ManageMail.english.php 1.8 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // Version: 2.1; ManageMail
  3. $txt['mailqueue_desc'] = 'From this page you can configure your mail settings, as well as viewing and administrating the current mail queue if it is enabled.';
  4. $txt['mail_type'] = 'Mail type';
  5. $txt['mail_type_default'] = '(PHP default)';
  6. $txt['smtp_host'] = 'SMTP server';
  7. $txt['smtp_port'] = 'SMTP port';
  8. $txt['smtp_username'] = 'SMTP username';
  9. $txt['smtp_password'] = 'SMTP password';
  10. $txt['mail_queue'] = 'Enable Mail Queue';
  11. $txt['mail_limit'] = 'Maximum emails to send per minute';
  12. $txt['mail_limit_desc'] = '(Set to 0 to disable)';
  13. $txt['mail_quantity'] = 'Maximum amount of emails to send per page load';
  14. $txt['mailqueue_stats'] = 'Mail Queue Statistics';
  15. $txt['mailqueue_oldest'] = 'Oldest Mail';
  16. $txt['mailqueue_oldest_not_available'] = 'N/A';
  17. $txt['mailqueue_size'] = 'Queue Length';
  18. $txt['mailqueue_age'] = 'Age';
  19. $txt['mailqueue_priority'] = 'Priority';
  20. $txt['mailqueue_recipient'] = 'Recipient';
  21. $txt['mailqueue_subject'] = 'Subject';
  22. $txt['mailqueue_clear_list'] = 'Send Mail Queue Now';
  23. $txt['mailqueue_no_items'] = 'The mail queue is currently empty';
  24. // Do not use numeric entities in below string.
  25. $txt['mailqueue_clear_list_warning'] = 'Are you sure you wish to send the whole mail queue now? This will override any limits you have set.';
  26. $txt['mq_day'] = '%1.1f Day';
  27. $txt['mq_days'] = '%1.1f Days';
  28. $txt['mq_hour'] = '%1.1f Hour';
  29. $txt['mq_hours'] = '%1.1f Hours';
  30. $txt['mq_minute'] = '%1$d Minute';
  31. $txt['mq_minutes'] = '%1$d Minutes';
  32. $txt['mq_second'] = '%1$d Second';
  33. $txt['mq_seconds'] = '%1$d Seconds';
  34. $txt['mq_mpriority_5'] = 'Very Low';
  35. $txt['mq_mpriority_4'] = 'Low';
  36. $txt['mq_mpriority_3'] = 'Normal';
  37. $txt['mq_mpriority_2'] = 'High';
  38. $txt['mq_mpriority_1'] = 'Very High';
  39. $txt['birthday_email'] = 'Birthday Message to use';
  40. $txt['birthday_body'] = 'Email Body';
  41. $txt['birthday_subject'] = 'Email Subject';
  42. ?>