PersonalMessage.english.php 8.8 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // Version: 2.1; PersonalMessage
  3. global $context;
  4. $txt['pm_inbox'] = 'Personal Messages Index';
  5. $txt['send_message'] = 'Send message';
  6. $txt['pm_add'] = 'Add';
  7. $txt['make_bcc'] = 'Add BCC';
  8. $txt['pm_to'] = 'To';
  9. $txt['pm_bcc'] = 'Bcc';
  10. $txt['inbox'] = 'Inbox';
  11. $txt['conversation'] = 'Conversation';
  12. $txt['messages'] = 'Messages';
  13. $txt['sent_items'] = 'Sent Items';
  14. $txt['new_message'] = 'New Message';
  15. $txt['delete_message'] = 'Delete Messages';
  16. // Don't translate "PMBOX" in this string.
  17. $txt['delete_all'] = 'Delete all messages in your PMBOX';
  18. $txt['delete_all_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all messages?';
  19. $txt['recipient'] = 'Recipient';
  20. $txt['delete_selected_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all selected personal messages?';
  21. $txt['sent_to'] = 'Sent to';
  22. $txt['reply_to_all'] = 'Reply to All';
  23. $txt['delete_conversation'] = 'Delete Conversation';
  24. $txt['pm_capacity'] = 'Capacity';
  25. $txt['pm_currently_using'] = '%1$s messages, %2$s%% full.';
  26. $txt['pm_sent'] = 'Your message has been sent successfully.';
  27. $txt['pm_error_user_not_found'] = 'Unable to find member \'%1$s\'.';
  28. $txt['pm_error_ignored_by_user'] = 'User \'%1$s\' has blocked your personal message.';
  29. $txt['pm_error_data_limit_reached'] = 'PM could not be sent to \'%1$s\' as their inbox is full!';
  30. $txt['pm_error_user_cannot_read'] = 'User \'%1$s\' can not receive personal messages.';
  31. $txt['pm_successfully_sent'] = 'PM successfully sent to \'%1$s\'.';
  32. $txt['pm_send_report'] = 'Send report';
  33. $txt['pm_save_outbox'] = 'Save a copy in my outbox';
  34. $txt['pm_undisclosed_recipients'] = 'Undisclosed recipients';
  35. $txt['pm_too_many_recipients'] = 'You may not send personal messages to more than %1$d recipient(s) at once.';
  36. $txt['pm_read'] = 'Read';
  37. $txt['pm_replied'] = 'Replied To';
  38. // Message Pruning.
  39. $txt['pm_prune'] = 'Prune Messages';
  40. $txt['pm_prune_desc1'] = 'Delete all personal messages older than';
  41. $txt['pm_prune_desc2'] = 'days.';
  42. $txt['pm_prune_warning'] = 'Are you sure you wish to prune your personal messages?';
  43. // Actions Drop Down.
  44. $txt['pm_actions_title'] = 'Further Actions';
  45. $txt['pm_actions_delete_selected'] = 'Delete Selected';
  46. $txt['pm_actions_filter_by_label'] = 'Filter By Label';
  47. $txt['pm_actions_go'] = 'Go';
  48. // Manage Labels Screen.
  49. $txt['pm_apply'] = 'Apply';
  50. $txt['pm_manage_labels'] = 'Manage Labels';
  51. $txt['pm_labels_delete'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected labels?';
  52. $txt['pm_labels_desc'] = 'From here you can add, edit and delete the labels used in your personal message center.';
  53. $txt['pm_label_add_new'] = 'Add New Label';
  54. $txt['pm_label_name'] = 'Label Name';
  55. $txt['pm_labels_no_exist'] = 'You currently have no labels setup!';
  56. // Labeling Drop Down.
  57. $txt['pm_current_label'] = 'Label';
  58. $txt['pm_msg_label_title'] = 'Label Message';
  59. $txt['pm_msg_label_apply'] = 'Add Label';
  60. $txt['pm_msg_label_remove'] = 'Remove Label';
  61. $txt['pm_msg_label_inbox'] = 'Inbox';
  62. $txt['pm_sel_label_title'] = 'Label Selected';
  63. // Sidebar Headings.
  64. $txt['pm_labels'] = 'Labels';
  65. $txt['pm_messages'] = 'Messages';
  66. $txt['pm_actions'] = 'Actions';
  67. $txt['pm_preferences'] = 'Preferences';
  68. $txt['pm_is_replied_to'] = 'You have forwarded or responded to this message.';
  69. // Reporting messages.
  70. $txt['pm_report_to_admin'] = 'Report To Admin';
  71. $txt['pm_report_title'] = 'Report Personal Message';
  72. $txt['pm_report_desc'] = 'From this page you can report the personal message you received to the admin team of the forum. Please be sure to include a description of why you are reporting the message, as this will be sent along with the contents of the original message.';
  73. $txt['pm_report_admins'] = 'Administrator to send report to';
  74. $txt['pm_report_all_admins'] = 'Send to all forum administrators';
  75. $txt['pm_report_reason'] = 'Reason why you are reporting this message';
  76. $txt['pm_report_message'] = 'Report Message';
  77. // Important - The following strings should use numeric entities.
  78. $txt['pm_report_pm_subject'] = '[REPORT] ';
  79. // In the below string, do not translate "{REPORTER}" or "{SENDER}".
  80. $txt['pm_report_pm_user_sent'] = '{REPORTER} has reported the below personal message, sent by {SENDER}, for the following reason:';
  81. $txt['pm_report_pm_other_recipients'] = 'Other recipients of the message include:';
  82. $txt['pm_report_pm_hidden'] = '%1$d hidden recipient(s)';
  83. $txt['pm_report_pm_unedited_below'] = 'Below are the original contents of the personal message which was reported:';
  84. $txt['pm_report_pm_sent'] = 'Sent:';
  85. $txt['pm_report_done'] = 'Thank you for submitting this report. You should hear back from the admin team shortly.';
  86. $txt['pm_report_return'] = 'Return to the inbox';
  87. $txt['pm_search_title'] = 'Search Personal Messages';
  88. $txt['pm_search_bar_title'] = 'Search Messages';
  89. $txt['pm_search_text'] = 'Search for';
  90. $txt['pm_search_go'] = 'Search';
  91. $txt['pm_search_advanced'] = 'Advanced search';
  92. $txt['pm_search_user'] = 'By user';
  93. $txt['pm_search_match_all'] = 'Match all words';
  94. $txt['pm_search_match_any'] = 'Match any words';
  95. $txt['pm_search_options'] = 'Options';
  96. $txt['pm_search_post_age'] = 'Message age';
  97. $txt['pm_search_show_complete'] = 'Show full message in results.';
  98. $txt['pm_search_subject_only'] = 'Search by subject and author only.';
  99. $txt['pm_search_between'] = 'between';
  100. $txt['pm_search_between_and'] = 'and';
  101. $txt['pm_search_between_days'] = 'days';
  102. $txt['pm_search_order'] = 'Search order';
  103. $txt['pm_search_choose_label'] = 'Choose labels to search by, or search all';
  104. $txt['pm_search_results'] = 'Search Results';
  105. $txt['pm_search_none_found'] = 'No Messages Found';
  106. $txt['pm_search_orderby_relevant_first'] = 'Most relevant first';
  107. $txt['pm_search_orderby_recent_first'] = 'Most recent first';
  108. $txt['pm_search_orderby_old_first'] = 'Oldest first';
  109. $txt['pm_visual_verification_label'] = 'Verification';
  110. $txt['pm_visual_verification_desc'] = 'Please enter the code in the image above to send this pm.';
  111. $txt['pm_settings'] = 'Change Settings';
  112. $txt['pm_change_view'] = 'Change View';
  113. $txt['pm_manage_rules'] = 'Manage Rules';
  114. $txt['pm_manage_rules_desc'] = 'Message rules allow you to automatically sort incoming messages dependant on a set of criteria you define. Below are all the rules you currently have setup. To edit a rule simply click the rule name.';
  115. $txt['pm_rules_none'] = 'You have not yet setup any message rules.';
  116. $txt['pm_rule_title'] = 'Rule';
  117. $txt['pm_add_rule'] = 'Add New Rule';
  118. $txt['pm_apply_rules'] = 'Apply Rules Now';
  119. // Use entities in the below string.
  120. $txt['pm_js_apply_rules_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to apply the current rules to all personal messages?';
  121. $txt['pm_edit_rule'] = 'Edit Rule';
  122. $txt['pm_rule_save'] = 'Save Rule';
  123. $txt['pm_delete_selected_rule'] = 'Delete Selected Rules';
  124. // Use entities in the below string.
  125. $txt['pm_js_delete_rule_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected rules?';
  126. $txt['pm_rule_name'] = 'Name';
  127. $txt['pm_rule_name_desc'] = 'Name to remember this rule by';
  128. $txt['pm_rule_name_default'] = '[NAME]';
  129. $txt['pm_rule_description'] = 'Description';
  130. $txt['pm_rule_not_defined'] = 'Add some criteria to begin building this rule description.';
  131. $txt['pm_rule_js_disabled'] = '<span class="alert"><strong>Note:</strong> You appear to have javascript disabled. We highly recommend you enable javascript to use this feature.</span>';
  132. $txt['pm_rule_criteria'] = 'Criteria';
  133. $txt['pm_rule_criteria_add'] = 'Add Criteria';
  134. $txt['pm_rule_criteria_pick'] = 'Choose Criteria';
  135. $txt['pm_rule_mid'] = 'Sender Name';
  136. $txt['pm_rule_gid'] = 'Sender\'s Group';
  137. $txt['pm_rule_sub'] = 'Message Subject Contains';
  138. $txt['pm_rule_msg'] = 'Message Body Contains';
  139. $txt['pm_rule_bud'] = 'Sender is Buddy';
  140. $txt['pm_rule_sel_group'] = 'Select Group';
  141. $txt['pm_rule_logic'] = 'When Checking Criteria';
  142. $txt['pm_rule_logic_and'] = 'All criteria must be met';
  143. $txt['pm_rule_logic_or'] = 'Any criteria can be met';
  144. $txt['pm_rule_actions'] = 'Actions';
  145. $txt['pm_rule_sel_action'] = 'Select an Action';
  146. $txt['pm_rule_add_action'] = 'Add Action';
  147. $txt['pm_rule_label'] = 'Label message with';
  148. $txt['pm_rule_sel_label'] = 'Select Label';
  149. $txt['pm_rule_delete'] = 'Delete Message';
  150. $txt['pm_rule_no_name'] = 'You forgot to enter a name for the rule.';
  151. $txt['pm_rule_no_criteria'] = 'A rule must have at least one criteria and one action set.';
  152. $txt['pm_rule_too_complex'] = 'The rule you are creating is too long for SMF to store. Try breaking it up into smaller rules.';
  153. $txt['pm_readable_and'] = '<em>and</em>';
  154. $txt['pm_readable_or'] = '<em>or</em>';
  155. $txt['pm_readable_start'] = 'If ';
  156. $txt['pm_readable_end'] = '.';
  157. $txt['pm_readable_member'] = 'message is from &quot;{MEMBER}&quot;';
  158. $txt['pm_readable_group'] = 'sender is from the &quot;{GROUP}&quot; group';
  159. $txt['pm_readable_subject'] = 'message subject contains &quot;{SUBJECT}&quot;';
  160. $txt['pm_readable_body'] = 'message body contains &quot;{BODY}&quot;';
  161. $txt['pm_readable_buddy'] = 'sender is a buddy';
  162. $txt['pm_readable_label'] = 'apply label &quot;{LABEL}&quot;';
  163. $txt['pm_readable_delete'] = 'delete the message';
  164. $txt['pm_readable_then'] = '<strong>then</strong>';
  165. ?>