev,ob) { ob.hoverIntent_t = clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t); ob.hoverIntent_s = 0; return cfg.out.apply(ob,[ev]); }; // A private function for handling mouse 'hovering' var handleHover = function(e) { // next three lines copied from jQuery.hover, ignore children onMouseOver/onMouseOut var p = (e.type == "mouseenter" ? e.fromElement : e.toElement) || e.relatedTarget; while ( p && p != this ) { try { p = p.parentNode; } catch(e) { p = this; } } if ( p == this ) { return false; } // copy objects to be passed into t (required for event object to be passed in IE) var ev = jQuery.extend({},e); var ob = this; // cancel hoverIntent timer if it exists if (ob.hoverIntent_t) { ob.hoverIntent_t = clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t); } // if e.type == "mouseenter" if (e.type == "mouseenter") { // set "previous" X and Y position based on initial entry point pX = ev.pageX; pY = ev.pageY; // update "current" X and Y position based on mousemove $(ob).bind("mousemove",track); // start polling interval (self-calling timeout) to compare mouse coordinates over time if (ob.hoverIntent_s != 1) { ob.hoverIntent_t = setTimeout( function(){compare(ev,ob);} , cfg.interval );} // else e.type == "mouseleave" } else { // unbind expensive mousemove event $(ob).unbind("mousemove",track); // if hoverIntent state is true, then call the mouseOut function after the specified delay if (ob.hoverIntent_s == 1) { ob.hoverIntent_t = setTimeout( function(){delay(ev,ob);} , cfg.timeout );} } }; // bind the function to the two event listeners return this.bind('mouseenter',handleHover).bind('mouseleave',handleHover); }; })(jQuery); /* * Superfish v1.4.8 - jQuery menu widget * Copyright (c) 2008 Joel Birch * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * CHANGELOG: http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/changelog.txt */ /* * PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE PLAYING AROUND WITH ANYTHING. KTHNX. * Dev copy. Antechinus - 20th October 2011. * Code has been tweaked to remove stuff we do not need (IE7 fix, etc). * Remaining code appears to be essential for full functionality. * If contemplating changes, testing for full functionality is essential or a11y will be degraded. * Since a11y is the whole point of this system, degradation is not at all desirable regardless of personal preferences. * If you do not understand the a11y advantages of this system, please ask before making changes. * * Full functionality means: * 1/ hoverIntent plugin functions so that drop menus do NOT open or close instantly when cursor touches first level anchor. * 2/ The drop menus should only open when the cursor actually stops on the first level anchor, or is moving very slowly. * 3/ There should be a delay before the drop menus close on mouseout, for people with less than perfect tracking ability. * 4/ The drop menus must remain fully accessible via keyboard navigation (eg: the Tab key). */ ;(function($){ $.fn.superfish = function(op){ var sf = $.fn.superfish, c = sf.c, over = function(){ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$); clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer); $$.showSuperfishUl().siblings().hideSuperfishUl(); }, out = function(){ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$), o = sf.op; clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer); menu.sfTimer=setTimeout(function(){ o.retainPath=($.inArray($$[0],o.$path)>-1); $$.hideSuperfishUl(); if (o.$path.length && $$.parents(['li.',o.hoverClass].join('')).length<1){over.call(o.$path);} },o.delay); }, getMenu = function($menu){ var menu = $menu.parents(['ul.',c.menuClass,':first'].join(''))[0]; sf.op = sf.o[menu.serial]; return menu; }, // This next line is essential, despite the other code for arrows being removed. // Changing the next line WILL break hoverIntent functionality. Very bad. addArrow = function($a){$a.addClass(c.anchorClass)}; return this.each(function() { var s = this.serial = sf.o.length; var o = $.extend({},sf.defaults,op); var h = $.extend({},sf.hoverdefaults,{over: over, out: out},op); o.$path = $('li.'+o.pathClass,this).slice(0,o.pathLevels).each(function(){ $(this).addClass([o.hoverClass,c.bcClass].join(' ')) .filter('li:has(ul)').removeClass(o.pathClass); }); sf.o[s] = sf.op = o; $('li:has(ul)',this)[($.fn.hoverIntent && !o.disableHI) ? 'hoverIntent' : 'hover'](($.fn.hoverIntent && !o.disableHI) ? (h) : (over,out)).each(function() {}) .not('.'+c.bcClass) .hideSuperfishUl(); var $a = $('a',this); $a.each(function(i){ var $li = $a.eq(i).parents('li'); $a.eq(i).focus(function(){over.call($li);}).blur(function(){out.call($li);}); }); o.onInit.call(this); }).each(function() { var menuClasses = [c.menuClass]; $(this).addClass(menuClasses.join(' ')); }); }; var sf = $.fn.superfish; sf.o = []; sf.op = {}; sf.c = { bcClass : 'sf-breadcrumb', menuClass : 'sf-js-enabled', anchorClass : 'sf-with-ul', }; sf.defaults = { hoverClass : 'sfhover', pathClass : 'current', pathLevels : 1, delay : 700, animation : {opacity:'show', height:'show'}, speed : 300, disableHI : false, // Leave as false. True disables hoverIntent detection (not good). onInit : function(){}, // callback functions onBeforeShow: function(){}, onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){} }; sf.hoverdefaults = { sensitivity : 10, interval : 40, timeout : 1 }; $.fn.extend({ hideSuperfishUl : function(){ var o = sf.op, not = (o.retainPath===true) ? o.$path : ''; o.retainPath = false; var $ul = $(['li.',o.hoverClass].join(''),this).add(this).not(not).removeClass(o.hoverClass) .find('>ul').hide().css('opacity','0'); o.onHide.call($ul); return this; }, showSuperfishUl : function(){ var o = sf.op, sh = sf.c, $ul = this.addClass(o.hoverClass) .find('>ul:hidden').css('opacity','1'); o.onBeforeShow.call($ul); $ul.animate(o.animation,o.speed,function(){o.onShow.call($ul);}); return this; } }); })(jQuery);